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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
SALOONS OR NO SALOONS THAT IS THE QUESTION What Says Wasco County? Monday, June the 5th, the Day to Kill the Ser pant of the Still. (Advertisement.) Who railed the Local Option Election? Not the local optionista nor probl bitionlHta. But few of them ever saw the petition. It was circulated through Hood Kiver valley by one of the for mer saloon keepers of Hood River. All the saloon keepers of Hood Klver aud the two at Cascade Locks have their signatures upon the petition. The ministers and the temperance forces generally were opposed to a special election at this time. The brewers and wholesale dealers en couraged the former retailers to make an effort to reopen Hood River to the liquor traffic. These are the par ties who are responsible for this elec tion. The liquor dealers' association of The Dalles are publishing articles in the Chronicle against prohibition. Tbey say the election will cost the tax payers $t,U00. Should not the tax payers then rebuke the saloon ele ment by rolling up a strong majority against the reopening of the saloons at Hood River? Tbey are unwilling to abide by the majority vote of last full. The law has not had a fair test. Less than five months is not a fair trial of the law especlully in this case. The ballot will read : X For Prohibition, Against Prohibition. Those who favor putting the saloon out of business in Wasco county will muke their mark (X) as above. This does uot mean that you vote for the prohibition party, but simply for the prohibition of the saloon in this county. Decs It l'ayl How Much Is There In It! These are the first questions asked by business men. The saloonlsts claim you oant1 build up a town with out their license money. Let us see. There were four saloons at Hood Kiver, euch paying au annual license of 1000. or a total of $2,400. How much do the peoplo pay into the busi ness? According to the testimony of the present of the national retail liquor dealers' association, the aver age Income of the each saloon is $15 per day, or $5,400 per year. Four saloons would cost the people of Hood Kiver and vlcluity t'Jl,(J(X. or a net cost, aftor allowing for the $2,400 license, of $19,200 per year. Kvery dollar spent for liquor is a dollar less to be spent at the grocery store, dry goods store and meat market. The $10,200 would buy 3850 barrels of Hour, or al)out eight barrels for evrey family in Hood River. It would buy (1,400 pairs of $:i shoes, or three pairs annually for each man, woman and child. It would build nine comfort able homos every year worth over $2,000 each, to help Improve the town and share the taxes aud bouse those who would waste thoir money on drink wore there open saloons. It is noodloHB to add that, prohibition THEY WANT A NEW ROAD TO LOST LAKE D. Stone who was in the city Monday from bis homestead on the road to lost Lake, believes the county court made, a mistake in not assisting the settlers with the newly proposed road to the lake. "This new road," says Mr. Stone, "as surveyed, would shorten the distance to the lake at leant two and one-half miles. The road would be easy of construction, as It passes through burned timber, wh'ch could be easily removed, and once out of the way there would be no more trees to fall onto the road during the winter months and obstruct the pas sage as is now the case witli the old trail. "I don't see why there should bo the opposition to this road there is. Home fear that if this road were put through, the Portland Bports would come here and fish the lake clear of trout. Now these aro the peoplo who go to the lake anyway, and if there were a better Mad many people would go there who do not do so now. "A magnificent view of Mt. Hood !b obtained from this route. There are no trees to obstruct the scene of the mount Inn, This point is nearer to the mount ain than Lost lake, and the view just as grand- Tliis will be a geat route for tourists to bike wheu driving over the valley. It is the most direct route to the lake, running on the side of Laurel creek, with an eay grade all the way." Air. Stone says there are tons of huckle berries on the mountains about Lust hike. If this road were finished the ber rieB could be brought out by wagons. ThiB proposed road to the lake makes tho distance but 14 miles from Winans. The distance from here to Winana is U miles, making the total distance to the hike 25 miles. Mr. Stone litis named bis farm "lion nie Arbor." That of the Murkley Hros. is ".Mount Park." (iasollne Engine for Sale. The Davidson Fruit Co. have left in stock a new No. 3 Stickney three-horse power gasoline engine arranged for fast or slow speed suitable for pumping water for irrigating purposes or other power. Very simple and easy to oper ate. For sale at a bargain. This is not fl second-hand, cheap affair. Price. $175. I'pon a lofty pyramid made of various grains which will grow in