The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 08, 1905, Image 3

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Exposition Grounds, Portland, Or.,
Juue 3. Editor Glacier: The Wasco
county booth at the Lewis and Clark
frtir was not completed so we could
put anything into it until 3 p. in. on
the afternoon of May 31 (and was not
nuixhed then). r'roui that time until
11.30 p. in. we woikod installing the
exhibit, and from what the visitors
nuy we are in a fair way to be in it
for the bet county exhibit at the fair.
1-itit me say now, if the people of
Wasco county who can make it possi
ble for us to carry away the prize
could see the ett'orU made by other
counties to show the best they have,
would help us with what they can pro
duce, we will put it before the visit
ors in such a way as to make Wasoo
the banner county of Oregon.
Our apples, i-trawberriea and cherries
are so far the best in the horticultural
display for Oregon. The state of
Washington is close onto us in theap
plo display, and outside of Newtowus
and Spit.oubergs will be a close com
petitor. Our wool and grain is good,
though e have made no pretentions
toward a sheaf or unthresbed grain
dislay, as we hud no room, and no
grains saved and prepared for such a
display. Wo have a line wool case
tilled with different grades of wool,
I )i th scoured and timcjured, sur
mounted with ram of natural size.
We have some fine pictures of Wasoo
county scenery, which attract a deal of
attention. Vo ;rs truly,
The apple crop in parts of Allssouri
and Arkansas w ill be light this year,
writes 1I.T. Willia.i s in a letter to Tom
liifhop. Counties which produce a
million dollar crop v. hen the s-eason
is good, w ill this year have about one
fourth of a crop.
Mr. WiU'ams has put o npleted set
ting S(H0 apl) trees which he says
are doing nicely. Ho hopes to soon
return to Hood Kiver to look after j
his apple land hero.
"When it comes to raising fine!
fruits," rays
nothing like
Wo have fruit hole earlier, but Hood
Hirer is larger and better in appear
ance, though 1 think fruit hero is
sweeter. Our seacous here nro not so
reliable as Hood Kiver. V o will miss
two mwoiih out of five most of the
time. Tim cool spring this season
chilled the Mooir.s and they fell off
so did the fruit.
"Tlio two eristics adjoining me on
the unrtliwe.-t tueh raise a million dol
lars worth of upples a year, when they
have a crop. 'II is year the blossoms
wore full and prospects good for a line
crop, but there Cairo cool winds and
blossoms fell ai:l tho fruit that did
set has fallen to badly that there is
little hot e for even one-fourth of a
crop. So this will make two years
that section lias pasted without a crop
of apples.
"My attention was turned to Hood
liiver, mostly because of its reliability
in having its crops of fruits. This
placed it ahead of Eastern fruit sec
tions. We have had ripo cherries More
week but not large like those at Hood
Kiver. 1 doubt it there is any por
tion of tho L'uitad Ktntes will raise as
large cherries as Oregon or as line
"Tho strawbrerv season has been
disasterous all over the south. Too
much rain. The fruit all went to mar
kot wet and spoiled. llesides the
companies were not prepared for so
big a ci on and did not have cars
enough. Crates full of strawberries
were left at the depot in some cases
that were bigger in quantity than the
depot itself.
"At Chadbourne. N. C, tho loss of
the growers was f.UW, UP.0 from failure
of the car companies to carry the fruit
to market. ISenio-" that did go arriv
ed so poor that U:e health authorities
ordered the curs cent to tho dump and
often Ji cars a day were dumped. One
station north of hire, Sarcoxie, Mo.,
ships 'M) curs of the strawberries a
your and has ph nty of cars but tho
season there is to will bo dilil
cult for growers to make any money.
Usually, h n ever, '!oy net 81. fill to fc!
a crate. 'J hi ir prices usually are good
last ei.i tiiev avenged f- net.
Tliia CLanlrv is getting to be won
derful for it., consumption of fruit.
No one Ki.o'as Low much tho people
really do u.-.o. The markets call for
such great quiuitiies. Think of New
York using 30 cars of l'ermndu onions
a day, or one station shipping 300 cars
of berries in a season.
"There are enough peaches this year
in Texas and Georgia to 1111 f,000 cars,
and this is but half a crop. When
Ciooilga lias u full crop there uro not
enough cars to curry it to market.
