& i ij 3P VOL. XVI. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, MAY 11, 1905. No. 52 nil SOCIETIES. lll.MII) Rl VKR LU1XJK No. 1(6, A. F. and A. A. M. Meets hulnrtlii.v evening on ur before each full moon. Tiu .an Hcn.ica, W. M. A. 1). Mok, Hrrrrtary. HOOD KIV'KR I'll AITKIt SO. 87. B. A. M. MfLn rti'Kt uud lin'.l Friday nights of each month. 1'. CHANULKK, H, V. A. I). Mok, Hecretury. Ht! K1VKK CHAPTKK NO. , O. E. 8. Meets second antl tniirih Tuesday evening oleach monlh. Visitors rortlmliy welcomed. MRS. .1. L. HKKN1INKK, W. M Mhs. Thrbksa iastnek, (Secretary. IIII.KW1LDK LODOK NO. 107, I. O. O. P. Meets In Kruternul lull, every Thursday light. Viil. UANdlil, N. O. H. C. Hmith, Secretary KM4N KNCAMl'MKNT. K0.4H. I. O. O. K. rU-galar niccilun secnuu ami fourth Moudayn ot each minim, i.. r.. nioHatp, u. r, II K. Entbioan, HwIIm. LVUHKL UhllKk AH DKUKKK LODUE NO. si, I. o. o. .-Jiet-ts Hint and third Friday In each mouth. Max. E. W. IT mux. N- Q Mas Doha Thomson, Mecretary. WAUCOMA l.OllUE SO. 30, K. OF P Mjets In K. of 1. hull every luesday n.Klit. V. O. Hkock, tt C. H. T. DeWitt, K. of r. and 8. Hool) Kl VEH CAM I, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets lu K. of I, hall every Wednesday night. CHAa. Jonks, V. C. (J. U. 1AK IN, Clerk. HOOD H1VEU 1'A.Ml', SO. 178, W. O. W. Meets on nist aim third Tuesday of each mouth lu Odd Fellows' hull. K. II. ItLAGQ, C. C. H. W. Wait, Clerk. HOOD K1VEHC1UCI.E NO. DM, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets al Iv. of I'. hull ou the Ill-stand Third Fil1u of each mouth. Lksoka 8TUHR, U. N. NK U.I K Ilol.I-owEt.L, Clerk. KIVEKHlDELOIXiKNO. 8 A. O. U. W. Miets tlrst and Hind Siiiltudays of each monlh. C. 1.. Cocclb, M. W. E. K. IlltAOl.EY, Firm er CHKHTKK HlllTK. RwOII.er. U1V E1W1UE LOUUE NO 40, UEtiHEE OF Honor, A. O. U. w. Meets tlrst, sua mire nutiirdavs at 8 d. hi. Al iss ('oka Coitlic, C: Miss L'akkik Coi'i'l.K, Recorder. of H. OliUKROF W'AMIINUTON HOOD KIVER Union No. 142-MeeU In K. of J1, hall the second und fourth Saturdays lu each month at 7:ii0 p. in. K. Ij. Rood, President. I!. U. Imkin, Hecreliiry. Ul.Kl'A A.-iM. .ItEV .6. IUI, UNITED ART- UiitiH Meet - I hK Ih'NL tllld tlllrd Wednes- (lays, woik: cond unit fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hull. J. II. Komciio, M. A. C. D. Hknkh ll.Keenutiy. COURT llOOh RIVER NO. ii, FORESTERS ol Amu ii -Meets second and fourth Mon days lu eucii moil h In K. or V. hall. OBo. E. 80MOKK, C. R. If. C. Baosms, VA'. CahV"iu.-.T.".,ii iii.u. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. I). W. Inili, second and lourth Satur daysul eiich nioniii l 2 o'clock, p. in. All (i. A. U, mi nun ik invited Cu meet with us. A. i. ruEi.rn, Commander. Thomas U. a ijutunt. CANHY W. It. ('., No. It MEETS SECOND and loiiith .ah,r n s ot each Month In A. O. U. V. hull hi i p. in. fci. i. km islowkbs, President. I.izzi r. Ukk, ben i..iy MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 3WJ. R. N. A. Meet ut I hi K. i. I'. Hall on the second and fourth Fridays ot e.ieli month. lli1 CAKRIB BKOHIL'S, O. Miui. I.l.l. A Daki.n, R corner. Wauna Tkuplk So. (i. Rathbone Bisters. Meets secou .and loin 111 Thursdays of each monlh. Amanua Wiiitkhkau, M.E.C. 8TK1.I.A Rll'IIA iinsos, M. of R. C. DR. W. T. ROWLEY, l'HYSICIAN, SUIUJKOX, OCCL'UST Ofiice In s.nlth Ruildlng. Office phone 1. Residence phone 903. J. F. WATT, M. D. l'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephones: Office, 2K1; residence, 811. HURUEON O. R. & N. Co. JdHS. MARY JOHNSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Offices and Residence In E. I.. Smith llulldlng Over First Ni'l. HhiiIi. Entrance, rear of bunk, ou Thud St. Plume 311. H. L. TUMBLE, PIIYKICI AN AND SUKGKON. Huccesnor to iJr, M. F. Shaw. Culls promptly nnsw. i ?d In town or count! y, liuy oi Night. Telephones: Ki-immoe, till: Ofllce, 613. otllceliitn i'ius liulldlug. DR. M. A. SM00T, Osteopathic Physician. Uraduatc v.l m rlcjin Hchool of Osteopathy, .. '-bvllle, Mo. BroslusT. .. li oomlland7. Tel. 1033. V I'.R, OREGON. "DRTa. F. ROWLEY, DKNTIST. Olllce In the Smith Building. Phone 901. 0. H. JENLs7rXM!D. DENTIST. HpeciuUston Crown uii.i t.nv Work. Telephones: oiticx, l; riaeac-e, W. Office over Hunk Hiu(. Hood Klver, Ore. E. H. HART WIG, LAWYElt. Will Practice In All Courts. Office wlrh lieo. D. Culbertson 4 Co. i 1 lectlons. Abstracts, Setileiueul o Ksiatcs. hood itiVEit. ouc JOHN LELAND HENDE ATTORNIT-AT-LAW. AB8TRACTKB. D TARY PUBLIC and RIAL K8TATC AdENT. rorMyriareldn of OrMoiand Waih rnitton. Has bd many years azparlano la Real Sttaw mattara, u abstrulor, asarober at lltlen and agant. Hatiifaaiioa f aaraataad at no charga. A. JAYNE. LAWYER. AbitracU Fumiahed. