The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 11, 1905, Image 2

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Iwued every Thuraday by
AKTHIIR U. MOB. Publish.
Tenni ol ubaorlptloa-tl.M Tear lUi pal
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1905.
With the increased production of
clover in tlie valley, a creamery should
be a paying institution in Hood River.
James Langille, a progressive rancher
in the Mount Hood settlement, is anxious
that something be done at once by the
interested citizens of the town and valley
toward Inducing some experienced
creamery man to investigate conditions
here and to see if such businesscould be
established on a paying basis.
The Mount Hood country is supplied
with an abundance of irrigating water,
and can produce the finest clover in the
world. Mr. Langille says hiuiBelf and
neighbors would rather feed clover to
dairy cows on the farm than to raise hay
for tale. If a creamery should locate
here, Mr. Langille and his neighbors
would at once secure One blooded dairy
cattle, and enter the business with a de
termination to make a success of it.
Koine place near town would likely be
the best location for the creamery. The
completion of the Mount Hood railroad
would make easy the transportation of
cream each morning from the farms of
Mount Hood and the east aide, and a
creamery route could easily be estab
lished up the west side. In this way
the entire valley could he very easily
Creameries in other parts of Oregon
have been made to pay from the start.
There is every reason why such an un
dertaking could be made a success here.
Like alt other Hood River productions,
Hood Uiver creamery butter should lead
all other brands as soon as placed on the
The rain Sunday and the fine, cool
weather la a delight to the ordinary
mortal and refreshing and Invigorating
to the gardens, the meadows and the
fields of grain ; but to the strawberry
hustler, who has been aggitating the soil
and cleaning nut the weeds and switch'
Ing the Irrigating water from one patch
to another, continually patting his
strawberries on the back to hurry them
along so they can get to market before
the bottom drops out of that very un
certain condition, place or thing, Is at
first inclined to kick, because this de
liclously cool weather will put the ber-
rier back a week In their ripening If It
continues so.' But on a socond thought
the same a. h. will straighten up his
wearied spinal column and thank the
Giver of all good for doing a better job
of irrigating than he could do himsell
In a hundred years, and his strawber
ries which before would have made
measly 6-tier berry, too small to ship,
will now make a nice, fat, plump 4-tler
If this fine growing weather contlu
ues a week it will add 25 per cent to the
bulk of the crop, and the delay will give
our competitors time to got out of the
market and the people to get really
hungry for our fruit, putting the priced
where they belong. There had fallen
.28 of an Inch of rain at six o'clock
Kunday evening and .25 Monday
The West Bide farmers, whose lands
tie above the ditch of the Farmers' Irri
gation Co., have voted by a big majority
to form an irrigation district, which
will enable them to bond for the
construction of an adequate system
The result proves conclusively that
the farmers in the liarrett and Crupper
districts want water and are determined
to have It. The services of a competent
engineer will now be secured to estimate
the cost of construction, when bonds
will be advertised for sale, and construe
tiou work begun as soon as possible,
Last year the business men of the
city demonstrated beyond any doubt
that it pays to celebrate the fourth of
July. Although they had many other
things on hand and matter of a celebra
tion was not taken up until the eleventh
hour, we had one of the most successful
celebrations ever held here. Let us be
gin early this year and make ample
preparations for a rousing celebration
that the whole surrounding country can
participate in. Do it now ; It is none
too early.
i roui Koswell Shelley's lavish descrip
tion of the "Happy Hunting Ground"
retreat of Mr. Winans at the falls of
Hood river, it must be indeed a delight
ful woodland nook. For a Fourth of
July picnic, no pleasanter place could be
Great loads of berry crates are being
hauled daily from tbe box factory. It
will be hut a few days before these cases
will be coming in tilled with the luscious
fruit Unit Htm made Hood Uiver known
to the world.
The Hood Kiver farmer wears a smile
these days. The strawberry crop prom
ises a big yield, and prices continue to
loom up.
Laraway lias Fine Optical Parlor.
Larawiiy the jeweler and opthulmol
ogixt is tlttiug up au optical parlor in
the rear of his store room in the
Klocom building. Here he will have
his testing instruments and llghts,and
when completed will be one of the
bust opttotd rooms In the entire North
west. Laraway a optical rooms at
Ulouwood, Iowa, were not surpassed
by anything at Omaha, and Laraway
doos not Intend that he shall be 1
hind the best on the coast. The room
will be carpeted aud fitted up with
everything to make for the comfort
of patrons.
Laraway la also displaying the larg
est and Uuest stock of watches and
jewelry ever brought to the city. His
watches are secured for his own spe
cial trade. They bear the trade mark
of Laraway, and a guarantee goes
with every purchase. Mr. Laraway
and his sou Ralph intend to make it
possible for Hood Kiver people to se
cure right at borne what they hare
heretofore gone to the larger cities
No better jewelry aud watches can
be found in Oreon, than may be seen
at Laraway's store. The men are
first clasa workmen. They 'will be
pleased to have you call and Inspect
their goods.
Wasco county will hold an election,
Monday, June 5, to lecide whether In
toxicating liquors shall be prohibited in
the county as a whole or not.
Last Thursday, there was presented
to the county court a petition contain
ing 402 names. County Clerk Bolton
at once compared the names on the pe
tition with the names on the precinct
register, and found that there were 315
names on the petition which compared
with those on the register roll.
