i i it I S 'i ill VOL. XVII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, MAY 18, 1905. No. 1 V v " HO)l KIVKK LolKiK No. KB, A. K. and A. A. M. Meeis tsiitnnlnv evening on or before, end. full moon. Tiuman M:tlek,W. M. A. I). Mok, KeoreUu j . HOOD ItlVEKCHAl'I'KK N0.277R. A. M. Meulatlrst and third Friday n i tc li I k ot eack inonin. r, cu aniilkr, u. r, A. D. Mok, Secretary. HOOD KIVKK CHAI'1'KK NO. lift, O. E. 8. Mceta second Hint Inurilt Tuesday evening of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. M US . .1.1,. HKKNHNKK, W. M. Mk. Thkhusa Camtnbk, secretary. IIII.KWILIIE LOIH1K NO. 10", I. O. O. P. Meets lu Fi'uiernul listl, every Thursday II I . W'M. UANUKK, N. U. H. C. Smith, Soretary KPK.N ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, 1. O. O. V. Regular mining second mid fourth Monday of each inonili. L. E. Moksk, C. P. H. K. E.vrKioAN.Horlbe. LAUREL KEHKKAH DEUKEE LODGE NO. SI, 1. O. O. K.-Meeta Ural and third Fridays In each month. Mrs. E. W. Udell, N.G. Mas Hiua Thomson. Hecrelary. WAUCOMA LOIKJE NO. 30, K. OK P Mt lu K. ol 1'. hall every Tuesday night. V. U. HaocK, U C. H. T. DkWitt, K. of R. and B. HOOD KIVERC'AMF, NO. 7,1(K, M. W. A Meets 111 K. ol I'. Iiall every Wednesday night. Ciias. Jonks, V. C. U. U. DAKIN. Clerk. HOOD KIVEK CAMP, NO. 778, W. O. W. Meeis on tlrsl and third Tuesday of eacb mouth In Odd Fellows' hull. K. H. IiLAUO, C. C. H. W. Wait, Clerk. HOOD Rl VKR CIRCLE NO. K4, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets in K. of P. hall on the (Ireland Third Friday of each month. Lk.noka siihb, U. N, tIEI.LIE HOIJOWKLL, Clark. KIVERHIDELODUENO. Wt A. O. U. W Meets Hrst and third Satunlays of each inonlh. C. L. Loi'i'LE, M. W. E. R. Bkaih.ky, FIiihiic cr CHKHTKK HHITK, K- Col der. K1VK1W1HK LoDUKNO 10, DEGREE OF Honor, A. O. U. W.-Mci-is first and third ftaturua s at 8 p. m. iMIHS i oh a uin'i, . Ol XI. Miss CahkieCoi'I'i.e, Recorder. jitlirSUiiF WAM11NUTOX HOOD RIVER Union No. 142-MeeW In K. of P. hall the second und fourth (Saturdays lu each month at 7:30 p. m. 1'.. 1 hooii, rresiaeni. C U. Dakin, Heeretary. OLETA AsiSKuilLY NO. KB. UNITED ART-imuis.-.VIc i-ilie drsi und third Wedties ' uuys, unik; -icoinl und loiirtli Wednesdays Artisillis' hull. J. It. Koiikku, M. A. C 1. HKMti' it, Keen utiy. COURT HI. OI ItlVKIt NO. 4U, KVllKsTEHS ol 'Amrrii ii, -Meets second and fourth MOU' days la eacii inuir.li in K. of P. hall Geo, E. Honueh, C. R. F. C. B Host I'M. F. c. C'aSbY l'l'.-VI.Mi lii.O. A. R.-MEEIX Al A. o, U. V . nan. tecoud and Inurtli Hatur davsol each ni-.ht.i nl l o'clock p. 111. All U.'a. It. in. in... is nulled to meet with us. .. .. I-iis.lis, Coniiuuinder. Thomas Gosh Aojuuuii. CAN 11 V V. It. C, No. K.-.MEETS SECOND and liitmti niki Ihvsoi each Month lu A. O. U. . hall in - in. 1.1 i. kn iilowkko. President. Lizzie Gek, Hen. ...ry MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 3VV, R. W. A. Meets in the K. o. P. null on the second and fourth Krioays ot em u mouth. .VI Its. I'AKKIE BKOHIU8, 0. Mrs. Ella Dakin, R uorder. Wausa Temi-i.k No. 0. Rathbone sisters. Meet secou . and tourlli Thursdays of eacb month. amanoa Whitehead, M.E.C. BTKLLA Rll'UAllllSON, M. Ol R. oi C. DR. W. T. ROWLEY, I'll VS1CIAN, SUKUEON, OCCULIST Olltce lu -Miltli Building. Olllce phone mil. KesldeiH'e phone 903. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Olllce, 281: residence, 811. MJKGEON O. R. A N. Co. JKS. .MARY JOHNSON, M.J). Physician and burgeon. Olllces ami Residence III E. L. Smith Htilldlng Over First ' t. Bank. Entrance, rear oi bank, on Third St. p. .one :m. H. L. DUMBLE, PHY IS CI AN rtuccc.-..-o. . v Nl) SURUKON. i i.i. Al. i' Shaw. Culls pronipllv anw. i -d In town or country, ..o o Night. Telephones: Kc.-. . uce, all: Olllce, 013. olllce lu in oiosius Uullding. DR. M. A. SM00T, Osteoyachio Physician. Graduate... a,ih riciui School of Osteopulhy, . viilc, Mo. Ilroslus 1. .- ii' ooins ii und 7. Tel. lu:(3. f R.OREGON. DR. A. i. ROWLEY," Olllce in IhcKinitli Builuilig. I'liotie mil. C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. SKHila1ist ou Crown uua iii mge Work. 