The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 23, 1905, Image 7

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258 Prs.
Worth from
Remember the
Cranberries at Ilolman's.
.Money to loan K. rl. Ilartwig.
liuckvvheat Hour at Holman'B.
Celery and cabbage at Holnian'l.
Fresh smelt at Mcbiuire Bros.
New corned beef at Mc.Guire llros.
Iviee, L'O lbs for $1, at Ilolman's.
See that tine lino of brooms at Ilol
man's. Mantle clocks, with gold plated front,
warranted not to tarnish, at C. II.
Gloves and mittens at cost. Largest
stock in the city. Must reduce the
stock. S. J. Frank.
Temple, the Jeweler, has moved into
the Smith building, opposite Williams'
drug store.
W. J. Ilaker has some beautiful lots
(or sale near Chas. Clarke's residence
on the hill.
Do votir eves fail you? Come in and
see C M. Temple, "the oculist, who is
prepared to test and fit your eyes, and
lias the largest stock of glasses in the
Best selection of ring-" ever brought to
Mood River. Over 200 styles. C. II,
S. E. ISartmess has a first class uphol
sterer in his employ, and is prepared to
do all kinds of repair work.
I have a large stock on band, in fact,
the largest htock in town. Watches,
the finest grade rings, the largest stock,
all at reduced prices. Come and see
C. II. Temple for bargains in all lines.
If you get an article of Clarke, the jew
eler, "and it doesn't prove to be as rep
resented, bring it buck.
Two bouses for rent. W. J. Baker.
Oranges, 1" a dozen r.t Ilolman's.
Before purchasing anything in the
watch, clock or jewelry line, get my
prices. Clarke, the jeweler.
For sale. Some of the finest lots on
he hill, fronting the river. Also lots
in Hiverview park and Idlewild. See
W. J. Maker.
If you cannot eat, sleep or work, feel
mean, cross and ugly, take Ilollister's
Koeky Mountain lea this month. A
tonic' for all the sick, There is no rein
edv eijiial lo it. H5 cents Tea or Tab
let's at C. N. Clarke's.
Blue Vitrei at Clarke's 7c a pound.
Smoke the Hood Kiver Strawberry 5c
cigar; told by all dealers.
Two-ipiart combination hot water
bottle and fountain syringe guaranteed
for one year. Only (1.50 at Clarke's.
Do voti want that prescription filled
accurately ami with just what the doc
tor ordered? Then take it to Clarke's.
KeeFrohnA Heaton on the heights
for I'tali land-plaster.
StorK Goods
We make a specialty of Infants'
wear. Ask to see the new 1 ne of
Stork Goods.
Girls' Brownie
Bloomers, just the thing (or little
tots. Look vt-ry cute an I save
New CrocKcry
rv lcantiful shaies slid pat
terns, and the prfces are little.
Saturday, March 25, at 0 a. in.
of P. N.
$1.00 to $2.00, will be offered for
hour9 a. m. Nothing sold before
hour. Nothing reserved.
Positively the best values ever of
rArm m' -fli 1iti
im i v:iy uv.r wuu
We will in future carry the Royal
Worcester, and the W. C. C. people
stand my loss on the P. N. line in order
to lace the agency with us, so we will
he glad to have every lady who may
need a Corset take advantage of this
opportunity and at least look the line
over. See window.
NOTE New Suits, New Skirts, New
Spring Jackets, New Silks, New Men's
and Boys' Suits, New Tan Shoes, New Flatiron Hats, New Spring
Shirts, etc. Yours truly,
Do you live in this part of the coun
try? Then buy home-made fruit boxes.
They are all right and the ppices are
right. At Davidson Fruit Co.
Kvery article in my stock marked
down at greatly reduced priced. Call
and look them over. Clarke the jew
eler. Full line of all kinds of meat, fresh
and cured, at Ilolman's.
KiO acres, 1J miles from Mosier sta
tion, on main road; good spring; 125 an
acre; will divide; fine apple land. Also
other Mosier property. V.J. Baker & Co.
House and lot in Spokane on desirable !
residence Btreet. Will trade for Hood
Hiver farm property. W. ,1. Baker ei
Buy your berry crates and fruit boxes
at the Hood Kiver box factory. They
are homemade and the fruit sells at top
prices when packed in them. Hood
River fruit deserves good lioxes, and
when you buy from the Hood River box
foctory you are sure of n supply when
you want them. Our prices are right.
Davidson Fruit Co.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
ami keep off gray hairs.
See us for potatoes, both for seed and
table use. Ideal Market, on the heights.
Wasco Patent and Sherman Patent
flour, made in Sherman county from
the noted wheat of that county; quality
fully guaranteed. Sold by W. II. Wait.
If it is a billions attack take Chamb
erlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and
n quick cure is certain. For eale by
William Pharmacy.
House and two lots in Albany will
trade for Hood River property. W. J.
