The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 18, 1905, Image 6

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10,000 PEOPLE
The clty'e gprins on the Tucker
farm, as (muffed by engineer W. J
Roberta of Pullman, W'anh.. shows a
flow of 1.000.000 callous in 24 hours,
or a supply sufficient for a city of 10,-
uuo population.
KuKnoer Koberts was present at
the council meeting Monday night
and made this iuformul report. The
distance us surveyed, from the spring
to the street intersection near the
Ideal market is '),'.VM feet, and the
fall in that distance is 75.5 feet. It
is estimated that a 14-inch pipe will
be required for about 22,000 feet and
a 12-inch pipe tor tbe remaining dia
The location of tho reservoir is
under construction, and Engineer
Koberts is at work upon the proposed
distribution aystpm. As soon as the
plans and estimates are submitted to
the council it is proposed to call an
election to see wlmtner the citizens
wish to secure a muncipal water sys
tem. Hut little businoss was transacted
Monday night, besides the allowing
of some bills and the receiving of
Engineer Koberts' report. Mr. Kob
erts has been secured by tbe water
committee of the counicl to And out
about what the proposed city water
systom will cost, in order that tbe
taxpayers may have an intelligent con
ception of the question when voting
on tbe proposition oi Donaing to se
cure city water.
McDonald reported for tbe street
committee that ho had gone over the
city with the street commissioner and
ordered about 100 loads of gravel dis
tributed at the crossings and at points
along the street leading in from the
Uncorded Nickelsen made complaint
that a number of drunkeu men In
tho old Chinese wash house near his
implement wareroom raised a big dis
turbance every night, and that he
feared t hoy might be the cause of a
serious lire in that end of the city.
McDonald thought the marshal should
look after the matter.
Kill were ordered paid as follows:
C. C. l'eck, work at spring fllO.OO
Ori-gon Lumber Co. 2H.IW
Transfer Co 13.50
Huvnes A Co.. sun 4.38
J. A. Wilson, survey 6.00
IJghtCo 15.00
O. C. l'eck, labor '. . . . 10 (H)
W. K. White, labor 4.00
Frank Mayos, labor 4.00
W. J. Koberts, survey 18.00
Is a Local Institution.
A first-class chof has been secured
by the management of the Country
Club Inn, and it Is tho Intention to
have this splendidly equipped resort
ready for guests in a few days. The
number of Portland visitors and East
ern tourists who are expectod at the
Country Club Inn this summer will
be larger than ever.
Nestling among a grove of large oaks
and seemingly sot apart from the busy
whirl of tho business world, yet but
few momenta walk from the depot, tho
Inn oil'ers decided attractions for the
business man and his family from tho
city, flood Kiver has long been known
as a beautiful summer resort, but in
the mad rush of commercialism, this
factor In the country's resources has
been rather slighted of recent years,
Uelng within but a few hours' ride
from Portland, Hood Kiver is one of
the most conveiuent and beautiful
outing places in the state.
Mr. ltatchelder regrets that the peo
tile of Hood Kiver have not aooented
the Country Club Inn in the spirit of
a local Institution. The supplies for
the hotel aro all secured here and tho
summer hotel is the means of bringing
many Influential persons to Hood Kiv
er,who will toll of the recources of the
country to their friends, and in this
way the city has returned to it many
tienellclal results.
Mr. liatcliulder has spoilt large sums
of money in advertising Hood Kiver
and in Portland he has many people
questioning him daily about this won
derful fruit country. The O. K. A N.
last year pictured tho Country Club
Inn in their annual book of summer
resorts. When the fact becomes more
thoroughly advertised abroad that this
city has every convenience for a sum
mer outing, many people from the
cities will make annual visits to Hood
Ken Ilex Factory Machinery.
The new band saw at the box factory
of the Davidson Fruit Co. is certainly
a hummer. This new piece of machin
ery does away wlln two other ma
chines, in addition to reducing the
number of operators, Increasing the
rapidity of production and making
crates cost tue grower less.
An inch board is sliced into halves;
run through again and comes out In
quHrter-iuch thicknesses. A boy re
ceives the thin slices of wood as they
come from the saw.
Another interesting sight is the
machine which gouges out the hand
holds iu the ends of the berry crates.
The wood used in tho construction of
the crates is larch and white fir. lloth
are very fine quality, and give off no
odor of pitch which the fruit is likely
to retain when packed in boxes made
of such lumber as pine.
