The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 27, 1905, Image 3

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H. F. Duvidrion export his ice
factory uow in courxn of construction
to be iiihIudk ice uliout the middle
of Way. Mitehitiory will he placed in
tlie building the first of next week,
and the work will be rushed to com
pletion us fust Hd potifible.
Lawt neck, Mr. l)uvilaon and his
busiueta associates filed articles of
incorporation in the county clerk's
otlice, of the Hood River Chemical
and Cold Storage Company with II.
V. Davidson, Chiirles DavidHon and
C. II. Custner incorporators. The
capitiil stock ill bo ?i"i,(KlO divided
into i'jO shares.
The Cold Storage Co. is expending
l."),tKH) ill the erection of a two-story
40x100 brick warehouse und ice fac
tory on the railroad right of way,
just north of the Davidson Fruit
Co's. box factory. Work is progress
ing rapidly, and it is expected that
the building will lie completed in a
few weeks.
The ice plant to be installed will
have a capacity of eight tons a day.
As one refrigerator car requires live
tons of ice, and the local ice plant
will be in operation but a few days
before the heavy shipping seusoii,
w hen 110 and :(," tons of ice are con
sumed daily, outside ice will have to
bo used a part of the time this sea
son. Hereafter the local company
expects to have plenty of ice on hand
to supply all the fruit cars sent out
from hero.
Visiter Writes About Heed Kiver.
II. V. Davidson who visited recent
ly with A. C. liuck of this city,
writes as follows to thoMinot (N. 1). )
Keporter :
We arrived at J food River and were
cordially received by Albert C.
liuck and family. Mr. Hi ck and I
were comrades in the army together,
and had not met since we were
mustered out in ('.". It was a happy
reunion for us lc:!i, i ud miido our
short stay in Hood Kiver very pleas
ant indeed.
Mr. and Mrs. liuck, Mrs. D.ividson
and 1 drove out 111 a carriage,
through Hood Kiver valley, towards
Mount Hood, ten or 15 miles. The
day was warm and sunny, almost per
feet. 'Die mountain was a great sur
prifo to me, its great height was
really awe inspiring. Measuring it as
wo could with our eye from its base
to its snow capped peak nearly 1'2,IK.K
i'ect high.
We could also see Mount Adams in
Washington, the other side of the
Columbia river, but although it is
really the higher of the two on ac
count of its sides being ragged and
cut up with canyons and water cours
es, it diil not look as high as Mount
Hood l!ier valley is famous for its
wonderful strawberries and not much
less for her apples. The strawberry
is known here aH Clark's seedling ori
ginating nearly years ago near
Portland, Oregon.
The land is mostly subdivided into
five, ten and 20-acro tracts and are
called ranchos. A man is a ranchman
if he cultivates ten acres of straw
berries just the same as though he
had '10 acres. These tracts are all
under irrigation and are valued at
from fcX) to 85tK per acre. There is
do much expense attending the
strawberry industry I am told, it is
not us profitable as growing apples.
Mr. Davidson, of the Davidson Fruit
Co. informed mo that Hood Kiver had
shipped out 90 carloads of strawber
ries and several hundred carloads
of apples. An apple orchard was
shown mo, the owner of which had
refused ijill'OO an acre for it, and I
am told it has yielded a net profit of
iJoiHI per acre each year for several
years past. They put a lot of work
on their bind, and have strawber
ries and apple growing down to a sci
ence. Apple trees are sprayed from
four to six tiir.os, during the year, to
protect them from the scale and other
insects. The ground is cultivted
level and shallow and is as clean as
a garden, not a weed to be seen. 1
would rather own an apple orchard
in Hood Kiver valley than a gold mine
in the mountains. I was shown
through the Davidson Fruit Com
pany's packing house and box factory
and while there purchased a box of
llyds King apples and Font them to
Mr. Ace lienton, Minot.
They are a large apple but not the
largest that grow here. There is no
place on the Pacific coast where the
coloring of the apple is as perfect as
in Hood Kiver valley. Hood river is
a montain stream three times greater
than that of Mouse river at Minot,
and it is a wild, turbulent stream
with a fall of about iV) to till foot per
mile ; soft clear water.
The town lias a population of 1WK)
inhabitants, kind hearted, and gen
erous peoplo. The Free Masons have
a splendid temple of their own and
the order is well represented, as
also is the Eastern Star. We had the
pleasure of visiting with thora and
will ever speak well of our hospitable
A I i 1 1 l!lu inali-in.
