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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
HOOD KIVER GLACIER, THUhdDAY, JUNE 1, 1905 I ODELL SEES IMPROVEMENTS IN UPPER VALLEY By Roawoll Shelley. Odell, East Hood River Valley, May 30 The mecca of our lastt observation trip through the country wai the Mount Hood bridge, on the Cloud Cup Inn road. The day wag an ideal one. All Nature, cloned with frenh neHg and beauty, extended her glad hand. Lunch over, we seated ourselves upon the ereeu trans-plot beneath spreading oaks and lulled by the mimic of the restless river, together with the noise of the faithful borse as he bit the tender bludes of grass, or switch the flies, we quite forgot ourselves for the moment, and as we peered above us through the green leafy trees into the matchless sky above, the dreamland thought came to us. But the reality is good enough. We are glad it Is not a dream. The fragrance of the flowers and the rippling of the water Is like the laughter of children, and we wander buck through memory's lane to the dear old haunts of childhood. Oht those preoious days that were free from guile, when life was one glad gong. While those days will never come back to us, yet 'tis comforting to know that gome hearts never grow old, and although the bair is grey and the step becomes feeble, yet if we do not resits it, there will always 1 a ruspousive chord in the heart that is touched and quickened by these tempting baths in nature, that if followed leads us into the mysteries of the forest and away from the things that so vex and annoy us in the thick est of the battle of life. Applying this to life, may we not Anally march valiantly across the buttle field of life and then reach the plain of victory? Almost a year had elapsed since we bad been in the Mount Hood section, and in many places along the road we note substantial improvements, as well as the development of laud. MM I r You will see on tho grounds but one stylo of soda foun tainthe new Twentieth Century. This fountain 1ms been adopted to be used exclusive of all others be eause of its perfect protection to health. t By coming fnto our store you can see one of the sarin? style fountains the only perfectly sanitary ones in use. When tired and thirsty make our store and ice cream parlor your headquarters for a quiet rest and enjoy a cool, refreshing drink, or try our sodas made from Town send's White Clover Ice Cream combined with our Twentieth Century Pure Fruit Flavors. At the same time if you will give us your drug orders, while you are enjoying your sodas, your medicines will be prepared for you in a reliable and up-to-date manner. Smith Block. Who has had over forty years experience in Iowa is opening JEWELRY STORE HOOD Notably among these are tho follow ing: Mr. Dumas, who has built a modern house and substantial barn, and leased the old improvements and land to V. V. Willis. Mr. Bush, who has a part of the Fredenborg place, has shown his faith in that section by clearing, improving and planting to trees and berries quite a tract. He has made a wonderful improve ment in the appearance of the place since moving thore. Dr. Shaw, with his log cottage, with shingle gables and dormer windows, and a fine young orchard, which is planted to berries, has one of the nicest places along the line. The premises are neat and well kept, while the plan of the house is novel and picturesque. Dr. Shaw's enterprise is worthy of im itation. Mr. Ijarwood has cleared the timber in front of his house, which looks cozy and homelike. With an electric line looping the valley and covering the Mount Hood country, that portion of the valley will develop rapidly and laud will double in value. Hood Kiver valley is surely destined to be a vallfty of independent homes that will soon bo tk. f oil H.u Mnrtliuxiuf Aiwi .l m Tl 1L. II. . I.,. I wnyr xiocHiise wjo qouiity ui ilh pi o ducts justify it. We found the roads smooth and nice all the way to the bridge, which is the result of good work on the part of road suprviuor, Juke Lenz. The work done last year tells now, for it did not require the work this season that was done lat year. A good road supervisor should be retaiud in definitely, for good roads are a good advertiser for any community. Last week the score of 1 to 11 in favor of the Bulldogs, as publiuned in the Ulacier, should have read 10 to 11. Please give Odell 9 more. They neod them this season. The Odell brothers, R. S. Shelley and William and Dane Kemp are all at work for the Dead Point Develop ment Co. A large spring is being tapped there that will lead water over u,i ute au area of good land, which will be reclaimed anil prove valuable. Strawberry picking about Odell is just begiuuing, and by the end of the week tliis section and Willow Flut will be alive with pickors. The pros pect for quality of the berry was nev er bettor. ..While at the Fair... KEIR & CASS, Reliable IN- Tho Bone &. Woods saw mill in Dukes Valley is running on full time, turn ing out flume lumber that will soon convey irrigating water to Odell. The advent of the water will prove a red letter