The law requires a petition from ton
percent of the voters for calling a local
option election, and taking the vote
cant for Justice of the supreme court in
Wasco county In June, 11104, which
was 801(5, the required number of pe
titioners had to be 307 voters. The
number of legal voters on the petition
being 815, an order has gone forth lor
the election.
The result cannot be forecasted. The
election has been called by the liquor
interests with the idea that if the coun
ty as a whole goes wet, there will be a
possibility of changing the situation in
tbe Hood Kiver subdivision.
A hard-fought contest may be ex
pec ted.
Tbe first engine for the Mount Hood
railroad arrived Tuesday. Kails for
the traok have been ordered from the
East and are promised here by June
sars Engineer West, who is in
arge of tbe construction work.
"We are makinu the dirt fly. re
marked Mr. West. "An increased
force of men and teams has been add
ed to the ifradinu sanus. Kiuhts ol
way matters nave been settled wltb
but few exceptions. We are anxious
to beein laying rails from tbe O. R
i N. track to tbe point where a bridge
will span Hood Kiver just above the
city. but have not completed the right
of way arrangements througb the
town. We are to have a conference
in a few days and hope then to come
to some agreement with Mr. Winans,
Mr. West Is kept very busy tnose
days. He returned the first of the
week from linker IHty, where he la also
in charge of the construction work on
a ten-mile extension ol me Bumpier
Valley railway.
The enthusiastio young people
the Epworth league will assemble
Hood Kiver noxt Friday morning, for
the annual convention of the league?
within the district. The sessions
the convention will be held at the
MnthodUt church of this city. Tbe
official program la as follows :
:O0a, m. Devotional tervlee conducted by
a member of Helmoul (Ihancr.
S:.fOa. ni.-clrKHiilr.iillcin anil buHl iipnh nesslon
10:30 . m. Meaua and methods In junior
M'ork Onldendale Chapter
11:1) a, ni.-Neccaaity or a strong aociai ue
uarliiii nl and how to make it ko
The Halloa Chapter
2:00 p. m. Song and praise service
...... bud by delegates from Cascade luniks
2:30 p. m. Cultivation of the mliwIonHry
aplrll Id league Wasco Chapter
s:ln p. m. now may we miner interest tne
league to ayatematle blhle atudy
Nnrth Yakima Chapter
1:00 D. in. Addreaa Kl worth league
work In theeaat W. J. llaldwln
7:30 I), in. Hong and praise scrylee
Led liy delegate from Dufur :liatt
8:00 n. m. llluatrated lecture on iililla .
Frederic (.'. hoe, Pud
9:00 a. m. Devotional services conducted by
Sate irom r.iiensnurg i nuiiier. a. in. KciHirla from chapters.
10:1ft a. in. The Kpworth'a place In the
work of spreading scriptural holiness
Pendlelon Chapter
10:45 a. in. Ways and meana of conduct
ing devotional aervice , . Ileppner Chapter
11:15 a. hi. -Our pleilKe; Ita slgnlllcnnce I
the loyal Kpworthian. . . . iNiuglaa Chapter
a p. in. nong ami praise aervice
. . .!.ed hy delegate from Mpanldlng (iiajiel
Z:.H) p. m. wnai can tie none ny a ainau
league lu the literary department.
Prlnevtlle Chapter
8:1a p. in. Waya in which I lie league may
help the pastor In general work of I he
church Klchinoiid Chapter
:ui p. in. miHineaa ncaaum.
7:30 p. in. hong and praise aervice.
Led by delegate from Hood Kiver Chapter
saw p. m." -t.ecture "invine rroviuence
In American History." lir. J. H. Coleman
Srt) a. m. Sunrise prayer meet nir.
11:00a. m.-Hcruion Alfred II. lldnry, I). D.
d:,HlD. in. Knwurlli U-aguc rally
Led by delegate from The Dalles Chapter
S.-ou u. m. Hermon i. l.. miner, n. i.
lleleirates to C. E- Convention.
Goo. Iliglur. K. K. Until ley and Miss
Ik-loll M. lleiti have been elected ilolu
gain from the local Ciiristlim Kntluavor
to the district convention which con
vent's here next week.
Following are the new ollicers of the
league, who will be installed next Sim
day evening: Mia Helen M. Deitx,
president 1'rof. Cronae, 1st vlee-prea. :
Miss IdaM. Wright, 2d vice-pros.; Mian
Klla Evans, 3d vioe-preu. ; .Sirs. K. U.
Hradley, 4th viee-pres.; Mis-a Lottie
Mann, eec: Mim Nellie Horner, organ
The meiiiliera of the Grand Army anil
Women' Keliul Corp are arranging lot
the obaervance of Memorial day in Hood
Kiver. Mrs. lit, who in president ol
the program c-iiniiilttee, ntuloa that the
pretty custom of scattering lluweis on
the river w ill Iw repeated again.
It has not la-en deeided yet whether
the ceremony of aeatU-ring llowera will
lake place from the county bridge ovei
Hood Kiver ,or w hether a temporary pier
shall be btuit out from the luink below
the depot, and the tllowera cast upon
the waters from there. More people
would lie able to witness the ceremonies
from tliis point, and the water will
likely lie giillli-iently high by tliat time.
