HOOD RIVER GLACIER Issued every Tliundty J AK1HUK V. MOB, PuMUber. Tdnni of utacriptlon 11.60 ju wMo paid IB dviice. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1005. Hood River is to celebrate the Fourth. Now, let's all join in and mako it a rouuing success. With warm weather coming on we must look for the cuHtumary hoglra to the cool mountain retreats. In the death of C. L. Gilbert the community Buffers the losa of one of whom it may well be said that those who knew him loved him. Kind and generous to family and neighbor, be was a man who made many people bet ter for having lived among them. Monday's election indicated plainly that a majority of the taxpayers de sire the city to own its water system, even though the queHtion lacked a few votes of the necessary two-tbirds ma jority to carry. There were some ob jections raised to one or two of the clauses in the former ordinance call ing the bond election. These ' changed by the council Monday night, particularly the clause referring to the purchase of the present private sys tem. The voters are given three weeks la which to give the subject further thought before voting on the proposition once more. Last Saturday's convention should be productive of much good if it merely Instills Into the minds of our business men and farmers that though good roads cannot be made without a liberal expenditure of mon ey, the expense for properly con trnetud highways is an asset which will return many fold on the Invest ment. As well said by Mr. Loucks, two miles hauling of fruit over stony roads does more harm to the product of the Held than 2001) miles in an ex press car. Let us follow the advice olfured by the nationid oilloiuls and agitate the question until the powers that lie gives us good road legislation. The people of Pine Grove have beon helping themselves, and today have a piece of road that received a compli ment from the visitors. Lot the good work continue, dive the Wasco Coun ty Uood Itoad association boost. FIND EASYgK promising. The grain aphis is disap- fieariug, and no great damage bat men done by this pest. Haying hat Imgun and will liec.onie general in a week or two. Much clover, vetch and alfalfa has already been secured, and the bay crop generally promises to be au average one, if not better. Hope are arming and show considerable im provement since last report. The yards are well cutivated, but on ac count of missing hills and uneven growth yields are expected to be lest than usual. Early potatoes are in the market. Cherries are ripe ana tne crop is below the average, being good in some localities and almost a failure in others. BIG CANAL FOR HORSE HAVEN 1 - - - M n : X ri i w 1. n..i pj. ... & nooa Kivers oesi More i 7 Special to the Glacier. Uoldendalo, Wash., Juno 21.-R. W. Fonts of Seattle, one of the promot ers of the proposed Horse Hoiiteb canal, is In town this week looking up the present ownership of the Juno along the route of the canal prepuia tory to taking contracts for water. Mr. Fouts seems highly enthused witl. the prospects, and says the prelimin ary work will bo done by Bopteinlior, and work on the ditch will begin not later than the first of the year. The intake on the liig Klickitat is accord ing to surveys, Hbout '.100 feet abovt sea level, while the highest point oil the ditch in the eastern end of the county is WOO feet. Xliis is a large undertaking, ine ditch when completed will be about I'M miles long, and will cost in tht neighborhood of M,(KJU,(XK). It wiL be of great benefit to the Hoist Iloaveu country and the laud tributarj to it along the line. A groat many of our people are at tending the fair at Portland this week among them being r. is. Btlmson, deputy shnriff,nnd county surveyor A. U. Kichardsou and wito. The Commencement exorcises whicl closed last Friday finished the last year of Professor Charles Tim Id in school work here. He goes from hen to the State Agricultural college i.t Pullman as one of the principals of that institution. Ho has been asso dated with the Klickitat academy since it was started in lH'.Iti, being one of the original promoters of the school His management of the institution hat- won for him a host of friends who while they regret to see him and hit amiable wife