day for this neighborhood. Clare Crocket left lust Saturday for Shanico. He will probably spend the summer there. The reul estate department of the Little White Store offers one of the best bargains in the valley on an 80 acre tract of land eleven miles out, abutting on the Mount Hood road, it has ) trees, part bearing this sea son ; line meadow and good improve ments. Part of the land is under the ditch. Small rash payment; balance easy terms. It will actually pay you to fall down over some one to get to this bargain first. C. U. Bono is a busy niau these days. He seems to hold the key to the situutiou on the Kust sido, for when he presses the button that turns ou the water the land produces. Last Sunday being pleasant brought many people on the pike, going to and returning from the fads and up and down the Mount Hood road. The fine condition of the roads at presont is an inducement for people to take a drive. Dr. Johnson, an old friend of Dan Smith, is here from Illinois. He is much pleased with our valley and in tends buying land for his son, who will move out here. In this vicinity land is cheap compared with the hind more favorably situated near town. There is plenty of good apple hind south and west of Odell which can be bought for $25 and up, and not fur from Odell, the hub of East Hood Kiver valley. It will pay strangers to look this way before purchasing. Tho systematic and thorough devel opment work at Willow Flat during the past throe years is now speaking for itself. The hot air period has passed. On the Flut and in this sec tion more than 100 acres of potatoes have planted m the young orchards, and it is now up to us to seek a spud market outside the valley. The Little White Store has two or three tons of hay for sale. They also have nut 1 1 ml ice for sale, made from Druggists. J pure spring water. This ice is de-! llvered to the Chan. Davis place. j tain friends who will soon visit us. j Most everybody about here is. J. M. 1 McDonald tells me he is looking for friends from the East, and in order In ulw... .1 1U. ..II.,R kaj lir.i-i.rht a tu nuuw butiiii vim uo. """ft"" " set of harness, rented a hack and will make a business of entertaining while their friends are here. Let all of us j do likewise, and the valley will be ' more thoroughly advertisid this sea-; son. i Archie Andreeon held the ribbons ou the Odell Bros, heavy weight team Sunday afternoon and drove down . from Dead Point to Odell in one j hour. Archie has the fust driving record and he wears the honors grace- . fully. The Odell bovs are up to date. They 1 attend the town theaters; eat 12 o'clock oyster suppers, mini get home in time to work next day. Horse trading is again in order. Last week John Kroeger, Jas. English and J. W. McDonald were all doing business along that line. The railroad graders furnished the I orses to start the bail rolling, and Bob Kobinson interested McDonald in the business. There is nothing like the horse trad ing business, for luvauabjy eacn fellow makes money. Hairy Kemp, the village black smith, and expert trout catcher, in company with O. M. DeWitt and family, spent lust Saturday on tho river about the falls, en tertaining the finny tribe. Mr. De Witt resides on the bill east of Mill creek. He is an ex-soldier, having been in the Philadelphia service. They enjoyed the day immensely. This was the initial trip of many a pleas ant outing during the season. W. W. Jackson, who recently pur chased 80 acres of land from Harry Kemp, was up from Portland Sunday and made arrangements to have a lot of slashing done. His peoplo.who live in Michigan, are coming over this full to take up their residence on this place. And still they come. supplyWddemand makes price of hay Willow Flut. &ast Hood Kiver valley. May IK). There seems to lie a rising demand for a creamery here because it has been asserted that 400 tons of do ver hay will be carried over to another season. Estimating l.i bales to the ton we have 5-.iU0 bales, or at a liberal esti mate we might say about one bule for each head of cattle mid horses in the vulloy. So why all this unnecessary noise about so eihhII a mutter? We have been informed that there has been over 4U0 tons of hay shipped into the valley in the face of the fuct that our farmers still have 100 tons on hand. The only reason that we can see for this hay being carried over, is the failure by the farmers to appreci ate the fact, other things being equal, that the price of such things is regu lated by the law of supply and de mand. Dame Rumor is the authority for the statement that the Hood Kiver Orchard Co. have disposed of 20 acres of thnir new orchard for ?.'W0 per acre. If this be true, the promoters of the company have realized from 10 to 75 por cent profit In nine mouths on their investment, or about oAo 15 per cent a month. There hrnurely no part of Hood Kiver that olfers such induce ments to investors as Willow Flat. The lust issue of the (ilacier reported that C. M. ISusey of Odell had sold part of his ranch at $175 an acre, and had also reserved this season's crop. Odell is all right, put when its