The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 18, 1905, Image 2

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Issued t-vrT Thursday by
Terms of sutstcripliou-tU.40 a jMf (Ml tH
to advance.
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1005.
Maverick is a new calf injthe jour
DuliHtio fluid at Baker City. May do
prodigal ever Kt hie lariat on it.
Ten years ago, F. C. Slierrieb, a west
tide farmer, found it difficult to mort
gage his 150 acren for $500 with which
to secure water on his ranch. Today he
is erecting an $1,800 home, and has
money to spare. An excellent example
of what water will do for Hood Kiver
lund and its owner.
"Hood Kiver as a Manufacturing
Center" in an excellent article in the
May issue of Orchard and Farm by J.
F. Kachclder of the Hood River Devel
opemcnt Co. There in much other mat
ter in this issue devoted to the promo
tion of general development in Oregon.
W. E. Hothery, who is particularly well
acquainted with the Northwest field,
and whom the Glacier quoted in an
interview a few months ago as being
so highly pleased with this city, has
editorial and business charge of the
Portland bureau of Orchard and Farm.
This popular magazine will in the future
continue to devote a large portion of the
pace to the Northwest.
Booster, a Fine Publication.
J C. Dawson, representing the Ore
gon Booster, a new publication at Port
land devoted to advancing the interests
of the state of Oregon, is in the city se
curing subscriptions and advertising
from the busineMS men of Hood Kiver.
Mr. Dawson has promised a special des
criptive article on Hood Kiver's fruit
industry and the good possibilities for
Dianulacturing at this point.
The Monster, and a true booster in
every sense of the word, first saw the
night of day about three months ago
This splendid weekly now has a circu
lation beyond the 10,000 mark. Half
this number goes to Eastern people.
Printed on elegant book paper, the hall
tone engraviiiKS in the Uooster appear
to a line advantage. The booster is one
of the finest publications of Its kind on
the coast, and well deserving of patron-
Mr. Dawson was at Corvallis the
other day. He says outside of Hood
Kiver that city is the center of one ol
the best parts of Oregon. The people
there are up and coming. They are
boosters, too, and on Corvallis day at
the exposition, 1800 of the people of
Corvallis and 1'entoti county will go to
Portland to make their country known
to trie worm.
"Why," says Mr. Dawson, "there
won t be cars enough to take the people
to Portland that day. Every boat on
the river has been secured.
"Hay, but you people are getting out
the brightest weekly paper I ever saw.
You certainly have a good town behind
Jllwt Margarita Fischer Coming.
Mss Margarita Flsoher, and her su
perb company, will appear for two
nlghtk nt the opera house In Hood
Kiver, Monday aud Tuesday, May 22
aua 'M, ttpeaklug ol Anna a laonor'i
recent tour into southwestern Wash
lugtou, the lioquiam Washiogtonlan
"Last night Misi Margarita Flsoher
opened her week's engagement at the
Hoqiiluin theatre in the dramatic pro
duotion of the "Colonel' Wife. " The
play was extromely interesting through
out the whole performance and Miss
Fischer as leading lady played her
part much to the satisfaction of all,
bha Is a star and her work was fin
lulled and pleasing. Miss Flsoher has
just passed the age of 18 aud her act
, lug, for one so young, is marvelous.
The costumos were most beautiful aud
her support was excellent. The play
wnion was well produced, bad a good
moral. The scene lu four acts being
in Washington, D. U., and dealing
with society life in the great capital,
It was renued throughout ami the
audience was much impressed.
The specialties were all good, espeo
tally the song and dance by the com
edian f red ifreen. His Jokes were
new and full of wit and hi sayings
mane a nil wun me gauery.
Konieinber the date, Monday and
Tuesday, May 22 aud 2X Don't miss
these performances as both press and
' public pronounce the Flsoher Co. the
bent repertoire company ou the coast
tins soasou. Prices, BOo, IJTro. Children
Mrs. J. II. Shanks and daughter
Haty, also her sixter-in-law, Miss Mar-
tha Bhaiiks of Simpson Kausaa, after
spending tho winter lu L,os Angeles.
California, huve been visiting the fam
ily of lo Morse for the past two
weeks. They lult for their borne in
Kansas tills week.
Mr. Countryman has done good work
In blasting out a large stump opposite
tue liarrett school bouse. More Im
provements in the district, which
means an luorease lu the value of
J. Holme, ou Itookford avenue, has
treated his bouse to a coat of good
paint. Yes, of course, J. H. will have
things np to date. Well, why not, as
we only pass tins way ouoo.
