The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 08, 1905, Image 4

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By RohwoII Shelley.
Odell, Kuat Hood Kiver Valley,
June 6. Strawberry piekerH are in
evidence here hh never before. All
diiy lnnt Stminltiy there was a Htrintf
of people patwinM Udell, many of them
on thoir way to the Willow Flitttitrow
lierry fleldH. There aro aproximately
lW) pickers on Willow Flat, more than
1U of whom are in the 40-acre tract
of II. F. DavidHon. And why thiw
lare pay roll there? Mecauiw) for
three years past money has lieon liber
ally spent in that section and it is
ju-t now beKiniiiiiR to tell. A good
payroll is what makes a country and
the employees are not the only ones
that are making money.
The following parties about Odell
arn netting a fine quality of berries,
V. V. Willis, B. K. Callison, M. I.
Odell, O. W. Lafferty and Frank li
These are busy, busy days with the
spraying and cultivating of orchards,
the thinning of apples, planting of
potatoes and last but not least the
picking of berries. There are no
idlers here.
Mr. Da no, the real estate hustler,
passed through Udell last Sunday,
showing two Kansas parties the valley.
Mr. Dano Is a freqent visitor this way
anil he knows bow to land them.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson from Fort
laud were through this section laHt
week, looking about with a view of
Investing. Thoy wore delighted with
the valley. They are friends of the
The ditch work on the Dead Point
Irrigating works is about complete.
Odell has furnished quite a lot of the
labor upon the ditch.
Last Saturday, the writer, in search
of a horse, climbed to the summit of
the range between Mill creek and Hock
crook, starting upward at Bob Robin
son's place. He failed to find the
hores, but at dilforent points along
the zig zag climb, us he paused to
rest, looking westward, there was
a spread out before the vision most
enchanting picture. Almost beneath
our feet and spreading westward was
a bit of landscape go bewitching that
it would be a trave.-ty upon nature for
an ordinary writer like the Odell cor
respondent to attempt a detailed de
scription of it. The indescribably
beautiful, peaceful and apparently
sleeping valley, dotted here and there
with green fields gray orchards
shaded with hundreds of green leafy
apple trees, then stretches of ever
green, through which the silver
threaded streams wound their way
from the stately white robed sentinel,
Mount Hood, emptying thoir life
giving waters into the grand Coluin
bia,then outward and westward toward
the sea. The hundreds of modern,
prosperous homes rounding up the
picture caused a feeling of wonder and
admiration through and through us,
akin to reverence. Winding our way
homeward without the horse, we felt
amply paid for the trip. .Moral: Let
us get up on the bilh ocashionally,
awB.y from the fogs i(ud mists tif the
valloy to a point where we can see both
sides of life.
The valley In the Pine drove neigh
borhood is in prime condition, being
cultivated almost to a state of perfec
tion. The full leafed, vigorous young
apple orchards, of which there are
many, aro refreshing pictures, and
while the revenue feature is the
nronipting feature along this line, yet
they are ornamental as well as possess
ing a promising revenue producing
William Fhrck lust week purchased I
a wagon and harness at a bargain. Mr.
Ktnek's orchard work Is now beyond
the capacity of one team in the way j
of taking care of It.
N. A. Everett of Falls City, Polk
county, and an old friend of the writ
er, spent last Friday at Moll.
Snokano. Baker City. Southern Ore
gon and and many points In the valley j
are represented at the camps of berry j
pickers in this section. The annual
coming of pickers is a good medium j
of advertismont for the valley. j
The writer, who is executor of the j
estate of J. W. Black, deceased, re
ceived a letter from Virgil Bob Black,
brother of the deceased, and who re
sides in Texas, relative to his kinship
and making inquiries concerning the
atl'alrs of the said estate.
K. M. Camp has made a purchase
of a new ball-bearing McCormick
mowing in a hine, one of the latest
up-to-date patterns. K. M. says he
can cut for any one and give satisfac
tion. J. P. Harnett, the village black
smith, has been doing considerable
cleaning up on his land and built a
new picket fence. J. P. says he wants
some returns from his land, therefore
ho must move tho rocks and stumps.