'x lephones: odlce, al; residence, m. Offle over Bank King. Hood River, On " E. H. HART WIG, LAW Ell. Will Practice in All CourU. Office wirh Geo. D. Culbertsou & Co. Col lections, Ahsll'itcLs, acllicnicul o FaLllcs. HOOD KIV Elv. OIlf'.'.iA. THE O.K. BARBER ..SHOP.. Four Chairs Quick MUil satuiactuiy work i'wo bath uun in uolinectioti. RUSSELL & RIES, Props. JOHN LELAND HENDKtscON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ABsTRACTKB, NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL E8TA1K AGENT. For tt Tri r.ldnt of Orafon and WMb uton. Uu hd many year, experience la ft Mil Eaute matters, H abttraator, Marcher ol tltka and Kent. Baiitfaotlon f uaraaUMd w no cbarie. A.JAYNE. LAWYER. Ajtract Furniihed. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon. p C. BR06IU8, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND 6UEGE0N. 'Phone Central, or 121. OBVe Bonn: 10 to 11 A. M. j 1 to I and 6 to 7 P. M. ju 1UA JBAKUlK SHOP BAYKES A GREY, Flora. The place to fet an easy .here, aa ip-o-4a Aair cut, and to enjoy the luinry ef a orealata tela tub; JTCKEKA MEAT MABKET, McGCIRE BROS, Prop. Deelen In Freeh end Cured Ileata, Lara, poultry, FrulU and Vtge tablet 1X1 CELIVKRT. H0NI m Arrival ind hrparlnre of Mails HOOD RIVER. The Dostolflce IsoDen dallv between 8 a. m j and H p. ni.; Sunday Iroin It tol o'clock. Mails I for the East close at 11.20 a. m., p. m. and ! p. ni.; for the West, at 2.4U p. m. and p. m. i The carriers on H. K. II. routes No. I and 2 j leave the poshittlce at H.30 a. ni. Mull leaves rur xriu noou, uauy at n ni.; arrives w.m a. m. For Underwood, Wash., at 12 m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives suinedsys at 11 a. m. For White Salmon, Wash;, dally at 12 m.; arrives M 11 a lu. WHITE SALMON. For Hood River, dully at 9 a. m.; arrives at i p. m. For Muslim, Trout Lake and Oulor, Wash., uauy ai .an a. m.; arrives o p. m. For Glen wood, Eulda and Gilmer, Wash dally at 7.3U a. in ; arrives at ft p. m. ror Pine Mat and Knox den. Wash., at 1 n. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives same days at 1'2 in. For Blnicen, dally at i.lfi p. in.; arrives at o.io a. in. 0. R. & N. TIME TABLE. East bound No. 2, Chicago Hneclal, 11:43 a. m. No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 8:40 p. m. No. tt, Mall and Express, 10:40 p. ni. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:15 p. ni. No. 22. Fast Freight, 4:05 a. m. West bound No. 1, Portland Special. SrflH p. ni. No. 8, Cortland Flyer, 6::i a. m. No. 6, Mall and Express. 4:48 a. m. No. 2:4, Way Freight, 0:26 a. in. No. 5f, Fast Freight, 1:06 p. m. OREGON Ssjot Line and union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman standards and tourist sleeping cars dally to omsha. Chicago, S;s ksne; tourist sleeping cars dully to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping car fnersonsally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. Dinar TIME SCHEDULES Portlisd, Or. A1IIT Chicago Portland Special 1:16 a. m. via Huntington. Bait Lake, Denver, Ft. Worih.Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Louis.Chlcagoand Last. 6:26 p. 1 Atlantic Express 1:15 p.m. via Huntington. Bait Lake, Denver, Ft.Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Kt. Louls,t:hloago and East. Walla Walla. Lewls ton, Spokane, Wal lace, Pullman, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul. Iiuluth, Mil Bt. Paul Fast Mall :16 p.m. via Spokane t:16a. aa waukee, Chicago ana cast. River Schedule. FOB ASTORIA and S:iin P M way points, oonnectlna-i Dallv with steamer for acol excejit and North Heach steam-! Hunilny, er Hassalo, Ash street Nat itnlav. dock (water per.) 110:110 I. Ni . 5:1111 P. M Dally except Huh day. FOR Payton, Oreeon Cltv and Viunlilll Ulv 17:00 A. M. 5::l F. M, Dally except Sunday. Dally except Hunday. er points. Ash street dock (water per.) FOR I. EWIHTON 4:00 A. M.I About Idaho, slid wny points, Monday, 500 P. M. Wcdn d'y i Tuesday, Friday, j Thursday, I Sunday. iroiu iviparia, w asn A. L. CRAIG, Ctmra! Puunrsr Aftnt, PortluC Or T.J. KINNA1RD, Ant. Hood Klrar. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH VOI R JOURNEY If ynur tickets reml over the Denver und Rio Grundi' Railnmd, tlie "Scenic Line of ilie World," BECAUSE There nre n nianygcenlt! attractions and points or interest alonjf the line between Ojjdin ami Denver that the trip nei r incomes tiresome. If you are going Kast, write for infor niation and get a pretty book Unit will ell you all about it. W. C. McBKIDE, General Apent, l'-4 Third Street, PORTLAND, OREUON. R. JONES, Dentist Grown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of diseased teeth and gums. Office Rrositig Building. Phone 10.11. M. E. WELCH, 1 HE VETERINARY Sl'KUEUN. Is prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line, tie -hii he found by culling at or phon-m to Clarke drug store. Joseph A. Wilson Agent for Wire Wound Wooden Water Pipe CHARACTER READING BY Prof. Sixer Over Spot Cash Corner Grocery Store V a F.8.HTANI.KY, K. L Smith, K.o. Ri.anchak Pres. Vice-l'res. Cullier. The First National Bank OK HOOD RIVl'.Jl, OREGON. Capital utiil Surplus o,000. Ftahllshed June 1, 1IHH. P. M. HALL-LEWIS Civil and Architectural Engineer and Surveyor. Office, Second St., adjoining Waucomn Hotel. Residence alter April 1st, Country I'lub Inn. HOOD KIVEK, OKEliON. JOSEPH A. WILSON HAS Developed Water Power for sale, l'artiis (iesirint; iiiiwor for miinufai'turing purposes will iln well to write to liim. K. P. ORE, CONTRACTOR Brick-work, l,la.stii,in- and Omcnt-woik. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and , Builders HOOD KIVKK, OKKCOX. S. H. COX Contractors and Builders Flams and Estimates Fdinhbid. J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect ri ok aara' BTnrience. Will fur nish plans and specifications for all kinds ol DHiKlines. Dtricuy up vu oi. Located at Hood River. E. A. SOULE. Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Furnished Upon Application. di FREDFRICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS EiUmatei (umishad on alt kinds of work I'linnuo- Arnold. Main i. UUHMS. Frederick. M. l MS F. W. PRIBNOW, Carpenter & Builder KHtlmntPN chpprfully furnlnliPd, l'liinH and HjH'oitn-HtioirH fiirnlslwd. All work promptly and carefully attended ti. Hood River, Ore. BELIEU & SANDERS, Contractors and Builders J-Plans anii Kmtimatks Kt;H.Ninitn simont6n&6ns Architects and Builders. Ilecorative I'liintintr mid 1'iipi'r llniii;iii Plans furnished. Estimates fare fnllv made, HOOD KIVKK, OKKtiON. FRAZIER & SON, I'LASTEIilOUS Flue and Fireplitce Work a Hpeciully, HOOD UIVKU, OKKCOX. English Walnut T ees We are Kpeelul jrrowern. Hent ho ft nhell va rtetiea, Abundant bearers at early aye. They thrive In OreKon, We can tell you all about them. Write lor catttlojfiie and Informulion. BROOKS & SONS, Walnut Xerncrinnn. Carlton, (Irr. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for nil kinds! of stone masonry, con-j Crete, etc. ' Bargains in Real Estate. I. I't-rooni liott-o, ilut 1'hixHk), (iij sit'scliool Iiohhh; it;litly location; vt-ry cheap. Get our price. 4 rnom limiM', to IiiIh ."illxDiO feet eaeli, city uiiter; three hlocks frun xlieoul Iioum'; pleas int loeatioii. Price, $H50. 3. 10 cr'H ifootl npple noil ctriiwlicrry land, lottr ncren eleaieil, 1 L'5 fruit ireen, one aeie si taw lfries, 4-iontii limine, well, Htiilile, wihiiI clieil mill p iek inn lniiie ami rli.eketi lmiise Price $ I -'.)') 4. 5-roiini lioUHe, brow of hill, over iiMikii'g Coltiitiliia, one liliiek from liili hcIiooI btiilillnir, l'iiii'I well anil illy water; large wood hotiw; good chicken holme; lot 50xln0; or if iknired, lot 100x100, 5. 6-rooni hotine, fine loi-alioti, over lonking the C'olunibia. $iH)0. H. Jiuir fine lit for enrh, 4 for $1V) each, lielow lirow of hill, overliaik ing the Columbia. Ilood River Real Estate & Exchange Co. Hood River, Ore. $50 Reward. I will (five lewsril of fur the Hrrpst nnd oonvlrtlnn or party or partie who iimliiiuH ly iitUfnipird tu dtmv my dwelling bv I1t and Hole my goods. F. U. Stuart, Hixid. Hiv er, or. a.K Tlniiwr Uind An June 3, ist.i NOT10K FOB rrHLlt'.ATloN. United States Ijind Oltico. Thf IilN s. Oregon. February 18, im'5. Notiiv i !.cifn kivod thut 111 compliance with the prvi itns nt' 'u nvt o( Con grress of June A, lx7X, tuiu ed "An m-t for thi sale of tinilnjr lunds in th-- la'-'.. Cittifornia, Orton. Nevada and u1hm.u'.i.:i j orritory." a.' extended to nil the fr'ubl.e l..t.iv- S..iies by act oi AukukI 4, 112. JOSEPH W K- i, of Hood Hiver, county of W .i.'n, Slalo of Oregon, has ihmii.y riic-d in this oili;- h, sn.