Kdwurde Watts from Lake Mills,
Iowa, a brother-in-law of Mr. ltray-
funl iicriv.,,! l, II,,r,l li,.. ...
Mr. Watts expects to make iiis home
in Hood Kiver. He is a first-class
plasterer and expects to do that kind
ol work lu this part or the country.
Will Nichols is busy hauling berry
crates. Will says he will have lots of
Urrios. Mrs. Nichols was called to
the bedside of her sick mother who
resides at Montreal, Canada. Mrs.
Nichols loft Hood Kiver on Thursday
niglit and expects to arrive at her
mother's home in live days.
Tlio ice cream social and entertain
iiiont given under the aospioics of the
Turner society on Thursday was well
attended at the liarrett school bouse,
ami all went home well pleased.
(1. I). Woodworth has had a foroo of
men and teams working on the Meth
odist lane aud when completed will be
one of the best roads in Hood Kiver
We notice the campers are coming
In ready for strawticrry picking and
iiockford says he has the best of goods
ut low price aud can supply their
want aud save them money.
Roy KnasiaMishue, who gained renoun
as the aeronaut who made the only suc
cessful airship Might at the Louisiana
Purchase exposition, is working on an
airship of his own design, which he
claims will be sucrior to the famous
"California Arrow," and which lie will
operate in the airship contests at the
Lewis and Clark exposition
"My, but they were surprised when
we reached the top of the East Hide
grade, and the whole party went into
wild exclamations of ecstacy at the
grand scene spread out before them,"
said Charles T. F.arly, who in com
pany witn w. ii. Mcies, arovo trie
following party of visitors through the
orchards and berry fields of Hood
Kiver valley, Tuesday afternoon :
United States Senator John II.
Mitchell, John W. Yerkes, commis
sioner of internal revenue at Washlng
D. C, M. O. Hall, manager of the
Northern Pacilio Express Co., David
M. Dunn and Mrs. Dunn of Portland,
and Senator John M. Thurston of Ne
braska. Mrs. Early accompanied the
party on the trip through the valley.
The distinguished visitors made the
trip from Portland on the steamer
Spencer. They returned on delayed
No. 1, Tuesday evening.
Hood River is to be given a special
day at the Lewis and Clark expositon.
Homer H. Hallock, traveling repre
sentative of the fair, was in Hood
Kiver, Tuesday, making a personal
call upon the business men to see af
ter arranging for a Hood Kivor day at
the exposition.
Mr. Ilallock met wherever he went,
evidences of the Hood Kiver spirit
which has won so much for the town
and valley. He was convinced uj. once
that the matter would be taken holi
of in the right way, aud that Hood
Kiver day at the Lewis and Clark fuir
will be a complete success from stmt
to finish.
"I never saw such a community
where the people all seemed to be of
one accord," remarked Mr. Ilnllocli.
'Your wnole town of people appears to
be pulling harmoniously together, and
pulling bard, too. Dan Malouey, the
"father" of the exposition, was speak
ing to me the other day about the ne
cessity for concentrated action in all
publlo undertakings. 'Individual ef
forts will count for little unless the
whole community places their heart
in the matter.' said Mr. Maloney. You
people here in Hood Kiver have the
right ldoa In this matter, and are
bound to succeed, I can see that.
"The idea that people who will at
tend the fair this summer will be held
np for ridiculous prions for lodging U
far from the trulb, continued Mr
Ilallock. "The exposition managers
have looked after this matter very
thoroughly. Companies have been
formed who have listed all the availa
ble rooming houses in the city, mid
the prices which will be charged for
the same,. from 50o to 1.1 are guaran
teed by the fair management to be
that and no more.
"If an overcharge is made, by re
porting to the fair management there
will be parties there to see Unit cor
roctioni are made. Visitors will lie
expected to know about what price
accommodations thoy wish. Those
who want a 50o lodging room can have
It, and those who want something
better can secure it. There will be
ample accomodations in Portland for
all who ome. The exposition mana
gers will guarantee to find accomoda
tions." The date for the Hood Kiver day at,
the fair will he arranged for later. It
is proposed that the president of the
oommerolal club call an open meeting
sometime when the mutter can be (lis
cussed and a convenient date ar
Later lu the afternoon, Mr. Hallock
was taken for a drive through tho val
ley by Jack Uugley.