If taken this month, keeps you well
all summer. It makes the little ones
eat, sleep and prow. A spring tonic
for the whole family, llollisters Rocky
Mountain Ten 3T cents, Tea or Tablets
at C. N. Clarke's.
Latest designs in ladies wntche? ; go'd
filled, solid gold, and also with diamond
setting. Also a full line of gentlemen's
watches. C. II. Temple.
A fine farm for sale in the OJell dis
trict. Well improved. Sold at a bar
gain if taken soon. W. J. Baker.
For garden seeds that will grow go to
W. Haynes &Co. They have a large as
sortment of flower and vegetable seeds
Take advantage of the warm spring
days and plant your garden now.
Haynes & Co. also have a supply of
lon onsetB.
Sidewalk lumber. Delivery some I "a8Cn. wno wrotp hris Hetlmian on
day order is received. Oregon Lumber J,u."e last ,l,llHt lf tuorH was auy
(;() thing he could do for Hood Kiver,
.'. t .i o . . i realizing that this section of the coun-
l)o you use Lath? (u't our price ami t .ln h, . , ,
compare it witn mai m compea rs. . leased to do it. but. wllO turned
Yon will make money tins way. ore-,
gon Lumber Co
(io to the Ideal Market for hav.
Sherwin-Williams paint at Clarke's.
New Wrappers Just In
mm l
- SUmmFR
Fresh garden seed at 'he Ideal Ma
ket on the heights.
All silk Lew is and Clark neckties,
cents at Vogt liros.
Shingles. See us for best
Oregon Lumber Co.
Smoke the Hood River Strawberry fie
cigar; sold by all dealers.
Gordon Hat, best 111 hat in the
world for the money. Vogt Bros.
50 acres on the Fast Side, 2 miles
out. 10 acres iu young orchard. A snap.
Clarke's Cough Klixir
will cure that cough. Price is only 2.rc,
New Today.
New goods arriving daily and
ing unwrapped at the new store.
F'orsaleby Kdwin A. Henderson.
Two corner lots 100x100 feet, large barn,
two story eight roomed house, plastered
and papered, for I500. cash if bought
at once.
Five room cottage near the Firs, $800.
W, .1. Bakers Co.
Millinery opening of Tailored hats,
French patterns, novelties, etc., will be
held soon at Rand's store. Delay your
selection of srping and summer millin
ery until you see this display. It will
he the finest display of millinery ever
shown in voiir city.
Kight room house for rent. H. M.
Phenominal property bargain. For
$1500 cash, a place worth $2000, two
story eight roomed house, two storv
barn, two corner lots, in lower Hood
River, for a few days only, after which
the price will lie raised. Kdwin A.
Henderson agent.
Gentlemen: Money an object? Then
buy your hat at Knapp's closing out
If yon are having trouble deciding on
your summer millinery, cease your wor
rying and come to the millinery open
ing to be held soon at Kami's store.
There you cannot help but find what
you want.
Closing out men's hats at Knapp'B.
Millinery Opening.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Mar.
30, 31 and April 1. You are cordially
invited to attend our opening of Pattern
and Tailored hats. .Mine. ABBOTT
. Wtioaldon, the senator from
hi8friell(1(i (lmu, K'00(, ,, har(,
! the county division tight, was iu the
citv Tuesday. He did not cull at the
Glacier otllce.
1905 Dimities
If you want something deciib il
ly new ami pu tty for your sum
me gowns, look at these.
Little Pi ices.
SilHolineArt Denim
and Drapery Material will bright
en up your
clean ing.
rooms when house
-Little Prices.
Flower Vases
Tall beautiful shapes in crystal
and colored effects. 35c each.
Musical Goods.
New Mandolins, Guitars, Han
f.i, Violins, Accordeons, Concer-
t nas, Harmonica", etc.
Little Prices.
Tiluiau Young, who has been visit
itiK iu the Wilianiettte returned Fri
day. He says the majority of tho or
chards there are not sprayed, hut
covered with moss as lon and fuzzy
ami (ray as thtit which rows on the
backs of the owners. It in hoped the
i new law authorizing fruit inspectors
j will be rigidly enforced iu I but sec
itiou, for Till says thero are come who
'spray, hut they are in the ininoriy.
j It must be a pleasant occupation, pro
perly caring for an orcliard, raising
first-class fruit for the codliu moth
grown in the orchards of your neigh
bors to operate on. All honor to the
few who are standing by the spray
and tlrst-class apples.
Only nine times In two and a quar
ter centuries has roaster fallen as late
as it dose this year. Only the times
has it come later in the spring than
it does during 1!H", and it is never
possible for it to fall later than April
25, and only twice does it come on this
i day of the month. During this
period it comes three times en April I
j and four times on tho itld. This year
I roaster Sunday comes on April 21i.
j This is the latest date since lsii, when
i it came on April 25, the latest date
' possible-- Ortouvillo(Minn. Journal.
