The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 30, 1905, Image 2

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Issued every Thursday by
ARTHUR D. MOB. Publish
Terms of sutcrlptloo-l.M s yaw fUl paid
In advance.
Tlie Dulles is. cleaning tip her atreets.
Hood River can well afford to do
IiclliiiKliam baa appropriated $000
for arirertiHinK that city at the Lewis
and Clark fair, Time Hood River
did HomethiiiK.
Fruit raiders of Pierce comity,
Washington, will ive away apples
and strawberries at the Lewis and
Clark exposition in order to convince
the easterners that Pierce county can
raise fruit
The Lewis and Clark exposition
closes OctoW 15. This will rush
mutt its with tho Hood River apple
growers, but as there is an indication
of an early season, we should and
must make the greatest showing of
fruit ever made at a world's fair.
This can be done during the last two
weeks of the fair, as was the case at
St. Louis when we won the grand
prize for apples.
Snohomish county Washington, al
ready has more than 810,000 pledged
for an exhibit at the Portland exposi
tion, several other counties have
$5,000 and a number tti.OOO. Wasco
county, Oregon, has expended about
$100 in the collection of a few applos.
Isn't it about time the people awoke
to the fact that we must bostlr our
selves if we expect to reap the benefits
from the Lewis and Clark exposition?
The exposition will I open within
00 days.
Hon. K. L. Smith of Hood River,
is being urged to enter tho race as
candidiito for govenor butjseeuis tin
willing to do so. The Irrigator is of
the opinion that no better selection
could be made by the voters than Mr,
Smith, and he ought to be made to
see that it is to the interest of Ore
gon that ho allow the use of his name.
There is no man in the state who
would be surer of election, if uomlu
ated, than the genial president of our
associated development leagues. lr
rigon Irrigator.
A press dispatch from San Francis
co says: "The law departments of the
Southern Paciflo and Santa Fe have
reached an agreemeut respecting the
orange rates. They have decided to
ignore tho recent decision of the in
terstate oommorce commission, which
decided that the rate of 11.20 on or
anges from California to all eastern
points was unreasonable and should
bo reduced to II. 15. In other words,
tho railroads purpose to require the
payment of the existing rate unless
tho orange shippers can Hud relief
through the courts, which means that
the shippers will not obtain any of
the fruits of their big victory before
the interstate oommeroe commission
for a year or two."
Melville J. Foley and Miss Mary
Vaughn were married at the Conge
gationnl parsonage last Friday even
ing, April 20. A few friends were
present to witness the ceremony and
extend the congratulations of the
many friends who share with this
most worthy couple their wedded joys.
Ilusy Week at (ioldendale.
Spocial to the (ilacier:
(loldendale, March 28. Ooldendale
will bo a busy town the coming week,
as thero will be commissioners' court
and teachers' institute, both com
mencing Monday, April 3. Superior
court will be in session on April 11.
Miss Jessie Patterson, of Lyle was
committed to the hospltaal for the lu
sane at Medical Lake, by Court Com
missioner R. I). Sunderland last Sat
urday the irth. Sheriff Warwick, ac
companied by Mrs. Kliziiboth Cuter
lin, took her to the hospital.
Sunshine Society to Kntcrtaln.
Tim Sunshine society of the Uni
tarian church will entertain their
young friends and mothers, Saturday
afternoon in the William (1. FJlot, jr.,
hall in the buHoment of the Uuitarlau
church, corner of Park and State
An admission of 10c will lie charged.
Longfellow is tho subject of tho
literary program. At the conclusion
of the program there will Iw a doll
show. Mrs. W. M. Stewart, who has
takeu such an interest In the aifairs
of this society for tho young ladies
of tho church, extends a special invi
tation for all the girls of the city to
attend the ontortainmeut Saturday
afternoon at ' o'olix.k. Mothers will
be mndu welcome. The girls are
asked to bring thoir dollies.
High Civic ltlitlitemisnesa Here.
The miulstnrs held their last Maruh
meeting ut the U. li. parsonage Mon
day morulng. liov. V. O. Kviuih
called the mooting to order aud Intro
duced a brief review on the current
llov. W. C. Oilmore presented in an
informal way remarks on "The Rela
tion of Civic reform to a Religious
The after discussion drew out the
opinion that as respects general moral
standards and civic righteousness.
Hood River was to a marked degree
aliove the average town.
With tho purpose of still further bet
tering the condition. The next sub
ject was designated "The Relation of
.losus Christ to the Politics of His
Time." The meeting will be with
Rev. Cilmore at tho Congregational
church Monday evening, April 10. All
citizens are cordially invited to attend
this popular service.
