The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 22, 1905, Image 6

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That E. II. Harriniaii, who in now
able to turn bis attention to Oregon
since the closing of the Northern Se
curities oases and the settlement of
the question of connections in the
Snake River country with James J.
Hill, is about to build more lines in
this state, is the opinion held by
members of the transportation com
mittee of the Chamber of Commerce,
who have been apprized unofficially
recently that Mr. Hiirrlnmii intends to
provide facilities which the Chamber
of Commerce baa long striven to se
cure. The extension of the Columbia
Southern 1b said to be the aim of Mr.
Harriman now. On the occasion of
bis last visit to Portland the Chamber
of Commerce representatives asked
him point blank to build beyond Shan
iko, says the Evening Telegram, and,
while no definite reply was given at
that time, the encouragement offered
throught the railroad magnate's atti
tude led to correspondence on the
subject, with the result that a direct
reply is looked for in the near future.
Meanwhile news has been carried
from the Kast that Mr. Harriman has
about concluded to respond to the ear
nest petitions of the residents of Ore
gon for means whereby the interior of
the state will be developed.
While the fact has been generally
known that the engineers and survey
ors in the employ of the Uould inter
exta have been in Oregon for some
weeks and were looking about with a
view to choosing a route for the new
Western Pacifin, it is thought that the
strenuous efforts of the Chamber of
Commerce to bring about the desired
end has had more to do with the deci
sion of Mr. Harriman to build than
the fear of competition from the West
ern Pacific, inasmuch as be is already
on the ground with two trunk lines
and would be in a position to con
trol the bulk of the business. Prme
ville and llend have long desired rail
connections with the main line, and
it may mean this new activity of Mr.
Harriman will end in these routes be
ing covered. Another factor in evi
deuce which unquestionably actuated
the plans for construction there Is the
promotion of au eleotrio Hue from The
Dulles to Prineville.
Makes Fortune In Oregon Lumber.
Pendleton Kast Oregonian.
William Eccles, president of the
Hood River Lumber company, 'vice
president of the Humpter Valley rail
way and stockholder in several other
Oregon properties, passed down the
O. It. & N. yesterday evening from
Ogden to Hood River, here he goes to
spend the summer in the beautiful
Hood River district, lie was acooin
pauied by his family, wbloh lives in
Ogden during the winter season.
I he career of William Eccles In
eastern Oregon iuspirea poor boys to
persevere and work faithfully at their
chosen calling whatever it may be. so
long as it Is legitimate and profitable,
Eccles came to Union county a poor
man in 1HMH, bought an old sawmill
plant on Catherine creek and began
grinding out lumber, going in debt
for bis supplies and borrowing money
to pay off his employes, at first. He
continued at It until now be is worth
any where from 2),0UO to :tOO,(XX)
and is making more money easily and
He is now building a 17-mile rail
road from Hood River toward Mount
Hood to reach a timber belt and to
tap the rich Hood River valley, and
owns an elegant home in Ogden and
one in Hood River, and la a large
stockholder in the Oregon .Lumber
company at linker City.
Mr. Eccles sawed the first Lumber
ever shipped to the Mormon colony
into Bouora, Mexico, in 1HH!). from
Tulocaset, Or., and established lum
ber shipping points at Telooaset, Pleas
ant Valley, Union and North Powder
in eastern Oregon. He is one of the
leading sawmill men of the state and
has made a success of his business by
close application and hard work.
Hay Much Cheaper Thin Year.
J. O. Cameron of Dukes Valley, who
was in the city Thursday, accompan
ied by bis sou Jack, is harvesting a
tine crop of timothy and clover hay.
Mr. Cameron says he will have about
M tons of hay this summer. Railed
clover and timothy is now worth 1 13 a
ton. This time last year he says be
could sell just such hay for $17 a ton,
and some even went at 120.
Mr. Cameron expects hay to gut even
cheaper than this before the end of
the season. As more bay is produced
In the valley, Mr. Cameron expects to
see it get cheaper, which will induce
the establishment of a creamery here
when there is a sufficient number of
cows in the valley to justify such an
industry here. Others, too, believe
it will not be long before some one
cau be induced to see that there
would be money for a creamery in
Hood River.