-n tattment No 2475. for the pun-haste tj iht- K N Vl4 ami K'a Wr,4 of SeetionNo 7, in Tnw.-h.p No I North, Kanne No. lOiJ.. W. M., and wnl offer proof to liow that the land st.tht is nre val uable for iU tlmlM-r or nun,- than lor ;ork-ulr-ural purposes, and to e:mti;'li his t-laim to mi id land before the KejfiKtcr una Uecciver of thimilict at The Dalles, OreRont'-Jii ilv t!hi.ay of May, lit5. He namea as Witness-: i;;;it! Sl.iie. of H.kk) River, Oretronr. J. M. pnvri-'s, i.i Htxd Kiver, Orcein. C, A. Hell, of K.mkI Kui-:, Oregon. Any and alt persons e!: ntuy: :uiverrw!y the aboveMie('ribei lands an- hl;ciI to tile their claims in this otlice on oi bi-tore said lifih day of May. lm. mlmU MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Krister. NOTICK KOU ITliUl'ATIOX. Depiirtinent of (he Interior: rniteilNinics Uitid Oll'ee.The I! ill' s,oreirn. April 15, lil.,iS.Notlre N 1 erehy (f-.i (h:il Die fidloWlliK-lltiliM'd M'ltlei b Hi d . t'f nl 111" intention totimite t:un pr-iot n -LpiHH-tol bis claim, und Unit prool vn made before the Kt'tflster Mitd Hi-ivivertt! i i.. Inlle. Oregon, on Mnv Jl, IfOTi. viz.: JOHN AKMs'i liONO. of Mosier, Oregon, H. K No. Ibi the NK' SK4, NK4 SV'., and K' NV'4 of Seciion ;iV TownHtnp 2 Noi lli, Krtiiue II KuM, W. M. He tinmen the tolimviiiu witiienseH tc prove hi- contlmionN nnli iire upon and eul tivallon ol said land, Viz : John Kvhiim, Cart Fmerlrksoii,Tlhtna Hi'iininneii, t'luu U Itennetl, till ol Mosler, ivtn. M It'll AKL T. NOLAL. KeL'l.der. a 2(-m)Ih ADMIXISTUATuli'S SALK. Notice is hereby Riven that under and in pursu ance of an order of the County Court of the Statt of Oregon for the County of Wascu, made oi. ' he 6th day of July, 1904, thi under.su'netl, atlrniuis trator of the estate of John W. Minit'iv. det-(M.-id. on Friday the 12ih day of .May, lnoj), at the h i .ui of one o clock p.m., at the t ounty court h-iiwc door in Dalles City, in Wasco County, Oregon, .vili sell at public auction the following iIcsci iIhhI i-'ai estate be!otitfinr to the cMnte of said dece;.. d. to-wit: The south half of the northeast uu. net and the north half of the souihcat un .et of section eleven, in town.-hiji one tan iu kct ten eant( W. M. The terms of said sate w ill ! -10 per cent oi he selling price, cash in hand al the ti.ne of the s. le, 3D per cent in one year thereiifter, and 1.J0 per nt in two yeurs t hereof tr, wiih interest at fc. iei cent per annum on said d- ferred payments. Said sale will le madt- Kiilijcct to confirmation by the Court. Dated at Hxk1 River, On-jron, this 7th dr. y of March, ltfUS. (JKO. T. PKATHKH. atlmll Administratoi'. NOTItM-: I'OK n i'.I.lt'ATloN. Iii'imi'lmi'tit ortlip Iiiti'i'lnr; I.-mhI oilli-e, The Dalles, (iri'Kiiii, April Id, VAi . Niitltv ! hiMi liy tflvi'il tlrtt tlii lolli)Wlni.-niinn..l mi'IIIit Inih tlleil niillre ol hlH InUntliin ti Ituikti tlmil (irnoi In Niippurt of his I'luini, n ml thut stud iront Will llH tlMllll lll-t.TC (i' l'r.i'T. 1'1'lllhiT, I'llitiil Mnti-s I'imiiH'Iv i.ih', :.l Monti Kivor, Oregon, un ,liini':t. pui.t, IIKNilV .1. lillo F. of Mount Hooii, Oti'uu. Il n. -ii'iiil Kntry No. MIS, fur the NV '.4 'i 'hi 7. l"-nsli'p I South, Kiinm' in KuM. V ni. in ' M -i lillnn. He initni'S the l'.liou ::rz v: , - mi prove his continuous ri-nli ii-.- u,.. n hi: ' t--i 111 va tion of sahl laud, viz.: .Innics H. litis, Hus sell ilotiin, Muryon Sehi'tner, und Wlllhini I,, Huckuhiiy, nil of .Moimi Umnl. nrivon. .M1CI1AKL T. Niil.AN. n'TJl l(.i;lster. Treasurer a Notice. All Wum'o eiMint y wnrnnitK reif Isle red pi inr to Mnrett 1, I'm',, will tie pithl in pi ntaf mit at my otlice. Inlerest eeies nit'T Mureh HUV M. Z. Ho .NI-.LI-, JS Cttiinly 'I n joiner. W. E. PSNNELL, CAltl'IONTKU. II liuhiiv mill Jlimr iScm us, W'inilmr anil Dour Ju nim ,OjHrr mill Sfurr '.) tu mi, I 'iifmhti i inn mill i'liniititrr Hi - jiaii'iui. C'trjiit hiniui. ( tnitiii ami .ainii. Hood Hivor, Ore GOVERNMENT Timber end Homestead I LANDS i I hm'ffni lueutton Mune chniet; apple land: and tiji'qi-r claims: also relinquishment und land tu Ncrl.it. t all on or nddresx, Wji. F. KAN I), pin Ilood Hiver, Ore. JUDGE J.J. IIIRSHEIMHR, j ..Pension and Patent Attorney.. ! 