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon. p C. BR0S1US, M. D. ' FHY8ICIAN AND 6URGE0S. 'Fbone Central, or 111. OrBce Hoari: 10 to 11 A. M.; I to t and 6 to 7 P. M. B' OS TON UAH HER 8UOP HAYNES A OREY, Paon. Tha place to gat an aay ahava, ao aa-to-ata oalr cut, and to enjoy tba lazory ( a aoroalala bath tub. 'J'HK O. K. BARBER BHOr 1 imell A Rees, Propa. Between J. I. Rand'a and K. C. W right's. Btrictlj Ural elua. Salla lacllon (uarantaed. JJCREKA MEAT MARKET, McGCIRE BROB, Propa. Dealen lc Fresh and Cured Maata, Lard, Poultry, FruiU and VegeUblaa. IK DELIVIRT. ' PB0XB II Arrival and Dcparltire of Mails. HOOD RIVER. The poatoffloe Is open dally between 8 a. ni. and 8 p. m.; Sunday trom 12 to 1 o'clock. Malls for the East close at 11.21) a. m,, 8.20 p. in. and 9 p. m.; for the West, al '2.40 p. m. and p. m. The carriers on R. K. 1). routes No. I audi leave the postoftioe at 8.30 a. ra. Mall leaves For Ml. Uood, dally at 12 m.j arrives m.SO a. m. For Underwood, Wash., at 12 m Toesdaya, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives same days at 11 a. m. For White Halinim, Wash., daily at 12 m.; arrives at 11 a. in. WHITE SALMON. For Hood River, dally at 9 a. m.; arrives at 2 p. m. For Husnm, Trout Ie and Ouler, Wash., dally at 7.ai a. in.; arrives 5 p. in. For Otenwood, Fulda and Gilmer, Wash., dally at 7.30 a. in.; arrives alii p. ni. For Pine F'lat slid Hnowdcii, Wash., at 1 p. in. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives sume days at 12 m. For Blngeo, dally at 4.4? p. m.; arrives at 8.45 a. m. 0. R. & K. TIME TABLE. East bound No. 2, ChlcttKO Hpeclal. 11:43 a. ni. No. 4, Hook u lie Flyer, 8:40 p. in. No. , Mail and Ki press, 10:40 p. m. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:ia p. in. No. 22. F'ast Freight, 4X16 a. m. West bound No. 1, Portland Special. 2:511 p. m. No. 3, Portland Flyer, 5::Hi a. in. No. 5, Mall and Express, 4:48 a. m. No. 2.1, Way Freight, :25 a. ni. No. 66, Fast Freight, 1:06 p. m. OREGON SlIOPJ LINE and Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman standards and tourist sleeping cars daily to Omaha. Chicago, Spo kane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourim sleeping car fnersonsallv conducted) weekly to ClileaK'i. Reclining chair cars (seals free) to the East daily. Dinar TIME SCHEDULEI Portltnd. Or. AiaiTS Chicago Portland Special :15 a. m, via Huntington. gait Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omsha, Kansas City, St. Louis,C'hlcagoaad Kail. 6:25 p.m. Atlantic Express 1:15 p.m. Tla Huntington. Bait Lake, Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. I,ouli,(;hlcagoand ask 1:00 a.m. Walla Walla, Iwls- St. Paal Fast Mall aa,l6p. m. via pokane ton, 8pokane,wal. lace, Pullman, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Duluth. Mil T:15a. waukee, Chicago ana nasi. River Schedule, FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M 15:00 P. M. way points, connectlngi Dally Dally except Sunday. with steamer for II ' aco: excent and North Beach steam-i Sunday, er Hassalo, Ash slreet 'Saturday, dock (water per.) :I0:00 P. M FOR Daymn, Oregon City and Yamhill Rlv er points. Ash street dock (water per.) ;7.-00 A. M.6:II0 P. M. Iislly Dally except Sunday. except Sunday. FOR LEW I 8 TON, Idaho, and way points, from 111 pur la, Wash. 4:00 A. M.I About Monday, 5 00 P. M. Wedn'd'y I Tuesday, Frhlay. Thursday, I Sunday. A. L. CRAIG, Omeral Paaatnrar Af ant, Fortlaad, Of T.J. KINNA1ED, Agent, Hood Rlvar. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH VOI R JOURNEY If your tickets roiid over the Denver and Kio Grunile Railroad, the "Scenic Line of I lie World," BECAUSE There are no many scenic nltructiong and points or interest alonK the line between Oj l'ii ami Denver that the trip ncw r lieeomes tiresome. If yon are going East, write for infor mation and get a pretty book that will tell you all about it. W. C. .McltKIDF, General Agent, 124 Third Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. ft. JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of diseased teel h and gnnis. Office rtrosius Iiuildinf. Phone 10!1. M. E. WELCH, THE VETKKINARV SIKGhOS. Is prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He i an be found by calling at or pllouiliK to Clarke sdryig store. Joseph A. Wilson Agent for Wire Wound Wooden Water Pipe CHARACTER READING -BY- Prof. $izer Over Spot Cash Corner Grocery Stora o lro i Mo i caa F.8. Stani.ky, E l. Smith, E.O IIi.anohah Pres. Vtci-l'irs. Cashier. The First National Bank OF HoOli KIVEK, oltKliON. Capital ami Sni iliis :t),(l00. Estalillshed .lune 1, 1W04. P. M. HALL -LEWIS Civil and Architectural Engineer and Surveyor. Office, Second Ht., nillolnliiK Waiicoina Hotel. Residence alter Apiillst, Country club Inn. HOOD KlVF.lt, OKFAiON. JOSEPH A. WILSON II AS Developed Water Power for sale. Parties desiring iiowcr for manufacturing purposes will i well to write to him. R. P. ORE, CONTRACTOR Brick-work, Plastering and (Vnieiit-work. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREtiOX. S.H.COX Contractors and Builders Puns and Estimates. Fornishio. J. F. STRANAnAN, Architect 01 26 years' experience. Will fur nlsh plans and specifications lor all kinds of bnildinis. Strictly up to date. Located at Hood River. E. A. SOULE, Contractor and Builder. PLAN'S AND KhTl MATES FURKISUKII Upon Application. di FREDFRICK & ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnishad on all kinds of work Plinnou- Arnold, Main 83. I UUIIUB. Frederlek. M.ln m F. W. PRIBNOW, Carpenter & Builder Kstlmates eheerfnlly furnished. Plans and Hpeeitleatlona fiirnlslied. All work promplly and carefully attended to. Hood River, Ore. BELIEU & SANDERS, Contractors and Builders a- Plans anii Khtimatks Fuhnishkd SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Doi'orative 1'aiiitiiti? and raMT Manuring Plans furn.Hhed. caro fullv mmlt. HOOD KIVKK, OHK(i()N. FRAZIER & SON, PLASTEUKKS Flue and Fireplace Work a specialty. HOOD KIVER, OKIC(iON English Walnut T ees We are special (growers. Itest soft shell va rieties. Atillltdtillt liimrers st parly hki They thrive In orexon. We can tell you nil hIhiuI Ibeiu. Write lur catulnKUe anil InJcirniHlioii. BROOKS & SONS, Walnut XrrHirimen. Carlton, Ore. J AS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all orders for granite ond marble work, inoiunuentH, tombstones, etc. ,Also contract for all kinds! of stone masonry, con crete, etc. Bargains in Real Estate. J. S-rooni liouo, lot KHUIOO, oppo Bitoclnsil Iikiisc; sivlitly loei.tioti ; very i:lie.i). (iel "tir iiiic.'. 2. i room In. tine, two Iots50xi:l0 feet eaeli, city witter; three hloekH friti slH-oiil hoiife; pleuM ml liK'iitioo, Trice, $JSol. 8. 10 iicri H ifooil uili' ami strawlierry IuikI, four iicreH cleared, fruit trees, one ncie rn lu ri ii , 4-i'omii liotixe, Well, Kt'ihle, wikhI cliiil unil puck inn Imiiie uoil cliickiii Inline Trice $li)0 ' 4. 5-rooui liouw, lirow of hill, over looking Coin in lia, one liloik from liiyli "clnsil buililiii);, uil well ami city t:r; lure wik1 Ikmik ; gooil chicken liotise; lot AUxltK); or if desireil, lot KHIxlllO, 5. 6-nioiii hoiiHe, fine location, over-loiikii-K Cohimhia. $iUK). (I. Four fine lotn for tl"') eacli, 4 for floO each, lielow lirow of hill, overlook ing the (Jnlumhia. Hood River Real Estate & Exchange Co. Hood River, Ore. $50 Reward. . I will give lewnrd of SSI fur the arrest und conviction uf psny or iinrties wnn mnllcli'iis ly atlempuil to ileiiroy my dwelling by tire, and stole my (oxf. F. Htuart, Hood Kiv er, Or. a-K ITlmhiT Lund Art J mi :i, 1H7S. XOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Unit?! States Land Oc. The Da!ies, Oregon, February IS, 190ft. Notice ik hen by wtM'n that in compliance with the provisions ut tht'actof Con yretwof June3. J78. titit:tl "An act for the nale of timber lands in 1 ht? Slate of I'alifurnia, OreviHi, Nevada and Wasl.inirtini TerriUtry," art extended to all the I'ubhe Itd St nun by act of Auguttt 4, b2. , JOSEPH W. WEST, of HtKd River, county of 'Aasco, Sia.t ;f Oiexon. has this Hay tiled in this nice n-s swtn n f'atement No 24(i, for the purehanc the K . li V4 and E'aS W 4 of Section No 7. in T..a i.mi i No I North, KtuiK No. IK.. W. M and mI olfer proof to show that the land soujrbi it k-3 val uable for it timlier or nf m- tl.au i' r lu-ricult-ural DtirtKweH. and to nMiih his ( -'mm u said land tK'fore the Ririster aid Hece,v -i nl' thin office a' The Daliea, Urejcon, on the .;ihd.ty uf May. He names an Witne'ww: lliiv-d S n ,, of Hood River, Oreifunr, J. M. StirK". i HtKid Kiver, Oregon. C. A. Bell, of Hood liii-i . Oregon. Any and all persons clamunc a ivemOy the above-dem-ribed lamin art rtXU. u.i to tile their rlaima in this onice ou or below u..l 9th day of May. hu.".. mUmll MK'HAKL T. NOI.AN. Register. NOT1CK KOK PI Ri.lCA HON. Henartinent of the Intr.inr: rnltcdstntti Land (UTiee.The l. I! s.oreKoti, April l!Sf If ft Notuv is hereby k! .