Next year ho expects to have a crop
of clover.
Miss Stella Brown may lie seen on
our streets making good time on her
bicycle. By tho way, Miss Brown in
forms me that it was a birthday pres
ent and wo say a very good one.
Something must be gniug to happen,
for 1 notice (ieoige Camp painting
up his wa';on and fixing things up
nicelv. Now harness and a fine span
of sorrel horses, (ieorge says he is
prepared to do every kind of team
work. Of course (ieoige wants to
make preparations for the near future.
Albert Nostrum is back to our
neighborhood again. Albert says it
is like (Miming home aain when he
gits to Hood Kiver. Well. Albert,
you aro welcome to tho freedom of
the city.
J. Blount finished up his work on
the Mrs. H. Ingalls house lai-t week.
Joel says tho man thut gets his last
dollar miiHt have something very
Bo Von Suffer with Dyspepsia
nr indigestion? Clarke's Dyspepsia
Tablets w ill cure you. Price only OUc.
Joseph Marvin, Alaskan commission
er fur the United Slates government at
Hie Lewis ami Clark centennial, is in
receipt of tho telegram from (iovei'tior
Brady of Alankd telling him that a large
eihibit of gold nuggets has been collect
ed for exibition. Mr. Marvin secured
a special safe for storing thejnuggets.
mm i
Why It Is the Best...
Because it combines tonic principles with strong,
nourishing, bono and tissue-building ingredients, neces
sary in such a medicine.
...Our Beef, Iron and Wine...
contains all the ingredients desired for a good t onic, st imu
lating the orgmis and furnishing a food for nerve tissue
and bone. It promotes digestion, improves the appetite
and gives energy to the whole system.
We Guarantee rh"rVro" and wlne,
ammmamaaummmmmma to be best on the market
It contains the purest entawba wine combined with per
fectly soluble iron, and the best form of predigested beef
obtainable! guaranteed by us to 1m? just as we represent it.
Full Pint Bottles, l.oo
Six Bottles for $5."
Smith Block. Reliable Druggists.
Who has had over forty years
experience in Iowa is opening
Special to the (Hiicier. ,
(ioldendale, Wash.. Juno (!. Etitfeno j
Winterstein of North Vakiuia, met
with a painful and what may prove a
serious accident, while on a visit to
his father near liloekhouse last Sun
day morning. While mounting a
bicycle, the revolver which ho wng'
carrying in his picket fell to tre
ground, discharging tho weapon, the ;
bullet striking him in the lower pait
of tho right lung, ami ranging up
ward, lodgod In his right shoulder, i
l)rs. Jjonebrake and Collins removed
the bullet and he Is now doing well.
It teems very foolish for any one to
carry firearms in as peaceful a com
munity as this, anil while we regret
to hear of anything of the kind, it
may prove a good lesson to other
young men who are in the habit of
carrying revolvers.
The young son of John Nlemela of
Centerville suffered the loss of his
foot, it being cut olf at the ankle in
a mowing machine, Monday.
liert l'uhrman met with a painful
accident while hauling lumber to his
place on the Hum, uear Arlingto.
While going down the Kink Creek
grade his wagon slipped otf the grade
and overturnd, catching Mr. lnhr
mau's foot in the front wheel. The
wagon rolled over several times and it
is a wonder he got out alive. At last
reports ho wag getting along very woll.
The Superior court will bo In sess
ion for one day on the l.'lth of June.
I hull) will be several cases up on
motion, t.i d tho following will be dis
posed oi : (ic.iiiell vs. (iossoll, divorce;
Exlino vs. Ex line, divorce; liarston
vs. Duruette, mortgage foreclosure.
The (llacier is a woclome visitor in
(.ioldendale, bringing with it so much
of the news of the went end of f lie
county, and in fact from ell over.
