HOOD RIVER GLACIER HOOD RIVER IS DRY ONCE MORE lamed everr Tburtdaf by ARTHUR D. MOB. PiiMUfetr. f trail ol ubwrlptioo 1.W a jmt MM paid IB 4tdm. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1905. If the little Japs could get hold of Mr. Carnagie's hero fund, they'd soon ex haust it. The West Side Enterprise of Inde pendence issued Tuesday hansom e special edition, printed on high-grade book paper and well illustrated. Polk county's resources in hops, mohair, tim her, schools and col legs are well set forth in concisely written articles. Editor Lyon and old Polk, the blue ribbon county, are not so slow. The thirty-third annual re-unlon of the Oregon Pioneer Association will be held at Portland on Tuesday, June 16 and the day following is to be pioneer day at the Lewis and Clark exjiOBltion in that tity when there will be a short programme of exercises and an oppor tunity for the aged travelers and path finders to the far Northwest to renew old acquaintances and view the many evidences of the great progress made since the days of 1792 when Oregon was discovered by Capt. Robert Gray fol lowed by the exploration of the same country by Lewis and Clark in 1806, and its occupation from 1811 to 1859 by the pioneers Pallas, Tex., la a city which has in itiated a vigorous campaign to advertise Itself. It is a city of about 45,000 to 60,000 and has adopted a plan which will increase its population by many thousands the next few years. The sum of f 2,000 was recently spent In ad- vertming the town and surrounding country, and so gratifying were the re- suits that the citizens have decided to retain the committee that had this in charge and provide it with $30,000 a year for the next five years, the entire amount to be spent in telling the world of the advantages in that part of Texas In general and the city of Dallas in particular. Hood River has gone for prohibition stronger titan ever. Out of a total of 709 votes in Monday's election, prohibi tion secured a majority of 43. Last No vemlier the majority was 4 for prohibi tion. The prohibitionists worked early and late and the victory is theirs. They are jubilant over the result. The greatest surprise of the day was the result in East Hood River, where the wets were confident of a victory. Last Novem ber it went over 30 majority against prohibition. Had this precinct gone wet there would have been an ef fort to reopen saloons in Hood River. The vote in the five Hood River pre cincts was as follows: T Never Undersold he One Price to All m inn M s For pen- Agalnut lief 1 1 k I.I Inn Uh.1.1'1. I.ul' I Kant Hood Kiver :M Wmt Hood Hlver 113 So. Hood Klver 75 Haldwln SB Vlento 2 Total m 833 Total ballot cant .711 While the vote was about 250 short of the total last November, a lively inte est was manifested at the polls. Every thing was orderly. The ballot boxes were closed at 7 o' clock, and before 8 o'clock the returns began coining in Most people like to attend fourth of July celebration, to have a good time, and spend a little money on that day, If they have a chance to do It at home they will do so j if they dont they will go elsewhere and spend tbeir money, Hood River merchants have had a flam- - 1 .. v I f .... pie. i ear Deiore mat tne town was desonted, there wasn't $.50 spent here. Last year the town was crowded and thousandsof dollars were left In the nity ; every one had a good time and was satis fied. Now what are we going to do.sit still and let the opportunity go by, or get a hustle on ourselves and have a rousing celebration f Will someone please move. Governor La Follotte of Wisconsin has alllxed his signature to one of the most interesting bills ever passed by a legis lature. The measure Is known as the "anti-graft bill" and it is now a law. Hyits terms, employes are prohibited, from requesting or accepting any gratu ity ana all persons are prohibited from giving or oHering any gift or tip what ever to any agcnts.servants or employes. ine Madison correspondent for the Chicago Rocord-Herald says: "While the bill was originally aimed at the practice of paying commissions to em ployes of largo Btores or corporations whose influence wont a groat way In the purchase of goods, It also is contended that it applies to the practice of 'tin- ping.' A violation of the law is made