-ii that tiie loIlowing-iiHintM. cetttef til- d i m eoflii intentiiir. to niiiitf flnai ptifd id Mipportnt IiIh eluiin, and tlmt mtU! , t wli:" iiiude before the HetelKtern nd lt4vierHl V : Dulles, Oregon, on Mav JI, lsufi, vhe.: JollN AK M sTKONti. of MoKier, Oregon, H. K N. w4 foi (he NK'4 SK';, NK4 sW'i Hnd H'jNW4if section ;ti, Townships Norlh, Kanise l Ka(, V. .M. He ninmH the foil -tt'hi witnesseM to prove his contlnuoua rehtdence upon and cul tivation of mild lnnd, vii:.: Jhn Kvhiin, Curl J. Krederirkson.ThoiiiHfi ll'iniiu:-en, t'harleh ItcutiHt, all of Moaler, irRfHi. Mil HAKL T. NUI.AL, UegLiter. a 20-mI8 ADMIN f ST H A TO K S SALK. Notice is hereby Riven that under and in pursu ance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wam o, made on the tith day of July, ilWi.-the underpinned, admin -trator of the estate of John W. Murphy, deceas. il, on Friday the 12th day tjf May. It '5, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., at tlie. County court hwse dKr in Dal lew City, in Wttf' County, Oregon, w ill aell at public auction the fvlowiny descnled -t al entate belontrinif to the estate uf said deceit cd, to-wit: The outh half of the mi-theast quti..er and the north half of the sou i heart i.ui. ier f aection eleven, in tpwnship iw imt ih, n. je ten eawt. W. M. The terms of said Bale will he o per cent of the selling price, cash in hand at the t ime of thet.e, 110 per cent in imo year thereafter, and 80 per 1 nt in two years thereafter, with interest at 8 i.er cent per annum on said deferent payrnentn. Said aale will bo made subject tt conlirnmtion by the (Vurt. Dated at Hood River, Oiwn, this 7th day of March, H)5. -15 KO. T. I'RATHKK, aimll Adininimtrator. NOT1CK FOR PUI'.l.lr.TIO.N. Depitrlinent of the Inturior; I. mid Ofllne, The DmIIcm, Orcuoii, April 10, ll0 . Notice Is lieiehy Klven 1 1 1 : i, t the (iluwiiiK-ii;!iuei Hettler Ims lileil noiiee ol hU fntentlun 10 nuike final pntol in Mipport of hts clann. ami that mid proof will be nmde beiore (; 1 ' n i 1 d Miib t'l'iiunlwhnier T. I'mtlur. Hood Kiver, OreKon, on June ;l, 1 !!., vi..: MKNilY J. CiHo of Mount Ho'Ht, ( neijoii, H No. H-:i:. lor I he XW1'4 s.etl. i Kotith, K-mire H Ivist, Wili,.r Henntnestlie f"l!riwtne his colli hinous re. id nc' u; Hon of sni'l land, vif .: .!am '(nd Kntry 7. T'lu nnhip i i V"ridhm. .... - 'i prove ! i eniiiva- It. It.., Kum nxt William L. Helltiobin, Muryoii Hehfan Huckitiuiy, all ot ilouru ll I. ' treon .MIt'HAKI, T. Nill.AN. Ki'Kislt'r. !TJI Treasurer's Notice. All Wasco roiuity warrants registered prior to Mtirrh 1, HUM, will Ih pnid on prest niution lit my olllee. Jnteieai oral's niter March 16, im, M. . DONNKI.L, JS c oiint y Trensnrer. W. E. PENNELL, (WKPKXTKU. Winihiii' mitl Dour Scrt'i no, Wiitilmc anil Ddih- Fraiilt'n, Iflirr antl Store. Fix tuna, I 'tiulxti riiiu unit Furniture Hi -jHiirint, Carx t DustiiH, Cttianint and Ai,iiii. Hood River, Ore GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for locution some choice npple hinds and tint(er clitinis; also rellrKjuisliiiieiits and hind to script. Call on or address, wm. f. hand, Ucf. I'lione 37lt. Hood Hiver, Ore. Judge J.J. Hirshheimcr, Reunion Attorney. Indian War liiisineps : I'eneions under old and new law, wife's half pension, futlicru' and mothem' pen Hions; di'H iidtiit relatives, minor and helpless children pensions; Spanish war anil Philippine insurrections. (2) Ues toratioii to penfiiin roll ; charge" of ile Hertion correction ; liountieH, commuta tion of rat iotiH iiiude ; clainiH iiiiiii; t Ci) the United Sta'es proaecnted ; coiihuIih lion free every fourth Saturday al Hood Kiver. lWollice address, 22lt Win-hington St., Portland, Ore. BRICK YARD. I am lnanufactmin at my yard near Columbia nursery south of town, as fine a qual ity of common brick as can be found in the state. Have L0(),0()()1o .-.OO.OOO brick on hand for inspection. Price at yard .