HOOD RIVER GLACIER,. THUfcdD AY, MAY 18, 1905 COMMENCEMENT AT PINE GROVE Bv Roswell Shelley. 'Odell, Kast Hood River Valley, May II! Last Saturday evening we attended tliu commencement exercises at the I'ine Grove school. The house was packed to the. doors, and many persons present could not obtain a position commanding a view of the platform. On this account anil by request, MissRiddell, the princi pal, repeated the drill that was given on the regular program. The cxerciees began promptly and were conducted without a hitch. The program rendered is as follows: Plmrua "11 n Improve. Invocation Kv. H. ( lark HiiluUlory Blanche Harblnon L'Hiitata ''Meeting of the Nattoni" Clii Propheny Joe Vannler Viilldlctory Mabel Koblnnoo There were eight graduates in the eighth grade who were presented witn diplomas by County Superintendent Neff, and four graduates in the tenth grade who received diplomas at the hands of Hans Luge, chairman of the board of directors. Then came a class song followed by the class yells of the eighth and tenth grades respectively as follows: Kighth grade: Hlraw berry shortcake; Green apple pie; V. I. T. K. Y. Who are we? Yon cun fnww; We're the tllilcumi of the 1'. U. 8. Tenth grade : KauKal, Oarah! Oaraht Garlvel fine Drove tenth grade, l'JCW. The class colors were green and white, the class flower being the Snow Kali with which the platform and stands were artistically decorated : There class motto was: "Tonight we launch, Where than we anchorT" It was both good sentiment and ap- firopriatu, for standing upon the thres lolil of what should prove long and use ful lives if coming opportunities are Im proved, forms a beautiful picture which only life's harvest can unfold. Yet to those of us who have passed through the furnace and have been ground over by the "Mills of Ood ;" who have been I Smith Block. Who has had over forty years experience in Iowa is opening JEWELRY STORE HOOD chastened by the storms of adversity that has swept our pathway ; to such a have steered their bark away from the rocks and reefs of life's ocean and have already cast anchor in the harbor of contentment and peace, such mile stones, such renditions are but review lessons of their own past lives, and only to such doe this picture unfold its lights and shadows, its victories and its de feats. To offer advice on such occasions is almost a waste of words, but to en courage is well, for life's lessons are dealt out by the stern decree of fate on the dial of Time's relentless clock that keeps ticking, ticking until Toe's Itnvin poem is ever with us. The salutatory by Ulancbe Harbison was full of gratitude and kind words concerning the opportunlites that were olfered to pupils of Pine drove. The class prophet, Mr. Vannie , drew a pretty personal picture of the future of the Pine drove Class of l!XKi, while Mabel liobluson rounded up in her valedictory a most charming pic ture of the future of greater jlood Kiver valloy, with its orchard homes, its orystal streams and its sceuio t fects all of which Is In Hue with on work as the Odell writer for more than two years. There might be some excuse for ao- onslnK promoters and real estate deal ers for emitting hot air, but when the school chll.Iren are Infused witn the same thought and put it In such terse terms as did Mabel Kobiusnn in her valedictory. Thou we should be will ing to concede that there is somethng besides hot air concerning the future of the valley of Hood Kiver. MIbb Kiudeli and her able assistants are to be congratulated upon the suc cess of the school while the board of directors are also worthy of commen dation for the support given theHR teachers, ouch schools in this, the garden spot of the Northwest, moan much toward the Intellectual and moral development of any community, and human as we are, we do not forget the necessity of proper training of the young. Gilbert Edglngton and Mr. Wright were callers at Odell Saturday on their way to their homesteads near Dukes VBlley. The lee cream social at the home Come and Dri 20th Century .SANITARY SODA.. From