The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 18, 1905, Image 7

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    WE ARE
Closing' Out
Our entire line of CORSETS
Here is your opprtnity to
get a dependable article at cost.
in Men'sSuits, double and $7 (
single breasted $10, $12, olf
are attracting much favorable at
tention. " How can we do it?"
Easy enough !
We Buy for CASH
We Sell for CASH
We use lare quantities, we buy in the right markets,
we are glad to show you.
. , ;X -i J
i .w ew y ens ww 1 ;
t I .' 'W. '11.--' 1 I i n I -rW IMS'
i vr;sv nammnrK Panama hak MR
H yyv : I THo-lit fume. fo,.. i I
W 50C tO $5.75 The WrM'HD,t
nyrr'ySJf) Your inspection is .f nn
Mr invited f5.U0
ami mvs: '- m
We furnish dressy men.
..Silk Coats
L J IVHrl lll EtHt
Splendid Variety at Actual Cost.
Shirts, Suits and Wrappers
We can make your trip a pleasure,
I-flu now until (lie close of thv Lewis j
in. 'I Chirk we w'il give uwav one
r. d tiip ticket lo I'orllaiiil includ-
1 1 1 j mil' aiitnis-nu id the I nir. 1 on can
h;i e our Choice going by boat or rail
:i il l t in- tickets will ho good any time
you limy select to go tin ring tlir Kail'.
W i' give a numbered coupon with every
dodar jiii'i-li.i(, wiiii-li gives you a
rli nice to get i lie allow. These- will le
given in udihton to our regular trade
tickets so yon run get your premiums
just tlio same. Remember a ticket given
away every week. These w ill lie jour
given awuy oeforo the opening of the
Among the late arrivals
in millinery aie the :
Duck and Lingerie Hats
Just the thing to wear with light shirt waists
Will save you money on any style, size or quality Suit Caie you want to buy. Our
Cases are guaranteed. Best made. No better at price. Come in and look at them.
Ciloves and mitlens Rt cost. largest
stoik in the city. Must reduce tint
stock. lS. J. Frank.
AV. .1. linker has some lieautiful lots
for cale near Chas. Clarke's residence
on the hill.
For nale. Some of the finest lots on
lie hill, fronting the river. Also lots
in liiverview park and Idlewild. See
W.J. linker.
Just received New line Iwis and
Clark h uivenir pins. Call to see them
at Clarke's the jeweler.
50 acres on the Fast Side, 2 miles
out. 10 acre in v oting orchard. A snap.
Po you want ll at prescription filled
accurately n"d with just what the doc
tor ordered? The'i take it to Clarke's.
Shinirles. See uh for best prices.
Oregon Lumber Co.
Use William' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off aray hairs.
Sidewalk hin.ier. Delivery same
ikv oider i.! ri c i'ed. Oregon Lumber
All wnti h, ''lock and jewelry repair
work jiuai.iiit ' i by Clarke, the jeweler.
Mant'e, wall nnd cookoo clocks on
casv ii'i nis at Clark's.
Mi'tiuire llroM. carry the U'st leading
brands of Butter Hazel wood, White
Clover and WuMbougal.
likl nrres, 11 miles from Mosier sta
ti"'i, on main road; good spring ; 125 an
ai"i ; will divide; tine apple land. Also
other Mosier property. .J.BakerA 0".
House ami lot in Spokane on desirable
residence street. Will Uh,Ip for Hood
Kiver farm property. W. J. Baker &
Call and examine my new line of
watches 1 ean pave you money. Clarke,
the jeweler.
1 guarantee a fit in glasses. Clarke,
the optician and jeweler.
Po you liv" in Ibis part of the coun
try? Th 'ii buy I 'i: e-'iia hi fruit boxes.
Tlieyareall riuht and tb" ppices are
rialit. At Pavidion Krui1 Cm.
1 lji
I lTTS t I ft
I v 1 I . I if r
Upto-Date Store j
nzzrzzzzizzzzz::'. .. n
Do you use Lath? Get our price and
compare it with that of competitors.
