VOL. XVI. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, MAY 4, 1905. -No. ."I ' SOCIETIES. Hood RIVKlt Lulxil-: Nn. 1U", A. F. and A. A. M. .Meels Mmm -ho- evening cm or before each lull moon. Dumas IHti.f.k, W. M. A. D. Miiis, Hivrrltirt. HOOD ItlVKllCIt AITKIt NO. 87. H, A. M Meuls ilrst uuil Hi i t Kihtny nlKhuof each HlUlltll. h, tllANUl.KR, H. F. A. 1. Mok, Secretary. Doon KIVKK CIIAITIIK NO. as, O. K. 8. Me.ts smiiel ami ioiiriii Tu.s(lay evening oleucli mouth. Vish.im rordml'y weleoitiwl. .M KS. I. I,. IIKIISIINKH, W. M. MltS. TllF.KK.SA I'ASTNKIt.lSti ri'tHI'y. IDI.IOWll.DK l.olMiK NO. 107, I. O. O. K. Meets in Fraternal li.ll, every Thursday infill. M. UANI.Ell, N. O. H. C. Smith, Secret nry KHK.N KNCAMI'MKN I', NO. 48, I. O. O. K. Hi niilur ini-cilnt; second ii ml fourth Monday l each inoiitli. I.. 1C. Moksk, C. f. II It. KM'Klt'AN, '-Villi,'. LMlKKI.liKKKIv.WI liKi.KKK I.ODGKNO. M, 1. o. o. h. -.Metis Ural and third Fridays In each mo:iIh. M i:s. K. W. Vdki.l, N. G. Mas Doha Tiiomsiin. hecrclury. VAMCOMA liOIHiK NO.'SO, K. OK P. M lu K. ol I'. Ii.nl every l iiemlay n.ght. V. U. Hkock, U. C. II. T. IikWitt, K. or it. and 8. Hi KID KIVEIUAIU' Meets. 111 K. ol 1'. night. V. U. DAKIN.Cldk NO. 7,702, M. W. A. ..ill every WedntMday L'iias. Jon uh, V. U. HOOD It IV Kit (.'AMP, NO. 770, W. O. W. Mei'lH mi llri nu I iiiinl Tuesday of each lIlOlllll ill Odil I'VltO.Vn' 1111,1. F. II. Ul.AGG.C. C. II. W. Wait, He k. HOOD ItlVKKCIU I I. NO. 624, WO.MFNOF Woiiili rali-.Mi i is at K nt I', hall on the llisturid Third r mm ol each inoiitli. I.KMiKA HTl II K, li. N, NKI.l.IE HUI.MJWT.I.I., Clerk. HIVKUNlllRUMMiKNO. liN A. O. U. W. AlieU liist and tin. i Mitnnlays of each loonlll. I . 1.. col'I'l.K, M. W. K. It. 1IKAIH.KY, Kllln lie cr CIIKSTKK Silll'lK. Iln ill 'irr. KlVKIlMlDK oiRi.: NO 40, DKIiltliE Or? Honor, A. O. I,'. W. Metis first oud third .suliiruajs at s i. in. ill. t'OllA t'ori'i.t, (J. of II. Al iss t'AituiK Cocci. K, Hecorder. Oiilil.IlOF W AM UNO ION 111X)D HIVER l.ln. in No. 142-.M. (is in K. of F. hall the second and luiiriu mo unlays in eacli luonlti ut 7:.'i0 p. in. K 1.. Koou, President. V. U. 1'AKIN, Hecri'lmy. UI.KtXa U.Y NO. UU, UNITE!) ART- i-mis. .U. o. ;ne lirsi, rind third Wednes days. w,,ik: nntil ami loiirth Wednesdays Al'IISHIIs iniil. J. it. kobkhu, M. A (.'. I). iIkmii it, Seen tin y. tlill ltT ii' Ol- l;l Kit NO. 42. FORF,STKKH nl A i in n. n, Alt i is second and fourth Mon days in eiuii in hi h in K. l I'. hall. Uko. K. Sonukr, C. K. K. ('. llHOSIl'S. r. L'ANIIV 1'OhT, w .il.tl. A. R.-MEETM AT A. o. U. W. Ii il1. M'liind and lourth Satur- clu.vsor each ni l tli nl 2 o'clock p. III. All it. A. K. intni". invited to meet with uh. A. i. 1'iiKi.ra. Coniiiiauder, Thomas (loss, a iji unit. CANliV w. It. i'.. mid loiitth .sati.i o. U. . Iiall in hi I.l.,ir. (4 kb, Hec. . I) MEETS HEUOND ol each Month lu A. I:i.owkk.s, President. MOI'NTAIN 110 Aiccts at the K. lounli Fridays i : r; CAMP NO. MM, R. N. A. i. c. liail on the secoud and i r.,rll mouth. M l:S t'AHUIK BHOSICS, O. .Mils. Em.a Hakin, li colder. W'ai sa Temi'i.k No. li. ltiillibo I'd HiVr" .Mccis sccon slid loin Hi Tliui. yj feach llllllllll. AMI WIIITKHK C-(,,C.C. hTKI.I.A UlC'lI.,KliSo, M. Ol H. ft "V ' DR. W. T. ROWLEY, I'll VSICIAN, SUIUiKON, OCCULIST (Itlli e In Olllce p'HinelKil. -,ult!i HuildiiiK. ll' Sidciice phone Wi3. J. F. WAXr,M. D. rilYt-lCIAX AM SL'KGKON. Tolei'lu. lies: ofllcc, 2M: ic.idciice, 811. M liUEON O. 11. ,V N. Co. KS. .VARY JOHNSON, M. I). Physicia.i and Surgeon. Olllce.4 aim ILc.-l. Over r'liM N 01 b n ... in K. I,. Hiulth lliilldlng . i.in.K. Eiiirancc, rear k. on i hud M. ' e oil. II. L. 1 JMBLE. rilVSK'i CuMm iroinll j 1 1 w i Nil SL'KGKOX. i. M. F. ulittW. : il in town or countiy, Mglll. nee, til I: Olllce, 013. KiLH lluildiiig. Tulopltoru's: oitU-e i i DK II. Ostc-rjr..lii: SMOOT, Physician. Grinl utile v.i " llroHius ! ir in Hclio il ol Osteopathy, ..li', Mo, onini- u mid 7. Tel. 1083. It, OitEOUN. D A. F. ROWLEY, DHNT18T. ),li .-'In :he Smith llulldini,'. PiioueUtil. (J. ii. JENKINS, D.M.D. DI'jNTI.sr. Hpccialist on Crown a . , ork. Telephones: oili'v, lesluenee, W. OiMeeowr litmk liu. ilxnl Kiver, uio. E. H. HART WIG, LAW 1 Ell. Will i'ractico in All Courts, t'lliee w i rh (itt. 1). Cuhivi tM)u A o. JuCllOllH, AIJ.iLI'uCLft, hcttltMllL-Ut O I - Id ii A. iluOii iavi:u. Ott . lOHN l.K.LANI) HENDEtv. J.N AlTORNEY-AT LAW. ABSTRACTKB, rl 1ARY PI' BUG and REAL ESTATE AGENT. For 28 yra realdent of Oregon and Waah Irrton H had many yeara experience in ,i al Kaiate maiieri, a abatractor, searcher ol title and utul. satiifaclion guarantead 1 BO i!iare. A, JAYNE. LAWYER. A ; gtratta Furnished. Money Loaned. Hood IiiTer, Oregon. p C. BR0S1US, M. D. ' I II YPICIAN AND SURGEON. 