The box factory is turning nut about
75,000 crates this summer. The grow
ers are hauling out the crates at a
rapid rate these days. A reduction
was mude to the farmers who wanted
to purchase crates in knock-down con
dition, but many of the growers have
concluded it is decidedly easier to
have the crates nailed up at the fac
tory, and will buy them that way
Peter Mehr President of Heard.
Kev. L. P. Desmarais, pastor of the
Catholic church at The Dalles, re
turned Thursday to Hood Kiver from
a missionary tour up the valley. He
held services at Peter Mohra' resi
deuce on Wednesday and at Mrs.
Johu Mohr's Thursday morning.
- Friday morning Fat lire Desmarais
held services ill the parlors of the
Waucoma Hotel. About 40 Catholics
presented themselves at these several
services for their r.aster communion.
Mr. Peter Mohr was elected president
of a board of directors to look after
the building of a Catholic, church at
Hood Kiver. Father Desmarais re
ports great prosperity in the Catholic
church cricles though Wasco county.
He oganized the League of the Sacred
Herat which numbers at pesout 2o0
Strictly (ieiinliie.
Most of the patent medicine testi
monials are probably genuine. Tbe
following notice recently appeared in
the Atchison (Kan.) (4 lobe: "Joe Tack,
a well known engineer, running on
the Missouri Pucillc between Wichita
and Kiowa, lately appeared in a big one
w ta a picture and w hen be was in
this oil Ice today, we asked hiru aboitf
it. He says he had terrific pains In bis
stomach and thought he had cancer.
His druggist recommended Kodol and
be says it cured him. He recommend
ed It to others who were also cured."
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what
you eat and cures all stomach doubles.
Sold at Williams' Pharmacy.
Blgnlflcanre of Memorial Ifay.
William W. Rlaekmar, commander
in chief of the Orand Army of the Ke
publio, has sent out tho following
order form his ISoston headquarters,
urging the old soldier to remember
Memorial day, which Is Tuesday, May
"Killed in yestorday's battle."
"Dying in the Mold hospital." "Had
ly wounded." "Wounded and in the
bands of the enemy."
Forty odd years ago my comrades,
we were thus accounting for the rosy
cheeked, bright-eyed, manly boys,
darlings of their mothers, who with
tbe elastio step and merry laugh of
youth marched by our sides as we bade
good-bye to our homes and dear ones
and answered "Hero am I," to the
call of our country, and cherred the
sad heart of our uod given Lincoln
with the refrain, "We are coming
Father Abraham, three hundred
thousand strong.,'
Kecall today the hastily delivered
message and token from these dying
boys as you grimly continued Un
charge over their bodies or as you
sullenly retreated, most reluctantly,
leaving them on tbe field. You have
sacredly kept tbe promise hastily giv
en to your dying messmate: "Yes,
Jack. I'll tell your mother." "Sure
Joe, your wife shall get your ring and
message." "Wevor aouirt, uiiarne,
your people shall know what a brave
soldier you were, how pluckily you
died to save your colors."
As you moved carefully among the
dead and dying over the battlefield
after the fight was over; as you
walked through the rudo field hospital
hopelessly searching for the comrade
you saw fall, but could not slop to
help, the dear boy who had been your
playmate at school, and to the appeal
of whose weeping old mother as you
marched away you bad tossed hack
the cheering well-meant promise, "I'll
take care of Hilly. " As yon steadied
yourself, and helped to bear across
the deck of the battleship to the cock
pit, slippery with the life-blood ol
your shipmates, the body of the sailor
boy with whom you had left home to
ship in your country's service.
Did you not promise the dying and
God for the dead, that your comrade
and their supreme sacrillce novel
should be forgotten, that their do
pendent ones should bo tenderly and
fully cared for? Have you kept tlud
sacred promise? Our glorious lirand
Army of the Kepnblio has helped you
to keep it. It has collected and hell
fully disbursed iu relief millions of
dollars. It has in ado possible, kept
alive and cherished the sacred mem
orlos and friendships of the war. It
has established, by the order of one
of niy honored predecessors, Coin
Dinnder-ln-Chief Logan, and given to
the world Memorial day on which duy
you annually redeem your promise
to keep greeu tho momory of your
comrades ny decorating llielr graves
with the fairest llowers of spring, or
casting them upon tho sea or the
rivers which flow from the mount
ains to mingle with its waters, which
are me sailors wiuuiug snoot, am.
by securing the services of your most
eloquent and gifted speakers to re
count their deeds of solf-sacrilicing
devotion that our country might not
be disgraced, dismembered and de
stroyed, but might live as a nation,
the grandest on the face of the globe.