leave, wish them the sue oess which is their due. Ihey leave record of which any one can well lie proud, having started an educational institution In this town which will stand as a luHting monument of t ho i l pluck and energy. Another good rain fell Saturday This will Insure a good crop, as the grouud now has enough moisture. IRRIGATION CANAL WOULD ENCOURAGE THE BING CHERRIES The surveying party which Is run ning lines for the proposed irrigation canal for the farmers of the recently formed bonded district were west of the Punch Howl the first of the week They expect to reaoh tbo Jones place by Friday, and to complete the work in a few days. Mr. Shoemaker Informs the Glacier that iu the four and one-half milos between Sliding gap and Dead Point but 400 feet of rock was encountered A. 0. Ilutcher, who is hero from California buying cherries, estimates the crop iu the valley at from 5000 to (00U boxes, believing it will come nearer the 5000 mark, the crop being light this season. Mr. Ilutcher would encourage planting of Ding cherries rather than any oilier variety. xue Koyal Anne is over done, as a glanc thus insuring an easily constructed I t the market quotations will indicate, Jllli UMiaaiCI in IMIbblMH til' O liinb' class pack, and Is shipping to New York, tiie northern markets at present eing ' overstocked with cherries from the Snake river valley. Mr. Ilutcher says the greatest difll oulty he encounters is the poor pick ing done here, the milt is gatlieieil too green. Die pickers are paid bj trie pound, and It Is their endeavor ti get all they can into the hands of tht packer. In California pickers are paid by the day. With the big oxpenso cherry shipper is put to, there is no money iu the business for him tiniest he cau reach the high grade inarkett with fancy goods. Another trouble with some of the cherries received here is the fact that some of the growers will irrigate cherry tree after the fruit begins to take on color. This will make the cherries soft and have a tendency to turn them black In a few hours after picking. "Water chorrios only whilt the fruit is small," says Mr. Ilutcher, He states further that early varietiet- hero would not be protllublo, as tot many such cherries can be had in (al if or nia. canal. Nmall Mane In liox Factory, ISy bricks crumbling from the boiler bank at the box factory, a small blaze and good sized scare was started about 7 :H0 Tuesday evening. Doing on the north side of the building, the Fruit Uuion fire department was the the llrst on the grouud. With Hull at the nozzle, Iseuberg at the faucet, and Dailey and Franz shouting orders, the names were soou quenched. The boy of the volunteer fire de partment rushed to the scene of the tire, lint it uever occurred to them that there was a chemical engine In their charge for just such occasions until after the lire had been put out. the fire hydrant in front of the olllce of the Davidson Fruit Co, proved its worth at this instance. Had the blaze secured but a few min utes headway, it would have required tiie services of nothing short of a fire hose with good pressure. Hold Annual Church Meeting The annual business meeting of the first Unitarian church of this city war held in the church parlors after the morning services last Sunday. T. J. Cunning presided as chairman. A bal lot for the trustees showed the election of the following: P.. A. I-rani, It. M llujley, K. N. Jllytlie, Mrs. A. White bead, Mrs. C. F. Waldo, Mrs. H. F Shoemaker. The following were named as dele gates to the Pucillo coast conference of the Unitarian church which meets in Portland this week: Mrs. A. White head, Mrs. Chipping, Mrs. K. L. Smith Mrs. J. K. Hand, Mrs. W. M.Stewart Mrs. Lntrican, Mrs. (). .1. Nelson, Mrs II. M. Abbott, Mrs. V. F Waldo. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cunning, Mr. ami Mrs. H. F. Shoemaker. A meeting of newly elected trustee will be held at the Unitarian church, Saturday evening, at 8:30 o'clock. Heath of Dr. Southard. ir. i. ii. isoutnaru, for two years manager of the Thompson boarding that the llrst Snake river peaches and hmiuu lit tMd nit tr iift.i uiitPi.t.1.,. I u i.i..itt uk.i .It... ti tit....... . U....1 months from a complication of dis eases, died Wednesday evening, June It, just as the clocl. was striking the midnight hour. Dr. Southard was born fH years ago in Pickton, Canada. Ho began the practice of medicine in Michigan, and was a successful physician for If years. After living iu the Dnkotas. Kansas and Missouri, he came west to Hood Kiver two years ago this coming July. Klevon years ago he was married to the wife who su rv Wei ll im. Funeral services were conducted at the M. K. church Friday afternoon, llesides a wife, Dr. Southard leaves a stepson, Czerua, of this city, two hall brothers and a half sister in Canada. liingft Scarce In Spokane. Special to the (ilacier. Spokane, Wash.. June JO.--livaii & Newton of this city report the cherry situation as follows: "Dings are scarce, selling about !K cents to fJl.lHi. Koyal Anns are weak at anywhere from 50 to 75 cents. We would not bo surprised to see them down to 50 to (JO cents for the very best. Hlack Kcnuhliciins are als scarce, in fact very few have reached tills market as yet. We lielieve Oo t 75 cents would be a conservative esti mate of the price that they could lie sold for this week. Wetiattlit'e Cherries In the Market. Special to the (ilacier. Hpokano, Wash.. June 21. Tht Spokesman-lteview market report this morning says: Laical Joliliers yesterday announced he Never Undersold PARIS of Low FA R "The Home Prices." One Price to All (lend Weather for Crops. The government Crop Ilulletin for June 20 reports conditions throughout the state as follows : The weather during the past week has been quite favorable for the grow ing crops. In some few localities late sown wheat and oats would lie bene- fitted by more rain, and owing to the dry weather grass on the low land ranges in the interior counties is turning brown, but it is still greeu and abundant iu the foothills and mountains. Stock generally is iu ex cellent condition. Fall wheat is till ing nicely and fall barley is ripening and will soon be ready to cut. Spring wheat continues to make satisfactory progress, and oats, although not in so good cooditiou as spring wheat, look apricots are due to arrive in Spokane ahout the latter part of this week or the llrst of next. The supply will be limited for a tew days alter the season begins, but there will be California peaches and apricots shipped in for several weeks yet, so that no shortage will no experienced. snake river cherries will lie out ol the market in a few days, after which the supply of this fruit will come from vteiiatcheo and other central and east em Washington points. Hlack raspliorries fell in price yes terday from CI to fct a crate. The drop is not due to an abundance ol the fruit so much as to the fact tnat alter the novelty of the first berries has woru oil people do not care si much for them as for red raspberries. aud buy the latter in preference to tht former. No greeu peas are being shipped iu to Spokane these days, the supply coming wholly from local gardens. the price of peas has fallen from 5 to 3 cents a pound. New potatoes iu California have ad vanced about 15 cents a hundred. The rise iu price has not yet affected the local market, but upon the arrival of the next shipment the price will be 15 cents higher than it is now. Thine will be uo more old potatoes shipped from the cast or south, owing to hot weather, which damages the goods iu the cars. Io Yon Suffer nllh Dyspepsia or indigestion? Clarke s 1'vspcpsia Tablets will cure vou. Price onlv 50c. i Shoes Shoes Shoes We have the largest and best selected line of shoes in Hood River. We sell more shoes than any other firm in the city because we give better value for your money. Our Iloiirt find Arror Brand of Ladies' 2.50 S' ot'K we tire cloning fp ftft them out, while they last at .". UU A lurge assortment of Ladies' Sandols and Oxfords, worth 1.75 to OK 1.05 we an; closing them out at S 1 &J Lot of Men's Shoes that we are closing out cheap. See them sure. Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords Heavy sole, large eyelets, inside laeesdp ftft all late and stylish lasts uu Men's Tan Oxfords all new goods and the very latest laststhese ttO 1 fl aresnii.sat:i.5(); 2.05 and & IU j. U J " A h)i'ot jissortnii'tit of Men' Ktrmv ZMTclW ndLSpcCldl Hats worth from 250 to 650 j gc f all hunched and von can have vour choice for only Ladies' wrappers, well-made, deep flounce 750 Lace Curtains, per pair ...400 Lamps, complete 350 Toy Lroonis 100 Ladies' Sleeveless Vests, 50 up to 500 Ladies' Summer Pants 150 Tumbler Jelly (lasses, good size, per doz 400 Holling Pins, only 100 Clothes Pins, per doz 10 Mttiist' Tunis, each 3d Mi . IV.. II .