It is a good livo paper, run by au en
terprising editor and an able corps of
uuyi uf a lit u
This valley has hud some good
showers the last, few dnys, which were
l.'i.rl.ln .i..r.,n;..f.wl
The White Salmon Camp No. 0110,
Modern Woodmen of America, gavo a
grand bull at LautorliHiigb's hull Sat
urday night. The all ui r was largely
attended, many couples coining in
from Trout Lake and Camas I'rairio.
It was one of tho must pleasant dances
given this season. The music was
furnished by the Maine & liowman
orchestra. Tho refie.-linieiitH were in
charge of the Mosd lines H.'verhait and
Zioglur. Messrs. Kot-oentiit and Kast
acted as floor managerii.
A river driver commonly called Hig
Poto had his shoulder dislocated while
working on the Claterb iss jam. The
dislocation was roducod by Dr. J. M.
C. M. Wolfard Is remodeling his
property on Jewett avenue. The ad
dition has greatly improved the ap
perance. The White Salmon Dramatic club
has in preparation a comitdy farce en
titled "A Scheme that failed." This
play will be given sometime in July.
John Purser, now of Kverett.Wash!,
who for .'W years was a resident of
White Salmon valley is visiting friends
and relatives in White Salmon.
Fred (Iroshong tins sold his butcher
shop to John U. Wyors and O'Xoil.
lloth aro extensive raisers of fine
beef and White Salmon may look for
choice meats.
Kred 'iroshong has sold his butcher
simp to , I. ). Wyers and ii. F. Oneal.
The new firm will add many improve
ments and will make an aim to curry a
full and complete line of fresh and
smoked incut and lish. Mr. (iroshong
w ill remain in the employ of the new
11 rm.
Mrs. J. Mcl.niialmii left Saturday for
Portland on a protracted visit to the
fair. She will be the guest of her two
sons and daughter while there.
Ir. .1. '.. Swartx of Chicago has pur
chased land of T. Wyers, sr., at the top
of the hill near the steps and will com
mence iiiinieiulititcly to erect a sanitar
ium. This point is'over (KH) feet above
the sea level, sud it is undertsood that
the Chiciigniin will use it for bis pa
tients lie is a specialist in diseases of
the lungs.
J. Mcl.annlinn, three miles north
west up on the mountain, in erecting a
large new residence on his ranch. Mr.
and Mis. Mcl.aiutliiin in 18! came out
from Portland and homesteaded and
now have one of the tine ranches on the
mountain side. They intend to pass the
remainder of their days in comfort and
ease in one of the nice residences in
that section.
Tlie I'nited Artisan, No. 77, held a
meeting Saturday evening and elected
the following officer?: Master Artisan,
S. V. Ziegler; Superintendent, Mrs.
l.ida itiesanz; Inspector, Mrs. May
Adams; Clerk, M. .1. Kast ; Treasurer,
tiny Crowe; Senior Conductor, Ueorge
Purser; Master of (Vrniony, A. J. Hen
derson ; Junior Conductor,' W. Itankin;
I'lelil l oniniaiiik'i's, hred Thomas ami
Mrs. V. McCoy.
The Artisan lias a Working member
ship of si!y-!ive member! and the in
tention of the new quota of olMccrs is to
add new life and much work Is expected
even during the BUininer months. Ar
rangements are under way for many so
cial sessions during the summer and
Your correspondent had such a good
time at. the Orange dance she forgot
to write last week. The Orange dance
gets liottor every time If the next
dance is as much better as the last was
lictte. than tho first, it will be grand.
Kverybody speaks so woll of the last
dance, it does not seem possible for
a dance to be better.
Come out Saturday and see what the
Orange can do for all of you. You
certainly can dance all you wish and
have all you can eat.
Mr. Smith, our merchant, went to
the Locks Sunday to visit with his
sister, Mrs. Adams and family.
Our store Is improving. Mr. Smith
has on hand a few dry goods now and
will keep adding to stock till we will
have a first-class merchandise store.
John liiinning of Trout, Lake and
.Mr. .Micklesen of llusiim are busy
clearing ground and getting rock ready
to commence work on Mr. II. Olson's
bulging house.