Memorial Day Exercises.
It has been decided by the program
committee iu charge of the Memorial
day exercises, that the members of
the Orand Army and tho ladles of the
Kellef Corps shall gather at the K. of
P. hall, at 0:30 o'clock, Tuesday morn
lug. May 30. They will march In a
body to the county bridge over Hood
Kiver, accompanied by tho baud, from
where flowers will be cast upon the
At tne tiridge tliere will lie some
special exercises, and a program as
arranged for such occasions by the
Grand Army headquarters. After re
turning from the bridge, there will
be short services at the opera house,
and those who so desire may arrange
to take their lunch with them to the
In the afternoon, teams will be
cured to take tho Grand Army men
and women to Hershey's comer, where
a line of march will la formed at 2:30
o'clock, which will proceed to Idle-
wlldo cemetery, whore tho regular rit
ual services will be conducted over
tho graves of deail comrades.
Sunday, May 28, Kev. Chambers of
the Episcopal church will deliver a
Memorial day sermon In the opera
nouse. The churches of the city will
unite in these services, ami It ha
been decided to have a largo union
choir to furnish music for the occa
Itcgular Schedule on Portage lieail.
The portage road around the Ceilo
rapids Is now completed and equipped,
and ll will He put in operation its soon
as the minor details for opening (lie
road ran bo arranged. There will
probably lie special observances of the
opening day, which will likely be set for
sometime next week.
It has not yrt been determined who
will lie in charge of the loud, Mem
bers of the commission aro now con-
ducting correspondence regarding this
matter, but are not yet ready to make
any announcement. As soon as tins
step is taken, final arrangements for
opening the road will be made si once.
the road will Ih operated under n
regular schedule. The opinion lias been
generally expressed that trains on tbe
road would run only as tbe tralhc de
manded, but it 's the present intention
of the Portage Uailuay Commission to
establish a regular scliecule.
1 he road is nine miles in luuiith and
is well constructed. The cquippmcnt of
the road consists of one engine, eight
flntcars, (our boxcars, six stockcars and
one combination passenger and baggage
toon loiei
Save the
and flaror bj buring
Golden Gate.
Afmm flfWflMu ffivw imUX
J. A. Foltfr (Si Co,
Lxciiiiiin Hale To The 1'air.
The general pisenger department of
the O. U. it -V l o , lias notified agents
east of Portland that round trip tickets
for the Lewis and Clark exposition, at
Portland, June 1 to October 15, will he
sold under the following arrangements:
Individual Tickets. One and one
third fare for round trip; daily from
May t" ( lo, inclusive; final
return limit 110 days from date of sale,
but in no cire later than October 31,
Party ticket-.. One single fare per
capita for round l'ip for parties often
or more on one liekcl. Daily from May
2!) to October 15, inclusive J Continuous
passage in cell direction; final return
limit 10 days date of sale.
Organized Parties of 100 or More. In
dividual rate of one f t ii' per capita for
round trip will be made for organized
parties of 100 or more moving on one
day from one point; limit 7 days from
date of sale ; continues pa.-sao in one
Coach excursions. Individual coach
excursion ticket. (not good in sleeping
or parlor curs) Will be sold from time
io time during tbe life of. the fair at
very low rales ; panini'ars as lo rates,
etc., covering each eve.ui.-ion will be
duly announced.
Children's tickets. Tickets may be
soldjto children of 1 1 a I f-la re. age si one
half of the above rates, adding suffi
cient to make the end in Ooi .wheu
Tori lie llacc With Ifeulli.
"Death was fast approaching," writes
Krlpli J". Ferimnde., of Tampa, Flu.,
desciililug bis fearful nice with death,
"as a result of liver trouble anil heart
disease, w bleb bad robbed moot' -deep
and all inteie.'t iu life. I had tried
many difl'crenl dooinix and several
medicines, but got no benefit, until I
begun to Use Fleet i e Litters. Ni won
derful wh their elleet, tlud in three
daps I felt like a new miTii and today I
nil cured of all niv troubles." Oilman
iced at ('. N. ( laike's drug store; prioi
"'l eeios
Now that all imp u taut question is
settled the. next tbiiiL' i- the ring a line
new line of eiigageiin nt anil wulding
rings. Prices right . ( 'iiu ke tbe jeweler.
Berry Growers.
Wo Willi i t handle wtir strawber
rics mid o lei pro. Inc.'. ,.r we are in
P'i-ition t" !' t -on (lie best prices.