-!.! .....1 .i... tfi i an lat'ssnig, iiipiiu ami paste iuy; Men's Suspenders 150 Hoys' Knee Pants 250 Men's Leather P.eltJ, 250 up to 500 All our jroods are always marked at cut prices Wood For Sale IB-Inch body pliisfl.SU per rlek, delivered. liHncb body onk f 1.T5 per rick, delivered. 4-fMit pole pine or Hi H per cord delivered. 4-foot pole oak W.7S eord delivered. Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay. For Sale MISCELLANEOUS. Jersey hull; full hloo.leil; i yearn old; muni Hold to prevent Isilerlireeillni;; prlre low; would cxrhtiiige Tor Knottier bullol mime breed. Jtl Five year-old mine of Klnty stuck; only ; broken xltmleor double. Call on or phone Hurry llaekelt. JU: t I mt-4'lHNN cellar noU lor hhIc; In lotH to milt and terms reuitoiiuble. A. 1). lllllliiu Mt. Hood. JHi Real Estate Bargains. AT THE EMPORIUM. H I V. I ,.!,.., . t injl, U A,..U ,Q broke, gentle and true. Hobert Leahure, Mt. Hood. J Iti One brown mure, 9 yearn olii;on single har- new, one piHtionii prmg wagon, eiieap. j it W. Wadilell, four block KhsI UUU More. Full-blooded Plymouth Hock eggs for the balance ol theNeiwon reduced N$l.o0 per Hel ling of lttetftt. Kutisfurltou (Uiuritiitecd. Mih. K. Hrayloid, Kot-ktord Hlore, near Barrett Hchool iJauMti. j'P If anyone wantDUtrood fresh milch cow, I have one lor Kale. Js John Hakel, K. K. )'. 2 Bay mare, weight IK0; good t;ultlvatoi; very gentle: single or double. Murray Ka; . jN lot sacks of Al Hurbank potatoes; Jtil the lze for hotel and restaurant Made, iuuune on Hlen Kldge rarm, phone M'J. ' JH J'orty-flve Angora goats for sale: reasonable: call on or address Geo. Horennen, Ly!e, Wash. iW flat and 2(10 squuie, second-hand pickets for sale cheap or tmde for wood. Oak street, in v. i. cnurcn oiock. i . r. wuitio. jn ThorotiKhbred Lainrshang ftjrjrs for hatching, at 51.50 per settintf. Albert Laraon. Keuben, Or. A brood sow and boar; very cheap, place; A. J. Emerson. Hood River ) A. 1 DR. MAEY JOHNSON, Sup IDEAL HOME FOR ALL INVALIDS.... Climate and view unsurpassed in the United States. POPULATION OF CITY IS 1808 Tlio population uf llouil Kivor it lKUH, iicniinliiiK to tho cunmts oom- iilntinl the tlrtit of thin month l)V rlnp- uty HHsi'HHor M. 1'. I stiii 1 u' tr. Mr. Idonlitiri; ty llturu are at luaxt UK) people) living prncticHliy within tho oity, lint who aro ontniilo the corpor ate limitH ami thtiroforo could not lie oniimnriittitl. Jitnunry 1 the popiila ti in hh takiMi liy the (ilacii-r hIiowihI I7H1. Tho federal censim of liHKI unvu this city HomotliiiiK over ntHi. Ilerry Scasttn rompa lt (Moso. The Htrawliorry hoiiKim hnn aliont reached ita final wiiidnp for HKi'i. The crop will total liHi.tKK) cbkoh, it not more, and the tfctifon a average in re- ttirnu will come to between tfl.-IO anil jl.otl, limkinK Hie total money retnuiH to the grower aliont PlIO.lKHl. lTicen and the quality or the tHrrton tin) llrxt of the hi'iikoii never were hotter, iroint! to prove that the liift'est money in in tho early herricH. Orow- era coming in tit the height olihe mu son will not realize as ood money as thotiO wliutw palchett were litter, lint the hiKltent retnrna will como to the I man with tho early patch. Mi. Shep- aid 1h of the opinion that aa much ' money could have lieen made liy Hood Uiver urowera with one-fourth lens work if tho crop had been hut "."lAHKl rates. coiikIih and Mtrcnuheim weak hmt.m. Kinnedy'B ljtxalivc Honey and Tar contaiiiM no opiates, is pleasant to the taste and lit best ami mtftest for child or adult. Sold by G, E. Williams. Itrlntfs In First Ripe Tmnato. I). 