'l lione Central, or 121. Offce Hours: 10 to 11 A. M. i I to I and 8 to 7 P. M. r .. HiN l..l!i;F.lt SHOP HAYS ES 4 GREY, i'aon. 1 he platv to gn an eaay ahare, an np-to-dat usir cut, aud io enjoy the luxury f a aoroalala tiaih tub. 'HE O. Z. ItAKBER SHOP I u'-dl 1". Prop- between J. K. Raod'a . d t. C. rln! t'. Strictly drat claae. Satla rac inn gtiarante d. rCBEKA MEAT MARKET, Mct.riRE BROS, Prep. Dealer In Frcih and Tured Heat, lard, foultry, Frult and Vegetable. NLkB liELlYtKY. PHONI Arrival and heuarliire of Mail. HOOD HIVEU. The poatofrlce In open dally between 8 ni. and 8 p. ni.; Sunday Irom 12 I o 1 o'clock. Molls for the Kant clone at 11.20 a. in., 8.20 p. m. and y p. m.; for the Went, at 2.40 p. ni and p. in. The carriers on K. K. 1). route No. I and t leave the poHtofftee at 8.30 a. m. Mall leaves For MU Hood, dally at 12 m.: arrive 10.20 a. m. For Underwood, Wash., at 12 m Tuesdiiy, Thumday and Saturdays; arrives same days at 11 a. in. For White Balmon, Wash., dally at 12 m.; arrive at 11 a. m. WHITE SALMON. For Hood River, dally at 9 a. ni.: arrive at p. m. For lluiinm. Trout Ijtke and Ouler, Wash., dally at 7.)a. in.; arrives 5 p. m. For (ilenwiHHl, Fulda and (Jilmer, Wash., daily at 7.30 a. in.; arrives at 5 p. in. For I'lne Flat and Hnowdeu, Wash., at 1 p. m. Tuesday and Saturdays; arrives same days at 12 m. For Hluiicn, dally at 4.45 p. m.; arrives at 8 4,; a. m. 0. It. & K. TIME TABLK. East bound No. 2, t'hlcaito Hpeclal, 11:48 a. m. No. 4, Hpokane Flyer, 8:40 p. in. No. 8, Mall and Express, 10:40 p. in. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:15 p. m. ro. a. run Freight, 1:00 a, m. West bound No. 1, Portland ftpeelal. 2:M p. m. No. 8, Portland Flyer, 6:3H a. in. No. 5, Mail and Express, 4:48 a. m. No. 2.1, Way Freight, :25 a. m. No. 56, Fast Freight. Ii06 p. ill. Oregon EiiorT Line amd Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Through Ptlllmnn standards and toorUI sleeping earn dally In Omaha. Chicago, Hk ksne; tourist Bleeping cars dally to Kansas Ity: through Pullinsn tourist sleeping car ipersonsally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East uany. TIME SCHEDULES Portltnd, Or. DiriiT AaaiTi Chicago Portland Special :16 a. m. Tla Buntlneton. slt lAke, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kama City, 81. lxinli,i:lilcagQnil East 846 a.m. Atlantis Xxpreu 1:15 p.m. via Huntington. Bait Lake, DenTer, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansaa City, St. lxuls,chluagoand East. KKla-nv Walla Walla, I,ewia ton, Spokane, Wal lace, Pullman, Mluneapnlia, St. Paul, Duluth, MU waukes, Chicago and Kaat. t. Panl Fait Mall :!(. i. m. via Irokan River Schedule. KtUl ASTOItlA and 8:00 'P. M.loMlO P. M way points, conneetlngi Dallv I Dallv with steamer Air II acoj exivpt except and North llesch steam-i Hunduv, Hunday er HasMilo, Ash street Hatunliiv. dock (water per.) 10:110 . M. FOR Dayton, Oregon City and Yamhill Itiv 7:t) A. M Dally except Sunday. 5:: P. M, Dully except Sunday. er points. Ash street dock (water per.) FOR LEW IS TON, 4:00 A. M. Idaho, and way points,. Mondav, from Ulparla, Wash. Wedn'd' y Friday. About 5 00 P. M. Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday. A. L. CRAIO. Ceneral Paaaanf r Agant, Portlaa. Or T.J. KINNA1RD. Areut. Hood River. YOU ILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOl'K JOURNEY If your tickets m il nverthe Denver and Kin Uruinl - Kailrnaii, the "Scenic Line of the World," BECAUSE There ore so many scenic attractions and points or in 'crest alone the line between 0; ' n and Penver that the trip nr r U'comes llrvsoiiie. If yon are going Enst, write for infor nulion and get a nietty hook that will ' II yon all about it. IV. C. McKKIDF, General Agent, 124 Third Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. "U. JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of diseased teeth and gums. Office Brnsitis Ruildinjr. Phone 1091. SMOKE THK Hood River Strawberry oc Citrar. Then try an "It. ami II.'' For "ale by all dealers. ( i n.VX ( HUH I AITORY, W, IllverSI. IIAMKI, H. H KMMKKU I'rop. M. E. WELCH, THE VETEUISAUV SURGEON'. Is preparerl to llo any work In Ilie veterin ary line. He can be found by callinn at or pboning to Clarke dniK alore. CHARACTER READING PROF. SIZER, Up over 'Spot Cash Corner Grocery Store. K 1. MmiTh, Vlce-l'icH. K. O III, A NI'H A B i.'iwhler. The First National Bank OF Hool) KIVEK, OHIOOON. Capital ami iSnri'liis, i:!0,()0(l. Kslablished June I, l-.ml. P. M. HALL-LEWIS Civil and Architectural Engineer and Surveyor. Office, Second Ht., n.ljoining Wauconia Hotel. Kesldence alter Apul 1st, Country club lun. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOSEPH A. WILSON HAS Developed Water Power for sale. Parties desiring pmver for manufacturing purposex will !o will to write to him. R. P. ORR, CONTRACTOR Hrick-work, l'liistciino- m nl (.Vmt'iit-wnrk. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREOON. S. H. COX Contractors and Builders Plahs and Estimates Fdkibhd. J F. STRANAHAN, Architect Of 25 yeare' experience. Will lor- nlsh plns and ipeoiHratioiiB lor an kinds of buildine. Btrictly up to date. Located at Hood Kiver. E. A. SOULE. Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Furnishfi. Upon Api-mcation. ril FREDFRICK A ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates lurniphsd onsll kimlsot work 1li,iniu- Arnold, Main SS. JIOIlt-N. rrnlprli-k M.in-xn F. W. PRIBNOW, Carpenter & Builder KstiniHten eheernilly lurnished, 1'Ihiik and Specification! furnished. All work promptly and carefully attended to. Hood River, Ore. BELIETJ & SANDERS, Contractors and Builders Sli- I'l.A N8 A Nil KHIIMVI'KM Kf KMSII K.ll " SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. lliM-iiralivf I'liliilini: iiii.I I'lipi r Ihiniriiik' I'Iiiiih fiirninlieil. KKtimuti'H riiie- I'llllv Ullllll'. HOOD HIV Kit, OliKliOX. FRAZIER & SON, PLASTERERS Flue uuil Fireplace Work a specially. HOOD RIVF.H, OliFCON. 11 TT.I . m English Walnut Tre es ; (T Ml rI-NU Kiut I", Hf.-l mill MII'll H- I rletlett. Alnindtml n'iirerK Ht ejirly nije. They j thrive in Oregon. We eiin tell you hII ithmiL ; tbein. V) lie lor eHhtlutiiie mid liitonnutiori. ! BROOKS & SONS, ; Walnut Ki'fxrrymvn. Ciirlton, Ort . JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble WorRsi m iii-i.Tiiii'i.il i,x i.v,.-iit,i : I'" I " " ' all erdnix for granite nnd marble work, n.onui.H.nls, tomlistniics, etc. Also con tr; i ft for nl! kinds of stone masonry, con crete, etc. Bargains in Real Estate. 1. ,'!-rooin bou-e, lot lilthluO, sitoHschool lions,'; S'lihtlv loc.tiou cheap. iet our price. i!. 4 room Ii. use, two lots 3n.xl:i u p po le rv id t'e-l tr in I'r .e, each, city water; three blocks slieool house; pleas ml I c.ti fSl). 3. 10 acn s nood nppl" ami st't.w bet ry land, (our ai res cleated, IL'.") Iri.it irees, one acre str.iw In n ie, l-ui' m boiie, well, a'alile, wood sin .1 no, I p-.ek-inn house and cinekeu hn.se Price tdJiiO 4. 5-rooiii bouse, brow of bill, ov.r iiHikinn Columbia, one block from liijjh scli.sil liuililliin, noo.i we l ami Ity j watrr; large wood hous. ; j.,. . chicken i house; lot .VlxbK); .r it .lesiic.l, lot; HHixUlO, i S. tl-room bouse, line lo. aiion, over-1 lis, king the C olumbia. i'Hio (i. hour fine lots for 1 T-" ( $l V)eueh, Is low brow of hill ing the Columbia. icli, 4 for ) o( (-rlook-1 i flood River i Real Estate & Exchange Co. Hood River, Ore. $50 Eeward. I will give leward of 5f.l for the arrest nnd convieti.in of party or parties wlin mxlicloii. ly attempt.',! to dmtmv my .Iwelliinj in are, and atole my goisks. F. (.. stnart, ll.sid liiv er, or. - utj FJ8.BTARI.KY, l'res. i (Tin.hpr Lund A-t .luni'M, s.s i NOTK'K FOK l'lT-MCATUiN tniti"d fitatee Land Ortiiv. Tin' Wv. (n-vn. February t, lt5."NoUPe . ; ht-reby kiv.-o that u, (-nipiiance with the p.tivp pin f ihein-i ft' trrews of Junett, 1S7K. en! 'i "An iu-l fur ;Ih sale of timber lands in tli Suites if ralifnrma. OivirTon, Nevada and Wn;-limKtim Ternbtry," extemitHt to all the I'ubhc i-nt Suit's hy ut-l ut AuRut 4. lMti, joski'II wi:st, of Ibx-atl Kivir. county of V :-(, State ( Ortytm, has this day tiled in this ri;u'" ins wurn stu'vtin'tu No li-l7F. for the j;urchne -tf i ne N W , ami F,l&S W4 of Seetion N-. T. in Towuslup No I North. Knnire No. luM. W. M . and will mlVr pnof to show that the Uo l MiiiK-ht is mure val uable for itH timber or than fr avrritult ural purposes, and to ehl -.ii.-ii Ins claim in said land U-fore the Ketcister & d Ktveu'emf thi.sothee at The Dalies. Oregon, o. the liuh iav of .May, tie nameR as Witneneri: J)a id slate, of llunil River, Oretfonr, J. M. i.f lUi Uiver, Onvn, C. A. Hell, of Kiver. Ortvon. Any and all perwona elaintitiK adveively the above-dencribed lunds arc iijuetit.il to tile their claims in Uiis otliee on or before said lifth day of May, tVKift. mSAnll MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Register. NOTICK KOu'n'ltLICATIOX. PepHrtment oflhelnterb : I'liiled Htatet Land uilb e,Tlif Dulles, Oreirmi, April IS, I1KV -Notice in lu ivhy irien Hint the lot Uwiiij-it anted 'U ler hut rib d not ire ol hi Intention to iiiukp final prnut m Mihpottoi Iiik clHiin, and that sun! pro t will be mmh before the KeulcterMnd lteeei ei al The ha He, Oregon, tm Mav 2t, I'.HCi, vi.; JOHN Ali.MSI KHN(i. of