Write us. A i. III.OW KK v. CO.,
S-attle, U'll-li.
I fl s
: of the
In Dm
(). W.
'l-ili- ol iirce.n for
My vlriii- . i . ...!;
riMCleii-il : ; . . : c
Oil llll- li.l : " oi
met core c I 1.-
teii-U III h! i
In hi VIM" of IV ; 1 1
fchlllOlt. Ii'l Ol I
ciuht ion! t ti I
I le n oa ii ""io .i
si.-pti-iiili , i, i i ii
'lllll. IIS, I, ',,1 i I
lliirlv-livc ami iiu il
I'M l'.M . Hi l. ikIii nt.
. til'-llt icol i,t -let- of suit
' ' 1 n ; 1 1 1. -! on 1 1 mill ruui
I i I" II I V, I'Mlfi. iltllCllllcll
ileicinilil iiiihIi- iiihI en.
:UI'i i-lill-e April In. IUUi
I null" Hint m-aill-l 1 he lie-
-i ol n i m il i n hiiinlrci!
- -THK III. il h !ui.-c
cr annum Irom
o ol nm huuilrt'il
ol' live hllllillcll
i .": w llll la
llMl III I nt
I'roln lieceliils l- ! i, 1:
mon ol' si- i-iiii'i n fuel
c nt iiuition
'-, nil
tor ilia Inrlher
Collars co-Is ,111,1
lli-lilllfcllli 111 , Out of
slicil nut of siml ( nil, 1 I
tilt- J 1 1 1 1 liny ol" A ill, I'
to Illlike side ol' tin- foi
illlH-rlV. sltlllile.l III ll
Slulc til oivhiiii, lii-wip
M -illli.ll llllly I
- -nl-l eniw on
oliiiiiai'ilini; tut
it- ih-ieriucl rest
iiliily ol' Wasco,
liculiuiliik' mi iiii Iron li ir lniir
feet w esl ol Mic Son t h.-ii -1 coi n,
I H 1 1 , . I ! 1 1 -IKI:
i corner oi ine Niirih.
oiiilnast iiiartiir p.
ou nhlo mo i 'j i north
west 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' r (' ,i nl I h
ill -n il. HI llUeell (Ifii in t
111 I'lUllO- ICII 1 10 1
'I iiciu-c North l!i I-,
unit llvc-lciil lis Oi l
ol ilhiiiu-nc meridian
-I two hllhilleil sily-slx
ct lo an iron hjir
tnciict- itni i n , i r in i one 1 1 tun o ctl mill seven
ty Si'VCIl (In) Ici-I In ;.i ,., I,,,, ; l"lli-i- Ninth
'i:r Knsl one Inniiii cil nu.l Our ,i,li nct. to mi
Irnll Inn-; Ihi ncc N. itih 7n ! KiM sit liinuhvtl
ii n u mo en iv live ii i.l llvi'h nlli, l'i - ,,) led to
'I I'm;' It HI II I lOvcr; ll'citee Sn
:i Vtc-I live mucin ,1 unit n(n, -ly :'.Mii r.,1 Ii
ll llililll III II I lilt.-i I V, t Mil'- ol I'olllilv
itrinyc nun Nortli nt h le. -1 i ll1 i, ,-i loin nick
inun iiii south sin,- oi it,:., i t: vi-i; liu-nci
North In" Wi-sl one hutetiiil ami cil-Ii! v-niie
(IK! I ll ct to III! oak Ire. ; I licli. e ,-i,lih l, U, si
tlvi hllllllle.l
Xolllll :u." W.
I n I'ect to
ii'ini; Ii cl to iiii 1 1 oi i Inn-; Hi. -net
si lite hlili.lli-.l iiinl lll'ly Unci-
I liar; l hi nee Ka-1 lu-o
hiinilti 'i ami tw-i
lour ij.'h Ii rl in ii ol
In Inn : nv:
I n. k. r tin
io vice I , III,- "i-aiilni- . h
noil lor hitiiM-li, his heirs iiml
'tis i'iii-i- r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ihc llinni s to run
W'liti-I-lain to suinily wider , .iomest ii-niitl
housi-iioln pill pi. m-v
Anil the Io' liar de-ci ih, I real ir,i,crtv
slttui'cil lii hm o coii ii ! y, i n i -..', ui. In wil:
Hi I'lhliln:.' on the ea-l In. iik ol ol, I Tucker
Mill Olh II oil Iiii- hill- III luecn II, e norlhwcsl
i ' -i i lolirlh and I he miiiiIi w est I1 , i tout I h of I hi
Biadheiisl una 1 1 1 r ol .eel ion I! 1 1 ecu , ir,. inu'ii
-hip lw a l.'i inn Ih. raime ten i u 1 caslol'tlu
lllionenc Mi-rid! nittulic' si t v mil. i'ect
CIISl ttl H Stake: (hem
decrees west ot miiiUi Jt
a hot it I well I y
lie! I.l
nut V
. a 'lie I rec
load; Ihi-iicc
nin-licil and
I n.a.l cr.Ksc
si Mirlll of
i ll slake on
r contiiinhii;
on the north hank ol c-
Wil Slllil loud Hhi. II! , I
lorl v-llve I 1 I I -I l, i t lo v. Ill
If xlil
aid, I.
