The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 08, 1905, Image 7

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Incorporation vSale
immense stock
of up-to-date
and thoroughly reliable DRY GOODS, CLOTHING,
SHOES, etc., is being slaughtered. s
Thousands of people will take this opportunity, to suppply
their immediate and future requirements in wearing apparel, at
the tremendous reductions all along the line. Such an offer is
wholly unusual, yet we are determined to reduce the stock to the
lowest, possible notch before turning the business into the pro-"
posed stock company next February, 1906.
From imw until (he clo-e nf tl;i Lewis
mill l lark F;ir wo uol giw a ay ono
round trip ticket to I' 1 1 :-'- i -!
injr one ailiniiioii to tlx Fail'. Yon o in
! have your Choice g..i!g h limit or r.i il
j and the tickets will l o t'oo.l any tinu
, you may select to g,. during the Fair.
o give a numect-eil cinipi.ii witheicry
dollar nii clia-o, wbich give yon a
olniniv to get tin- above. 1'iie-e ill he
given ill ad.btton to o'.u regular Hale
tickets so ymi can get -inr ! 1 1 1 i u 1 1 1
just till' same. Uemeiii her a ticket given
away every work. Thee ill he fmir
given away before the ope'iit g of tlir
Closing' Out
our entire stoek of Shoes, Men's Hats and Shirts,
Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, in fact everything
We will continue business in our present location with
Millinery Exclusively
with more room and larger stock we expect to servo our
patrons better than ever before. In our closing out sale
we are offering genuine bargains in dependable up-to-date
roods bought direct from factories.
W e have nothing old or poor or
shoddy to offer you.
When we sav genuine bargains we mean "enuine baruns
Housewives Attention
Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pil
low Cases, Table linens, Towels, Crash,
Muslins, Sheetings, Table Covers, Rugs,
Tapestries, Portieres. Anything and every
thing is here in large assortment at prices
that will save you from 20 to 50 per cent.
Gentlemen Brace Up
Our clothing is the best fitting line on
the American market. The styles and the
materials comprise everything which is
proper, as well as long wearing. A suit dur
inr this sale costs but a fraction of actual
worth, and will make you an ardent admir
er of our splendid clothing for the future.
Alterations Made Prce
4Ti ""5 P?'" wrw;
Qv "53 T ITjk Ajreut for standard patterns f
Ageut for standard patterns
and publications.
Designer, 10 cents.
St or
For sale. Some of the finest lotH on
lie liill, fronting the river. Also lots
in ltiverview park ami Idlowild. See
W. J. linker.
Just received Xew line I-ewU ami
Clark s nivenir pin. Oil to toe them
at Clarke's I lie jeweler.
50 acre. on the Kast Siile, 21 miles
out. 10 acres in young on-hard. A snap.
Ilo you want that prescription filled
accurately and with just wliut the doc
tor or.lereil? Then take it to Clarke's.
Shingles. Sec us for host prices.
Oretroit Lumber Co.
Use Williams' .anti-septic hair tonic1
and keep off i"ity hairs.
Sidewalk I. mil or. Delivery same
day order is r.i-ciwd. Oregon Lumber
All watch, dm i and jewelry repair
work guaranteed by Clarke, the jeweler.
Mantle, wall ai.d eookno clocks on
easy term" i't Clark's.
UK) acres, U miles froin Mosier sta
tion, on main lad; good spring; $:! an
ai re; will .Hviue: line apple land. Also
other Mosier pr p.-rty. YV.. I. Baker & Co.
Call and examine my new line of
wateiies 1 can save you money. Clarke,
the jeweler.
I guarantee a lit in glasses. Clarke,
the optician and jeweler.
D i you live in this part of the conn-t-v?
Then buv home-made fruit b"-i-8
They are all right and the ppices are
right. At Davidson Kruit Co.
A new line of Walkover -Jries just re
ceived at the new store of Vogt liros.
Complete set of Dlacksmithing tools
for sale; also will sell or lease shop',
well-established business, located in
Hood River. V. J. Baker & Co
Wantel at Once A four or live-room
house. Apply to C. 11. Stetten, cum- of
R. B. Hragg & Co.
To make room fur new s'ock all cut
glass will be closed out at cost. Clarke
the jeweler.
Do you use Lath? (let our price and ' money. KdJ
compare it with that of competitors, j Vogt building.
You will make money this way. Ore-.
gon Lumber Co.
Walk-over slioes all trie latent lasts, j
at tho Now Store. Vogt Bros.
If you have not contracted your
berry orates with the Davidson Kruit
Co., heller do so otiiok and get the!