Moater. (rreyt)n, H. K. No. t,v:i foi the Ni;4 S;'4, NK4 SW4 Hlld H VI4 i,f S.rlloii.Ki. Tou iiNbip 2 North, Kntt.c II l.ust. V. M . He naine-4 tlio fid lowing wit neve to prove his conttiitmiiN retdi nee up m uml rul ttvation ol satd hind, vi.: ..Mm Kvanv. i'.iiI J. f'redei'leI!ion,ThoniiiM I li'im ji!:,-ru, ( 'luu 'u Bennett, nil of Mot-ier, f tiim, MK'HAKI, t Nul.AI., UeL.b r. n 2t nils ADMIMSTKATuli s SAI.K. Notice is hereby jrivnn ti. l under ami in I'tin-u-an of an order of the Cou.it 'mirt uf the State of Oretron for the Counly uf Vas-u, inaJeori .he 6th day of July, IftM. tho underMKiied. wUu-. .: tratorof the estate vf Johr. Murphy, decea I. on Friday the 12th day T , Ijh;'i. at I he h ;r of one o'clock p.m., at tho t'.miity cmiit hn . e dour in Dalles City, in Wa-en ( 'unity. Onven. 11 sell at public auction the A)iiiuinK (icenhed il estate belonHint? to the evaie of t-aid di'i : ea i, to-wit: The south half ot' 'hi- nwihea.t 1,1:1 : 1 and tho north half of t -.- mum heart ia: r of section eleven, in low ,-in. une mi to, ta ,e ten east, W. M. I The terms of said sale ' ii I selhnR price, cash in hand a . i" I., r ut .1 Ilf III,' .1 .it) per cent m one year tnen in two years thereafter, cent per annum on said dei r Said sale will hi made mi. by the Court. Dated al IKtod River, ) March, liHtO. (;... atimll .1 p,i nn'iih;. j.'i'l hi i-cnlinnii' "11. tlii.s Till liny , I. l'KATIIKK. A.ltniiilst rjtl.ir-. Niri'K'K R)R l'l I'lJCATION I)il.!irtmt'i,t uf the Intrl ,.m . I,;un! Olli.-i' at 'I'! Oallw. Onvun. March 13, . Nntu e i.s ht'ivlty K'ivun ll.:il settli-r Ims tiliil notice ol' I;. filial proof in Huport of hi-' Will lio ma.il' iH'I'.rc (iw. '1' missioiK'r. al inn ullice it. li May Uril. l'.i.ri. vi?.: hr f.Hnwiills'-luilmil II! 11 nil. ,11 In in;, I ii.!). :uM unil pr.K.f l.-llhr ...I l.i I). C - r. Oil' . mi IK1VVKI.I, M. MI'"! of Hooii Kivor. (';(!R.m, on I W'j N V'., Si.'i- '.ill ami W Tp. 2 North. Kaiwe II E.. " He t'ltiiK'H the followiti''; . contir.uous ii-widi ni-t1 uiw", AI.I H.. ;4M, for Hi, Sl'Ct Kill 1 l' M. ,:tiviun j lanii.viz: ,. - to;, t 'anir ,. I.. H l'ir,?(.p nr-' i((.4 i Ore-iron. .M.I,. .Ol I r,iLMaJ7 MH'IIAl;l,T. Ndl.AN . lu risu r. NOTICK KOI! ITr.U! A HON. Depart iiH-nl of the in', rior, I,aa 1 Oil. i' flalU's, (lii-iro.i. Marrh II. I'hi:,. Nolk-t'is lu ri'hy iriven ihal Ha' following st'ltU-r has lik-il nolit'i' his innnlii n t. a I Tin nana'. Mini tinal proof in Nuppoi ( of Iiih claim, arai llial saul pl'uif will Ik- inuile lief.. . llco. T I'ra li.'r. II. S. OoniniiHsioiii'r, at hia ..Hu e in Uo.-il Hiu-r, - , oil May Sri. liHa. via: JAMl: : H l(Kl:s. of Mt. llooii. Orciton, ot, II. E. K1..I. fr il. . W1 , of Soction 17. I'p I N.ailh. Uamio In K., VV. M. Hi' naim'rt llic f.Jlowna' witla'as.-s toproxo Im. continuous nwakurv upon ami mllivation ,.f sai.l lanii.viz: lii nry.l. IJroll, .lohn II. ('.roll'. William I., lluckalii'y and KiihscI llobin, ull of Mi. II..., I, Ort'Kon. mZMrt MICHKM. T. NOLAN. IK-kisKt. NOTK'i: loii ITlil.R'ATInN. Iii'l'iirlhii iit i .f tin. lui. i liir; I., ml ollh'i', Tin' Ilulloa, (iK'non pril la, Pill , Notice i-lu-ii'liv Iflven til I Hie lolli'H illL'-llallll'li settler lilt's 11 led tiollee ..I l,l intention io make tl mil pliiol in -iipportol hi., ela.ni, mill thai saul I'liiof will he in:, lie l .imv (ieoru'i' T. I'rallier, lliit.il .--t a ti s I '. ni i li i i.si . iiicr, a I Hon. I Uiver, I iri'tfon, on ,1 nne :i pm , IIKNItY .1. UKol'r, "f Mon:i! II I. Illeeoti. llnnieKteail I nliv No. s;l:l. lor Hi.. NV , Kietlnii 17, T..wnslii,.' 1 South. in.'.- in KiikI, Wlllnnieile M, -i nn in Hen. lhe lolloKins; wilnesses lo pnne Ills conliiieouv re.-lilepce up,, i, anil cultiva tion of suhi laml, iz : .lioncK It. Hees, ltll--eli(lohln, .Mary. .11 S-henrer, nlnl W illiam 1,. lluekaliay, all ol M.iiint llouil, i ire". in MICIIAI'.l, T. N.il. S. "JI ll.ut'ter Music. l Pianos, Omans, "Cocilian" I'iano 1'lav. is. all j Kinds of small inst rumen!, s, Sheet niu.ne, sOii.na ' i'. cm anu eneapes. iioiih.. in the state. I . L-;m!)u.l-,( i-i.m.ANu mi:. o,,e Treasurer's Notice. All V; leounty wiirrt.nls reyisiereil pil.ir I'm... will he 1 . 1 1 1 1 nn i,i,. i to March l. Hi my olllce. Interest eeasi's aller Manilla I"1'- Al. .. IIUNNKI I,. iH l oi t ti t y Trea sit I'er W. E. PENNELL, CARPENTER. 11 '''' Dour Xr,,,is, Wi,ln lint I),,,,, ;;.... ''', r,,,M, ,' ; i-;,a,it,; ii,'. ': r''' iftZt'i&Z"' !' GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have f,,r Io. anil liuiip'i- ela laml to SCi'tl(. ehuice l.tiM'iN :inds und W.i. F. RAM). Hood Kiver, Ore. Res. I I, ta For Irrigation of City Lots Notice: , .i,.,t is ipsii f.. lOilM be ',,'li at t lll W .'er Co w -prinkhp . We . .thee ol W :lter sprink- 'hod In- j lillir becail'-e It is I be onlv 110 w Inch we agr. e I., Ini nidi grttion Itev.ar.' o' the i: wrei.cii li t!.i- ' is in .