W. C. U1LMORK, Socrotury,
Mrs. Mayes' Birthday Surprise.
Mrs. A. Mayes' residence was the
scene of a very pleasant surprise par
ty last Thursday, it lielng her tiTith
birthday. Mrs. Mayes has had very
poor health all winter. Her children
realized that it would be too much
for ber to prepare dinner for them
so advised her not to do so. They
were planning, however, to all prepare
the dinner and set the table at tier
home. She had dreamed the night
before that they were all coming to
have dinner that day with her, at. d
told Mrs. Gee, her daughter, the next
morning of her dream. So it was not
so much of a surprise after all.
Those present were: Ed and Jce
Mayie, Mrs. Ed Mayes, xMrs. L. Gee,
Miss Maud Geo, Frank and Fred Gee,
the Misses Vera, Ollio and Annis
Mayos, and Master Frank Mayes.
All enjoyed the dinner hugely. Mrs.
Mayes was presented with a lieautiftil
fruit dish. Mrs. Wells makes her
home with Mrs.Mayes for tho present.
the county jail
Special to the Galcier.
The Dalles, Or., March 29. -Carl Han
deman, a demented stranger who was
nlace-1 In the county jail Sunday af
ternoon, committed suicide in his
cell last night by hanging.
Sherriff Sexton was arranging to
take Sandomun to Salem this morning
but on iroinu to the juil room found
the young man bad formed a nooso
of his suspenders, which he had at
tached to the rock wall about throe U ot
above his head, aud by sliding off his
bunk slowly sttraugled liitm-eir.
Nothing is known of the antecedents
of young Sandeman, who was about 35
years old. He will be buried by the
county, unless friends or relatives are
Petitions calling for a local option
election in Wasco county next Jure
were placed in cir illation In this city
Wednesday morning, and are hen g
very generally signed by the businci
men of Hood River and voters in tl e
Last fall tho prohibitionists of tl i
town and valley stole a march whili
the liquor dealers slept and by attach
ing the county districts to the city pre
cincts, formed a subdivision of tl e
county and carried the day lor Hie to
tal abstainers. Now an effort will Ik
made to take a vote of tho whole
county. Whether It will go wet oi
dry is hard to forecast, l i the Jure
election, when the local option law
was adopted, Wasco county's vote war
vorv close.
The petitions were sprung suddenly,
and It Is understood that at X lit
Dalles there is much nervousness for
fear Hood River will vote solid foi
prohibition and thus close up tin
saloons in that city. This would work
somewhat of a hardship on those citt
zens of Hood River who are making
weekly trips to the county seat for
their customary measure or boor and
vltioous liquors.
Additions to Advertising Committee.
Tho orignal advertising committee
of the Commercial club has been in
creased by tho addition of four now
mom tiers. The advertising committee
now consists of L. K Morse, G. E.
Williams, E. O. Illimoliar, J. E. Rand,
Truman Butler and A. 1). Moe.
The valley will lie covered by the
following farmers:
East Side J. L. Carter, It. rJ. Har
bison. West 8ide-G. R. Castnoi, G. D.
Mount Hood-W. 8. Grlbble.
OdeU-Roswell Shelley.
Hall (iaines, for Saturday.
Tho public school nine will cross
bats Saturday afternoon with the boy
from The Dalles school. In the even
ing there will lie a busket ball game
between the school boy teams of tho
two cities. The game in the after
noon will lie played at Columbia park.
Admission will lie ID and ' cents.
Time, 2:30 o'clock.
'the home team will line up as nil
olws: ltroslus, catchor; linker, right
Held; Chandler, first base; Hood, left
Hold; Easterly, center Held; 11.
Struck, second Hold ; Howell, short
stop; F. Struck, sub; Luckoy, thin'
base; Goyer, pitcher.
Miss Ilansherry's FriendsSiirprlse Her
A pleasant surprise party was given
Miss llattio Hauslierry ut her moth
er's residence on tho heights, Monday
evening, the 27th, it being her l'.lth
birthday. There were many handsome
and useful presents given. Among
thoso at the party were: Mrs. E. C.
Hanslsirry, Mr. and Mrs. Parley, Mr.
aud Mrs. Stevens, Misses Hattie Haus
lierry, Clara Rulinor, Nettie King,
raiZHlieth Koliards, I'lnrenoe Taylor,
Mallei Koontz, Muio King and Messrs.
