The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 08, 1905, Image 5

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Spt'cial to t he (ilneitT.
The Dulles, Or., June C Frank
Ries, cliar)jwi with the murder of
Jamea Fom of Mount Jlood, appeared
before Judo liradnhaw this morniiiK,
lu cnatody of Shorilf Snxtoit, aud en
tered a plna of ti (it guilty. Kies wan
awomptiuiuil liy his t.ttorneys, W. 11.
Wilcon of this city and A. A.Jayue of
Hood Hirer. UiiiH vi s arranged lat
week, and given uiitil this morning to
Will Sentence Williams Saturday.
Sentence will be pushed Saturday
morning on Norman Williams, con
victod murder of the Nesbttt women
in the upper Hood Hirer valley. Last
week the Oregon supreme court handed
down a mandate allirming the judg
ment of the lower court, directing
the judge of this court to enter judg
ment according to tho decision of the
supremo court. Saturday, the prose
cution will move for judgment of the
mandate, and Williums will be resent
enced. Will lieronvene Almut June U.
The date for reconvening court, or
rathor recalling tho jury as the court
is always in session, has not yet been
fixed. It will probably be a week
from Monday, Juno 1!).
(Governor Stops a Thelf.
Ualvin, tho man who was charged
with the larceny i f a diamond stud
from lr. J. V. Morris of. Lewistou,
was arranged this moriiiuff on direct
information til by District Attorney
Monofee, entered a ph-a of guilty and
was sentenced to three and one-half
years in the j cnitentiury.
Thin is the urty w l;o took the dia
mond from Dr. .Mollis on the speak
ers' stand at CVlilo v. Lilo the speak
ing was in progress. 1 e was detect
ed in the act and Dr. Morris, Uororn
or Chunberlain ai.d Mr. Ellis, private
secretary of the governor of Idaho,
took the diamond away from him ou
the spot and detained i; i in and turned
him over to Deputy Sheriff llaight,
who happened to lie piereut In the
crowd, llaight put his man on the
train returning to The Dalles and
when about two or threo miles this
side of Celilo, (lulvln made an excuse
that lie wantod to go to the toilet and
upon going there leaped through the
window from the moving train.
Ed Miller, a brakeman on the train
who saw him jump from tho window,
paused long enough to pull the liell
cord it nd stop tho train then sprung
olf after hint and succeeded in orer
hauliug him a tow hundred yards from
the train. Upon overtaking him, (lal
vin opened his pocket knife and said
that no one could take him. Miller
armed himself with rocks and held
him at lav until Deputy Sheriff
Haight und Francis Sexton, a son of
Sheriff Sexton, nrrived on the scene
when he was c, empowered and brought
back to tho trail-.
Pick Pocket (it-ts Two Years.
William Johnson who was charged
with tho liifceny of a pocket-book
from on 10. J. Condru on the boat as
it pulled in to Tim Dalles Saturday
afternoon, entered a plea of guilty
this morning on direct information
tiled by District Attorney Menofoe
and was sentenced by Judge lirudshaw
to two years in tho penitentiary.
Johnson, in tiie crowd and crush of
tho passengers getting olf the boat,
took the pocket book from Condra's
hip pocket and immediately proceeded
to bo t he first one to get olf the boat.
Condra missed the pocket-book tit
once, and knowing this man stood
just behind him aud on account of his
hurry to get away, gare chase and
followed him up to tho Haldwin saloon
where Johnson had entered, went to
the toilet and took the money from
the pocket book aud threw it into the
sewer, where it was afterward re
covered. Other Criminal Cases.
The only other criminal cases on the
docket are the crimes of Kd Francisco,
charged with assault with a dangerous
weapon upon Al Nelson. This will
either be disposed of by a plea of
guilty or tried out when the jury is
In the case of the state of Oregon
rs. Frank Summer.-", charged with as
sault with a dangerous weapon upon
John Crate, no action will be taken
until Cli.ite is entirely recorered.
Crate i cow ablo to bo about the
house, and it is considered ho is en
tirely out of d -nger.
Declares He is Innocent.