Mrs. (iraves to Lecture Here.
Mrs. M. N. Graves of Contriilla
Wash., national organizer and lecturer
for the W. (J. 1. U., will speak In
Hood Kiver at some date in the near
The press of tho United States
speaks very highly of Mrs. (iraves as
a publlo speaker and able exponent of
ber cause. The Aberdeen Jlerald said
in a recent issue:
"The city was treated to a rare good
fortune last Sunday in the several ad
dresses given by Mrs. M. N. (iraves.
Her eloquence, which is unusual in
the average woman speaker,thrilled;the
audiences which tilled the Methodist,
At (lie lun ches.
Union. Rev.Troy Shelley will preach
at 11 o'clock.
Valley Christian. W. A. Flkins,
pnstor, services at 11 a. in. ami 8 p. in.
Riverside Congregational W. ('. iil
mnre, pastor. Sabbath School, 10 a. in.
worship and preaching, 1 1 ; sermon by
a visiting minister of the M. K. Confer
Lutheran services will he held Renin
next Sundav. Mav 21. at t ie church
near Columbia nursery and K. oi P.
cemeterp, about two miles south of
town. Sunday school st 2 p. in. ; Divine
services with Migltsli preaching at ,l p.
m. II. J. Kid l, pastor.
Unitarian Services Sundnv iiiorniin.'.
Subject fof sermon, "The Freedom of
Kaptist, Regular preaching service"
at Carmlchael's hall evety 1st and :M
Sundav morning and evening; Sundnv
school everv Sundnv at 10 a. in. Cove
mint and business meeting the C i i t
Wednesday night in each month. .1. I!.
Spight, pastor.
Methodist t renching at II a. in. and
8 p' in.; Sabbath school 10 a. in.; rp-
worh League p. in. 1 raver meeting
Thursday evening. All cordinllv in
vited. W. C. F.vaus, pastor.
United Itrethren. Sundnv school at
10 a. in. Preaching at 1 1 a. in. Junior
Endeavor, 8:30 p. in. Christian Kn-
leavor, 0:45 p. Ill, Preaching at 7::ill.
Ml are cordially invited. Key. .1. S.
Kneads, pastor.
Kelniont M. K. Church.-11. C. ( lurk,
pastor. Services, llolmout: Sundnv
school at 10 a. m. ; Class meeting atli
m.; Kpwnrth League 7 p. in.; preach
I everv Sundav evening and id Sin-
lay in month at 11 a. in.; Prayer meet
ing Ibiirsday :.!() p. m. Services at
Pine (i rove same as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. in. ('rapper. 1st and 3d Sundays
at 8:1(0; Sunday school nt ,.,:30. Mount
Hood. Tho 4th Sunday at 11 a. in.;
Sunday school at U) a. m.
"The Home of Low Prices.
One Price
to All
Ulen's and Youth's Dept.
There is no need in paying
exorbitant prices for clothing
and gents' furnishing goods.
Read our low prices:
Men's suits sold regularly in this city
for $12 to $15, we will soil them
while they hist for the JQ ff
low i.iiee' $7.50-"UU
Men's linen collars, including the Ca
late up-to-date styles
Men's shirts, extra oood jual- Efs
ity, silk bosom
Hoys' Tennis shoes, well-made CAa
wit 1 1 si rone,-leather soles
Men's canvas gloves, leather tips on
thumb and fingers, per pair f fg
First-class pocket combs, at 4 f(
least worth 250, for only...
Fit up your beds while you
can do it cheap.
Oiii.oi-tabl.'S, $4.75, 2.50,
1.25, 950, 850, ami
Pknikets. ranging in price
from $3.60 to low us only
How Oases,
;v low
200, 150 and
Sh "els, the big and best kind
at 650, 500 and only
Ileil snieads, the verv best in
ilia lit V. 351.20. 1.10. 1.1U
-i , licet ing fine quality
si lling at only, per yard
-allies' top "irdle. well worth
they la :t, only...
Ladies' washable undershirts
To clean up for more room..
Ail our ladies washable skirts sold at low prices
Tinware and Granitware
Do you know that we are
headquarters for this class of
goods in Hood River. There is
no need in your paying fancy
prices for this line of goods of
other dealers when we are just
slashing the profits on all tin
and graniteware. Compare
the prices quoted below with
what you have been paying at
other stores and you will be
convinced that our store is the
store that saves you money;
"The home of the low prices,"
the store that has one price to
all, and the store that is and
never has been undersold.