1). MeCltire, of White Salmon, reached the Olaoier office Wednesday noon with the UrHt ripe tomato of the season. The tomato, of Small's Kar liest variety, was fully grown, being three inches in diameter, and was col ored on one Hide aufilcieiitly to bo called a shipping tomato. The tomato crop prospects at White Salmon are very good this summer. At the Churches. Riverside Congregational W. C. (lilniure, pastor. Sabbath school at 10 a. in., worship and preaching at 11. Subject: ''Things which Kings and rropht'tB have not seen." Young pin jiles service at 7 p. in., adults at 8. Spec nil mafic hy the quartet choir. Subject of dist'ourpe: ".Marcus Whitman." at ID Unitarian Sunday school o'clock with preaching at 11. SLAYS 700-POUND SILVER-TIP BEAR l)y a Stalf Correspondent. Husom, Wash., June 20 Slowly but surely old liruin is being hunted and soou will be oxtinct on tho Washing ton side. Ltit week Peter McMillan shot a 700-pound silver tip near Mich igan City, back of the mountain. Tho old fellow hud left tho mountains and ventured nearer civilization and soon tho word passed along tho lino that a monster had been sighted. Mordecai Jones, that elegant gentleman and thorough sport, soon had his bunch of dogs out and the bray of I he hounds could be heard vibrating through the heavy forest as the scent was followed that meant death to old bruin. In the chase the best dog was killed, and it fell to the lot of Mr. McMillan to get tho lucky shot that ended the Sipnm For shIc, sliinle top buggy, Willi Imnu-s.i, at a feasotiHlile price. Apply to Miss 'IVnl, Ly man Kinitli avenue. j:3J REAL ESTATE. SO acres of land 7 mlle.i wtwt of Uu I'm; pustly cleared; halt mile front m-liuol; pi-Ice .Vill. Ad dress tieo. W. Banders, Hood Kiver. Jli:t 10 acres, 3 miles from town; Improved, ber ries and hav, houKe and barn: good well prlcedJZiO. luiptlre J. it. Hubbard, It. I-'. 1), No. S. Jli:i IfomesteHd relluuiii&hiiieiiU for sate oi trade. Address Box ;B. Hood Hlver, or. J2'J Tiie Oardeuer house and lot at ItiTigrn; price ri'HMtnttble. For further iarticulurs apply to i lie,,. ,-Hiiimiuri, Dliigeu, Hsn. jj.-) 10, M) and :I0 seres of Inuil: rive-sixth cleared clover and apple trees: Kail (Side. 1,. .Sillll nian. .iy (I 28 Acres--$28.00 Six acres in apples and cherries: rural deliv ery; under ditch; nn main rmul within two miles or city; S-VW II wild within twelve days; this Is the very best of apple land; luiuseand burn; horses, harness, wagons and farm ma chinery included. J. 11. He.Moss s Big Sale of Land. Do you want a ten-acre tinet of Irstdnss strawberry or fruit land at. n bargain? Il'so, examine the M. II. fuller farm near city of Hood Uiver, lir acres. Just plai-ed on the market to he sold In lots to suit. Call at the farm or any real estate firm In Hood Uiver. KilANK MeKAItl.ANII, J:5 Itf!) l:ith street, Portland. Horses for Sale. Tlnee S-year-old teams fur sale ; weight from lluOto ftKI. Well-matched; cheap. Wyers A Kreps, White Haltnoe, Wash. jl5-c A fine span of work horses, s and yenrs old; weigh ia pounds; gentle and kind; sound and true. No hie nlshes of any kind. I'r ce SJJ-.. Incpilreof John ti. Wyers, White Salmon, Wash. Wanted tflrl to woik In conlfctlonrry store; must be adept at work. Call on or write at once to H. Ii. Young, Favorite Oyster Parlor. )U Fnrnlsned room wanted for a young lady, with or without hoard; state terms. Address Lady, (Ilacier olllce. Jl:t Man and woman to rent or manage or buy Maple Hotel at llingen; house coniplcty fur nished; Hbout lisir acre of ground, call t once on Kd Suksdorf, Hitigen, Wasli. Jlia Wanted at onto a woman to do gcneial hotiscwoi k at ?2.' per niouih. Impure of John Lelaud lleiiderson. Jtl llonsikeepei-anted woman to do genei-d hoiist'U-oik. Tel. mil. H. I. age. JJi Wanted, girl to do generiti housework, (juire lir. V. t;. Kroslus. J2ii In- tili-l to do general housework. Huxley. II. . ja- For Sale or Exchange. A No. 1 mare, weight 1,110, for small team c.f IMinles: must be arentle-. also one H Itw-h ini, w for llglu wngon. ls II. c. McKamev. It. F. H ' Janitor Work Janitor work done nt rearoniihle prices by Apply to K W. Clio.s.-s, experienced man. I'bone S7, m Hill Have Itig Wheat Crop. W. F. ilyars, editor and publisher P' m or the (ioldondalo Sentinel, accom pnaied by Attorney llrooks, was in Hood litvor last Saturday, in atteml- iiuce at the good roads convention. Mr. Ilyars says Klickitat county will harvest a hummer wheat crop this summer. That part of the county east of liock creek it is estimated will pro- luce 1,000, iHHl bushels, and the bal ance of the county nearly as much. Heavy rams the llrst tif June soaked the soil to a depth of nearly a foot, mid tiiis has insured n heavy viold. and in fact tho best crop in years." Locals Hill (noil (inine. DeWitt'a lucky run in the eighth inning gave Hood Kiver the game over oltimhia university lat-t Saturday af ternoon. With the score nip and tuck to the end the spectators watched an interesting contest. The score: K. H. K. University. 