Sunday, May 28, ltev. I'liituibera id
the Kpiseopal church of this citv will
deliver the Memorial day sei nion in the
opera house. Tne churches and Sun
day schools of the city are expected to
join In this, union service. The mem
ber of the Grand Army, Women's Ki
lief Corp and all Sons of Veterans will
attend In a body.
A complete program w ill lie announced
When e'er you feel Impending 111,
Aud need a magic little pill,
No other one will All the bill
Like DeWitt'a Little Karly Kiscrs.
The famous little pills Karly Kiscrs
cure constipation, sick headache, bill
iousnesa, etc. They never gripe or
icken, but Impart early rising energy.
Good for children or adults. Sold at
(. K. Williams' drug store.
One Price to
Hoys' Uustt-r Hrown Suits,
Hoys' all-wool Sorgo Suits,
ll jsoys Mills, hi.ioK arid uiue Hinting
Y I Soys' Suits, good rrndn suiting
A A few Hoys' Suits that we are soiling, jmt s
y Hoys' Cowboy I'liiy Suits, two-piece, per si
Hoys Suits, black and blue
Hoys Knee rants, a large
W liave a full assortment of Lawns, India Linens, Dimities, Organdies, etc.
HLie"wIc airxd. Clarlr Ties
Wo liavo a full assortment
and Windsor, all styles
9ChJ.J.J.W Ue-
A largp Iin of lace trim mod Jtonnetn bought at a sacrifice, some two ruffles
any bonnet 200
A first-class Honnot 180
Men's Leather Holts, 2-in. wide, only 450
Men's Shirts, silk bosom 500
Ladies' Corset Covers of all kinds, from 100 up.
Corset Cover Embroidery, 1G inches wide, per yard 250, 8C0, 350, 460
A large line of Ladies' Shirt Waists 600
We are Headquarters for Tinware and Graniteware. ft
1 he l ii.lli a district conference of
thn Milhodihl church convenes in
this city nt 7::U o'clock, next Tuesday
evciiii.g. J ho meeting will be con
ducted in the M. K. church on htiite
street. Koine 7i delegates will be in
attei tlaiice.
The program for the throe-day ses
sion is as follows :
7:;iu p. in.-I'ruiT and I'ralsu mii vlce
u. M. Mouth
H.-oO p. in. A'lilri'iseH - "W'urlil KvaiiKi'l
lun.".. Kvaiix anil Pr. I). U KiuUir
H::tu a. m.-Pi'Vnllnniil wrvliva.W. .1. BhIiIwIii
H:ll a lu. (irnHiil.iilloii am! IuihIiii'mm session
IU:UJa. hi,-" I'll I'l-uarlii r in INillllin"
I ri-cl.-i-l- c. Lit, Phd
in-irin. in. "Is 1 lie Knvvorih I.mikiih Mi-i't-
Ina Us ortimuil lull hiloii." .. Jolin Kvans
2 p. in. iH-vot tonal M-rvlrcK.
i:'M p. in. ' liusiiH'HH I'rlni'lplrsanil Meth
ods III Dliuriili I- iniiin-o.". . I ir A. II. Henry
:t:!KI p. in. "The Person and opemllon of
1 1 1 I lil v Hnl i II. in the, VV'oik of Hoiil
Hnvlna Ilohert, Warnor
4:11 p. ni. Piu ltlc Christian Advocate, .
II. 1.. Itll.VMT, 1). 11.
7!:m n. in. I'rHVer and iiralse servlee
(1. II. Moorehind
H:00 p. ni.-Hernion I. II. ( oleiiian, 1. 11,
8:St)a. in.-llevolliillul services
. . H. K. Iloruihrook
:(X a. in. HllslneSH session.
U::hI a. in. I "The tJ tilled as u Mis
sion Kit-Id"
(ai "The I'oii lKiier" II. J. Iloudley, l. II.
(hi "ThcCll.v" II. II. KlM-oithy
(ci "The llunil lll-lrlcl" H.C. t'lark
10:16 11. Ill . U ll I l.llm t If I 111 Vt'CSiil V
J. II. Coleman. ). I).
2 n. in. The PuriHise and I'tllU.v ol ilm
I, lilies' Alt! Hoelely ... Mrs. N. Whealdoil
H:i5 ii. in. Shoulil we hiiild a Dlstrlet 1'nl-
i-oiume? lusi'iisKion
I; 5 p. 111. llllstlu s- session.
:::tl o. in. ileMitlolial services.
p. ni.-Herniiin .Waller Hhlpworth
Examination of undergraduate itntl
tipplicittioli or in I n i !M-ion on trial in the
uavcliiig ronneclioii will lie lieni oil-
nestliiy, May 17. Theso exaniiiiiitions
w ill lie under the tlirectioii of Kev. Kob-
ert Warner.
ronncll Has a Short Session.
At an adjourned session of the city
council Monday night the following
bills were audited by the liniuice com
mitteo and ordered paid : ((linger,
salary, marshal for April, H. 11.
Ilailey, provisions for hands at spring,
3,"i.l.'; J. P. Jensen, street commis
sioner's snlnry,i?IO; T. K Dunn, work
on spring ?H; J. K. Hand, groceries
for bunds at spring, 10; htrow
britlge painting engine hoiisn, !!"; S.
lloltou. recortling deetl, lfl.2,").
