HOOD RIVER GLACIER Jauei ever? Tburaday by AKTHUK O. MOB, PuMUhar. f trail o( tubivrlptlon 1.M t jtu wui In advance. r jl i i ii i THURSDAY, AI'KIL 20. 1905. Messrs Wright & Wilbur of Union presenti-il a proposition to the Hood River Commercial club last night for the location of a woolen mill here. Ow ing to tiie lute hour of the meeting, the Glacier can give no particulars We sincerely hope the people of Hood Itiver can meet the proposition and bring the mill here. We need factories Thous ft ruin of horne-powcr are going to waute before our very eyes. The nooner thin power is utilized for factories, the noon- er will our town become a city of ni.e and wealth. The dumping of garbage along the State road went of the city la dis graceful to say the least. Property owners along the road are justly In dignant over the matter, and If the party or parties can be caught, prose cution will follow. And while on this subject, It might tie well to state that it la high time the city authorities took up the dlxpoeal of city garbage. It will moan an additional expense, but health and oivlo decency will demand that some sort of crematory be provided for the burning of rub bitdi which ts now dumped where it becomes au eyesore and a menace to health. The Brooklyn Eagle draws attention to the fact that one-forty-flfth of the niemborhip of the United States sen ate is under indictment, and esti mates that probably the percentage of newspaper men under Indictment Is much smaller than that. This leads the liellingliam Reveille to suggost that Governor Peunypauker would doubtless contend thatn un just discrimination has been made In favor of the jourmdist. Editor Yost of the Amity Advance made a splendid contribution to Ore gon advertising literature when he got out his special Lewis and Clark edi tion last week. From the beautiful views. and oloar-cut illustrations, East eru readers of the Advance will con clude that Amity and the balance of Yamhill county la a good section of the Northwest lu which to locate. The population of New York city Is said to be 4,000,(100. It is estimated that In 1912 London will be displaced as the world's metropolis, New York taking her place as the most populace cuy in ine world. Cull for Nominating Primary. A primary for the nomination of three directors, one treasurer and one assessor to act for the proposed irrigation district will lie held at the llarrett school house Tuc-ilay evening, April 25th, at 7:.'M) o'clock. F. W. ANUUH, Chairman. HoatH for Underwood Ferry. Amos Underwood reports that Cap tain Hurry Olsen has secured t gasoline launch at Portland, which lie expected to bring through the locks yesterday for use as a ferry between this city and Underwood. Captain Olsen bus ulso a large lUh boat to be used with sail, which the Regulator brought up from Portland yesterday. Hats for the Delegates. A. I. Mason, member of the hat committee of the delegation to the Development League meeting from this city, annonces that the hats have boeu secured and may be had at the store of Frank A. Cram at any time. Mr. Cram has also kindly consented to open his store at 5 o'clock next Wednesday morning to accommodate those who make up their minds to go at the last minute. Mr. Mason is ulso anxious that all delegates supply themselves with apple blossoms and strawberry blossoms for decorating the hats In the parade. Forms Circulating Library. (leorge I. Slocnm, the bookman, hat on foot a proposition for the establish ment of u circulating library. He pro poses to place in stock 2M paper back novels of the 25 cent series, including all the popular and high-class fiction published in paper back. These books will be sold for 25 cento. Each purchas er returning a book will receive 10 cents credit for the same on a new hook. Tic second book secured, and all others, will lie good for 10 cents credit on its return. Mr. fslocom is now the exclusive book and stationery dealer in the city, having bought the remaining stock In this line from George F. Coe A Hon, which firm has retired from business. School Reports for March. Comity Superintendent NoIT ban supplied the Glacier with reports from the following valley schools : Barrett district, No. 40. D. Thompson, principal. Total days at tendance, itiiri1 a ; total days absence, 171; total cases tardiness ,0; per cent of attendance, U2-.M ; per cent of punctuality, 100; average per cent, l.7. Mount Hood district, No. t Nan Cooper, principal. Total days attend ance. 7:10; total days absence. K; total cases of tardiness, 0; per cent of iittendaaiiee, N'J.Nti; per cent of