There are few discuses that inflict
more torture than rheumatism and
there is probably no disease for which
a varied and useless lot of remedies
have been suggested. To say that it
can tie cured is, therefore, a bold state
ment to make, but Chamberlain's I'ain
Ilalin, which enjoys an extensive sale,
lias met wilh great success in the
treatment cf this disease. One appli
cation of I'ain Halm will relieve the
pain and hundreds of -lufi'erers have
les'illed to permanent cures by its use.
Why sillier w hi n I'ain I'.alin affords
such ipiick relief and costs but a trifle?
p.rsali' liy Williams Pharmacy.
Captain Jerome Vicltinir Here.
Captain Jerome, an old-timer in
Hood Kiver, is visiting in the city.
In the summer of lsl, Captain Je
rome operated a little steamer be
tween Cascade Locks and The Dalles,
an opposition line to the then Oregon
Steamship Navigation Co. UeorgeT.
Prather was purser and deckhand on
the Luella, while Jerome operated the
wheel in the pilot house.
Captain Jerome tiled a homestead
entry ou what is known as the Harvey
Crapper place, and for a nuinlier of
years was in partnership with tieorge
T. Prather in the carpenter and con
tract ir.g business. The Chainplin
building on First street ws built by
these men, also the Lyman ymith
au l Paninuiter liarus, two large struc
tures still standing ou Lyman Smith
A Tried anil True Friend.
O e minute Coiigli Cure contains not
an atom of any baimful drug, mid it
li is I ii curing t'ouahs, ( olds, Croup
and Who piei: Cough so l.u.g Unit it
bus proven itself to I a tried and true
friend to the many who use it. Sold
by i. K. Williams.
Now that ' I important question is
n'liied the uexi thing is the ring line
ne.i line o! e: gajeno-nt ami wtddii g
riius Prices right. Ciarkc the jeweler.
Captain E. W. Spenoer has fired
the signal gun for the expected l'.Hi'i
rate war on the Columbia, says the
Telegram, with the annoneement
that, beginning on May 1, his steam
er, the Charles R. Spencer, would
make a round trip daily between
Portland and the Dalles, carrying
passengers for H each way. The
present fare is tl.bO.
Manager II. C. Campbell, of the
Regulator Line, when asked today if
he would follow the cut made by the
Dalles Transportation Company, said
he was not in a position to say,
being no longer interested in the
company, but merely a hired man.
He would not even sanction the state
ment that it was likely his employers
would meet the drop in passenger
Captain Spencer proposes to make
five landings between Portland and
the Wasco county terminus. These
will be Vancouver, Washougal, Stev
enson, Collins and Hood Kiver. He
believes his steamer can leave here
at 7 o'clock each morning and be
back again at 9 o'clock in the even
ing. Warning to Kickers.
St. Peter sits at the heavenly gates,
his hands on the strings of the lyre,
and sings long songs as he patiently
waits for the souls of those who ex
pire. He hears in the distance a song
that swells from the foot of the heav
enly throne, and smiles as the music is
wafted along and warbles a lay of his
own: "There is room in this region
for millions of souls who, by sorrow
and woe were bereft; 'tis for those
who have suffered the melody rolls,
but the kickers turn to the left.
There is room for the people who,
when they were young, persisted in
sowing wild oats, yet boomed up their
town with sinow and tongue, but the
kickers must go to the goats. There
is room for people who pointed with
pride to the beauty and growth of
their town, who kept singing their
praises aloud til they died, but the
kicker will please amble down. They'd
say their music was all nut of tune
and the angelic gown 'hand me down'
and send to the moon for a jeweler to
sample the gold in their crowns. So
while there is room for a million of
souls who, by sorrow and woe
were bereft, we want no complaints of
the music that rolls, so the kicker
must turn to the left. Fx.
Changes in Train Schedule.
A new train schedule is now in
effect, making a few slight changes
in the arrival of freight und passen
ger trains at this point. The morn
ing train from Portland has the same
schedule as formerly; the Spokane
train is two minutes later, and the
lute evening passenger three minutes
earlior. No. 24, the way freight from
the West is also five minutes earlier.
From the East No. 1 has been
changed to 2 :.r)(!, eight minutes ear
lier; No.H remains the same, as does
No. 5. The fast freight which was for
merly No. 21, has been numbered fi.",
and arrives at 1 :05 p. in.