Perkins, agent,
The Dalles.'
New Today.
At Columbia l'ark, Sunday afterter
noon The Dalles vs. Hood River. Thi
n v V.
z-zz: wmaa S f the
the week, looking rU M 1 i
!5 If """ru
si VCI' V
and BAGS
them over
We are going to help you get ready
to do the Fair on Saturday, the 27th.
We will give you free with every
man's suit sold any $3.00 hat in the
i hoitte that you may choose. You willl
find our suits the latest cuts and
j styles and prices equal to any.
llemember Saturday, May 27
O. A. Sliui'to was down from Arling
ton the llrst
heneht of tiie reduced prices at winch jfi to be a champions!
coniraeis are now oeuig mane. i y0Ur ticket early.
Well, don't you see that if you wish ' Houses and cottages lor rent by lvl
to see well, vou should see Clarke the I win A Ileniierson
optician, (.iuarantoed work in glass A. C. Butcher of California is buying
mtln-'' I all the good Uoval Ann, Ring, Lambert
Buy your berry crates and fruit boxes j llmi itja-k Republican cherries he can
at the Hood River lsix factory. Tliey Let at Hood River in bulk unpacked.
are liomemaile ami tl
prices when packed
1 fruit sells at toi
in them. Hood
River fruit ilofones good Imxes, and
when you buy from the Hood River lxx
foctory you are sure of a supply when
you want them. Our prices are right.
Davidson Kruit Co.
Stein-Block clothing heals them sill
Vogt Bros.
Kor a good hat, buy a (ionlon at Vngt
Patrons of the Kast Fork Irrigut ng
Co. can have water at $5.(XIiim usual by
giving written notice b C. R. Bone or
C. C. MasBiker terms cash, Kast Fork
Irrigating company, by C. R. Bone,
I presiueni.
C. R. Bone has a few tons of wheat
clover and timothy hay left at his ranch
and at the Livingston place that he
will sell.
Now that all important question is
settled the next thing is the ring a tine
For information call at Strawberry
union oilier.
House and tvio lots on
$!KKI; tiiMI down ; li rooms
on corner and brow of hill ; olt the mar
ket soon. I'M win A. Henderson.
" 1 lie Savings Bank Habit" means
sound sleep, good digestion, cool judge
ment and manly inilop indenee. Come
in today and open an a''coiint w ith what
you have. No matter how small, make
the start. Do not wait (or the largo
amount to start with; it may never
come. The First National Bank.
Savings Department.
Lots on the installment plan in Cue's
addition; '.'li per cent down; balance
per month ; K per cent interest. FMwin
A. Henderson.
A. L. Craig, general passenger agent
of the (). It. A N., aeeompanid by a
larie nart.v of raihvitv nasMCliLrer aientH
new line of engagement and wedding I nm(ie trio to this citv in a snecial
rings. Prices right. Clarke the jeweler, train last Friday, and took supper at
Makes Digestion and assimilation tho Mount Hood hotel.
erfect. Makes new red blood and Those who fail to attend the pro
bone. Thai's what Hollister's Rocky ductious of the Margarita Fischer Co.
Mountain Tea will do. A tonic for the at the local opera house this week are
nil K anil ni'UK. .)- eenis, leu or
Tablets. C. N. Clark's.
Oregon Fire Relief Association.
Head ollice at McMinnville, Or.;
(20,000 in force. Investigate our plan
for it will interest you; it will save you tend the theat
missing a rare theatrical treat, litis
supreb company is meeting with the
popular favor of all who attended, but
Manager Fischer would le pleased to
see larger houses. Only throe nights
more, it you enjoy a good play, at
r tonight.
jcet in the habit
of trading at
v3' il R
This Bia Store grows more
interesting every day ; its our ob
ject to make it so to you;j'ouoan
find hundreds of articles here that
you can't find elsewhere, and the
iuost important thing is our
Little prices.
Good Roads are one of the
reipiisites for a buggy ride, we fur
nish most of the rest. Linen dus
ters, lap robes, buggy whips, driv
ing gloves, picnic suppliesof every
description. '..iltle Prices.
Horse Goods Bridles, bail
ers, cncingles, saddle blankets,
cinches, spurs, whips, feed bug",
curry combs, horse brushes, inane
combs, horse clippers, hitching
ropes, etc. Liltle prhrs.
Haying Time soon here;
wooden rakes, 3 and 4-tine bay
forks, fcv'lie blades, mowing ma-
f chine oil can, grass shears,
sickles, harvest huts, canvas
gloves, bandana handkerchiefs,
etc. Little prices.