('nines Here From Kansas.
W. W. Ross and family are recent
arrivals from Kansas. They have
rented the Kami cottage opposite the
Park-street school house. Mr. Ross
is looking for a small farm whore he
cau raise chickens aud keep a half
dozen cows. He thinks later of tak
ing up a homestead.
Hood River people are complaining
about the wind blowing bard the past
week, but Mr. Ross says this is a very
mild wind for one from Kansas. Hut
a few days before he left that state, a
storm came up which played havoc
with frame buildings and store win
dows about liis town. Rain came
down in such quantities that one
could not see 15 feet before hi in. Cy
clones are too much for Mr. Hoi's and
he expects to remain in Hood River.
He is a brother of W. J. Ross.
Advertised Utter List.
June 12, VM.
Kdna Hoskins, Mrs. Stephen (i.
Smith, Miss K. Sharpe, Miss K.
Sharpe, Hannah Smith, Ellen Slotts,
Rev. A. S. Allen, Chas. J. Adams)),
(ieorgie Bennett, Henry C. Hrowu,
A. P. Caylor, Levi Coylo, Klwvn
(illispie, Ranch Hillsdale, J. T.
Ledm2), Alex McCullnm, 8. Mavata
care of V. W. Auynd(Jap), John Mar
shall, Edward Naylor. Hobe Ruglman,
L. W. Robbius, W. 11. Snow, L. R
Taylor, Chas. Trauseu (2), Wm. M.
Wohllled, Rev. W. R. Winans, Geo,
Wilson, Henj. Woiler, A. J. Ward,
Richard Walthers, Prank R Young.
W. M. YATES, P. M.
Cuban Diarrhoea.
U. S. soldier who served in Cuba
during the Spanish war know what
this disease Is, and that ordinary reinl
dies have little more effect than so
much water. Cuban Diarrhoea Is al
most as severe and dangerous as a mild
attack of cholera. There Is one remedy,
however, that can always tie depended
upon as will be seen by the following
certificate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of
Houston, Texas: I hereby certify that
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy, cured my husband of
a severe attack of Cuban Diarrhoea,
which be brought borne from Cuba.
We had several doctors but they did
him uo good. One bottle of this rem
edy cured him. I thank God for so
valuable a medicine." For sale by
Williams' Pharmacy.
IntensIveAgrlculture in Oregon.
At the farmers' institute, held at Mil
waukie, Oregon, June 2, under the aus
pices of the Milwaukie Grange, Dr.
James Withycombe, director of the Or
egon Experiment Station, spoke on the
above subject, substantially as follows:
"There is no agricultural section in
the world more favored by natural en
dowment for intensive agriculture than
is our own fair state; also, there is not
a section of our state better situated for
intensive husbandry than here. Your
farms are located at the threshold of
the metropolis of the Northwest. There
is no reason why the farmers of this
section should nut be prosperous. Nor
is there any reason why agriculture
should not be a profitable and
pleasurable vocation. Surely by poten
tially of our soil and climate, when
properly understood, will curpuss tie
expectations of the most sanguine.
"As an example of what can lie done
in the line of producing green feed for
dairy cows, results obtained at the ex
periment station this spring will be
"We began cutting on April 3,an acre
of rye and vetch, sown October 18, 1004;
finished cutting on April 18; yield per
acre of green feed, 12,325 pounds.
Began cutting second crop on May 23;
finished May 30; yield 11,105 pounds
Thus this acre sf vetch and rye has
yielded this spring 11.75 tons of green
feed and there is a good proepect of a
third crop. Regan cutting two-acre
field of alfalfa April 19. and finished
cutting May 23; yield of two acres 20
tons and eight pounds of green feed.
Thus three acres have produced 31.70
tons of green feud already this sprint:
and with a good prospect ol cutting two
or three more crops of alfalfa this sea
son : or, in other words, three acres ol
land have furnished the principal feed
for fifteen bead of grown cattle and four
ix-mofiths-old calves from April 3 to
May 30.
