HOOD RIVER, GLACIER, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1005. KILLS ENEMY; BURNS BODY (Contu.ud from Pajre 1.) 4bt-y related elearly wliat tbey knew about lie' mailer, wliilu Mr. Kurgpt re corded the teMiinuny in black und while. Nil wit nil's whs permitted to hear tin- u mark i f his neighbor until his n n Mt I. iii! I een ti.ld. P.ii m nl-ii wi.s in. ei' i n the eland, and a w rilten sln'i n, i sullied euneerninj! his ulierenher.t- 1 1 the nilit (if the Hlli'ifi d i rime. AihuI'l' i hose who tecti- tied were Jn.-h l'ei kins, J. N. Knight, Owen I.euis, II. A. Cray and H. A. Lewis. TESTIMONY liKFOItE CO ROM: It. Tanners Itelate Story of Shouting anil Hies' Antrry Threats. i ieoro Perkins, Leii;n sworn, tosti Hed aa follow-x: Ou tlio inu'ht of May 11th, I was JyiiiK in my hod mid my wife and the man who v. oiks for me wan nittinx iu the room und wo heard eeveu shots (ired. iMywil'o inid she was afraid voinelhinif bad hii pened. I think it wiij about nine o cluck. I not up and dressed and thought I would go up there. 1 went up to James Fobs' cab in. I knocked at the door four times and called Koss. 1 thought he must he thero, as when 1 was coming 1 heard the door shot and the holt on the door jjd iu. 1 thciinht those shots meant something, as 1 knew thou that thoso shots meant something as be knowed mo well. So 1 quietly slipped out to the road, i:s 1 mifjlit get a shot, for then 1 know thi-in was somebody there. And I did net want to get hit. The door at i.co opened und out walked Frank liies with a gun ou his arm, and ho sh,s: "Hold on a mo ment; 1 want to i i; k to you. Now I want this thing ko t quiet." 1 says I will have to tell the truth, i.ud he says "Jt is not neie. iiij" aud 1 told him my wife aud U.im knowed. I came up to see what was the matter, and he says you can tell them you found the door locked from the out side, and he says, "1 met Foss w ith a club in his hand and he threatened to k 11 u p. i i:d 1 went over home and got the gun and'' he says, "1 killed the son ol a right iu there," and poiuted to the cabin. "Kight iu there," now he says. And he says "1 want you to keep this quiet; will you do it? 1 says 'you bet your life.' S:i then I kind of started away, and ho t;:iUd l :ck to the cabin, and says "I i.i.i .j 1 1 v-1 going to sot lire to it and burn t i:o whole darned thing up." And 1 pulled for homo, and whs glad to (..(.i away. 1 was afraid ho mi i lit i'( Ur.w me up and kill me yet, so 1 c;inrt home and loaded the gun, thinking i " might como down here utter mo. Mo we set up here till daylight expecting him to come. I will also tav tl ut alter I got home we looked up liinl saw the blaze of the cabin binning. It might have been a halt an hour before we uoticed it. Q. Did you see the body on the floor as lie pointed to the cabin? A. No, sir; the light was out. How long after the shots till you were there? A. About '20 minutes, or about hulf mi hour, as 1 was sick and it took me quite u long while to dress and get out there. Q. Was there any light iu the house that you saw at all? A. I just saw the light though the cracks iu the house as 1 came up, and heard him blow it out as I cume up. 1 was just about to the door, when the dog harked aud the door shut. Q. hut kind of a gun did Kies have? A. It was a long gun. I think a Winchester. Q. Do you know whose dog that was? A. No, I think it was Mr. Thomas' and followed Frank. Q. Did you m. pert any other per son was witii him iu the cabin? A. I could not toll; although I did not hear them. No one spoke. Frank Kies, hi i. g sworn, testilled as follow s : My ii'imo H Frm k Kies; residence, Mount li..ud ; occupation, farmer. Now. iir i.ies can you go ahead and tell what you know about this case? Ann. I 'w I i ;i liii-t on Thursday evening, y-y I,, I'.Klo, say about 8 o'clock. 