our NEW SODA FOUNTAIN The fountain selected for exclusive use ut the World's Fair, St. Louin, because of its ABSOLUTE PROTECTION TO HEALTH Syrups in Sterilized Glass Containers on lee in Plain Sight, No Corrosion, no germs. Delicious, Healthful. Be Sane Be iSanatary and BRING THE CHILDREN REIR CASS, Reliable IN- LAB A WAY, R VER of L. I). Toyed v. us well . patronized last Friday eveniiu.', notwithstanding the cold evening. Odell people ulways rally for any good work. BOMKTIiXO DOING AT ODELL. The Hist official act of Police Judge Poole was to round up five or six of the Odell sport who were funny last Friday morning and give them two days each; so under the di root ion of Marshal Clark they were put to work on the Odell water works. Six-inch mains were laid down Main street and water will be pumped to Win. Khrck's place. The Judgo says they will get :l days for tb" next offense. This week is a busy one ut Odell. A strawberry dunce ut the hull Wed nesday night was given by town par ties. A highgrado moral and intellectual entortiunment wan given ut the Odell church Wednesday evei.ing, the 17th. This entertainment was given l.y Sirs. Weathered, who lias been Oregon's; eommis-doner to four different world's fairs. The entertainment was replete with information. Airs. Weathered is a resident of Hood liiver valley, con cerning which wo uiy very proud. A largo attendance grtucd I r. lllfi DAV COMING. The event of the week w ill occur on Bitturduy, when the Lit.lio White Store people will give an old time picnic. Ice cream and soda pop will be served, In the afternoon there will bo a game of huso hull on the Ehrck place, '1 hen at night we nre informed that the (piartetto will hold forth ut the church. The park at ttie Little White store is now In readiness to receive the public. Much time and some money has been spent in beautifying this delightful natural park. A nice stream of water flows through it, and we feel safe in saying solllcieiit in ducements will be oifcrrd to justify you for a days outing. See poster along the rotidsido. Last week William Ehrck finished up a substantial piece of work con necting with the ditch in the Little White Store park. He laid a six-inch I wooden pipe tarred and jointed diag ; anally across the street to the south : nest corner of his place.und by means j of a stand pipe throws it into a flume, which in turn carries it to it ram, me i Druggists. 0 i nil short distunee.which forces it through h pipe to his house. This will prove a luxury, furnishing water for domestic purposes and for irrigating the gar den. li, G. Hoardman is piecing a water ing trough at this stand pipe, which will prove a public benefit. Mrs. C. L. lingers is now a home .t Odell after having spent VI weeks in a Portland hospital. She is slowly re training her health, Her friends wish for her a speedy and final recovery. The upper Mount Hood settlement seems to be veiied with mystery. A ! double murder which will soon be par : tiaily avenged through the execution of Norman Williams : then follows ru j mors and evidence cf another recent i murder. It reminds me that truth i is often stranger than fiction. The plot is laid bare for a .-lory that would , prove a thrilling t.de und be eagerly ! sought for, too, were the facts alone ; told. I Miss Nettie Kemp and Miss Roberts of Portland can;e to Hood Kiver Sun May and drove to Odell. spending ; abo it two hours here, aud relumed to Portland in the ufternoon. Nettie's friend.-) are always glad to seo ber. i er mother was absent from home so Nettie returned without seeing her. Mr. and Mrs. II M. Poole spent Sunday with Harry Kemp at his lauch. Such an outing is a luxury. Work is being pushed upon the lat eral that will load the water to the neighborhood west of Odell. Water will probably be turned on there soon alter Juno 1. TAX RETURNS ARE SHORT THIS YEAR Special t'orre.