The report of marshal Oliuger
showetl three arrtts during the
month of April. .
lly motion it was dftcidod that the
workmen at the city spring be paid
ft! and flper day.
J. L. Henderson was appointed city
engineer, without salary.
The judiciary committee was asked
to prepare mi oritluunce changing
the grade on Khermiin iiwmiuo, as per
the reponiiuentlatioii of engineer llen-
Hurrah For Hood Kiver!
Independence Knterprisc.
Hood Uiver bus raised a lionous of
il'O.UOll and secured removal of the wool
en mills from l'.uciie to that point.
Hurrah for Hood Kiver!
Mrs. Alice M. Crane of Portlnnd and
Miss. McCully of Joseph are visiting
in the city the guests of Dr. and Mrs.
1.. N. Iiloncrs, I'liilid Slates dcpnly
inaisliiil of I i r t l:iinl. was in tin- city
Saturday visiting relatives, aud looking
alter business interests bete. Mr.
Klowcrs hopes t-onii to be a resident of
Hood Kiver.
I". II. t'usick of Jefferson, a niemlicr
of the lam rd of directors of the school
there when Professor Wiley wits the
principal, was in the city dining the
week, the guest ol Professor and Mrs.
K. II. Shepard, m-inuger of the Pruit
Growers' union, was in Portland, Tues
day. C. G. Koherts, who was seriously in
i u rod in n runaway last week is resting
easy. I le hopes to be up and aroud in
a w eek or so.
J. K. Kami who was in Portland dur
ing this week, reports the town ti led
with Conductors in attendance nt the
national convention of the lirotherliood
of Kailway t'oiiduc'ots. Many of the
railroad men will visit Hood Kiver be
fore lvtiii nin,: east.
The residence of Waller McGuirc on
Kiver street nairow ly escaped destruc
tion by lire Sunday iiiuht. A stick of
wood which hud been placed upright in
the beater, fell forward, knocking open
the door ami scaHcring spaiks on llic
lloor. The I'aniiU was asleep at the time.
Thn next morning, the sitting room was
lilled with smoke and large In les foun I
burned in the carpet and tloor.
made of Novelty Suiting of all
blue, cardinal and brown
of Lewis and Clark Ties,
Special to the Glacier.
(lolileiidiilii, Wash., May 10. Jumes
Cain(.bell of hCRt' Lyle has commenced
suit ULTir.ft the u. K. & n. Ky Uo. to
reeovtr r'amagps to tho amount of
10il!', hlleecu to l;i. o been cimsed hy
being thrown Iro.u ins wagon on the
night of Not (.in tier zH, 11M)'2, the cause
of the accident being a ditch dug
across tbe road during day by the
railway company while in the con
struction of the road. Ex-Judge A,
L. Miller & E. M. Green of Vaucou
ver are hisattonriieys.
Commissioner Hornibrook, who was
In Portland last week looking -after
the interests Klickitat county's exhib
it at the fair, has secured a nice bica
tion la tho Washington building close
to the maiu entrance. Klickitat will
send au exhibit the people may well
be proud of.
C. V. Siyul secured the contract
for building the bridge across
Swale creek on the Columbus and Gol
denihile road, bis bid being $.72(3. He
will begin work on the Klickitat river
brldgo on the Goldendnle and Camas
Prairie road this week. Lumber will
be procured from the old Pierce &
Streeter mill on Howman creek and
the iron will be shipped to Lylo and
hauled through On inns Prairie to the
site of the old bridge, the new one
being built over the old one. It will
take about four weeks n build the
new bridge. Mr. Roy a. says be will
keep the bridge open for travel as
long as he can, but will have to close
it about a week at the last.
There was a good rain here Sunday
night and Monday.
Knjojcil Vlen of St. Louis Fair.
Mrs. Weatherred's entertainment at
the opera bouse Monday night was well
attended, aud is highly spoken of by nil
who were there. The singing by Mr.
Kohiiif-on was a very pleasant feature.
Tbe views of buildings and set-lies at
the great St. Louis fair were splendid,
and to many were as good as the real
trip itself. Mrs. Weatherred's personal
know ledge i f the exposition enabled her
to explain in detail many interesting
incidents connected with the fair. The
entertainment was phasing as well as
The little folks enjoyed the "tnlk-a-pbones'1
which give a busy and merry
day on the l'ike at tbe wo. Id's fair, with
the music of nil nations and all men
calling the visitors to come into their
shows. A Mississippi steamboat starts
from Mobile to St. Loub; bells are ring
ing and college boys are singing.
The entertainment will be repeated al
Odell, Wednesday night, May 17.
At the Churches.
Baptist. Regular preaching services
at ('arniichiiel's bull eveiy 1st and lid
Sunday morning and evening; Sunday I
school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Cove
mint and business meeting the first
Wednesday night in each month. J. It.
Spigbt, pastor.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. ni. and
8 p" in. ; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Kp
worh League 7 p. in. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially in
vited. W. ('. Kvans, pastor.
1'nited Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. in. Junior
Kndeiivor, ;l::!0 p. in. Christian L'n
dcavor, 0:45 p. in. Preaching at7::i0.
All are cordially invited. Kev. J. S.
