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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
FRANK All day FRID Our whole force will work early and late to get our entire stock from 15 to 50 per cent, to be ready After which, until Feb. 1, 1906, you can buy everything less than manufac- 1 1 hirer's cost. Yours for business, money. See what e lilt IKK LOCAL .UAl'JERH. For sale. Some of the finest lota on lie hill, fronting tin- river. Also lots in Riverview park nnd Idlewild. See V. J. linker. Just received New line Lewis and Clark souvenir pins. Ci-1 1 to see them Et Clarke's the jeweler. 50 acres on the East Side, 2) miles out. 10 u r res in vuung orchard. A snap. V. J. MAKER. Do ynn want, ti nt prescription filled accurately mid wild just what t lie doc tor o.dercd? Then take it to Clarke's. Shinirles. See us for best prices. Oregon Lumber Co. Use Willi mi.-' tnti sciitie hair tonic and keep off i'-av hairs. Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same day order is received. Oregon Lumber Co. All watch, Cb.i ! and jewelry repair work guaranteed by Clarke, the jeweler. Muntic, wall nod eookoo clocks on easy term" Clark's. ItiO aires, li miles from Mosier sta tion, on main -oiid; pood spring ; $ir an acre; will 'iviile: 'ine apile land. Also other M'sier nr .p rty. W.. I. linker A Co. Call and examine my new line of watches I can save you money. Clarke, the jeweler. I guarantee a lit in glasses. Clark ', the optician and jeweler. 1 i you live in this part of the coun try? Then bnv home-made fruit tv-ves They are all right ami the ppices are right. At Davidson Fruit Co. A new line of Walkover -hoes just re ccived at t lie new store of Vogt l!ros. Complete set of lilacksmithing tools for sale; also will sell or lease shop! well-established business. Located ill Hood River. V. .1. Hiker fc Co Home-made sausage, bologna, minced bam, pressed beef, etc., at Hobnail's. Order vour Sunday dinner at Hotel Wuu-Uvvhi-tiwin, Sa'inrd.i, Morning. Fine line of meats anil iroceiics for berrj pickers, at llolnian'e. Our CrocHery Depart ment is a hlaze of attraction these days; if you want to see sounthiog preltv come ill and spend a little time looking over our new dishes: it will lie a mu tual pleasure. Ice Cream Freezers, Ice cream set-, water pitchers, paper napkins, lemonade sets, lemon squeezer-!, lemonade sKaners, ice p'i'ks, ice shavers, etc. Mine price Fruit Canning Time will soon lie here. Fruit jar tops, rubbers, funnels, wrenches, seal ing wax, jelly wax, jelly glasses, tin fruit cans, stone jars, preced ing kettles, granite ladles and spoons, cherry seeders. Little prices. Bird Cages llrass and fancy painted, witli and w ithout screens, I bird cups, bird baths, cage hooks, springs, chains, mru seen in pack ages with cuttle bone, bird gravel, nest baskets, etc. Little prices Th n'&JFUx j0$sl. .... Begs to announce that the aTO-DAT Will be closed Saturday, J FOR OUR GREAT COP Which has been fully explained on another page. Telephone orders will be filled, but NO OTHER SELLING will take place until SATURDAY, JUNE 3d. we offer before sending Upato Do you use Lath? (iet our price and compare it with that of competitors. You will make money this way. Ore gon Lumber Co. Krohn Heaton, the Ideal market, on the heights, will treat you rijrbt. See I'rohii & Heiiton on the heights for nice, dry lli-inch stove wood. Fine potatoes fur seed and table use ut Kmhn & Heaton's, the heights. Walk-over shoes all the latest lusts, at the New Store. Vogt liros. If you have not contracted your berry erates with the Davidson Krui Co., Iietter do so quick and get the benefit of the reduced prices at which contracts ure now being made. I Well, don't vou see that if vou wish to see well, you should see Clarke the optician. Guaranteed work in glass lilting. To make room fur new stock all cut glass will be closed out at cost. Clarke the jeweler. liny your berry crates and fruit hoxes at the Hood Hiver bo fnctorv. They are homemade and the fruit sells in top prices when packed in them. Hood Hiver fruit deserves good boxes, and when you buy from tlx? Hood River box foctory you are sure of a supply when vou want them. Our prices are right, itavidson Kruit Co. Stein-Iiloek clothing beats them all Vogt HroH. For n good hat, buy a Gordon at Vogt liros. A delightful place to rest at Hotel Waii-Gwin-Gwin after your Sunday din ner. For groceries, Hour, meats, fresh and suit k to Krohn A Heaton the Ideal market on the heights. Patrons of the Fast Fork Irrigating Co. can have water at $.".