"This is what is known as the noiling
system and plainly illustrates the posi
bility of small farms when intelligently
utilized. These crops are produced
under ordinary farm conditions and
without any artificial fertilizers.
Cheer Sparrow's First Flight.
Portland Telegram.
"One touch of nature makes the
whole world kin," and this was never
better Illustrated than yesterday when
busy people were baited on a promi
nent street corner to watch a mother
sparrow teaching her young fledgling
how to make bis first night. She en
couraged the little bird to hop over
the edge of a ledge some distance
above the street, but his untried wings
would not sustain him in the ether
and be fell struggling to the top of an
awning some feet below. There he
struggled to rise into the air and the
mother bird encouraged him to do bis
utmost ,to sail back up to the ledge,
hut be seemed unable to do so.
Then it was that a crowd collected
aud the sympathies of the nondesrclpt
audience were all with the mother.
Finally the little bird fell to the at eet
but was caught by a friendly onlooker
before he fell to the pavement. The
mother followed ber young to the road
and settled within a foot of the man
holding the fledgling, uttering all the
time cries of alarm. Finally she sailed
back on the ledge sounding notes of
enoouragemeiit to the little bird to
come back to the starting pinnt. It
was a question with the crowd below
how to get the bird back to the ledge
and suggestions were freely offered.
Finally the man helping it gave it a
toss up toward the ledge, where the
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oouraged by tier shrill chirps, found
nia wings ana sailed to a place beside
ber. The response from the watchiiiu
crowd below would havo gladdened
the heart of the president of the Hu
mane Society, for real applause an
nounced the first successful tllirlit of
the baby sparrow.
Might Is Ruining the Pears.
Horace W. Day of the firm of Day A
Sgobel, reached New York the first
week in June after an extended trip to
llie coast. Air. imv succeeded in in us
up a good dual of business for his firm.
Concerning conditions in California Mr.
Day Is quoted as follows:
Unless some means are found which
will check the bludit which is attacking
the liartlutt pears in California the en
tire crop in a few years will be ruined.
The State Agricultural Department has
been extieriiiientinir viuorouslv of ate
to find something w hich will not neces-
date the cutting down of the orchards
which are affected bvl the bliitht. As
yet no remedy lias been discovered.
hole orchards are ellucted. The
blight first shows itself by shriveling
the leaves of a branch and then extend
ing through a tree. The only wav to
chuck the spreading is to burn the af
fected branchd. Means must lie found
to check the spread of the hliiiht or the
output of the State will lie cut down.
'The early peach crop of the State
will be small this year, while that of
the other varieties will lie very good.
rrunesare a medium crop, while the
pears will be a little over one-third of
an avnrago yield. Cherries were hurt
tiy rains and this caused the very small
crop. 1 found that the crops of the Sil
ver, ilungurian and Italian prunes In
Idaho, Oregon and Washington will tie
about a third of the average yield. The
peach crop of Colorado w ill not lie a
fifth of an average, but the apples there
win lie tine.
Exr union Rates To The Fair.
The general passenger dciuirtmcnt of
the O. H. & N. Co., has notitied aeents
cast of I'ortlarid that round trip tickets
for the I ii and Clark exssition, at
Portland, June 1 to October 15, will Ik
old under the following arrangements:
Itidludusl Tickets One and one
third fare for round trip; daily from
May 2W to Octolier 15, inclusive; final
return limit 3U days from date of sale,
nt in no case later than OctuU-rSl,
Party ticket. One single fare per
capita for round trip fur parties often
or more on one ticket. Daily from May
20 to October 15, inclusive J Continuous
passage in each direction; final return
limit 10 days from date of sale.
Organized Parties ol 100 or More. In
dividual rate of one law per capita for
round trip will be made for organized
parties of 100 or more moving on one
day from one point; limit 7 days from
uate ol sale; continues assage In one
Coach excursions. -Individual coach
excursion tickets (not good in sleeping
or parlor cars) Will be sold from time
to time during the life of the fair at
very low rate ; particulars as to rates,
etc., covering each excursion will be
duly announced.
