The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 25, 1905, Image 8

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The Dallos diarict conference of the
Method iHt-KniflcopBl church closed
profitable two-day gemiion in thin city
last ITiday nlKtit wun a very auie aa
dress by Dr. J. JI. Coleman, presl
dent of the Willamette university,
Presidium Elder Booth expressed
himself as being well pier scd with the
work of the conference, and neartuy
thanks the good people of Hood Kiver
for their cenerons welcome to the vis
- itintf doleKtes. Rev. Booth expressed
but one disHiipolntment, that a num
ber of the able members of the con
femce from EaHtern Washington were
unable to attend.
Thursday morning the devotlonul
services were conducted by 8. K,
ilornibrook. There was a business
session at 9:30, when under the direc
tlon of Kobert Warner the following
young men were examined and re
commended for admission to the an
unal conference which meets this year
at Moscow: M. 0. Carson of Lone
Rock; Or., R. C. Marsh of Fossil,
B. K Brown of Pendleton, W. A
Bexton of Wasco.
The Un ited States as a Mission Fields
a symposium, was taken up under
the following topics, and discussed
by Rev. 11. C. Clark of Belmont,
who handled the "Rural District.
II. B. Klworthy took "The City.
Dr. B. J. Hoadley, was unable to be
present, but an able paper prspare by
him was read in his absence. "The
Foreighner." was his subject, pre
sented by one well acquainted with
the misisonary needs In tnli deld.
Perry Chandler led the devotional
exercises in the afternoon of Friday
At 23:0 o'clock, Mrs. N. Whealdon of
The Dalles, presented an excellent
paper on "The Purpose and Utility
of the Ladies' Aid Society." Should
we build a district parsonage,' was
discussed by N. Whealdon, John Blrcb
and otherg.
Early Oregon Newspaper.
The Canyon City Engle has redirected
a copy of an early Oregon newspaper,
which was conducted for awhile as the
fun vim ('it v Journal, bv Juanuin Miller
Speaking of this historical relic, the
J'.nglo says:
I Joanuin Miller.the poet of the Sler
ras, was the editorial hlghcockaloruru
of this pioneer sheet which was the
City Journal. Its size is about one
eighth the size of the Blue Mountain
Eagle, containing four pages of three
columns each. Uoe. ii. Fearing
Co., deaioars in merchandise was the
only advertisement, At the top of the
HrNt column appeared the following
"The Ulty Journal, furnished oc
casionally by the typographical society
for the proprietors. Terms cash or
any equivalent."
At the begining of the editorial col
umn was the following:
"The City Journul. Rev. Eral.
editor. "Those were great times
when the good gray poet was a fron
tier lawyer, lutor a county judge.
but always a poet. Tradition says he
was a good lawyer.a good Judge dis
pensing even-handed justice with a
draco or six-snooiers in one hand, a
copy of Shakespeare in the other and
a bible in bis desk. It needs not the
evidence of tradition to prove that he
was a good pout. And yet the city
journul of the day and date above
mentioned is a revaleut and material
document to show that the poet of the
Sierras when before he saw the Stor
ms when ins visual nonson was
bounded on one side by the heaven
climbing llliie mountains of Baker
county and the other by the vast
plains of Harney, was a poet. Road
hero his greeting to the new year:
"Now year's Eve," it begins. "An
other peiu'l, the Persians say lias
dropped from the horn of time Into
the ocean of eternity. Another wrln
kle on the horu of time, say we ; and
at the thought of horn we sieze the
hour ghiHS and turn It up until we see
tho sugar in the bottom.
" "1'is the hour of reflection with
a spoon In it. Lot us contemplate
the situation. Two hundred miles
from a college, a steamboat or a cir
cus. Hut then wo are also remote
from the perils of the plague, earth
quaKe ana the uroolan bend. If we
have had some marriages, we have al
so had some divorces, so that a bach
eior s cnances are me same. it we
havo hud some deaths, there has also
been demands for soothing syrup
and peppermint, and if there Is
coldness betweou this city and The
Dalles, how can we help It at this
season of the year?