2L':i Washington St., Portland, Op-. I'eiKliiii" under OemTa! I,ntv nml liltiler Hie Act of .Intn- 27, S!K. Jnilliin War IViisioiin, Inrrerme ul" im'Iikiihh, father, nmlller, (leliotl'lent unit helnlcm ellilil ren pi'iislnn; Nnr.ii'H imiiKiuns; W iiltiu's n's nirntiuli to tieieslon roll; denrteil will-' hall pension: Itminiies und arn-urH nt pi'iiiun Charifi'S of KeM'rtioti CoiTected. ClaliiiH of all It t ti la taken a.'aini;! tin llnitod Slates und prosncuteil. At UoikI Hiver every fourth Saturday in each month. BRICK YARD. I am mamifiict ni-iti til mv yard netir ('olunibia nursery' south of town, as fine a tpial-; ity of common brick as can' be found in the stale. Have; 200,000 to .'500.000 brick on I hand for inspection. l'rice at yard H per thousand. Come out to the yard and see how we make brick. a. t. zi:i:k. 1 For Irrigation o City Lot Notice should be given at the olllce of the Eight and Water Co. when water in used for sprinkling. We say prink llnir beiiinse it is the only tnt'tlnnl by which we agree to furnish water fur irri gation. Pi-ware "f the man with the wrench. If this point is overlooked, like wise the proper time to sprinkle as no further notice w ill lie given. Consumers whose residences front the south sides of tin streets named below will sprii kle between huiirs of 5 and 11 a. ni. ; those on the north fide between '.i and '.I p. in. ; Columbia, Kiver, Oak and State street-, and Sherman and Ha zel avenues. In case of alarm of (ire all sprinkling should lie stupiied promptly. K. E. tiOFF, Mgr. KILLS APPLES HERE BEST IN WORLD! . SO SAYS MR. DAY OF NEW YORK Wcll-Kminii CiiiiiiiiisKliin Man Loml In his Praise f Hood River Spltzen bergs. Hood Kiver annloa are the flnout lu the world. " remarked Horace W. l)av. of Sohobel & Day, Now York city, who wan here last Tliuri'day. Mr. Day wan on hia return from a trip through the western Htaten. Ho ha been to the eoai-t each year for the hint teu yearx, and in the laist four or five years him made it a point to spend a day at Hood Kiver. Thursday eveui: l'r. Day met with the uiiedors t t ti e Apple (Irow or' union and a mm In of the mem bers to rii.-rr.vM the m lo business in Hood Kiver, and dm iug a conversa tion at the Motiht. I loot' hotel made the statement credited to him above. "When you consider that this re mark has I ecu n udo by a man who has been in the ( ru n it-sinn business in New di k for lit! years and has handled nothing tut fancy fruit from all oer the wo: Id," said E. A. Kranz of the He. od hiwr Fruit Growers' union, "you can n uko up your mind that there is tome value to thin re " nrk. "Mr. Day de oti s most of his time u travelling over tl e country hunting r the te hint there Is to lie . und, " cent hit cd Mr. Franz. "When i ro, he had just como from a trip to C .liforniii, and was on his way back ii New York. "Tide is no place in the world where they can raise Spiteubergs and Newtowns of the stu: n high quality as they can in Hood Kiver valley, said Mr. Day. Hut growers must hear in mind that he refers only to our very best, as our small apples and a pies olf color are no better than cheap apples from other localities. New York city, ho declared, is always w illing to pay a high price for strictly fancy Spitzenbergs, but they must be 'red all around,' aa he put it. He ex pressed himself so often on this point that it seems he has placed it on my mind with indellible ink. "Mr. Day expressed himself as being very much satisfied with the pack that the Hood Kiver Apple Growers' union put up last season, and com plimented f the growers very highly for the lino fruit they are able to raNe. They must not be content, though, said he, to rest on their laur als. i'hoy must try to improve each year. In New York when a merchant buys a box of apples, the first thing ho does is to dig down to the third layer, where he looks for the nigger in the fence. "He brought out another point which the majority of the farmora hero have not known beforo, that a box of apples containing !M! to the box will sell for from fill to 7fo more a box in New York city than one containing P2S, and that there is practically a diU'iirenee of 'Jon a box between the dilt'eront sizes of '.)