the state of Oregon a heroic statue of Ceres, the Goddess of grain, adorns the rotunda of the Agriculture and Horticure building at the Lewis and Clark Fx position. Will Stay In Hood Kiver. The remedy that makes you eat, sleep and grow strong, called Palmo Tablets, will be sold regularly by Williams' Pharmacy, Hood Kiver, 'These great nerve and constitution builders cost only 60c per box, six lioxes $2.50. Get ready to hit the Trail at the Lewis, and Clark exposition, opening in Portland June 1. Found a Cure for Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William Ontaria. Canada, who has sufli-rcd quit a number of years from dyspepsia and great pains in the stomach, was advised by her druggist to take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. yields the greatest good to the great est number. Expend the $19,000 an nually on publio improvements aud how it would boom the town. And the drinking class would reap tl.o greatest good from the expenditure of their money In these ways lather than for poisonous liquors. Why Hood Klver and Hosier Should Vote for Prohibition. Make the polioy general. These towns have no saloons. Hy closing them at The Dalles and Cascade Locks by carrying the whole county, it will prevent the drinking class going to these places to spend their money. Also to iHtop the jug business from the "wet" towns to mar the peace of the "dry" towns, the entire county should be brought under the same policy. Then the increased taxes re sulting from the thirty saloous of the c.mnty fall proportionally upon the property holders of the dry sections. These are a few of the many reasons why we should have county prohibi tion. With the exception of ,the two saloons at Cascade Locks, all the revenue from the license fees is re tained in the town treasuries, while the country people pay extra taxes as a result of the evils of the traffic. A Chat with Kindness Men. Reading statements from saloon keepers that the business men of Hood River were up in arms on account of the saloons having been closed, I strolled into a hardware store, a butcher shop, a gents rur uishing store, a furniture store, a general merchandise store and a bank What was my surprise to find that evory proprietor declared that his business had been booming during the past six months since the saloons had been closed, Lvery man seemed to be satislled with his future pros pocts. One dealer declared his busi ness had Increased 90 per cent and that his collections were much better sluoe the saloons closed. I was fully convinced that the statements of the saloon men were all a fake. Election Laws. The liquor dealers' association of The Dalies say it will cost them $5,000 to defeat the measure involved in the elcetlon called by the suloou eloment of Hood Kiver and Portland. Why so much money needed? The tax payers will meet all legitimate expenses of the election. Do they propose to use boodleniouey to corrupt voters? There are indications that these will be their tactics. But we would remind illegal voters that thoy will be chall enged aud that there is a heavy tine imposed by law upon any one oifering to cast an illegal ballot, besides im prisonment in the penitentiary. The law will lie strictly enforced at the coming election, ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE, Non-partisan aud Non-sectarian. She did so and says, "I llnd that they have done tue a great deal of good. I have never bad any sullerlng since I began using them." If troubled with dyspepsia or Indigestion wbv iu.t take these Tablets, get well and stuy well? for sale ty vviuiams riiurimicy. A Masonic building is rapidly Hearing completion a tue i.uwmaiui Dark expo sition. This lias been erected for enter tainment purposes by local organizations and will be ready for occupancy before the opening liiy. Ho Von Suffer with Dyspepsia or indigestion? Clarke's Dyspepsia lttblets will cure you. I'neo only 50c. Companies I aud K of the Tenth United States regular infantry are en camped upon the Government peninsula at the Lewis and Clark exposition. Captions Ingram ami Go wen and a stall' of three lieutenants are in Command. A terrible tragedy was enacted in Crook county about a mile north of Madras last week, liobert Holt, a Warm Springs Indian, while beastly drunk was being taken to his home on the reservation by James Stakuey, an other Indian who acted as peace officer. On the road they met a ranch er and Holt insisted on his drinking from nis (lemijoim The officer ob jected aud the man rode on. A few minutes later another rancher met Holt madly galloping In flight. A little farther on in the road the came to Stakney's body lying across the FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. No. 1. Five acres two miles from the post office; on state road. Phelps creek runs through the place affording iibund ence of free water for irrigation and me chanical power. Three large springs. An ideal place for a beautiful homo, pleasure