punct Mailt v, liti; average percent, Sl.!,'l. In accordance with the above the banner will go to the llarrett school. No report was received from Pine Grove. Death of (irandnia Clark. Mrs. ("lark, the mother of Newton Clark, died at the home of her son, in Portland, Monday morning, April 17, at the age of Ml years, funeral services were conducted at the Congregational hurch in this city, Wednesday after noon, bv Hev. W. A. Klkins of the Val ley Christian church. Interment was made in Idlewilde cemetery. Dcliah Snddoris Clark was born in Ohio, June 2S, lSlli. She was married to Thomas Lewis Clark about Ktti, in Illinois. They later removed to Wisconsin, then to Colorado, and to Oregon in 1877. settling in Hood River. Her husband died in lr Although at an advanced age, Mrs. Clark retained the unimpaired use of her mental facul ties to the time of her death. ; Accompanying the body from Porlr land, Wednesday, Were Mr. ami Mrs. Newton Clark, Mr and Mrs. W. L. Clark, Miss Jenet Clark and Mrs. Seymour. LARGE MAINS ON BUSINESS STREETS The Hood River Electrlo Light, Power and Water Co. Is expending $.j0U0 in 10, 8, and 6-inch wooden pipes through the business section of the city the bnisness section of the city. Messrs Chipping and Fewol are In charge of the work, and they expect to have the new system com pleted by the latter part of the month. A 10-iuch leads from the springs in the west end of the city to the iiro slus corner. From here an H inch main comes down Oak street as far as Crowell's corner. A 6-inch main con tinues on to First street, the locution of the Fashion stables. Six and 1-inch connections will lead south on Irving street to Sherman avenue; a 4-lncn norm to uolumiiia street, and a ti-inch north on Third street to the proprety of the Davidson fruit Uo. From the Fashion stable a 4-Inch will continue north to the de pot. A 6-lnch will run south on Sec ond to Stewarts' corner. From here a 4 inch main will Increase the sup ply In to the residences In Wyuiuj addition. A 2-lnch pipe will extend west on State from the corner of Park avenue to the city limits in Idlewilde ad dition, northwest of Paradise farm. The reservoir has been repaired with a concrete wall five feet below the sur face. When asked what effect the pur chase of the Tucker spring would huve ou the improvements of the Light and Water Co., II. F. Davidson, the manager of the company made reply: We will go right ahead with our Improvements, having too much con fidence in the pusiness judgment of the people of Hood Ulver to poiove they woudl vote for a 6 or 7-mile pipe line to cost ir,000 or 10,000 tbut would deliver to town about the same iiiui- tity of water the company s springs furnish, and then vote another 120,000 to bipe the city. Interest, depreciation, and operating expenses of such a system would require tne entire income from the present wa ter system, and a ten-mill special tux annually to support It. MARRIED. Xelson-Sinlth. A quiet and beautifully impressive marriage took plaoo Wednesday even ing, April 12. at 8 o'clock, when Anne Conger, youngest daughter of Hon. and Mrs. E. L. Smith was married to Rev. Oscar Jamison Nelson, the pastor of the First Unitarian church of this city. The marriage ceremony was per formed by the Rev. W. F Small, and Rev. W. O. Kliot.ir.. of Portland Laura Rand, niece of the brido, was ring bearer, and Miss Alice Clayton Murdeu of 'hie Dulles was bridesmaid and U. I. Slocotn, groomsman. The marriage was performed under a beautiful arch of rare blooms, with tiny electrlo lights, gleaming through it and the wedding boll. Tho pan nulled hull was rich in palms and tall ludlan paskets filled with cherry blooms and white carnations. The dining room was a bower of nink and white idossoms and tho tn bles were trimmed with American Beauty roses; while the bride's ta bio bad streamers of pink and white tulle ribbon. Tho bride was bountifully gowned in a white silk crepe with rose point trimmings , Her veil was caught up with 1 lilies of the valley and orange blooms. She carried a boquot of lilies or the valley which was caught ny Miss Clayton. The maid of honor and bridesmaid wore white silk gauze dresses and car ried pink carnations. Congratulatory telegrams were re ceived from friends at the table. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson will lie at home to their many friends after May 1. Fuhrlck-Rcbl. Saturday evening, April 15, HKi.'i, Glen Fabric, was united in marriage with Mrs. Margaret Reid at the resi dence of Rev. J. L. Hershner. The tirldo has been lor a nuiuiier or years a popular teacher in tho Park st reet school, and ulso prominent as a work or in church and lodge circles. The groom has also been a teacher in the public schools but at present is the proprietor of the Paradise laundry. Mr. and Mrs. ranrleK will reside on their property ou the hill near the residence of John Donahue. Andres-Tyler. Lloyd Andross and Miss Maud Ty ler were married Thursday ut'lomoon at ii O'clock at the residence of C. U. Tyler, liev. 11. C. Clark of the Bel mont M. K. church olllciating . Additional Locals. J. M. Culbertson, after three months in The Dalles hospital, returned Friday, much Improved in health nud glad to bo In Hood Klvcr again. The dance at the Opera house last Friday night, whllo not largely at tended, was a very pleasant all'air. The music for the evening was fur nished by Messrs. Gilbert, Brock and Lnfferty. The hop was a social and financial success. A gentleman representing Eastern capital is anxious to secure charcoal in Hood Kiver at roasonnhlo rates per ton. If he were assured of siitllciont quantities at satisfactory prices, he says be would take the charcoal in carload lots. He believes there would bo money in burning charcoal in pits, and If any quantity is made It might pay later to build kiln. With tho great quantities of t imber in the mountains the nuuiiilactue of charcoal should prove a valuable byproduct for farmers and set I bu s on the new lands. 11 (1 Camnbell. ueneral mamiccr of tho Regulator line, says the Bailey j Gatert will be operated this season . between Portland and Cascade Locks exclusively for passengers. She w ill go on the run early iu May, and will leave Portland at S:H0 o'clock in the morning. Other excursion boats may be placed on the upper river route n soon as tho fair opens, and it is be lieved that one of them will be the steamer Telephone. Walter Moore, linker of .More, was lu Hood Kiver last week looking alt er his property here. Kev. (. I Tufts of the unit i saloon league will speak at Mount Hood at II a. m. ; Odell :i:;t0 p. m. and nt the Valley Christian church at IS p. in.. April' 2d, 1!KV. Ir. J. K. Kdgington of Wasco was in Hood Kiver Tuesday on his return fnom Portland, where he accompanied W. II. Iliggs to a hospital for an operation. Mr. Kdgington was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Hartley and family, l'r. Fdging ton and family have rented the new Canning residence on the hill and w id he residents of Hood river. ! W. F. Cooper wrote last Satnrdav from Omaha, white on his way to Iowa, that trainmen in the dcisit there were One Price To All BUSTER Ml FOR BOYS ir MADE BV The Brown Shoe Co, ST. LOUIS wearing heavy overcoats with thick muf flers, over llieir caff, while snow was fallinii thick and fastoutside The sml don chan-" frmn the balmy siirinu air, trrccn if and blooininn (mil trees of. limit I: :,: was too much (or Mr. hoop er, li. id I ays nolbinn could induce him to sjiiiu iake up bis residence in the east. Mr Cooper accompanied i r. i Cooee- ! i I .via, where they will settle up I r- 'ii' -s all.tiri preparatory to inali inj! IIimiiI Kiser their home. The I. ulies Aid Society of the Conizro (ration. .1 Cioiivh will meet. Friday after-1 ilium a lie residence of Mrs. (!. Gil mere. The ( .l'nw Inn sales were made by W. .1. Ka!, ! A; i ... la-t week: J. W." Mc- Cuisti .1 W. li. Hicks, 5 acres l,f0 U. II Krw u to W. II. and II. A. .Moore, lit lulu. V. II. .Moore anil wife to Mrs. (,!. If. Hone, lot, 1 and eas! half of lot, block I, Itiverview Park addition, I.:(H). Mrs. OldcnhurK, who returned to her home at Grunts 1'ass hist week, writes to her lather, ('. S. Wheeler, Unit there is no trouble between herself and Mr. Oldenburg. The following taxpayers visited the Tucker spring, Tuesday, and returned well pleased with the citv's purchase: .Indue IVather, K. .1. I'mkelt, A. V. Onthauk, V. I'.. Ilayword, I.. Henry, 1). A, Turner, II. J. Fredericks, W. F. Ar nold, S. A. Knapp, F.d Wright, George Sutherland, Hert, Sliamihan. The regular annual business meeting of SI. Mark's Uuild will be held at Mrs. F. F, Savage's resilience, Wednesday, Aprd L'lilh, for election of olUcers. S. II. Cox is ou crutches, suffering from a sprained kmc, sustained while at woi k last Friday on one of t he docks. Some of the timbers be was removing suddenly gave way, in order to save himself' from hilling into the river be jumped, severely spraining bis knee. llavid Sears, who was seriously in jured three weeks ago w hile blasting out stump", i.s getting along as well as could be expected under the circiiistnnces. H is many friends w ill be pleased to hear