The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 25, 1905, Image 7

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    When you buy
who stands for HONESTY in
every sense of the term.
You my you on n't afford to buy all wool goods; the
truth is, you can't afford anything else. Sweatshop
products may look good: they may be lower priced;
they certainly ought to be. But reliable garments
mean a lot besides the texture of the cloth; it means
Satisfaction in service; more than that, it means
the self respect which wearing the real thing brings.
Wear FRANK A. CRAM'S up-to-date gar
ments, TEIUE ECONOMY. That's what our
label means. A small thing to look for, a big thing
to find.
Skirts, 2.95 to $15.00
Shirt Waist Suits, $2 to $30
Tailor-made Suits, $10 to $35
is just like any other hon
esty. There are no de
grees of honesty, in clothes
or anything else, if a man is
really honest he is not dishonest
in anything, not even in a little.
There is no middle ground; he is either one thing
or the other.
The standard of Honest in clothes is represented
in the highest degree, by FRANK A. CRAM, in
his well selected stock for spring and summer. 1 !)().".
We stand for HONESTY; for no other reason
than because its best; and the best isn't too good
for us, or for you. Our label is a sign of it
a small thing to look for, a big thing to find.
$10, $12, $15, $18 to $22
Will do the work of twice
the above sums at the reg
ular tailors.
I The Upto-Date Store
W. .1. linker has Minn iK'antiful lots
fur pale near Ohas. Clarkt's residence
on the hill.
For sale.- Some of the finest lots on
he hill, fronting the river. Also lots
in Uiverview park ami Idlewild. See
W. J. linker.
Just received New linn Iwis and
Clark souvenir pins. Ci.ll to see them
Kt Clarke's the jeweler.
50 acres on Uie Kast Side, 2! miles
out. 10 acres i:i nunj.' orchard. A snap.
Do yon want that prescription filled
luriuately nnd i"'i just what the doc
tor ordered? Tin:. i take it to Clarke's.
Shinnies. ::ve us for best prices.
Oregon Fumhcr Co.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray 1 airs.
Sidewalk luml cr. Delivery same
day order is r 'eei ed. Oregon Lumber
All v del , ' 'l"i I- and jewelry repair
work guaranteed by Clarke, the jeweler.
Mantle, Mali and cookoo clocks, on
easy term at. CI i. k's.
MeOiure lims. tarry the best leading
brands of Unlter Ilazelwood, White
Clover and Washongal.
UK) acres, U miles from Mosier sta
tion, on main road; good spring; J25 an
ae e; will divide; line apple land. Also
other. Mosior property. .J.Hakeriv Co.
House and lot in Spokane on desirable
residence street. Will trade for Hood
River farm property. W. .1. Haker &
Call and examine my new line of
watches I can save you money. Clarke,
the jeweler.
I guarantee a lit in glasses. Clarke,
the optician and jeweler.
Io you live in this part of the. coun
try? Then buy home-made fruit boxes.
Thev are all riudit and tlm ppices are
right. At Davidson Fruit Co.
A new line of Walkover Mre just re
ceived at the new store of Vogl Iiros.
Do you use Lath? Get our price and
compare it with that of competitors.
You will make money this way. Ore
gon LuiiiIkt Co.
Frohn & Ileaton, the Ideal market,
on the heights, will treat you right.
Fresh Salmon, halibut and shad at
McGuire Iiros.
See Frohn it Henton on the heights
for nice, dry Hi-inch stove wood.
Fine potatoes for seed and table use
at Frohn it Heaton'8, the heights.
Walk-over shoes all the latest lasts,
at the New Store. Vogt Hron.
Rest creamery butter at McGuire
Iiros. fiOc and fiOc.
If you have not contracted your
berry eiates with the Davidson Fruit
Co., belter do so quick mid get the
benefit of t lie reduced prices at which
contracts are now being made.
Well, don't you see that if you wish
to see well, you should see Clarke the
optician. Guaranteed work in glass
To make room for new stock all cut
glass will be closed out at cost. Claike
the jeweler.
Fresh Chinook 'almon, halibut, clams
etc., Friday and Saturday at McGuire
Buy vour berry crates and fruit Inixes
at the "Hood River box factory. They
are homemade and the fruit sells at, top
prices when packed in them. Hood
River fruit deserves good boxes, and
when you buy from the Hood River box
foctory you are .-lire of a supply when
you want them. Our prices are right.
Davidson Fruit Co.
Lewis and Clark hatpinsat Vogt Bios,
new store.