resort, fruit raising, poultry raising or truck gardening. The water power alone is worth the price asked for this place. Tho improvements consist of a rustic live-room house, porches, wood shed, stable, chicken house and store house; three acres improved, rich ground and sheltered. Price $1250. No. 2. Town property. Due eight room house; lot KKlxlliO, overlooking the Columbia river. Water In the house. Wired for electric lights. All new and a choice location. Price f 1800 No. 8. I have a large tract of choice fruit land to lie sold In 10 and 20 acre tracts. All improved. Good location for a home. No buildings. No. 4. Ten acres all improved. One hundred and tifty truit trees; balance in hay. New, modern eight-room cot tage; two miles from Hood Kiver post office. A beautiful home. Price $ 1000. No. 5. Forty acres; 20 cleared; ten in apples and prunes, bearing; one acre In grapes. Choice fruit land. Wa ter from springs for irrigation, due and one half miles from the O. K. & N. deot. A desirable location for a home. This can be had at a very low price. On account of sickness the owner is very anxious to sell. Enquire at Mine. Ablsits millenery store, Hood Kiver. H. M. ABBOTT. path. Holt had apparently knocked him from his borse with the demi john, then while bis victim lay dazed, hunted a rock with which to finish the deed. The murderer did not cross the ferry landing to the agency, and the lust report from Madras said bis"wliereaboiits were unknown. The Dalles Chronicle. The laxative eflect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree able and so natural that you do not re alize It Is the affect of a medicine. For sale by Williums' Pharmacy. Notice to Strawberry (Growers. The office of The Hood River Fruit Growers Union is now open for business. Two-quart combination hot water bottle and fountain syringe guaranteed for one year. Only $1.50 at Clarke's. Clarke's Cough Elixir will cure that cough Price only 25c. Water and Light Notice All water and Unlit bills must be paid at the company's office each month in advance, on or before tho 10th day of the month. No collector will be sent out hereafter. In all cases where bills are not promptly paid when due, tho ser vices will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. HOOD 111 V Kit ELECTRIC L. I . W. C. Hy E. E. GOFF, Mgr. Some Bargains. Our list contains altout 40 different tracts of fruit and general farm lands in Mosier; about 500 acres in Underwood, divided into tracts of from 40 to .'!20 acres each; also about 18- different tracts of farm property in Hood Kiver valley, and some very desirable resi dences in Hood Kiver and Mosie.r 3)). 0 acres K mile out; berries and orchard. A iieautiful location. Will be sold at n bargain. (S2. 35 acres one-half mile from Mt. Hood P. O. 14 acres in clover, 4 in bay lj In strawlierries, 1 share water, 2 bouses, all Tor $1400. 24. 42 acres Smiles out, 10 acres in orchard, 10 full bearing. First-class im provements. A beautiful home. 2N. 80 acres, 5 acres 7-year-old apple trees, balance in clover and general farming. 4New 4-room house, 2. -io acres in the most Iieautiful por tion nl Ihe valley. 4 acres in orchard one war old, acres In berries, 4 acres in nlf'dfti, balance general farming. til. 10 ucres 4 miles out; splendid soil; 1 lo re iipples, best varieties; one year planted. 1J acres in strawlierries, 2 acres in potatoes, fi acres In clover. 114. Two KiO-ucre tracts about nine miles oic ; one on east side, other west side. Choice for $1100. A number of 8, 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts of unimproved land that will bear luvi Hllgatinn, Also a number of Inrye liai li I'miti Kioto 320 acres in Ore gon ami H iiMl,im;ton Some few residences mid lots in every portion or the city. W. J. BAKER & CO. Real Estate Agents Hood River, Oregon. LUNCH GOODS, FRUITS AND CHOICE CONFECTIONERY -AT- THE FAVORITE Oyster Parlor S. L. Young Phone, Main ;"". Don't Go Dry Just because you are In a Dry Town Oct your (Want List) made out reiulv for next Saturday for everything you need, such as Flour, Feed, Stock Food, Chick Food, Russian Lice Killer, Blue Vitrol, Lime, Cement, Salt. Place your orders with II. W. Wait and get not only good goods at the right prices, but also a FREE LEMONADE. Remember I have 0 different Ilrand of Hour, and am going to close out us nearly hb possible, lioods guaranteed as represented. H. W. WAIT. FISH and VEGETABLE MARKET (Joods delivered daily. Look out for the Fisli Wagon L. 0. HAWN, One door Fast of Prattler's office. MY F.N Til! E LINE OF Shoes and Rubber Goods Nen's and Ladies' UNDERWEAR Will be closed out at REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. And all the rest of my stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Is being sold very low. GEO. P. CROWELL. NEW CITY OF WIN AN Central Point for AH of Hood River Val ley Unlimited Water Power to be developed by big dam to bo built at the place. J Jest locu tion for Factories