Tho great trouble w it n the fruit from
the I'ttcillc coast is the longili of timo
for fruit to reach the Eastern markets.
This sets back fruit growing there
wonderfully. It should not take so
Hood River, Or., June 0. Editor
Glacier : It appears to the writer that
the commercial club of Hood River
oould exert itself in no better way than
encouraging some one to locate a
creamery here.
With a steam railroad soon to lead
Into Hood River from the upper valley
down through the East Side ; the West
Side lauds all lying contiguous to the
town and with the splendid dairy
farms stretching either way along the
Columbia for many miles, it hardly
seems possible that a more favorable
location for a creamery remains va
cant in the entire northwest.
No doubt the reason for the vacancy
is the fact that most of the energy and
enthusiasm of both farmers and town
people have heretofore been centered
on our famous fruits, but since irri
gating water has become plontiful and
large acreages of land have been sown
to clover and alfalfa the need of a
creamery cannot well be longer ig
nored. From this time on clover and
alfalfa cannot be couuted on as profit
able crops unless consumed by dairy
cattle on the farms where they are
grown. Ranch butter for numerous
palpable reasons is seldom profitable
to the markets or satisfactory to con
sumers, to say nothing of the immense
amount of labor required to manufac
ture it on the farm, which alone deters
most farmers from engaging in tho
business extensively. A creamery can
hardly be expected to do a large busi
ness here at the start, but when it is
established, dairying will be sure to
increase at a rapid rate.
Instead of farmers hesitating to sow
more clover and alfalfa it is safe to
predict that the acreage throughout
the valley will soon increase many
fold, and that every ton of hay will
be worth more to the grower than ever
before, to say nothing of the fertility
that will be retained on the farm.
Dairying and fruit raising should go
hand in hand and if dull times and
crop failures ever come tbey will be
sure to rest more heavily on the roan
who has every acre of his land set to
Let us diversify and at Hood River
let the 'creamery be located. The
cream checks that will then be cashed
in our banks will bring more prosper
ity to us all than would come from a
The Salve Tliat Penetrates. I Sardincd Ankle, Stiff Seek, l-'i"'
DeWitts Witcli Hazel Salve penetrates ' Shoulder,
the pores of Hie skin, anil by It-anti-, These are three etfniiunn ailments
septic, rubifocientand healing inlluence f,,r w hich Chamberlain's Pain P.alm U
it subdues inllamui'itioii ami cures lioils; especially valuable, if promptly ap
Burns, Cuts, Ki-zoiti-i, TYt" r, Kim: ' plied it ill save you time, money an I
W.irm ami nil skin diseases. A snecilic .nlK.rin.r ulien troubled with any one
of these ailments, ror sale ny uu-iams.
riioxK r,i .
rilONE 51.
We again invite you to try
fur blind, bleedm-:, itching and pro
truding Piles. The original and genu
ine Witch Hazel S-ilve is made by K. ('.
DeWitt & Co. and sold by G. K.
Rest Spraying Material
i at the lowest prices at Clarke' store
Mr. Williams, "there is i SHVRrui woolen mills. And further
Hood Kiver tor beauty. : more. while this topic is under discus
sion would it not look well if the farm
ers would come forward and give the
commercial club substantial aid in
this matter. Several subscription pa
pers have licon in the hands of solic
itors for some time with a view to
raising funds for just such a purpose,
but nearly every farmer approached
has turned them down good and hard.
The independent farmer nowadays is
prone to do his buying in the cheapest
market, even if bis local merchant is
loft out in the cold, and for this rea
son he should still further show his
independence by bearing a share in all
that is expended for the public good.
The Weather During May.
During the month of M iv there
all Ho
we re
time, the
l.iiti i f an
mi iy davts
I miieril-
six clear (lavs, vei in
total prenp't-ili'ti w is on ;
inch. There were IS pari
iiikI 7 rloudv davs. The u.c
,.... una fis nod filMi'.'. The nia-.inoin !
ten.penitnre was K, or. l-rnhiy, the
Jiltli. There were storms on the 9th,
aitb, SOtli and 31.