Tho new addition to the store is
about completed. Mr. Smith's inten
tion is to get his ceiling and flooring
in and let it get well seasoned before
finishing the inside. When it is all
complete we will have a hall we cbu lie
proud of.
Mrs. F.d Underwood and daughters,
Mrs. lirown and Mrs. Dark, and her
daughters, and Mrs. Kd's cousin. Mrs.
Wynaoo, made Mrs. Kd's eldest (laugh
ter, Mrs. Tyrrell and family, a very
pleasant visit Sunday, across the
White Salmon.
tiilmer A Manly make about two
Why is it that Ayer's Hair
Vigor does so many remark
able things? Because it is a
hair food. It feeds the hair,
puts new life into it. The hair
Hair Vigor
cannot keep from growing.
And gradually all the dark,
rich color of early life comes
back to gray hair.
"When I Brut meil Ajor'i titlr Vlitor mt
hair wa atoiit all tiry. Hut now It In a Hire
rich black, mid ai thtt'lr as I rould wlli."
MHS. Sl'SAN Kl.OrKKNHTI KN. TuicUlllljia,
ftv) a bottle.
J. O. AT Bit CO.
l.nv.i.M Mm
Gray Hair
trips per week with lumber to Under
A bull was given the 20th of May in
honor of Mr. and Mr-. Jones. Every
one repoi'li'd a good time.
Miss Iluiila Foust and cousin spent
a few days visit irg r halves here last
Rush Si Jlieger ma le a business trip
to The Diillis and Mo-ier last week.
I'rott A C.t'.nernu (.! .Menominee,
met tl.e ditch company a. Trout Lake
Huturduy and papers v, ere drawn up
to bo signed by the members of the
company, which v. ill rcttle the dis
pute. Mr. Witt gavo a big house raising
Mr. Studloman made a tarip to
Portland last week.
Henry Tiedernuin and Miss liortha
Williams of Husum spent Sunday
visiting friends at the Lake.
Mr. W. 1$. Presby and family have
moved over from (Ioldendale to thoir
mountain homo.
George (iilmer is buildng a new ad
dition to his barn, IlWxO, lti feet high,
which will make it HOxljil. Mr. Gilmer
intends to have baru room for his hay.
II. L. Ilattman, went to Seattle on a
business trip last week.
Mrs. Strait has boon very sick for a
few days but is some hotter. Mr. and
Mrs. Whitcombe have also lieon sick
for a few weeks but are better.
Quite a few went to the ball at White
Salmon Saturday night, and report a
lino time.
Gilmer & Manly are hauling lumber
for tho Olson hotel at Underwood. from
Wickons A Tomokins mill Tlie Un
derwood people are going to put some
mon on ino roaa to widen tlie grade
in the narrowest places.
The farmers are doinc thnir tilnwimr
for summer fallow and will sow grain
in is tan.
JThe strawberry pickers are return
ing aii'l report having done well.
Mi.-B 1 itman returned to Portland
after a nn nl li's vacation to take her
pi i. t i" iVi "dlawn postotlioe. llcr
fathor hiis a !:oi. e. tnnd here.
Miss'Ilnl. has i n ill n house on her
homestead, mi i n ovel in last week.
She is from Ch.'iu:M. Washington.
John Kush of Hi i pner is visiting
his cousin, Mac Push, of this place.
It. T. Spimldlng and Floyd Hess are
grubbing for Chester Monroe. Walter
Davidson is working on Willowy I'lat.
Louis iiuVkhart l(iff"f(jr"Portlaud
Tuesday to visit tho Lewis and Clark
fair, and spend a fow days with
Mrs. Warren Cooper is camping on
the reserve with her husband while he
attends to his duties as forest agent.
K. N. (iribble attended the fair
The people of Mount Hood will cele
brate at Winans this fourth. Come
all; bring your baskets and have a
good time.
Opening Week at the Country CliiK
The opening week at tho Country
Club Inn was very encouraging, con
sidering the continued cool weather.
Among those enjoying the many at
tractions and good table was Dr.