(!, ll'i and PJHs, which is the limit as a four-tier apple in that or a European market. lhere are somo people in lloston, lialtimore, Philadelphia and Washing ton, I). C, who are willing to pay fancy prices for fancy Spitzenbergs. They have been supplied heretofore from New York with our fruit, and Mr. Day thinks that It Is welj to let those people lie supplied from there in order Hint our people may con tinue to receive the high prices for the apples. "The experience we had In market lug some of our apples in the west made us think there was such a thing us raising too large an apple, as it was hard work to sell a three and three and a half tier apples at lis good a figure as a four-tier, but that docs not hold good on the Siptzeu JiorgH. which go to New York, as well as ou Newtowns which go to England, for the larger the apple the better the price. "There is only one other place in the United states besides Hood Kiver and Watsonvllle, where they raise Newtowns which are (It for the ex port market, that Is the Hudson n.,- ,.,m,y ... , i.-itt sieve, ouv those apples do not compare with ours lu quality, size and flavor. The n I.. V- V'.. ..I. ......... 1.... trees are .) and 40 years old, they are never pruned, never sprayed and the ground is never cultivated. If (Jod gives them a crop of apples they pick them, barrel them up and seud them abroad, and then kick because they do not get so much for them as tho Hood Kiver people. "Watsonvillo does not raise as tine a quality ns we do, and they think a ll'i, or i'iH is a large apple. Mr. Day Iiiim the tmpreslnoii that the sea voyage I 41... ......II... V llllllVI-H Hll! ilinill, 1.11 Ulll .TBW- towns, when they arrive In England ; they are as yellow as gold, and polish ; like mux. j "The question was put to him if he ! thought there would ever be an over I production of Yellow Newtowns in Hood Piver valley. Ho thought the; time would come when we would not : be able to get as good money for : them as wo have in the last few years, i but that there would always be a de- j c and for fancy fruit at a good figure. "1 he farmers here might better In : the tuture thiu their apples very thoroughly, liy so doing they will raise less apples, but of better quality ! and size, liy so doing they can raise fiuit which other sections can not do where Newtowns are grown, as it' seems impossible for them to raisr i large apples. This will give us a 1 cinch on the other fellows for all time to come. "In regard to tho marketing of the api les Mr. Day said that in his opin- ' ion the farmers in Hood Kiver would ! net more money for their apples by j selling them direct to England, as a i house that comes hero and buys ap- j pies for export must figure ou a large . margin in order to indu induce him to ' handle the biiisness. Most any man is willing to gamblo a little, bit, and j surely the farmers In Hood Kiver can J ENEMY; CREMATE Hirord to KiiniMe with tlioir tipples, hs thoy pmctioHlly have a sure thiiiK to Kumtiio on. "If a box of annlea soils for 14 wliill I tilla til T.fin.lrtn n lil.tl. 1 '1 Tl U ....II ... uv.j.tui,, ninu IBVH.IW, 11. W 1 liav the grower in Ilood Kiver about P1.'M net, the chures lietween Hood Kiver antl layiiiK them down In Lon- dmi- iik bom i. v0 k,,w that , niont of the apples told for H nhill- I iiiKt) in London lrntt, year, und a (food ! nitiiiy or tnem nroniit more than thut, which shows a dill'eretico of Too be tween the price when we received for the apples and what they sold for lu London, after having all the charges for freight, insurance, commission, drayago and all labor connected with the handling of tho apples deducted, which gave the fellow who bought the apples 75o to gamble on. It really seemsto methat the Hood Kiver farmer could afford to be the gambler in such a case. "Mr. Day made the remark that lu three years from now there will not be one carload of Harletts shipped out of California. The pear blight there is killing every tree in the state. Mr. Day obtains his information by com ing iu contact with the large growers themselves. "It may be of some value for