One quart covered buckets, the
best material
One-gallon oil cans the kind 4 4
that stand the wear.... '
Tin wash basins a genuine bar
gain, at only
Tin dish pans here is a snap 4
while they last 1
One-pint cup the best made C
two for
Eight-quart galvanized pails 4
our price only
Galvanized tubs strongly EC
made '..
Small tea kettles mil bar- 4 C
gains in this department
No. H tin boilers none made flA
better copper bottom OUw
Five-gallon galvanized oil CCa
cans, only Uwl
Child Mciilini! is tho chit rue mtule
iwainst 1. S. Wiser nml Muliixlo Riser,
his wile, in it conilaiiiHt sworn to in
Justice Nickelsen's court Tuesday inorn
iiiH hy (iillis ihililiurd, father of a hoy
whose j;iniil)tniftitH are aliened to have
kidnapped and sinnclcd oil' to Teiines
m'c, without the knowledge, or consent
of llnldinrd, the lad's father.
Old Sol Kier, so it ,iearfl, purchased
transportation at ttie O. K. & N. depot
in this city hint. Friday night for lit
wife ami j:1'111"'11'1! tt youth named
lames, who is III years old. The tickets
ere good for a trip to Tennessee, and
the next morning Mrs. Kiser and her
grandson left here for the sunny South
land without (i!lis being aware of the
unlaw ful proceedings of his mother-in-law.
The father of the lad on discovering
the true slate ot allairs tlic next day
was very much upset. I Id w as advised
to have a warrant sworn out for his
mot lier-in-law , and it sheriff in one of
the Kastern Oregon countries im-t meted
hy telegr:tph to arrest her at l.u ( irnml
or linker City. This was two switt a
pace for tiillis, wpoiidoi'ed over the mut
ter until his son was outside the coiiion
wealtli of Oregon.
Charles Chandler was sent to The
Italics Monday to confer with Ihstrict
attorney Meuelee, who advised act ion
ill the J net ice i oiirt , w here lie consider
ed Mr. Kiser would he hrought to sec
the error of his way, and secure the re
turn of his grandson without lurtlier
delay. It' Judge Nielodsen lielieves it
necesHTV, provided Kiser is ohdnrate
in the matter, he will he lioiind over to
the circuit court and rcipiision papers
secured tor the ictii! ii of Mis Kiscrainl
the hoy .hour's.
Conviction for child stealing is a ser
ious offence. It may mean from one to
!!." years in the penitentiary, of aline
not to tAceed 10,1100.
New Commission House
E desire to announce to tlie fruit grow
ers and shippers of I food Kiver and
tributary points that we have opened
a new wholesale fruit , produce and com
mission business at the above address.
While our firm may be new to many,
members of our firm are far from being
new to the business as Mr. Koskey has
been in the employ of another Front street coin
mission house for almost twenty years, and Mr.
MolOwen was with the same firm fortwelveyears.
We are therefore closely in touch with the Port
hind trade and our location is right in the heart
of the commission district, and consignments of
strawberries, or other fruits or produce will come
to tlie immediate attention of the city buyers.
We will get the best possible price for goods
sent us and render sales with check promptly.
Consignments solicited.
1 L'l) Front street, M'KWEN & KOSKEY.
Portland, Ore. 1
I opre-rntt
veiled in llii
d TO. M. I..
liTt'lll'i', w it!
. 1 The I'allc
Kepoits th
oils 1 a t i
how a lat .;e
l'l it- tiuan. s
liov. U
the tlevol
seven di Tercel charges are
I al '5 hi' Italics district cu-
f t lie M . I', church, which con
chy Tuosdav night. Kl
t h i presiding at ihe con-
hev. Walton Skipwoiih
, s.a letai v .
s morning; from the vri
throughout the district
increase in memhersliip.
'I the district areccelleut.
I.tldrtin of Arlington letl
I cM'ii'ies vesterdav lAorn-
rt ii League meeting
ii." was an ahle pa-
A ( rc ping Dentil.
lilotxl poison creeps up towards the
heart, causing dentil. J. K. Stem ns,
ltellc l'laine, Minn. .writes that a friend
dreadfully injured his hand, which
swelled up like hltMtl poisoning, lluck-
len s Arnica Salve drew out tlie poison,
aletl the wound, ami saved his life.
IVst In the world for burns iiiul sores,
fie at C. X. Clarke's drug store.