A. L Oarmiohaol, Samuel Van liluri
com, J. li. Fletcher, James Hall, llen-
nie Powell, Ira Jones, Ernest Smith,
Eugene Sagers, Millard Smith, Lewis
llolmor, Muck ltlrd, Lorenzo Fletcher.
The evening was spout with games
and music A dainty lunch was served
ami all present voted it a most enjoy
able evening.
E. K. Thomas Sells Drug Store.
K. R. Thomas has disposed of his
lrug store in the Smith block to
Messrs. Keir & Cass, recently from
the East. It was Mr. Thomas In ton -
ion to come to Hood River mid take
personal chargo of the business. He
had even resigned from the employ ol
the Seattle Drug Co., but was ottered
entitling inducements to remain, and
was compelled to dispose of his liusl-
uoss in this city.
A. S. Keir is now in charge of the
store, Mr, ('ass having returned to
La Crosso, is., to close up his busi
ness In that city. Mr. Keir has been
in the drug business In Portland foi
the lust three years. Ho believes Hood
Ktver has a splendid future, and Is
sittislled he Ins secured a good loca
tion. Mr. Grover, who has conducted the
business since Mr. Thomas opened his
store throe months ago, will return to
Woodlmm. He made many friends
during his stay In the city.
We are now having more than our
share of rain and have a little to
Our sawlmll is sawing to its fullest
capacity. We hail unite an accident
at tho mill Friday. Hret Garner, who
was running a cutotr saw, had his arm
quite liadly cut by tho saw breaking.
It was a wonder that it did not take
his arm clear otf. He is now under
the doctor's care and is doing quite
well. He has not worked long nt t he
The Garner family have just moved
from Portland and are living in the
will Layhe house.
Mr. and Mrs. Hull left yesterday for
Portland on a visit to Mr. Kobison.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clark, Howard
Isentiorg and N. D. Sanford were ii
to Hood River last Sunday.
We are informed that the Spencer
is to start on her old run April .1.
Our merchants are doing well. Mr.
Axtell is running the hotel and gives
good satisfaction.
We have two saloons. They get
their share of patronage.
. Never Undersold.
V have a full ami complete line of Ladies' Spring and Summer Shirt Waists.
Here are a few listed. There are many others. Call and see them.
Lady's Waist, made of Garnet Percale. Front has a V yoke on bias, center
trimmed with pearl buttons, tucked back, full leg-of-mutton sleeves, tab
collar, neat patterns in blue, champagne and black on white ground 600
Lady's Waist, made of French Dotted Percale, pleated, tub collar, leg-of-mutton
sleeves 500
Lady's Waist, made of black and white plaid Mercerized Percale, 4 tucks in
front .'-in. wide center, back tucked, full sleeves 650
Lady's Waist, Madras Gingham, yoke effect, white piping 800
Lady's Waist, Pongee cloth combination, tucked front trimmed with French
dots, full sleeves, turned-over c uffs, each 2.25
We have many other patterns in Colored Waists.
A full line of Iilack and White A'aists.
Our Ladies' Washable Skirts are now on display. Call and see them.
"feathers' and Jfg JJ L
7 m 15 WZjmn MAKERS
jf" jhs f You will find these Shoes
; 'it Hood Kiver's Best Store
They Inilcrbiil Portland Parties.
Snow Sl Upson of this city have so-
cured tho contract to furnish 3700
iron bands for the wooden pipeline
to be built liv the Kloctrio Light, Pow
er and Water Co. for the purpose of
increasing the power plant on the
Kvans place on tho bunk of Hood Riv
Tho enterprising lucid blacksmiths
underbid a number of Portland firms
for the work. Mr. Snow was iu Port
land tins week securing a power bolt
mid thread cutter which will bo used
in constructing the iron bands
of tho pipe line. A carload of iron
w ill be used in this work.
Because of the water .'power machin
ery this ti r in recently installed, it is
in position to do n groat deal or worn
tlmt otherwise went out of the city.
Clse (iocs to Circuit Court.
Mrs. Jennie Kessel and John Rogers,
charged with a statutory oll'enso, en
tered a plea of not guilty before Jus
tice Nickolsen Wednesday morning,
and waived examination. The defend
ants were admitted to bail iu the sum
of i?500 ouch, and bound over for trial
in the circuit court iu tho May term.
K. 11. Hartwig appeared us attorney
in behalf of tho state, whilej leorgo T.
Prat her bundled the case for the de
fendants. .1. ,1. Jordan brought in Milne line
.lonuthiin apples Tuesday from his farm
in the ('rapper district, and among
them wan a fall stum apple tliut whs in
perfect condition, ocr three months be
yond its allotted time.