Tuesday, Norman Williams made
public tho following signed statement:
"In the name of Jesus Christ 1 for
give all of my enemies. As I will
stand lief ore Uod on the great judg
ment day 1 so now declare before all
men that I am innocent of any and of
a.l charges brought to bear against me
for the alleged murder of Alma Nesbitt
Hiid her mother. 1 declare that this is
the only statemeut 1 ever made or ever
will make, either in court, out of
court or upon the gallows, when I will
stand there within the shadow of death
to face my Eternal Judge. So help me
its believed by those who hare had
opportunity to study Williams' char
acter best that this determination ou
his part is rlnal and that ary confes
sion mildew ill be to Father Desmarais
under seal of the church.
;rain Crop is Promising.
The Climate and Crop Bulletin for
Tuesday, June 0, reports conditions
throughout the state as follows:
Hood rains fell in all portions of the
state during the week past, and, while
the weather for the most pait was
cooler than usual, there were spells of
Intermittent sunhine, which, taken
together with the advance of the sea
son, caused a gradual warming up of
tie atmosphere.and a general improve
ment in the condition of all crops ro
eulted. More sunshine and warmer
weather are needed, however, liefore
vegetation can resume a normal
The conditiouo of the gram crop is
promising, with probably very few ex
ceptions. Fall wheat, rye and barley
continue to head satisfactorily. Spring
wheat and oats tiave maae rawier rm
growth, but tho general condition of
these crops is above the average. The
grain aphis'has become quite numer
ous in Washington, Yamhill, Marion,
Linn and portions of Douglas count
ies b'1' a" tllH l!amae llono ly
this pest cannot bo estimted, though
it is thught to have been slight. Hops
are growing slowly and the training
of the vines continues. Cutting the
first crop of alfalfa continues, with
light yields. Hardens, potato, grac
es, sugar beets, field onions, beans
Biid pe:ts are making bettor growth
ihan during the preceding week. Corn
is growing slowly and needs warmer
weather. Pastures are excellent and
strck is in fine condition.
Late pears and apples promise light
vields. whilejother fruit is uneveu
ind generally expected to be below
ihe average.
The city council, by a unanimous
vote Monday night, passed an ordinance
calling for a special city election, Mon
day, June lit, for the purpose of voting:
on the question of selling $110,000 bonds
to provide for the instolhttion of niniii
eipal watt" system for domestic and lire
protection purposes.
Councilman McDonald, who intro
duced the ordinance, hcleives the system
can be installed for less than this sum,
and in fact the report of Engineer Rob
erts makes the fame statement, the
ftiO.OOO estimate being liberal in all
respects for covering the cost of a sys
tem adequate to meet the needs of a city
of 10,000 people.
It will require a two-thirds vote to
carry the bonds. Polls will be open
from 8 In the morning until 7 at night,
and the election will lie conducted after
the manner of the Australian system.
The bonds are to run for 20 years, and
to draw 5 per cent interest.
The detailed report of Engineer W. J.
Robertson the estimated cost of a lire
and water system whs read and ac
cepted. A petition from J. II. Cierdes, iiskiii''
permission to erect an additional stoiy
on his hotel on the n rth side of liiver
street, the roof of the whole building to
be made (ire-proof, was turned dow n.
An ordiance prepared by 11. 1". David
son, providing for a water system for
the town, which had been read first
lime at a former meeting, was referred
to the committee on printing and police.
A sidewalk was ordered constructed
in front of the Middleton property on
State street, and the cost of the same
charged to the property-owner. A walk
was hIso ordered constructed on the
Fast side of Fourth street bet wet n ( ak
and Hiver street, and the same charged
to the pioperty owners unless they put
in the walk after being notified once
Hepairs were ordered made oil the
steps leading to the depot, so as to make
a safer landing from the Kiver street
The detailed report of Street Commis
sioner Jensen show ing amount of work
on the streets was read, and placed in
the hands of the street committee.
Marshal Olinger was instructed to
strictly enforce ordinance keeping walks
clean of obstruction in all parts of the
"There is big money in cherries nt
5c a pound, " says A. C. llutchor of
California, who is in the valley con
tracting for all the cherries ho can
secure at this figure. "A yield of 100
pounds to the tree, for UK) trees to tho
arce is 10 (XK pounds. Allow ing one
cent a pound for picking, here is n net
income of if 100 to the acre."