The revised schedule is as follows:
K'ast bound
No. 2, Chleiii;i Hpeciul, a. in.
No. 4, Npokiine r Iyer, 8:40 n. in.
No. ti, Mull anil Kxprens, 10:40 p. m.
No. 2t, Way Freight, l'-!:!.") p. in.
No. 22. Kast Freight, 4:0.5 a. in.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Nieriiil. 8:5! p. m.
No. :t, I'orlland Flyer, ft::ia u. m.
No. 5, Mall unci Kxpress, 4:IH ii. m.
No. 28, Way Freight, H:2." a. in.
No. 5f, Fast Freight, l:Uo p. in.
Ditch Improvements at Mount Hood.
J. N. Knight, who was down from
Mount Hood Friday, reports the
farmers all busy there. The question
of irrigation water is agitating these
people as well as the fanners in other
parts of the valley. The Mount Hood
farmers own their own ditch, but they
have not sufficient work accomplished
to supply all the water the community
wonid make use of.
Some of the stock holders in the
ditch want those farmers who are
using the water to put up the money
for improvements,whilo there are oth
ers who believe it only just that an
assessment be levied upon all the stock
alike, whether the owner of the stock
is a water user or not. The improv
ements will increase the value of the
stock, which will result in benellts
to all.
Mr. Knight is sanguine the situation
will work out without any serious
difficulty and that all the farmers will
have all the water their farms need.
A Nisid Attack,
l-ast night the little daughter of Mrs.
iirnwn, as she was sweetly and peace
fully slept in her little bed near the
window w as at tucked by a deuthdeal
ing demon known as ('nam W hooping
Cough, and but for the timely use of
Kennedy s Laxatile Honey and lar,
which she alwuys keeps handy, the
life of the little one might not have
lieen saved. Kennedy's Laxative Tar
and Honey is different from all of the
old time cough syrups and is best for
children liecause it nets on the bowels,
it is harmless, safe and certain. Con
tains no opiates. Hold by (i. h. il-
Itnhl-HeauYiI Hear Weighs 500 Pounds
White Salmon Enterprise.
Peter Schmid came in from (iuler
Tuesday morning w ith a big load of
hides and furs which he shipped to
Portland. One of the hides was from
an immense black bear of the bald-
headed species which he killed several
months ago. The bear weighed no
less than five hundred pounds. Mr.
Schmid made the Enterprise office a
very pleasant call while in town.
lih uniulic Pains (ulrkly Relieved.
The ex crucial ing pains cliiiraiu"-
istic of rheiiinatUoi a id sciatica are
quickly relieved by apnlying Cham
berlain s lam lialni. ilie great pnltl
relieving power of the liniment has
been the surprise and delight of thous
ands of suflerers. The quick relief
from pain which it affords is alone
worth many times its cost. For sale
by Williams Pharmacy.
Says Notice was a Fraud,
(irants Pass, April 10, Editor
(ilacier. The notice that is published
in your paper saying tlMt my wife
has vacated my bed and board, is a
fraud. This has lu'en done by pur
ties unknowing to me and 1 forbid this
notice to be published any more.
Hears of Klaclvr in Detroit,
C. H. Williams pf S40 High street,
Detroit, Midi., sends a subscription
to the (ilacier and says: "Your paper
has a good reputation even as far as
this, and may be the means of bring
ing me and some friends to your
llavun u'ill ri nltJUaprl in liaea
the ladies of Hood Kiver and vicinity
call. Orders will be taken and prompt
ly filled by competent trimmers.
Frightful Suffering Relieved.
Suffering frightfully from the viru
lent poison of undigested food, C. (i.
Grayson, of Lulu. Miss , look Dr.
Kin'g's New Life Pills, "wilh the re
sult,'' be w rites, "that 1 was cured."
All stomach and bowel ilisoi.ters give
way to their tonic, laxative properties.
25 cents at C. N. Clarke's drug store,
Won a Name of Fame. j
! DeWitt's Utile Early Risers, the;
famous little pills, have been made;
: famous by their certain jet harmless;
i and gentle action upon the bowels und :
Sliver. They have no equal for bilious
ness, constipation, etc. They do not ;
, w eaken the stomach, gripe, or make you .
1 feel sick. Once used always preferred.
, They strengliteu. Sold by ti. E. Williams )
rnoxE ri.
