a . 1 H'"l -VJI-'VIIO 'H ',.; Si 1 1 1 1 1 J ..;f it HOOD RIVER, OREGON, JUNE 1, 1905. VOL. XVII. No. a I ? 3 i j SOCIETIES. HOOP III V Kit LUIHIK No. HIT,, A. K. and A. A. M. Meets Miiiiir.li.y .-vt-nliix on or before cai-h lull iii.kiii. I III'M AN llCTl.Ka, W. M. A. 1. Mm:, Meerelitry. HO(II) KlVKKl'llAlTK.K SO. 27. H. A. M. Mimls llrsl mill limit Kittluy nixlilsnr euck llllllllh. K. I IIA.NIH.KR, H. P. A. 1. MoKScm-tiiry. HOOD KIVKIl rll.MTKK NO. ,0. E. H-Met-t sei-ntul mid fourth Tuesiliiy evening of each mouth. Visitors corituiliy welcomed. MltM. .1.1. IIKIlSIINKIl, W. M. Mils. Thekksa casts kk, Kw-retary. liu.KWiiiiiK i.outii: no. ltr;, I. o. o. K. Meets in Frutiruiil lull, every Thursday night. Wm. Hashes, N. li. II. C. Smith, Secretary KDKN ENCAMI'MKNT, NO. 4S, I. O. . F.-Hi-Kular inrellag seeunil unit lourlh Mondays ofeai-li inonth. I.. K. Mouse, C. P. II, H. Em tiu as, Scribe. LAUKK1. Itl-.UKKAH liKtiiiKE U)lliE NO. Ml, I. O. O. K.-.Meets llrst unit third Fridays lu each nmuth. Mils. K. W. Uiikm., N. O. Mas IJoka Thomson. Secretary. WALHIOMA I.OIlilK NO. 3(1. K. OF P. M ts In K. ol 1'. lutll every Tuesday n.ght. V. C. Hkih'K, (J. C. H. T. Uk Witt, K. ol It. and S. HOOII KIVEH t'AMH, NO. 7,"t, M. W. A Mccts In K. ol 1'. hail every Wednesday Hight. Ol AS. JoNKB, V. U. C. U. DAKIN, Clerk. HOOD RIVKIl ('AMI', NO. 778, W. 0. W Meels ..n llrsl i.n l third Tuesday of each month 111 Odd Fellows' Imll. F. H. Hi.auu, C. 0. H. W. W'AlT.l'leik. , TfoOO ai VKlHTU'T.E NO. 524, WOMEN OF Wuoderult-Mi-i-tsiit K. of I'. hall on the til-stand Third Fridays of earn month. I.I.NullA Sll'HK, U. N, NKI.I.1K llol.l.ow laerk. 1UVEHSIHE UHXIUNO. US A. O. U. W. Meets tirst unit thud siatiuiliiys of each liiolllh. I'. I- L'olTl.K, M, W. E. R. 1IUA1II.KV, Finn "e er I. 'HKHTKK HIII'TK. UleordCT. lilVElWlllE l.ODIIE NO 40, DEdKEE OF Honor, A. O. I'. .Nuns tirst and third isuturiiuys at 8 p. in. , Miss ( oka i'iiiti.k, ( . of II. MlKH 1'AltHUt OHTI.K, HeCOldil. OKllKlloF WAStlllNliToN H(k)i) H1VER lillloll No. 142-Meel in K. of 1'. hall the second and fourth ssuturduys In eaeh inoiilh at 7:::u p. in. E. . Kooii, Friwldeut. f. U. Uakin. Heereliiry. Ol.ETA AKKKM lii.Y NO. UN. UNITED ART-Imiun.-Mcci. i he llrsl and third Wednes days, woik: .iciniliilid lourlh Wednesdays Artisans' hall. J. It. KollKIUl, M. A. ('. i. H UN til' ll.Sei-riliiiy. COl'l.T IIOOl' IUVEK SO. 42, FOKEisTEIW ol Anierli-ii, -Meets second anil fouitli Mou days In cacn moii'li in K. m i'. uau. til.o. .. MIMIKK, ('. It. F. ('. r.mi.sii s, F. ('. C'ANllV l'lisT. NO l.'lt7A."H:-XlKK-iH AT A. o. I". V. . hall, second and lourlh Hatur daysof each month at 2 o'clock p. in. All li A. K. Iiiiii. i l inviieil to llicet wl'll us. A. I.. riiKi.es, loiiiinauder. Thomas tjoss. ,,.jiii.itil. CAN BY W. It. ( .. -No. K-MEETS .SECOND and loiirtli mhui nusnf each Month lu A. O. U. W. hull at : f. in. ,. , . . Ei. i. i.n lii.owKiw, President. Ll.ZIIt (iliK, Si, i i.;iy MOUNT VIN llO'.ll-. fAMl' No. 3IWI, R. N. A. Meets ai the K. o: I' itall on the second and fourth Erin. .ys ,m c.icii nionili. A, us l AKK1K ltUOStl'9, 0. Mils. Ei.i.a Dak in It conlcr. Wai'SA Tkmi'I.k No. i. Until bone Sisters. Meets secon and lourlh Thursdays of each llionlll. AMAN1IA W IIITKHKAII, M.E.C. tSTKI.l.A Ull'll AltlMllN, M. Of U. di C. DR. W. T. ROWLEY, I'UVSICIAN, SUlitiKU.N. OCtUUrtX Olllce lu Minltli uuildiiiK. Oillce plione aid. Residence phone DM. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Olllce, 2S1; residence, Ml. m:kueon O. R. .V '. Co. JltS. .MAHY JOHNSON, JI. J). Physician and Surgeon. Oltices and Residence In E. Smith Building over l-'irst N I. Rank. Entrance, rear ol bank, on I'lnrd St. 1'i.oue ;in. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN N'D Sl'UUKON. Huecessoi i r, M. F. Shaw. Culls promptly iiihw. i d In towu or country, ,'a.yo Niht. Telephones: 1;....:.. ncH.iiil: ortlce.tiW. Olllce hi Mi ' .-iosIus lluildlng. DR. M. A. SM00T, Osteouaihic Physician. (iratluulc ..j iu rlnm Hchiml of Ostt'opatliy, . 1 . viilf, .Mo. Hrosius J. .. ii" ooms ii unci 7. Tel. llKiH. y c.u, oitKOON. DR. J. LDGINGTON, Physician and Surgeon Ollice over the Kirst National bunk. DR. A. F. ROWLEY, DKNTltST. Ollice In the Smith Building. I'houeDi C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DKNTliST. Sficclalist ou Crown and t'.inise Work. Telephones: olllce, ail; residence, IM. Ottleeover Bank biug. Hood Ulver, ore. E. H. HART WIG, LAW Y 10 It. Will l'racticc III All Court.. Olllce Wlnl Unl. li. Cuibci l.