Mr. Rutcher is packing the cherries
himself, paying Tic for the fruit as it
comes from the trees. In California
i and 5c is tho prevailing price for
cherries. Sometimes the price goes to
ti cents. There Japanese do most of
the picking, and women and girls the
Italians are going extensively into
the cherry business in California, says
Mr. Butcher. The Italiaus will gam
ble their last dollar on cherries.
I.cniston Cherries in the Market.
Special to the Glacier.
Spokane, Wash., Juno 7. Today's
market report id tha Spokesman Re
view says:
The great quantity of Snake river
cherries received daily has practically
crowded California cherries out of the
Spokane market. While the cherry
crop will not be so large this year as
formerly, owing to the late frosts, the
quality of the fruit is said never to
have been hotter, and the demand is
A car of Hood River strawberries
was received yesterday by one dealer,
but most of the commission men re
ported a shortage of the fruit, owing
to the rains,which seriously interfered
with picking and which seems to have
been general all over the northwest.
A carload of Walla Walla cabbage
aud a car of new onions were received
Currants, it is reported, are ripe in
the Yakima and the Walla Walla val
leys, and tho friut is expected to make
its appearance on the Spokane market
during the early part of this week.
They will come in it quart cases aud
will sell for ft!. fit ) a crate. Raspber
ries, also, are expect before many
days. .
Kustern Apple Crop Prospects.
The Chicago Packer finds that tho
apple crop in Missouri will be heavy
in some sections and light in others.
The same condition prevails iu Illi
nois aud Iowa. Frosts did some dam
age iu many places, but as a whole the
crop average prospects are good.
A dispatch from Grand Junction,
Colo., says:
J. F. Moore, manager of the Grand
Junction Fruit Orowers' association,
sizes up the fruit outlook: "The
peach crop will be very light. My
opiniou is there will be uot to exceed
J"iU cars for the entire western slope,
lis nginst probably 1,000 cars last sea
son. Both the pear and apple crops
are in first-class condition. In fact,
there could uot be a better prospect
than we now have in the entire terri
tory. "My opinion is there will be from
ten to twenty per cent increase over
last season. This on account of new-
orchards coming mto bearing. As
to different varieties of apples, I be
lieve every commercial rarioty known
isurown in this territory, but the
principal varieties ssem to be Ben
Davis. Mi.-souri Pippns.Winesaps.Jon
athans, York ImpernD, Black Twigs,
Lawyers aud Koine lieautes.
Over Window Decorating.
A clever piece of window decorating
is the"0. R. Jc N. Exposition Special"
in the window of Booth's store The
Big Store with Little Prices. Hore is
a lailway engine and cab constructed
entirely of tinwaie. Tiu pans and
buckets lit togeler to maKe llie Doner
of the engine. Bread bins form the
cab; breadknives are used for the pis
ton rod connecting the drive wheels
with the steam cylinder. A dust pan
makes a good cowcatcher, but best of
all an incandescent glolie is fitted into
the headlight, which at night shines
very realistiscally.
Tho whole aliair is unique, and has
attrcted a great deal of attention from
passersbv. It is te work of Mr.
Booth and bis assistants in the big
department store.
William Gadwa has purchased a half
interest in William Sheets' cigar stand,
Mr Sheets liming bought out the in-
tere-t of J T. Banley in the jobbing
i bii-ims-of llaglevaudC. II. Stranahan,
! jobbers f..i the Waso Warehouse Mill
i iii)i Co. of The Dalles.
"This year's lierry crop will be the
largest Hood River has ever bad," says
II. V. Davidson of the Davidson Fruit
Co. "While frosts thinned the vines of
some of he blossoms, and in many in
stances one half, the remaining blos
soms made larger and liner
berries, and the entire crop this vear
will exceed 11.0,000 crates in all probab
ility. ''While the early growers have finish
ed picking t tore ,i'ie ot' patches itist
coming on. We brought in 'S.i era es of
berries from our Willow Flat :." acres
this (Wednesday) morning. The height
of the season das passed, and we are
now finding sale for all the hemes sent
out. i'rie s are very fair with indi
cations that there w ill be a slight ad
vance. "This year's crop came ten days
earlier than last season. I'p to the
night of June (i list year there had been
shipped 25 cars of berries, w hile on the
same day this year the total number of
ears was over SO.
'People have been complaining that
the box factory has not supplied crates
fast enough. Now , early in the s -nson
we urged the growers to send in their
orders, and we secured contracts for ;t",
000 crates. We made, 13,0n0
more than were ordered.