of his complete rcrowty, and hope he will soon be up and ahoul . The high school literary society will hold its filial meeting 'Ihuisday even ing, Aprd L'7, when a good program will he rendered. A more extended notice of the meeting; will be given next' week. Mrs. A, I. Mason is gelling along nicely idler an operation which kept her on the surgeon's table two hours nud -llminuleM. The dale for I be Odell social should lie Tuesday, April L'o, and not on the -7th us printed in the Udell notes. I.usl Fridav Seaman Cnv, while work ing tin the Spencer dock, started to fall but caught with bis rivlit leg over n beam and saved hini-cll a ducking, lie sprained bis knee badly, however, ami now goes on four ha;s. He Ibiuks jjhe would rattier hac taken the sw iin than to have to suiter so much in bis endeav or to sust.ii ii Hood Kiwi's reputation lor being a dry low u. K. K. Ilnidley was in I'ortbind lust week, where lie reoresented the local lodge of the A. .' V. W. at the state meeting. Mr. Ilnidley reports it very successful convention, and states thai there is a general satisfaction with the work accomplished. A strength tonic that brings rich, red Idood. Makes yon strong, healthy and active. Thai's what llollisler's Kooky Mountain Ten will do. Xt cents' Tea or Tablets nt C N. Clarke's. Dancing Party The dancing pni t v at Odell. to be given id ! Odell ball, Sal n: day veiling, April i is bus even J by I he niches! iu beys e idi nee el' I eiio,' I he most iiccesslul event of the m-.-is.isi. ic is guarantee !. I. lie Moor iean:,i,er. served bv Mr. belt I tat ions have been cti minute detail -it'.t m! l lie host of hips I'. I.allerty w ill Jupper will be lnaidvi.in. 1 u i ' inlcd and every d to that viil i tol remem- i I make t he en-nt i.;:e Ii d. At the ( Inn, lies, t '.ee.-ri Tall in ll. r. ! ! i! I .i-l. I Kivcrsidc , more, paM, Sued. iv . ! I'liitaiian : Park a , emu W. C. Ill T -MTV lei t - Kei on e el and pastor; 1 Seme. m N-hiiol at 10 i Special Fa -li inon : " The ik. IV al of ! ul i,, ol I., 'in. i t','U l.illhrcii.- Serv ices will be held next Fridav nu llum: at the A t 'bun h Id a. i i. F a-ier serv i, e w a'ain iveut , :li be held net San, lav al Hr t'innvh neat I'ohimbia Nursery and K. of P. ceme tery, about two miles M,mh ,, lovvn. A children's pr .'L'tam w ill be rendered at - p. in : Ibvine Fa-tci set vices al .". p. in. All not woisbipping i Isew bote arc cordiallv invited. II.. I. Kalb, pastor. IVlmont M. K. Church.- II. C. Clark, j pastor. Service-, bclmont: Sumlav school at Ida in ; Cl.i ueeting ut 11 a. in. ; Fpui eh I .i auue 7 p. in. ; pleach ing every Sunday evening and I'd Sun-1 J LfeW . ,'' 7-)Wc gon wool dress goods, only lO.U x ui ,fJ QuyQ Ladies. and I I , I 1 liflth Misses Skirts 9 ''W llM1? iJ:.te.mi wl We have the best selected line of Q 0 VSsLflJ''iS'' VbS Ladies' and Misses' Skirts in the 'VCh t'K fa? fixity, from the very cheapest up to II a 'M';fT Lmli,,s' ,,,li,ck Si,k li,,iTiirt8 rj 'jP Tennis Shoes, Canvas Shoes, Slip- 9 yr egzsP pers find Oxfords. H I tie Fans st Retailers of Everything RIBBON SHOES Childr.en:s Shoe FOR GIRLS n Ve have a ve 5he, The. QTHer Boys 2vttLO. ABBOTT, ZEEIgrli. Class 2xilli:a.er37" Hood BiT7-er, Ore. . day in month at 11 a. m. ; Prayer meet ing Thursday 7:110 p. in. Services at I'liie 1 1 rove panic as above except preach ing, which is on 1st and Hd Sundays at 11 a. m. ('rapper 1st and .'Id Sundays at:i::itl; Sunday school at 2:30. Mount Hood. The 4th Sunday at U a. m.; Sunday school at ill a. m. Valley Christian. Sunday school at I 1 a. in. ; illustrated sermon at 11 ; Y. I (!. F. at lt::'.0; preaching at 7 ;II0. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the services of the day. W. A. Flkins, pastor. The following is n se ries of sermons from nature which will be preached Sunday mornings; "Con sider the Fillies; the Forest: the Mount ains; the Rivers; the Sea; the Heavens. I'.aptist. Regular preaching services at Carmicliaei's ball every 1st and ltd Sunday morning and evening; Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. in. Cove mint mid business meeting the first Wednesday night in each month. , Spight, pastor. .Methodist. Preaching at II a. pi Hp' m.; Sabbath school 10 u. in.; II. , and . P" worh League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. All cordially in vited. W. C. Fvans, pastor. United llrethren. Sunday school at, 10 a. in. Preacliingatlla.nl. Junior Fndeavor, 8:1111 p. m. Christian Fn deavor, :4.r p. in. Preaching at 7 ::!