1 do not know exactly the time. I passed him on the road about halfway between Mr. Uray's and his place. He talked to mo. I do not know whether you call it talk or abr.se. The first thing he said to li e was "Hello, ." I kept ou dki g till 1 tot cut of reach of i.is club and then told him I was no . and he said n,y mother v.as a , and that 1 was n son of hi i s. I cannot remember every word that was said. I just listened to him a few minutes in nil. I first t )ld him that he had better go on about his business. He went ou and called me a son of a , and everything ho could think of. Then 1 said, as soon us 1 got a shew to say a v.ord, thitt 'Yon n ight have to take thiil Uak t-on-o day.' He said he would die before he rid take anything hack. He would kill me aud tlio whole damned click. I do not know what he meant. That is about all of the conversation as near as I can repeat it. That is tho last tiite 1 ever saw him. I then went up to Mr. Knights' and talked to him a little about it, but did nut say much about it on account of the children being there, aud also Mrs. Knight. Mr. Knight told me that Mr. Foss had been there a little before and culled him everything he ( I'lil think of. Mrs. Knight said she never heard such language used in all her life. I guess she heard all the conversation. I borrowed the seeder what 1 went after und went to my ranch. J stopp d on the way at Mrs. Kiggs, net over 15 minutes, as I was going over. That you may put in. b!he was home and I went iu the hr.use. I just went inside of the door and tint's all. I hud my little black dog with me, the one that was with me li-t night. -.Signed) Frank Ries. Mr. Knight, being sworn, testified as follow s : Ahout hulf past nine or ten o'clock, I do not recall just what time, ou the date fo May 11th, I heard either six or seven shots. 1 was home und went to led. 1 lir.-t heard tho cabiu was burned ye-terday morning, when Mr. Wygaut and I went down there. We saw tho body lying there and then went home. The body was ly ing fiat ou its Inii k, aud was badly I nrned. There is a little statement I wish to make reyard'ii; the case: It wi", i Jo :g aboi.t T;:lii p. m., or Le:-cu 7 i nd 8 o'clock. We were eating supper when Frank Ries came in. I asked him to sit down. He was very badly excited and says, "1 liked to not get here. 1 liked to get laid out on the road. I met Mr. Foss down hore (meaning between my place and Mr. Fobs') as 1 was coming from Mr. (i ray's. I was coming up to get the clover seeder. 1 want to sew a small patch of clover. Anyway I met Mr. Foss and 1 stopped and he sntoued. He looked at me with an awful wild look, and commenced to call me dirty names, l walKed on at a livelv pace. He started to walk ou at the same time. 1 turued around and told him thut he would have to take back w hat he said before tomorrow noon or 1 would kill him, or he would have to kill me. Mr. Foss says, 'iwill kill you uerore l take anything back. ' There was some talk by Ries. I cannot remember just the words, hut it was something like this: Mr. Kies said "1 have a notion to go and get the gun and kill him, but I will study over it. There is something else I wish to say. That is: Mr. Morton came along by Mr. Foss' house while we were there and picked up six shells. 1 think it was six Winchester shells, some of them just outside and some of them inside the Foss gate or bars. Lewis Oweu, being sworn, testified as follows: 1 heard six or seven shots between 9 aud 10 o'clock on the night of May 11, l!X)f). My wife and 1 spoke about the shots. We thought they were oil this side of the river, ou the west side ot us. 1 loft home about 6:,10 yesterday morning and 1 crossed the river ou a foot log; came up through the Foss orchard, aud on up by the apple house, and noticed his shanty was gone. I came up and seen the place; the bouse burned down with the charred body lying face up, with the head toward the door, or where the door was. The building was entirely consumed. 1 stood there a second or so and came right on through the bars and came right down the road and cume right buck to the Perkins house, und told him whut 1 hud seen. Q. How fur and in what direction is your home from the Foss cabin? A. I live about three-quarters of a mile a little northeast of the Foss cabin. Q. Who notified Mr. Dimmick? A. I told him at the order of Mr. Perkins. Q. Where were you going the morning of the 12th? A. I was going to the Foss house to get some apples. II. A. Thomas was sworn and told about working with Kies planting po tatoes in the forenoon of Thiirsday. In the afternoon Kies harrowed. About (i o'clock they had supper. "After supper, " testified Thomas, "He went to the barn aud I went to my wood sawing. I did uot see him agaiu until the next morning." Q. Could he have left the place without you knowing it and have been gone several hours. A. Y es, sir. As a rule, he goes to the barn, and sometimes I dou't see him until breakfast the next morning. I have been staying there about ten days. Q. You sleep iu the house and he in the barn? ' , A. Y'ea, sir. BOUND OVER ON MURDER CHARGE BERRIES NEVER WERE BETTER Three hundred crates rf heme went out from Hood River Tuesday night, the largest shipment so far this season. The weather trrned cool that night und Wednesday's shipment showed no increase. A few days warm weath er will ripen the fruit pretty lively. Market condition.