(Set a meat safe of K. (i. Coo and tie
the flies.
ing. "1st
i ils orig'iial
I per I'V Kev. ,1. ho I -v aus ot Morn. Ihe
', second paper ol the day was hy liov.
liohcil V ariur who itssciisschusiiiess
principles and methods in church lin
ance Kev. II. C. Clark lead the devo
, I iottal in the aitt ruo. n.
The eveiiim: inc. 'ting was occluded Lv
a sermon hy Ih'V. Walton Skipworthofi
t he 1 'alios.' I'lu' s-si.,is of the confer-1
ence are held m the auditorium i f the !
! Methodist chins h. , j
; I' mil Crop Notes. I
I licpoits ironi the Sacramento valley
slate that ihe prospect lor cherries t'f ,
: the ear! i i varieties ami of Mark Tarta-'
nans is good. On Uoval Amies there ;
will he a very iiiaikcd shortage. The;
crop of api u ots vvoi lie good, tor other
j varieties of liuiis and giapes it is too'
carlv to sav positively or accurately.
Siiihc it to sav that the general pros-;
pcft for all varieties in all districts at
this writirgis ood with the possible
except ion of peacla s and peats. j
Pr. Rohinson of Washington, D. C,
owner of a (iOO-acre farm in Alhemarle
county, Virginia, where tlie famous
Newtown pippins wen1 grown that sup
plied tlie rovnl family of Kngland with
apples for 4(1 years, w..s in Hood Kiver
last week, the guest of H. II. Wallace.
Dr. Kohinson- was taken for a drive
ahout the valley hv Mr. Wallace. The
visitor was very highly impressed with
the country. The doctor has reatl a
great ileal alsuit Hood Kiver and made
the visit here especially to discover I lie
secret of why Hood Kiver apples are not
excelled anywhere in tlie world.
The ehiuate and soil of Virginia nre
similar to this country, says Pr. Kohin
son, mid he intends to inject Hood
Kiver methods there. The doctor took
samples of soil of the valley hack w ith
1) i in lo W ashington, where he will have
it examined hy the agricultural depart
ment, to discover if he can, w hat is lack
inH in the soil of Virginia.
In Virginia the doctor is a member of
an exclusive fanners' club of '2 mem
bers, who meet at each other's home,
have a dinner ami discus methods of
growing fruit. Some of the orchards in
Virginia are over 100 years old. Trees
are never etiltivtaed nor sprayed. Some
of them are 75 feet high.
Some of the apples must he of fine
quality, us llr. Kobinson has received
as high as fr.50 a barrel for Wisconsin
fruit, lioxes are not nsetl in Virginia,
hut the doctor intends to introduce this
method of placing his New tow ns on tlie
tor bargains in plain band and
tings, tall on I laike, the jeweler.
Never touch a telephone wire, is a
good rule to observe. The folly of so
doiiitf was demonstrated at John Day
last Tuesday, when a young lady
fume in contact with a lire wire aud
was rendered unconscious. At last
account she was still seriouslv ill; but
it was thought would recover. The
! Dalles Chronicle.
There is to be a big time at Odell this
coming Saturday a regular old fashion
picnic, with all tlie amusements con
nected therewith. The Little White
Store man invites the public to join
with the people of Odell in having a
splendid good time.
Take a ttav off and eniov vourself.
You w ill never miss It, and it will make
you feel ten years younger to get out
once more to a country picnic.
Fischer Company Is First-Class.
W. II. Fischer, advance agent for the
Marganta rischer l'o., which will ap
pear here next Monday and Tuesday
night-, stales that the company this
season is stronger than everliefore. The
last appearance of the company in Hood
Kiver was not at all creditable, but this
is accounted for because of the crippled
ciiiiliiitm ol tlie troupe through sick
S. M. Curtis, on experienced stage
tlirector troiu tlie east, is presenting
Mi Fischer this season, ana the thea
ter hv ing public are assured that they
will receive more than tlieir monev s
worth bv attending tlie production of
the eoiiipanv at the opera house next
k. The Fischer Co , is now one of
the most popular repitoir companies on
tlie coast.
Hot Weather Piles.
I'ersoiisi iitlllctetl with piles should lie
careful at this season of the year. Hot
weather and bad drinking water con
tribute to the conditions which make
Files more painful and dangerous.
)eWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve stops the
pain, draws out the soreness sod cures.
