HOOD KIVER GLACIER, THUKriDAY, APRIL 27. 1905 $10,000 LAND SALES AT WHITE SALMON S. Waters, the Izaak Walton of White Salmon, who wai in the city Friday, brings the good news that the White Salmon Land Co., the recently organized real estate oompany In that town, has transacted land sales within the last three weeks aggregating $10, (XX). S. W. Condon, who disposed of bis ten acres and reaidenoe to V. A. Bradley of Spokane for fcWOO, has made one of the latest transfers. Mr. Bradley was attracted to White Sal mon hecauso of the fruit Industry; is duliguted with his purchase and intends to move there with bis fmily within a month or so. People from all parts of Washington and Oregon and the Kant are inquiring for White Salmon Fruit laud, and Mr. Waters expocts to see many new settlers in that part of Klickitat county within the coining six months. Mr. Waters has contended for years that the White Salmon valloy has some of the best fruit land in Wash ington, and has done considerable to attract immigration to his town and country. Mr. Waters believes that some day White Salmon will have rail road facilities, but even if these con veniencies do not come for several years, the farmer who is looking for a place where he can secure good land at a reasonable price should look np the White Salmon country. "When I was married I went on a farm in Wisoonsln that was 50 miles from a post office, and today that country is one of the best counties in the state of Wisconsin," says Mr. Waters. ORAPPER. Dr. Dumble bad a force of men last week setting out apple trees on his recently acquired property near tbe school bouse. Alton Cunning is moving his house hold goods to Kggermont. The fam ily will come In the near future. (. E. Williams was in this neighbor hood last week looking over his apple orchard, and making arrangements for its cultivation and additional im provements. A little sou of W. F. Gregory was seriously ill last week, but we are glad to note that It Is now fairly on the way to recovery. Miss Swlgert has made considerable Improvement ou bor farm this spring. Among other things she has had quite a number of apple trees set out. The doctor was called on Tuosday morning to see the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mis. P. 11. Martin who is on the sick list. The prevalence of the whooping cough in this neighborhood has re duced the attendance of the school to a considerable extent. (Jreatcst Man In California. San Francisco News Letter. it Is said Unit tbe man who does tlm most for humanity is the one who can make two blades of grass grow where but one grew before, liurbank Is doing moie than this, lie Is mak ing fruit aud flowers and plants grow which never grew before, and those wliloh he originates are better than those which were grown in former years. He bus put agriculture and horticulture in California on a new and better basis. The list of his ac complishments are too long to enu merate. And they are diverse. He has removed the pit from the plum and given as a result the plumoot, containing the best properties of each. Ho has produced a potato which means the salvation of agricul ture In Ireland. He has painted the blackberry white and the California poppy red. Through his experiments the spines have peen removed from the cactus, and a forage plant results which means untold thousands of dollars to tbe cattlemen of the South west. The list of his new varieties of plums and prunes reaches past half a hundred. The sugar prune, the best grown in bis state is his; tbe giant, the best canning plum was originated by the California wizard of horticul ture. From an Insignificant flower from Australia he has produced a large beautiful one which never fades, and which bids fair to revolutionize tbe milliner? business, for it has been purchased by a firm of Parisian milliners, who propose to use it in the trimming of women's hats. And the man Is only at the begin ning of bis work. For long years he struggled along wrapped up in what be was doing, but obliged at the same time to look out for the hread and butter end of the game. Since the grant to him by tbe Carnegie insti tute of $10,000 a year, this has changed and now he is at liberty to devote all bis time to his chosen work. It will not be long before he is acknowleged to we what some now proclaim biin the greatest man in California. Enjoys the Odell Xotes. C. A. Hamilton of the Mutual Life Insuranoe Co., of New Vork in a lotter to the Glacier says : "I lind In reading over the Ulacier many things that are interesting to mo, and I read the correspondence from Udell and other places just as enthusiasticallly as if I knew the locality and the people (which I do not only through your paper), but each week the reporter from Odull usually does well, whether some dear one has been laid to rost, or a happy event bas been celebrated." For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you digest vour food. It is not the quantity of food taken that gives streught and vigor to the system, but tbe amount digested and assimilated. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fall to give these Tub lets a trial. Thousands have been benefitted by their use. They only cost a quarter. Hold by William Pharmacy . Local Firm Secures Contract. Out of Seven bids submitted the city council of Wasco awarded to Mears & Gould, of this city, the contract of furnishing, laying and oompletiug 11,000 feet if 12, 10, 8, and 0-Inch wood-stave pipe for water works, for constructing a reservoir to bold 200, 000 gallons and furnishing and lay ing 5500 feet of 8-lnch sewer pipe. Tbe total contract amounts to 11, 410.80, and Is to be completed by June 20. Wandes, two pant suits for boys. Vogt Bros., the store of today. WATER For Irrigation of City Lota Notice should be given at tho oflice of the Light and Water Co. when water is used for sprinkling. We tav snrlnk ling because It is the only method by wiiic.il we agree w luriusu water tor irri gation. Beware of the man with the wrench. If this point is overlooked, like wise the proper time to sprinkle as no further notice will he given, Consumers whose residences front the south sides of the streets named below will sprinkle between hours of 5 and 11 a. ni. ; those on tbe north ride between 3 and I) p. in. j Columbia, River, Oak and Stat streets, and Slieriuun and Ha zel avenues. IncHHeof alarm of fire all sprinkling should be stopped promptly. K. K. GOKK, Mirr. Make Wasco Kxhiblt the Best. To Whom it may Concern: It is im- Dortant that aco county, aa a county make a creditable exhibit at the Iwitt and Clark exposition to lie held i it Portland the coming Milliliter. Thif. can 1 done if the people of the county act as a unit, that is each individual contribute what he has worthy of ex hibiting, whie'i taken an a whole will make a large and wont attractive ex hibit. Wasco county has more varied pro ducts than any other county in tbe state, therefore can make a more at tractive exhibit at the fair than any other. lis fruit, vegetables, grains, grasH'H, wools, woods, minerals, etc., are the very bestno other county can equal it. But to make a display of its products requires combined effort, the cooperation of every producer in the county. To interest you in the importance of making an exhibit at the fair and to se cure your co-operation is the purpose of (his letter. You are requested to pro cure something exceptionally tine this year, something worthy of being shown to the people of the world, and when it is produced turn it over to(;. 1.. Schmidt, who has been appointed by the c mnty court,, to take charge and arrange Wasco county's exhibit ill Portland. There will be no expense to you, the county court having provided for bearing tbe expense of making the exhibit. W hat is desired is exceptionally gooil samples of fruits, vegetables, grains, grasses, word, timber, etc. Kvery county in the state w ill have an exhibit at tbe fair. lt Wasco county be in the very first rank. It can pro duce things that will startle the world. Lei.d your assistance in making tins ex hibit. Show vour uride in our own county, by helping to display its best products. Adiiress all commumcatiouH tor infor mation to C. 1.. Schmidt, Ihe Dalles, Oregon, Superintendent Wasco county exhibit at Lewis and Clark fair. A. K. Lakh, County Judge. II. J. HlHHARI), Commissioner. C. II. Stouoiiton, Commissioner. (UMoline Engine fur Sale. The Davidson Fruit Co. have left In stock a new No. it Stickney three-horse power gasoline engine arranged for fast or slow so ed suitable for numnina water for irrigating purposes or other power. Yi 'v simple and easy to oper ate. For e :it a bargain. Ibis is not BHucond-ha el, cheap affair. Price. 1175. I ii .1 Hope Vanished. When i. ' i 1 1 u physicians said that W. M. S i Mont, of l'ekin, la., bad in curable consumption, bis lust hope va nished ; but lr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs anil Colds, kept blm ' in of bis giave. Ho savs: oateCOFFEE Always the same. Not up then down. Not good today bad tomorrow. Aroma- tifht tins. ffavet in bulk. J. A. Folger & Co. San franclieo "This great specific completely cured me, and saved my life. Since then I have used it for over 10 years, and con sider it a marvelous throat and lung cure." Strictly scientific cure for Coughs, Hore Throats or Colds; sure preventive of Pneumonia. Guaranteed, 50 cents and l.0o tiottles at C. N. Clarke's drug store. Trial bottle free. Have You Sprayed Yet? Get your material of Clarke and save money. Three fine lots on ti e hill at $125 acb. W.J. Baker A Co. .11- EDWIN A. HENKEKSOX, Manager. (Notary Public for Oregon-) Money to Loan on Farm Lands. Must be good security. Farm Lands 40 acres 4 miles out, $1200; easy terms first-class apple land: all tillable; but 5 acres uncleared. BiO acres six miles out: 1000 worth of timber; balance first-class apple land uncleared ; price fflWU; easy terms. 