-ou .V Co. ' i lectlous, Abstracts, settlenieiil o r stales. HOOD KIVEK. OHi v JOHN LELAND HENDEiit-OX ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AB8TRACTI8. HO. TARY PUBLIC nd RBALi E8TATB AGENT. For y'lf rilnt of Oregon nd Wuta ttigton. Hu had mny years eiperlsoc ta Krai Katate matters, at abatraotor, searcher ol titles and agent Batislsctloo guaraateed er BO charge. A. JAYNE. LAWYER. AbitrtcU Furniihed. Money Loaned. Hood Eiver, Oregon. p C. BR0S1U8, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hoora: 10 to 11 A. M. j S to 8 and 6 to 7 P. M. Jyj.x lU.S KA KUl'.R SHOP HAYNE8 A GREY, Faort, The place to fet n easy ihsre, u op-to-4i hslr cut, and to enjoy the luxury laforoelala bath tub. THE O.K. BARBER ..SHOP.. Four Chairs Quick and ati'-factory work. Two hath tulw in connection. RUSSELL & RIES, Props. Arrival anil Depart lire of Mails. HOOD RIVER. The postofflce la oien dally between 8 a. ni. aud S p. ni.; Sunday trom U lo I o'clwk. Mails for the East close at 11. 'JO a. m.. 8.2U p. ni. and 9 p. in.; for the West, at 2.40 p. ni. ami 1 p. ni. The carriers on K. E. 1). routes No. I and 2 leave the postoftlce at 8.;I0 a. m. Malt leaves or Ml. noon, auny si u in.; arrives iu.u j For Underwood, Wash., at 12 m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives same dsys at ii a. m. i For White Haluion. Wash., dally at 12 m.; arrives at 1 1 a. m. WHITE SALMON. For Hood River, dally at 9 a. ni.; arrives at i p. in. For II usuni, Trout Lake and Ouler, Wash., dally at 7..i a. ni.; arrives II p. m. For MleuwoxMl, Fulda and Uiliner, Wash., dally at 7.30 a. m.; arrives at p. in. For Pine Flat slid Hnowdeu, Wash., at 1 p. ni. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives same days at 12 in. For Blugeo, dally at 4. p. in.; arrive at i.4i) a. lu. 0. It. & N. TIME TABM'.. Bast hound No. 2, Chicago Special. 11:43 a. m. No. 4, SiKikane Flyer, 8:40 p. ill. No. 6, Mall and Express, 10:40 p. in. No. 24, Way Freight. I2:K p. 111. No. 22. Fast Freight, 4:06 a. m. West bound y No. I, Portland Special. 2:5(1 p. in. No. 8, Portland Flyer, 5:i a. m. No. 5, Mall and Express, 4:48 a. ni. No. 211, Way Freight, 11:25 a. in. No. 66, Fait Freight, 1:05 p. m. OREGON SnoT LINE and Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Through Pnlfmsn standards and tourist sleeping ears dally to omaha. Chicago, Spo ksne; tourist sleeping ears dally to Kansas city; through Pullman tourist sleeping ear fnersnnsall.v conducted) weekly t Chicago. Reclining chair cars (seals free) to the East dally. i .jjvt, o DlfA,T Portland, Or. Chicago Salt lk, Denver, 6:24 p.m. Fortland Ft. Worth, Omaha, Bpec'lal Kansas City, at. :16a. m. Louts,Chlcagoand via East. Buntlngton. At'antlo Salt Ijike, Denver, 1:00 a. nu Kxpresi Et. Worth, Omaha, l;15 p ra. Kansas City, St. via LouU,chleagoand Buutlugton. East. Walla Walla, I wis St. Paul ton, Spokane, Wal- 7:16a. m. Fait U all lacs, Pullman, s;i6p. dl Minneaisilis, Ht. via I'aul, lmluth.Mll- pokant vaukee, Chicago aud East. River Schedule. KOIl ASTOHIA and 8:0(1 P. M. way points, connecting! liafly with slesmer for It acoj except and North Henchstenm.' Kiinduy, er Itassalo, Asli street Siiturdi'iv. dock (water per.) l(l:llu I'. Si. &( P. M. Dully exceit Kiinday. FOR liuvlon, Oreiron City and Yamhill Itlv er iHilnls. Ash street dock (water per.) f:IO A. M. Pslly except Sunday. 5:110 I'. M. Uslly exci'pt Nundiiy. AtMIIlt FOR I. EW INTO S.U:(I0 A. M. Idaho, slid wsy siints, Monday, from Hiparia, Wash, i Wedn'd'y Friday. 5(KI 1'. M. Tuesday, Thursday, I Hitnday. A. L. CRAIQ, eentral Panengtr Afant Portland, Of T. J. EINN AIHD, A jent, Hood HI Tar. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED with voi'R .locnxr.Y If your tickets rend over the Denver and Rio Orundo Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World," BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions aud points or interest alunn the line between Oden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. If you are going Ktist, write for infor mation anil get a pretty liook that will tell you all about it. W. C. McllRIDK, (jpnrral A sent, 124 Third Streel, PORTLAND, ORKtiON. Ba.JONES,Dexitist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of diseased teet h and gums. Ottlce Hrosius HuildiiiL'. Rhone lOiil. M. E. WELCH, IHE VEIKRISVKV Sl'KHKOX. Is pn-paiTil to ih sny work In Hie veterin ary line, lie mil be Itillllii ly I'illlUlK at or pluming to ClHike s ilnnf smre. Joseph A. Wilson Airent for Wire Wound Wooden Water Pipe CHARACTER READING BY Prof. vSizer '.Over Spot Csh Corner Grocery Store E. I.. SMITH, Yice-l'res. . o Bl.ANI'HAU (ashler. The First National Bank OF HOOD WVEIi, oltEdON. Caiital ami Surplus, $:IO,000. Esluhlished June 1, l'JUI. - P. M. IIALL-LEWIS , . r. Civil and Architectural Engineer and Surveyor. Ofllce, Second St., adjoining W'liiiconiu Hotel, llestdence alter April 1st, Coiiniry ( lub Inn. HOOP KIVKU, OKF.OOX. JOSEPH A. WILSON has- Developed Water Power for sale. l'Hitii'8 tlt'sir'niK power fd' manufacturing purposes will ilu well to write to him. R. P. ORE, CONTRACTOR Ihu'k-work, I'lastennj"; and (Vincnt-work. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVKIi, OlSKtiOX. S. H COX Contractors and Builders PLANS AND E8TIMATKS FfNI8HKD. J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect 01 ok nTnerience Will fur- Dish i. ond stieciticatioiu for 11 1 klndi of btiildiniis. btrictiy up Locatsd at Hood Kivcr. to date. E. A. SOULE, Contractor and Builder. Plans and Intimates Fuknishkii Upon Application. di FREDFRICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnished on nil kinds of work 1 Minima- Arnold, Main SH. HUllCrt. Prrterlck. ls ms F. W. PEIBNOW, Carpenter & Builder KstliuatcH chofrfuHfui irshed, IMhiik anil SpeoiiW'atiohs furnished. All work prmni'lly nnd t'ttrefnlly m tended t. Hood River, Ore. BELIEU & SANDERS, Contractors and Builders tf- 1'I.ANS AND ESTIMAl'KII Et'KN lull K.ll " SmONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Iieciirative ruinliinr mill Taper lliiiiiiii; I'latm furnished. Estimates care full v made. IIOOl) RI Vl'.li, ORKtiON. FRAZIER & SON, PLASTKUKHS I'lue and Kin )Iuco Work a specialty. HOOD RIVl'.R, OlilXiON. W. E. PENNELL, CAHl'KNTHK. Whitlow itntl Dour .Seni lis, Whitlnir untl Ihmr Vtinirn,( tftirr mill Shirt V.r litrtK. I iiliitlstt i'inii timl Furniture ltr- )ttirhit,Ctii-iitt jiixtiiii,('itiniiii mill Unmu. 1100a niver,ure. JAS. McBAIN, j Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, 'te. Bargains in Real Estate. I. :i-riiiun hoil-e, hit 10(1 100, ilo"school IhillHe; siu'lltiv llll'l.tilltl iiiiu ; vi rv clieup. iel "tir p'tce. 2. 1 room h' Use, two lols ")i). Rt!) fei-t each, city water; three Mocks tr 111 fheool house; pleusinl locatni'i. I ruf, 3. 10 acres nuod apple and straw herrv land, full'' Hi-res c'enieil, 1'.:t flu.t U'ees, one ucie si raw In ri ie, 4-r.'in h.uise, Well, slidile, wood sued 111. d pack ill)! house and chaki 11 house Price 1J.V) 4. 5-rooiu hi.use, hrow of hill, over- looking I'olutol'ia, one hl.u k from 1 1 i x 1 school htiilditiir, L'ood wed and city WHl:r: lnrKe wood hotisi ; rood chicken house; lot fitlxlmj; or if desired, lot HHIxllKl, o. li-rnom house, fii e loea' 'o!i , (o er lnokinx the ('oliltiihi.i. i-y. K. I'otir fine lots for flT.'i eiich, 4 f"f $150 each, helow hrow of hill, oierlook- Htg the Coluinliia. Hood River Real Estate & Exchange Co. Hood River, Ore. Treasurer's Notice. All Wnseo.'-'iiiiy Hiirnuits n-.-Mi reil i.rh.r 10 March 1, l.'. will he psiii mi .n- iMiii'.in HI HU Illllt r. .iiini-ni c-v r lWfi. Al. .. I KIN N . .1.1 County '1 r. i F.H.Htani.ky, Tres. XOTK'K FOR rriil.H'ATION. lii'piiitment nf the Interior. Ijind otlice al The linlles, Oregon, May Hi, laky Notice Is hereby given thsl Hie following mimed settler has filed luilteeof bis Intention to make final proof In support ol bis claim, and that sitld final moot , ill he lni.de bi lorc (ieo. T. Prather, t'nlteil si,(t, s criiiinlNsioiier; al his olllce ill Hood Ulver, Oregon, on July , Issa, v g; of Hood Ulver, Oregon, on II. K No. suss, for1 lots 8, II anil 14, of section lownshlpl north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the tollowilu- wilnesses to prove I his continuous resldetio: ii(sui an euHivuilon i ofsnld Isiid, vix: William Hi ds,,n, Charles Munton. ,,.hn II. Illlstroiii slid Paul Auhcii, nil i f i,i Ulver, Oregon. inAiS) MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Hculster. KXI-crrOK'S Mil U K. Notice Is hereby given ili.it the .tidcrsigni'd hsve been spi.iinted e:;ecii;iirs ol me lsl will Hlid testHinenl of Peter K. Kimi.Imui, dt-ccascd, and all piirtlcs having cl:iiin a ::ilnst lliees. tale ol said decensed vrv lieiel. icqiitrcd to present ilicin. with lhecoiei- vouchers, with in six moil 1 lis liom the liiile ol Hits notice to said execulors at the otV.ee nt I it orge II, Cui. berlson In llisid Hlver, Wn-coeotii.tv, Oregon. Dated at Hood Hlver tins si.i u .'y of May, 15. IIEOHOE H. CCI.I'.E.lTSoN, JAMES KMllHT, Execulors