We again invite you to try
Lewis &, ClarK
A Novelty that is
Useful as well as
Ornamental : : :
"Upper Crusfl
Flour- J
It is to your advantage to do so.
Another car just in.
Oregon Lumber
Feel tired, no appetite, cannot sleep,
worker cat'.' Thai's spring tiredness
and will disappear at once if you take
Hollister's lioeky Mountain Tea Ihi
month. ;!."i cents Tea or Tablets at C.
N. Caike's.
All diseases of Kidneys,
Bladder. Urinary Organs.
Also Kheuinatlsm, Baclt
ache, HeartDtseane Gravel
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
Cureforyou. Jf ni'i'i'w.-ury write llr. tenner,
lie lias spent a lire time ciirinK !ut such
case-, us yours. All eonsullatioiis Free.
"I havo been a sufferer from rhueniutisr.i
for over ten years anil have often l'en con
fined to my bed for several iliiya and suffered
intensely. Dr. rVnncr's Kidney and Hackaelu.'
Cure afforded relief at once. I now feel u.i
well as I ever have in my life.
ADA BLACK WKbb, Kansas Citv. Mo."
Druggists, 50c., W. Ask for Cook ltunk ni l:
For Sale by V. N. CLARK K, Hno.l Kiver.
W00D& SMITH IIKOS.. Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Five Delivery. Phone
We have the Largest Slock of
FROHN & HEATCN, Proprietors. I
(Succi'ssois to I '. S. True.)
Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries,
Flour and Feed.
('.ill and see the new linn on the Heights.
Five Deliverv. Phone 1"(.
Hardware for S
We are headquarters for GARDEN TOOLS. A complete assortment of
Rakes, Hoes, Spading Forks, Manure Forks, Potato Forks, Shovels
and Spades of all descript ions. We have Shovels from 450 to $1.35.
A full line of Poultry Netting at bottom prices.
Don't i'til to see our stock of field and yard fence. We can save yon money.
We haven stock of dependable Garden HOSO from 7:K0to 120 per foot. Our
past experience has taught us that t he poorer i'rades, from 1-c to (Ic, fire worthless,
made to sell, and not for service.
In Stoves and Ranees our stock is complete. We haven't all that's made, but a,
few of them. Don't think of buying a rane-e without first seeing our malleable
Monarch, the peer of them all. wilh unbreakable covers and centers. In fact,
there is no part of the Monarch that is b,eakable. Prices are no higher than some
of the so-called hiyjt erade common steel and cast-iron ranges. Other ranges with
common cast tops, six S-in. lids, lS-iu. oven, full nickel finish, with roll-top warm
in;' closet from ft.'if) to f .'.".
Our stock of Tinware, Graniteware und Cooking I'tenslls is complete. A
full line of Tents and Camp Stoves at bottom prices.
Lawn Mowers We have them and can stive you money.
Our stock of Builders Hardware is the largest in the city. Don't fail to
brinj,' in your specifications for building. We are prepared 1o ipiote lowest prices on
Doors, Windows, Mouldings, and in fact anything that 'oes into the house.
Now is the time to paint before the dusty season. We have a complete stock of
Patton'S Sun-proof Paint, which is one of the very few pure paints on the mar
ket. Ouaranteed for five years, fl .7o per gallon. Imperial Mixed Paint, as j-ood
as the average paint on the market. 1 .'! per gallon. Full stock of Lubricuting
Oils, Varnishes, White Lead, etc.
To be Found in the City
All Kinds and All Prices
We also have a
Which we .are ( 'losing' Out ill
Fire Sale Price
Come in and Let us Show Von
Hunt Wall Paper Co
Notary Prnur.
Abstracts, Conveyances, Insurance
and Financial Agent.
Tin1 Old ami lleliable and l'p-to-date Peal Instate Agent. '2t years a resident of the
City and Valley. 20 years in Real Instate and Insurance in town. If you want to buy
or sell Real Kstafe, come and see me.
The following list is only a small portion of hinds we have for stile:
I. .l-ronin Ikiiisi' anil hvit mm
HITI" I'f lllllll. M"t HLlll'ly lul'.l-
ti"ii intmi ii, .h iut JO fruit in ts
ami I'tln r fiuit. Kusy trnii".