Complete set of lilacksinithing toots
for sale; also will sell or lease shop;
well established business. Located in
Hood River. W. J. Baker & Co
Clesnsp your system of all impurities
this in nth. Now in the time to take
Holhster's Rocky Mountain Tea. It
will I eep you well all summer. 35 cents
Home-made sausage, bologna, minced
ham, pressed beef, etc., at Holman's.
Tea or Tablets at ('Inn. N. Clarke's
drug store.
Stein-Block clothing beats them all
Vogt Iiros.
For a good hat, buy a Gordon at Vogt
A delightful place to rest at Hotel
Wau-Gwin-Gwin after your Sunday din
ner. For groceries, flour, meals, fresh and
salt go to Frohn it Ileaton the Ideal
market on the heights.
Patrons of the Fast Fork Irrigating
Co. can have water at $5.00 as usual by
giving written notice to C. R. Bone or
C. C. Massiker terms cash, Fast Fork
Irrigating company, by ('. R. Bone,
Don't fail to see the new hats, latest
modus, on display at Rand's.
C. R. Hone has a few tons of w heat
clover and timothy hay left at his ranch
and nt the Livingston place that he
will sell.
Silas II. Soulo, piano tuner, is in
town this week. Orders for tuning
may bo left at Waucoma hotel.
Sunday dinners at Hotel Wau-Gwiii-Gwin,
While a bilious iittact Is decidedly
unpleasant it is quickly over when
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets arc used. For sale at Williams
i harniacy.
Dont forget the place Hotel Wau-Gwin-Gwin,
for Sunday dinners, 75c.
Order your Sunday dinner at Hotel
Wau-Gwin-Gwin, Saturday Morning.
Fine line of meats and groceries for
berry pickers, at Holinan's.
Date for liics Trial Nut Set.
The dato ofr the trial of Frank Ries
has not been set yet. The prosecution
is not anxious to rush matters, but
will bo prepared for trial at the pres
ent term of court, provided the de
fense is ready. If not, the case will
go over to the November term.
Ries continues to maintain a strict
silence concerning the case. W. 11.
Wilson and A. A. Jayno havo been se
cured as his attorneys.
When e'er you feel impending ill,
And need a magic little pill,
No oilier one will till the Mil
Like DeWitt's Little Karly Risers.
The famous little pills Karly Ri-ers
cure constipation, sick headache, bill
inumiess, etc. They never gripe or
sicken, but impart early rising eneigy.
Gnu. I I'm children or adults. Sold at
G. K. Williams' drugstore.
A Fair Proposition.
Lewis A ( lark Fair hats at fair prices
to be worn by all fair women to the fair
of 1 '.!),. If von haven't got the carfare
walk there, but be Hiiro to call at Mine.
Abbott's ami get a fair hat.
StocKings for little folks and
big folks; we sell the kind that
wear well and make you come
again 15c to 50c per pair.
Hose Supporter Half a
dozen good kinds to select from.
Men's, women's and misses and
children's stales. From 10c to 50c.
Dinner Sets Fine semi-porcelain
beautiful decorations, 42
pieces, everything to furnish your
table with complete. Good sensi
ble ware per set fli.iiO.
Cream Pitchers Trans
parent china gold and flowered
decorations, g"Od serviceable size.
vou'll need them for yonr straw-
ln-pit'S 20c each.
of Odell, got the Lewis and
Clark Fair ticket last week Re
member we are sending some one
to the fair every week. We would
like to g nd you. Numbered cou
pon with every dollar purchase.
Belt Duchies The new de
sign in pearl and silver fillagree;
are very beautiful and will get off
your new summer gown to per
fectionthey're not expensive.
Ribbons for the hair, neck
and belts, beautiful new shades in
all widths, just in. Little prices
It Pleases a Lady to look
as though she was melted and run
into her gown. R & G cornets
give the effect and they are com
fortable to wear ln-sides. Price t
StorK Goods Have you seen
them? Our lady clerk will be
pleased to show you how nice they
are they are indispensable for
the baby's wardrobe.
Baby Caps Beautiful pat
terns in embroidered mull four
different siyles 25 to 50c.
Purses of every description
from 5c to $1 50. Money bags,
money belts, ladies' hand bags,
the newest styles in w rist bags, etc
Little prices.
BooKs Don't yon want a'good
interesting story to read. Our
book department is full of them
10c copy Opie Ileid's latest and
liest books, 25c copy.