(!. All are cordially invited. Kev. J. S. Uboads, pastor. Pedigreed Strawberry Plants. Last w inter I decided to try raising straw berries ou a small scale. So 1 sent for catalogues to study up, get prices, etc. One catalogue came from Southwest Missouri anil one from Michigan, which advertised pedigreed plants. Not knowing much about plants, and desiring to experiment a iiltle, I ordered a few hundred from each place of the same varieties, partly. 1 received those from the Missouri grower llrst and set them out, ; then came the pedigreed plants perhaps nearly a mouth later, ou ac count of the difference in season I think, and I set them out, partly Mime day 1 received them and partly next, evening. 1 put, them ou tine, fresh laud cultivated and hoed them many times mid the patch was kept free ol weeds, nil plants receiving ex actly the same treatment. Neither set of plants Hindu many runners till late in the season, then both the "pedigreed" and the others com menced to make runners. I could distinguish no dillerence whatever in the tendency to make runners. The pedigreed matted up as bad as the others did, and as far as the size of plants are concei nde 1 could likewise see no ilill'ereuce. that is, ill like va rieties. I plowed up all of tho riin- EVERY In llootl Kiver nilt'V net'ds not too piod for him. I am prepared to supply all your needs in Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, In fad all tools that are needed on every well equipped farm, for orchard tools California Sr. Ivij,ht Lap Cuta way has no superior. The Ohio R.eversable Extension Head Disc is i he i inly one Acme Harrow ( Islionie ( 'oinh a eouiiiet itor. on the is too lation Spring If vou need a WAGON I ran supply you. I 1 have just received azine here, and ran it from Portland. supply you cheaper than Land Plaster, in any quantity and at the right prices. Full line of staple ! (iroceries. Ammunition ami Fishing Tackle a specialty. Hai 1 Wire, Hope, Axes. X-Cut Saws. Shovels, Spades and gardan tools. j Yours For Husin ss, D. M DONALD 3rd and River Street. - Never Undersold air to Wear uur line oi i niiureii h rMioew cuii not be beat any place in Oregon. large assonnent to select from, and they are made by manu facturers who know how to make shoes that wear. Clothing Department Our Cloak and Suit Department have some very enticing bargains. Juvenile Skirts made of all Ore gon wool dress goods, only $15.0 tiers I could handy, but as I was ex perinientiug 1 went over the patch anil thinned the plants out to about 6 inches apart from each other, (the row itself being 12 or 1 inches wide) excepting some rows that I left mated as they wore to see they wplhuot wo do without thinning. So fur as I can see, up to this time, there is no difference at all. But still I the pedigreed plants have a chance to come up to expectations by turning out a larger crop of finer berries. Will they do it? 1 don't know. Hut after awhile I will, and I will tell my eon elusions too if the editor sees fit to publish this. -It. L. Berry, in the Practical l'ruit Grower. Whitler's Wit. In Whistler's student days he was on one occasion dining with a group of friends in a Paris restaurant. The at tention of the voting men was presently direcied towards an I'lnglish family near tli in. t whom the father was endeavor in,r iii ., rernlite French tn ulun a din. I m r, i. o ing toward. Whistler, in Ids most !' i in. i,.' manner, inquired if he could I) o ant. 1 he stranger drew hiinsell iiii with a manner of ottence and iiiiiighli y icp c I, "I assure you, sir, I can give in i order wtoout assistance "Can V- i, , imlcid'.'" quoth Whistler airlv. "I fancied -the contrary, just now, when I heard you desire the waiter to bring you a pair of slairs.' l.ippineotl V A Kecempense. Young I'd ward, aged Hi x , was quit' tired of staying in the house. His mother was ill and had tried to keep him in the room with her because her room was warmer than his playroom, but his toys were all in the playroom and he became restless to go to them "(iood-tiy, mamma," lie said, "I will come buck in a thousand years." "1 will be dead and buried by that time, son." The little fellow stopped a moment with his bunds upon the the door, and thinking of the ('reed be replied, " Never mind, mamma, you will rose again "l.ippincott's, Carpet Weaving. All kinds in cttriict weaving. Huns made from nhl carpet. Mils. (ioliSKY. n! If Hood River Heights. Notice. To Wlmin tt may Concern: I lim'hy give tpMicn thiiT i Mum not te rt'spmiHiiue for any hills or mv untH contntrU'd bv niyttonaiid dmiuhU'r, Uut'l and Kosu, both of whom are minor. m-u h,. r. nosers, Buff Orpington. Hnfi'unilii, lie? I'nivil