The following l the icporl of I'. Volun
tary Weather olnerver l. V Hyerli-e. for
Hood River, for the inonih ol May, .
i Mini
: imim
I late
S i M
in : 6
ii : i- i
i:i c-'i
! ' '
17 1 l.l
is 711
is 'I
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... ill
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i , ;5
;i l
:il si
mum .I.!
('Intruder of
I In y
purl clomly
......p;:! t clomly
p;u t clomly
....purl clomly
... .pari clomly
part clomly
. ..part clomly
t ..purl cloml
piirt i-loudi
..p.irl clo nly
..part eloii.l
.... clomly
! ...... i. .n-i
el- ""
S6c vStrawberry?
. j& vSeason is Here
Don't you need a new
Memorandum Book,
Receipt Book, :
Rubber Stamp Pad,
Pad Ink, Ftc. :
Large Assortment at Right Price
" Upper Crtistl
Flour I
It is to your advantage to do so.
Another car just in.
Why miffer with Kpring tiredness,
mean, emu feeling, no nl length, no
appetite? llilliter's Rocky Mountain
Tea will make ,ou well and keep you
well. 35 eentH, Tea or T lels at Unix.
N, t'larke'n drugstore
All diseases of Kidneys,
Bladder, Urinary Organs.
Also Rheifinatlsm, Back
che,Heart Disease. Gravel
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
eureforyou. If inH:eary write Dr. I cimcr.
lie has spent a life time ciirlnu Jul- such
cases usyours. All consultations Free.
"I have been a sufferer frmn rhuematis-n
for over ten years and have often been con
fined to my bed for several dayj and sullen ,1
intensely. Dr. Fenncr's Kidney and Backache
Cure afforded relief at once. I now feel as
well as 1 ever have in mv life.
ADA DbACKWEI.h, Kansas City. Mo."
Druggists, 50c., 1. Ask for Cook Hook-1 urn
For Kale by C. N. CLAUKF., Hood liiver
WOOD & SMITH 1SKOS.. ri'.iprii'tors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City.
Vrw iVlivcrv. Phone
FROHN & HIAI JN, Proprietors.
(Success th ti- ( '. S. True.)
Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries,
Flour and Feed. .
Cull find
l)t 'livery.
(lie new linn mi the 1 lei;
i r(
Tin- ( liildre.i' r'.tMirile.
Tor Cinrl.s. t'roup."-in l om-li,
ete . One Minute C-u-li Cu e w Hie
elii'l.lreirs favorite. Tins l.eca.i- H J-on-,a
a no npia-e, h -r.eet v .an ib.
L.,,oil and cure s i d hy U. I.
W.iliam'. -
p.m'tfailt' the new liatn,
j,, de, on display at Kmdi.
Heavy Storms Lant Week.
Frcftk electrical stormH occurred lust
week in many purls of Kastern Oreiron.
The worst ttorni was a cloudburst on
Uliea creek about 1(1 miles south of
lleiner lust Tuesday afternoon, in
which Jlra. J. K. Mun'einaker and I er
yoniiest child and two children of a
neighbor, A. H. Cox, were drowned.
Wednesday afternoon, the day of
heavy rain iii thin city, there occurred a
i-torin at Condon, where hailstones large
ns chcrric- battered windows in nearly
every store and house in town. Holes
were even made in currugnlcd iron
roofs, so fierce was the effect oftlie hail,
(irain was flattened. This occurred
about fio'clock.
At Shaniko the same afternoon, hail
stones broke the skylight in the Moody
Antelope telle of an electric fracas out
that way, when, though the switch
board, the building wherein the 1'acilic
Stated telephone olhce is located was
set on fire. It was, however, distin
guished witliour damage. Fifteen of
their telephone poles helween Antelope
and Shaniko also suffered from the
lightning's pranks.
Inllool Kiver rain poured down in
torrents, and the streets were flooded in
three minutes as if by an ell-day down
pour. The storm occurred about 3
o clock, and was preceeileil uv iiiuimcr.
1- .... :i . f .1... il-...-. u
rour uiues weai ui me tut un-n- .ii-
scarcely any rain at all.
Making Trail Around Mount Hood.