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0-4 7 :) Hood Kiver, 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-5 8 " Matteries Walker ami McKlroy; Os burn, Tate tttnl Cast nor. of sermon : "Sotrm of the Purposes of this Society. " Services nt tho Crup per school house at II o'clock iu tiie afternoon. Valley Christian. No preaching services Sunday. W. A. Klkius, pastor. liaptist. Kegttlar preaching services at Cannicliiit'l's hall every 1st and 3d Sunday morning and evening; Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. in. love mint and business meeting the lirst Wednesday night in each month. ,1. H. Spight, pastor. Methodist -Preaching at 11 a. m. and Sabbath school 10 a. in.; l-.p- worh League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. All cordially in vited. W. C. Kvans, pastor. I'nited lircthren. Similar school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. Junior Kndonvor, :i::iu p. ni. Chrihtian Kn deavot, ii:4.' i. ui. Preaching at"::ill. All aic cordially invited. Kev. J. S. Khoads, pastor. Pi'lnionl M. K. Church. II. C. Clark, past. r. Services, lu'linont: Sunday school at 10a. in.; Class meeting at 11 a. in. ; Kpworth League 7 p. m. ; preach ing every Su mlay evening and 2d Sun day in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 at 11 a. in.; Prayer meet ing Thursday 7 :'M p. in. Services ut Pine tiiovesanieas aboveexcept preuc!. ing, w hich is on 1st and 'M Sundays at 11 a. in. Crupper. 1st and 3d Sundays at 3:"0; Sunday school at 2:30. Mount Hood. The 4ih Sunday al U a. in.; Sunday school at 10 a. in. Subject ! 1Mll'Hr of one oi' tho largest bears killed t.'iis season in this section. Mr. Jones has the honor mid distinction of having tluin six last season, but so far bears have taken to tiie tall timber and it men nit many miles before a scent is found. It is needless to say that Mr. McMillan's chest expansion was visibly incre-ed when he showed the gang how h:id beon hit aim. It' iu -i kind of a hili.ius mood, You wish an aid to digest food, No other pill is halt so good As IteWitls Little Karly liiscrs. The Famous Little Pills Karly Risers cure Constipation. Sick Headache, Hilioustiess, etc. They never gtipe or sicken, but impart early rising energy. Uood fur children or adults. Sold by U K. Williims. a eiean ami quiet place Ir n night s rest. A new building with new furnishings through out. The only plan- in the city ol Portlsnd in suring rlrst-class service during the K"l per lair (iniike re-ervatlnns earlyl ntOvlvday E. A. Henderson, Hood River Asfi'itl. ASSOCIATION of McMiiinville. Oi'egiin, will insure vonr property at liO per cent less cott thtiii anv other ins.itiition. Fit AX K .1. l'i:i!KI.S, Special Agent. Room 7, Vogt building, The Dalles. 4 room cottage. Kast 4." bv loO feet of Lot 2 block it, Parkhnr.-I, fflOM); T7i 0 cash. House and two lots in liarretl-Sipma addition. t"00. 40 acres at Mount Hood f-r sale, run ning $25 an acre. On the county road opposile llaldwin's. Fine business lot on main ttreetfor $ IM0 on installment, or f 1500 cash. ti3 acres at Uelinont, li acres in cul tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150 apple trees, 2 acres straw berries, 2 acres alfalfa, $1300; ff750 or more cash. New ti-roomed cottage, patent bath and clo.iet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, ff2H)0; terms reasonable. Two lots centrally located, foot). Two lots, new ti-roomed bouse, patent bn tli and closet, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $1700. Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by 140, on the hill, ffl200; terms reasonable. For Sale 9000 acres pine limber; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day ; 1 planing mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day ; 1 store and stock of merchandise, about $3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon building, rented ; 3 houses, rented; 10 head horses and harness ; 11 road wag ons, 3.1 H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair sleighs; 30 fiead cattle; 50 head hogs; 000 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All located at and near liilgard, Or. For Sale ,'ew two-story 0-room house; Stranahan addition ; $1100; terms easy. 11 acres across the road from the M. M. Davenport residence. $i() per acre. Terms easy. A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some free irrigating water, 11 miles from liur rett school house, $1,100. Ilanna house and lot, $2,000. For Sale The Henderson ranch, for merly ow ned by J. R. Galligan ; 00 acre. 30 cleared; orchard; strawberries; clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;laige 2-story mansion, new ham ; all fenced. Price '$10,000. ltrook runs through ranch. Kasy terms; telephone; rural delivery. Four miles from Hood River. One goat ranch on mountain east of alley on county road. Price $1,5(10; has small house, running water, and is fenced. Terms, easy. For Sale Ri autift'il lots in Park addi tion, center of town, from $200 to $300. 8. 1110 acres at White Salmon; fine timber land ; $10 an acre. il. The n-acre place in Crapper neigh borhood, known as the Renshaw place; all improved; new buildings, etc. Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waiicoma ad dition ; improved ; juice $1,(K)0; or more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24 a year; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase $20 a year for the two. F'or Sale Residence on State street at head of Front ; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale or Kxchunge for Hood River property Fine residence in business center of Sniripter. Money to loan. Ten acres implored, on Wlii'e Sal mon river; $1000. 21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200. First-class Surveying OutflT At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits ami solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. .MUX I.KLAND III NDKRSON, City Engineer. Administratrix Notice. Nolice Is hen-by given Unit In pursuance to an older Issu-d by l he linn. A. K. Lake, Judge lor the County Couil of the stale of Oregon, for Wasco I 'utility, dated at The Dalles, llre g"ii. Mav P., vxu, the t'lideisigned, I'hoebe l-'oss, has been api-o tiled sole adnilnlslriilrlx of Hie estate of U in. W. Koss, di used, late of Hood Ituer, Wasco County, Stale of Ore- S'"i. All persons having claims against said ca lcic aic reiuesied m present II 1. duly verb lied, to me, at the ollice ot K. H. llartwig, 1 1 "od Kiver, OHgon, wliliin six (0) months h.iiil tile daleol' this no! Ice. I'ati .1 this L'ilili day of Mav, A. n.. WW. I'HOKIIK KONH. .11 Administratrix. Rooms To Rent SI . room cottage on the hill; good well, water free, for rent. Possession iniiiiediaidv. II. quire John llouohue. j (1 Two -,-room cottages, we' I (in'shed. 1'lmne or lll'iuire ol Mrs. II. ..Fredericks. Jll.lif Cnr cnlnl'iirlable rooms on Mrs. Ilenrv S. Leu-Is, I VI Cortland, Ml. Tabor station. car line, address Central avuiue. Jitl , Two partly-furnished rooms for light house keeping. lniiuireof.Mrs.il. M. Iluxlev, on Hlver street. j-.':t.t. Lost. A Beautiful Home l."st siiniewiii'ie between Dunn's and city, "-uiiilny, infant s silk lil.ed polu lace bonnet. Fouler please return to Mrs. ii. I l-'re iel ieks or leav.; at (ilacier olllce. jm Tivo account hooks, linen hound with leiter hi rungenient Monday evening between rttv and sir.inalian Urns, ranch; contain packing end shipping account: please nniif' .1. . Hicks, 'phone Kix or leave atUlny.ler office. li A lidding camera Saiurday evening, be I ween depot and Williams' drug store; for re ward please l.-ave al U illlams drug store. J.'J Why pay rent when 25 per cent, down and $10 per month will buy sight ly lols in Coe's addition? Lots facing north on State street, corners and im side, with every inducement us an in. vestment. Magnificent homes all around these properties. 