-! have been very good so fur. The California berries have fallen down in quality, leaving the western markets open to Oregon berries. The Kem.ew ick region soon knocked out the to proposition, but, as the price gets down to &1.50 aud $1 the small number of Ix-riies from that region cut little figure. "Hood Riwr tonics never were of finer qualitiy, " says li. F. Davidson of the Da bison 1 n.it Co. "The cool weather has n ai!e huge lurries, and the fruit is am. ing in the market in better shape than eer before." With berries at iff ii cruto Tuesday night the l ru.t Growers' union was unable to supply ail demands, so great is the request for Hood River berries. BERRIES ARRIVING FREELY IN SEATTLE Special to the Glacier. The Dalles, Or., May 17. District Attorney Meuefee examined u large number of witnesses toduy regarding the case of Frank Ries. Kies bus been bound over to the circuit court on a charge of murder in the first degree. W. II. Wilson hits been secured us attorney by the defense, and says he will be prepared to have the case come up for trial at the May term, which convenes, Monday, the 2Iid. Ries is still reticent, aud has made no statement of his case to anyone, save his attorney. The nuture of the defense he will produce is not yet known Hotly Shows Ilullct Marks. Coroner Bur-get and a local physi eiun went to the scene of the Foss tragedy, Sunday, aud performed an autopsy on the charred remains of the old bachelor found among tho smoul dering ruins of his cabin last Friday morning. According to the report of the phy sician, the body was badly burned, I loth legs and most of tne arms being gone. One of t ho lungs was in a fair state of preservation, and showed plainly the marks of a bullet hole. One of the arms was broken a little below the shoulder, which would indi cate the bone had been splintered by a ritfe baft. A tin coffee pot with a bullet hole in it was also taken. Two watches wtre found among the ashes, one of which had stopped at 10:04 and the other 10:11. Portions of the lung and other parts of the body were preserved for the use at the coming trial. A rilio which Ries had borrowed at the Riggs home was cl-o taken by Coroner liurget. Knss Threatened Ries' Life. While it is known that Ries and Foss had frequently made threats of taking the life of the other, the rec ords of Justice Nickelseu's court show that complaint was made by W. H. Kodenhiser,charging that James Foss, did, on Juuo 20, 1!K'4, threaten to commit tho crime of murder on the person of Frank Ries. According to the complaint, this threat was made at divers times-and upon oilier per sons than Ries. No further action was taken on the charge. Twice during the past year, Foss was taken to The Dalles where he was examined lor his sanity, but both; times he was dischaiged. At one time the Widow Riggs made the couq hunt that Foss annoyed her extremely. This started Foss to circulating stories about the widoT, whom Kies it seems sought to defend. Are Called as Witnesses. The following people of Mount Hood were subpoenaed Tuesday for witness es at the preliminary examination of Kies at The Dalles, yesterday: Mr. and Mrs (ieorge Perkins, Mrs. Riggs, J. N. Night, Mr. Morton, O. H. Gray, O. H. Thomas, John Dimick, Henry Thomas. Mother Is Ilroken Hearted. Mrs. Ries, the broken hearted mother of Frank Reis, passed through town Monday on her way from Mount Hood to The Dalles, w here she went to see her son. Mrs. Ries was com pletely overcome with grief. She can not believe her son committed the crime with which he is charged. Notice to Stranberrj (ironers. The othVeof The Hood River Fruit Growers Unto is now open for business. Special to the Glacier. Seattle, Wash., May Hi. A. D. Mowers lit Co., wholesale commisison merchants, repotting cm market con ditions, say : "Market conditions for tho past week have been extremely had ow ing to cold and rainy weather. The tlrst of the week is starting in in like man ner, and fruits like cherries and st raw berries are poor sellers at such times. California straw berries are coming in freelv now. and in fairly good condi tion. They are selling this morning at 1.50 a crate of 15 boxes. Hood Rivers are coming in freely aud are selling at 1.50 u crate this morning. in speaking of Hood Kver berries v.e include the Kennewick distiict. 