$8 per thousand. dome (ut to the yard and see how we make brick. a. t. zi:i:k. For Irrigation of City Lots Notice Bhotild he iven at the ofiice of the I.lnht and Water Co. when water is used for sprinklini;. We t-ay sprink ling U'Cause it is the only method hv w hich we aree to furnish w ater for irri gation. I'c ware of the man with the wrench. If this point is overlooked, like wise the proper liuie to sprinkle as no further notice will he given. Consumers w hose residences front the south sides of the streets named hclnw w ill siiriekle hetween houra of 5 and 11 a. ni. ; those on the north f ide between 3 and '.I p. m. ; Columbia, Hiver, Oak and State street", and Sherman and lla wl avenues. In case of alarm ol fire all sprinkling should lie stopped promptly. K. K. GUFF, Mgr. !WATER: BERRY MARKET DDflMICPC WFI I HOOD RIVER BERRIES LEAD ALL K. A. I'ranz Keturns Cunvlnrril There Is So l'lace L!ln Home Talk (Mi Fruit Situation. After a trip through the principal cities of Kastern Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, K. A. Franz re turned more fiiinlv convinced than ever that Hood River is the lieat section of the l'acjtie northwest. "1 was glad to see the green trees and waving grass as we came into sight of Mosier. It was the first glimpse of green fields for weens," sunt Mr. Franz. While on his trip, Mr. Fran looked carefully for any place where he thought ho could find something better than Hood Kiver, but returns satisfied that the opportunities at home are not eitiallel elsewhere. While Fast of here, .Mr. I'ranz also interested Ii i in' elf in the berry markets, lie came home with more orders for early her'ies than It will be possible for him "l . li I tho first few weeks of I' e .-hiipiii e.i- n. The denim. d fir liei-i increases each year wheroer Hood 11 w r berries get a foothold, and with proper distribitlion of this season's croii, Mr. Franz believes the outlook for p ices is extremely good, llonil Hiver strawberries are still in the lend hc-iiuse of the superior ipiality of the fr i t an I ihecnein which the berries are pule I tor the market. If the lb od I! ei- iar. ners continue to make nual tv the r motto when shinning strawberries, Mr I'rinz believes success will continue to lie l heir-. "A good many o hei sections are going into the herrv bii-i.iess or are raising h rt ie8 now," remarked Mr. Franz, "but t e-y are h ginning to realize from year to year that they cannot raise berries as go. id as we cun in Hood liiver. One had I. :ituio of the heny business in the niethwcs! in the last two or three years I- the mmitier in which all sections loive secured plants from Hood River cdeavor to put the berries on the mar ket as tho Hood liivvr oerites. "If we can do something to prevent this it will he a great thing for Hood Kiver, because berries grown elsewhere, even though the plants were secured here are so much poorer than the real Hood Kiver berries that people who are not acipiainted with Iho real article will become dissatisfied and would want no mo.-e to do with the Hood Kiver berries. 'Wherever I went, I tried to explain as much as possible just w hat the other ncalittcs are doing in this matter, in order to prevent the dealers and buyers ti'oui Doing huiiihugged in the lutiire. 1 here is one thing the Hood River farmers must bear in mind this year, if they expect to obtain higher prices for their berries and to push out other berries from our market, they must put up a strictly lirst class pack. Quality, quality, two times ipiality must be their watch word. Hood liiver can down the other fellowH as their . errics lack the size and flavor and will not stand long distance shipments, hut to do this our berries must in all instances set the high standard. 'This is a serioiiH matter and the farmers cannot ignore it. The union will maintain a rigid inspection of all fruit sent out with the union brand, and will do all in its power to win the battle for Howl liiver berries. A big gain was made hist year, and the good work will be continued this season. 'The farmers in other sections of the northwest have not made as much as they thought they would, uud conse quently they have neglected their patches. This should work to the ad vanage of the growers here, especially those who have taken extra good care to p oduce fine herries. If the fanners of Hood Kiver keep up their quality and acreage, these other sections will soon lie out of the business all together, be cause they cannot compete with our good berries and cannot make anything selling poor berries. "Strawberries should he. put onto the market as soon as after picking as possi ble. Straw berries are a perishable fruit, and no matter w here they are stored be fore they are shipped, the sooner they get into the hands of the consumer, the better satisfied he will be and the more satisfuctor) it will lie to the grower. As soon as picked and packed, berries should be liroiight to the shipping sta tion, where they will he loaded into tin. cars. The union has decided this year that all packing shall be done in the packing house and rot