Khoads, pastor.
Belmont M. K. Church. II. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday
school at 10a. in.; Class meeting atli
a. in. ; liworth League 7 p. m. ; preach
ing ev ry Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in month at 11 a. m.; Prayer nut t
ing Thursday 7 ;J0 p. in. Services Bt
I'me ( i lovesame as above except preac1 -ing,
which is on 1st and M Sundays at
11 a in ( rapper. 1st and .'Id Sundays
at USUI; Sunday school at 2:30. Mount
Hood. The 4lli Sunday at II a. in.;
Sumlav school at 10 a. in.
Kivcrsidc CoiiKrcgational W. C. Gil
more, pastor. Sabbath School, 10 a. m.
woish p and preaching, II; Christian
I'ndoavor, " p. in.; Addiess, "John
Knox : A sketch and estimate of his life
upon the 400th anniversary of bis birth,"
h P. in.
I'hitai iau Preaching service at 11 a.
in. Subject of sermon, "Capital Pun
ishment and the Sinner." O. J. Nelson,
Hot Weather Piles.
Persons allllcted with piles should be
careful at this season of the year. Hot
n eat In r and bad drinking w ater con
tribute to the conditions which make
piles iiMire painful and dangerous.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve stops tbe
pain, draws out tbe soreness and cures.
Get the genuine, bearing tbe name of
K. C. IVWitt & Co. Sold at G. K.' pharmacy.
,- ... . v
- wool Cassinier..
250 up
string, four-in-hand
"There are hundreds of people in the
Dukotus talking ot coming west this
summer to see the country and to locate
here if they hurt something to suit
thetn. leninikcdA. 1. Moe, who arriv
ed Sm, day morning from a months trip
to tirana forks ami m. rum.
"If half the people come out who sav
they will, I don't see bow Portland will
be able to take care of the crowd this
summer, " continued Mr. Moe. "Every
where I went 1 talked Hood River, and
it is wonderful the interest the people of
the Middle west are taking m the Ore
gnu country, and particularly in Hood
"People there were eager to hear the
stories of the big apples and tbe fine
strawherries. They have eaten many of
the tierries, and have come to know-
Hood Kiver is the greatest fruit conn
trv on earth. Many are arranging
sell out their farms or business in the
Kast and to make their home in Oregon
The backward spring is very discourag
ing. ' On my way through North Dakota
la t i nrsilay, we passed through'il, and it looked for awhile as if
the (ram i-iihl be blockaded. Thirty
inches i I s'n.iv fell in North Dakota last
week 'i'lie ni.w and rain was welcome
to the lui ii. eis, v.f i he winter has been
verv dry.
"It was great to le'urti home and
see the cum trees ni.d gii-ss once more
Vegetntio i bus hardly Jstiirted in the
Dakota-, i ho g'as" was just pu ting
out a lew green hums.
"Coining west I he Northern Pacific
train was crowded. This is said to
nothing unusual, as the westward move
nient Is tremendous The Northern
Pacific is tukinga personal interest in
inducing people to come west, and tbe
number of passenger that this
line brings out each week is surprising
This line is doing more passenger traflic
than any of the northern roads, anil
tlwir service is superb.
"A. I). Charlton, the assistant passen
ger agent of the Northern Pacific, on
learning that I was distributing Hood
Kiver literature in Grand Forks at once
wired the agent there to hunt me up
and secure the names of the people
there who are coming west.
"It was a great surprise to run across
Mr. Mieparu on the streets of Grand
Forks two weeks ago, bikI it was a pleas
ant visit that we had.
A Creeping Ileal Ii,
Wood poison creeps up towards the
heiii't, causing nentu. J. 1.. Hleains
Belle I'laine, Minn., writes that a friend
dreadfully injured his hand, which
swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck
Ion's Al'lilcii Kulvp drew nut. the noiaoii
lien led the wound, and saved his life.
Ik'st iu the world for burns mid sores.
25c at C. X. Clarke's drug store.
The L'ibcs' Aid Society of the Baptist
Church wili give a indow sale of eata
bles, cakes, pies, cookies, brown bread,
doughnuts, baked beans, etc., at Twee
dy's store, next door lo IIolu, mi's, Sat
urd i", Mav Kt
Notice la hereby given that the undersigned
have been appointed executors of the last will
and li-sttiiiient of Piter F. Kniidsnn, deceased,
and all parties having claims against Ihe es
tate of said deceased are hereby reiUired to
present tin-in, Willi Ihe iroier vouchers, with
in six month rrom the data of this notice to
said executors al the olth-e of George 1). Cut
bertson lu HiMid Itiver, Wiuscocounly, Oregon.
hated nt lliMid Itiver this sib day of .May,
KecuVrH of the last will and testament of
reler riy.erick KiHiason, diseased. mil js
Notice i hereby given that the undersigned
have lili ti their final atsinint as executors of
the las' w ol of Andrew II. I lemnn, deceased.
In Ih c Mitoy court of the stale of Oregon, for
We- Hity.aiul that Friday, IheDlh day of
.In 1 1 r, !i .s heen appointed by the court
lo. .,. ..i:uj i.lijeellons to said final account,
ami Oi" -o-nVnient thereof; the said hearing
to b. ie tie- hour of lOo'liH-k on said day.r as
aoon 1 . i.'i.Her as the sani can lie heard,
D,,..u l.M S. l'.lO'i. A.M. I!1,iiWFK.S,
in ' 1 js Executors.