the Hood Kiver growers to know that California, which has supplied the New York market with llartlett pears for a good many years past will prao tically be out of it iu three years. He furthermore said that Medfor'd had some very nice pear orchards coming on. He was quite surprised when he learned that we had shippedsotue liart lott pears in carload lots from here last fall, but was more so surprised when he found out that about 700 was all we got for them per car, as the sales he made for tho California growers brought them from gll 10 to l,7-iU per car, and two carloads of Doyenne du Cornice pears brought -i4!):i, and $2542 respectively. That I convinced us imti .ew lork was a good market for pears, but these priors are for fancy pears only, not good pears, but fancy pears. "liefore closing Mr. Day said that quality, three times qualty must be tho watch word of tho ilood Kiver farmers, and success will surely fol low iu their tracks, i' FRONT STREET WANTS A FRUIT INSPECTOR Front street commission men have gone ou record as favoring the ap pointment of a fruit inspector in Multnomah county, as povided for by the law which becomes operative May IS, says the Portland Telegram. A mooting of .the Merchauts' Produce association was held andumong those atteudlng was ytato Horticultural Commissioner Newell, who urged the commission dealers to assist iu secur ing the appointment of an itiHpertor as a safeguard against the shipment of infectious fruit into this market. Iu past seasons tho Front-street houses have suffered by reason of the condition of certain classes of fruit, and till interested in supplying the trade with the best and healthiest fruit are doing their utmost to help the appointment of an inspector. When the county court meets early in June a petition will be presented, as prescribed by law, iiraying for tho appointment of a fruit Inspector. linn ollicial Is pild by the county, und eacb county in the state is en titled to oue. it is understood most of tho outside districts have arranged to tile the proper petitions, mid thus it will be assured all orchards, packing-houses will be caret ully looked after so that the murkets will receive shipments that may be tillered the trade without hesitation. Another factor prominent In help ing the movement is the l!Klf Fair, as it is desired to impress Easterners with the fine condition in which local fruit and produce is placed ou the street. Expert to Excel II noil Kiver. Irrigon Irrigator. Theie were never liner strawberries touched by the tougtin of man than those now being tnaiketed by Mr. Kusklrk, the owner of one of the O. L. W. Co's., choice tracts. He has only a smell patch of one- year-old vims, but he has demon strated beyond all cavil that we can , t( , ,,, fnlt . ,, .,',, . 'J1"" Hny othf,r H"' tio" of ttl0 earlier North west, Mr. Dunkirk sent us down a large box of these line berries last Hunday. Hut a couple of hours before getting them we had eaten a ph'te on the O. K. A N. dining car, which came from ; Hood Kiver that morning. And we can tell Mr. Kinlth and his fellow townsmen that when Irrlgon gets , started she will bent any town in Ore gon, Washington or Idaho ou quality 1 and will have her benies on the mar : ket at least ten days iu advance of . j . The Italics Has 42!l2 Inhabitants. The Hallos Chronicle. Every community is desirous of mak ing her census as lame as possible and The Dalles had hoped ber's would font mi at least 45U0 ami judged by the num ber of school children, it should be. As sessor Stnjjul j has, however, made a I liormnth canvass and feels positive he lias overlooked none, and we feel that our Increase is lhittring. In l!)il() the -numeration was :5I2. Today, accord-in-.' to the report bunded in, we have 4-i!)2, a greater increase than tin major ity of cities iu the state. Ilood Kiver Apples In (Jcnnany. Portland Telegram. Hind I! v r apple" were found in h ' in ii oi c in I ii iniHiiy by (ieorge and F ed Schwiiii. who have just returned fr'.in n m'i-s trip iu Europe. The a:ipl'S were shipped to (ieniatiy in bain Is and were in good condition. Pen Is uml Clark Fair Votes Tin- I ."; and Clark fair opens 1 1 nr-ila'-, .Inm- I. AP -h s l. :t N for C