Tout llishnp and family are home
from Southern Califuriiiu, where they
spent tin; winter.
K. M. McCoriy, u merchant from
lbiod liiver, is in the city for a short
stay, lie is ut the Hotel Portland.
li. P. (Iruy, of Portland, traveler
for the Molino A liuin Co., who
bought the II. S. Richmond place at
Mount Hood, was iu the city the
llrst of tho wct'k. His brother, II. A.
i ! ray, arrived from St. Louis Monday
ind lett tor Mount Hood to take
hargo of the ranch.
At the Churches.
- Kev. Trov Shellcv
preach at 1 1 o'clock.
Uivcrsi.lo Coiiurciiat iotial. W. C. tiil
niore, pastor. Sunday school at It) a.
in. Worship with preaching at 11.
Subject: '"A Sense ot Values." Aleut
en series of seriiuuis u ill beiiiu April 1
Yi ung people's sers ice at li;:il); preilcli
ing, 7:;!0 p. in. 1'iavcr meeting ami
conference at the parsonage, Thursday,
7:lt0 p. in. All cordially invited.
Lutheran. Services will be held
again next Sunday, April . Sunday
school at - p. in.; divine service with
orcacliiiig :i p. in . A spc vial meet ing of
the members Mill also he held next Sun
day ut the home of 1.. Struck, ut 10a.m.
1'lie Sunday school children will meet
next Saturday afternoon at :! o'clock for
I li it a i ia ii . Corner State street and
Park avenue; Kev. O. .1. Nelson, pastor;
"services Sunday morning. Sunday
School at 10 o'clock. Pleaching at 11.
Subfect of morning seniioi; : " The I'ni
voreal Spirit of Worship. Kvcning sub
ject not announced.
Valley Christian.- Sunday school at
I 1 a. in.; illustrated senium at II ;Y. P.
S. C. K. at ":oil; preaching at 7 :.'H).
cordial invitation is extended to all to
attend the services of the day. W. A.
r.lkins, pastor.
Ilaptist. Kcgular preaching services
at l iirniichai l's ball evety 1st and ;id
Sunday morning and evening; Sunday
school every Sunday ut 10 a. in. Cove
nant aud business meeting the first
Wednesday night in each mouth. ,1. H,
X-ailg Class 2villi3.er3r
Hood Kiver, Ore.
Spight, pnstor.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. in. ami
8 p" m ; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Kp
worh League 7 p. in. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially in
vited. W. C. Kvans, pastor.
United Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. Junior
Kiiilein-i.r ".-ltd ii. m. Christian Kn-
deavor, 0:45 p. in. Preaching at 7::i0.
All are cordially inviteu. Kev. J. p.
Uhouds, pastor.
Host Spraying .Material
at the lowest prices at Clarke's store.
Af. Pino Kin I WhhIi.. Fridav. March
"24, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray lmblor, a
In Hood Kiver valley, Monday,
March PI, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mil
ler, a daughter.
In Hood Kiver, Friday, March 21,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ilort Sundniau, a
In Hood Kivor valley, Saturday
morning, March "25, 1!K, Francis Ma
rion, the infant sou of Mr. and Mrs.
I..n,.t 1,". . i.ii.i I Darviniiu u-urn
conducted nt the homo Sunday, by
Kev. t. larK, Willi nuriai ill mo inumy
cemetery. Tho little fellow was one
mouth old.
At the home of Mrs. John Mohr,
Past Hood Kiver, Saturday, March
"25, the infant dtiughtor of Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Sandman, aged two
K. K. Krwiu is in the city from
Long Peach, Cul. He reports all the
former Hood Kiver people doing well
in f 'uLifiiriiia The heuvv rains there
this spring insure a good crops.
Have Von Sprayed let I
liet your material of Clarke and save
1 liiwo a few pieces of cut glass left,
which I will close out at the lowest pos
sible prices. Clarke, the jeweler.
I .mill plaster at llolnian & Co.
A congressional party of ten senators
and fifteen representatives will visit the
Lewis and Clark exposition and take
part in the cevennuiM's on the opening
day, June 1. The expenses of the trip
are provided for by an appropriation of
Why pay .$ "J00 to $:t00 per
aviy for land at Hood liiver i
wlienC. t Wetherell, of Car-j
son. Wash., will sell yon SO i
acres three-quarters of aniilel
from White Salmon I 0. forj
..")0 per acre? j
Developed Water Power!
or sale. I'urties ilesirini; power for
manufacturing purioses will do well to
fwrite to him
One Price to All.