Children's tickets. Tickets may be
soldjto children ol half-fare ace at one
half of the alwve rates, adding sulli
cient to make the end in 0 or 5, hen
Cncle John Hush with Ins wife, Aunt
Mary Hash, of Xewberg Oregon, are the
eldest toup'.c so far to visit the 1-ewis
Photo Studio
Our fine new studio
is now open for
business. Every
thing new and up-to-date.
Come in and have
your photos taken if
Work guaranteed.
The Photographer.
and Clark Exposition. Uncle John is
79 years old and his wife a year older.
I'nclo Jnlin came across the plains in
1850, going first to California, and then
lo Oregon, but bis wife did not come
west until 1870. Uncle John said that
he remembered going hunting on the
present site of the exjiosition.
Callfornlans Going to Hood River.
II. H. i'ierce, formerly a hotel man at
Pomona, Cai., accompanied by W. F.
Hewlett, is in the city looking over the
valley (or a fruit farm. Mr. Pierce Bays
Soutliern California is a good country
in which to make money in the hotel
business, but he is in love with the cli
mate of Hood River, and if he can find
what he wants here in the way of a
fruit ranch will make this his home.
Mr. Pierce says thsre are several Cal
iforniaus who are becoming interested
in the Hood River country. N. W.
Miller of Pomona was here some time
ago and purchased a farm at Mount
Hood, of which be is well pleased. Mr.
Miller returned to California with such
flowing accounts of this Oregon country
that iimny of his friends have decided
to follow his example and invest in
Hood River lands.
The Salve That Penetrates.
DeWit'K Witch Hazel Salve penetrates
the iHir of llie skin, and by Its anti
septic, iiili.t'ncicnt and healing Influence
it subdues Inllainniatlon and cures Koils
Hums, Ciiia, Eczema, Tetter, Ring
Worm and all skin diseases. A Hpeclllc
for blind, bleeding, itching and pro-
truulng I'llea. I lie original and genu
Ine Witch Hazel Salve is made by E. 0.
Hew lit & Co. and sold by G. I:
Anil Exceptions Prove the Rule.
Goldundale Sentinel.
The North Yakima council has de
cided to let the saloons run on Sunday
otherwise foreign capital would not
invest in the city. Hood River has
decided not to have any saloons. We
suppose both towns will continue to
A Rati Scare.
Someday you will get a bad scare,
when you feel a pain in your bowels,
and tear appendicitis. Matety lies In
Dr. Kings New Life Pills, a sure cure,
for all bowel and stomach diseases, such
as headache, biliousness: Costiveness
etc. Guaranteed at C. N, Clarke's drug
store, only zoo. Try mom.
Examination! for Forestry Service.
Ado ili Aschoff. supervisor of the
north half of the Cascade forest reserve,
announces tout civil service examina
tions for the position of forest ranger in
the forest service, department of auricul
turo will be held at, Hood River, Oregon,
August to 11, 1005.
The Children's Favorite.
For Coughs. Croup, Whooping Couirh.
etc., One Minute Cough Cure Is the
children's favorite. This because it con
tains no opiate, is perfectly harmless,
tastes good and cures. Sold by U.K.
Some Things Not Dry.
Irrigon Irrigator.
Hood River ia now ''dry." Hut there
is ono thing in that burg they cannot
vote dry, ami that is the Glacier.
The laxative ellect of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree-
utile and so natural that you do not re
allze it la the affect of a medicine. For
sale by Williams' Pharmacy.
California grown Ring cherries have
brought high prices in the Kast this
year, lending Roval Amies, which on
account of their scarcity have com
mauded strictly fancy prices.
Fifty-three carloads of surawberrieg
were shipped from Dyer, Tenn., this
Berry Growers.
AVe want to handle your strawber
ries and other produce, for we are in
position to get von the best prices.
Write us. A. I). RI.OWF.RH & CO.,
Seattle, Wash.