of the last will an.; ii-laiiienl of Peter Frederick Kuudson. dcceii-e.!. mil js XdTK'K OK FINAL KIT!. I M KM". ' Notice is her, by given llm' t i,c i:,., rslgned 1 have II led their fliini iicciiiint u , ,. ut,IIK ,, i the last will of Aiidivw ll Tieiniu,. t. ecus, ,1, tt? .lime, hkb, has been appointed by the i omt i j lor hciirlni? oblrtM ions !o said tltml account, ! , nun ine sen leiiieui inetcoi. me sum lien! Illy to he at the hour of lllo'loek on siiid ilu'. or us soon therenlter as Ihe sain enn be lieurd. Iinlcd May X, l!l'i. S. t,i i -:us WM. M. Y.VI E: Illll-JH Execlllots. NOTIt'K FOR PUIU.H'ATION Denarlment of the Interior. Land Ollice at The HhMcs. Oreirun. May 10, lmi5. Notice is hereby Riven thai the foilowinK-nnnnsl settler hiis liltnl iiolice of his intention to n...ke tilial proof in supisirt of his claim, unit suiil n ,Kjf will lie made before the ivKite and receiver, at ! The llallcs. Ore., on June zi'Hi. r.ier,. vr: JACOB CARL M CAI'CHEY. of Mosicr. Oieifuii; on H. E. No. Ih.TS. fur the !..ts :i. i and S'j N W '4, of iSecliun 2. Tp. 1 Ni.i 'h Kanite II E.. W. M. Hu names the following witnesses to prove Ids eoniiiiuous it-s.oene upvn sou eilllivaiinii ol s.no Innd. viz: S. U Fisher, fciiwaul iHvidsoi,,l'h:.i es Stars: Price Hunter. Bllof MoM,.r, Oreir.in. nilBjlft MICHAEL T. Nol.AN. Kenist. r. NOTIt'K FOR l'l'I'.l.K'ATION. I'epurl men I of the Interior; .,nd olllce, Tlie lllllles, Oreuon, April Itl, IMI . Notice islici, liy Itlveil that Hie lolloHlliit-iiiiiiied settler l;n's tiled notlee of his Intention to make final prooriu siipHri of his ciitlni, unit tlitit snid proof will he miiiie tiefore ileoiLc'l'. I'uitli. r. Culled i-tntcs I'onilnlssloiicr, nl his oflicc ill Hood fvlver, oiemui, on June :i Ion,,, vi..: HENRY J. (ilinl-'l , of Mount Hood, Oregon, Homestead Entry No s;l:t. lor ihe NW'4 Hei-tiou 17, Townshlp'l South, liunfe in East, Will uiieMe Mei Idiiui. He lli.mes the I'ollowllll! U Hie -sscs to prove Ills coutlnuoiH residence upon and cultlvii- I Hon of snl, I Innd, vis.: ,Ii s H. His s. Hiis. I sell llohiii, Mm ,,. Bclieiirer, end Willliiin I.. j IllleUilliul . sll oi .Mount Hood. uon. I .MICHAEL T. Nol.AN. I aril Iteuisier. GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LAwi)Sl I have for locnl ion some choice apple hinds and limner claims; aiio relinquishments and land to script. Call on or address, W.m. F. HANI), rti. Hood River, On l'lml JUIMil; J.J. HIRSHEIMHR, ..Pcnsioti and Patent Attorney.. L'L'H Wiishington St., 1'ortiaiid, Ore. I'l'iisioii" ii'dler (.eip riil l.;iv ami Pliiler the Act of .lime 2", ISilO. Indian W'ur I'ension, Increase of pensions, father, mother, dependent and helpless child ren pension; Nurses pensions; Widow's res toration to pension roll: deserted wile's hull' pension: II. unities and arrears of pension. Clidi'irON of llesertian Corrected. Chi i ins of all kinds taken utrninsl the I'liiled State" and prnaecuted. At Hood River every fourth Saturday in each 1111111II1. BRICK YARD. I ;iin limiiul'iieturiii"; iit in y yard near ('ohiinbia nursery south of town, aslinc aipial ity of (.'oininon lirick its cnii hi; found in the st,att. Have 200,000 to .'500.000 brick on hand for inspection. Price : at van! fo lier thousand. 1 ( . . , tul , , see How we make hncK. A. T. ZIOFK. For Irrigation o City Lots Notice Hhould he jiivcli lit the ollice of the l.ifdit nnd Witter Co. when witter is itneil for ppi-inkling. We my sprink llllif liccmise it in the only niellioil liy which we unree to (iirtiidi water for irri (.'iition liewiire ol the inun with tin wrench. If this point in overlooked, likc- wise the proper lime to sprinkle as no further notice will lie .'iven. Consumers whose residences front the i south sides of the streets named helow j w ill sprinkle lad ween hnurn of 5 and 11 : a. in. ; those on the north tide hetween iH and U p. 111. ; t'olumliia, River, Oak : and Slide streets, and Sherman and Ha , zel avenues. lit case ot alarm 01 lire an siirinKlinu i mkhiIiI lie stopped prniiiptly. ! ' ' - ll0'1'' M-'r ' ! uuitEKA MEAT MARKET, ; McuTirtE BROH., Props. Dealers In Kreih an4 Cored Meats, Lard, Poultry, fruits and Vi.jetables. VRKB DELIVERY. PHONC 16 Carpet Weaving. i All kinds ,,i crtrpi'l : from . .1.1 ciiriM-ts, i I'-' tl w.-iivti,i. Kuifs made Mils. (iolisKY. Il.ioil Hiver Heights. iHood River Directory. The Cih.ei.