'California cherries are now coming in in large quantities by express, and are selling at 1.00 to 1,25 a box ; String beans at 10c a pound. Wax beans at l'..o. Asparagus Sl.oU to 1.75. Cucumbers 1.(W a dozen. Tel ephone peas He a pound. New pota toes selling at 2 to 2'4o a pound. There is a good dunmml here lor the vegetables named and we presume that it will uot 1)0 long before peas and beans will be in the market from certain portions of Oregon." BIG DEMAND FOR BERRY PICKERS Kerry pickers are coming in so slow this year that the growers are begin ning to fear it will not be possible to get the fruit picked. This time last year tho town was Hooded with pick ers, who had little to do and as the season was short, it is thought thev became discouraged and will not re turn this season. liy the lirst of tho week pickers will bo needed badly.aud unless they come in faster than they have the last few days, 4 borries will be left to rot on the vines because it is not possible for the growers and a few pickers to work 25 hours a day and gather all tho ber ries ou the patches. Packers appear to lie plentiful enough, but pickers are extremely hard to get. llerry Season in Full lilast. Special to the Glacier. White Salmon, Wash., May 1!). Kerry pickers are coming from all parts of the country. Tho berry sea son is in full blast and all are busy us bees. The largest growers are slip ping from 20 to .'(0 crates per day. The last few days iiavo been good weather for the ripening and picking of the berries and gives promise of continuance. IMPROVEMENTS AT WHITE SALMON (Continued From I'hjip -li ment for some time. Mr. Ihilsiijer re turned Wednesday. On Monday morninj Mr and Mrs. S W. Condon and their buys moved awav from White Salmon and w ill make Fii pene, Oregon, their home for the present. There is perhaps no family in tlii city whose loss would have been more sorely missed a will be that of the Condons. They filled a unique position in our little communiny that it would he dilMrult to to tind another family capable of tilling so willingly and so well. If a speech was needed or a uritriip of the town or valley, Mr. Condon was nhvays called upon and alwiivs responded elieerfullv. And Mrs. Condon, when cilled upon, always responded with her beautiful voice with an nppmpiatc song, no mat ter what the occasion. We are sorry to part with them but w ish them stiei-c ss wherever they may lift. And we hope thev will always remember their friends in theirold home here. Road Supervisor Vyer isih.in.r : jri.d piece of work mi the liingcn road. The bridge over the dry gulch needed renew ing, so he tore out the bridge alto-other and uncle n (ill. The work cost hut little if iiny nior than a new bridim and will Inst for nil ti me, t lui j saving the ex pense of a new hridg- eerv few years. White Salmon is now on, of t lie prin cipal freight shipping point" on the river. The boats brill'.' large quantites of freight every day. Mnudav, May Htli was ahout an average day. tin that day the Regulator line shipped J!) I M H) pounds of freight oyer the dock and did a business of $42 KM for the day. This is the bnsine s of one company and the others did something. We are indebted to Mr. J. ;. ( daddi'ii, the obliging agent of the company here fo' the informa tion, und w ill try to work him for more news at t be ( I d of the month, mi as to he able to show the amount of business transacted iu an average month at this place. There is a llifTerencp. The difference between Kennedy's Laxative Honey anil Tar und all other Cough syrups is that it moves the bowels, thus expelling a cold from the system. This relaxes the m rve-tissucK and by its healing effect on the throat and lungs the tohgh is relieved cured entirely. Kennedy's