dif-o-nia's partieipa- ttn in the Mw is and (lark exposition were shipped fium tbatstateon April li. S BODY Bitter Feud Ends in Cold Blooded Murder. James Foss Shot to Death in Lonely Cabin. Frank Ries Is Charged with the Crime. Scene ear Where Norman William Committed Ills Terrible Deed. Jealousy For Woman Alleged to Have Keen Hie Motive-. Verdict, Coroner's Jury. E. THE JUKY. EMPANELED BY Charlm N. Burma, coroner for Wco county, to inquire into the cum-of the death of the body now before u, find an followfi: That hia name wan Jhiih h Funs; that he was about Bt) yoar of aire, and that he came te hi death at hln cabin about four tnile south of Mount Hood poHtotfice, on the 11th day of May. 19115. about the hour of 9:'i0 p. m., and we further Und that he came to his death from a runshot wound from the hand of Frank Hies. (Sia-ned) I). R. COOPER, A. G. M-KAMEY, CASS WYGANDT, S.B. H ESS, K. W. CltlHMI.E, RUSSELL COHIN. James Foss was found dead in tho smouldering ruins of his cabin, eighteen miles south ot this city, last Friday morning. His neighbor and alleged enemy, Flunk Kics, now lies in the Wasco county jail charged by the cor oner's jury with the awful crime ot minder. The peaceful community ol Mount. Hood was startled Thursday evening about )(:. '10 o'clock, to bear pevendi--tinct rifla shots in thedirection cf James Foss' cabin. George Perkins, a near neighbor, was soon on the tcene, and according to bis sworn testimony, Frank It ies came out of the l ouse with a gnu on his arm. lilcs Coiifes.es tit Shooting. It ies then commanded that Perkins say nothing of what ho had just Bern. "I met Fobs w ith a club," are tho worita ol Kies as given by Perkins, "and be threatened to kill me. 1 went home ami got my gun, and I have killed the eon of a right iu thero." As PerkliiB turned to leave, Kies de clared he was going lo set tire to the cabin anil "bum the whole darned thing up." According to the testimony of .1. N. Knight, Kies called at the Knight home Thursday evening, and appeared very much excited. Kies said that be had just met Fobs who had called him vilo names, which he would have to retract, or lie (Kies) would kill him. Kies went so far as to say he had a notion of going home l hen (or the purpose of getting his gun and killing Foss. (fiiarrcled Over a Woman. Foes and Kies are known to have quar reled bitterly for over a year, and it ap pears that they both were anxious to w in the graces of Widow Kiggs, Jealousy for the won, an Is alleged as a motive for the crime. ' It Wis Thursday evening about 9 o'clock when the neighbors ol Fos" beard slu oting iu the direction of his cabin, and later saw the bright blaze an the lioine of the old bachelor was burned to the ground, c reuniting the body of tho dead rancher. Early Friday morning a messenger wits dispatched down t ie valley to Odcll, from where Sheriff Sex ton anil Coroner llurget were communi cated with. The olliccrs reached Hoisl Kiver on the afternoon train, and left immediately for the sceneof the tragedy. It was ardent job before the search ers. Kies known as a dcteuiineil and dangerous man when arousiid ; an I on this occasion hunted as a fugitive u'd tend to prove the mettle of men, Shei iff Sexton took the lead and displayed un flinching bravery iu the bright moon light in fearlessly exposing himself to the deadly aim of the fugitive. Coro n-r Ktirgi.-r also demonstrated that he had no fear of death in executing the functions of his nflre. Itles Submit to Arrest. They reached the Mount Hood m-tile-ment about 7 o'clock. A posse was at once formed and search madi- for Kirn. C ironer lUngtet came upon Kies asleep in his barn about 1 1 o'clock that evening. Kie-i ofi'ered no resistance as he was taken into custody by Sheriff Sexton. Saturday morning a jury ot six of th Mount HiKitl farmers and neighbors of Kies w ereem paneled by Coroner Charles N llurget, and an inquiry made into the circumstances of the shooting anil death of l oss, w hose charred remains lay among the smouldering ruins of tho cabin. It was no easy task for the sturdy farmers to give testimony which might determine the life or lilierty of one of their number, but firm to their duty, (Continued on Pace 44