a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $.500, or a line and imprisonment for a year.' The opening of the portage road at Culllo last Saturday will mark another epoch in the history of the ooromer oIhI advancement of the great North west. An open river from Lewlston to the aea will benefit others than those immediately concerned In the Inetrior. Competition in transporta tion facilities must necessarily work for the benefit of both the producers the and oousumers. The portage road and the government canal soon to follow will mean increased profit to the wheat growers; more business for the wholesale houses of Portland, and tne employing of more men In the ollloe and field, whloh will insure In creased consumption for Hood River berries, apples, and butter when that creamery is started, to say nothing of tho lnoreaaed sales of lumber and flour. There's a good time coming for the states of the Pacific North west. Wasco County tioes Wet. Wasco county as a whole went wet Monday by an approximate majority of iiai ret. . ii , i. !.: ..-.. ouu. ai .1 lie issues me i roiiiniiioiiisin were defeated by a vote of 455 to 142, majority of 31.! in favor ot a wet town. At Bhaniko the vote stood 98 to 14, defeat for the dry town advocates of 84 votes. The following towns were came bv the Prohibitionists: Boyd, by a vote of 25 to fl; Eight mile by a vote of 18 to 12; Cascade Locks, by a vote of 41 to 3. The wet town advo- cates won in the following precincts: Bake Oven bv a vote of 2H to 22 : Dn fur, by a vote of 50 to 45; Tygh Valley by a vote of 41 to 31; Anteloye ! to 7 ; Mosier, 48 to 40; Baldwin, Mount Hood 50 to 3. Lane Mayor of Portland. Dr. Harry Lane was elected mayor of Portland, Monday, over George 11 Williams, by a plurality of 1210. His total vote was 7,587, while that oast for Williams was 6,371. The prohihi tion and Socialist candidates for may or received a total of C!M) votes. that the total number of votes cast for mayor was 14,048. The presidential vote in Portland last November was 16,114. BIG GAME SUNDAY FOR CHAMPIONSHIP The Dalles will be here with a big ex cursion for the ball game at Columbia park, which shall decide the champion ship for the two cities, the winner to play for a silver cup and individual medals at the exposition grounds, Aug' use Great Interest is being manifest in the coming contest Ivy the baseball fans of the two cities. Turn out and assist the locals to win. Locals Defeat Vancouver. Up to the seventh, the locals had Vinnminiiii ul. 11 f .m , f uhon u u.11.1 pitoh by Ostium let tlie visitors In for their first score, lakon as a whole, the game was well played by Hood Kiver last Sunday. There was marked improvement In the playing of Dunn at first, and some protty fielding by Sheets, who made a beautiful double play unassisted. The wrangling or the visitors over decisions of the umpire were very aiHtastelul to say the least. The score by Innings: wd River 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 incouvor ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 The lineup: Hood River Ilayuos 2b: llishon of Castnur o; Dunn lb; Osboru p; Sheets 3b; Phillips rf; DoWItt ss; Wheeler If. Vancouver Hontly 3b; Shaw If Sprorss; Kirck lb; Van Dibber cf r'ewel rf ; Fields 2b; Dodge o; Sorlbor P- Umpires Dickey aud Pickett. Attendance 250. o o 3 o- REALIZE $10 MONTH FROM SINGLE COW Louis Henderson is home from col lege at Eugene and baa accented a no. sltion with theengluering department ui uie luuuui uo(Hl Hallway Vo. 1 1 you want a pretty face and delight fill air. rosey cheeks and lovely hair, wedding trip across the sea, put your nun in uocxy mountain lea. C N, (.'lark's. Ihomas Klggs, of Guthrie, Okla., in iue goosi or. i. J. uunntug. Mr. Rlggs is a former friend of the Cun nings, aud Is here looking for a loca tion in the valley. The Lewis and Clark Exposition is a dream of loveliness In its June-time dress of verdure and Flowers. Roses run riot, perfuming the air; the grass is gionousiy green; the Dig ttr trees in t international Park, the western part of the grounds, add a touch of the real forest to the forestry building, and everywhere there are flowers and shrubs and in profusion. For $il.50 you can see every show on the Trail at the Lewis and Clark Ex position ; and they number thirtv-thren. As a rule the prices for admission to the irau snows are considerably lower than the prices that were charged on the riko at St. Louis. Some of the best attractions at St. Louis have been brought to Portland, but most of the shows are new and novel. Jiotlee. . To patrons of East Fork Irrigation company iwo water is now due and payable to the secretary at Baker A Co's otlido. 