27 inside lots and 14 corners still left. See me at once aud pay no more rent. KDW'IX A. IIKNKHRSON, Agent. In Hood Hlver Masonic jewel Iu case.own- liinne engraved on same, ltetiirn to K. 1 liberal reward. Jlii L. Sni 1 1 It and receive Ten Times Easier. It Is ten times easier to cure rough. roup, whooping ci.ugli and all lung and bronchial ailoctiotis when the xiw els are ots'ii. Kenncdv'a Laxative Honey and Tar is the original 1-axative ougli Syrup. (,enllv moves the bowels, and expels -all cold from the ystem, cuts the phlegm, cures all In the Pacitlo lYuit World, Prof. A. .1. Cook reports that much damage is done in California to roses, raspber ries, black berries, Logan berries and strawberries by the larvae of Fuller's rose beetle. Tiie beetle itself Is grav ish brown and scarcely a third of an inch long. It feeds upon the buds and foliage of the rose and other trees and plants, but does nothing liko as much harm as the larvae. These are little white gnats which feed upon the roots of the rose, straw lierry, raspber ry, etc. In not a few cases they have eutirely destroyed these jdauts. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby siven that under and in pursu ance of an iinlerof theCaunly Court of thetate of Orcj ;i for the County of Wasco, made on the 6th day of July. llUM. the undei signed, adnunis Iral 'i lie' estate of John W. Murphy, deceased, on S " a .lay !:'e l.'ilh day of July. lyufi, at the hour o!" o-,'.' .-lock p.m.. at the Ciunly court Ii .use dco. al ' ..lies City, in Wasco Co-.inly, Orvgon, will He!! puli'.c au.'tioii the foilowiiiR- dt-sciilHsl real estate tv-' naring to the estate of said decease,. to-wit: I r south half of the northeast quarter halt of the aoutheart quarter -ii, in township one north, rantre and the north of s.-rt..-., ,-lci tell ksI . W . M Tl.t u-rni.-; of said sale will bo 40 per cent of the sell. ae pi u cash in hand at the time of the sale. 30 I'.-r c- nt in one year thereat ler. and :W per cent in i vo yt-urs Ihereafter. with interest at 8 per cenl per U"iuun on saio ilerernsl payments. Sai,! saa1 w ill be made subject to confuToation by toe Court. Patisl at Hood llivcr. Oreiron.this 12th day of July I'li-I. UKO. T. i'KATHKK. jl"jl3 Administrator. Well Digging. lloring or drilling. Imiulre of 11. M. Hunt, Saw Filing. AU kliuls of j-aws flUM by A. W. CHrsloiiH ivsWIent'f MMit Invest n)riu'r IiHrrt'it-SinniH ad iliiioii, HNd Hier Holtts. Work done on short noiioe. ji Pay Your Dog Tax. HOMESEEKERS Don't be deceived by what certain parlies tell vou alcnt WHITE SALMON An Initiative and Kfrerendum petition Tor eipiul sult'riige allien Inicnl. Contains a num ber iil'simiulil.-e-. Please return to any mem ber e,'iiil suH'r.iire club. Alnallit II. White- h I. president; .1 alia Knapp, vice-president; l-.llen liiotiiit, secretary. j-.n stnleii -Siiiniay night, May'.'S, I'.mr,, a w in-el belong. ng to Kay inn. The wheel was taken from the front porch of the U. B. parson age, between lu p. in. mid li a. in. Any person b'cnisliing snlli.'lent evidence that will I. ml to the conviction of said thief, may have same Inlnrnialioii at L 11. parsonage hnd re ceive reward. It A V HI!. I,. .in- Found. ax, and you ; and dou't you forget it. ji.. K. t). Ollnger. City Marshall. They are gi hiding tin ir mav feel its sharp nLo. See for yourself Co to the dcpi t and i-vaniinc the 'White Sail.. c :i Berrier Compare them with any raised in Hood River for size, firmness, color and flavor. It takes more than a "liocky liluff" t raise such fruit. Come and view our beautiful vallev ; we can how you the soil, climate ami location for first-class fruit and berries. Just as good land as you will pin tw ice as much for w here vou buv repu tation. Land that is Hire to advance in value as onr valley develops. ! Call at the White Salmon Land com ; pany, it is our pleasure to show strati-1 gers the valley. . White Salmon Land Co. White Salmon, Wash, Hook containing bank deposit slips and cliechs anueinling to over M.aoil: was lell al. Crohn A Heatnli's store. Monday eveniue; owner may have same hv l.l.nnivl,,.. I and paving for this ad. Notice. To Whom it may Concern : Notice Is hereby given thai claims for d.-'.lu-aees caused by nutation water escaping on Ihe r mds in Ihslrict No. it. will be preM'liled to tne eounly court for collection. J-'-P B. K. Kill. KM AN, Supervisor !n District No, -,. J. A. VANDENBURG, Mountain View AKERY Fresii bread, cakes and pies. Made from Hood River Flour.