-r .llr.fi.irv of Hood Kiv-r city ! sn-l valley, ami tiiHp: showiiiir liK-Htiiin ..f . fsriiis, wilh owners iiiiines. iK tlun of -1 ' i-n mi. 1.11,1 ,,i ,i i ir ,.. .... ll-.trlbutl.in. Fnw Itiver, Oregon. r.0". Cilailer, ER 17 BERRIES TO THE POUND BOX FINE FRUIT AT WHITE SALMON I'l'ck Hunili .Makes Splendid liccord H.vrkcltN I! et urns art' 84.50 a Crate. I'y a Stalf (!ori(siuinilmit. White Salmon, Wanh., May W. V.. M. Pork who has two ami ono-half i.erod in Htrawbcrrios on ttio White Salmon Idntf, packed on Thursday of lust weok over 4(1 rraloa of three-tier Is't'iies, mid on Friday live crates that averaged IS lierrioa to the box. The prize box took just 17. The ber ries are on new laud and us is known in this section no wider is used. The sumo conditions prevail nil turouuh that section. . J. 1'iir- ,1M0" a' "OK, 1'. O. rt'CK, .Ml', 1 lusaker, and ill fnct all are enjoy inn the same lesulls, but none have beiMi to .nuke the .plci.lid Hl.owin so tar niaile liy K. ,M. I'i ck. Ihe sie of hiH beiries are cm admiration ! on h11 siiii, end oh! tio.i lorry (jrow i rs make tl i u i ti ; c the patch that is turiiihi; . ',! such mi i.I l-in lieauties. The liliicii l is nr.iler ( biigittions to ; Mr. and .Mrs. K. I'n'k for tour ! boxis of tlieto Unios, the tlnest that have been mt.i mi f. r this year. Five weeks iijio Mr I t t k ii.ummI tin his ranch about a n.ile in d it lull liom I lie city, in the t'i k si ll)i ti ( t t. I'e hs tow and a h.ilf ni'ic- in le tries, unit this 'e"r t'1" 'ut Crop, It.vrkcU's Ills' lletiirtis. Already the end of Ihe herry season can ho 111 ted. 'i l ore me many of the crly shi' i ts V I.n Hi e I'lld lltllly Irop- ig out cud the 1 idiots are lent ing l! 0 Ileitis t!:;:l have heen v eil worked 1. f the new lii hi.i hack on the hill. Another veck i:nd the end will lie. 11 fi.i't. It I. as .ei 11 a gn at year lor the r nvers ol the White Salmon country : ' d the host of good cl ot r prevails I .' ."oiighni'.t. jMcii with two acres and h bs w ill de. ive o er a t IiiuimuuI dollars' from their heirie.i. Ti e year previous was not up to the standard and all are ghul that this yiur has heen so prollt- ahle. Judge liytkelt stands at the head of the list, lie has received tf l.iill per crate lor over 400 crates. All over the valley the sumo copditii.n prevails. In some instances tho hemes have lulien nit in quality owing to the ngc of tho plants. This year will wind up many of the patches, hut next year there will he so ninny new patches that if conditions are favorahlo another record hreaking crop should he fath ered. tail Pickers in Men's I'll 11 Is. S. 0. Ziegler has solved the lahor iiuestion. He has tho rrio herrv pickers for the country. Ho also has the hest looking and most al tractive "gang" in the valley. I.ust year he decided that no more women, with long skirts could enter his patches. When he 11 iide his contract this jear with his 'J.'i girls it was stipulated that they would have to wear trousers. I The young ladies, all from Mount I'lensaiit, demurred at first, hut after consideration of the propriety in wear ing real man's limits, decided they would don the costume, providing that no men should he allowed to work in the patches. This was agreed to and the girls came decke I in mini's attire for the task. A jollier and happier crowd of girls never entereil it hurry patch. Mr. and Mrs. Xicglor have thrown upon their largo homo to tho privilege of tho girls, and a merry time they ail have. One little hrunette remarked tome last week: "1 never filt so much like a mint in my life; I always did want to ho a mini, and am sorry that the sea son is drawing to a close. We have had royal treatment and have had a jolly time. " To rememher the occasion the gills sent for Milton Helm, a photogapher of Hood River, and a group picture was taken. It is needles h to say t he girl will refer to it liiiinv times later! eoonll (ho lion ivhiol t hnv worn i . anil recall the lime when they wore puntx nnd hud the ureutei-t time of their life. I'ickciH Here Hard lo (ict. There i.i 1111 uliMiltito HCiircity of her ry pickers and puckers und nil oll'ortx to xecure nihlil ionul help hiive fuiletl. It irt estiniiited Hint the Indiiiiis chiiik from the Viikiiim country '2."iDU MtroiiK, and the JitpH fui ni-'heil iienrly TilNI, and 2"i(l whites make up tho urent ni'iiiy that in iitheritiK hei i ien in tho Hood River nnd White Sidinoii viilliiyw. Many of the K'oweih on the WnHliiiii.'ton Hiilo of the river have 1 ecu sei'iiiii. ly hniidi - cupped, ow inn to the sciiicity of pick - ei. lied Skin I'lckcrs Hie Rest. The sipiaw i-till holds her plnco as tho chunipioii herry