Oct the genuine, bearing the name of
K. C. lVWitt & Co Sold at G. K.
Williams' pharmacy.
Two-quart combination hot water
bottle and fountain syringe guaranteed
for one year. Only 1.,V) at Clarke's.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersigned
have beeD appointed executor of tbe lata wilt,
and tetttamenl of Peter P. Ktoudson, deceased,
and all parties having claims against the es
tate of said deceased are hereby required to
fireaent them, with the proper vouchers, with
n six month from the date of this notice to
tuitd executors at the orfloe of George D. Ctrl
bertaon In Hood Kiver, Wasoocounty, Oregon.
fated at llood River this Slh day"' May,
19CI. OEOKHE I). CULBEttlsojJ,
Executors of t tie last will and teatanieut of
Peter Frederick Knudmin, ilrceaxud. uU. js
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
have filed their tlnal neaoitnt as executors ol
the lant will of Andrew H. Tiemn, deceased.
In the county ootirl of Ihe taU of Oregon, for
Waac-o county, and that Friday, theft h day tu
June, l'.uft, has been appointed by the court
for hearing objections to Huld final account,
and the settlement thereof; the aald hearing
to be at tlie hour of lOo'hx'k on raid day. or as
aoon thereafter a tbe sain can be Im-ioU.
Dated May S, 1105. A. H. KM 'V K tH,
WM. M. YAi Est,
mll-J8 Executors.
Department of the Interior
United Htates Land OtHee.The Palles.Oregon,
April 15, ltti'S. Notice is hereby given mat tlie
following-named settler htta tiled notice of hi
intention lo iiiase final proof tn support ol
hiHclHim,and thatsuid proof will be made
before the Kegisterand Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on May !, lJ0r, viz.:
of Mosler, Oregon, H. K. No. foi tsc NK1,
MK, NfcJ', V'4 and U N VVi, of Heel ton :tn,
Township 11 North, Range 11 EhsI, V. M.
He names the following wuiiesst-r. to
prove his continuous residence upon ami cul
tivation of said land, vis.: John Kvans, Carl
J. Frederickson, Thomas Hennlngsen, Charles
lienuett, all of Mosier, Oregon.
a 20-raI8
Real Estate
Department of the Interior, Land Office at The
Dalles. Oregon, May 10, lt)0&.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of hia intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and said proof
will be made before the regiBte and receiver, at
The Dalles, Ore., on June 20th, 1905. viz:
of Mosier. Oregon: on H. E. No. 9,-78, tor the lots
3. 4 and SS N W W. of Section 2, Tp. 1 North,
Range U E.. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of naid
land, viz: S. D. Fisher, Edward DavidHon, Charles
Stark; Price Hunter, all of Monier, Oregon.
mlHjl6 MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Register.
Having been appointed by Henry C.
Coe as his agent in this locality I am
prepared to place before tbe public for
sale some of tbe moat sightly lots in the
west end of town.
16-inch body pine $1.50 per rick deliv
ered. 10-inc.h body oitk fl.7o per rick deliv
ered. 4 foot pole pine or fir $1.00 per cord
4-foot pule oak 1.75 per cord delivered.
Prompt delivery. Tlioiie.
Murray Kay.
For Sale
If anyone wants i
have one for Hale.
good frenh milch eovv, I
J8 John Hakel, It. V. 1). 2
Bay mare, weight 110; good cultivator; .very
gentle; single or double. Murray Ka; . H
100 aacka of Al lturbank potatoes; Jimt Die
alzefor hotel and reKtitttrant 'rade. Inquire
ou uieu mage rarni, puoue nty. J
Forty-flve Angora goata for sale: reasonable:
call on or address Geo. Horensen, Lyle, Wash.
i0 flat and i0 square, second-hand ptekets
for f alo cheap or trsde for wood. OkIc street,
In U. B. church block. C. F. Waldo. JK
On Ivers A Pond piano nt about half price:
uue-uau easn, uaianue on nine, it, M. Abbot I.
One good ranch horse, weight 1,011 pounds,
good to cultivate; cheap, JiV II. M. Abbott.
Thorouithbred Lamrshang egga for hatching, at
$1.60 per setting. Albert Larson, Reuben. Or.
Thoroughbred Buff Orpington Chickens; 10 hens
and one rooster. Price $10, Inquire of A. J.
Haynes, Underwood, Wash. m25
Fresh cow; price $40. Inquire of J.