You will make money this way. Ore
gon Lumber Co.
Frobn & lleaton, the Ideal market,
on the heights, will treat you right.
Fresh Salmon, halibut and shad ai
McGuire Bros.
See Frohn & Heaton on the heights
for nice, dry 16-Inch stove wood.
Fine potatoes for seed and table use
at Frohn & Heaton's, the heights.
Walk-over shoes all the latest lasts,
at the New Store. Vogt Bros.
Best creamery butter at McGuire
Bros. 50c and 60c. '
If you have not contracted your
berry crates with the Davidson f'rillt
Co., belter do so quick and get the
benefit of the reduced prices at which
contracts are now being made.
A new line of Walkover shoes just re
ceived at the new store of Vogt Bros.
Well, don't you see that if vou wi-h
to see well, yon should see Clarke the
optician. Guaranteed work in glas
To make room for new stock all cut
glasB will be closed out at cost. Clarke
the jeweler. ,
Fresh Chinook 'iilmon, halibut, clams
etc., Friday and Saturday at McGuire
Buy your berry crates and fruit boxes
at the Hood River box factory. They
are homemade and the fruit sells ai top
prices when packed in them. Hood
River fruit de-erven good boxes, and
when you buy from the Hood River lx)X
foctory you are sure of a supply when
vou want them. Our prices are right.
Davidson Fruit Co.
Lewis and Clark hatpins at Vogt Bros,
new store.
Complete set of Blacksmithing tools
for sale; also will sell or lease shop!
well-established business. Located in
Hood River. W. J. Baker & Co
Cleanse your system of all impuritiei
I thi-month. Now is the time to take
I lb'll.ster's Rocky .Mountain Tea. It
'will keep yon we'l all iiimitier. 35 cents
Tea or Tablets at Chas. N. Clark:-'
drug store.
Stein-Block clothing beats them all
Vogt Bros.
For a good hat, buy a Gordon at Vogt
A delightful place to rest at. Hotel
Wau-Gwin-Gwin after your Sunday din
ner. For groceries, flour, meats, fresh and
salt go to Frohn & Heaton the Ideal
market on the heights.
Patrons of the East Fork Irrigating
Co. call have water at $5.00 as usual by
giving written notice to C. R. Bone or
C. C. Massiker terms cash, Fast Fork
Irrigating company, by C. R. Bone,
Home-made sausage, bologna, minced
ham, pressed beef, etc., at Hobnail's.
C. R. Bone has a few tons of wheat
clover and timothy hay left at his ranch
and at the Livingston place that ly
will sell.
J. T. Holnian has hired a new meat
cutter and sausage maker and now
makes all his own sausage.
Sunday dinners at Hotel Wiiu-Gwin-Gwin,
While a bilious attact is decidedly
unpleasant it Is quickly over when
Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tab
lets are used. For sale at Williams
1 harmacy.
Dont forget the place Hotel Wau-Gwin-Gwin,
for Sunday dinners, 75c.
Order your Sunday dinner at Hotel
Wau-Gwin-Gwin, Saturday Morning.
Fine line of meats and groceries f'r
berry pickers, at Hobnail's.
Ditch Notice.
By order of board of director.', owing
to great demand for water and limited
capacity of the company's Humes, no
water wu: lie switceil troni one lateral
to another. Water will only be deliv
ered on land described in contract. I'er
fons wishing tocbange water right must
do it bv transfer on conipanv's hooks,
When e'er you feel impending ill,
Anil need u magic little pill,
No other one w ill lill the hill
Like PeWitt'd Little Karly liisers.
The famous little pllln Kai l Ki-cm
cure constipation, sick headache, hill
ioiisness, etc. They never gripe or
sicken, but impart, early rising enetgy.
Good for children or adults. Sold at
G. K. Williams' drug htore.
A Fair Proposition.
Lew is A: Clark Fair bats ut fair prices
to he worn by all fair women to the fair
of lilt).). If you haven't got the carfare
walk there, but. be sure to call at .Mine.
Abbott's and get a fair hat.