picker. The he.l wiikcs so far have lienn made hy the dusky Hiawatha. The ,!nps do not prove to ho as nood us it was Hiipposed they would. They lire plodders, faith ful in tho peifoininiice of the wink allotted, hut they lack tho deftness of the Indian maiden. The hucks me crakiiiK koiuI press agents for the miuiiwh. J hut is, they ; rido up and down the valleys in i;ay j iTKtiliii.prochiiiniiiK the wonderful her- ry-pickiiiK tilulities 01 1110 siiiaw. Kevend of the urowci'H coniplain hit terly of the inaiiner in which some of tho powers strive to inlhieiice the hucks to jjet more help from other (rowers. The herry picker is a most important factor 111 the community at ; tr.is time. Jap's Strike Has Short. I TI o J,tis at the ranch of (!. I). I Moore, went oil a strike, Wednesday (if hist ws-ek. Th( word passed up and down the valley that a pitched hattlo ! was leini; wa(ed hetween the .laps j and the Indians, hut the trouhle iroved t ' amount to nothing other than a dill'ereiice hetween the employ er and ti e hoss.lap. The little swai thy Yankees of the Kast struck and left the patches. Immediately after a settlement, they took the first train for I'ortlnnd. dechirni! that railroad work was their preference, and that they would rather (" Imck to the land ' of the Chrysanthemum and take up the hVht for their mother country than to l. Tl... I I l... ...... .. K ' ,!" ' " " Hon was over me one-ijiinrior or a rent per linx to he paid lit t lie eln.-c of IliHiii lnc 't'asOll provi.uiiK inai iney re- i :o -i n'.uini'd until the close. This was lie- moii (lured, bill paid and the Indian scouts; commenced to raid the valley for moro ! pickers. Tine New Summer Hotel. Tho Falls is attract! tin a ureal deal of attention this year, fcvery day parties in lmo numbers arrive and make the trip. One of tho main reasons for tliis is the fact that the Washington Hotel in White Salmon has been thrown open fur the business, and the hoiiic is fust liliiiiK up with visitors. Jlr. Latitt rl ncli lias none to nearly I0,(ti expense in the construc tion mid furnishing of the hotel. Tho house is lilted up with the cliiborate nnsB of a tirst cabin on an ocean liner. Mr. I-jiutcrhach's loiitf years of exper ience ou tho ocean as a stewnrd on the best ocean liners allows him the knowled (o of knowing how to cater to the best livers in tho lain!, and it can bo said to his credit that ho is niviiiK his quests the best of service. The hotel is a credit to White Salmon, and it is very Kiatil'yiiif to know that the people who travel appreciate the ef forts put forth by him. K. L. U. LOOKS LIKE ROAD DOWN NORTH BANK liy it Slati' t'orresHiudent. White Salmon, Wash., May :0 The Itanu of stirveiois winking in Ilu" neinh lioihoiid of I.yle ha.H uiven new life to Ihe rumors that a railroml is tioinu to enter the territory alonu the t'oliimhia river. It is pretty netieinlly unilerstooil liefore the year is over deliiiile informa tion will he (liven nut from the apinx, just w here the new line will t i nverse. Hinp'ii is assured Ihut it will cotne in on the new survey and already there is talk o( new luiililiniis mid new enter prises. There is no (itestion hut what there will hea road iuiill some day on the Wiishinutnn side. There is no iiies tion hut what the Northern l'ueilic slill exports: to do the work. Now Ihe pro. position is just where will the line lie draw 11. I'liilerwiinil will cotne in, that is a (nreeone conclusion, sis it is a natural point, and all surveis that have so f'lt heen made have pine Ihut way. The ranchers and merchants of the new little tiiwti are (jreally agitated over the pro. jeet Itlid tiiel'e is 11 ureal ileal of speenhi- I 1 10 u . II is a well known fact Unit a tlrm j nl attorneys of Vancouver, Wash , have 1 heen not ainotiu Ihe farmri'snf the sec tion ut lite propositi new roiul, enileiiv oriin: to strike a sett lenient on ihe ilaniii)!!' that the ri'jht nl way would do to them. One of the leading ranchers nl the valley was apptoached and asked to set his priie. This he refused, until lie was positive that the road was a foregone conclusion. If the mail is con clusion. II the loud is constructed strucleil on line of ihe present survey heinn made it will raise cane wilh sumo of the finest new orchards anil herry pal dies in the valley. Owing to the adjustment of ilill'eiences helwet'ii tlic uurini; lailroad factions) last last week, it w its supposed that no operation would he cninuieiice 1 this year. Itut w ith the pieseiiei! of surveyors