To Whom II. i.o'.v ( oi u'in: I hereby give
notice that I -hull mil le o m oiHtile for any
bills or lec i nts id h my n and
duiiKhler. Itn I i'iuI Hess, bulb el liuin lire
minors. V" 1- '. lliiKtt'i
Notice Is !!"' slv. ii !'i6t the par'ner: !il
eihtlnir bi iwi-cll A. I' SlHtlll mill UoKi-rH
Hailhorn, uinti'r the firm mine el Hxnt li Ivor
Heal Instate nun r.xciiiinm) in, is iiiswiiveu.
The business will Iw cmnlucted by A.U.Htat-
cu under the old name.
Iinted March ai, l'.X5 a
Annual Meeting Apple
Growers Union.
The mcmtiern of the Apple Growers Union are
he reby notified that their annual meeting will be
held Saturday Apail i at 2 p. m. All members are
requested to be present, lhe selection oi a new
board of directum, the building of a new ware
hou ne and many other important questions pre
tain insr to the Reneral welfare of the apple rtow-
ers of our valley, will be carefully consiuerea,
Come one, come all. Let us reason together.
A. 1. MASON. Pres.
F. G. CHURCH. Sec'y
Wishing lo secure bind under the Oovi rn
nu nt Mlniidoka land nd water project, Ida
ho, see II. ATJVbbott.
Garden Plants.
In season. Popular varieties In any quantity
after April m. ihw. Ai-ivum.
Minorcas & Orpingtons
s Irat-elnsH Block. Kairs fl.lU and 81.60 per
setting;. Ralph 11. Lewis, Belmont. -"
Ut'Hrt-shnped lockrd. Hetui'll U Cllflflor
ntllcw for reward.
On East Side, between Veter Mohr's and city.
sack eontainieir lady's shoe. Finder leave at Gla
cier oitice. a'3
l'nlr l,adv' kid ulnves and child's mitten,
hell ill I his office.
Pianos. Organs, "Cecilian" Piano Players, all
kinds of Rnmll instruments, Sheut music, str intra
etc. Best and cheapest house in the state. K. U.
block above Orejronian Building.
New Spring Suiting.
I have just received a fine line of samples of
summer suit intrs. Call and see them. I am also
prepared to make buttons from any matenU de
sired. Jane 0t:S.
You Can Buy Good Goods
Hut to luiy them at Hie right prkt is
not so easy.
Makes low price because lie wants to.
Others may sell at the same price be
cause they have lo. 1 carry
Lime, Sulphur, Salt, (Vnient,
151ue Vitriol, (ianlen. Flower
and Grass Seeds, Poultry
Supplies and a full line of
Fi aml FIour rtah j
i iasier, ere.
For Sale
One Pomona spray pomp In perfect work
ing urder; cheap. Aleobincgy aU light farm
wagon. Six Belgian hares and one white
Wyandotte cockerel. 1. J. Treiber, 1 win Oak
One thrw-qnarter blood lmrham bull, Id
nionlhH old. A bargain at Ml. M. Human,
Mount Hood, Or.
Hlx year-old Jersey cow: fresh; price 0. O.
D. Woodwoitn. a'-1"
Loose clover hay lor til a ton, at John Hak
el's place, B. V. D. No. 2. n-1"
npiizenuergH, leuow nciviuiiii.tiiin w.n-..
for sale by l'hllllpli Kollus. a-"
i ar-ii ... u ..n n.llva
Ws will Mil our real estate busineaa. Good bu
sineaa and line prosper t for coming year. Fire,
life and accident inaurance; collections. Hood
River Real Estate and Exchange Co.
UlnnL. In mm nM- llamiltnnian Rtnck:
weig-ht about 1100. Price $75. John Lawleas, R.
r. u. wo. . .
Strawberry plants: l'i milea from town on Bel
mont road. J. L. Mulkina. aU
Hay at J. W, Jenkins place. F. FoHsburg. a3
High-class top buggy; also single harness.
See O. J. Uessling. U3
Fresn Jersey cow. B. H. Tucker.
To be sold cheap a light spring wagon In
good order; would take some hay In exchange
Apply at Kockford store, near Barrett school
house. al;i
Heat tested mated Homer pigeons. Kacli
pa:.r registered and gunrunteed good breed
era. H. L. Parrlah, Tabor Heights, Portland.
Ore. iniMJ
An 8x10 tent In good condition; about MHO
feet rough lumber; new drop-head sewing
machine; bed aprlng, kltcln n furniture, hand
trriRt mill In good shape; new carpenter tools.