1. lease call and settle. C. E. Bone, President. The agltatlou for a creamery In Hood River la already bearing fruit, as the following communication re oeived this week byPresident Early of the Commercial club, from C. D. Mick- elsen of Hendricks, Minn., will testify I noticed in the Glacier a short time ago that Hood River was directing a thought toward the creamery business. I would like to say that there is uothlug you could do that would add more materially to the wealth of the valley than the Institution of a good creamery, I am living here where the farmiug community supports a good creamery. The creamery is owned by the farmers and operated bv a practi cal butter man as manager. Some now realize as high as f 10 per month protflt from one cow. This will give you some Idea of the thousands of dol lars brought iuto the country through this source aud so uicelv distributed to each of the farmers. Now I have but one obiect in writ- lug to you about this matter, uamelv. the good of Hood River and as 1 hare rroperty there,whlch 1 expect to keep, am vitally interested. Now I have almost persuaded the manager of this creamery here to go to Hood River and institute a plant there, for as 1 see it, there Is a grtnt opportunity there for a plaut of this kind. It would meau lntluatelv more than your flouring mill, because it would get outside money, bring it into the valley and distribute it to the farmers for their produce. It would increase the acreage of hay aud the demand for water. I trust you may keep the Interest in a oreamery plaut alive aud 1 should be glad to furnish you the name of a first-class butter maker here who would I) glad to furnish you with all necessary data and figures for build ing aud operating a plant. I hone the farmers would take this up. There is no financial hazard to run iu Hood River with the large number of cows in the valley aud Hood River butter could be Placed on a oar with her apples and berries. E. Gilmoreof Granite Falls. Minn.. accompanied by his family, is in Hood Kiver visitinir his brother, lliev. W. ('. Gil more. Hood River's One-Price Bargain house mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmammmmmmmmmmmmmimimmmmmmammmmm jkisjiiiHssaMBMsBstMMiiwsiuarasM Our business is being conducted on fair and square honorable methods. Noth ing being misrepresented in our store or in our advertisements. Our business is far better than it has ever been, demonstrating that our customers appreciate our effort to give them bargains every day. Here are a few bargains we are offering you this week- Calico, per yd 3c Men's President suspenders. 35 Mens' Black Fodora hats gQc Men's Rockford Sox, 6 pairs 25c Men's fancy striped hose .1 "JQc Men's dark tan oxfords $2.1 0 Ladies' knit pants, lace bottom j 5q Basting thread, per spool 1q Men's summer underwear, per garment 25c Men's 50c ribbed underwear, blue, per gar'm 3Qc Men's $1.40 asbestos horse-hide gloves timed $1.00 Dress suit cases $1.35 Misses' shoes 12 to 2, heavy sole patent tip $1.15 Wood For Sale 18-Inch body pine 11.50 per rick, delivered. . let-Inch body oak $1.75 per rick, delivered. 4-foot pole pine or III i per cord delivered. 4-foot pole oak H.7S cord delivered. Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay, For Sale MISCELLANEOUS. Full-blooded Plymouth Rock exti for the balance ol the season reduced toSLUU per set ting or 18 eKKH. Hnllsfnctlnn guaranteed. Mrs. K. Brayford, Kocltford Store, near liarrelt Mchool llauHe. J) p Real Estate Bargains. AT THE EMJPORIUIVL K irrett-Sipma Ifauvone wantaairood fresh milch cow, I have one for mile. Is .lolin llnkel, It K. I. !! Hay mure, wcitrht ll.'iO; vood cultivator: very gentle: amnio or Uonble. Murray Kn; . Jit lOosackiiof Al Burbank notaries: lust the ite for hotel and ruxtuuranl 'rade. Inquire on men itmge farm, pnoue ws. jb Forty-five Anirora goat for Rale: reasonable: can on or Address i.eo. worensen, l.yie, w ash. 4liOI1at and 2ii0 tiouare. second-hand Mekets for sale cheap or trade