the West line ol Mild
sotllhcasl iilarter alor
lower side ot road heat n
teel ll Ihc hunk ol llo-i.l
'J,l Hi acres more or l.-s.
1 Will, on Ihc .';!h dav ot
o'clock ii. m. at the limit d.
court house, iii Piila - t in
tlrecnll, st. ,,,b:j,. ,u ,'j;
ill no. Hull, lo the '0,-1 c I I
llililll, llll IhC llelll, ll!!,- ;M
Mas. IIU
ol of III
, Wiwo
mi i-iil
., III ten
ct !
i hlcr lot ch-Ii Ih
d itih-i.l Which
tile W'llitlh liatitei
-Hill liihil hel-'llt 11
thcrcol. on I he ai h
ih !. ml. nl
-I dc-eilh,
ii.V ot Novo
nil. I Illhi-
I, or
in and I
anv luit'l
'lulu !', hill, and
! -r winch ihc
In and lo said
line pall Ihcl'e
, I 'HI. ll,,- d.ile-
-i I x - I alia, lied
id, ml.- anil ill
had in unit lo
1 ihscrihcd. or
I d.i V Of oVelii-
I 1 1 a. I of land
i p.Ol llleieof,
I , 1 HI. losall-lv
ord. r, int. -rest.
all the i-ichl. llll
w iihlii named a, tend: to h:
lioiil herein la-l ui ..-i ih. d ,
of, on t he Hi d da ol i ice, ml.
tlllil pat-ccliol tit ll, I w .-le 1. -1
Ui sahl ciiic-c, a n I ail I he ,
h-lcsl which said del. I, .ho.
said llll. 'I ol Inn. I hen III II
any a.rl Ihereol, s; ,ii, :
hit', lull, and In and to si,
herein Inst ,, , i ih, . ,,r a
luce siild lid ihtt oi O -I , ml
said I'Mclltloli and (ii.Im-iiii
costs and nee! inn-.; c..l ..
-1 I'HN
Sh. rill ol 'a,
Pith-it Ihl-
. I H-egi
.Mil da v of Via il, ;i ft
April -7, I'!...
Mai- fct
Kllsl Issue
I al-t Isnie
1 .-- 1
mi the
-t ollil'e;
d 1
helps crc.-k
ins lllillliil.
. ui ileal me
.e springs,
'till li'iiin',
IS', pOllltl-i
the water
e a-keil for
UlS Milsis I
runs t litotie
I.l I I'll e p.
'en' it
ll hie
1 -la.
raising .
port cr al
Ibis pl.ic
lie 1- Wel
r ii -1 n
I-, "t ,-ln
w. d -l.c.l, ,!."
sl.tre 1 nil-.-; Co.
iruilliei and :ic! .
No. :' - - T..w ii
ilium lii'ii-e; !o!
lli C.ilnniliia r:
In il-e. ii-e-l I
nm! i
ch ;
. l'.'."li.
One ,-
i.'bt- i
kimr I
!s, HI '
n. u ,ind a elm
No. I hat
(nut land to I.,
tracts. A 1 ii
ii-r a boiiii . N
No. -I.- Tcn ..
1 union :
hnnill'ed and I
.IV ti
iu bay. New . in. .It'l l! i
tiuv; two oiilc Irom 1 1.
ollice. A !.; ill if nl I
Nil, '1 - 1..; I a cr. s ; l
iL'Ilt I'.u 111
ei i:;m-i-
1'l icc
in apn'.cs and I
acre in giapes. I !'.
ter from I p.. - f. r
one half mil. s i. o
depot. A ib-s r lice
Tins can be 1 ml ;
On actvunl ot s;ci
vetv anxious to -ell
flint lap.t. ;l".