Mrs. T. L. Morrison re
ceived the Leais ami Clark Fair
t'eket last week; you ma be the
fortunate one tins week. A ticket
given away every week. A num
bered coupon with every dollar
The Henrietta underskirt
possess, s a sty le and lit that you
don't got in any other. They are
made of I be la-st maierial and lin
bhed with unusual care. They
are right in pric.- and ipmlitv
$1.23 to $4.00
Cushions and Cushion Tops,
now one just in. Outline and
lithograph designs. Biitlulay
cushion tops fur any month of the
year; something new and very
pretty. Embroidery material of
all kinds. Liltle pi ices.
Water Filters Nickle-plated
sanitary, 8 re on to faucet, never
wear out, always remix- and a pro
tection to ur health; they cost
but little. " 25c each
Berry Sets Some of the most
beauliful patterns you ever saw;
fancy shapes, brilliant gla-s and
china. Separate sauce dishes and
bowls in a dozen diffoivnt pat
terns. Fverythiiig imaginable in
ill glassware. Little rices.
jelly Glasses with or u nb
uilt Vi s, fruit jat rubbers, j ir tops,
eiling wax, Mi fruit cans, jar
funnels, jar wicnchc", fruit pies
os. j"lly strainers, prci-crting keltic-,
I'hcrrv feeders, etc.
New Graniteware Da
pots coffee pi is. tea kettles, w ater
pails, il is li pans, rice boilers, tisli
kett'es, potato steamers, baking
pans, roast pans, sauce pans, egg
plates, photo I ravs, s'ow kettle,
chamber pa. s, 1 tips and saucers,
mug-, plao-s, phut- r-, etc.
5c h. lOc Goods I' rial li
ft ill interest you to come in and
look over the hundr.dsof iim -fnl
articles we have. They wills'ii
yon time and thev cost but lir'c
after his fruit ranch at White Salmon.
Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Eliot are up
from Portland to spend the summer
at Sliiishula.
li. F. Iloliou returned Tuesday night
from Portland, where ho left Mrs.
Belieti in u hospital. At luHt reports
Mrs. lift ion was improving slightly.
Stoddard's lecture of London will
bo road at Mrs. William Stewart's Fri
day afternoon, with miisio and re
marks on the subject. Interested
ones am invited.
Edward Lugo says himself and father
are tired of bachelor's faro, and have
placed nil ad for a housekeeper in the
j want column of tho (I lacier. Mrs.
the hill for 1 Lago is st ill conllned to tho hospital
rents tor fX; ; at Ihe Dalles.
Dalles people will regret to learn
that Ritv. F. Elmo Robinson, who left
The Dalles to accept a charge at Van
couver, has been compelled by failing
health to resign and will locate, for 11
time, at least, in Hood River. Chron
(ii urge Simpson of Knoxville, Iowa,
former editor of the Marion county
Reporter, is in the city, making the
acquaintance of former Iowans, am
becoming convinced that Hood River
is the best part of the Pacific North
west. Mr. Simpson Is gathering data
for a writeup of the valley in Eastern
Street commissioner Jensen re oris
the loss of four full-ldooileil Drow n
Leghorn hens from his Hook last week
"If the chicken glomer had taken
some of the common four-bit hens, 1
wouldn't have cared so much, and 1
believe they would have been just as
good eating for whoever took the dol
lar hens," remarked Mr. Sensen.
Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Jackson of
Portland have been visiting with the
family of H. M. Wood for tho past
week. Mr. Jackson is thinking of
locating hern if he can find something
that will suit him. A drive through
the valley convinceif him that Hood
River is all right. He has subscribed
for the (Ilacinr so as to keep informed
of w hat is going 011 111 Hood River.
An Eastslder telephoned thotilacier
Tuesday morning that one day lnt
week. Earl Thomas went to towu in
the forenoon, began picking berries
after his return, and that day made a
record of 1!)'J boxes on Mark Thorn's
place. The Eastsider, who vouches
for the story, declared this indicates
the superiority of East Side soil over
that of the West Side.
.1. L. Carter, while plowing one day
last week, unearthed a valuable mortar
and pestle, made of stone years ago lv
the Indians. The mortar is eight or ten
inches in diameter, and made from fine
I sandstone. The pestle is verysvmetii
I cal, two inches in diameter, and taper
j ing toward the handle. Mr. Carter is
I proud of the Indian relic, and could riot
i be induced tt part with it for a goodly
sum ol money.