"The horu of plenty Is poured up
on us, tho editor is lovely, and all's
well. All the year our jail has Iwen
teuaiitletts, and no man lias lieeu tried
In the high court for crime. There is
no bourbon amongst us ami temper
mice is the rule. There is not i
pauper in the county, and our paper
la going up to par. Lawyers retire
in disgust at the prevailing peace and
doctors complain at a chronic statu of
heulth. And vn know more now than
we did before Novemlier. Wonderful
how fast we loam I We know who will
be tho next president, and we know
better whiohsido California Is to lie on
now. Again wo look at the sugar in
'our glass, and say, be thankful I
Memory runs past the old year
ami turns down the corridors of time.
We see plains, sagebrush and alkali.
' Iti.vmul u Intuitu wlif tnliu 1 nu..
standing like a milestone on the road
to eternity, a buxom lass, with a face
as red as a Wei if out apple, a waterfall
sweet pug nose, and ankles llko oh
krlclckey I We must quit or give up
the ghost. And still beyond, school.
birch, mud pies, mumble peg and
t-tolen apples; while far lck in the
dim distance, measles, mumps, cat
nip tea and paragorio are blended in
iiiuiNuiicinoxs, While sluing on our
mother s knee, and merrv niemnrv re
fuses to go further. Again we shake
sugar I
"Ijet us again lie thankful. Let
us be just. Let us not put wiggle-
tails in our milk, nor dog's claws in
our suusuge ; let us tell the truth
when we can t help it, and uot drink
dog's gimts in our lager, and so thut
when the hand that writes this is st ill
and the eyes thut read this is glaed
and looking up at the gruss roots on
yonder hill, we may have a happy
New Year in the bettor land, where
all together we will smile on the
troubles of today, as we do now over
the days where gold had no attraction
and birch had lost its terrors.
"Tho cock from his lofty roost calls
midnight and INWi is but a date in his
ory. the merchant will write '08 for
a time when in a study; and ye miner
win so dale his epxiucs to his Flor
ence Matilda, and she will read and
wouder on what day New Year conies
at Canyon City.
"Welcome New Year. Very tender
ly do we greet yon, as a now born
babe that comes to us an emigrant
across the great plains of eteruity.
Very tenderly do we greet you, aiid
ask you to give us hope In our hearts,
love on our lips, sugar in our colfee,
ami spondulicks in our stockings.
Seedless Apple Has No Fruit Value.
Caldwell (Idaho) Rural.
"Most of onr readers have studied the
article relative to the seedless apple.
This tree will not be for sale for two
years from this spring, when the de
mand will probably exceed anything
hrtifrr known for nursery stock.
The company has a large orchard and
nursey at Lee's Summit, Mo., and this
fall will set out a few million more trees.
The apple was exhibited at the Ht. Louie
Fair and will also he exhibited at the
Portland Exposition. We are in hopes
to have one on view at the Gazette otlice
this fall, although as yet they are as
scarce as Queen bees." Kendrick Gaz
ette. That "seedless apple," Brother Mac
intosh, has been getting a whole lot of
free advertising of late, nd a good deal
of it is not very Battering either. Here,
for example, is one from a prominent
horticultural journal, under the cap
tain " Seedless Apples in History."
"Surely it is to the shortness of the
public's memory that gives fakirs and
their grafts life and prolit. Fifteen
years ago, tho press was nearly as full of
the seedless apple as it is today. At
that time Prof. L. II. Bailey punctii'rd
the claims of its promoters by saying:
"It apiears to possess no value asiile
from its curiosity."
H. E. Van Heman, then United States
Pomologist, said of it : "My opinion is
that the variety is practically worthless
asa fruit, but Is quite interesting as a
curiosity. Anvone who plants trees of
this variety will be disappointed except
in Having meir curiosity bbubucu.
Going further back it is found referred
to in this country in 18iiH, '(i!) and '70.
Then takinn a long look back a seedless
and coreless apple is found described by
a French horticulturist. Lclectier, in
KI28. Surely if the great possibilities of
the fruit claimed by its present discover
ers were really there, they would have
asserted themselves long ago. If a seed
less apple tree agent strikes you, start
him on an endless walk.
In addition to the above, several other
agricultural papers and fruit experts
have exploited the "seedless," and they
have practically all of them said
"don't except you want the satisfaction
of seeins a sort of freak curiosity, of lit
tle or no practical value, and at best fur
below, in size and quantity, many well
tested and popular apples of today. It's
all right to give the "seedless" a trial,
but the advice of the Gem State Rural
is to go slow on it at a financial ven
ture. Roosevelt's Old Buggy.