for wood, oak street, in u. a. cnuren diock. r . w aioo. it Thorouirhbred Lanirtthanor eu-ira for hatching, at l.M per setting. Albert Lurmn. Keuben, Or. A brood sow and hnar: vet-v chpun. place; A. J. Kmerson. Hlpma For siile, alnide top Iiukkv. with harness, nt I reasoniilile urlce. Aunlv to Ml an, Tenl. Lv- iuan Oman avenue. rjf REAL ESTATE. Homestesd reltiKinishiTienis for suip trade. Address Box as. Hood Klver. Or. tin Tie (JardYner house and lot at lllnium- urlce reasonable. Fur further niii'll.'nlur. ui ...i.. i I Tltun kl..l... 1 ... . .7 W no... nuimuui i, jhukch. w asn. JIO 10, 20 and 30 acres of land; five-sixth cleared ciover ana apple trees; iSast Side. L. Hlllli- I mr.il. v.n 28 Acres--$28.00 I Hlx acres id Apples and ehen-les: rural dillv. ery; under ditch; on main ruad within iwo miles of city; fc',H0u II sold within twelve days; this is the very best of apple land; house und barn: horses, harness. u-Miroim u.-.ii ,u. chlnery Included. J. 11. lie.Moss js Big Sale of Land. fo you want a ten-acre tract of tlrxi.clnsx strawberry or fruit land ut e. barvainf lf.i examine the M. B. Potler farm near citvof Hood Klver, lift acres. Just placed on the market to be sold in lots to suit. Call at the farm or any real eslte Arm In Hood lliver. FKANK Mcr ARLANII, JI5 li3iu street, Portland. Horses for Sale. ht from 'yers Si Jlfi-c Three It-vear-old teams fur itui um IKHI to 'SKI. Well-matched; cheap. Krepa, White Salmon, Wash. A tine Span nf work hnriurn R ai.ri u .onN old; weigh 12JS pounds; gentle and kind; sound and true. No hie i.Mics of any kind, l'r ce tit. Inuulre of .lolin u Vw. vvi.i... Salmon, Wash. Wanted Wanted at nncp il wmnmi i., .i. housework at tlri per mouth. Inquire ofjohn xuiuu neniierson. juu HoUSfkPl.npr U iiitp1 urnntun ... .1. . I housework. Tel. iKH. H. Luge. I 'll Wonted, girl lo do general housework. In quire Ur. F. C. llrosius. yai Wanted alladv cook ni lors; good wages. Jil (i Irl to do a-eneral ImttMpw.irir Huxley. .Mrs. H. M. jlB-c Berry packers at the Franze place. .J? H. 11. Wullace. A WOIII n to do housework linfl .,.ra f..P ..., child during the berry season: reasonable wages. V. W. Willis, Hood Kiver. K Fl) 10 II Five strawberry packers. W. M. Hull, 'phone FISCHER COMPANY WARMLY RECEIVED Good hiiiI aimreoiutive Hud Unices have (fronted the Mw'Ktirita Kiaolior Co. at the opora houae all week. Miss I'Msnher will close her eiiKHiroment on Saturday evening- It litis been a week of rare entertainment and it is needless to say that Miss Mueller aud her su perb, company have won a warm spot in the hearts of tho theater-goers of Hood Kiver. Miss Fischer plalnlv shows thn effects of her indiHpouitiou of tho paat week, and It has reiillv heen an eit'ort for her to work. It can lie said to her bravery and enthiisi- HHiun that she has not disappointed an audience. Her work is of that hih utiindard that idways pleases. On and olf the stngo she has made many friends here aud Hood Kiver will look for her return often, assuring her always n most hearty reception. llie bills durintf the week showed a stroiiK repretoire, with sploudid pre sentation. The company has been Krently strengthened by the addition of Jtohort McKemze, since the last visit hero. William Winterholf, who plays the leads for Mias Fischer, is a favorite, ami ins baritone solos each evening is one of tho strong features of the entertainment. Fred llreen is as clever as ever and Kdna (Iraham is the same good eutretaiuer in old woman roles. Dottio t sober, cute and liewltohing, is amusing and en tertaining. Many from down and up the valley and across the river have been iu attendance, and the last two nights should lie record breakers in attendace.for the work of the comimuv meritorious aud deserving or generous patroago. STATE SUPT. DECIDES AGAINST MRS. SANBORN We Must Wash. We may live without poetry, music and art ; e may live without conscience, may love wn lout Heart We mav live without mothers, live without hone: Hut civilized women cannot live with out soup. We mav live without bunk what is knowledge but sorrow? e may live without beauty it fades on the morrow. e may live without lawsuit indict ments are siiuashinir: Hut w hero if the one who can live with out washing. 