-ipnri'lence. Willow Flat, Hast Hood River Valley, .May It). .Supervisor Massee had a force of men last week working on a new grade connecting th" Seam mud with tie old Mount II Md road at the foot of the Straight h..i When entirely completed tliiH will furnish a much better and shorter road to the Flat tl.au the old read. .1. M. I.enz, snpervi or in lo.id district No, 8, tt'llH Us thul the amount of money received from the c -unity this year is less limn hint year, and we Hi' no jiiHt cause why Ihe valuation should he less than u veiir ago. Individua'ly our taxes were $.".(;.) per acre higher tliun a year ago. It the same condi tions exist all over distiiet No. 8, it is self evident Unit the amount ol money received from the county Hliould have l)ccn greater instead ot less, t an It hi: possible tluit the. I'.'inity olliei.ils, take theirspitoo.it in I loo t Kiver, In this muiine", hy gi'-i.ig ' s .u. y amount they H'0 lit f Along this dame liii' , se'iool district No. 74 levied a special tax based on the valuation of l!ltt, expecting it to raise a certain sum of money. When t lie lists were published this spring it was found that the money alloted to it was hut a trille over two thirds what it should have been. And we know of real estate HHsesHcd in 1IKH that was exempt in wo:;. We are at a loss to understand the why and wherefore of these conditions, hut nevertheless we respectfully ask those in charge at the county seat to explain. A .lapanese contractor from Portland was up one day last week rounding up the .laps to pick homes at hue Sal mon. We understand that he succeeded i'l getting eight, hy representing that they could get their old jolw back at the end ot the berrv season. Hut it may he possible that w hen they ask about .Inly 1 to he taken hack that they will lind other boys have their places. Frank Waterbury of ( Irani County is visiting his brother, S. 1, Waterbury This is I In' lirst time thev have seen each other in twenty two years. Mr Waterbury is a miller by trade, and has traveled extensively over (lie northwest. Ilesavs that in nil his travels helms never seen a place where such a diver sity of crops can be grown to such a stale of perfection as in Hood Kiver valley. I he llooil liiver Orchard I'o. have started the potatophinter. We under stand that they w ill probably plant 200 or .UK) sacks. The laviilson Fruit Co. is having a largo addition built to its strawberry pio'king house. -This is imperative as thev have about ,'!') acred of berries on their ranch. This means that during the packing season, the Flat will take in the appearance of a thriving villmge. boiit IIOl) people will be required te lake care of (lie crop raised on the yari ions ranches on the Flat. MOUNT HOOD. Louis llurkhart sent ,'tO boxes of Hen Davis apples to Portland last week realizing 81.. '10 a box, some selling as high as i I.. "id. Mount Hood apples are hard to In at . Onve Miller has recently finished building a barn on his hind near Trout creek. Mr. Miller is one of tho sue cessful strawberry growers of tho low er valley and has planted 11 acres to straw ben les here. Ho expects to make this his homo for tho present, being thoroughly convinced of the su perior Hilvantage of this section. ('Iiurlio Thomas has begun his duties as ditch walker for the Middle Fork Irrigating Co. This company has re cently. been repairing its ditch until now it is in good condition. Jesse Davidson is down on Willow I 'hit building a packing house for the Davidson Fruit Co. li. T. Hpaulding purchased a line driving team in Sherman county last week. Kollio says he got his team for business purposes. Oiville Knox spent last Sunday af ternoon at tho Thomas homo. l'oter IVIdhouson and W. II. F.dick went up to plow the snow iu tho road to the Inn Tuesday. . Some will ripe strawberries were picked at .Mount Hood last Sunday. VIENTO. Mi', end Mrs. tieorge liarnard have loll ti r Cobiivg, Ore. Woid has been received that Mr. .lacksim was seen on the streets of Vancouver, so we think he must be up and out- cgiiiu. Clark has not yet re turned to Vicnto. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Depee have come to take charge of the boarding house. Mr. Osboru has resigned. Mr. Mothershead and F.d True made a Hying trip to Portland Sunday. There is a stray yearling colt at Vicnto, with star in forehead and snip nose, it plays around the school yard and is a pet of all the children. Lansing Uivorswont to Portland last week returning Saturday. Strawberries are getting ripe in Vi cnto. Mr. Curran made his tirst puk ing Monday. Mr. llalfpHp made his usual trip j homo to The Dulles over Sunday. i Mrs. Dean brought her camel a ov er to school and took a school picture j Monday. Six diliercut positions were Ayer's This falling of your hair! c f - 1 1 i oiop it, or you win soon dc bald. Give your hair some Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fall ins will stop, the hair will Hair Vigor grow, and the scalp will be clean and healthy. Why be satisfied with poor hair when you can make it rich? H Mr hilr nearly all came nut. I tlien trlftil Ajer't lUir VlKur and only one Ixiitlu Htoppfl the falling. New liair cnine In real tlilk anil iutt a little curly. ' Mas. J M. burnt, arato-ta, N. V. f 1. 00 a bottle. j.o. atkii en.. All (1 rti trirtBH. l.nwpli, -1:; taken, two inside tho room and four outside. One was taken with the hoys mi stills.as some of them are especial ly skilled iu performing on them. Mike Ostergard has a new net aud is supplying Viento with fresh Salmon. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn made a trip to Cat. cad o Locks Monday. Mr. Sanford, the peddler, wag in Viento Friday, and spent the night with Mr. Curran, taking the early morning truiii for the Locks. husum?e6?lh"will ask for new road Special Corre-'pondence. llusuin, Wash., .May 17. The citi zens of (iilmor and Trout Lake will petition the county court this fall for a read to connect with the Trout Lake road, down Gilmer creek, which is a tine grade aud will save pulling up the long grado at Oak Ridge. People com ing from Trout Luke now have to go to the falls before they can get to Uil nier and the same of the Gilmer peo ple going to the lake. It will make a dilforenco of tou miles travol. ThoWickens & Tompkins Co. mill is running now and putting cut some line pine mid lir lumber. Thoy have pet in n lumber yard i.t Underwood, and can furnish all kinds of lumber of all grades. Any one wanting lumber should call on Smith and Clark. They can furnish you prices. The new road built by tho Under wood people oilers a splondid grade. Will Gilmer hauled tho tirst load of lumber over the new road for Wickons Tompkins & Co. A few improvements can bo made by widening some of the short curves. Charlie Hallenlock provop up on his homestead May 15, at White Sal mon. George Gilmer and K. L. Ilatt miiii were witnesses. Mr. and Mrs. llidleuleck will leave for Sau Francis co for a short trip. Fi. L. Ilattuian is going to Goldeu dale for a few days. The Tompkins have built two new housi . Gilmer end Manly are doing the log grig for tie mill company. They lnii It an old I at binned log wagon or truck, li e v. heels i re made of trees. They can la id '21 WU lent to the load. The Granger., w ill have a celebration iu Underwood on the 'J th, next Sat urday. .Mrs. Vi hiicon.e, Gecrgo Gilmer's mother, has been sick for the past few days, but is some better. Church n ii cl Sunday school is con ducted here by the liaptist church. A good many homesteaders tire com ing iu to do their spring work. The farmers are improving their places, building uew houses and pre paring to set orchards. Wo have had some nice rains this last week. IMPROVEMENTS AT WHITE SALMON Special Correspondence. White Salmon, Wash., May 10. The citizens of White Salmon have begun the improvements of Jowett avenue, 'the street will be graded, macadam ized and sidewalks laid. Mrs. Anna Chubb, formerly Miss Anna Weingurtnor; Hodu A. League, formerly lioda A. Simons; Alice Mar tin ; Klvvood M. Peck and Charles H. Halleiileck all made linnl proof of their homesteads before U. S. Com missioner, J. C. Macluues. Monday, May lfi. K. lleiting.the stockraiser of Gilmer, was iu town last week and roports that the Camas Prairie region never looked liner, and that tl ore will be a big