Richard JohiiHon of Minot, N. D.,
owns a buggy which waB used by Theo
dore Roosevelt on his Maltese (Irons
ranch in North Dakota nearly twenty
five years ago. The buggy had been in
use for fifteen years prior to the time
young Roosevelt used it. Mr. Johnson
will send the old vehicle to the Lewis
and Clark exposition. Many of the trap
pings used bv Koosevelt during his two
year's sojourn in Dakota have been pre
served by his admirers. One of these
relics is a dinkv little old straw hat
which looks very funny now, but it was
the New Y ork city Btylo when the young
man wore it out to Dakota in 1XHI. Ef
forts ore being made to send this hut
and other Roosevelt relics from Dakota
to the exposition.
A (Joed Suggestion.
Mr. C. B. Waluwrlght of 1111011
City, Fla,, lias written the niaiiufuct
urers that much better results are
btained from the use of Chamberluiii's
Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
in cases of pains In the stomach, colic
and cholera morbus by taking it in
water us hot as can be drank. That
when taken In this way the effect Is
double in rapidity, "it seems to get at
the right sisit instantly, lie says, for
sale at Williams Pharmacy.
Wants Real Estate Day at Fair.
Uoorge I). Culbertsoii of this city.
who was recently appointed vice pres
ident for Oregon of the National Real
Estate association organized last year
at the St. Louis fair, is arranging
matters for a real estate men's duy ut
the Lewis and Clark exposition. Mr.
Culbertsou la also organizing a statu
organization of the national reul es
tate association.
Chamberlain's Kemeily the Very Best.
"I have been using Chamberlain's
Cough remedy and want to say it is the
best cough medicine 1 have ever tak
en," says Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant
of Harlan, Mich. There Is no question
about its being the best, as It will cure
a cough In less time than any other
treatment. It should always be kept
in the bouse ready for constant use, for
for a cold can be cured in much less
lime when promptly treated. For sale
ut Williams Pharmacy.
To Make Preliminary Survey.
The board of directors of tho Hood
llivur Irrigation district have been in
structed to secure a loan of 7lKI for
defraying the expenses of a prelimin-
ery survey to determine the approxi
mate cost of the proposed irrigation
system the district has in contempla
tion. At a meeting of the directors Satur
day, F. C. Shorrlob was elected presi
dent; (. R. Custuer vice president
and J. H. Shoemaker secretary.
(iasollno Fnglne for Sale.
The Davidson Fruit Co. have left in
stock a new No. H Stickney three-horse
power gasoline engine arranged for fast
or Blow speed suitable tor pumping
water for irrigating purposes or other
power. cry simple and easy to oper
ate, tor sale at a bargain. 'I his is not
second-hand, cheap affuir. Price, f 175.
Advertised Letter l ist.
Muy 1, I'.Kio.
Edith Hearin, Miss llickox. Mrs.
Henry Idger, Elizabeth L. Rehn,
Aletta B. Rose, Mrs. John Spear, ("has.
K Barnes, J. C. Cole, W. Canlleld,
Walter Doolitte, II. l Evans, J. J.
(loldu. Emanuel Hansen, G. II. Har
din, Horace HuHkius, Frank K llear-
ne, George Judy, Willie Miner, Glyn
Reynolds, 1). 11. Scott, Moritz Ntnv
lierg. W. M. YATES, P. M.
Why Suller From lEIieiiiuiiliMii?
Why suffer from rheumatism when
one application of Chamberlain's Pain
liulm will relieve the pain? The otiick
relief which this liniment afford
makes rest and sleep possible, anil that
alone is worth luanv times Its cost.
Many who have used It hopinir onlv
for a short relief from sulfering have
ta-en haplly surprised to find that after
awhile the relief became permanent.
Mrs. V. II. L'ggett of Yum Yum, Ten
nessee, U. S. A., writes. "I am a great
sutlerer from rheumatism, alt over
from head to foot, and Chnnilierluin's
I'ain Balm is the only thing (hut will
ralieve the pniii." For sale at Williams'
Time Tried and Merit Proven.