(K)as usual by giving written notice to C. It. Iloneor 0. C. Massiker terms cash, Fast Fork Irrigating company, by C. R. Hone, president. I'.lne Vitrol at Clarke's 7c a pound. Dout forget the place Hotel Wau-Gwin-Gwin, for Sunday dinners, 7oc. f . . . f Mrs. Mawn received the Lew-Hod Clark F.iir ticket last week. The fair will lie ope i this week ami the ticket w ill be made available at your convenience, good for HO d iv s returning. Coupon with each dollar purchase Men's Underwear Sum mer meigl t, eb'S'ic Jersey ribbed, light blue, excellent wearing ga--nieiit", u-ual 5 c values, shirts and drawers, 8oc per garment Near Cut Glassware can hardly ted il from cut glass, very beautiful in aparunce, lcrry bow Is, water piichers, sugar howls, cream pitchers, cake plates, water glasses, syrup jugs, salt mid pep per shakers, lion bon dishes, etc. Nickle Plated Ware l.le gant in apiiearan.e and serviie able. Tea and coffee pots, tea kettles, svrup pitchers, lea sets, trays, bath room fixtures, baking dishes, sugar tillers, mugs, etc' Thev ae nice and cost but a little , I.I .11 A JUNE 2d ORATION FRANK. A, CRAM. away. We will save you big money. V. H. Hone has a few tons of wheat clover and timothy hay left at, hi ranch and at the Livingston place that he will sell. Sunday dinners at Hotel Wau-Gwin Gwin, 75c. F. (i. Coe makes ironing hoards. Dinner served at Hotel Wati-Gwiu-Gwin Sunday from V2::'A) to 2:M() p. m. Get a meat safe of F. G. Coe and defy the Hies. F. G. Coe is fully equipped to make and hang window screens in a Hrst-class manner. Now that all important ipiestion is settled the next thing is the rim; a line new line of engagement and wedding rings. I'riccs right. Ciarke the jeweler. A Fair Proposition. Lewis i Clark Fair bats at fair prices to he worn by all fair women to the fair of 11105. If you haven't got the carfare walk there, but be sure to call at Mine. Abbott's and get a fair bat. Xetv Today. Patronize home industry bv buying your window screens of F. G. ( 'oe. Are y u going camping ? F. G. Coe makes tent poles. Save Your Cherries . C. Hulcher, of San lose, Calif., w ill be here shortly, to buy cherries. Do notiontract for the sale of your fruit until you see him. G. I). Wood worth. Wanted at Once A four or live-room house. Apply to C. II. S'.etlcn, caie of R. li. Hragg iV Co. Tho ladies of the I'nptist church wish to announce that, they will ron tiuue their Saturday sales of good tilings to oat every week until the close of tho berry seanon. Their did icacies are dispensed in the Tweedy building, on the heights next door to Holinnii's store. We are now prepared to Jill your or ders with as good meat, as can he bought in town. Wo assuro the pub lic, that we will show our nppreehi- THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES Souvenirs A new In of very cute no-tals. souvenir view s. vv ateli fobs, match boxes, knive-, ;ati. mirrors, aluminum trays, snavcni' spoons, purses, limn' '.ejitie-, haulers, pin cushions, paper weigids, Indian basket!., bead work, etc. Little price. Ladies'Gaute Combin ation Suits you will appre ciate I le in tor - uionier w ,n . wet i made, nicely trimmed wil l uash-ab!(- lace, vcry elaborate. .Vic gar Mosquito Netting, white, green ami bine, adjustable win dow screens, fly traps, tanglefoot fly paper, poison fly paper, wire tly killers, etc., to get rid of the Hies. Little prices Nem Music Hundreds ,,f copies of all the late popular mu sic and new publications ci lining :.. .ii ,i... : i. ...... Ill HI! IIIC UllllT. 