"Soon after the season opened the
urowers began to double their crate or
ders and wanted the crntcs at once.
Without the latest facilities for liu.nii
factoring boxes this season the ituation
would have been critical for the valley.
However, it should prove a lesson that
orders for fruit boxes must be placed
earlv hereafter.
"U'e had two Portland factories busy
for two weeks, but we find our factory
here can do more in one day than both
of them. It took them three days to
load one car of I'OOO crates, while we
were putting out that number in one
day. 1 don't think there is another box
factory on the coast which can turn out
berry crates faster than the factory of
the Davidson Fruit Co. We have Hold
over 80,000 crates this year."
Best Berries 82.50 in Seattle.
Special to the Glacier.
Seittle.Wash , Juno 7. A. D. Blow
ers A Co., wholesale commission mer
chants, report market conditions in
this city as follows :
"The past week has been very poor
as regards strawberries, owing to cold
and rainy weather. They havo come
in slowly aud prices have kept up
very well for first-class stock. Ihe
best Clark seedlings are selling for
j'iliO a box. The weather today is
better and local berries are bringing
ftJ.tH) to ftJ.i'i. Car of Hood Rivers
arrived here this morning and are sell
ing at the same price.
"Field peas sidling at oc a pound.
Telephone peas he. Wax beans S to
10c a pouud. Royal Ann and Black
Tartarian cherries gl.'iii to 81. oil a box.
Asparagus, owing to so many fruits
coming into the market, is in very
little demand, and selling from 1 tt.
td.'io a box. "
(Conlliineil From Page I
a vacation for u year. She was retiini
inx from her (iirihood home, in Stu
binsville, Ohio, hastening to her in
valid tisterwhen the accident happen
ed. Friday she had occasion to un
pack her baKK"Ke and she found it to
lie water-soaked. Many valuable silk
dresses were ruined, and but for the
immediate attention the entire con
tents would have been lost.
Lot n Itcrry Crop on On.
While many htne just completed the
berry puck some are just coiiiinencinu.
Mrs. V. McCoy is one of the lute ones
aud she has some of the linest berries
on the hill. Owinu to the excellent
quality and the lateness of the crop it
is thought she will receive a tine prize,
lier berries will run largely three-tier,
and nothing under four tier. She has
a large force at work and is getting
out the crop in line shape. Many in
that section are attracted by the qual
ity and the size and aro seen in the
patch admiring tho big beauties.
N. W. l'Voeland farther up the liill
is also in the beginning of his pack,
lie too has some line berries aud will
realize a big yield. The very latest
berry patch in t he White Salmon coun
try is that of K. M. Clemens, lie will
not commence ou his pack for at least
two weeks. It is thought, by nil that
ho w ill get in about the time when the
berry is a scarce article and is com
manding a big prico.
riiilcrwiiod Will Celebrate.
Underwood is making great prepara
tions for the celebration of July 4.
Tho big White Salmon Orange will
have charge of the arrangements and
it is expected that tho tinio of the
towu will be had. H. O. Cromwell,
master of thegrange, declares that it
will be a regular old fashioned time.
The pyrotecuic display in the evening
will be one of the features, and the
big mountain along the Washington
side of the Columbia w ill be ablaze
with fireworks. Hunt races, swim
ming races, horce racing, bronco bust
ing and a ball game will furnish
amusement during the day, and one
of the big features will be u big pic
nic dinner. A complete program is
being arranged and . ill be made pub
lic next week.
Methodists Erect ( liiirch Kdillce.
There is general activity in the
Mountain lirook country. Oround
has been brotcn in the Arthur Kininons
land near the tawmill for tho new
Met hod ht church, 'ihe edilli e when
completed will cost really I,UH, and
it is expected to have it ready for
worship by August 1. Hefcno the day
of dedication it will he free of deht,
which shows that the fifteen active
members of the society aro hustlers.
In architecture it will be attractive
and there is nothing lacking to make
it one of the fine church buildings in
the valley.
J. O. Terry is erecting a large barn
and milking othi r decided improve
ments around his ranch.
There are about eight families here
from Olvmria. and all are fond of
clams, so to fittingly celebrate Inde
pendence day an nld-tafhioneil clam
bake will be held. 1 here will be
clams, tried chichmi and rousing cars
until further orders. The committee
in charge have already made arrange
ments for the entertainment of many
visitois on that date. K. 1j. C.