One Minute Cough Cure is riifhton
time when It comes to curing coughs,
roup, whooping cough, etc. It Is per
fectly harmless, pleasant to take and is
the children's favorite coiiirh svrun.
Sold at G. E. Williams' drug store.
Clarke's Cough Elixir
will cure that cough Price H only 25c. j
Lewis and (Turk Fair Notes.
"Hit the Trail" at the Lewis and
Clark exposition opening In Portland
June 1.
Sites have been selected for the
Philipine village and the Homer Dav
enport pheasant farm. These will tie
located near the Experimental gardens
and the Grand Esplunde.
The Experimental gardens at the
Lewis and Clark exposition have been
abandoned, inasmuch as tho remark
able demand for exhibit space aeces-
situatod the utilizing of this tract for
Hundreds of magnificent vases have
been profusely scattered about the
grounds of the Lewis and Clark expo
sition. In these have been placed
beautiful palms which will be in full
bloom by opening day.
A test has lieen made of all the
electric lighting effects at the Lewis
and Clark exposition. This proved
exceedingly satisiactory. and after
few minor details have been atttended
to the exposition will be ready for
public inspection.
Reports from Wisconsin would in
dicute that the leigslative body
that state is making haste to recon
aider its action in killing the Lneis
and Clark exposition appropriation
bill. An allotment of '.11,000 is now
The enormous Ionic columns for
the Oregon state building at the Lew is
and Chirk exposition have been placed
In position. The building now pre
sents a very imposing appearance,
Work upon all the other state struct
tires is progressing with much rapid
The great crowds which throng the
Lewis and Clark exposition durii
the pro-exposition period have neces
sitated more turnsitles, which will
le installed immediately. Plans for
the permanent entrances have been
prepared, and work on them will be
started shortly.
Work upon tho Hungarian chadra
at tho Lewis mid Clark exposition has
commenced. The structure Is sittiut
ed on tho east side of lakeview terrac
in front of the Utah, Idaho and New
York state buildings and faces the
Grand Esplando.
II. (. Higinbothuin, who was director
general of the Chicago worlds fair, has
accepted tlic invitation extended by the
mtimigcinei t to attend the opening
exercises ot the Lewis and Clark ex pi,
sition on June 1.
II mv i'o Ward Off Old Age.
Tin- most successful way of warding
on tin-111 proach or old age is to main
tain a ij! digestion. This can be
done by eating only food suited to your
age an 1 occupation, ami when unv tlls-
oruer 01 ine stomach appears take
dose ol Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver T blets to correct it. If you have
a weak Moniach or are troubled with
indigestion, you will find these Tablets
to ho just what you need. For sale at
llliahM I'liallliiicy.
Ili'st Spray Inir Material
ut the lowest prices at Clarke's store.
Water and Light Notice
All water and light bills must be paid
at the company's ollice each month in
advance, on or before the 10th dav of
the month. No collector will be sent
out hereafter.ln all cases where hills are
not promptly paid when due, tho ser
vices will he discontinued until all
arrearages are paid.
W. C.
By E. E. GOKF, Mgr.
Some Bargains.
Our list contains about 40 different
tracts of fruit and general farm lands in
Mosier; about 500 acres in Underwood,
divided into tracts of from W to 320
acres each; also about 185 different
tracts of farm property in Hood River
valley, and some very desirable resi
deuces in Hood River and Mosie.r
3:1. (i ucres j niileouUj berries and
orchard. A beautilul locution. Will be
sold ut a bargain.
02. 3,r) acres one-half mile from Mt
Hood P. O. 14 acres in clover, 4 in hay
.) 111 strawberries, 1 share water,
houses, alt for $1 100.
24. 42 acres Smiles out, l(( acres in
orchard, 10 full bearing. Klrst-ulass im
provements. A beautilul home.
2K. W) acres, 5 acres 7-year-old apple
trees, uaiance 111 ciover ami general
tunning, isew -i-room house.
2. 40 acres in the most tieautiful por
tion of Hie valley. I acres in orchard
one vear old, 3J acres in berries, 4 acres
In al till 111 , balance general fanning.
til. 10 acres 4 miles out; Hplcndid
son; 1 acre appies, ucsi, varieties; one
year planted. 14 acres in strawberries,
2 acres in potatoes, fi acres in clover.