Hood Kiver Directory.
TI ;H'ir dlrwtory of Hood River city
Hiit -4 S , tttiil limp; thowiit(( Iteration of
! in-, w ii ti owners' ntttne, ioatton of
siivxDiH Ritil ottunty rotitln, U now ready for
diMiibutton. I'noe II.iV.. Uluolcr, llood
Htvor, orttjon.
Saw Filing.
All klmNof ww tiled hy A..W. 1'nrKtenH,
refiili,t't' wnlhwent wrner l.Hrrett-SlpniH ad
diiion, HihhI Uiver Hc'kIiU. Work done on
short notice. Jl
Garden Plants.
In notiMin
Popular varieties In any quantity
nftor April 10.
Kcru lace collar. Sunday afternoon, Mav 7.
Leave Mciiuirtt Bro . meat market, jl
250 ft
Sheriff's Sale.
In the circuit court of tbe State of Oregon for
Waaeo county.
O. W. LONO, Plaintiff,
By virtue of ajudgnirat and order of sale
rendered In the aboveentitled court and cause
on the 15th day of February, lWKi, ai i-ded
and corrected hy a Jii'lKtneul made a-.l . n
tered In aald oourt and cause April 15, 11' "i
In lavor of the plaintiff and against the de
fendant, for the Bum of nineteen hundred
eight and 40-100 dollars i1uo.h. Rij with InWrest
tie iron at eight percent, per annum from
September 1, 1U02, and the sum of two hundred
dollars, and the further sum of five liuiula-rt
llilrty-flveand ao-iOD dollars (JS3S.0O) with In
terest thereon at eight percent, per annum
rrom December la, 1H02, and for the further
an in of seventeen and fiO-100 dollars costs and
disbursement, and of an execution duly ia
aued out of aald Court In the said cause on
the 21th day of April, 1!)5, pommntuliri me
10 in ae saie 01 tne to ow nir desert h . rea
property, altuated In the Countv or w nam.
State of Oregon, to-wlt:
Heginning at an Iron bar fonr hundred itnm
feet west of the Southeast corner of the North-
of section fllteen (151 In township two (2) north
of range ten ( lili east of Willamette meridian:
Thence North 4 Hast two hundred sixty-six
and five-tenths (2iiti6i feet lo an Iron'bar:
weal quarter M Ol tlie aout itaat. nnnrter (i.l
thence North 71 Eaatoue hundred and seven-
tyaeven (1771 feet to an Iron hur- ihma Nnrih
:iu East one hundred and four ami feet to an
iron oar. uiein-e rson n 7ii" Kast sir hundred
and seventy five and flve-tenlha t67f..r) fi-et to
ne oi MK-K in moiki uiver; theme South
West Ave hundred and ninptv i.mmii fne! to
a point lu Hood Uiver at West side oi lJoiint v
tiriugeanu Aortn nineteen (111) r- t from rra-k
bluff on south aide ol Hood JCver. thism-e
North 111 west one hundred ,wl,io,
(1S1) feet to an oak tree; thence Houili WJ Weat
five hundred (fjdO) feet to an Iron bar; thence
wmtt.iw" w,tuv hundred and fifty-three
ill.) iroi- nil iron nur nRliiM Lu., l.t-i.
hundred and twenty-four (2211 feet to d ace of
ueginuiiiK: iveaerving to tne grantor, B. K.
Tucker, tne rignt for himself, hla heirs and
assigns, to use water from the flumes to run
water ram to supply water for domestic and
nouaenoia puruosea.
And the following described real nronertv
altuated In Wasco countv. Orea-on. lo-wli:
neKniuiiiK oo tne east Dank or n il Tucker
Mill Ditch on the line between the northwest
(,) fourth and tbe southwest C-,) fourth of Ihe
Bdiiwi-Mni uimruir Ol section niteen I Ut , town
ship 'wo (2) north, range ten (10 ) easloflhe
Willamette Meridian, running sixty (iiOi feet
eaai w a aiaae; inence fllsiul twenty 211
degrees west of south 212 feet to a nine t ree
on me norm oana or county mail; tnenc-
win- aaia road ahout eleven hundred an 1
forty-five (1145) feet to where Fald road crosse s
the West line of aald southwest fourth of
southeast quarter aforesaid, to a slake on
lower ante oi road hearing about alxiy-tlve(iii)
feet from the bank of Hood Kiver containing
2,1-10 acres more or less.
I will, on the 27th dav of Mm- ions nt ten
o'clock a. m. at the front door of the county
court house, in Dalles City, Waaeo county,
Oregon, sell at public auction (sub)ect to re
demption) to the highest bidder tor cash in
nana, an tne rignt, title and Interest which
the within named defendent had In and to
said land herein first described, or anv part
thereof, on the 9th day of November, hull, and
all the right, title and Interest which the
within named deiendiint had in and to said
land herein last described, or anv nun there
of, on the ard day of December, l'JH4, the dates
aald parcels of land were respectively attached
In said cause, and all the right, title and In
terest which said defendant had In und In
aald tract ol land herein rtrat described, or
any pert thereof, since aald 9th day of Novem
ber, UKM, and In and to said tract, of land
herein last described, or any part thereof,
since said Krd day of December, 1WH, to miliary
aaid execution and Judgement order, Intereal,
costs aud accruing ooaui.
r. c. HEXTON
Hherlft'of Wasco county, Oregon.