I. ('. Percy, Wtiians addition. al3
If you are looking for egga from full-blooded
Barred Plymouth Kocka with pure yellow lega and
beuka from prize-winning stock, you can get juat
auch eggs that will bring you prize-winning
chickens. All eggs are guaranteed. Mrs. Brny
ford, Rockford Store, near Bunett school. a6
I have for Rule oue siau of inures, weight
about 1500 pounds end.: also gori vet teion
harnea, one Ht chain liHine-s. I wagon.)
hack; 1 field cultivator. I gai.leti eiilllvaioi.
about ft tons looae clover lm i very cl ri; nlo
one full-blooded Jersey cow 4 yiurs old. V. r.
HrockjJIiiod Ktver.
Old hickory 8-ln tire waon nearly nciv.
Frank Bourduian. m:0
An Iversitc Pond piano. In good condition
will sell at about half price. Any oue wish
ing a pluuo will do well to look me up. II. M.
Horse, weight about IliiO, true to work and
drive; price right. Also A I bicycle. Ad
dress It. W.Caldwell, cure Fashion tstiihle. in;,u
1 have close to town Severn! hundred cords
of wood, cut hist October, for sale In largo or
small quantities; (-foot pole oak $1.75 ier cord
delivered; 16-Inch body oak &Yii per cord de
livered; J-foot pole pine or Itr JI.W per cord de
livered. Am also ready to contract for lti-ln-ch
pine ill tl.7.ri per curd delivered, ol which I
have several hundred ricks not yet thorough
ly seasoned. All wood heat quality. Prompt
dellyery. Call me up on phone.
inSO Murray Kay.
Oood driving horse for sale; weigh' lueu; 7
years old; or will trade for heavy work hoi sc.
Murray Kay,
One mile from town, lower Kast Hide road.
Team horses, weight ItlOO. Cheap ir taken
at once. ml i:dwln Knowles.
Clover, wheat and timothy hly; price from
$13 to $lf a ton. J. O. Cameron, Dukes Val.
Lady's bicycle In good repair, price $15. Ap
ply at Keystone ranch. ldel wood worth.
Span of blacks lor sule. Known as the
John Rogers team,
febld ty. G. D. WOODWOKTII.
For sale, first-class Clark Seedling strawber
ry pli.nta, until thev are gone. Geo. Mcintosh
AllartH, clover, wheat and timothv hay,
also dry pine wood cut in atove lengths.
al P1I.J1INKICII.S, It. F. D. 2
Dry 16-inch pine wood. $1.00 at place. $1.50
delivered. K. W.Ordway, on Lyman Smith
place. ail
,0HO Newtown and hpllzenberg treeB, 5 year
old, 10 cents each. F. K. Hmlus. at
Clark's Heedllng strawberry plants, Jl.'SI per
l,OU0. J.T. NeulcTgh, Hood Kiver. aii
Horse, hack and double harness. II. M.
Abbott. oil
Kpan of heavy wojk horses for sale by Frank
Chandler. Phone 701.
Will sell a 3'4-ln. wagon, or trade for ii 1;;
In. wagon. F. A. Massee, Willow Flat. ail
Plymouth Kock eggs; phone Vim. B. F.
Moses. m nfi
Do on want a driving team or riding
horse? I f so see Tucker. 1 will have six head
Saturday, lsth, at any old price. II. K. Tucker.
Real Estate.
House and two iota at the ottice or T. V.
Tweedy on the heights. Bargain for 1 100. alt
HO acres at C'henowlth; house, barn; about
Macros tn cultivation; spring water; mostly
fenced. Price $1200. K. J. Mills, Uood River.
10 acres, 5 cleared, Ik acres In early berries,
ISO fruit trees, good house and stable, one
mile fioin White Salmon postofflce. Fine
cherry and apple land. Kasy tonus. Price,
$loilO, including tools. Inquire It. M. Atihott,
millinery store. aii
4-room house, 2 lots 100x1:10; water In house:
easy terms. HMAbbott, millinery store.
tt-room bouse, 2 lots; overliKikingT'oTuiiihfn;
In Waucoma addition. Terms. H. M. Ab
bott. millinery store. afi
For SBle, my farm, 4 miles from town,
mile from school liouseiind church, consisting
of 140 acres; 30 acres improved, 400 ore ana
two-year-old Hpitzenberg and Yellow New
town apple trees, SO trees old orchard; fiacres
in clover, 8 acres wheat. Will ssll In whole or
In part. . all) Jerome Wells.