Only Two Left, but they
arc guaranteed first-class sew
ing machinco and yours for $SI.0ll
if you will hurry la-fore they are
all gone.
Wagon CoversYou can
save the price of one by protecting
your load from the dust and the
sun here at a little less than ele
w here.
Souvenirs-Online h "'
our Indian i-oy corner its filled
with curio and trinkets that will
deligh' your eastern friends
You're welcome here.
Straw Hats for men women
and children and horses.
got the I wis and Clark Fair
ticket last Saturday. Yon may
get it this week. We send someone
to the fair each week.
Coupon with each dollar purchase
Sunbonnets The pretty
new fhapes and colors, for women
and children-tliev keep off freckles
Have you seen our new
crockery? Baking dishes, mixing
bowls, bean pots, butter jars, spice
jars, custard cups. Little prices.
Canvas Cloves are durable
and cool and protect the bsnds.
8c, lOc, 15c pair.
Tumblers in heavy and thin
blown glass, plain ami d. co rated
a dozen different styles.
25c to $1 per set
TinwareCups, plates, pans,
basins, coffee and tea pois, dish
parts, buckets, sifters, milk pans,
bread pans, etc. Little prie s
Campers Supplies
Tents, blankets, comforters, stoves,
cb airs, stools, lanterns, alarm
clocks, axes, etc. Litt.e prices
White Enamel Ware
A new lot just in, we sell so
much of it because it i A good
lots of new artioles. Come and
gee them. Little prices
New Today.
F. (i. Coe makes ironing boards.
Do you know that as long as you live
vou will have to eat? Then why not
buy good meats and he satislied? " The
place to do so is at McGuire Rros , who
keep ohm of the best stock of meals in
F. (i. Cue is fnily equipped to make
and haiiM window screens in a Hrst-claVs
Mrs. Kntrican has located in the
llanna Cott ige on the corner of fourth
and River streets, one block north of
the I'aris hiir und can accommodate it
limited number of boarders. Iluird
f-4.511 per week.
(' S. Smith, who rites from Minne
apolis, incloses a subscription for the
Glacier, says: "We are having a very
late spring here; snowing today (May
111), and weather has been so cold vege
tation is doing very little. Trees hav
not started to leave out yet."
Mrs. Howard Isenberg is p from
Cascade licks, and has resumed her
position as stenographer for the Fruit
Growers' union. I'r-fessor Isenherg
will be here the latterpart of the mo'itb,
as. soon as his school term is completed
I '.est Si.lers in th.'Dlell neighborhood
are very much di-appointed b-cause the
ditch water lias n it reacoed them. Mr.
Pet hnian's crops need water badlv.
The ladies aid society of ilieCoiure
gational chinch will meet Friday atter
with Mrs. Geo. T. I'rather.
Mrs R W. Button of Oakland, Cal.,
arrived Sunday to spend the summer
wit h her son's fitui! . .
1 He ladies on the heights w ish to an
nounce to their friend- that hereafter
they will he at liotic mi Tliiirsd.i s.
The Woman's alii ince will meet I'ri
da v afternoon in the William G, Flint
The ebild ren of the I nitarian Snndav
school enjoyed a picnic at White Salmon
Mrs Doctor Fdgiiigtoii, for the pas'
three years the Yiavi t'u.'s manager for
Sherman County, has moved to flood
River to make it her permanent home.
She will take up the practice of lyedi
cine here in a short tune us soon a
suitable ollices can be had.
Dr. Mray Johnson of this city was
in The Dalles last Wednesday evening
where she addressed the graduating
class of trained nurses from The
Dalles hospital. Dr. Johnson's ad
dress was replete in practical advice
which will serve theiii well in the high
calling the young women hare chosen.
Georxo" A. McKinlav of While Sal
mon has given notice through the
columns of the Gel letiditlo Sentinel
of his retirement from the ministry,
after li'J yeurs active service. Mr.
McKiulay expects to spend the slim
mer in Polk county near Salem. His
circuit in Western Klickitat county
will lie supplied by James Thornton,
jr., a student from the San Francisco
theological eeminery.