by the pickers in the patch as heretofore. "There is another thing I learned of on mv trip w hich should be of value to the Hood Kiver farmers. At Walla Walla, which is at leas: a week later than this locality, the farmers produce large quantities of rheubarb, asparagus, green onions, spinach, lettuce, radishes, etc. i'li if garden truck commands a good price early in the season. From Walla Wat I a it is marketed in the in terior towns for a distance of .MM) to 7lH) ; miles to the mirth and east. "Hood Kiver farmers might just as well he irrouiiit? such trardeh truck I espec'ally the berry men who have early sandy soil. It would grow well here, and iie the means of returning early revenue. Hood Kiver is near I'mtland j and the Sound cities and could easily i work up a good market. Being a week earlier than Walla Walla, this point i would have a big advantage. "One farmer who was bringing in asparagus from a Walla Walla truck farm told me he bad gathered seventy boxes that morning from three and one half aoriH Ho was getting $1 a box for the asparagus at the depot, ami expected ; to be shipping asparagus for twenty i days from his seven-acre patch. Large j shipments of asparagus are made daily from Walla Walia in carload lots. ; "In the (irande Rounde valley, Ij found the I.aOrande fruit growers erect-: ing a Cold storage warehouse, for apples j at a cost of fVi.OOO. Apples friiin I.a-, (irande are now retailing in Montana! and Idaho at 7.re a box. Freight charges j must he at least l.rc, and then there is ; the commission man's profit, which j leaves the grower but a small margin. Now if these people can afford to take! care of T.'i-cent apples why the Hood! liiver growers can must assuredly afford to lay something aside for the pre para-; tinri df future markets, a matter the Hood Kiver fruit growers should look carefully after." j ! Time Tried and Merit Proven. lo Yon Suffer with Dyspepsia I One Minute Cough Cure is righton'or indigestion? Clarke's Dyspepsia j time when it conies to curing coughs, Tablets will cure you Price otily 50c. croup, whooping eolith, cli'. It is por feotly liHiiuii'stw, pli'iimint to takt- it tt .1 i the chrililrcii'd fiivorltti cutigh sytup. Sold at (i. K. Williatim' drug nloro. FIRST HALF CRATE ! BERRIES RRIIVfiS U The first half crate of strawberries was brought to this city Friday morning by Sam Zeilor of While Salmon, and sold to the Davidson Fruit Co. for C. D. Moore had the fust pound box on sale Wednesday afternoon, which was iiirchasid by Manager Shepard of the Fruit Growers' union for fa) cents. This half case of Mr. Zeig lei's breaks tho record for early berries from White Salmon. With the warm weather com ing on. it will lie but a few daya before the Hood Kiver berry harvest will beoti ill earnest. Mr. Zeigler exHcts a very good crop this year. Twofvearsago his four-acre patch netted htm above all expenses fi.naj nir. .eigier also raised toma toes on the same ground after the berry crop was harvested, which netted him $700 more. Here is an income of $LtH)0 net from four acres HOOD RIVER'S GROWTH ASTOUNDSDALLES MAN "To tho person visiting Hood River valley at the present time, and who in former years was acquainted with the place, the growth is phenoneiial and very wonderful," remarked Hon. John Mitchell of The Halles, after a drive through Hie valley with Leslie ISutler, president of Hutler & Co'a. bank. "The valley has always had the repu tation of being the most desirable slim mer resort in Oregon," continued Mr. Mitchell, ' but during the last few years it has forged forward in industrial de velopment to an extent that has sur prised even its most sanguine admirers.. "For a distance of fifteen to seventeen miles, lands have been planted in fruit orchards, the output of which has been something like a page from the Arabim Nights; yet every statement made, that seems exaggerated, is backed bv fuels and figures which cannot he disputed. "The substantial growth of the town in substantial structures bespeakes the de velopment of natural resources. Fruit and lumber have la-en the factors that have brought this about, and the im provements in the future will he as marked as (hose In the past. "With a fall of 75 feet to the mile for twelve miles, Hood River furnishes water power sufliclent to turn the wheels of the manufacturers of the state; the virgin lorcst that will furnish an un limited supply for generations vet to come, and the acreage of lands thiit will lie devoted lo fruit culture are the great incentives to business enterprise and coin, iiurc.ial c.iiiiidetico in the Intuie of a town that has hardly left lis cradle. When fullv matured, its growth will be astonishing as that of any city in the great northwest." The Hood Klver Way. Iirigon Irrigator. We sometimes wl.