F. G Cue makes ironing hoards.
Do yon know that as long as you live
you will have to eat? Then why not
buy good meats and be satisfied? The
place io do so is at McGuire Bros, who
keep one of the best stock of meats in
tow u.
At Menominee, Or , Monday, May S,
to Mr. and Mis. W. C. Cameron, a
George Fox was in l'ortlitiid last
week, where he attended the state
convention of the Foresters of Ameri
ca. Miss Murdon of Seattle, a niece of
Mrs. Garner, will he the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Garner during the berry har
vest. Phil linrdon, jr., accompanied by
Mrs. Jlardon, spent Sunday in Hood
River. Mr. linrdon is tno Portland
manager of the Fraternal News.
Mrs. L. A. Ilrown and daughter
lilaiichi! or Hiilotn are the guests of Mr,
rand Mrs. A. J. F.uiorson, in the Bur
rett district.
O. H. Hartley bronghti in the II ret
cherries or the season Tuesday, lire
senting the Glacier office with a brunch
of ripe cherries taken from a tree in
his yard.
Mrs. 1). N. Iiyerlee received the had
intelligence last Monday of the death
of her mother, Mrs. Allen Hickey, at
lies iMoines, on htinday. May 21. Mrs.
Iiyerlee had been planning a visit to
her home m the hast Huh summer.
H. J. F'rodricks is homo from an
extended visit in the Kurt. Before
reaching home, Mr. I redricks spent
a few days in Portland, where he at
tended the state convention of the
Foresters of America. Mr. 1'redriekn
was elected a trustee of the grand
Arthur Glover, who has been at
tendng college at Vancouver for the
past year, came up on the boat Snlur
day to spend a few days at the home
of Mrs. J Mohr, before leaving for
he ins home at Dayvillo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wiley are now
located in Portland, where he is as
Minting Siipreinteinleiit Robinson to
arrange an' install the educational
exhibit at the Louis Hnd Clark lair.
-Mr. w ley say there is an enormous
amount of work to be done in every
department. Very few exhibits are
now installed, but large forces of work
men are everywhere at work.
P. I). Creager, representing the
Hastings Industrial Co. of Chic, igo,
was in this city a few days last week.
Mr. Creager is interested in establish
ing cremeries and fruit canning estab,
lishments throughout the country.
He was very favorably impressed with
Hood River, and expects to return
later to lay the matter before the peo
ple here. Mr. Creager believes he
would also like to buy land here to
make this his homo.
From now until the close of tin.' Lewis
and Clark-I'm we w'll give away one
round trip ticket to Portland includ
ing one admission to the Fair. Yon can
have your Choice going by boat or rail
and tiie tickets w ill be good any time
you may select to go during the Fair.
We give a numbered coupon w ith every
dollar purchase, which gives you a
chance to get the above. These will be
given in addition to our regular trade
tickets so yon can get your premiums
just the same. Remember a ticket given
away every week. These will tie four
given away before the opening of the
Closing' Out
Our entire line of CORSETS
Here is your opportunity to
get a dependable articL' at cost.
Among the late arrivals
in millinery aie the :
BucK and Lingerie Hats
Just the thing to wear with light shirt waists
Agcut for standard patterns II
and publications.
Designer, 10 cents. fi
Best stock of
LooK. them over
At JW4 1 1
V il
1 (4 V
LvS' (' - (
to; i
r-j .
rvt i ri i r It it t-
to do the Fair on Saturday, the 27th.
We will give you free with every
man's suit sold any $3.00 hat in the
house that you may choose. You will
find our suits the latest cuts and!
styles and prsces equal to any.
lemember Saturday, May 27f
We have three of the
best running males in
BLUES for men, UTZ
& DUNN for ladies and
for boys and girls. We have
them in all leathers and all
the new lasts.
Come in and let us fit your
feet with these famous shoes
Our stock of groceries and crock
ery is full and complete. Give us a
trial and see if ours is just as good and
just as cheap as the other fellow.
s- J. E. RAND
1 1
mmmmm mmm h
Hood River
Phone 5SI
Free Delivery
New lot of eat-j lift in eived I y eire-K
from Mim I In vi ii at IlanlV
MrH John UnltiTivortli arriveil Mote
lay inorniiij.' from I'ortlanil, ami is ti e
Client of her ilanhter, Mrs. K. X.
MiH Nellie I'erry of the Kunt Siile
in viHitinn with her coiinin, Miss StiHie
.Mrn. l' DiclfHon of I'ortlanil. Kpent
the week an u (juest at the Mt. llooil
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. lioml of I'otlanil
were the ucsta of .Mr. ami MrH. A. ('.