11 l'll Willi! Pi'lil' jm. thilia neip and u'i emi sho ... ' "" , : : , V you. i.ittie pric AM recuced in price tion of their patronage by promptness, neatness and politeness and will also show our good weight. Respectfully yours, Mayes Bros. .Mis. C. 11. Vaughau visited in The Dalles last, week. M. ('. Mott expects to leave shortly for Lane county, wnerc lie will locate among the timbers on the Suislaw. The Ladies' Aid society of the Con gregational church will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Geo T. I'ratber. Segregating the population of The Dalh s it is found I hat we lotve "J2S7 male residents and 10:15 females. There are til! Chill, linen, 24 Japenese, 11 Negroes and 2S Indians residing within the city limits. Chronicle. N. W. Jackson, w ho owns some apple land near Captain Jackson's farm, was up from I'ortl mil the first of the week. Mr. Jackson expects to be here later to make Hood 1'iver his home. He is at present employed in the street ear ser vice oi Portland. The picture of P. F. Fonts of Hood Hiver appears among those of tho grad uate.-' of t he law department of the Uni- ! vei siiy of Oregon. Mr. Fouls is presi- dent oi bis class. The graduates will 1 go to Salem to take the final examina tions for admission to t lie bar. The ' class numbers IS. ! Dr. Cooper and bis sou, W. F. I Cooper, returned last Thursday from tlieir trip to Iowa, where they went I to Htraigiiten up some business anil i to bring their household goods for i their Hood Kiver home. Dr. Coopor's I daughter, Torinda, returned with bin), also Miss Zajicek, who will teach i music. A largo party left here yesterday I morning for Hood River with tents land camping utensils prepared to ! live out doors and have a good time. Some will pick strawberries and nil ! will eat. Included in the party were Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Starret, .Mr. and Mrs Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, Misses Jessie Greer, Mabel Shipley, i F.llio Wright, Myrtle and Florence I Dennis. Forest Urovo Times. r Prof. L. A. Henderson of the chair of botany, nt the I'uiversily of Idaho, I at Moscow, is in the city on a visit to his mother, whom ho found in very I good health, considering her advanced i age. Mrs. Henderson resides at her ! count rv home two miles southwest of the city. She is able to sit up most of the day. Prof. Henderson was on his i return from a trip to Olvmpia and Port llaml. ! Judge Henderson states that the ; D -adpoint Development Co. will have the tracts of land at Forsythe on the I market in ii few weeks. Tbe land will i be d'sp"scd of ill parcels of live and . ten acres. Twenty men ine now bu-y 'constructing an irrigation system for Mhe new townsite. The coin. any ha" 1 expended about $2000 in iin, ,'ovenieiits ! incident to placing this tract on the 'market. An easy grade will soon he const meted to the laud. Senator Lougbary of Polk canity, is spending the.week in Hood Hiver with ; his sisters, Irs. .1. L. Ilershner, and ! Mrs. O. A. Wolverton. As the senator ; is an ardent disciple of Iza.ik Walton, j he is spending part of the Week whii I ping some of the streams of Hood River 1 lor the b'stive trout. During the recent ! session of the Oregon legislature, Sena I tor Lougbary was one of the most ear I nest workers lor the formation of !';- cade county. I lis ri sidence is at Dallas. The Mi-ses Florence and Ft he I Sharpe, sisters of Mrs A. C. Lofts, of this if y, arrived last Friday night, af ter a two weeks' trip, from lindoii. While crossing the Atlantic the young : belies experienced a rough trip. The I ship's lifeboats were provisioned and I prepared to lower, but the steamer, the Every Saturday Evening' Fnun How until the close of the Lewis and Clark I'iir we w;ll give awav one round trip ticket to Portland includ ing one admission to the Fair. You can have your Choice going by boat or rail and the tickets will be good any time you may select to go during the Fair. We give a numbered coupon with even dollar purchase, which gives you a chance to g"t i he above. These will be given in addition to our regular trade' tickets s i you can get your premiums j just the same. Remember a ticket given j away eveiy week. These will be four' given away before the opening of the Fair. BOOTH'S ft J. E. RAND i Best stock of li