is the original l.nxative Honey and Tar and contains no opiates. Good alike for yoti'ig or old. Tastes go id. Sold at Williams Pharmacy. Don't let the chrihlren suffer. If they are fretful, peevish a"d cross, give them Hollister's Cocky Mountain Tea. The best baby tonic know n. Strength and health follow its use. .'" cents at C'h.is. N. Clarke's druu store. Dinner served at Hotel Wau-Gwin-Gwin Sunday from 12::i0 to 2::,U p. in. HOMESEEKERS Don't be deceived hy what certain "parties tell von about WHITE SALMON They are grinding their nx, and you may feel its sharp edge. See for yourself Go to the depot and examine the White Salmon Berries Compare them with am raised in Hood Ui-"cr for size, li mines-, eoloi-and ll-tvor. It takes more then a "I'-nl.y liluff" to raise such fruit. Come and view our I eauti-'ul valley : we can show yon the s -il, climate and location for first-class fit it and berries. .lllSt IH good hllld y,. will p.jy tivi'-i' as much for whole l,uv repu tation. 1. a nd lbs I is sine to iid, a nee in value as our valley deve',.;-. Call at the White Salmon 1 1 ,.im- pany, it is our pleiisui-,- t i -h stran gers the valley. White Salmon Land Co. White Salmon, Wash. riSitol Well Dressed P i Doesn't mean Custom Tailored, You can be very poorly dressed that way p Have you tried our J. A, VANDENBURG, Mountain View BAKERY Fresh bread, cakes and pies. Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes Brosius VOGT BROS. Hood River Made from Hood River Flour. , KSiaiSSBBSBaffiJB'i' TRY- The Store econanan FOR BARGAINS IN Furniture, Stover, Ranges, Crockery, Tin and Granite Ware. fU1,l fil( 1 cvci;vtliiiio- in 11k hoibso furnishing line. We Exchange New Furniture for Old. Picture Framing. Furniture Repairing. Stove Repairing. THE BIG SECOND-HAND STORE, Cheapest Outfitters. O. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors. Corvallii;. Ore., 3, 20, 1905. Mr. G. E. Williams, Hood River, Ore. 1)i:ai: Si ii : Tim sample of while arsenic which yon sent 1o the slation has been examined ami it was found lo con tain !!).!) per cent, of white arsenic. This, for nil practical purposes, would be considered pure. Very 1 in I - yours, O. L. KNISELY, Chemist. 15rin- in your I'r'.script ions. Hardware Stewart's Furniture A L. CARMICHAEL HOOD KIVIOU HEIGHTS Still have left a few pairs of Men's and Boys' Merrit's Pants and Ladies' Skirts. Men's Tan Shoes, j Comforts, splen- tfl 9 ood values, at p).4U ditlly made, .f 1 tot)J.3t) Trading Stamps Given for Cash Purchases. ."0 ft warranted hose all coupled up A full mortised, well painted screen floor The new I'niversal Steel Kanre is out at rotten felt mattresses, ri in run feed, .'0 days trial... Hemmerich pillow's, all feathers, each 1 1 new patterns in linoleum, by yd. from ." to Fancy white decorated bowl and pitcher, the fair... Silver met til knives and forks, per doz l'o-rers unconditional, run rant 1 Soap, Williams' shaving, ;5 for Pocket knives, warranted Shovels, all steel, solid shank Handles for every tool made lOc to Paper for builders, per roll ."00 ft Malthoid roofing for all Hat roofs, per s Star shingles: to close, per M Wood fiber plaster, ;er ton San. I unn and UoaHi Harbor bine bbl. 1 HO, Porch columns, each Iled, iron, of newest patterns .'10 00 down to Sewing machines, washing machines .'l .'Oto '22 ) 1 10 1 1)0 2o 00 00 .10 2.". 00 .",0 00 :i: (".." ."o :io oo sr, 1)0 Davenport Bros. Lumber Company Have opened an up-to-date RETAIL LUMBER YARD On River St., 4 Blocks West of Depot, and will carry a complete line of Building Material, Doors, Windows, Lath, Mouldings, AM) ALL (iUADLS OF S. J. FRANK Dealer in HarnessS: Saddles All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON 10 oo! in Ouraini is to furnish everything for building, fur nishing and opera 1 ing a home. Our prices are absolutely guaranteed against any market. We invite the most careful com parisons. Stoves SteWart'S Crockery The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel ebrated ("bickering, the renouned Weber, the fine Kimball, w hich is used ami known for its purity of tone and easy action, the silver-toned Hobart M. ('able, and on down the lint; of Pianos to suit your means and pocket book. lie sure to write for terms, or come and see PARKINS & HUGHES, At EILERS MUSIC CO., The Dalles, Oregon.