ton mill Leghorn cutrs fur hatch Mntei M Andersen. ill"! FARMER to use ji'ooil Tools, Tlio liest is market that is worthy of the name, well known to need a deserintion. Tooth Harrows are without irood OR BUGGY 'orrlearinii' your land you need powder a carload and have it stored in a ma- you can get Flour and Feed - Hood River, Ore. For Sale Miscellaneous. Oood cow; will be fresh soon. luqulreN. T. Chapman. Ulll first-clans streptlcon auil wovIdk picture machine, at lens than one-third cost. Inquire H.H. Hull, K. K. L). No. 2. "i . l..u hnnu f. utiu ra r, 1 ,1 fl lie HCtioll. broken to rule or drive double or single; lis true m steel; very tine romlstpr: wold I'lieap If i.k.l..i.inM.ninlKi m-f-n nt Kiw-ltforil Store. near llarrett school. K. Ilrayford. nil (loo! drlvine mare: brown color; weight llftO; price rlgbl. Kruuk I'arker. ml (;tnd wrnnd-hanrl cnok stove: copper n-fpf voir; et of double harnmi and baby's cradl . At flrtt house out of -own on slate road. A. 0. LoftH. Earl v sunrlHe Keed potatoes at 91. J5 a wick, or 14 a pound. Joliu koburg, 1'bone M. m4 Small Heeond-hund cook stove. Addrw I. O. Box 46 U1lih cniv hiuh-irrrtd Aernev. fresh 111 W days. W. K. Wlnans, J'hone 971. -7 A thoromrhbred St. Bernard nun, monilis old, ineaHurlnir feet from tip to tip. cheap If taken immediately, a. ss. umim. hi One bare mare, elifht years old, weight 1HW poundN. Claranee topple, fhone UV.K aJ One Pomona sprny pump In per feet work liiK order; eheap. Also bUKtfy nd light farm wagon. Six Helglan hares and one Whiff Wyandotte cockerel. It. J. Treiber, Twin Oak Farm. n-JM One threc-qnarter blood Inirham bull, W moninsoia. a oargam at iu. m. i'uihhh, Mount Hood, Or. aA Htx year-old Jersey cow; fresh; price $i. O. D. Wood worth. a:it Ioose clover hay lor 811 a ton. at John Hak- el' place, K. F. 1. No. 2, a.'U We will sell our real eHtate business. Good bu ainess and rlne nmsuects for cominir vear. Fire life and accident insurance; collections, llootl River Heal Estate and Exchange Co. Rlank mure If) VPMm nlrl: 4 lumiltnninn sliwk- weight about 1100. Trice $75. Juhn Lawless, K. r. u. no. i. ai-i Strawberry plants; 14 miles fn m town on Tiel mont road. J. L. Mulkins. Hay at J. W. Jenkins place. K. Foasburg. al;i High-class top buggy; also single harness. See 0. J. liessling. ui:i To be sold cheap a light sprint; wagon In good order; would take some hay in exchange Apply at Hockford store, near llarrett school house. nl.i An 8x10 tent tn good condition; about loot) feet rough lumber; new drop-bend sewing machine: bed spring, kltchi n furniture, hnnd grist milt in good shape; new carpenter tools. 1). C. I'ercy, Winans addition. ul.'i Real Cstate. H() acres at Chenowith; lumse, barn, wood shed and cellar; It acres in eu!tivathm;spring water; mostly fenced. Price li!0t). R. T. Mills, Hood HiveOr ml 10, 'JO and M acres of land; five-sixth cleared clover and apple trees; Kast Side. L. flillli inan. m2r House and two lots at the otllee of T. V. Tweedy on the heights. Hargain for ifliou. aK( For ssle, my farm, miles fio n town, '. mile from school house and church, consisting of 1 10 acres; M acres improved, -100 one and two-year-old Spitzenberg and Yellow New town apple trees, fiO trees old orchard; fiacres In clover, 8 acres when t. Will ssll In whole or In parL nlo Jerome Wells. Will sell or rent 5 acres, all In cultivation, with Irrigating water, within ten niiiuiics' walk of school house. Inquire of Dr. Watt. lfluO acres best Hood Itiver fruit land in tracts to suit the purchaser. Cheap. Seethe owner, W. li. WTNAN'tnt forks and falls of Hood river, also some good homesteads on government land Hood Kiver, Or. nrJO Lease on lots for lit years, store building, first-class bakery and confectionery, also dwelling nouse, T. II. Williams. ' ini'if Seven-room house and four lots on Htxxl Kiver heights; fiO fruit trees; strawberries and other small fruits; also fine Hhrubbery. Call on or nd dress F. I. Brown, Cor. June and E St. mil M) acres of fine orchard land adjoining new county road; all under ditch; 3 acres cleared; v ill take contract to clear part of land if contractor desirea. Call on or write to A. Schiller, R.F.D.Nol. Wanted Light second-hand low-wheeled trin-k. c. F,. Markham. annll Man and wtfe want work on a farm. K. L. Uoil, The Dalles, Or. Renter for Irrigable alfalfa, fruit, berry an I hop land; undeveloped; right on Coluinhi i, in Klickitat county. Kxcepiionally goo I term. Large buildings. Address at onee, ii, care (ilacler. a'u A competent lady to do housework; got I wnt-ex Inquire of Frank A. Cram. Real Estate Mortgage.3 