30 acres, 8-year-old orchard ; $500 per acre ; easy terms. UM) acres in Washington, between 10 and 20 acres fruit trees; balance hay and grain jmodern improvements ;terms. 100 acres four miles out, J'.ai-t hide; excellent goat farm; about 20 acres good tillable land; big perpetual spring; bar gain for right party. (Is acres three miles out; six acres cultivated, 2 acres strawlierries, 2 acres hav, 150 apple trees; cottage and out buildings; terms. ISO acres excellent apple land all cleared; in 4-year-old apples ; $250 per acre; will sell in ten acre tracts. acres strawberry land ; 4fj acres cultivated ; acres berries; two small cottages, outhouse, $1100; lKK) cash. 20 acres ti miles out; 8 acres cleared, three acres Hpit.enbci'tis and Newtowns, new cottage, barn and outbuildings; 1 '4 miles to school; rural delivery; irriga tion water; $1:15 per acre, $1500 cash, balance one year at 7 per cent. Hit) acres 10 miles from White Sal mon, 011 county road, all tillable, river and two springs, some good timber; $25 per acre, easy terms. Two 10-aero tracts three miles out; reasonable. 40 acres unimproved, Ii0 acres tillable, creek running through ; one share of ir rigation water; fruit land, boiiiu timber; a snap at $25 per acre, all cash ; in up per valley. City Property for Sale. One or two beautiful residences for sale. Three lots, 511x110, two-story !)-rnom house, basement, city water and well, outhouses; overlooks Columbia and White Salmon rivers; $2000; half cash, balance easy tonus. Two lots, have outhouses, fruit trees and strawberries; below the bill, s.ix blocks from post ollice, west end of city, $850, easy terms. 3 lots, 00x150, well, outhouses; on the hill ; a snap for $100 cash. Two lots, 3-room hou-w, plastered, outhouses; $550 cash; $(100 on time. 8-room house, hard-oil ami plaster, large barn, 3 lots on the hill, beautiful view , terms. ft-room bouse, -plastered, lot 50x130, fruit trees, out bouses, terms $1200 cash I'eautiful lots all over the city. Two sightly lots on bill, view of Mt. Hood and Adams, Hood and Columbia rivers ; $550, terms. For Rent. I'lirnisbcd and unfurnished house keeping rooms; also houses to rent. EDWIN A. HENDERSON, Mgr. CANDY RABBITS, HENS AND EGGS ALSO DYES, ETC. THE FAVORITE S. L. YOUNG, Phone, Main 551. Proprietor E. R. Bradley PRINTING HIGH GRADE PAMPHLET AND COMMERCIAL WORK PROMPTLY PERFORMED PIOUS ALWAYS RI0HT Wo are here to do your work today tomorrow and every other day, and our money (what little we have) is spent in Hood River. We want your work and can do it neatly and SATISFACTORILY HELLO! Why pay 200 to f M0 per acre for land tit Hood Iliver when C'C. Wetherell, of Car son, Wash., will sell you 80 acres three-quarters of a mile from White Salmon P. 0. for f 50 per acre? You Can Buy Good Goods ANY OLD PLACE lint to buy them at the right priee is not so easy. H. W. WAIT Makes low prices because he wants to. Others may sell at the same priee lie cause ttiey have to. 1 carry Lime, Sulphur, Salt, Cement, Blue Vitriol, (Harden, Flower and Grass Seeds, Poultry Sui;i'i"s and a full line of Peed ami Flour, Utah Land Plaster. tc- IT. W. WAIT. Minorca s & Orpingtons KIikI-cIii. u k Ksm SI ii mid H.W per W'lllllK. -li li. Lewis, I'.i'llnonl. 531 -TRY THE- "North Coast Limited" The Electric Lighted Observation Car Train between Portland and St. Paul. Pullman First Class Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, Day Coaches, Observation Car. The Acme of Travel Comfort is found on any of the 3 DAILY TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS 3 Send four cents for our Lewis and Clark Booklet, or six cents for "Wonderland 1905." Yellowstone 'Park Literatim1 can be had for the asking. The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. R. D. GOULD, MBING FLU Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. Mood River Development Company REAL ESTATE LOANS Al INSURANCE Owners of Riverview Park and Idlewilde Additions HOOD RIVER, OREGON. e rices, Containing Choice Building Lots for Resid BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL SITES, Including Manufacturing; Sites Fronting on the 0. R. &. N. Track, with Water Power. We are receiving a large number of inquiries from non-residents for Acreage Tracts. Parties having Fruit Land for sale, improved or unimproved, should list them with us. Hood i i Office Next to Waucoma Hotel. iver Development Comp any.