1'atronize the Hood Kiver Steam .sundry. Men Fnbrik, proprietor. (utility vs. (Quantity. Hard muscle and strong- bodv do not depend on the iiinhtity ol food you cat, but lis perfect digestion and iiroiHM' assimilation. When you take Kodol IH'speiMiaCure your Hvwtcin ireta nil the uouriMhmcnt out of all the food you eat. It diL'estH what you eat re gardless of the condition of the stomach and conveys the nutrient properties to the blood and tissues. This builds up aud Htronghens t lie entire svstem. Kodol cures lndigtutioii, Pyspepaia, llelehiug, Sour Stomach, Weak Heart, etc. Sold by (J. K. Williams. Hill Serve Time For (iambling. l'eter Mclhiff, hall breed negro ami Indian, pleaded guilty Tuesday in Jus tice Mickelsen's court to the charge of gambling, and was lined $.'5 and costs. In default of payment, Mclhiff now lingers in the Wasco county jail. Dep uty Sheriff Olinger captured .MeDuff w ith his money and paraphernalia in a pine grove on the hill, where he had Iwn accustomed to tlleeeing Hed men of les ser ability iu the game of chance. . Clarke's Ounh Elixir will cure that cough Trice n only 2 c Stute Superintendent Ackerman has atllrmod tho decision of the local school board in dismissing Mrs. Sanborn for Incompetency as a teacher, an appeal having been taken by the defendant to uounty Superintendent Kelt and from t Intro to the state superintendent. Superintendent Ackorman, iu hand ing down bis decision lliids: 1. That the testimony before the board clearly indicates that the said Nora M. Sanborn had lost control of the eighth grade room iu so far that her influence in that particular room was nun and void. 2. That there is no testimony in re buttal tending to show that the testi mony against said Norn M. Stillborn was that of prejudice. M. In view of one and two the board acted iu the best interests of the dis trict when it made the order for the dismissal of the said Nora M.Sauboru. i. I hat the utlldavits of the oliicers of said school district clearly show that the defendant was not at any lime barred rrom examining tne rec ords. o. mat uie evidence was taken In a proper and legal manner. 0. From the foregoing It is the opinion of the Superintendent of. pub lic instruction that the defendant has had a fair and impartial trial and that justice has heen given to said defend ant; therefore, the decision of the county school superintendent is here by alllrmed and the appeal is dismissed. WANT HOOD RIVER BERRIES IN NEW YORK Room Wanted. Hy young man; in residence district: with modern Improvements desired, dress E. L. C, Oi.acikk ollice. home Ad. ; the good work with twenty A Had llresk. During the annual convention of a certain religious body, not so tery long ago, nn incident occurred which was not on the programme anil which completely upset the gravity of the ministers and brethren assembled. It was at the closing session, and the chairman stated that they were about one hundred dol lars short of an amount desired to be raised for a given purpose, and hoped that the sum could he made before final adjournment. One of the laymen jump ed up witn the remark, "FU start the good wor five dollars, I don't know vonr mine, brother." said the chairman, "but may Hod bless you, and may your business be doubled luring the year. allien to your astonishment, a burst of laughter followed from many in the hall, which was explained when a bro ther up in front stcpcd to the platform and w hisiered. V hy, that s Mr. llluiik. a prominent undertaker of thj town." Lippincott's. Ten Times Kasier. It is It'll limes easier to cure Coughs, croup, whooping cough and all lung and bronchial aft'eclions when the bowels are own. Kennedy's Laxative Honey ami Tar Is the original Laxative Cough Syrup, (iently moves the bowels, noil extiels all cold from the system, cuts the phlegm, cures all coughs and strengliens weak Iuiiks. Kennedys l.nxalivu Honey and Tur contains no opiates. Is pleasant to the taste and is lesl and saftest for child or adult. Sold by u, K. Williams. Tired out, worn out woman cannot sleep, eat or work; seems as if she would fly to pieces. Hollisters Kooky Mount Kin Tea makes strong nerves and rich red bl.MHl. :tt cents Tea or Tablets. C. N. Clark's. The W. C. T. U. will meet next Tuesday afternoon, June 1:1, at the U. li, church. Important bosiuoss. A full attendance of members is strongly urged. We also nope to have with us at this meeting a distin guished visitor. 