in need of cheap power, at our rates. ir() square miles of best milling timber, which can be floated into our dam. The largest output of raw wool of the United States. The best Apple and strawberry land in the world, with MT. HOOD, LOST LAKE AND WATER FALLS in our front yard for scenic beau'y. Pure water, pure air, perfect health. Needed Industries. Sawmills, Woolen mills, Paper mills, Creameries, Furni ture Factories, Flour mills, right in the Wheat Belt. Fruit Canneries and others immediately at this point. We will give 150,000 in city lots in this town for a suitable college to locate here. Here is the place of all places to combine profit with pleasure; to make an ideal home. We are now building a, commodious castle at the Happy Hunting (J rounds on the trail to MT. HOOD AND LOST LAKE at this place, which will be a private Mountain pleasure resort, where we will entertain a select crowd. If you want to buy, sell or trade Hood Kiver Valley lands try us first and make quick transfers and big money. Call and see us, write us, or call us over the Hellophonc. Hood Iliver Val ley property bought and sold; also Hood Iliver property exchanged for improved Portland property. The Mt. Hood Railway, which is a common carrier, is now constructing its road to the city and will maintain a station here and furnish cars for the transportation of passengers and freight. Electric light and city water works will be installed before a single lot is sold, although many of the far-seeing ones are clamoring for lots now. Everybody is watching the band automobile. W. R. WINANS. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Telephone No. 31. SNOW & UPSON For All Kinds of Grubbing Supplies, Wood Choppers and Loggers Tools A full line of stock alwuv.-i i n hand. Does your horse interfere? Bring hi;.i in. Xo cure no pay ..Livery, Feed C. L. GILBERT, Proprietor. Mt. Hood Hotel HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Headquarters for Tourists & Commercial Travelers Regular Rates, $1.25 to $2.50 pr day. Bbeclal Ratti by Weak or Month. Btigei leave dally for Cloud Cap Inn during July, August and September. J. B. FLETCHER & CO. DEALKUS IN Groceries, Flour and Feed, Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc. HOOD III V KIl HEIGHTS. A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURN and Building Material PAINTS AND OILS. FURNITURE REPAIRED. "t iw guaranteed. Call anil look through the Stock. Olml to show you around. Undertaker and Embalmer HOOD RIVER, OR. and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. I'li'HMiro ii,-.r;ios"c!ii secure fiivt-cliiHi ris. Special attention given to moving furniture him piaiioH. We do everything horses can do. C. F. GILBERT, Manager. ITURE Anybody Can But to make Good Ice Cream is a very different matter. Do a little experimenting by t rying the other makes and compare with iSweil&nd's For perfection of flavor and rich creamy smoothness this Ice Cream has long been famous. We invite one trial we know what the verdict will be. TOMPKINS BROS., Sole Agents. When visiting Portland, don't fail to call at Swetlands, 273 Morrieon street, one of Portland's finest stores and the liest place in the city for a lunch. LESLIE BUTLER TRUMAN BUTLER BUTLER & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. In these days a bank account is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. It takes but a small amount to start it here, and it adds to your standing with business men and others, besides helping the formation of good business habits. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. F. S. STANLEY. Pres. E. L. SMITH, Viei-Pres. E. 0. BLANC1IAR, Cashier First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Remember That this bank is a Home Instittl- tion and we invite your business on a basis of mutual helpfulness. Our Motto: " A SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL." A. J. FLOOD, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR ALL KINDS OF Cement Estimates given Building Work Phone noi. R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. A L. CARMICHAEL HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS Still have left a few pairs of Men's and Boys' Merrit's Pants Men's Tan Shoes, leu's Tan Shoes, rtQ Jx good values, at tjM.4U Trading Stamps Given -DEALER IN- Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS Edit Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, - - OREGON. HOTEL WAUCOMA P. F. FOUTS, Prop. RATES, $2.00 to $2 53 PER DAY. Steam heat. Large pieasaut rooms. Everything n w, Sample room for commercial travelers. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. CENTRAL MARKET BROS., Proprietors. DKAI.KKS IN ALL KINDS OF Fresh & Cured Meats VEGETABLES Make Ice Cream EsTAUUHIlKI) 1900. Residents of Wasco Co. for 23 Year on short notice. a specialty. Hood River, Oregon. and Ladies' Skirts. Comforts, splen- or didly made, .ft 1 to tpl.)D for Cash Purchases. LL AND FRUITS.