Dated this 27th day of April, 1U.6.
First Issue April 27, 11)05.
Last Issue May 25, Mali.
10-incli body pine $1.50 per rick deliv
ered. Id-inch body oak (1.75 per rick deiliv
ered. 4 foot pole pine or lir $4.00 per cord
4-foot pole oak $1.75 per cord delivered.
Prompt delivery. 'Phone.
Murray Kay.
For Sale
On Ivera A Pond plnno at about half price;
one-halt cash, balance on time. H. M. Abbott.
One good ranch horse, weight 1,01
good to cultivate; cheap, It. M.
i pou
Thoroughbred Langshang eggs for hatching, at
$1.50 per aetting. Albert Larson. Reuben, Or.
Thoroughbred Buff Orpington Chickens; 10 honB
and one rooster. Price 10, Inquire of A. J.
Haynea, Underwood, Wash. m25
Fresh cow; price $40. Inquire of J. H. Groves,
R. F. D. No. 1. rn25
One Kewanee Air PreaBure tank. Can be used
for apray .pump or lawn Bprinkler. Inquire of
Mra. L. W. Marcellua, Phone 775. m25
Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, 75c per ai t
ting of 16. m25
Buff Orpington and Buff Leghorns. Orpingtoi :
$1; Leghorns 75c per hatching of 15. Mra. Am a
Anderaon, Phone 1275, m25
Three-burner blue flame atove, with oven, all
perfect condition. Inquire Mrs, C. R. Bone. m'-.i
Lady'a Rambler, coaater brake Jbicycle.
$20. Mrs. C. A. Tucker.
Gd cow; will be fresh soon.
luipilre N. T
Flral-clnss stereoptitsin and woving picture
macliiue, at lesa than one-third cost. Inquire
Ii. 8. Hull, K. 1). .So. i. mil
Homestead relinquishment In the Mount
llood district. Address P. o. Ilox ans, Hood
Kiver, Or. mil
A second-hand bicycle, gond as new for salo
by MAE KING, R. K. Ii, No. 2. nils
.ease on lots for
st-claaa bakery
19 years.
first-class bakery and confectionery.
dwelling nouse. T. H
Seven-room house and four lots on Hood River
heights; 60 fruit trees; atrawberriea and othi r
small fruits; also fine shrubbery. Call on or a
dreaa F. P. Brown, Cor. June and E St. mil
30 acrea of fine orchard land adjoining new
county road; all under ditch; 3 acrea cleared: will
take contract to clear part of land if contractor
desires. Call on or write to A. Schiller, R.K.U.Nol.
For a few day I offer for sule inv buggy
horse, harness and buggy. This la one ol thi
nnest drivers In the valley and genlle for a
woman to drive. It. M. Abbott. Knqulreat
millinery store. mil 11
By the owner, one corner lot on Hood River
Heightha. Fine place for tent in Summer; for
aate cheap. Call on or addreaa Mrs. L W. Mar
cellua. Phone 775, rr25
8 acrea one and a half miles from town of Hood
River. Nearly all under cultivation. 3la acres in
berriea. Owner must sell. Address Box 2il7,
Portland, Or. m2a
20 acres, half planted to alfalfa; also six acrea
uncleared; in East Side apple belt. Inquire of V.
WinchelL R. F. D. No. 1. m25
10, 20 and 30 acres of land; five-sixth cleared
clover and apple trees; Kast Hide. L. sjillil.
man. injii
House and two lots at the onVe of T. W.
Tweedy on the height. Bargain for SI 100. a!''
For aale, my farm, i miles fro n town,
mile from achool houaeaud church, consistinii
of 140 acres; .10 acrea unproved, 100 ore anil
two-year-old Hpitsenherg and Yellow New
town apple treea, 50 trees old orchard; 5 acres
In clover, 8 acrea wheat. Will sail In whole or
In part. a In Jerome Wells.
Two bay horses, weigh about 1.IMI each, one
had hatter ou and bus spider brand; focetop
clipped clone lo heati and has slit ear anil
ne ly shod with piatea. The other has kinkv
mane and tail. U-ave word with Stranahan
Pros, or W. H. Marshall, Mount Hood and n
celve pay fur trouble and expense. Lett mv
home May 5 and were seen In the odell dis
trict. Jl W. H. Marshall.
A N-yenr-old sorrel mare, weight le-.'li. Also
one bald-faced bay horse, weight 7.MI pounds
Notify GKO. U. KNOWLFjS, famera' phone.
11. mis
Nix 1 model Smith-Premier
No. 6 model Iteinington
Nil H ni del keminglon mew, ...
Warrented in perfect condition,
at the li lacier office.
Is 0,1
Can be sien
New Spring Suiting.
I have just received a line line of samples of
aummerauitinga. Call and nee them. 1 am also
prepared to make button! from any materal desired.-Jane
Real Estate
Six room cottage, furnished, f ir fl!31
or unfurnished for $101)0. Ewers,' place
on the hill.