and the Htatenii'iils niade that many thousands of tnile.i nf new mail wnnld he made this voir; it iH niven out hy 1 1 lose in a position to know that the road will positively lie linill. Y I,. (J. Stir Yourself Today. lliiio is an item from the Louisville Ciiui ier Jotirniil that ouuht to he posted in every place of husitiess and nt every ci'osh i oiuIh in the statu of Oregon. It posnesKeu 0110 of the ele ments needed to make Oregon tho eiplttl of tho host state in the I'nion and that idemiiiit is "gihgi'i." The (hiiirier-.loui nul says: Are you a time killer? Do you ! stand aliout talking when yon should ho disposing of duties that press upon you? Do you hang around homo when you should l o at your olllce? Do you put oil' until ! :'t0 o'clock t he things that might jiist as wi ll he done at II o'clock? Do you lag through a task instead 1 nf attacking it with ail the steam on land pushing it through hiiskly? 1 Do von fritter utvay a single hour .. . , .... I. 1 1 1... 1 !" " 1 ' .v 'ig ,1 . .1111.10 nsenii '" lieiielltiug your health, linproviiig your mind or lit Ipinu your hiiisnes.s? If so, stir yourself. You are out of tho American spirit. You urn not even slmidinn still you are KuiiiK liiickiiril. if von do not look out the lest of America will leave you fur he hind. Stir yourself todaythin inorninK. I.t'inc for their Country Home. Mr. and Mrs. (!. (!. KuhortH left lust h't iday for their home nt Tangle- wood. Mr. Riiherts had heen eunliiied for three wiiekx to his room lit the i Minint Hood hotel, the result of 11 j itinawtiy on the Havidsoii hill. Mr. Ki, lints injured his hack mid tin ankle. Ho (ot.s aliout on crutches, I hut del-hues he's still "a laddie for a Itlmt." j The runaway was a very serious ; affair. Mrs. li'ohertrt was thrown oi l nloiiK with tho driver, which left Mr. 1 RohortM in the luiuwy with no control 1 of the maddened horses. His only resource was to jump. While Mrs. ; liohorts escaped with hut a few slight ' liruis.es, Mr. Koherts was not so tur : tllllllto, i The accident happened just in the ; midst of the wool I. living season, and Mr. Roherts re(retteil very much to le out. of the (lime ju.-t. at the most exciting time, when hids for wool were hecomiiiK very lively. Dusky Maidens Mix nitli ITrcnatcr. Strawherries will wither on the par . lit stem and he a dead 1 iss to their (lowers if they wait for two dusky n aiiletiH from the Warm Springs u("iicy to save tin in. 1 hey timl otlior lish to try lest 11 i tit ; ll.-h that were s in iiui iii.iiiiid in i h hool. I u i on M-eia-nce they ( it iiiived ui with tho lire water and then (nt mixed up with inch other. Sitting, or rather recliil it i. in a cell at the jail this innruin I l.-v i::.:'uied as to how loii tliey veil ti. i.l.ii.'e as it was their earnest i li ;t ii i t in no on t heir way to Hood i ' ' i i : ml iek hemes. Recorder I iil i a !ii;i d tliem s.i apiece and then ' i I' 1 1 i ( i. r d lellii:( them to he skoo h.i 11 li h i eii, sent them down the li'.i I.- ' niele. ',ie-etit DuMn d, chief i.f the i A 1 i it at the I, "W is and Clark i. i. .if veil at the grounds a lew 'o -ni ervi-e 'he iuslnllat O'l of .-nl -iid of in-ii-t'ii-js valued at than iiull'ii-i i. Hats. IN MEMORY OF SOLDIER DEAD MANY ATTEND SUNDAY SERVICES Sen i liy Key. Mr. Chambers, who Talks on Tat riot ism rant, Present and Future The opera house was packed to over Mowing Sunday tnoruiuu hy nienihcis of the (iraiid Army, women of the Relief Corp and their friendt, who gathered there to attend tho memo rial services. Rev. II. 1). Chatmliors, district missionary for the Episcopal diocese in Oregon, delivered tho ser- liinii of the day, his suhject helii( . "I'atriotism 1'ast. Present, l'"uture. " I After the (lay-haired veterans of , the Orand Army llli d into the hall, I followed hy the ladies of Canhy Post, W. R. C, Rev. Joseph MayeH de livered the invocation. Murray Kay i siiiik "Ahiilewith Me." The scrip i tore readinu was siipi lied hy Rey. W. V. Ciilmnre, of the Ooiinrpcationul chinch. Rey. O. .1. Xelsou, of the L'liitarian church, delivered prayer at the close of the i in.cii, and Kev. J. 1.. Horshnor dosed the services with the heiiodiction. Taking his text from Deuteronomy Vllh'J, "Thou shall retuemher ail the way which the Lord thy tlod has led thee, to try thee and to prove thee," Rev. Mr. Chanda-rs dwelt on the illustration from the children of Isreal, that if they torsook the law of the Lord disaster to their nation would he the result, and lirought forth tho idea