No, I moilt'l Mnilih-1'ri'niler ,$mi0
No. ii model Kt'MiliiKtou fio.UO
No. am ilcl Kiiiliii!toii mewl Mi.Oo
Wum-ntiil In iii'i levt einiiUlloii. Cnii be xeu
ut lliu liliicler otIU-e.
$117.00 GIVEN AWAY
Cost of bouse $ 742.IX)
Cost of lot r.'o.OO
Total tSIIT.OO
Will sell for (S75O.O0
living anay 8117.00
Rented for js.00 per month; citv water;
telephone; (i mini house ; ceiled and
papered F.IMVIN A. HF.NIF.RS0S.
$1,5 0 0
H-room residence
Compart ively new, with lot 70x75, near
School House. This is a desirable place
situated in the part of the town. Any
one looking for a comfortable home at a
low price should see it. Call on W. J.
linker & Co., or write to owner.
L. N. Blowers
Hood River, Oregon.
I am prepared to furnish mill and slab
wood, also other kinds of wood.
1 have a new steam wood saw and am
prepared to do sawing. Also do general
team work.
Phone 121.
Riverview Park and Idlewilde Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water,
Cheap lots for building small houses near Flour and proposed Woolen mill
Office Next
HE fall line of new
are arriving. Fifty titles are now in.
New ones will be added as fast as they leave
the publisher. For this year's trade, I have
bought a large and well-selected stock. Won't
wait until holidays to select your gifts in
this line. Come in and look them over; ivad
them, and then you will know what you are
Refrigerators! Refrigerators!! Refrigerators!!!
Hot weather is
Ice will soon be delivered at your door, buy a
nnd be prepared to keep cool. AYehnve just added
this line and can save vou monev.
Higflb. Class Ivilllncr3r
Natural wavy switches, Knlish wave, Pompadour
rolls and bungs. Hair goods of every description
made to order. Agent for the celebrated Marie tie
Medicis' Cold ('ream imp Yucca powder.
.Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Fine Fishing Tackle Ammunition Dry (Joods
Hardware (Jraniteware Notions
Hav (irain Flour
In Hood River Valley needs
not too gootl for him. I am prepared to supply
all your needs in
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators,
In fact all tools that are needed on everv well equipped
tarm. For orchard tools California, Sr. Right Lap ( uta
way 1ms no superior. The
Ohio Reversable Extension Head Disc
is the onlv one on the market
cine Harrow is too well known to need a description.
Osborne Combination Spring
a competitor.- If you need a
I can supply you. For clearing your land you need powder
I have just received a carload and have it stored in a mag
azine here, and can supply you
it from Portland.
Land Plaster, Flour and Feed
in any quantity and at the right prices. Full line of staple
Groceries, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle a specialty.
I?arb ire, Rope, Axes, -(
gardan tools.
Yours r or
3rd and River Street.
9 aaaasvmessimrjia yi,ar,BragMn
to Waucoina Hotel,
and popular books
near at hand.
Feed Full line of Groceries
to use good tools, the best is
that is worthy of the name.
Tooth Harrows are without
cheaper than you can get
ut Saws, Shovels, Spades and
Hood Rlrer, Ore.
"North Coast Limited"
The Electric Lighted
Observation Car Train between
Portland and St. Paul.
Pullman First Class Sleepers,
Pullman Tourist Sleepers,
Dining Car, Day Coaches,
Observation Car.
The Acme of Travel Comfort
is found on any of the
Send four cents for our Lewis and Clark P.ooklct,
or six cents for "Wonderland 1805."
Yellowstone Park Literature
can be had for the asking.
The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third.
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
C. T. RAW80N.
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
All kinds of Seasoned Lumber in stock. The Little
Mill with the Little Prices. Lverything as cheap
as the cheapest and good as good as the best.
Mill onc-fouth milf west of S. A. llelmers' store.
Kelly . Wishart,
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
s'li it
Highest Prices Paid
Hood River.
I WHIWllMIIH II llliil III Hli Ulail
for High Grale Fruit.