For Sale or Rent. 5 acres partly im
proved, at Frankton.
For Sale at Mount Hood, the Ilelmer
store building and 5 acres, $2000.
20 acres ut Mount Hisid for sale, run-
nintf 132 an ai-re. On the county road
opposite ISiildwin's.
Fine business lot on main street for
$1000 on installment, or $1500 cash.
5 acres strawberry land, 4i acres
cleared, 25 acres in berries, 2 sinoll cot-
taues a miles out on VNest hide, $1100;
$110 or more cash.
h acres at lielmont, 6 acn g in cul
(nation, cottage and outbuilding, 150
ipp o trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2acres
iil.illa, $l:l()0; $750 or more cash.
New ti-roomed cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new 6-roomed house, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by
140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
For Sale 9000 acres pine' timber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day ; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
s'lin- and stock of merchandise, about
?3,"iO() ; 1 liotel and contents ; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 8 houses, rented; 10
head horses and harness ; 0 road wag
ons, 8JH; 1 logging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 80 head cattle; 50 head hogs;
litXl lei t lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located stand near llilgard, Or.
For Sale Mew two-story 9-room
house; Stranahan addition; $1100; terms
1 or Sale The Abbott Store property
on tlm hill. Price, $8,000.
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, li miles from Bar
rett school house, $1,100.
Manila house and lot, $2,000.
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. It. tialligan; 00 acre,
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood Kiver.
For Sale The Donahue block on the
hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, barn and outbuildings, $4500.
Will sell the SEI-4' for $000, the NK4
for $700, or the V'a for $3500. One
third cash, balance time at 8 per cent.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly iu strawber
nes anil ot.'ier truits. Price, f 1450.
One goat ranch on mountain cast
of valley on county road. Price $1,501);
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $300.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood Kiver, belonging to George. E.
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit landjflOOO.
5. Kit) acres at White Salmon; line
timber land ; $10 an acre.
0. Tbe o-acre place in Crupper neigh
borhood, known as the Kensbaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
Five acres at Frankton; cottage and
acieand a half in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
Lois 10, 11, 12, 'nil cl; 5, AVauconia ad
dition; improved: pii,-.- $1,000; 4 or
more cash, linlaon-, 1 tar, 8 per cent.
Small pud lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year lor the two.
For Sale Four-lift lis interest in the
M.O. Wheeler 100 acres near Hood
Kiver Falls.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front ; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange- for llood Kiver
property Fine residence in business
cvn'er of Sunipter.
Money to loan.
Ten acres improved, on White Sal
moll river; $10110.
21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property iu lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, 1003,
the rates will he as follows: $10 a d.iy ;
iot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
A worn n to do housework, and rare for oi.e
child during the berry hpumoi.: ivusuimhle
wit-;)'. V. W. Willis, Alt. Hood. Oregon, jl
Klve strawberry pick ere.
W.H. Hull, 'phone
Ught fnrni wftgmi; V inch npindle; fltute
condition, price and where wnirnn etui be
net n. Mrs. U. IS. Mercer, K, V. D. No. 2. Jl
Yountr prirl to assist in house work and care of
baby: litfht work and nood wages. Reifereru-es
required. P, M. Hull-Lewie, Box 38, Hood River.
dir. or v.aman ftr jroneral hojse work,
dence of Dr. F. C. Bnuius.
at rea-
To exrhantre 20 acres
Marii'Ti for lota or acrcajre.
land. Or.
unimproved land in
P. O. Bx 804, Pm-t-
For Rent.
New house, 5 moms and bath. Call on Dr. Piim
W. . m2S
Nice front room furnished, suitable for 1o
board il desired. Mrs. II. A. ('i)vle, phone 71M.
Tor Sherman ave. a id -serpentine road nil
Furnished liou..eHeei;ng rooms, with hot
and cold water and use ol hath. Mrs. II.. I.
Frederick. (l-j;
Will rent the s.iniiiii-r res irt hnil.ling on
Piira-lisi- Kami lor a nuinls-r of vears to ie
siainstble parly; also two o-chart's of choice
apples: ai-o ten acri-i sown ti wheal and sp- It
for one Here is n chance for aoine live
mini to malic money. No man who dots not
Intend to comply with ti is con tract need ap
ply. Alsfi house to rent nt a month. Itef.
erenees requited. Adams, Paradise Farm.
4 unfurnished housekeeping riKitns; bath;
hot an I cold water; hlowers add. Iniiiilreiif
Mrs. H.J Frtderlcks. nl.)
Hay Tor Sale.
Timothy, aliulfa and clover: nt Urn
r. i).
i II iiiriclis.
Clover, Jht: mixed. $12 nt the ranch on VII-
low Flat. Will deliver ir desired. Mount
Hood phone. N. W. HoXK. nils
Eeal Estate Mortgages
I am prepared to buy good purchase nion-v
luortsaires on any class of real estate. 11 K.
Noble, Coin, lllk., Portland, or. mil
; Minorcas & Orpingtons
Mrst-clnss stock Kens Ji m and 11.30 per
selling. Ralph K. Iwis, Kelmont. 5.11
Carpet Weaving.
AU kinds oi carpet weaving. Hugs made
from old carpets. MRS. (JolisEY
ti IX Hood Hlver Heights,