R. F. D. No. 1.
One Kewanee Air Pressure tank. Cnn be used
for spray jiump or lawn sprinkler. Inquire of
Mrs. L. W. Marcellus, Phone 775. mj
Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, 75c per f i t
ting of 16. m2,-
Buff OrninKton and Buff Leghorns. Orpinirt-.ns
$1; Leuhorns 75c per hatching of 15. Mrs. An..
Anderson, Phone 1276, ni.i
Lady's Rambler, coaster brake ibicycle.
$20. Mrs. C. A. Tucker.
Pr c
Homestead relinquishment In the Mou it
Hooddlstrlct. Address P. O. Box 3uj, Ho..d
River, Or. ni ,s.
A second hand bicycle, good as new for s:.le
by MAE KINU, K. F. L. No. S. mis
Lease on lots for in years, store biilldn.g
first-class bakery and confectionery, hImi
dwelling tiouse. T. IL WUIIhiiik. ' mutf
r Seven-room house and four lots on Hood River
heights; 60 fruit trees; strawberries and other
small fruits; also tine shrubbery. Call on or d
dress F. P. Brown, Cor. June and E St. ml 1
30 acres of fine orchard land adjoining new
county road; all under ditch; 3 acres cleared; w.11
take contract to clear Dart of land if contract,,,.
desires. Call on or write to A. Schiller. K.F.D.Nol.
Six room cottage, furnii-lied, f r $1 100
or unfurnished for $1001). Kvter' place
on the hill.
For Stile or Kent, 5 acres
provetl, at Frmiktoii.
For Sale ut Mount Hood, the Helmer
store building and 5 acres, $2000.
20 Hcie. at Mount Hood for sale, run
ning $:i2 tin acre. On the county road
opposite HaldwinV.
Fine business lot ou iniiin street for
$lli(K) on installment, or $1000 cash.
5 acres stritwlierry land, i acres
cleared, 2.1 acres in berries, 2 smoll cot
tages 3 miles out on West .Side, $1100;
$ti00 or more cash.
ti23' acres at Belmont, R acres in cul
tivut'on, cottage and outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres straw lierries, 2 acres
tilt'iifa, $1300 ?-$7"i0 or more cash.
New ti-roomed cottage, patent bath
and clonet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new (i-roonied bouse, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story S-rooiued cottage, lot 70 by
140, on the hill. $1200; terms reasonable.
For Sale 0000 acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store and stock of merchandise, about
&5,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 3 houses, rented; 10
bend horses and harness; 9 road wag
ons, 31 H; 1 loiiging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 30 liead cattle; 50 head begs;
(W0 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near llilgard, Or.
For Sain New two-story 9-room
bouse; Slranalian addition; til 100; terms
I or Sale The Abbott Store property
on tbe hill. Trice, $.'),000.
14 acres acro.-s the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $60 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, 1.1 miles from Bar
rett school, $1,1(10.
llanna house ami lot, $2,000.
For Suit! The Htiiderson ranch, for
merly owned by .1. K. thtlligitn; (SOacre
ill) cleared; oicbard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new burn ; all fenced.
I'rice iflO.OoU. Brook runs through ranch.
Ksy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood Kiver.
The Hunt place J mile southwest of
town. House, bam, nio-tly in straw her
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
lias small bouse, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $300.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood Kiver, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. UK) acres nt White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
1). Tlie tvacre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Kenshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
Five acres at Frankton ; cottage and
aereand a half in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
hots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,000; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small house ami lot'on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Kule F,Mir-t'n 1 1, s. interest in the
M. O. Wheeler liiK ,.e:es near- Hood
River Falls
For Sub l.'e-i'l.'iiee ou State street at
bead of Fruit; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Kxelinnue for Hood Kiver
property Fine resilience in business
center of Sumpler.
Money to loan.
Ten acres improved, on White Sal
mon riier; $11X10.
21 a. at Fiankton; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Kmporiuni are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, arid do
om sll kinds of surveying and platting.
From mid after tin's date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will be as follows: $
corners established for $5 a lot;
contiguous for one owner, the
For a few days I oiler for sale my bngfj
horse, harness and biiiiKy. This Is oneoiio'e
llnettt drivers In the valley and gentle lore
woman to drive. H.M.Abbott.
millinery store. nil it!