( al. r foi' irri an with Hi. ri.e l.ed, llke- wise the proper time to spl illkle ii IIO further n :ven. -id. "o i f i. ut the ets hum. 1 below hours of o and 1 1 ttli fide I'. tWI'l ll o.bia, Kiver, Oak Sherman and llit- Consumers w h-.s" t, I south shies i.f I !i. :-' ;. I W ill nr l'kle be! .'1 11 ; a. in ; tli'.M' . a i t.e n nn't '.I p i:i ; ( , and State sii'eet-, ai d Xi'l nv.-pii, s. j In case of a'ann of li'e all Fpriukliug should be stopped pi inptlv. I K. li. (iOFF, Mr. COMPARED ALL TO HOOD RIVER PROL'D TO BE "JUST AS GOOD" Ili'Vi'lnpini'iit l.ouirui- .Mt'cllnif Was rand Siutcss l.nrirt'st llili'ira ifuliiin Caint from Here. Ilooil River had the linvest del.va tion at the meetliiK of the Oregon l)e velnpiiHMit leiiKtie lust week, Portland not HtTepted. The visitors from thin ity went on a special car, and landed i here T.'i stroiiK. They fairly took tho lown hy storm, and were the chief .'eaturos of the convention. Kvorest's hraaa hantl of l'J nieces met -no jioo.i uiver contingent at the tTnion Depot. S. K lllythe, as mar Iml of the day, fornietl the deleKiites into a coliinm, and a two ahreast the parade extended a distance of nearly two lilocks. I oiiiniissioner Ililihard. dx feet four, lend the procession with t I 'tin n er announcing that the Hood Kiver l'ie. t i :cial club had come to town. illi tl e hand dispensing mar tini music, tie iiriido went up Sixth ti-eet In l!ie 1'erkiiiH hotel, where ilie di'liyi.tis secured rooms, mid formed into line i Knin for the inarch town Wn.-liiiinton to Third: up Third to .Mori im ii, then vent on Morrison to l he Mai . i n tinnd theater. Crowds unti'i ie.1 in the sij.nvalks to see tl'e Ih i d Kit! r deieiites with tlieii- i!ll!iulie l.n.tm's and canvas helmets. Km h i; i.n carried an apple tree stalk and in;, ::y wore apple lilos- "oin dei nintii i s on their hats, Hie Hood l.iu i i !i R'uhI ion reached '. I e com. i.tinn hn:i lomptly at the " : oinli d Ikipi, uijd was the ilrst ! re. Sr: 'e.l in ti e penpiet, the ap I :o kinjrs liiiid I'.'Hiiy the (.ntire i : Idle s. ct ii n. ' Vilnius' "I in it it k, "decorated with t. les and fruit lilussoms, wbh a iven I i oininenf iiisiti.n on (hostage with i - diitiiitaries and oilieers of tho con t . ..( ion. Other di le(;nt ions were soon at hand, a huyo aKrei;iii ion from Inde pendence Mini .Monmouth inarchinu into the hull with a hrass hand, t he menihers from l'olk wore strea.n 'is of royal blue rilihon, inscrilied in letters of Kilt, "l'olk, the ISluo Kilihon County." This county ha? for t luce con-ecutive years won the blue rilihoii for a coiinry display at the slate fair at Salem. 1'ieinlent K. I,. Smith culled the ireetine; In order, and introduced (iovernor (leotLie K. Chamberlain. who welcomed the delegates in the spirit i f nuitud OrFKon. The governor could not refrain from extending Hood River a compliment mi her lii led apples. Mr. Smith responded to the address of welcome. His speech teemed with ncms of oratory and was '.varmlv complimented. C. V. (ialloWHy, superintendent of the slide exhibits of horticulture) and agriculture, graven business-like talk on tho selection of exhibits for the Lev. is and Clink exposition. The people of On vol. are helping to pay for the exposition anil should reap tho results, as the theme of Mr. (iallinvay's remarks. Mr. Calloway appealed to the vari ous counties, in orejunizin their ex hibits, to expend their main slrene;t,h on the best possible show of chief products of the county; this not only as t he path of wisdom, but of honesty. Nut displays of phenominal K'l'ov th or beauty, but of averano ex cellence, should lie the rule. Mr. Vuwter presented a well w l itten address sett inn forth the possibilities uuil resources of the Koue Kiver country, at. the close of which a llasli liodtt photouraph of the convention was taken, ami I lie deleales tiled out of tho 1 1. enter. .Meet inns in the after noon were held in sections the Wil Inn ette valley league, the Kood loads adherents and the fruit men talking together for mutual Lonellts. In the evenine; tho visitois wereten ih led a reci'pt ion at the alters of t he ('emmerciiil club. Thursihiy niorn inn, the ci.nyentioii convened anain. There were several addresses, reports of progress from the dill'erent com mercial clubs of the state, and ad journment without tho election of otlioers, a shrewd move on the part of Fditor llonnett of the Irriiron Irri- HKtor for tho re-election (if the ores- i lent olticials of the leaKiio. ! i That arternoon the dehWites were : taken to the Lew is and Chirk 1)V . i . : ti,. o-r,wls ll,.r.. ( l. .i..,. .,,1 1 1, 1 'build inns, drifted back to the city mid the nrenler nnjorilv loliiruod i home on tlie early even inn train, wi n.