HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THUh-BDAY, JUNE 1, 1905 -NT 1 I'- nil V ; a,? 1 a I b wmimJmmmKl - - J i 1 t - - - -1 1- ...J,L-A..t - AT T U T A Era TO cJ r1 rn d5 tfaffi rEftL. Jfc& Will close out This entire stock at wholesale prices before Febuary 1, 1906. 'THIS does not mean that we will discontinue business operations in Hood River. We make this sacri fice in order to go into business on a larger scale than ever. The growing conditions in Hood River requires a larger capital, therefore, we have decided to incorporate this business with a larger work ing capital, backed by some of the most responsible men in Oregon. We propose to add new lines, and carry on a general business, making such changes from our present system, as seem desirable. This sale is absolutely honest as wTell as necessary. We want as great a volume of cash, and as small a stock of goods, as possible, to turn into the proposed stock company. I shall continue in the management of the new company and will have better facilities for handling the business than ever before. We will be in a position to take care of all our customers' requirements, and do it right. Our store will be closed all day FRIDAY, JUNE 2d Our force will proceed to mark everything' down. Only telephone orders filled while store is closed. Great vSale Begins vSatarday, JU N '''jM1'''' fjjjjto0 4tg0 JCi CiWO !aufthtere en Saturday, June 3, 1905 and February 1, 1906 For the next 228 days this Great Carnival of Bargains will attract the atten tion of every man, woman and child, within a radius of 100 miles. We must sell, not only our present immense stock, but also all fall goods., as our fall contracts are already placed and we must receive the shipments. Our loss will be your gain, however, which is a satisfaction in itself. We realize that to reduce this immense stock in a few days or weeks is impossible, hence we will take the next 228 days and reduce the price of every thing from 15 to 50 per cent except agency lines such as Butterick patterns, Coates thread, etc., which are contract goods. Dry goods, Ladies' Ready-made Suits, Skirts, Jackets, Capes, Waists, Muslin Underwear, Dress Gjoi3, Silks, Wash Goods, Lace Curtains, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads, Blankets, Towels, Table Linens, Draperies, Portiers, Rugs, Silkiline, Calicoes, Ginghams. Outing flannels, etc., Mens7 clothing, Single pant3, Fancy vests, Under wear, Shirts, Boys' and Youths' clothing, Single pants, Shirts, Sweaters, Hats. Mens' and Boys' sines, Ladies' and Children's shoes. All come in for the general slaughter. Don't buy unless we save you from 15 to 50 per cent on everything. Look on the other side for a slight index to our splendid stock and remember that space will not permit us to mention but a few items in this TTTTH) A TVT A f a "TV r immense gathering of goods. YOURS TRULY, J? Lll JTa. ii.,lLjMu N. B.-Mail orders from outside towns will get the same benefit, on all orders sent us during-this great sale.