Saturday a week ago the United
States government formally accepted
title of the riirht. of wav of The Dalles
rvlilo p.inul urul this week Maiorltion to tl
Langtitt will be instructed to adver- 1 sidcrahh' time
Use for bids for construction of t he : ham hopes to
upper lock and approaches, for which 'the middle ol
.:i'H),IKM) was appropriated last session. I lie who fV,
This means that the work of construe- work of a felln
tion will commence early in the sine-j mi l!ii i sl : 1
mer. and there in money enough on J table garden
hand to continue it until congress has
an opportunity to make a further ap
propriation. If the original intention
is carried out. The Oregon. Washing
ton and Idaho delegations will at tempt
next session to have The Dalles canal
made a continuing contract, in order
that appropriations may be fnade i ory la-t w int
annually until the total cost of r't,- has 1 1, h i 1 p'
000,1100 has been appropriated. growing nice
vit iUivt; msi 11; ui nit;
ifotst running mates in
III LUES for men, UTZ1
!& DUNN for ladies and
for buys and girls. We have
them in all leathers and all
new lasts.
hi and let us fit your
I feet with these famous shoes
I Our stock of groceries and crock
ery is 1 Hi. i una complete, uivo us a
nci see n ours lsiust as good and
t .is cheap as the other fellow.
b 0
Smith Block
V6i'ln..j.vL,!i .JI.W V.t-.-.ilL.W,
S3 ffiSSSm 9 CES3 (
Hood River
Phone 581 A
f-rcc Delivery y
1 he 1 1.
; j 1 1 :
Mr. and Mr". Shot man I
fvinthiv with relaliM'- in Tin
Dr. "and .Mrs. .1. 1". Wa
Monday from a iit of m'
Mr. Murray, formoly
inniiiiger for .1. K. liiind. i;
rec.upet'i'.ting from an
in tit. i kiii.
M. I.. Thorn pre ent
force ith a box of I t .
rii'S, all g.ithored fnnn
hall phi 11' -.
Mr and Mrs. 1. 1. Sl.'l
land are spending a b"
M rs. bniiise 1 li'ihlitr I at
home in 'rapper.
Mrs. Kate Unelie lots ;
tion as teacher in t be pu
Mood b'iver, and v. iU I"
when the f ill t'Tiii I'liniiif
I'oiir hen egg- tin' .
going Willie, v, 1 I i, 1 11 't '
I',. I). Calkins was ,,, 1
l-'riday w it h .1 hen '-
tuur ouni-es
W ill in 1: 1
little ciiltag
v piin h i-'e-t
I liver
of three eotiiiL" - ' 1 :
.1. V. IVniiington
ing in the valley. .'.1 1
one time a meini.. 1 .
fraternitv. lie j- ie,
land, where he iei-o
al weeks Ink'iig i" 1 !.
"I "in" H,n i I-
stood I'.eMainai- g '
''lioaiihtig ti 01 1 le, "
I iim a packing 1 h -e
, hl-t ce;V p,,,.
j .' is for lie- u - it'.
.!,i-; 1 r Wi, t ic
I the v est. end ol ',.'.'-:
i lit V, oi k ill t lie . en I
I where he 1 ) ei t - !"
ill time to leg in 1:1
j as soon i-s 1 1 e I,, j 1 y
1 completed. Tic- I'' c
ik -pelll
ii tiirne I I
..1 llil S ill I.';.
holt i illl!
ill thecit '.
: of rhci.
d the 1;
Jl A It It I MP.
(la rkc-Surireiit.
V. (Minko of this city nnd Miss
U'iit luyn Sargent ol 'l'lin Dalles were
iii.iriieil i.t high noon, 'thursday,
. I one I, at the residence of I. N. Sar
K' til. in Tho Dalles, grauilfat her of
tiinhiiile. Only tho immeiliiite fam
W'tvfi v, 1 re 1 I eseiit. to wit Hess f liii beii u-
ceiiiiionv proiioiinoril by Dr.
of St., I'iiiiI's chiircli. The
; couple left, on t lie nftnrnoon
fer their wedding journey wost
andd t I'.e heaily wi.-hes of their
Among the relatives present were
lr. ami Mrs. D. Clarke and Mr. and
Mrs. C. N. Clarkii of Mood liivor, Mr.
1 nd Mrs, V. (1. Dudley, of Morn and
.dr. (I. A 1 1 hur ( 'liuko of I'ort land.
Air. Clark and biide returned Sunday
loin a t rip I' 1 the exposition at Tort land
and is recuperating Iroin t he eongrat il
ia 1 ion j
1 laike
Mr. CI.