-tislled that the Development Iciiiiuo ipeetieg was a complete success. It. ke t the returning delegates busy all the next day telling their friends nl . ut, the meeting, and how every body there talked about Hood liiver. lielegiitcs From Ilooil Itlvcr. The tli-l i-ij :tti-- from Hood Kiver to the I lew lopinciit Fcnioie convention were: A. I .M.i-oii, A (. I-1 tni, O. II. (iiay, II C. Smith, M. M b'u-sell F. Toinp. kin-, ti ('. I'.rock, F. N. Ill.the. .1. U. Niekelson, .1. F. Itatchehler, (ie i-e T. I'ra'liet, A. S. Illowel'S, F. C. deildls, F. H. II nrieh, F. ('. Miller. C. I. Kotf- er-, I'. II. I well, .1 F. ( ailer, II. F. Ha'. i l-"ii, wed Shelly .1 , I i l i 'in III liaii. F. Ol 11. F. Iti'lieii iiinl w iie, Hos tile! wile, S. F. Young, A. A Wiiians, ,1, F. Slrana- iiidler, ( i. .1. ( ie-sling and e, A. A. .layiie, A. T. HeWitt, II. F. is -, M M. Hill. C. F. .ill.t it and ",i H . o.l w ort h, .billies 1, 'icy, S. birlioiss, r, K. Cu-tner, F. N. Sew n, ( i. urge J. SIociiiii, .1. It. .lacksoil, O :. n, I . ( T. I an. I w ii F. Fara .:t:i, I. II. i:.e! s. n iie-i F. F. v i; i. arlv ami w ife, ( I. F. Williams , li." I.. Smith, T. I'.titler, Hr. W. in, M. A . .h ues, .1 . A. Slrana F. 1'hnk, II F llaviilson, W. s, II .1. Hi'. bard, (i. V. Tom mi. . .1 . Wilson, S. F. lllythe, t-e and wife, W. Koss Winans, se, F. ( I r.l.uiehar, Frank I a- p ri. I. . Hiower, S. F. Fonts, W. ullliore, S .1. FaFlaliee, ,I.T. l!lg l. i: an Smith, C. F. Mark ham and ('(invention Notes. ii, u eie cut., r n-1 nisi two wortls heard at tl.at n 'marked one of tin; i ' w - pa j ' r reporters, "and they were 'II .. ,1 li ver ' " Fvervl.o.lv ha, I a Ism.piet or br'ckbat f r 11,,'d Kiver. i .1 M. I'.iferso'i was telling how phot- j .i. ltke Tin- H.dles had risen from the a-hes of iiianv tires, ended up with the remark: ''Why, The Pa'les is the county cent of Hood Kiver." It was two minutes ls fore order could he restored and the speaker peimitted to substitute "Wasco county." Year's l'rofrress ut II. mil Kiver. A. A. .lavne.rep.etiin; la-t vear's prog ress, said i he eit v ha.l i!i..wn from .Mil) III 11KH1 to Jink l in llKI.".. Most of the new people had cune iuiiii the Fast. There is still koi id Ian. 1 that ean he bought at from ,'tfl to fill an a. re. A new railroad is Mne; built up Hood Kiver, mid a lL'V harrel tlourini! null, operated by water power, is to he cnlarp d. A J set wool en mill is under cotisiileialion, the citi zens haviiie; raised M.tHiil hist w eek to secure this factory. Fditor I'ennett of the Irrigator re ported fur lrrieoti. Ilesnid "A ycrtr ai;o Irrin'in ha t n windjam mer named I lolbronk.ii Chinese ivk liy Hie ntiiiie of Won l.nnir ami a yellow do(. After the Irrigator came out, Holhrook was nn liiinier needed; an O. R. A train did away with the ih'k', hut tne CTiinaniiiii is a ' irmul cook and is still with us. Today we have .WO peo ple, schools, churches, a fruitgrowers' union and other thinsB, ainl we are do- me splendidly. The town of lnk'nn w ill, w ithiu LM months. be as lai't;o as Hood Kiver." 1'ress Comments en Ilooil Kiver. Fuuene Keister. Hood Kiver coiiiilrv is nothini; it not enlerprisiiiK. It sent 7f delegates to the hitf Ifhizuo convention. They all wore appropriate badges, curried a liiir hunncrainl a "bin Hick" made Irom one ol their celebrated apple trees. Their delecjiil ion infused enthusiasm in to the convention. With all these fads before us it is not necessary to ask why Hood liiver rountrv is coinim- to the front so rapidly these days. I'ortland Orcuoninn. Felting Our l.ilit Shine. After all, now perhaps this exceediiiL'I.V Hood rep utation the Hood Kiver country has se cliivd is dneas lllllell to the people of that locality as to the advanlai;es of cli mate ami soil. Those Hood Kiver peo ple are t;reat advertisers. Though they limy not let their left hands know what their rijrlit hands tin, they are sure to let all the rest of the world know. And thev do thiinis as they oue;hl to he done. i nev Keep iiicir orelianls clean, cull out the poor 1 1 nil and keep it. at. home, pack their fruit in tirMdass style, and then put a bin brand on the box proclaiming to the world that this fruit was crown in the Hood Kiver vallev. All this is right and proper, and il, pleases all Ore lion tii l ave Hood Kiver receive the credit it iloe for the surpassing quality of its products Hut, now, is it not quite nossihle t tint there are other sections of Oretron wilh sctircelv any outside reputation that could do us well? Is it not possible