I am prepared to buy good purchase nion. v morttraes mi any class of real estate. II i '. Noble, Com. lllk., I'ortiand, or. mil Hay For Sale. Timothy, alfalfa and clover; at barn. 1. ' lIlnrk'hH. mil $25 Reward. ' Will be cheerfully paid to any personnel: no (luesitons asked, who will Rive any iiit'of maiion that will had to the conviction or ti.e miserable thief who stole a lie of nails i.'i1 Thursdiy niht, April IU, PHki, from the sou ;n I end of the State Road Laler.il. A. ('. stntcn, matiHiicr Fanners Irrigstlnjr (?i. a-1" Magnificent Home Site. 1 Two lots, SOx'JOO feet, view ol Mood Riv.r' canyon south and north, Columbia ai; I . White Halmon Kivers, Mount Hood and A I hiiih, terms, tMh), part cash, lialancegld per n - at s per ct interest. Price raised to im, M . first. Kdwln A. Henderson. 'ml i Money to Loan. JLIXXI to lemn Kt 8 t s. per cent Interest on l u proved farms ll. 11, M , Smith, City. Garden Plants. In Reason. Popular varieties in anv nunntity after April 10. TuOS. TALK INS. MONtY rOR ftOYS tout mm tn fftrr lr r UMll, M ttvt urtfOR counirr can mm maim, ind nnt a mkIv. Mllmi THE DAILY Md lUNDAi JOUK HAL. N Monty It rqulr4 w rm MMt. and iy tht tbility H natl tMtod T y bmf who H1I try plan wt wffl ttnd lOeapi THE IUN DAV JOURNAL, m b mM m I emu ttk Alter thai por thai vtrv&wiU toa detlverad to him my mail r Mpraaa at whetoaatt prtcaa. and h bt- NfflN ImH fMpd aawvpapaf daatef Vm can Man any ttraa, and U luccnattil haatfaftf THE SUNDAY JOURSAU lhaa ardan nk taa pmt Bt lot THE Daily journal. 1 THE SUNDAY JOURNAL containa ALL THE NEWS, and many aptctal (ca tena al tntataat to tan and ammtn. and. laaa. km aD Ida fhtldras a comic pagca aarrwd ay ai atf Sunday fapon tba ati. JOURNAL boy art maalnf m mmh M t) to U a tn omall wma m tha ron. yon want ta ry kr US K CASH hi addinon to ttta rafular nraAta. amonf mam JOURNAL hey wno ma m baai loca itie mcraaac thaw orden the lai M narcontaga- la way dw boya in tfw amalWi olocaa win have a much menn at t ii m larffar lawn. On in THE JOUR MAL iuiiwiwj: THE JOURNAL H a i tat THI JOUDNAU 7 Pwtlairf. Or. Real Estate Bargains. THE EMPORIUM. Six n Mttii'i'. fiirni-lieil, fur $1100 or nii(urnirlitl fur 10Ut) Kwits' place mi the liill. Fur Sale "r Kent. 5 urivs partly im-provi-il, at Kniiiktun. For fruit' al Jloimt Hood, tlip IlelnuT stori- lniililiii)j imil r acn-s, $l!U00. i;f) iii'ivH al Mount Hood for Halt', run uiiiK if ''. On tlie enmity road opposite lialilw in'H. Fine biisim-ss lot on umiii ftroctfor 100 on iiislalliiiriit, or $1500 push. 5 arrrs i-lratt born' hinil, 4a3 ai'res i-liarcil, L' iuti'h in U-rrii-K, 2 hmioII cot-tiijji-s H milcH out on W'vft Side, $1 100 ; $(i00 or niori' casli. li-'j aiTeH at lii-lniont, (I acn s in nil tivHtion, cottiit;' and oniliuildiii.'s; 150 apple trecH, '2 aeres si raw berries, iiieree alfalfa, i;; $750 or more cash. .New li-roomed eottntfe, patent liatli and clonel, feur lots, I! Iiioeki-from depot, center of town, $L'I00; lerniH rent-nnable. Two lots centrally locateil, $550. Two lote, new ti-rooined house, patent Iintli and closet, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $1700. Two-Ntory H-rooined cottage, lot 70 by 140, on the hill. $ll!00; terms reasonable. For Sale (1000 aeres pine timber; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day ; 1 planinn mill, rapacity UO.OOO feet per day; 1 siore iiiij stuck ol merchandise, about :i,-"i(io ; 1 hotel anil contents; 1 saloon building, rented ; II lioiises, rented; 10 head horsi'S and hnriK Ss; II road wag ons, .".I II; 1 loL'uii'i! truck; 5 pair sleighs; .'!(' head ratllo; 50 head lings; lion fei t lumber ; L'000 cords wood. AU located at and near llilirurd, Or. For Sale New two-story 0-rooni house; Stranahan addition ; tllOO; terms easy. I or Sale The Mihott Store property on the hill. Price, $:i,0(HI. H acres across the road from the M. M. I)aveiiort residence. $00 per acre. Terms easy. A -10 acre tract, unimproved, Borne free irrisriitinjt water, 1.1 miles from liar rutt school house, $1,100. llanna house anil lot, $2,000. For Side The Henderson ranch, for merly owned by ,1. K. (iiillinan; (10 acre. U0 cleared; orchard; strawberries; clover and timothy; well irrigated ;liirj:u 2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced. Price $10,11110. I'.rook runs through ranch. ICasy terms; telephone; rural delivery. Four miles from Hood Kiver. For Nile The 1'onaliue blnck on the hill. Improved and Viiced. Fine resi deuce, barn and outbuildings. $4500. Will sell tho for ifOOO, the Mv'j for $700, or the ',, for $;!500. One third cash, balance time at H per cent. The Hunt place Jg mile southwest of town. House, barn, mostly in strawber ries :iml other fruits. Price, $1450. One coat ranch on mountain east of vtillej on county road. Price $1,500; has small house, runnintr water, and iB fenced. Terms, easy. For Sali Heii'ililul lots in Park addi tion, coin. t of town, from $200 to $:i00. 