Only .' 1 .100
2 bit Mix 13.1, K'oimI luciitinn
mil fine view 2.10
.'i. One ui'ii mie li:ilf lut on
Stnte -tn et, frneeil, M'iett iilk it 1 1 I
frtli' trees (M0
4. Six line Iut mi the. hill, very
tine view 1 100
5. A ioil l.nililiiiL' lot in I'ar-
n tt-Siiina Hililiiii'ii 200
II. ' Small Ii il-e mul I I - t in
lilom tv' atltl.timi VMI
7. l'nne ami M ami iroml Im' ii
in (!r. I Hiulitlv lmiition 12.10
8. A cii'iii linnine e nier mi
Oak xtreet, TlxliM Cel. Tln-e
good building on the j .i o j r ; . . . .1000
Alwi the exclusive HileoflotK
in llivi rview l'ark anil Hlewilile
1 'J1 ai-res "i1., miliH frmn town
on the Kant biitr; onil iipple latnl
iilionl H acres eleareil ini'l 4K fruit
tremm t A hoiie, one half mile
In. in wiliii.l, m R. I'. It. mute 1700
.lin ri H 2 miles from town on
West si.le. All in cultivation; 2
ii'Tes in straw tii'iries; u few frnil
'n es; n 4 iiinm Imu-e; Mimll hum;
i ini hnii li. Ivisy terms 1.100
ii 20 .vies of k'hI iipple lllllll,
nniiiiinoveil, 12 miles fi mil tew n .10
4. 4i)hi ivs ii milis finiii town,
:'.7 nere- in cliUiv.vion, 4 acres in
straw l ei rii , 4ii(l iip.!c trees of
the lu st viii il l ii s ami in line eon- I
iiiioti,ever,il acres in alfulfa ami
clover; all good land, one-half
mile from school it ml with one of
the liest views in the vullcy.
(food terms (1000
.1. HI ai res of unimproved land
ii miles from town, level. and eas
ily irrigated; will grow any kind
of crops; close to school and
irrinatiiin ditch 1 100
li. 20 acres of unimproved land
(i miles from town, level and eas
ily irrina'.eil; w ill grow any kind
of crops; close to school ami
church 1H00
7. Ml acres six miles fiom tow n
on West side; 4 acres ill bearing
on hard; creek rum through the
I 1 : 1 1 ; line fur fruit or grass; good
4-iooin house 8.100
H. Many Itrown place of .1 acres
4 lucres in strawberries; horse,
v iignii, harness, farm tools and a
i t It water right go witli the
place...., 100
Carries everything in the line, including
Krinkled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging:, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone ('.71. First, and Oak St reets.
It. II. WI'I'.KK, 1'iop.
Evergreens, Roses and Shrublqry.
Remember, Our Trees are Crown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
HOXjlvdZ-uT CO.
ukai.kks in
Fresh and Cured Meats, Groceries,
Flour and Feed.
Moon Hi v Kit Hi:i(iirrs. 1'ifioi: Dklivkkv.
For style and fit wear MERRICKS PANTS
Youths' find P.oys' Pants 250 to 2.25
Men' Pants 1.00 to 5.00
New Spring Styles Ladies' SKIRTS
Good Goods at Reasonable Prices
Gherries will soon be here !
Below you will a plrturn ruprespntlnu a box of I'Htmt Vcnllli'li"! P-.:'.- "!' -f
Cartoni elKht of which til luto the n-nulur t.-n pouml Pimlurn Woodi-n Cn. rry it :: . unfl
or the carton can bewnt In every HhliniiuntortlieoHliimry pin k, our in. ihnil mod
conTenlent way to paeli clierrleH, hmlili!" surely KiinrKiilreini! Iluil th-i ln:i will ; -.uto It
destination In perfect condition, Uay nothing of Ihe heller pi ieo to l.c i.i inlni i.
s-i feti
Yours in
Our npaoe will not n How ns to m'vo (ietn!l i. But
wi ki pl a r.cirdnn nil nulea list vc:ir am: '.ouud
our cuMtomiTS obtained in almost evi rv c&sis
The Haernmento Dally Fruit World Telegraphic re;ordi can
prove ttiiN ata lenient.
Wewlllehenrfully answer any n.ustlon In rwrnrdto oor er
perlenre with thin piiokaire. It phenomenal sale has surprlnea U
and we want all to get the bcneUtoi Its use.
ManUadurarm of Cherry Carton
For Sale liy (i. I. YOom OKI 11, II 1 Kiver, Ong n.