that nine other sections would produce just as kk id apples If the trees ami fruit were properly cared for? If I he people of every other locality would take the pride in their cominiiliity reputation that the Hood River people do, wouldn't all Ore iron have as (jond a name for fruit as Hood Kiver has? The experiment mie;ht lie worth trying. Let every coiiininnitv adopt a distinctive n e (or its fruits, allol'tliein emliiiL' with "Orciroii," and let each community strive for suprema cy. Then it w ill not he long before the brand, "Oie.'ou" will lie synonymous with "best" in all kinds o'f fruit pro duels. Let us not lie hasty in coneiiiil illi! that Hood Kiver's reputation is due entirely to supei im ily of climate and soil. The intelligence, enterprise and tireless energy of the people count for something. Talk County at the Convention Independence i'.nterprise. J 'A country is known by its products; j its people by what they do. l'olk conn I ty not a move on herself in atlendiiie; I the state lleve'opeiiieiit l.eiitlle. The' I fragrance of the hop vine and aroma from the w heat Melds of l'olk were made 1 to blend with perfume from Hood Kiver I apple blossoms. The Independence j Mammoiilh and Hood Kiver showing I curried of the palm at the State meet lint.'. In hid. without l'olk lllld Ilooil Kiver it . m til hardly have been sat. I there was a I levelopcnicnt l.onnue meet iiin. Fast year Hood liiver with her celebrated apples came near liein the w hole how. This year she was forced to share honors with old l'olk, the Itlue Kilihon county. On the Ilrst dav of the convent ion I here w as a disposition to concede evert tiling to Hood Kiver ami ih 1 rates and I'ei.ortets had to he T ' " u.'"n " ' "" I .. . 1 I ..i : , e'l.ti'istiin .. o, a special car uecoruieu '".''"'''n'n; fr-m Polk and mvintt h..i.,. evnleiiec o I be j.iodticl iv liy ol the soil '""i sauiiles of wheat, rye, hops, etc roiK congratiMales ilooil uiver on lier ! exhibition of enterprise nml resources, namely apples. Tlie apples sleiwn were ; line: the apple-tree brunches looked j liea't y and clear of San .lose s.'B'e i Hlld codl ill mot Ii. Hood Kiver made a 1 good show im; of w hat she has and it is no relleelioii on that part of the country that it did not show a diversity of prod ucts etpml to l'olk. l'olk has twice tak en the premium over the other counties of tlie stale for the quality and diversity ; of products. Mohair, hops, tine sheep, angora goat s. pure hied hogs, cattle, : horse-, lumber, Hour, dairy products, i prunes, pear-.. pearlies, FnglMi walnuts, ; poultry, ura in and grasses are some of the products of t his county and the pos "ih'lities of the soil have not yet been exhausted. For a typical Oregon comi ty, l'olk deservedly holds t he premium, and her resources were not evagerateil at I he meeting of the Stale I levelopment league. FLOUR MILL STOCK INCREASED $5,000 At i lie Stockholders mooting of the lb o.l Civ r MilbiiL- Co. Inst Wednesday il was voted to inereas the capital stock ".' io. tpsking the total capital stock i.J.'ill'll The increase is to he used in exieti'l pg t heir business. A 'r So no from the W illamette val l'V, who is a practical mill man, takes tlie '.. liit.'io.l stock and will be the fc.io.il iiiil'er Mr. Stone has a large fan.i'v and will move to Hood Kiver as soon us he can close up his affairs where he now is. Time Tried and Meril Proven. One M i ii ut. Cough Cure, ia right on ""e when it comes to curing coughs, croiil w hooping congh, etc. llisper- I,''t;' ban , icas.i;it to take and is ' hril. lien's favortle cough syrup, f4"1'1 ttl U' Williams' drug store. WATER ISSUE STILL IN AIR FARMERS FORM NO CONCLUSIONS Fast Shlers l iuleclileil Whellicr They Want Walcr r ot- lloniliiis Idea .Makes no 1'roirrrss, l'ifty Fast Side fanners met at Pine irove school house hist Friday ninht, m i .'l'icn . no report oi ine commiltco appointed to doviso plans for straight ening out. the water tangle, dis charged tho coinuiiltee, listened to testimonials concerning the merits and demerits of irrigation for or chards and field crops; elected a com mittee of three to shape matters for a bonding district; took a straw vote on the bonding proposition and ad journed without date, leaving tho matter in a more unsettled condition than the situation appeared before the meeting. A. 1. Mason was n ado chairman of the meeting in tlie al sence of Kos- well Shelley. Sain Can, pi ell read the minutes of the inciting two weeks previous, ami 11. F. Davidson ropoit ed for the coiiin . ittce (elected to tlnd a way out of the dilliculty. This committee consisted of II. l' David son, CeorgeT. I'rallier, D. II. Thorn, I). 