I'aen their rolat iven.
Mr. mill Mr. Frank ll.ivenport I'.
Hpoiit Sunday and .Monday in l'i rtlai.d
visit ini; friends.
,1. C. Maclnnes of the While Salmon
Land Co., passed throiiirh Hood l!hr
Monday on his w ay to the Italics, lie
returned that afternoon hy hunt.
C. D. ThoiniiHon has 10411 in resiuiied
It i h position as receiving clerk for Hie
Davidson I'riijt Co. dnriiiK the heny
j. V. Taylor and niece, Minn Irene
Wells, the Iowa ioolo who Kpeiit the
winter at the Mount Hood hotel, re
turned thin week from a tw o tnont h'
Hiaiy in rortland. They left yesterday
for a trip to Texas.
Ij. S. Hohle. of Portland, ncei nipan
ied hy Mrs. Dohle. was in the city
during the week. Ilohle is well known
throughout the (,'ohiiiihin ricer valley
hy every livery man to railroad con
ductor 11I011K the line as a dots fancier
mid expert horseman. 1 ncidcnthlly.
Dohle travels for I lcischuer, .Mayer A:
liishop WellH will he in Hood River
Wednesday evening, May '!, fur con
lirmatioii exercises i.t the Kdscopl
church. Hev. Mr. Chaml i will ie
main here over Sunday from until
after the :ilst, to prepare any and all
u ho desire to he conllnned, who are
not already prepared.
Several fine ne.v residences uro near
couipletiou on the hill, unions
tl.oni lieiin,' tho.-e of Mrs. (iimruol'.
(Irnwell. K. K. iolf, William Sheets.
. W. Onthank and If. S. Kichmond.
These new homes will each one repre
sent the expenditure of Ik twem !?2lKi
and i'.Vr'l. TI.11' are nil handome ad
ditions to the many line residences
of thia city.
Mrs S, W. Arnold returned Mondav
from Collins hut springs, where she
visited Will lsenUT(i and family. Mr.
Isenher.' is rapidly recovering from his
rheumatism, although the cold- damp
w eather of the last few days has not heen
thehet for him. When Mr. iHenhera
wert to the springs he had to walk with
two caneB. lie hopes to return to re
sume hii po-ili'in ill Mewarls' sloie
ithin 11 wei k 1 r bo.
The M. l'i. ladies' aid society will
meet with Mrs. Del on Friday after
noon of t his week lit I wo o'clock.
Janirs Dunn, now of Hood liiver, hut
formerly of Kansas, and an old friend of
X. 1". O'l'iiien, is visitinsi at Mr.
( I'l'.iien's this week. Hufnr Hispatch.
II. M Alihol has purchased M acres
f'l.iii Mrs. Amelia Klios at Mo-ier.
Tl.iitv arii s of Hi s f.iri.i is iuciilliva-
j lion, inoslly planted to fruit trees.
I Dan Mears, who with II. .1. (iould of
I. iiis city is 1 oiisi iiie! ini; a water and
sewer sslem f"r the town of Wasco,
spent Sunilav with his family in this
T. A. Sc! all. w ho lately removed to
I'arkhiiist, the hcnufit'iil I'ai'iii home
formerly owned hy Mrs. I'nrl'cr, is
hecomiiiK settled in the roomy I111111
sion, and is ery husily euaK'ed ini
proving the inchai'ds aud j,'iiiuuds.
Mrs. S, W. Arnold jrnlhcred new po
tatoes from her L'ardeu 1,11 the hill in
Cue's addition, TiioMlac moriiiiiL', May
II. i. Tin- potatoes she ,-ays were laiee as
eji ina t ''s. ."-on i" of u - coin pit in of this
heinjr a hiirkuitrd s'lison, hul with new
, polaloeH and ripe cherries the middle of
I May, the spline; is certainly early
enoiiudi after all.
1'ied DeifZ Htaiti d for .Mayville, N.
D., Tliur.-ihiy evening, to superintend
the const ruction of a liuvo annex to
the state normal school at, that place.
Mr. Doitz has superiiitenihul the
erection of it iiuinl er of such l.uildinH
in North Dakota, where his i-kill is
well know n. Ileexpe 'ls to he iilisetit
s vcral months.