8 EC. I.r.o .1 II t Held, who introduced Oregi h i.p.lcs into tho New York market, :n-n an inns to give Hood Kiver ben ii -;i tn ,! there, and have written MaM'gor Sheiurd asking for a sample shipment. 1 no terry mar ket iu tb..t city ii not tho best just now, Atl'iiiuo const, benies being in poor condition. Over HHi cms miive there daily and briii(: from ,e to iia a pound. Uerrles for the Senators. Six crater of red berries were mTT, aboard tho special train bound for Cel ilo falls last Saturday, taking tho party of United States senators and other dignitaries who attended the exercises at tho iiomal opening of the portage road. The berries were grown by (J. I). Woodwoi'th and (ioergo Mcintosh. They were hirgo three anil a half tier brories, ruuuing HG to tho pound box. That they tickled the taste of the Eastern visitors goes without saving. Those attending the opening of the portage road from Hood Kiver were, K K. Smith, U. U (iilbert, E. O. Hlanchar, A. 1). Moe. Many Hear Mrs. (J raves. Mrs. M. N. (Jraves. of Centrnlia. Wash., national organizer and lecturer of the W. C. T. U., addressed a large and appreciative audience in the Con. groagtional church Sunday morning. Her subject, ' The White Lifo for Two, one standard of purity for miiu aud woman, was most ably presented. Sunday evening in the U. B. church Mrs. Graves addressed a union meet ing of nil the churches, on the sub ject, "How Shall We Save Our Youth?" Her eloquence was most inspiring, her enthusiasm contagions, and ber earn estness enkindled in every heart an intense desire to use every means to save the boys and girls or the land. Mrs. ( i raves is an earnest speaker. deeply interested in the cause she rep resents. At the Churches. liiverside Congregational. W. C. (iil more, pastor. Sabbath school at 10 A. M.; worship and preaching H. Sub ject: "Living Inspired bv New Ex pe.ienoes." Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Address at 8. Episcopal Chapel Key. II. D. Chani liers, pa -i or. Celebration of the Holy ComniMKi 'atioii at morning service with sermon. Evening service at S. All are invited lo these services. rnilniian Mr. Wilbur of Portland will sing a solo at the Unitarian chi.ich Sunday morning. .Mrs. Wiibur will accompany him. Sunday school at pi o clock; preaching service at 11. Subject, "Downright Honesty." Every one invited. O. J. Nelson, pastor. Valley Christian Sunday school at 10 o'clock.; peaching at 11; young people s meeting m the evening with preaching at 7 ::I0. All are , cordially ini ited to attend these services. W. A. Elk ins, pastor. !For Sale or Exchange A M. l mare, welKlit l.HO, tor small team of fioiiics; must ne Keiuie; also one a Inch truck lor llifh. wkkoii.JS II. I'. McKamcv, It. K. I) -l. Saw Filing. All klndd of tnwH llh'ri liv a w f.irUii,.,. residence south went. rornpr'li.iriM.wii.iri., ...i union, Mnod Kiver Huvhl8. Work done on mi'M I I II II 1ft. J 1 Janitor Work .fanllor work done t rearoimhlc nrim-s i.. experienced man. Apply to K. W. I'KOS: i none S7. Notice to Contractors llids wimted to contrnct, n ih-.i..i,..i, ...... busi-mcnl dwe!llmr. I'Ihiis unit .i....iiiM,.ti..,. can he seen at ollice of I'. M. Ilnl..cwi archliect. Sealed bids to he handed In ii. v' W illlanis, owner, on or hefore 5 p.m., June ItNIl'). Kieht reserved lo reieet niiv ..r ..i. bids. . Notice Special Election Notice is herehv urlven that on Monilui- M.u tilth of .lime, imr, at the city hull. In the Vltv ofllo'ifl Hiver. coiinlv ol U'u.in n ui.....u.i election will he held. h wnleh election the qualified voters or stld elly shall vole upon the question whether or not the bonilsof said cily of the denomination of 8100 tojfi.noo as the purchaser may desire, payable In twenty years after date, bearing liiiercst, hi the late of I ner cent ner anuum. in,v.,i,i semi-annually, with Interest coupon's i- tnched. such bonds lo be drawn am! ssm.il in all respects as provided hy 1 lie charier of said cltyand uvKrcBailnK in amount the sum nf I,HI shsll he Issued for the purpose ol'liuil.l liiK and const! ticilng said water svsieni, and also to raise a fund not exceeding SI.Siki to re imburse said elly of Hood Hive, l,,r ll... chase prlct of said spring uml Ineidentii i ex penses couneciea inerewllh. w hich said elec tion will be held at S n'clm-k In the in,, mi,. and will continue unl.117 lu the afteruiaiu ol said day. llaled thlsiith day of June, 1!)5. j. k. IvicKciseu, l lty Keconler. House and two lots in addition. 