We have just re
ceived Brown and
Blue Panama Cloth
shirt waists, suits
that we have made
a price of $7.50 each,
these are bargains;
they are very dressy,
blouse effects Bish
op sleeves, skirts are
fancy plaited; just
what the Ladies have been looking: for.
New wash goods in all the newest finish which
looks like silk and will wear better. Prices rang
ing from 12 l-2c to 75c per yard.
Men's Toggery Shop.
Here we fit Men and Boys with suits,
hats, shoes, hosiery, and everything to
make them look nice at a very moderate
Call and LoOk Us Over. All Goods Guaranteed.
Smith Block
lil'sJl 'taWiil.fcrt-a'ttlV
Hood River
Commissioner Hibbard left Monday
( o Httend the good roads convention
at. I'endli ton.
.1. K. Vauilenliiirg lias opened a
bakery on the heights, mid repntts
a very good business.
Parkins A Grimes of The Dulles
made sale of it line piano last week to
Mrs. Alice Shny of Hood River.
Marriage license was granted lust
week by County Clerk Pulton to Kd
v ard C Kruger nnd Ksther ITorence
Woods of Mosier.
X. O. Hillings and family aro ex
pected to mine into town for tile
summer. Mr. Hillings will assist Ros
si 11 ,t Reese in the (). K. barber shop.
(!. IS. Handy and daughters of Hol
los, Neb., and old ncipiiiintances of D.
. Iiverl"ii ami family, arrived lu
Hood Liver Tuesday to look the eoilll
I iy over for a Incut .ion.
li. 11. Weber, horticultural coiniiiis
sinner for this district, believes the
i 'omice pear u ill do splendidly bote,
u iil it is his intention to set out. a
huge orchard of this variety on his
Kust Side farm.
"Dad'' Fonts, who Iuih been con
ducting the Waiiconitt hotel since De
cember 1, is well satislied with his
business, which shows a steady in
i lease each month. This is Dud's
lifht hotel experience.
George Freeman nnd Phil Stewart
Itiund two young beavers Tuesday,
which had coine down Hood River
with a jam of saw logs. One of the
little fellows was killed before he was
found. The other one was safe and
sound, and was taken home by the
M. F. Jacobs of Montavilla, says he
si ut one of the (). H. A N. year Pooka
to Itr. D. F. Rue, of Fergus Fulls,
Minn., a few weeks ago, und the other
day he received word that after read
ing the book through, the doctor was
convinced that he would come to Ore- !
, 1.0U this Hiuuiier to make his home
I here. j
The ladies of the liuptist church:
were very successful with their sale of
I tood things to eat at Tweedy' store'
: (.11 the heights last Saturday, nnd i
I have decided to repeat the sale this
I coming Saturday. If you looking for!
I something good for a Sunday dinner, j
c 11 und see what these ladies have to
"They say we can't raise straw-ber-1
riff at Underwood, " remarked Uncle'
' Amos Monday morning, "but just look ;
i.iTe," und he displayed a hand crate
.-.f large luscious berries,which he dis- j
posed of for 'i'lC a pound. The heavy t
soil of the Underwood country will j
grow fine strawberries without irriga
tion. Miss Gertrude M. W'alhwe, step
daughter of R. II. C. Wood, arrived
from Minneapolis hist, week, where she
has been studying music. Moimiiv she
went to Vancouver to visit, her grand
parents. Miss Wallace comes highly
recommended us a piano teacher. She
will return to Hood River in a few
week to live and w ill give instruction
on piano to pupils des;ring same. An
nouncement will lie in inlit in the Glacier.
Mrs. H. C. Khalfer of Portland iH
visiting in Hood River, during the I
abscencH of Rev. Shairer, who is in j
attendance ut the National conference
of the United Hretlieren churches at I
Topeku, Kansas. j
M. E. Hwlgert, of 411 Mohawk
building, l'ortliiiid, Or., who owns a
fruit farm in the ('rapper neighbor
hood is ualxoiis to know if the name
"Fuiroaks" has been applied to unv
Hood River farm. If so the t'oitlaiid j
party would bo pleased to know of it
at once. i
Less Aplin of the Hood River Flour
ing Mill visited in Cornelius last
(i. ,1. Gessling returned Friday
from a trip to Sulin ami other valley
towns, where he secured huge orders
for Hood River flour.