I Mil1
'.Id.- i
II Hi"
11 "
e t
nf li.s I' 1 it-til Ih
will will make
it Ki- s parents
Ni Hie Claike,
Mr. and Mrs,
their lioiue with
on Sherman ave-
of this
1 it ., n airied at high noon, Sun
day. Mi'.v K. t .1 C. A. Northwaiig of
St. I ii-. The I. ride is t he daughter
nf Mrs. T. '. Clcrko id Hood l;iver
mi l I . t '. I'kc ol Port land.
The tin ii mil school meeting for thu
city district, will be held at ihe State
stieet school house, Monday nflernonli,
,lune li), when two directors and one
clerk shall lie i lected, a special tax voted
for school piirposcs'nnil the question de
cided us to how many grades above the
Hih shall be taught in the schools of
Hood liivor.
The retiring directors are W. ,1. linker
and ('. T. Karlv, the latter having In en
selected to complete the unexpired term
of Dr. Dnmhle. One director to he
elected shall serve for one year and the
other for the full term of three years.
At a recent meeting of the board, Mis-i
I'oole and Mrs. Kate Itoehe of The
Dalles were elected as teachers in tin
Hood River schooles.
Willie Mctiiiire l-jitorlains.
eVillio Melliiiie enterlained a lew of
i mi. all friends .Monday idternoon,
i'i honor of his 1,'A
X n meroioi
llth l.iiihdii.v.
I- it
lie I
until I
- I.
amoved to the .
a- 1 1
. i i -1 1
1,1:. V
t i
t ,! le
..-t el
I;. I
.1. .1. Lnokoy, the pioneer blaoksmil h
of Hood liivor, has disposed of an
interest in his hurimss to lluny
Mullen, formerly with Snow & L'pn u
of this city. 'Ihe new linn now rn.ds
Luckey iV. Miibon. Their place of
bu-iuoss iH the eiiht end of the city, n
the opposite side of tho street fii in
, 1 ..1) . I e il.. . .. . ..
games were indulged in i "" ' V "'" """" "l l""
, , . l.umlier Co.
.!(, v, In n luncneon wnsi , i , . . ;
iim n in iiiuecii nii ny in riciiin-g
Mr. Mullen as n partner. Doth are
experienced smiths, capable of doing
as good v. oik as any shop in lie
country. Anything in tie lino of
hhicksiuithing end v. i gc-t.-ii id it g cuu
be done in their shop. IIoim i hoeing
is a specialty with this tirm.
Luekey .V. .Mullen invite tin ir friomla
to ciill and visit the Kast Kud blai k
smith shop. Courteous treatment an 1
a satisf in lory job is assured their
was nrtii-l ieally decorated
in.: I iapiets of Hood l!iv
olee to-ei-. pink and white
pi ed ni at ing. Mrs. llen
. Ml -. li. K. I ewel and
ti-ey ii:-si; tid Mrs. Mo
ing the many dainty ro
ll, e If' 1 ' i I ,
1 lail-: out t
.1. M.
west of tie-
llollo'le.: i-
glance at hi
tables ..fab I
growth, o pit
ahead'. V
where. Tin.
on joyed t Iumi ki Ives itn-
ol l' i' ones as well as the
I on. prosi'iit w ere : Vera
e Ho w, M ildred lluley,
i ', I i-i'iie I'ewel, William
'.I i;i V,, Mary Nor lutie. Ki;t l.i no Kver-
eelel, Helen I .'a idson,
. San. :nie Klinger, Alvin
ni' .lones. I veil 1 1 iisband,
:. o lden llo-hatid, Leon
i.i . ward, ( 'ian nee Cm
Ojinan.l Dhiio,
I- I '
:..! D'.n Alien. Willie Meduiro
'i. V.-'iri.e. Mrs. M, M.
r- C J. Clliett, Mrs. II. C.
. .Mis., o i. I 'ewel, Mrs. 1),
mug. .his. .1. I.. lin-ey, ."lis.:
M ill Meet I I on the Trail.
Dcolu (Kla.) banner.
Yesterday we received sovm iI picture
pntal cards from our yoimg friend,
Albert Anson (Irahaiii, who is now at
Hood Kiver, Oregon, lie will be n the
U-wisand Clark Centennial and Amer
ican Pacific exposition, which opena at
ley i t'orilanil, uregon, on June 1, and con-
i tunics until Octo a r 1
meet a large number of
Khrck, Mr. Hiid Mrs. Mcfluire.
I le Iiohis to
ii- t cala H ienils
during the fair and is prepa-ed t-i ''hit
j the trail" with tie in and show them a
good tin e. He says, uTvl everybody
i lo come to the great western fair."