700. For Sale at Mount Hood, Hie Ilclmer store building and 5 acres, tSHM). 20 acres at Mount HihkI for sale, run ning an acre. On the county road nppusile ISaldwiu's. Fine business lot on main ttreet for f ItiOO on installment, or $1500 cash. tl?3 acres at lielniont, 6 acn 8 in cul tivation, cottage aud outbuildings, 150 apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres alfalfa, $1300; $7r0 or more cash. New ti-roomed cottage, patent bath and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $2100; terms reasonable. Two lots centrally located, f550. Two lots, new 6-roomed house, patent bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $1700. Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by 140, on the hill, (1200; terms reasonable. Fur Sale WOOD acres pine timber; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 planing mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day ; 1 store and stock of merchandise, about $3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon building, rented ; 3 houses, rented; 10 head horses and harness ; 9 road wag ons, 3i H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 head hogs; (100 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All located at and near Hilgard, Ur. For Sale New two-story 9-room house; Stranahan addition ; $1100; terms easy. 14 acres across the road from the M. M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre. Terms easy. A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some free irrigating water, 11 miles from Bar rett school house, $1,1(X). Hanna house and lot, $2,000. For Sale The Henderson ranch, for merly owned by J. K. Galligan; 00 aero. 30 cleared; orchard; strawberries; clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large ' 2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced. Price f 10,000. lirook runs through ranch. Easy terms; telephone; "rural delivery. Four miles from Hood Hiver. One goat ranch on mountain east of valley on county road. Trice $1,500; has small house, running water, and is fenced. Terms, easy. For Rale lleaiitiful lots in Park addi tion, center of town, from $200 to $300. b. 100 acres at White Salmon: fine timber land; $10 an acre. y. The o-acre place in Crapper neigh borhood, knov n as the Kenshaw place; all improved; new buildings, etc. I-ots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Wauconia ad dition; improved; price $1,000; )-j or more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent. Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24 a year; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase $20 a year for the two. For Sale Heeidenee on State street at head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale or Exchange for Hood Kiver property Fine residence in business center of Sumpter. Money to loan. Ten acres improved, on While Sal mon river; $1000. 21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Emporium are kept first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre puieii io no uie won: oi laving out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. JOHN" LKI.AXD HKMIEHSON, City Engineer. Administratrix Notice! Noliee Is hereby tflvt nn order isu il lis i M. lor the t mint v ( uu, i ! i iss. of I lie n'h t In pursuance to li.in. A. K. Ijike, Judxe i.r Mi., i-tui. .. ............ fur Wasco t in, ni y, diitcd nl The Iinlles, ore-' .May p., r.Kl.i, Hie unilersiirneil. I'lioehu has been npno.nied sole uiliiiiiiisiiHti-iv' lute nl' U'm w l.,,.... .1 ......i i..,.. .. . , , ,, . i iiweii, iiii !(oii 111 v r' " aseo i iiunty, Ktate of Ore All persons having clnltns sijiilnsl said ca tale are requested to present them, duly veri fied, tn me, u! (he otiiee ol K. 11. Hurtivltr il.iod Kiver. nreuon, within six (li) months from the date or this notice. Puled this J.llh day of Mav. A. f., 1!B l'llOKHK KOSM, ' . Administratrix. Rooms To Rent Urge nicely furnished front room for two with hoard, also I d wilhmit loom. Mrs hmncan, Fourth and Klver streets. ja) Two liartlv-furnislieil r.wnnu r,.r n..i..T7.Tr.7r" k- ,u - - --..