"We have just finished building a trail
along Surveyors lid o to lirooks' mea
dow and are now working across to
Cloud Cap Inn, not a "blazed line" but
n trail eight feet wide with all obstruc
tions removed," reuiaiked Ranger An
derson in The Dalles last week. "People
can now- go from The Dalles to the Jim
in a day and enjoy the most magnificent
mountain view this coast affords. I
would like to describe the scenery but I
can't. There is nothing 1 know to com
pare with it. Yosciuite valley, seen for
.he first tune, comes in arest to putting
i he s:ime thrill into one, but Yosemite
ihiills but once and then becomes a
gigantic crack in the rock. It looks to
me that once known to the public this
would la-come a (union mountain resort.
The trp from Cloud Cap Inn across
Hood i.. .er canyon and along Surveyors
li-'gi- ii one thai is uneu'ell' d for grand
. er . ii ihis coast at least Now that we
i ave go d cinf' rtabl- triii's iiloiigthi
iiniloi', pus ihl.v a few em igi-lic Dalles-
i!i s in iy jet see .Mount in o i in us
( iiIi.iii DiHi'ilmeii.
L". S. s'hlMi- who rt rved ill Cuba
during I he Sauish w.o kim-v what
ihis discs..' i, ami thai ordin-iry r. im
ilies have lit' ii- no re filed llian so
much w:it. r. Cuban Diarrhoea is al
most as severe and ilangeroti- a- a mild
alt o k i fcholeia. There is one r.-medy.
ii.neei, that can always be di H.-ndeil
upon a- id l-f si-eo In Ihe following
I ilicaie I'loin Mi. M nilie .lacolis of
llou.-inn, I hircl.y eertily iliMt
Cha'iilieilaili's Colic. Cholera mid Di
arrhoia Kenied.V cured my husband of
a severe attack of Cuban Diarrhoea,
which he drought home from Cuba.
We had seviral doctors but they did
dim no good. Une dottle ni una rem
edy cured him. I thank (iod for so
Mi'liuidle a ineiliciiie." For sale by
Williams' l'lianoaiy.
Superior to Hooil Kiver Berries.
Stevenson J'ioneer.
Sainenl Dicharils bromiht some straw
berries to Stevenson Tuesday which
were laised on his ranch near town.
I h.-v were of the Clark Seedling variety
.iiid i qiial any we have seen. The flavor
i- Uv siiH-rio'r to the lloisl Kiver straw
'..rriiB. which have to lie irrigated,
iliese yrowing without irrigation. We
j.ieillcl lliai .-Kuoiaiiia oijn.
aily near Slevensen, will, in the near fu
ture, be one of the greatest Iruit
lieirv countries in the Northwest.
Xo'I'akv Prnut'
Abstracts, Conveyances Insurance
and Financial Agent.
n-l(.-d;ite Hi -ill Kstille Aien1
Msfnte and Insurance in luwn
.) VI
The Old and Helial.lennd
and Vallev. 20 vears in Heal
or sell Heal Estate, come and si-e nie.
The 1'ollowiim' list is only a small portion of "lands we have for si
ill's il ivsidrlit ol' the
f von want to Imv
We have the hardest Stock of
To be Found in the City
All Kinds and All Prices
We also have a
Which we are Closiii"1 Out at
Fire Sale Price
Come in and Let us Show You
1. 5-room house and over mi
acre of land. Most nightly loca
tion in town. About 40 fruit trees
and other fruit. Ksy terms.
Only 1
2. Ut- (iOxl.'i.'i, good location
slid line view 2"(
3. One and one-lmlf lots on
State street, fenced, sidew alk and
frill', trees i'0
4. Six fine lots on tlie hill, very
tine view 1100
!). A gi oil building lot in I'.ar-rctt-Simia
addition 2(10
fi. Hmall house and good lot in
Blowers' addition S00
7. I'olise and lot and good barn
in goo.) sightly locution I2"0
H. A good liusiness corner on
Oak street, ToxlOO fiet. Three
good buildings on the property. .. 5000
Also the exclusive sale of lots
in liivcrview raiK ami I'new line
- of
miles from town
; good apple Ininl
1 -J."
acres o1
i on Ihe Kiist siile
about :i acres cleured and 40 fruit
trees. si 1 A house, one half mile
j from scdool, on K. K. I. route
I 'J.. o acres L' miles from town on
j West side. All in cultivation; l!