-h there had never been u Hood Kiver, and particularly at such ti tries: as we have a cntivcntiuii or meeting in the state, when wo seethe Hood Itiver delegation coming in and monopolizing the whole thing with the Hood Kiver spirit. And on such uccusions do what we will they enthuse us until we unwitting ly go to shouting for them. At the lea gue meeting last week we got on our feet to tell something about Irtigon; and we determined we would say noth ing about Mr. Smith or Ins town. Hut we had scarcely said a dozen words until we launched off into a panegyric alsnit the Hood Kiver wav. A few ininuils later a gentleman from The Dalles got up to tell us about the beauties and resources of li s town, and he was so carried away that he said " The Dalles is in Hood River county." After ail we are glad we said what we did and glad Hood Kiver got the gloiy she did, for they deserve all they get, and more. Take our president, Hon. F.. I, Smith, one of the finest men on earth, tliu (ilaeier, the best weekly newspaper we ever saw, and the four or five hundred earnest, active, intelligent and loyal wmkerswho follow them and who ecr saw such a heroic set of men? They went down to Portland 100 strong, with their own hand. Th'ey were always in evidence. They did not patronize the booze joints. They kept sober, but busy telling of the glories and wonders of their valley. Independence bad more delegates at Portland than Hood River; but who heard of Independence? Why the Hood Kiver people overshadowed them even as Mt. Hood looms up above the hills of old Polk. If we had a dozen such communities In the stale a- Hood River, Oregon would soon double her population. Put there is only one llood River, onlv one set of Hood River people, and w hile the llood Kiver spirit is contagious it iu oculat'S its victims only to make them hurrah and yell ami work for llood 'liv er. Asks for Itest anil f.cts lliinil I! he is. K. II. Shepard tells a good sforv on how his father w as convinced t hut I loud Kiver apples have no equals. "My father," said Mr. Shepard, "learned the orchard business as a boy in New Knglatid, and after mining in early days in California had a large orchard in San Jose, and afterward in Marys v ille, Cal. Rut like all men he had an idea the some as we all have that no pumpkin pies taste as good as those mother made, so he thought no apples wire as good as those grown in New Khvlaud. One of his lady friends, who had just returned from Kurope thought he would please him by bringing out on her return some good New F.ngland apphs So when in New York city she stopped at a swell fniiterer'a to make a purchase, and was informed the be-t apples came from Hood Kiver, and a' -he was one of these individuals w ho hUhvs get the best she purchased some Hood Rivers and carried them back to Caliiornia. "When she returned home they had ju-t lei eivd the five boxes 1 sent him last tall. After eating some of them he a' once admitted they were the finest apples he ever saw in his life. He never Siiid mil thing ii le hi t New Kngland ap plei afterward." HAMBURG FIRM m AFTER APPLES WOULD BUY DIRECT FROM HERE I'liion Keceives Letter from Large Coriiian W holesale House Anxious for Fine Fruit. The fame of the llood Kiver apple has spread to the continent of Furoie, and now primes a request from a huge Ham burg commission house inking fur the privilege of handling llood River apples this fall (liieet from the hands of the Apple growers' union. The follow ing letter came to Manager Shepard last weak. For bminess reas ons the name of the firm has been with held. The letter was as follows: "Hamburg, April 7, 1!H)5 Apple H rowers' I'tiion, Hood River, Ore. (ientleinen : After several effort we finally secured y. ur address through Mr. Daniels of Stuttgarr, who also in formed us that you do a large export business in fancy fruits. Taking tho position that you perhaps would like to he represented in Oermany, and if that should be the case now , m t to depend on a few small Impi iters in the futuie but through our house lie represented to the entire retail trade uf tho whole empire. WoVg of you to give us in formation as to what you ship and your commissions, etc. "We send you under separate cover bv registered mail a small a'bum, with views