Mr". AMi'it Tozicr Weatheind was
M-ry mm h di-ap inled in Dei nur unahle
to till her 1 11;: icoment for t he entcrtaiii-
llient !.vefl-er to .take place at I Idell,
i.l.-t Weill, e-d . ellllejr. No 1 WtlSsU
1. 01 1 . I He t. r , ; 1 1 'I n', and did not reach
Hood ' : 1 . r : 1. 1 1 ' alter o'i lock. Mrs.
v liel , eii noil i'arl 1 e 1 1 i nsi ill hope t o
t" i ' ii a few we'k-, when another
id ' v. ii he :;rratie;i"l 'or Ihe "-lei ioplil'nll
; ::t. ' it-ei.t at Odell. Mrs Weather
i i i i i' ' .1 vcv sueces.-iiil trip to
i I'.,. r " '.; n.
I.i ; i.'.lieh. v ho With I'll! , her
! I'M i.i" i- itiployel itl the testing
I 'i I'll of a iai tie eh ctrical matiu-
;:;it : iI.l' ; ) i.l at Sclieiitctaiiy, N.V.,
j - : lather, 1'. D. ilinrich.
il'i i : j !e: m-.I wUh his situation.
I i , : : ' ... ,. rduali d la.-l dune from
I I a r , , ..rii'i ltuial cidleee at
if,: li.r- two hrothirs, Max
!: : !' ! '.. a:c al o ) !n well lit Cur
1 V. lii-. I ': y lie Vj eel oil home ill
a few wc 1.-, to htlp their father oil
the farm.
Two houses, for rent. W. ,1. Hakcr.
Mr. Kirkwood of Hood llivcr is here
repairing orchards. Horseshoe licnd
item in ( ioldiindale .Sentinel.
While his physicians cannot say aj to
how soon John Crate will he ahle to
leave the hospital their reports concern
iiiu his condition are decidcilly ciicotiraj;
im;. The Dalles Chronicle,
Iteiijaiiien 1. Cohen, president of the
I'ortlanil Trusl C i., win a Hood liiv-r
visitor lut Saliirday. Mr. (aihcn he.
lieveM there is a :rciit future in hoho
for this little city, and he says h is al
ways pleased to make the trip here.
Horace Mecklen, who will as: ist
Mrs. S. Iiiiii(.'iile this Hummer in Ihe
manacoiiiont of the ('loud Cup Inn,
arrived last week from New VrrK
City, llecanse of the Himdl i m i lit
of snow in the nionulaiiiH thin huusi ii,
Mih. Liinille expects to havo the lnu
ready for quests hy June, 1.
A couple not in ninth's hrij;ht mi rn
iiiL'. hut who nie nearer the sunset of
life and have determined to travel the
remainder id Ihe journey together, oh
tallied a niarri'i(;e license hs vk.
Thev are K. 1 leiidershot, of 1 1 d I; ut,
aed (il, and Mrs. Kate ( him n.1. n,
hose heme is on iMilch Flat, and who
is ol years of av.e. Chronicle.
Mr. and Mrs Frank McFarland of
I'ortlanil visited H few ihns last wiek
with Mrs. M. II Fuller at lie I t. ! ',.
K. I'otter of Klinira, X. V., u hrother (
M H. Fuller, accompanied them. Mr.
I'otter came west to attend Ihe hate it
convent ion of railway conductors. 'I e
party left Thursday for lleppner
A carload of U-iueli cast iron ipe is
sidel racked hi nt last w eek, ami v II
used in the coiihI ruction of a stainlpi o
f.r the railroad watering tank at 1 1 is
point, 'flic tank of fill.OlKI gallons cap-'C-Ity
w ill he erected west of the a s-ei . er
d-pot. The iron pipitiL' w iP I. - "..-ij u)
ii -ey the w ater to a nlainlpip 4 the
cud ol the depot ,u Pec cast-iiou 1 1 trains
will reccie waier lor the eii;iiics.
.1 l Croshv, one of the prosperous
farmers of the thriving Odell xectii n,
w us iii the city Tuesiiav. Mr Ci'os y
sashe has tried to induce his her,
an old firmer in the state of Maine, 'o
come to Ih.od River, hut the i. lea of a
iio: mile trip docs not appeal to the
senior Mr. Croshv, who in content to
spend the remainder of hin days, on his
faim in M urff'. The old gentleman is
nearly K"i years old, hut is ntdl hii ex
l it woikmaii, this last winter having
completed four huh sleds, two of which
he soal al fin each. John says the
the first piece of hlueksinithing his
father did was to make him a knife
hhele from an old tile that was far
hetter than of the knives to be
found today.