'acres in slrawhei I ies; a few fruit
- trees; ii 4 room limi-i-; small luirn ;
' close to ehuich. I.nsy terms
! 3. L'O acres of gimd apple land,
unimproved, VI miles from t'wn
4. -10 acres li tulles from town,
! 3" acres In cultivation, 4 acres in
strawberries, 4lKI apple treis of
i the best varieties mid in tine coli
I dil ion.severul acres in alfalfa and
I clover; all good land, one-half
fioin school and w ilh one
It'ic host views in Ihe vit'lcy.
( ion. I terms (1000
j .". HI a, res of unimproved land
li miles (r un low u, level anil ens
' ily irri -mted; will grow any kind
! of civil-: ci ise lo school anil
irrigating ditch
! li. '20 acres of uuitiipiovcd land
170(1 (( inih from low n, level and en
ilv irriiiii'.cd: will mow any Kind
U)f crop-; close to
i cbiltch
' 7. Si) aercH six miles fr dim low n
l')00 on West side; 4 acres in Ii ing
! orchard; creek runs through llu
T.V) place; line for iVnit or grass; good
4-i'ooin house
H. 1 1 ii civ Ibown place ofo acres
14 ncies in at raw -bei rics; hoi-e,
i wagon, liiirinss, farm tools and a
I -inch water light go w ith the
I I'lt'ce
l .-)
IbTotice to BroedGrc.
Carries everything in the line, iueludins'
Krinkled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone 071 .
First and Oak Streets.
It. II. WKIIKIl, 1'iop.
Roses and Shrubbery.
Remember, Oar Trees are Crown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
The farmer near Stevenson tre ship
ping a great deal of cream to Portland
this enrine. This is a gortd dairy coun
try and would be a good location for
eteamery. Stevenwn Pioneer.
V ;v,' . ' " ' V
t : -f- .
7. T. ttOTlj&JXT.
Fresh and Cured Meats, Groceries,
Flour and Feed.
Iloon Itivion Hkkjiits. Fimck Dkmvkuy.
wilh the water that ii I
the mill, our p it ord
lilled so Mi-ee-fii:',y tin
OIlMllltllly CMIlli'.f; n
outrun. Are son I
-? Iiuvr
I lli-n on
I'llllll i-i
oi.e i f
u ii I i Uc
cs nle
II!- .'Id
our liiilJi-K raieot unit winte i; .-r
llniir in I he lini Kt l lial in inMIe I . and
in jjroiind from I he l:ct Fi-lceted w In-ill ;
ill fuel the crcatii -(' the w ln-ntlieiiN,
and it luakea the iii-imI delieioiH incad
white null palahihli'.
ion h i,k n V
Hood River, Or.
ISA. -.
E. R. Eradley
I'Tilt ORAIiF. F.r
-.MIH.V I'KiUiikM'iU
l ' I fS All S C-.liliT
od l! vi-r from .lulv I-I, if
of note from the ci lehr:.
Pallef this cpriie.', which iletii-
urtiinitv of Betting Biieh a horw?
in this community can ansii-t in this matter by bookins: your mares, either by calling on or aaiireemig
S. S. JOHNS, (.'are Davenport liroa. Lumber Co.
t. i,ma T,... ri.t n(T,.llr In-ift Sinlliriii. will make the Hand at llu
enr uuh mares ci.n lie secured lo itmtifv. Thin tahion is l.J-j-hainl, and weighn .'ulu, Hod hi,
ted Suffolk ftoek farm of P. lloi y, of I w a. There i- also a tine crop ol Ins get at
oiiHtratea hi hreedinB oualitii. ami we solicit vour itneHligation. lln.He desiring the op
.. . - l . re in i!" y.-ur wi.i k ttlay
- . ' :v auri evi i v 'iif r
- . y (whiil litllw we lmv0
",-i-nt in llixjrf Kiver. We wunt
iir wurk l.nil can Ho it iK-atly-aed
Ice Cream, Soft Drinks
and Confectionery,
Pipes, Cigars and Tola. to.
Hood River Heights
I s Confectionery
It. F. JCCH1MSEN, Prep.
Near KaM hall (irmiliilM on the Heights
live I'm a Call
The owner or ihf hltu'k him) while hull, run
ninK line, will iUum keep Itlm confined,
do not wIkIi iiny slot-k from htm.
j." Joim I'. lUlMmm.
i !
i '
4 :'