Yen may talk about big appies and
big strawberries, but there comes a
slory frini the vicinity of Mitchell's
(ointalont chickens that should take
the grand prize over all. A holy who
taken it pride in raising ti'ie chickens,
ci.nstr'.cled a oop. the other day with
the proper openings lor the little ones
but recently batched (rum the shell and
placed an abundance of feed on the in
side of the coop. The little chickens
entered all right, but after eatiiu their
fill, bad grown to such a size that it
was impossible for them t') fjreean
Don't be deceived
by what certain parties tell you a
Thev are grinding their ax, and sou
may feel its sharp edge.
See for yourself
Go to the depot and examine the
White Salmon Berries
Compare them with any raised in Hood
lii-er for size, lirmiit-ss. color and llavor.
It takes more than a "Rocky Bluff" to
raise such fruit.
Conic and view our beautiful valley :
ttecan show you the soil, climate and
location for first-class fruit and berries.
Just as good laud as you will pay
twice as much for where yon buy repu
tation. Land that is sure to advance in
value as our valley develops.
Call at the White Salmon I aud com
pany, it is our pleasure to idiow stran
gers the valley.
White Salmon Land Co.
White Salmon, Wash.
Mountain View
Fresh bread, cakes and pics.
Made from Hood River Flour.
Furniture, Stove
in llie house fiiniisliiii line.
We Exchange New Furnikire for Old. Picture Framing. Furniture Repairing. Stove Repairing.
Cheapest Outfitters. O. P. DABNEY & CO , Proprietors.
CorvalliJi, Ore., 3, 20,
Mr. G. E. Williams,
Hood River, Ore.
l)i:.i! Sue
The .sample of whit
station has been exainincil and il was round lo con-
lain !.).'.) per cent-,
prat 1 ic
il purposes, wo
I triii"; in vour
Hardware Stewart' S Furniture
Seasonable Goods
X I' St raw berry hullres... 100
Camp stools 250
Tents, up from $4.75
Camp stoves $1.00
Yne;on covers, pillows.
Foldintr ea,inp tables.
Fishing tackle.
(inns, revolvers, ammunition
In more than doubling (,ur st on
whole intention is to be able to pun hasi
goods in the quantities that secures lowt
cost nnd to be able to handle suehslot
greatest economy. It will hereafter be
to leave home for purchases on account c
assortment iu
and the thousands of articles which go
needs and comforts of a home.
We furnish everything forbuild
ing: a home.
Stoves SteWartS Crockery
; 1 L I
We are the exclusive dealers for the celebrated
py Stein-Bloch $mart Clothes
Recognized by all careful dressers as the acme of per
fection. The moderate price at which we are offering
these goods should appeal to careful buyers.
Our superb clothing line is perfect and cannot be duplicated in this city.
. Ranges, Crockery, Tin and Granite Ware.
iirsriiic winch
voil scut 1 t III
white arsenic.
d be considered pure.
truly yours.
O. L. It N I SEXY,
'I" M
i ipt i'
Building Materials
(ieliuine wood libre
plaster, per Ion $16 00
Yellow lir
per 1000.
lli lies
Mouldings, inside iurni.-
Columns, porcn floods.
Doors and windows.
Lime ami cement.
n every !
ipacity our
Wll 11
ices or
Fin ware,
to the
1905. I
ns. for all 55
i - mm w.miiaV(jff -"r;3r-!m-"a:
Kit the trail"
Dressed in one of those SWELL
PATTERN SUITS to be found at
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transterrett, iirst
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Davenport Bros.
Lumber Company
Have opened an up-to-date
Oil Hiver St., 4 Blocks West of Depot,
and will carry a complete line of
Building Material,
Doors, Windows,
Lath, Mouldings,
very linest line of I'ianos, from the cel-
1 ( 'bickering, th
line Kimball,
purit v of ton
ihich is
and easv
Ilobart M. Cable, and on down the line ot
I'ianos to suit your means and pocket book.
I'.e sure to write for terms, or come and see
The Dalles, Oregon.
--wtw w i
iind in fact cvcrvlliiiii
Dealer in
Harness S: Saddles
reiiouned Webef, the
used and known for its
action, the silver-toned