1j. Dnvidsou and It. U Sproat. The cuinmitteo I'ecoinu, ended that the farmers buy wider this mmmer from the Fast Fork lnigi.ting Co., and in the menu time make arrange ments to form a bonding district for tho purchase of the pre cut ditch or the const ruction of another. It was further rei 'oinineniled that a commit too be elected to take up tho matter and pi oe. ed along businesslike linos to senile a co cpera1 ive ditch. It was the belief of the ci muiiltce that a co operative iirigating M'ttein could better eoncerve the interests of the fanners that a ditch operated by pri vate parties. A motion by Virgil Winchell that Hie report, be accepted ami the com mittee discharged carried, II. Davidson then moved that a perma nent committee of three, be elected to have surveys made to determine the boundaries of u proposed bonding district and to make all necessary ar rangements toward bringing the bond ing issue to a vole, as w ill bo dono Saturday by the farmers in tho llar rott district of the West Side. Chairman Mason called for remarks on tho question, ami Mr. Winclnll wanted to know if the demand for water was great enough to warrant, houdiug. for n ditch. "We do not all use water, and some of us would bo taxed for the beuellt of others," con tinued .Mr. Winchell. There was some il iseiision on the point whether a land owner could re main in or out of the proposed dis trict, as he saw lit, and D. L. David son of Willow Flat told of tho success of bonding systems at Woisor, Idaho, where tlie water is costing the. farmers, not to exceed iM.lfi an inch a year. Mason considered the bonding pro posit ion a good tiling, but wanted to know if the farmers are ready now to lake up the ownership of a ditch. "Do we want water on our orchards: " inquired Mr. Mason, former president of tho Hood Kiver Apple Growers' union. In his opinion the funnels do not. "There is a loss of humus when orchard lands aie Irrigated," contin ued tho ex-president. "Moisture can ho retained without irrigation, and the apples are of a better Ilavor with out tlie application of water. New towns grow ii at lioi.se liy ii rigating taste sour and are poor keepers. Thcio is danger that we may change, tho llavor of our tine truit by irrigation." "Wo must take individual cases in each instance," stated II. F. Davii son. "Lhave illl acres in I erries nf Willow Flat and must have 111) inches of wider. Mr. Lage hero has 1 1 Ji acres in cultivation, aud says l.o would not use over l.'i inches of v ntir on his farm if he hail it, I I eliovo water to be benetleiid to tries after they mo 'l years old. If applied two or three times in the lull it makes better apples. " l'eter Mohr believed water was good fur an orchard. Ho said he was tlie Hist man on the Fast Side to plant apple trees. C'hris I let hmaii took tho cue, nml has gone heavily into ap ples. "Hut I intend to raise other things besides apples. I keep cows, hogs, chickens, raise clover and want water," went on Mr. Mohr. .Milton (Moll declared he needed water and favored bonding. h. F. Clark has a young orchard, .lues not need water ami ia uppos. d to I he bonding idea. D. Fi. DiuidhOii laiLiod ditersilled farming. "We niu.-.t. have water tor hay if our orchards do not need it, and I am heartily in favor of tlo bonding scheme" said ho. "If the laud is properly cnli i .i.'.i d, water is not necessary, I lit Ru. iii' I heless is 'a benelll," sllid Ii. D. Itoyil, who favored bonding. Ho said '.vuier kept, his apples from droppii g last tail. D. H. Thorn believed moisture colli I bo retained without water. Mr. I'oi ter of Sears .V I'm t. r doesi t approve of irrigating orchards. I lieting it doi'S little good, lie is appo-ed to bonding. John Lawless wanted a little ,nl, r ami favored bonding. I!. I-. Sproat said ho expected to use water lu bis orchard later on, win .1 lie will seed it to clover. Ho watiti d to know something of tl. ...-t. .( bonding and what tl'e e' 1 ,'iillr is. "1 am told that Mr. Mono has tlo -itiiatiun in his nun hands at., I that it v. ill l.o impo.-s'.l e lor the mrinei . to construct another system. ' .Mr. S roat declared be is not a general tarn er, saying le ke I ml, one cow, and was trying to get a .lap to milk it. "1 have made it oney enough the lest thtee j. :.s In oi o.l Hen Davis apple trees to buy all the hay I need, mid tlnd them is u credit of ssi' 1 remaining to tho lien Davis." Mr. Thorn declared the situation wis in the hands o- the farmers. "After the bonding issue- carries,said he. "We would he eni oweii il to n 11 domii the pre, 1 nt ditch and seci.ie the same by laying what the apprais ers valued it, aud tin t at no iroio than what it would cost tn ecu . " nntliitie.l nn 1' iij.. .; j i I4