David T. Day, cheif geologist of tho
United States now on duty at the
Lewis and Chirk exposition. Dr. Day
was so much pleased with the Hood
Kiver country that he has engaged
accomodations at the Inn for his fam
ily, and for other olltcials from Wash
ington who will, at different times
during the summer bo connected with
the exposition.
Other registered guests were, Mr.
and Mrs. limit Lewis, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Lombard i. Miss Lombardi, Mr. and
Mrs. Meredith, Miss Meredith, Mr.
and Mrs. HusKoy; all of Portland.
Celebrate Their Golden Wcililing.
Saturday, June 3, Mr. and Mrs. C. I.
Pakin of this city had lieen married full
SO years. The following Sunday, June
4, the occasion was celebrated at their
home on the heights. Relatives and
a few friends were present, and the:
event was crowded by a dinner tit for ;
such an occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Pakin were the recipi- :
ents of some very useful presents. Con
gratulati"in upon the felicitous occasion
were showered upon them. Fifty yeai'B
they have weathered lile's storm" and
sunshine together ami it is a pleasing
sight to see the contented pair so cosily
settled '-n ( h'-i r home in Hoot! Kiver,
still I'u 1 of energy and enjoying coin
puri u' y en d health.
Mr D.iliin wss horn in the town
of Ii;'. . Nova Scotia, May .", ls;i2.
Sirii,-': -.ii. Me., is the birthplace oi
Mrs., who was born February L'S.
1S'!S. I licv were married, June tt,
ltv", hi Cairol, Me. Tiny emigrated
to M iii-i, -sola in jSoli, where they
reninieod until lSO, when they moved
to (.g..ii, ivrniauentlv settling in
Hood K:wr in HsH.
Mr. ami Mrs. Iakin are the parents
of live children, three of whom are liv
ing -C. U. Pakin of Hood Kiver; W. W.
Pakin of Seattle, and Mrs. P. (. PeMoss
of Penioss Springs, Or. They have
eight grandchildren, six of whom were
present at. the .anniversary. Mr. Pakin
w as one of a family of 21 children.
Have Yon Sprayed Yetf
Oct your material of Clarke mid fave
nicely nitKlcand nicely A New line of Lal' i'
triiniiiedinpTassclot - Automobile and To -
andpercuil Cp fin ist Caps just in the
at $2.25 k NUU nre very popular.
Men's golf shirts with the newest and most
cult's in a pretty lineof comfortable garments
colors and sty- jfj yet introduced for la-
les up from ;ii(.H wear-also shirt
Also same for boys waists find waisting
from 10 years up. goods.
Our Dougiass line of CORSETS
dress shoes for men A. , JA. , L
are the most stylish llu' l,,'st httmZ' be8t
and best wearing shape; easiest wearing
shoes made CO ft ft corset made C rtft
3.50 and... 1.25, l.SOS1-""
A beautiful line in sev-
For children a pretty eral different patterns
line ranging 7n 5.00 and Aft
$1.50, 1.00 to VI low as only 3
Suit cases (JJ flrt Telescopes from A
from and up and up
Higrli. Class ZM:illIner37"
Natural wavy switches, Enlish wave, Pompadour
rolls and bangs. Hair goods of every description
made to order. Agent for the celebrated Marie de
Medicis1 Cold (-ream anp Yucca powder.
Refrigerators! Refrigerators!! Refrigerators!!!
Hot weather is near at hand.
Ice will soon be delivered at your door, buy a
and be prepared to keep cool. Wo have, just added
this line and can save you money.
Hood River Flour
No matter whether you oat to live or live to eat,
you should eat the best ; find when vou "vt our Flour
I you get the bost-juid it is pure find clean.
Twelve notable or;an recitals are sclie
iluieil fur tlie Lewis and (.'lark e.(o-i-tion.
The recitals will he held in the
Auditorium, where a 110 iVffl niiu iiivnin
w ill be set up. 1
is the host Flour ever put on the Hood ltiver market
is unequaljed by any similar priced flour.
Beware of artificially bleached Hour you will
livo longer.
Ask your grocer for Hond l!iver Graham and
Hood River Milling Co.