By the owner, one corner lot on Hi! liiv.-r
Heiirhths. Fine Dlace fur tent in Summer: o,r
sale cheap. Call on or address Mrs. L. W. Mur
cellus. Phone 776, ni5
8 acres one and a half miles from tnu-n nf Hjwl
Kiver. Nearly all under cultivation. 3's acres ir
berries. Owner must sell. Address Box 2117,
Portland, Or. tn2a
20 acres.-half Dtanted to alfalfa: also niv nr.rnK
uncleared; in hide apple belt. Inquire of V
Winchell. R. F. D. No. 1. m25
Iti'rry paeki't'..
A vroiti n to
eliilil durlnir
wages. V. W
nt tlie Krauze place.
i(. H. Wallace.
U limiM'U'ork, and care for one
the berry season; reason ible
WOils, I Icoil Kivvr. It K li 10 Jl
Five strawberry packers
10. 'JO and 30 acres of land: fivc-sitih cienre.i
clover and apple trees; East side. L. W un
man, invii
House and two lots at the office or T vv
Tweedy on the heights. Bargain for SlllXi. a Li
For aale, mv farm. 4k. miles fro n town i.
mile from school house and etinrch. consisting
of 140 acres; SO acres improved, 4(KI ore and
two-year-old Npltienherg and Yellow New
town apple trees, Ml trees old orchard; 5 acres
In clover, 8 acres wheat. Will ssll In whole or
to part. air. Jerome Wells.
A rVvear-old sorrel mare, weieht lO 'V ak..
one bald-faced bay horse, weight 750 tsiumls
ixoniy vir.u. c n.xjw LivH. tamers' phone.
11. mis
Book containing bank deposit situs an, I
cheeks amounting to over Jl.fsM; was left a'
Kmhn A Heaton s store. Mondav fveniiu-
owner may have same by Identifying same
and paying for this ad.
w. s. Hull, 'phone
Light tiirni wagon; 1" inch spindle; suite
condition, price and where wagon can tie
sc. ii. Mrs. It. It. Mercer, It. V. l. No. 2. Jl
Girl or vvunwin for general house work, at res
den, c of Dr. F. C. Brohius. n,25
To I'xi'liai.m 3) acres unimproved land in
Marion for lots or ucruure. P. o. H km Pnrt.
land. Or.
For Rent.
New house, 5 rooms and bath.
Call on Dr. Hum
('lover. Sin; mixed. SI2 al lie' ranch on W. "
low Flat. Will deliver if desired. Mount
Hood phone. N. Y. IloNK. mis
Minorcas & Orpingtons
I 'M -I
i so,, k r.ggs si. hi nml per
Kalpn U. Lewis, Belmont. n il
Carpet Weaving.
All kinds oi carpel weaving. Hugs made
from oln carpels. Mis. (ioliSFn
C- If Hood KlVer BergeN.
Hoed River Directory.
. ninl iiutp
Ti,,' a
htW val
-t rvjun mil C'liint
Kiver, ort'Kon.
i' oi' Hi toil Rivr i-ity
stHnviriki lM'ttrtti (if
IIHHU'S. IfK'Htmil of
i'K i nnv rt-jiriV for
l.ihi. (ilHCk-r, hi od
Saw Filing.
All kind
ri -illen-'e :
liliim, Hih. Kiver 11
diort not Ice.
avvs Hied by A. W. cirslens
vvevt corner Hiirrett-Sipina ad-
Kins. ora done on
28 Acres-$28.00 !
8ll acres in apples and cherries; rural deliv I
ery; under ditch; on main road within tw . !
miles of city; $2,stm II sold within twelve da v: j
this Is the very best of apple land; house an I ;
barn; horses, harness, w-sgons and farm ms- i
chlnery lucluded. J. H. DeMosa Is
Garden Plants.
iis.ui. Popular varieties In anv nusnlltv
Aj.lli M. THOS.fAI.KINs
I.e-ii liicecii:,.. sunrinv Hrierniin. Mav7.
ive Mcliiure tiro . meat murki'U II
JII7.00 GIVEN AWAY; For Sale or Exchange
Cost of house f 740.(10
Cost of lot lL'.YlHi
A o. 1 mare. '
t'oll'es; imisl tie
lor ligli. vvi goii.
iglit I. fl. for small team of
ni ;e; nl.o i,e :( inen truck
II. f. McKaliiev, K. F. I) J
Total stiT.iH)
Will wllftir!)
IvInirtwaT 8117.00
Rented for 18.00 ier month; citv water:
telephone; 6 room 'house : sealeii anil
Physician and Surgeon
Ollice over the First National bank.