clay lauds commund such prices, there Is no just cause why the hind in the Flut other things being equal, should not command to &150 per ucre. If you ure from Missouri, come up and be shown. Ihe Hood Kiver Orchard Co. are rushing the work of clearing the bulunce of their land KW-acre tract, in order to have it ready for trees next spring. J. II. Shoemaker informs us thut they expect to have a survey on the ground June (1, to establish the route of the irrigation ditch for their newly organized district. Those people are to he congratulated on their success thus fur, mid fur their determinution to own und control their own irrigut Ing system. They certainly have solved the water question in tho most pructicul maiinnr possible. The Kant Fork Irrigating Co. have been experiencing cousidoraiilo ti ouble by the depredations, of the gophers along the ditch banks. A number of breaks have receutly occurred, but so fur we us have leurued no serious dum ago bus yet resulted. DUKES VALLEY. Berry (licking commenced here Mon day, the warm days of lust week ripen ing the berries very fust. The berries that go into tho market from this part of the valley will bo llrst class and surely ought to command a good price as we have seen no tiner berires in Hood liivor valley. Some Holds of clover are commenc ing to bloom und ere long we will hear the ruttle of the mowing machine and hay harvest will lie on our hands again. There will lie a larger acreage of hay cut this year in Dukes vallej thnu ever before. There ure still a good many tons of last year's'hay to o disposed or yet. Three vears turo there was uot enough hay raised in the valley to winter a good spun of nurses mil now we can supply hay for stock outside of our own valley. A. T. Dodge has rented the William Sears place, and . put it mostly into buy. The grubbing machine running ou the Hood Kiver Orchard Co's. land will cease work this week as it is get ting too dry to pull stumps. The company has about 20 acres all pulled and ready to burn and clear up. It will be set out to apples this fall. A party of pleasure seekers were picniciug iu the valley last Sunday. Mrs. D. P. Shrum of Antelope, Or., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. T. Dodge. C. K. Bone has a force of men at work on the west lateral of the Kst Fork Irrigating Co's. ditch. Mr. Bone expects to have water running in the ditch by the tirst of June. J. H. Cradelbaugh occasionally re turns to spend a few days greeting his old-time friends at The Dulles, and this is one of the occasions when he is enlivening them by his presence. The climate iu Southern Oregon, where Mr. Cradelbuugh is miniug. seems to lie opposed to his good health and he has lieen a victim of rheumatism, which he hoe8 Eastern Oregon will beuetlt. When told that he wua a mere shadow of his former self John said it was lVovidentlal. That he had but one suit of clothes which an in crease of avoirdupois would have ren dered useless and caused him to take to his bed. Chonicle. Ayer's You can hardly find a home without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad vise parents to keep it on hand. 'Th bent flonirh medicine mone? can buy ll Ayer'i (,'horry Fectoml. Kor Hie cuueln ol children BOttiiUK eoulit iwmtibly he better. ' Jacob buvlv, Saratoga, Ind. JS.,SOe..fl.0O. All drnpplitii. J. P. A TEH CO., T,owll. MMi. for ' Throat, Lungs Ayer's PiUs greatly aid the Cherry Pectoral In breaking up a cold. LIGHTNING, THUNDER AND HAIL AT VIENTO Viento, Or , May IK). This place was visited Monduv afternoon by one of the hardest thunderstorms witnessed here iu years. The storm was of chert dura tion, but whs furious while it lasted. There were tierce flushes of forked lightning, ami heavy c!nB of thunder. Ruin fell in t" rent .- if' paired from the clouds. 'There w us uio consider able hail. No daiiia resulted. Mr. Chittv has been i n ihe sick list but is able to lie out utiiim. 8. W. Curran, and party spent Satur day In lloixl Kiver, and we think from the looks of the hounds he brought home that be is contemplating another trip to the mountains. We wish him better succees this trip. We miss our old friends from Viento very much, ami the vacant houses look so lonely ! We hope they nmy soon be filled with good, lively families, to help us w uiuae me pieasam. Our school commenced Monday, after a snort vacation on account of the ina bility to secure a teacher as soon as ex pected to fill the iilace of Miss Ida Wright, who hud to leave to assist her father in overseeing their large straw berry crop. As we write we do not forget that this is the day in which we should all try to spend at least a few hours in caring for our beloved dead by beautifying their graves. We think of the distant, lonely graves, and wonder if eome one will reverently place a flower there. E. I). Hurvey now runs the planer. With hat off and sleeves rolled up he looks as though he meant business. Cutting hay will soon be in order, which means a busy time for the farm ers. PINE GROVE Miss Marion Spront of Pine Grove has been the guest of Miss Bessie Kid dell at The Dulles, during the past week. , Mim K' I if h Harbison of Vacaville, Calif., spci't the past week at the home of her ttec'i , 1! K. Harbison. She re turned to l i ml.