Ip vl v' Smith Block I'onicranian, w ea! iiere 1 the storm ami leached port in safety, Th" you'll belies broiinht Mr. I. oils, I'min I oinlon, a special setting of choice hens' eiru-', which came through in spleinbil shape. The Mi-sen Sharpe will luake their home in Hooil Hiver with Mr. ami Mis. I. olts. II. I.. is speielin; a week in I'orlian.l. Mrn. W. M. Stewnrt visited in The 1 lallea lust week. Alfalfa, clover ami wheal will soon be icaily for the lir-t eutliiii! A full crop is promised. M. K. McCarty ,,f the I'aris ia r nutile a business trip to I'orlland the lirst of the week. K. ). (iill'ord of Seattle i- in the city the k'lio-t of his, brother in law, II. W. l'enler. Mrn. J. A. Crossen nf Valhu. (!ulif. , iw in thiH city, the wr-t of Mr. mid MrH. Ftiinl! A. ('rain. Mrs. II. M. N i.-ki I i. li oi lieli, em ha the t hanks of tie- ilaeie' for a ho o line Mrawherries Tie" heriies weie lieailtien, hi thrci" inel a half tier fruit. J. .1. Ilii'shin ine r. pitent aid peus'oii attorney of I'ortlaiel, was t Viiiisael iie; liusinesM in lloml Kiu-i Si'urday. While here he iitti'ii h' ! a nu "tiny of I'anhy post, (i. A. I: Mrs. Amelia lur';s, of Maine, has purchased the Teiiold hoe.s I lot, on I he hei.'hts, amlwiil move here with her fainilv. The deal was made throii.'h II. M. Abbot I : consiil. latiou. flHiM). The Hood Hiver (I i r i n ir mi.l is com peUrd to (.-rind niyht and dav Pi till or d"rs. Ilocul Kiver Hour is evideiiHv i."iniii! a reputation foinelhiie' like i lo n kjver apples and st raw bei rles. Mi.s. Toiik'Ii of I'ortlinl visited with Mr. and Mm. S. I), tinnier the flrrt i;f th week. Mr. and .Mrs. li. . l'i-k of Portland were al-o ruest.. duiiiiK the week of Mr. und Mrn. (iar ner. N. I). Kanford, the coiiiiiiissio'i n:ei chant of (.'ascade Locks, was in the city Tuesday to attend the .Mem orial day services. .Mr. Sanlord served ihroiiihout the war as a mom of (.'o. K, luith Illinois. Ir. K T. t'arns letnrne.l la-t week I ! 1 1 I. "s Angeles a to I l'a-ei!"iia. where he spent the winter, and foe In that it w a - of Is in (it to his health. M is. ( ' ini" and son, who have been visitiiur with lelatives in Portland during the doctor's aliS"iice in California, returned with l-iin. ir. Carnes is silud to return lo Ibi d Ki'er. I'Ms idem i- a very pretty i"-oit, he says, but no coiinlry has the pnii" water Hiel fine K'liiniier air that are to be found at ITkhI kiver. WE ARE Closing' Out Our entire line of CORSETS Here is your opportnity to get a dependable article at cost. Among the late arrivals in millinery aie the : DucK and Lingerie liats Just the thing to wear with light shirt waists TRUNKS and BAGS Look them over We are going to help you get ready to do the Fair on Saturday, the 27th. We will give you free with every man's suit sold any $3.00 hat in thel house that you may choose. You will find our suits the latest cuts and styles and prices equal to any. Remember Saturday, May 27i We have three of the hest running mates in shoes. SELZ ROYAL BLUES for men, UTZ & DUNN for ladies and the RED SCHOOL HOUSE for boys and girls. We have them in all leathers and all the new lasts. Corns in and let us fit your feet with these famous shoes Our stock of groceries and crock ery is full and complete. Give us a trial and see if ours is just as good and just as cheap as the other fallow. J. E. RAND Helieii it Hiindei'K Heciired n colli rnet lust week to erect, a iMInll coltane for llerniiin ( Irosser on the Knst Hide. MisM l'rudeuce l'nltors.on of The I Milli'i was in Hood llivor during the week, the uiicst of M isv .olota Ki l.