Will sell or rent 5 acres, all In cultivation,
with Irrigating water, within ten minutes'
walk of school bouse. Inquire of Dr. Watt.
lOOOacrea best Hood River fruit land In
tracts to suit the purchaser. Cheap. Seethe
owner, W. K. WIS ANH, at forks aud falls of
Hood river, also some good homesteads on
government land Hood Kiver, Or. mJO
2 acres and K-room house on Lyman Smith
avenue; small orc'iard, garden and clover.
Cheap Ifaold quick. K. w. Udell. mat
Lease on lots for III years, store building,
flrst-clnsa bakery nnd confectionery, also
dwelling nouse. T. II. Williams. ' niiiil'
Seven-room house and four lots on ILxi River
heights: 60 fruit trees; strawberries and other
small fruits; alao fine shrubbery. Call on or i-d-dreas
F. P. Brown. Cor. June and E St. mil
30 acres of fine orchard land adjoining now
county road; all under ditch; 3 acres cleared: will
take contract to clear part of land if contractor
demres. Call on or write to A. Schiller, K.F.D.Nol.
Renter for Irrigable alfalfa, fruit, lierryand
hop land; undeveloped; right on I'oluinhia,
In Klickitat county. Exceptionally good
terms. Iirge buildings. Address at once, li,
care Glacier. a20
A competent ladv lo do housework;
wages. Inquire of Frank A. Cram.
Trustworthy man to work team on fine.
Wages $1. and board, steady Job. A. P.
Bateham, Mosier, Or. n2o.
Second-hand well drill In good order: one
that will drill about 400 or ,VX) feet. John
Lawless, K. F. 1). No. 1. al !
Wanted a showcase, five or six feet long
Send particulars to P. O. box 31."). Hood lllvei
or. u
Man to work on strawberry ranch at Whiti
Salmon, steady work to good man. Can fur
nlsh house Ui man with family. Address oi
applyjo Vk K.cASJj1l"ndorwod.WBsh. mat
A one-horse hack hmsi, be In good order. O
M. IVWItt. Hood Kiver. ail
S good wood cutters on hiir nines, llnrrn.
Kay mil '
Information about some household good
and a trunk which were sold Nov. is, H14 i ,
Hood liiver. They were shipped lo M. I I
Thompson. Address Mary Boatman, care i
Frank Moenty, Tamploo, Wash. n,.i i
Wanted to rent, a good ranch, for a term o '
3 too. years. Inunire of T. s. H eetlv i n I
Second Hand Slope.
Wanted, six or eight young hens, I'lcmonti
Kock preferred. Phone m l. I.. Kn'iry. I
Buff Orpington.
Kllff Omlnirton and 1 whnrn fmr f.,. l.unl.
Ing. PYiceJl. Anna M. Anderson. at:i
The Best Crntle Snlnhnr
in sacks at 21c per pound at Clarke's.
Real Estate
Fine business 1 1 on main street for
( KitlOon installment, or l.'itKJ cash.
5 aeres t-tuiwlieny liml, aeres
eleared, 2i aerea in la-t i ieH, "2 cinoll eot
taires :t inUt's out on West Side, $1 100 ;
jntH) or more cash.
li2,' aeres at Uclmont, (1 aer. 8 in cul
tivation, cottage and outlmildiiijis, 150
apple trees, 2 ai res strawberries, 2 aires
alfalfa, $13(X); $750 or more t ash.
New b-rooined i"otln(f', (latent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $L'lt)0; terms reasonable.
Two lols centrally loeuled, $500.
Two lots, new (i-roomed house, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by
140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
Kor Sale 'J(X)i) acre-! pine limber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store and stuck of merchandise, about
$3,500; 1 hotel and contents", 1 saloon
buildint;, rented; 3 houses, rented; 10
bead horses and harness; II road wag
ons, 3 H; 1 Ingoing truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 30 head cattle; 60 bead begs;
iO0 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near Hilgard, Or.
l'"or Sale New two-story 9-room
house; Stranahan addition; $1100; terms
I or Sale The Abbott Store property
on the hill. 1'rice, $3,000.
I I acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $-00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
l ii'1'igitiiig water, 1.J miles from llar
ii tt M'huol bouse, $1,100.
1 1 anna house and lot, $2,000.
Kor Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J U. Galligun; 00 acre.
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;laige
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. llronk runs through ranch.
Kasy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Knur mile!? from llooil liiver.
Kor Sale The Donahue block on the
hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, burn and outbuildings. $4500.