that "we must find (.oil's hand lu history." "It is not only nocessary to follow in the track of haftleaiid listen to the nail of the couiiiored or the shout of the conqueror, hut we must llnd (lod's hand in if," Continuing, the speaker snid in part : "We look nt the history of our country and wo llnd it has risen from one of tho least to one of the greatest, if nut the greater t on thegloho. Look id, the great men our country haa pro utlced. Every crisis in our history has found the right man nt he helm Washington at the time of the Revolu tion; Lincoln at tin) time of tho threatened disruption of the union; McKinley ut the time of tho freedom of Culm, and it seems a Roosevelt at the time of hondage of wealth, trusts und selllshmw. "The war of the Involution sought and gained freedom for which the stars and stripes have ever stood from that, day to this. What hand has led us? tiod's. ' His inline is stamped on every dollar that wo earn. Not war has made us what we are, but the providence of tlod. "1 t hink of tho purity of the homes of our ii uros tors. ; their quiet rural lives; their fear of (tod; their love of country, nnd the patriotism pro duced there Hint made our nation what it is today. 1 think of the won derful progress in invention, rail roads, newspapers, and try to imagine what a country this would ho without atlod. 1 look nt the purity of tho ' literature of tho past, not of the pres ent; tit. the grand instil ittions of free dom our ancestors founded. Today ahout IKl.iHHlHK) people of every iiiilioiuility live to enjoy to the fullest measure Hiis 1 Shorty. What hand di rects in this self government against every power todisiupt it, which other nations attempting have failed? A tlod fearing country ; with righteous ness Its I asis. "This lirings us to the present. 1'eKsiiiiism 1 define us seeing only the had in life ; optimism as seeing only the good, closing the eyes to the had. A course hetween the two is more to he desired. The children of Isreal were warned that they should remem- i her I heir dependence upon the power which wrought their deliverance, lest when they had eaten and were full they hecanio pulled up with pride. "That is our danger today. 'The hand of Hod is in danger of heing forgotten ; forgotten in tho growing skepticism of tho day; in popular doiiht; a powerful press to a huge ex tent inlidel ; denial of a w holu or a pint, of the iithlo; Sunday (h ai-ct ation ; multiplication of religious sects; hnitherly love forgotten ; a spirit of commercialism with no right or wrong; war of capital und lahor; trusts; im pure politics; worship of the almighty dollar; society with Its numerous demands; policy which is often a lie; i our manner of hringiiig up our child ren ; family lii.s on the wane. "We have forgotten the tied who hough! us; the hlood which cements us. There is a grave danger of our lihuit.y hoing lost. Because true lih .v lioiiiii.4 (!od und iiihii : hecaiise j u,,,',,, js nothing in tl.l-i whole world so grand us a mini. lie is a rreeman w htitn the truth makes free, and till an. slaves liesides.' The spirit of the times means the decline of truo patri otism. "What can take the place in this world of tlod? I'atriotism is not mere opinion, nor mere selllshness. Ine patriotism sets itself against all l:t tnmpts of the hahlilo to hreak do' ll the institutions of purity in our lai d, it was when the statue of putriothtu at Rome was dethroned, that Hon o fell, and so will lie the history of tl is country " Directing his remarks to the (Irund Army niemhers hnfore him, the sptak (T cont iniied : "Wo Kinie today to rem. m er the past, thoso who wain and manitaii.td our freedom. There are few left of this host. Tlie march of tho remnant grows less; the graves more in t:i m hcr for decoration. Derrn tw n day in the Siihhnth of our put lit tism. These lives were oll'ered on tie altar of their country, and tho altar made the olliii ing u holy one. We mention not the great generals, hut the rank and llle; the mothers and wives and sisters who tailored at home. Wo look over tlie dusty rank to the hoy who hravely trods along, whose only fame was a short line in a countiy news paper telling of a life hravely luid clown. "'i he remnant ought to inspire us. The call today for such men us t houhlored the musket at the call of ; Lincoln men of stahilty. Impurity i is a worse too than war; it takes j l.rave ir.en to btand for right ttiuid . det its' sanctions. We cannot he mere (('(intliiii. d on rune S ) 3 1 .