showing our different establish ments ln'tween Hamburg a'ul Munich to show that our linn is llielaivesl of its kind in (lermnny and that we are in it posit ion to put aii article that is Hi for thelieruian market befoie the trade to the best advantage for the shipper "We cover tierm.iny reuulai'ly by lil'ly of our own fruvclliiiit salesmen, besides all the small agelicies which we havees tahlislied I hrough the empire. All the large hanks can give jo t information in regard to the business and financial standing of our linn," A glance through the allium of views shows this (irm to have an extensive line of establishments throughout the Herman empire. Five hundred people are in the employ of the company as salesmen, ofiice hands, etc. "Wti frequently have found the whole sale price of apples in Uindon and Hamburg, and after figuring out com mission charges and freight rates realizn that a considerable profit is made by the numerous dealers through whose hands the fruit baa heretofore passed, and re alize Hint if we rail gut Hood River ap ples directly into the handsof the whole salers of 1'hirope it will mean higher prices for the growers," said H. A. Franz of the Fruit tirowers' union. " The fact that, those wholesale im porters are asking us to do business w iili them direct, leads us to believe tho union can iitYoniplisli much in this lino. The shipping unions are doing a great work for the growera, though many of them do not realize this as yet, and after a few more years systematic search for markets as lias lieen done by Mr. Shepard the last year, the llood Rivi r apple men can rest assured that when apples are produced hereby the million boxes a year that, it will he possible ( r the union to properly distribute the fruit so as to return the growers the highest net prolit obtainable by any one." STATE CAMP ELECTS C. U. DAKIN CLERK C. I". Ihikin returned Thu'sduy afn r noiiu from linker City where be repic schtcd the local camp of the Modern Woodmen of America at the state en campment of the order. Dakin was i he (itlh'ial delegate from Wasco county and returned with the title of suite e'erk Dakin says the Woodmen were royally entertained by the people of Itiiker City, and that he bus mil had such a good time for many moons. Dakin made a strong pull for holding the next state meeting in llood Kiver, hut, as Kastern Oregon has bad her share of the convent ions in recent years, the delegates decided in favor of Ash land for 11MI7. The election of olliceis resulted as follows : II. (i. King, Forest drove, state con sul; C. 1'. Dakin, Hood Kiver, clerk; .1 J. (iothardt, Portland, advi-er; T W. Crawson, Ashland, banker ; .1. Steven son, Astoria, escort; W. (I i runt, Scottshurg, watchman; J. K. Heifer, (ircKham, sentry. The billowing were elected delegates to the nalionalconventioiiat Milwaukie, June I'D of this year: o. li. Mount, liak erCity; It. W. Foster, Portland; F A. linker', Salem. Alternates: C T. Colt, Summerville; V T. Vaughn, Portland; Rev. W. T. Holder, (irants Pass. Wednesday night the di legator wore tendered an elaborate banquet in de convention hall. There were spoie hog and toasts until early in the ni 'iing, when the western Oregon "I igi'es boarded No. 1 for their homes. Tuesday evening Hie Wisnlnien were entertain d by local talent at the linker City op. 'a bouse. Fine Fruit Crop In lloolli Orchard. S P. Waterliury, who is in oharg of the llootli place at Willow Flat, i io properly of Mrs. J. I.. Atkinson of P.. t lithil, slates that there will h-a lull crop of all fruits at Willow Fl i Ins cherry trees are heavily load' d P ac ox will be a full crop and the up, let lie savs never did sot so heavy. Mr Waterbury does not be'ieve 'ii 1. U.II..I' oil mi o-i-li I- I J but it applied judiciously In i- li leiit it is a great hcllellt. lie n. si i uates about July 1 ; lots the ground . inn up before putting n nioro water, and just before the fruit matures soaks the ground for the lust time. Ti.is w.tv.t'ie fruit is properly tilled and the sap re cedes early in the season, w hioh f ini tios the tieos from early cold snaps. Don't Spit on the Side Walk. Fugeiie Register. From now-on the spit ordinance w ill he enforced. Ilencelnrth it will le t. la; so much a matter of w hen you spit as where. Anti-spit signs are iii along the business streets und woe tin o him who violates their provisions for the fiat li'is gone forth from the minions of the law which reads "they shall be i fined and pay it too or suffer the conse-jqueuces." '' i ) j I 4 x O