A. Jerome, who went to Eastern
Oregon a few weeks ago Iihh found it
quite beneficial to his health and litis
settled at Hood River where lie will
engage in work. Mrs. Jerome has
gone to join him. Forest Grove
A traveler who has just returned
fiom that country says he fond plenty
of Hood River apples on sale in Ger
many, ill good condition. Apples
from the Wallace oichard near Salem
weie mi ong them, for they went with ;
the shipments tiom Hood River.
Salem Statesman. j
The local camp of the Royal Neigh-
loi- of America intertainid Friday j
niybt the following visitors from May- j
l'(, ei cm: p ut Mosier: Mr. und Mrs. '
.leflti-rn Mosier, Mrs. A. Stewart, I
.Vi. defii in, Miss Dollie Graham, j
dtii ( i i le. Miss Nina Roi t. Mis.
I ' na 1 tot. Miss Elsie- M iddleswuit, ;
i o lint, Mrs. Porter. .Mr. and Mrs. j
I. .M. liogiin, Georgo llaskie, Elmer I
dile. j
l.di'.-r Michi 11 of the Stevenson I'io-;
ie e , wlio wu- in Hood Kiver lust Tues
ibiv -nys: ' Hood River is a pleasant
p . t . -pend a day and the visitors
iiH.I u'i enjoyable time It had been
.'i y at--nice the w riter had visited
Huo ' River mid we noticed ninny sub
stantial improvements. The resilience
portion will compare favorable with
towns much larger than Hood River."
Mrs. Ilachelder wishes to f-iiliouiiee
that Mins May Davidson will have
charge of the dining room ut the
Country Club Inn this summer. The
Inn is now prepared to receive guiMs,
Among those registered ut ut the. Inn
last week were Mr. und Mis. Van Frl
dagh of Texus, und Mr. and Mrs.
Coghill of Portland.
Frod Deitz is reput ing lo leave for
Mayville, M, )., where lie has been
Lfivon till contract, tn ececf. u 4 .r, 1)110
noi iiii.l school building.
Mis. Marie F. Healtv of Portland Is
visiting Mrs. Lmiiie Goddard at her
ranch in the valley.
The railroad boys took Sunday's en 'ne
by a 2 to 1 score. The vi-itol's i.'ayeil
good hall, having some splcdi.' i held
plavers The locals were weak ut e
oml, one of the adverse scores b- ini;
made by wild throws by liishop. Morse
played an excellent g.nne, ami ni.idu
the one run for the hon e i.tne.
Record of the players :
110(111 ISIVKIi.
llnvnew, t'f
llishep, 2i
I 'list HIT, C
( Wy rf.
Iltinh, II,
Tali', h
Sh. ets, If
Ot-hurn, t
Totals, .
All. It.
THF. O. li. & N.
AH. li. 111.
K .-n n. .! . Hi I li (j
Hriiik.!-. 10 0
Sto.w liriiti,.. :;t 4 1 S
Shot, m.s 4 0 0
Mi I ai!,., rf 4 0 1
M.irrl-i. If 4 1 II
Hut tier. I f 4 II 0
J..I.M:,.ll. lill . 4 0 I
Khernlan. i 4 0 0
Tutals, :t 2 6
Ibi.l lliver 0 0 ll 0 1
J hi- I 'all,- . II 0 0 0 1
StriktsiuN-Orliorn ti: Sheridan, 4.
I'miHifx Ilukeaatid MottiKer.
A 1 1 t-mlaiiilatite - -
It 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Report ;i Woollen Mill.
The special coiniuitt. e of the wonln
mill proposition will report at a ('ci:il
meeting of the commercial club Friday
evening, ut 8 o'clock.