- in Portland, Wednes duy, when ui er vi-itiuu' the Lewis and Clark fair hlie'wi'l i-t her uncle at Tangent, Ore., noil then return home. Irrigating water is aliiiniliint these days and n iimiiiI is engaged iu numer ous acts of treipn1 mid vandalism via. the gopher hole mute. Little Mary Harbison's eye, which: came so near being blinded last week on the points i f a pair of scis.-ors, is get ting olong nicely and answers the pur pose of seeing now as well as the other. Mrs! Oscar Vanderbilt is the proud owner of a line new buggy, w hich she selected herself while on a recent trip to Portland. (iood progress is being made on the new railrond, but passengers are not likely to stop for meals at Pine Grove on the Fourth of July. BARRETT. We are pleased to say that a fresh-fish wagon comes up to the itarrett district every week. The driver toots his horn on Market square, corner of liuekford oveiiuo. Yes; of course he carries very fine fresh fish, crabs and lobsters. 0. S. True has cleared up and planted to potatoes (piite a nice piece pf ground on bis laud, which he recently purchased from the lugalls homestead. C. S. is quite a worker, and will make the thing go if anyone can. Milion Smith has moved his family into the Lee Morse house. .Milton says he docs iioi like to have the children to have to travi I so far to school. He v. Ivkim ha' moved with bis fam ily into tie new parsonage, which means comfort and pleasure. Kvcrv pastor should be provided with a gooif, Comfortable parsonage. K. Watts has built a nice neat flue in the Mrs. K. Ingnlls house. Mr. Watts is a mechanic who learned his trade in the old country. Anyone wanting plas tering done or (lues built would do well to see him at Hockford store. Will Nichols says it is just getting warm and the flies troublesome, so he stepped down to Hock ford and got five window screens, and says they will need tuoro when wife returns home, so that every room will be ventilated. It was the writer's privilege to attend the Valley Christian church, on Sun day morning last, and listen to Rev. Klkins, w ho preached a very practical and instinctive sermon. I wonder, sometimes, why they formed our Fruitgrowers' Cnion, for I And fonieis are selling their lierries outside of the union, when they might have got a higher price and also help to mahit ii i n hiuhcr price. If the union is not mi :is factory, then abandon it; but we bt 1'cve the union is right, for in un ion thi n- is urength. Of course, those Englishmen do not know it all. Mr-. K Itrayford is now selling full blood Plymouth Rock egirs at a reduced price f t the balance of the season. See ad. in another column. Someone gut a rest last Sunday, as our telephone line was in trouble from Saturday morning until Sunday even ing, when the hello commenced again. Have Yon Sprayed Yet? Get your material of Clarke and save money. Charlie Remit-in tiiekuH 3.1 tu, . riers of lierries in S. D. Garner's ber- W field TllOiiilniT . If eiv luiraa .kA carrier, this is 210 pouuds in one day's picKiug. .ext. Hest Sprayinj Material at the lowest prices at Clarke's store. R. B. BRAGG & CO. SHIRT WAIST AUTOMOBILE SUITS & TOURIST CAPS nicely made and nicoly A New line of Lai' - .' trimmed ingras.s clot Automobile and To - and percail dP flfl ist Caps just in thes at $2.25 & f "WW ftre very "popular. GOLF SHIRTS LADIES' SHIRTS Mpii'h golf shirts with tlio newest and most cuffs in a pretty lineof comfortable garments colors and sty- Eftp vet introduced for la- leH UP fr()11.' W W dies7 wear-alst shirt Also same for boys . waists and waisting from 10 years up. goods. MEN'S AMERICAN DRESS SHOES BEAUTY Our Douglass line of CORSETS dress shoes for men are the most .stylish Uui b,'st fitting; best and best wearing shape; easiest wearing shoes made d ff corset made ! flft 3.50 and... O.UU 125, 1.503,"U BUSTER BROWN WHITE SUITS BED spREADS A beautiful line in sev- For children a pretty eral different patterns line ranging "IE 5.00 and j4 flrt $1.50, 1.00 to VI i()w as only 3 I -UU SUIT CASES TELESCOPES Suit cases tfO ffl Telescopes from A from and UpS.UU and up UC YOU CAN DO BETTER AT BRAGGS S. J. FRANK AH Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON ..A Return Commencing MONDAY, T g 6-NIGHTS-ONE WEEKjUHC $ Miss Marargita Fischer and her own company l MISS FISCHER. Hood River Flour No matter whether you eat to live or live to eat, you should eat the best; and when you get our Flour you got the best-and it is pure and clean. "CUPID" is the best Flour ever put on the Hood Kiver market "HOOD RIVER" is unequnljed by any similar priced flour. lieware of artificially bleached flour you will live longer. Ask your grocer for Hood River Graham and Farina. Hood River Dealer In Harness S: Saddles Engagement.. OPERA HOUSE Opening Bill IN UTAH" A story of life in Utah. Good, new and up-to-date specialies between acts Beautiful Costumes Clever Actors Popular Prices, 25-35-50c Scats now on sale at Clark's Pharmacy. Milling Co.