. iti-'ii. ue and
! e . K. A X.
: .-n for a home,
icrv low price.
- tie owner 1
I'lniuive at M
store, ll.-o.l lote
lie. A' 1 ots miticiierv
Choice Residence Lots for
Cheap lots for building small houses near Flour and proposed Woolen mill
Office Next to
Vehiclesand Agricultural Implements
Sentinel Jr., Bean, Pomona, Rochester, Fruitall,
Also Kxtra Hose, Nozzles and Connections.
A ell Htoek of I'lows, Harrows, Cultivators and repairs, Ornbbing Machines and
Wire Cable, Aerinoter Wind Mills, Hut'keye I'liinjiH, Holster Springs,
Iloyl's Tree Supports, ami Hanford's Halsam of Myirli.
Kxtra liti'y Tops, Ctialtion, Da.sbes, l'oles,
SlmreH, inaietrees ami Neckyoko.s.
Planet Jr. and Iron Age Garden Toole. Now'b the time to choose your
Harden toolti, and chonainir them you have a lafj r variety to select from than wag
ever offered. Whatever your implement want , 11 ibeyr'e satisfied here, you will
hae cause f..r rej"icinj; over their cost and loot' wear
Oyster Parlor
S. L. Young
1 am ire aietl to furnish mill and slub
wood, also other kinds of wood.
1 have a new steam wood saw and Bin
prepared to do snwili(!. Also do general
team work.
l'lione lL'l.
Don't Go Dry
.lust because you .ire
In a Dry Town
(iet your (Want List) made out ready
fur next Saturday for everything yen
need, such as
Hour. Feed, Stock Food, Chick
Food, Russian Lice Killer, Blue
Vitro!, Lime, Cement, Salt.
I'laee vottr orders with II. W. Wail and
get no:
t good goods at the
- ices, but also a
I have !l different I'.rand of
el itn goitu; lo close out as
possible, (ioods guaranteed
l-'li ., .
tieai Ic
as rep'
ll. W. WAIT.
( iOO(
Iclivorod dailv,
out for the
Fish Wagon
I L. 0. HAWN,
I One door Kast of lratlier ollice.
Park and
Easy Grades, Fine
Wauconia Hotel,
$ i ,50 O
tS-room residents
t ompartively new, with lot Uxo, near
School House. Thia is a deeiruble place
sittiateil ;n tho part of the town. Any
one looking for a comfortable home at t
low price should see it. Cull on W. J
linker & Co., or write to owner.
L. N. Blowers
I!. S.
Marshal's Ollice,
Portland, Oregon.
E. R. Bradley
Wo are here to tio your work totfay
l.-inori-i.w and every other day, and
our iiiuiicy what little we have)
is spent in Iltssl Itiver. We want
your work and can do it matly and
lVflaratiiui l'.iy i-'' coniing and you
will waul to liv""vour lut fixtil up le
fori" thitt tiiut". We Imvr u larire lt'k
iiii hand and n in piiivd t till orders
promptly Hiid Rive sutisfui'tioii. Work
done t;ood and at t lie lowest price. A
postal card wnt to U" w ill firing you
the samples. Try it.
Tue Dalle. C're.
f Watts
w Marble
Sale in
View and Good Water,
"North Coast Limited"
The Electric Lighted
Observation Car Train between
Portland and St. Paul.
Pullman First Class Sleepers,
Pullman Tourist Sleepers,
Dining Car, Day Coaches,
Observation Car.
The Acme of
in found
Sond four wnts for our Low is mid Clark l!ool
or six oonts for "Wonderland 1905."
The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third.
Assistant General 1 issen;er Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
R. D.
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
Monday and Tuesday, May 22-23
Miss Marg'aretta Fischer
iiml I if r mil con i 'iv.
P Opening Hill i
A Htory of Miisliin-jtHii socio!) life.
Good, new and up-to-date speciE.!-; :s L ctwecn acts
Beautiful CosttJini;;
Popular Prices,
Seats now on sa!e
All kinds of Seasoned Linn
Mill with the Little l'rioes.
as the cheapest and good as
Mill one-fouth mile west of S
; P-j0 KSE&SaSiii
Hood Kiver.
Travel Comfort
on nnv of the
onii bo had
Park Literatu iv
for the nskiny
"ct Actors
35, 50c
at Ci..rk
'cr i:i st-k. Tho Little
Lwrything as choap
: - it as I lie best.
A. ilt'hui ps' store.
, Vishart,