4. "20 acres of timber land at the falls of Hood Kiver, holoiiirin: to (ieorce K. Kors tli ; 100 ai-n-s pmI fruit himl;$4000. 5. Hill acres hi lot,. Salmon; tine timber hind ; $10 an acre. U. The o-ac.re piuce in Crupper neidi borho:nl, know u as the Kcnshaw jdace ; all improved: new hiiililniu's, etc. Five acres a! M:inkton; cottage and acieand a h 8 ' I in cultivation. Creek and water powei ; $1 .000. Lots 10, 11, 12, l. ck 5, Waucoma ad dition; improved; pre-- $1,000; ., or more cash, baiatice, 1 ear, H percent Small hor.s" n i.d lot hi hid to rent, $24 a year; two wicanl lots with privilege of 'iireli'wi' -t.o n vear lor the two. F'i T'oui-lililis interest, in the ler 100 iic-es mar Hood M. O. Kiver l'..r lead. he 1-. .''all Kesidenee on Shite street at if Front ; $2,500, including 3 lots. I-' ir i'.M'luiiice or Hood Kiver ! property l ine residence in business , e'er ol Sinnpter. Money to loan. ii ii lu res improved, on While Sal 11 .-ii river ; $1000. 21 a. al l'l.inkton; improved; $2200. Kirst-dnss Surveying Outfit. Ai the Kiiiporium are kept 2 lirst-elass ii'iuisiis and solar at tiichnieiils, and the nroprietnr,ii practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laving out acre age properly in lots'and blocks, and do itii.' n!! kinds of surveying and iilattinu. I rom nud after this date, April !), 100,'i, the rates will he as follows: $10 a day; hot cMt-.i rs established for $5 a hit; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. For Rent. n ' fro in mom fiiriiNhi'it, tntnhle tor two I.-! ni ii th xiivi. Mi. H. A. r,tylt phone 7!M. ' iii- M i i in.iii j.vc. unci st i'i't'ntinr nnni ni4 ' uinMml nullum, with .in, ,,,! wner iti! mm' -( t.aih. Mrs. H. .. Ki-c-l.Tiek. a-'7 Win T'tTit thr MimiiHT rcsittt Imihiini; nn irinl Kin ni ti.i ii niimliiT of yt'tirs t.i re sun!sil..' purty: mImi two M'cluinN of choice nj'plrs; alo t.'ii :u-n sown tc uhi-jit and spi-lt lur uiu' war, ll.'iv U m i-liiuit ii lor sonic live niiin fn make iiumh'v. No nniti w ho docs not intend to comply with hN eon t met need u ply. Ai-o )i h U'-o to rent nt ?; h nionih. UW. eicnccs le'i'iltot, dunis, Paradise Kiirm. l-'or tenn ot l or a years, a ood fieali liful Innie; hen ul i In! mn ncry; known us OhI( i 'hlf home; opposite Mood Itiver, :uid in plain view. iooii '.i room liousc and eonvciiient ontlnnhhiiL's: uo'm fences and pat tne; over inn iM nr ihn li nn livo; acres in trriiin; onlv 1 mile from po.toHhv and store. Natural home nl" the sf ra ivh.'i rs : c'ar'hM nil the hill. None hut relinhle farmers need apply. No desiino tivc familicH. Write to or call on Hurry ohen t'ndcrwoof!, Va-di. iiif Korrent, t't-iicrc farm, owned by M. Mnn.ns, at Ml.. ll"od. :m arcs in hav. 2 aeres strw- J berries, and ctioiiL'h tree finds for home use, j "iood iniildiiiL's, pli ntv of water. For panieu lats:t! i i to tiro. . t'ulhcrtson A' Co. i l.owi'r I'aradis.- i :i- liu'int; Slule sin- I on : u i'h it w ohoiu irr.;i n. 1 11 1 II 1-1 1 1 t . I -o..ll In .'!,l. lie. I Hlid rnld Muter. It:.MH.. of Mrs. It .!. l-'ri-.lerick. In II I ei.iin nivhi'il lnni-,1 Ut ciiiir rooms; Huh: liol Hli r li W . '.'I; t'.lnwtTS ml,!. I ll'j 11 1 1 '' of Mr . II. .1 I . i. k. 1 1 1 i -roi. in :,; l.nili: Ii h hih! colli n-iit'-r: lae o l un.! I -r '- i-iM;; l;lowrimM. lmi'iiro Mrs. II.. I. i inlci'i-k-. , . . Car Drain Tile. , I "'ii'i rtit.nt .'mi "i Inch tile, and v:Hi b I I ad ',' I 1 n : i j t ; o! i ( ii.ii':. whi) Want s.mic. so ' iis lo riai up a fin 1 at or.ec. 11 . r. t nv ' l :llll Ilocd Hi v er Fruit Growers Union. I ;' my return fr.-m i Mifmnhi the i-iMee i.i ;in v. cre'iirv will tic pMis--in in. iiii'crs und shipper miej .' li Ol' i :i ;wi iuMM ti inionnaiion relative t nr Htin.-s and -uch aconi modal in f ii- nei dcd. ! in1, tt-t'-'n. i ii y mend er of the Uir1 ''!"ts id he pleas.d to !.ilk with you olir hii'lu ( oiHi. I:1YKK I IM 1 f hKnVKi:s' TNIdN. I'.. H. fhepHni, Stn-retHiy. Notice. N,.!i.v is li. ri liv civ.-ii 0,,i thn .irlniTiii i'Ni-Mli.' I.vtwi-n A. i . s.i,.n .,,! k.-.ts. sHniiini, un,;, r i ht-rirm iirtiiif ot H-til liiv.-r li. nl i:sLi:,. un I Kx.-h.ini!.- .. is iti..oiv-ii. Tin- IfllMllr.. w ill l. c.iuiucird bv A. I'. S al i n uiHl. r Hi-.- iu.iiic. AC r TKN. I'Olihli s. ,sa.:.or' Imted Mareli i lv I