114. Two ItiO-acre tracts about nine
miles out ; one on east side, other west
side. ( hoice tor 1 1(10.
A number of !, 10, 20 and 40 acre
tracts ol unimproved land that will
lieur investigation Also a number of
large tracts Irom IliO to 320 acres in Ore
goil and Washington
Some few residences and lots in every
Hiriiun oi ine en y,
Real Estate Agents
Hood River, Oregon.
Why pny.ftl'OOto .f.'UK) per
. . I . . 1 ... i . . y I...
.ten1 tor land m noou mver
wlicii C. V. Wethercll, of Car
son, Wash., will sell von SO
acres three-quarters ofantilr
from White Salmon P. 0. for
!i?r0 per acre?
Shoes and Rubber Goods
Nen's and Ladies' UNDERWEAR
Will be closed out at
And all the rest of my stock of
Is being sold very low.
Central Point for
Unlimited Water Power to be developed by big
dam to be built ut the place. Pest location for Factories
in need of cheap power, ut
best nulling timber, winch cast be floated into our dam.
The liirrest output of raw wool of the United States
The best Apple and strawberry land in tli world, with
in our front yard for scenic beau'y. Pure water, pure
air, perfect health. Needed industries. Sawmills,
Woolen mills, Paper mills, Creameries, Furni
ture Factories, Flour mills, right in the Wheat Pelt.
b nut Canneries and others
We will give f 50,000
suitable college to locate here. Hero is the place of all
places to combine profit with pleasure; to make an ideal
home. We are now building
Happy Hunting Grounds on the trail to
at this place, which will be a
resort, where we will entertain a select crowd. It you want
to buy, sell or trade Hood Kiver Valley lands try us first
and make quick transfers and big money. Call and see us,
write us, or call us over the Helloplione. Hood Itiver Val
ley property bought and sold; also Hood Kiver property
exchanged tor improved Portland property.
The Mt. Hood Railway,
now constructing its road to the city and wili maintain a
station here and furnish cars for the transportation of
passengers and freight. Electric light and city water
works will be installed before a single lot is sold, although
many of the far-seeing ones are clamoring for lots now.
Everybody is watching the band automobile.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood,
Telephone No. 81,
For All Kinds of
Grubbing; Supplies, Wood
Choppers and Loggers Tools
A full line of stock
Does your horse interfere?
.Livery, Feed and Draying..
C. I.. GILBEKT, Proprietor.
Mt. H
Headquarters for Tourists
Regular Rates, $1.25 to 2.50 per day.
Sbecial Ratei by Week or Month.
StnKe leave dally for Cloud Cap Inn during July, August and September.
Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc.
and Building Material
guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock.
Glad to show vou around.
Undertaker and Embalmer
All of Hood River
our gates. 150 square miles of
immediately at this point.
in city lots in this town for n
a-commodious castle at the
private Mountain pleasure
which is a common carrier, is
Lumber and Cedar Posts
alwav s on hand.
Pringhin. in. Xo cure no pay
Hood River, Ore.
Horses hmilit, polil or exchanged.
I'lcusiiru parties can m-ure Iirnt-clas8 rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture and
We do everything horses can do.
C. F. GILBERT, Manager.
ood Hotel
& Commercial Travelers
F. 8. STANLEY. Pre. E. L. SMITH,
I!lc First National Bank
Remember That
Transact a General Banking Business.
In these days a bank account is no longer a luxury,
but a necessity. It takes but a small amount to start it
here, and it adds to your standing with business men and
others, besides helping the
Interest Paid
Estimates given on short notice.
Building' Work a specialty.
Phone 091. Hood River, Oregon.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Trices Paid
Staple and
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
RATES, $2.00 to $2 50 PER DAY.
Steam heat. Large pieasant rooms. Everything new.
Sample room for commercial travelers.
ItlAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Fresh & Cured Meats
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
Vice-Pres. E. O. BLAXCHER. Cashier
this bank is a Home Institu
tion and we invite your business on
a basis of mutual helpfulness.
Ebtablihhed 1900.
Residents of Wasco Co. for 23 Year
formntion of eood bnsinoss
on Time Deposits.
for High Grade Fruit.
j& j&
Fancy Groceries