-...t. iicn, ii'lllIW .ecpinif. Inoulreof Mrs. H. M. Huxlev. on Kiver street. For COinfortllhle riMIIIW on ear lln,, ...1.1 . Mis. Henry H. Lewis, 1 !' ( ential avmn. Mi I llbor slat ion. Lost. Lewis and Clark envelooe nuntuhilm. u ,.iu of fancy work. Iteturn to Hooth s store. Ii3 stolen-Humbiy niwrlit. Mm- '.'s ni-, u 1.....1 i..-lonainir to Itny lllil. I'he'wheel was taken from Ihe Inmt porehof the II. n. parsonage, b.'iM-cen 111 i. in. and a. in. Am- i........ iiinlshlngsullieienl evidence that will lead o the conviction of raid thief, mav have '"tne Information at IT. It. parsonage and re vive reward. HAY 11 ILL. Found. A clean and quiet place for a night s rest. new building with new turnishinvs ih,-,,.,.,i,. onl. The only plsi-e In the city ol Hon Isnd in suring first-class service during the Kfljl per fnir tniiike re ervntions enrlvi alUwC, ,,, K. A. Ilenilerson, linoil kiver Airenl. Endeavor, 3:30 p. m. Christiun En deavor, 0:4.") p. in. PreiiebittL' at 7 ::n All are cordially invited. Rev. .T s Khoads, pastor. lielmont M. K. Church. H. ('. Clark. pastor. Services, lielmont: Sunday school at 10a. m.; Class meeting atll a. m. ; hpworlh Lcairue 7 t. in. : iireueh. ing every Sunday evenim? and .! Son. nay in month at 11 a. m.; Prayer meet mg Thursday 7:30 p. m. Services at Pine Grove same as above except preae1 - mg, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at II a. m. Crapper. 1st and 3d SimHavs at 3:30; Sunday school at 2:30. Mnuiit lloiHi. l lie 4th ISumiav at 11 a. m Sunday school at 10 a. m. An Initiative and Keferendum petition for e.iial anUrage amendment, t'nntalnau ihhii-K-i ol siKiiuiiiic-.. Please return to anv niein her eipial suirnige club. Amana U.' Wlilte heiid, president; Julia Knapp, vice-presldeni; hllen Illount, si!crelary. ja Hook containing bank deposit slips and cheeks uiiiouniing lo over J 1, 5ml: was left at rrohn .V lleatfin's store. Monilne uvb owner may have same by Identifying sunie and paying for this ad. Notice. 1 he psrlnershlp heretofore existing between V; . l'l,Us"l"t Halph Heed, under the firm nf Hood Uiveri'igarl'o, Is lierebv dissolved bv niulual consent, and all hills owing bv or in wild linn will he collected or paid by Ralph Heed. H i-,..rs KAi.i'h K.MI. Notice. Notice is hereby trivcti lo l) II l;i,...t .... .. er of hl iek and while bull, that he was' V ken "i ii j. r. 1 1 1 1 1-:. ,ru .mhv ::n. iimiv Thai the said owner luketlie said hull awav nnd pay charges, tin n k ep him conllned. If net taken awav within ten days s.ime will be "d ertised and sold. J. P. HlI.LSTKoM. Huptist. Regular preaching services at Carmichael'g hull every 1st and 3d Sunday moining and evening; Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Cove' nnnt and business meeting the first Wednesday night in each mouth. J. H. Spight, pastor. Methodist Preaching at II a. m. and 8 p- m ; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep worh league p. in. Praver meetimr Thursday evening. All cordially in vited. W. C. Evans, pastor. United Brethren. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Junior John Hunt, one of Oregon's oldest pinners, lias built a miniature corn crib, to represent the kind of crib used by the Oregon farmers in the old territorial days, which lie will exhibit at the Lewis and Clark exposition. Notice. To Whom it noi v concern : Notice is hereby given Unit claims for dam ages ciiiw.il hy Irrigation water escaping on Ihe roads in Inslri.-t No. 5. will be presented t" tlie county court fur collection J-"!1 H. F. Khl. KM AN, Supervisor In Hisirict No, S. Notice. LIPPINGOTl MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best In Current Literature 12 Completic Novel Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 pen year ; 25 cts. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF To the stockholders of the Mt. Valley Water t o., that there will be held a special meeting Mom.iiy. .lum s. I,,,. ,,. prp,S(, of amniliI1 tin hy-iaws and any oilier business that may eonie helore the meeting. .1. L. (iron. Seeretnry. A Beautiful Home Why imy rent when 25 per cent, down and f 10 per month will buy sight ly lots in Cue's addition? Lota" facing north on State Mroet, corners and in side, wilh every inducement as an iu-ve-tment. MHgnilicent homes all amiind these properties. 27 inside lots m d 14 corners slill left. See me at once if d pay en more rent. El.WIX X. HKNUEIISON, Agent.