Will sell tho SK'4 for $000, the NK1
for $700, or lhe W'H for $3500. One
third cash, balance time at H per cent.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. IlntiM"., barn, mostly in strawlier
ries ami other fruits. Price, $1450.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
bus small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $300.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood Kiver, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; Kill acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land; $10 an acre.
i). The n-acre place in Crupper neigh
borhood, known us the Iienshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
Five acres ut Krunkton ; cottugo and
acre and a half in cultivation. Creek
and water pow er ; $1,000.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,000; or
more rash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
Kor Sale Kour-lii'tlis interest in the
M. O. Wheeler 100 ae-e.s near Hood
Kiver Kails.
For Sale Resilience on State street at
head of Kroni ; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Kxi hanue for Hood Kiver
property Fine rc-el.-i ee in business
center of Sumptci .
Money to loan.
Tin acres imp'o" c.!, on White Sal
mon river; $100:).
21 a. at Kmukton ; improved; $2200.
First-class sTn-veying Outfit
At the Kmporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and lhe
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
Kroni mid after this date, April 9, 1(103,
the rates w ill be as follows: $10 a d.iy ;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Bargains in Real Estate.
J. 3-room house, lot 100x100, oppo
sitochool house; sightly locution; very
cheap, (iet our price.
2. 4 room bouse, two lots 50x130 feet
each, city water; three blocks fr iu
sbeool bouse; pleasant location. Price,
3. 10 acres good apple and strawberry
land, four acres cleared, 125 fruit trees,
one acre straw lu rries, 4-rooni bouse,
well, stnble, wood shed and pack
ing house and chicken bouse.
Price $1250
4. 5-rooin house, brow of hill, over
looking Columbia, one block from high
school building, good well and ciiy
vu!:r; large wood house; good chicken
house; lot 50x100; or if desired, lot
5. G-room house, line location, over
looking the Columbia. $000.
II Poor fine lot fur tlT", ,.,. ! 1 f.
$150 each, below brow of hill, overlook
ing uie v oiiiiiioitt.
Hood River .
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
For Rent.
i uiifiiinivlu'd housekeeping rooms; Imilr
hot no i eold wilier; l'.loK'crs Hl Inulli f
Mrs. II. J. rredcrlcka. ., j t
i;-ro..m lioesi; I nth: hot nnd cold
yard and berry i iu,-h; Hlowcrs add. lino Ire
Mis. II. I. I lcdencks, ,, ;
Win r.'n! the iinnnier resort hnlldin" n
Pura H-e Kinn for a iinmhcr of year. -e-sol:slhle
i. Miy: dm lo n -chanls of c.
nt'iilcs; n'-n l. n :i,-o- wn ti wheal and p It
for one II. ir. iv s chance for some "vo
man to nel!:e money. No man M ho doc- not
iri'eivl to .-nmi.'y w:ih Ids contract need -r-plv.
Also n h..neto rent at a month Kef.
erenecs n nl ro.1. Adams, Parnilise Kiinn.
Kor l.rin of :: or s years, n cood healthfiT
-onie: he-ui'itiit scenerv: known as osk Trr
home; o.,os,t.. , uu-,. ,, , j.,,
Mew. i livid a-room and convenh nt
I"1"'''11 - fences and pasture: over
uni te-iirtiei nuh trees;5 ncm lii grain: nnlv l
"i !' li-'-iotlice and store. Natural home
or th-stra .,-l.ei, : earlie-t on m,a I. Ill v....-
int re'h.i-ip f,ir.,- need apply. Nodestruc-
1 v.- t on i lies Write to or call on Ilarrv rilsen
I n ! i-'i-.uid, W ash. 'go,!-
1 i i er tl.ior .! ottaee facing state street on
1 ar.oiise larni, either with or without garden.
t'ni.irnisi,.-,: rooms to rent. Hot and cold
wai. i. of Mrs. H .Frederick, m 0
' or- rent, n ,-n- farm, owned hv M. IHnnnT
nt V Hood. :;o ,.r,,s hav. 2 acres strsw'
i .-ries. ,i enough tree fru.ts for home use
i.o-i.i huii,;;nLrs. plenty of water. For partlcn
la H"oiy t (;,,, , rtilhertson & Cn.
O.-c je,or-r,m free water and garden
i"""-' " '- Hoer Heights: inquire Star Board.
Carpet Weaving.
I"- is,., ,.HrCt weavln-;. Itns made
frim ohl eiirjH.. M Rs. (SolwF.Y.
f- 11 Hood River Heights.