crop of early hay this year. C. M. Wolfard & Co. are having the Interior of the store painted uud dec orated. Fruit Inspector Ingram inadeavisit to White Salmon hist week. He in spected a number of orchards and re ports much improvements, the or- chardists tire beginning to see the val 10 of careful cultivation and spray ing aud are doing the work cheerfully. Tho W hite Salmon Fruit union is purely co-operative Each member lias a voioe iu the election of the olll- cers, the choice ot the manager and has the pb irty of examining all books, shipnie: t . prices, returns, etc., at pleasure ihe union has done much already i arils creating that kind of ii iu the White Salmon val ' as (lone so much for the ad . t i f the Hood liiver vullley, .. 1. 1 -;i l.ers are joining each i t id those who have joiued !l t organization is no longer ii.:.ut, but a permanent in- aseutio'i ley C . . mi . . am. . i . lay. feel t. ! an .-. , i stitut o i a few e anions ; that v h! of ii...-..: , and that iu the course of is there will be that society be growers oil this side as i. characterizes the growers Liver valley. K.JOM T1IK KNTKKI'HISK. School U'pm h-t Monday at the Gro h. oi? school house in District ft.'l, for a kini ol two months. Miss ernie r.m inons is the teacher. Mr. Scv inour llachman and Miss May l.iir. kl.avt, ootii ol w lute salmon, were nun rie.l at the aisonn;e last Thursday evenini:. l!cv. Mr. Lewis ellieiated. A. T Kee.i, from Portland, was iu town Monday Hinl will take charge ol the I'the I (iroshoo'j place tln. summer. He will move his fami'r up in a short time. A. W. lt;i ,-i -er an I wife left Thursday by the boat for I'ortland, Oregon, where Mrs. bal-i:or will take medical treat- I jThick Haiti (I'outmuea on I'Hge 7.) 1 fr" Hf Try Oar I I V Grand Rapids 0 Logger's I I 5j & Driver's 1 12-in. top, French Kip, ami warranted to hold calks and warranted to give satisfaction to tho wearer. To introduce them wo are niakiii"' the low price of fler rr ti . 1 j .. .1 11 3 ipu.jJ. Aitcy itie tvoi in .11, irasi .1 iioii.tr more. HOSIERY Black Cat Hosiery is tho only medium-priced Hosiery that litis real wearin;;-merit. If you want good goods in this lino you must luy this brand. Most merchants don't like to handle this line of hose because the profits arc less than most any other brand, but the wearer gets more for his money than any other hosiery lie can buy. Ladies' SUMMER UNDERWEAR Knit Vests, 100 and up. Knit Union Suits, bot h in knee si ml ankle lengths Muslin Underwear gowns, 500 ami up. Skirts, 50c and up. Corset Covers, 250 and up. 15i. stre and look at our Clothing, Hats, Gents' Underwear Shirts and Dress Shoes before buying elsewhere. A New Assortment Jir t from ANNOUNCEMENT! We have tniidii arrangements ;in ! his s m son for the exclusive pa!c in Hood lli.er of Swetland's Ice Cream This famous delicacy has stood the te-t for seventeen ) i iiis with a constantly increasing sale. I'ev'ond a I 'pi.'slion ii ;s the hc.-.t anil purest Ice cream made, and has won a ri'in ti. ti.m as " I'l.i Ice Cream of futility." Served at our fountain P'O'l tammm parlor. Special prices for C. T. KAWSOJi. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting v. e will -have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Feach& Piurn Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard variei los of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hoed River, Or. Hood No n:.U tor whether you eat t o live or live to eat, jq you should oat the hest; and when yoii get ourTlour you get the best md it is pur" am! clean. 'CUPID 5 is tho best Flour over put on the Hood Kiver market " HOOD RiVER" 1 4 is unequalled by any similar priced Hour. Beware of artificially ii'.ciclieil Hour you will live longer. Ask your grocer for Hood Kiver (Irahain and U Farina. g 8 Hood River SHOE Tli.' lu'st Medium 1 weight Drivers Shoo ou tho niiirket. It will pay you. of Ladies' Neckwear New York. M ami in our cosy icecream picnics and socials. TOMPKINS BEOS. 3SK.:3 TITXS&rSSSZaKSSK BOH F. II. STANTON River Floor I i'i lipi Co. 1 .-3