-ay. Word conies from The Halles that Ivirl l!ol.:ivds, who vas operated on for appeie licit is Inst Friday, i" yell iter mIdiil? very nieolv. Snow A- Upson, the blacksmiths, I ale 1 1 1 u ii I n 1 their machine shop day land niht. cnmplet.ini; work for their j tiiauy cu.t.oniei a. i .Mr. and Mr.s. I''. S. Stanley and i daughter were Hood Kiver visitors, i lust I'l-iday. Air. Stanley is presi i dent of tho First Nat ionnl bank of this ;city. j I!. W. Davidson, of North Dakota, who was here on a isit with A. ('. Buck and family three months ayo, stopped over Sunday here, on his re turn to the Fast,. I ). If. Watson of l.itchlleld, Neb., is in tlm city the nuosl. of Ki. K. l!radl"V and family. Mr, Watson and Mrs. 1'iiadley uoie formerly neighbors in Nehraska. Mr. Wat. -on i.s seeking a local ion in t lie We-t. Iuilo Al I. like was, down fnun The Dulles, last Saturday lookim.' lifter his ranch, thiee miles south of thia city. The judye says his starw bei 1 ies 1110 turniiur out. even better than he hurl hoped for, and that his, clover is luak iii line iirowth. Lake A' llolton ex pect to harvest Km tons, of clover this summer on this, place. HricU woik on the I hree story an moi to the bio store of Stewarl, the hou -e fiirnisl er, is Hlinpinx up rapid !'.'. Kav Hill, whose bicycle whs stolen Sunday nh;!P. bo;:e the peison who took the v heel is l aviiiL'n yood time, an I that he will keep the bicycle well iilt i moI oil' his porch, for fear it limy pa- into othi r hands. If ymi have a vvl ei I hotter keep it old. of reach of tie I ievcl" pickers, shj-h Mr. Hill. Mr. Ihii""".viirt called to 1'ortlnild I t 1 ok. her mother bavim; met with i' 1 'i 'is fall. Mrs. Krice is e. :i'i i hole t OIIIOITOW. ve! 1 I 1'ol insoii and Marion Siroat T t'i : e (I'ove were in The Dalle bit Fti 'i e. the yiistH of Misrt .Mabel Kid ct d ,i-s ;i Cooper, who clo.-eil a very , 1 "( i.s fi. term of school last week in th - e'oeet Ilocul district, left Friday v t e ii y for a visit w it li friends at t he li. II" s Mi-s Cooper will spend the nvi.nrr r n her hone-tend at Mount Hooil. She had 1 ecu retained Ha prin cipal of the Mount Hood ochool. RNAPFiS Agx-tit for standard patterns and publications. Jj Designer, 10 cents. H Hood River I'honc 5H1 Tree Deiivery Mrs. ChurloH Smith arrived from Hood Kiver IiihI Friday to lie present at, the commencement exi icio-ns, daughter, Miss Lizzie Davis., heicn one of Hie (.T diiul,en. (Tironichi. iliuepb llolden, who roomily at tempted suicide at, Mount Hood, vi.d taken to The Dulles, last week, win re Dr. Donne ex ined the iiiim, mid judged him to be insane. Hidden is, about :til years old. lie will be placed in the asj him at Salem, unless, relatives in the ca.-.t make other nr niii!ementa. John McCain of Tacoma who for tho past month has been the i.'iiept of Mr. and Mrs. .lames T. Weurt, who recently leiiHed the linker fruit ranch, left Mon day for Seattle, w hero be will do lid -vortisine; work for the l'ost Inteil: H"iieer. Mr. Weart expected to accom pany him to Seattle, but'Mra. Weart h is not been well the past week or two. Mrs. (iriivos, national iMunizcr of the W. C. T. U., will lecture at the First rnitiiriau church of this city, Saturday evening of this week. S 'i- In V 111111 li i UK she will h ppea r 1 t t hi) lli'.ershlo Coiurrei;iitoniil clo 11 h. end at, the I'. I!, church in the oveniiiK Kohert l.eiisure of Mount Hood o 'ti a ir'jotl horse Wednesday morning. TI n aiiimal was taken siik Sidnnlay w il h what the vereiinary suriou terii ' l liver t roiihlo. Deacon David. -nit unuoiiuccH (I it the Dn i'lsoii I'ruit ('o. is comiiie 'o the front with a 1 a' kiliK house at I' 1 himny ( birdons, W'xl'J. I. I'. Ivan of White Saltnor a tin m ber of the Ulickitut COI'i'ty I oild of 'iimniissioner.s, was in Hood liiv r, W M.'nesday. W. K. Fci les and K. I'.icles o' ' den rcei-tend Sunday I i-;. i ..L 1 lo Mount ood hiotel. (!. K. WnrroiiH and urn are i p from I'orll iiid to look alter tho hi i ry In I've,-1 on Mi adovv lirook farm. St,. Marks (liiild will meet with Mis. Ij. C. Ilaynes, Wednesday, June 7. A supply of broom Fiiks mid a ions made by St.. Marks ( in ild, idwuvs on sale at the residence of Mrs. I. Clark. Olhcial announcement of t Le promo tion of W. C. tiedilcs is out f i ilil the olliee of the ireon I, umber Co. in this city. Mr. I ieddes (joes to V lento June I . M. N. Sanborn and dauh'er of De troit Minn., is in the city the uiiest oft'. I', Dakiti and family. Mr. Sanborn and Mr. Dakin were old iieinaintani"s in Minnesata Mr. Saul'oMi is luekii.g or a location in the West, I lev. and Mrs, t). .1 . Nelson left today for liclliiiKham und Kverett, Wash, J! A : JLi 1 Pi : ? i