Joe Porter came near losing the
sight of his left eye a few weeks ago
by some lime, sulphur and salt mix
ture getting under the lid. Mr. Por
ter was examining a spray pump, w hen
one of the valves collapsed and souirt-
ed some of the spray into his eyes bo
j fore he could close tho lids. The
! pump was supposed not to be loaded
! at the time, lie says it felt as if he
j had been struck on the eyeball w ith a
! rock. The pain was very severe, and
j he is still compelled to carry a bnnd
! ago over the left eye aud to use dink
' glasses.
I l!ev. W. A. FJkins came home ill
ifroni Dukes valley, where he has l et n
engaged in H series of meeting-, and
was too ill to preach Sunday. Hit
pulpit was tilled by Ashley Cash Sun
day morning and in the evening by
1 Rev. J. G. Tate, who was iu the
! valley. The work on the parsonage is
I progressing and it is expected to hnve
the building enclosed this week. The
busy time coming on so early mcessi
I tates prompt action on the part, of
I the membership in order to get the
work olf their bauds in time not to
interfere with their farm work,
j The Hood Hiver camp of the Wood
men of the World gathered in a bunch
that ran away up close to the century
mark Saturday evening ami culled on
I Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cunning at
j their new home and gave thein the
I livilest kind of a house warming.
They ulso presented the worthy couple
with an elegant rocker for each, tlmt
they may tho better enjoy the com
forts of their now home, l.verybody
was happy, everyone hud a good feed
anil they stayed until Sunday clm-ed
them homo to get ready for church
and Sunday school.
And now the county court has
shown its good taste in appointing a
newspaper man as a dispenser of just
ice, ljiist night J. A. JJoutlnt was ap
pointed justice of the peace for The
Oallos district. Mr. Pontlnt will
have his olllco iu tho Chronicle build
ing and wo hope will see that just ice
is done his former co-laborers in the
newspaper vineyard. Chronicle.
An old army six-shooter, fitted
with percussion caps, was unearthed
liesido a pine tree near hherman
Frank's residence last Friday by K.
1). Gould. The old relic was badly
rusted, yet iu a fair state of preser
vation. How long the gun has lain
beside the pine, is only speculation,
but revolvers of this pattern ceased
to be manufactured yours ago.
George I). Culbertsou fc Co. sold
this week to T. R. Conn of I'nivers
ity Park, Or., the 21o-aere farm owned
by Frank M. Orr anc situated m
Klickitat county. Wash., three miles
west of Lyle on the Columbia Kiver.
Mr. Coon will remove to his purchase
this week, and Mr. Orr will return
to Portland, where he formerly lived
for a number of years.
Tho Medford Mail leports that the
Rogue River Vallev Fruit Growers'
Union has sl.ipcd 22! Km boxes of fruit
of the past season's crop, and realized
net tor its inemiiers the sum or f-i,-
JtG.'.Ki. Tho shipments included ap
ples, peais, peaches, apricots, etc.
Among the documents filed in the
clerk's ollice Thursday we find a lease
from the Masons of Hood River to
the government which provides for
the postollico occupying rooms in the
new Masonic building at that place.
J.G. Tate, of Denver, whs registered
Saturday at the Mount Hood hotel
Mr. Tate is supreme grand lecture
for the Ancient Order of United
Workmen, and is iu Hood Kiver on a
visit to hissons.who purchased proper
ty last summer of Newton Clark.
Edward Lugo, a business college
student In Portland, came up Friday
to feed on the fatted calf, killed in
honor of his father's 5Hth birthday.
Mr. Lago, jr., will spend about two
months more in the college at Port
J. E. Ilanna and family arrived
Friduy from Scappoose, and w ill oc
cupy their former residence at the
head of Front street. Mr. Ilanna will
continue with his sawmill business at
C It. VanAiiker, who held down the
position of station agent in this city
during tho absence of Agent Kiu
naird last summer, was iu the city
Thursday. Mr. VanAuker is connect
ed with the Pacific Coast Grain Co.
Mrs. W. M. Stewart secured the re
turn of a valuable gold brooch by a
25c adlet in the Glacier. If you lose
anything, insert an ad in the Glacier.
It has brought results for others and
will no doubt do the same for you.
E. A. Henderson made sale during
the week of the two lots west of W. II.
Perry's house ou Sherman avenue,
property of Mrs. J. L. Henderson,
to K. 1). Gould; consideration, I.")H.
The following sales were made by
W. J. Kaker&Co. last week : II. A.
Tawney and wife to H. T. Winans lot
5, block 2, Waiiooma park addition ;
consideration, $1.
Watts, the toombstone man, who
was iu the city from The Dalles last
week, says he is busy getting up
stones, and has had no time recently
to do soliciting.
C. D. Moore of the Leader ranch.
White Salmon, was in the city Mon
day, and says he expects to be ship
ping strawliorries the latter part of
T. R. Coon has traded his property
in University Park for a farm at Lyle,
and expects to move his family to the
ranch this week.
Mrs. FUias Dwyer of Olympia is in
Hood River for a few weeks' visit
with her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Hen
derson. J. W. Anderson of lielniont was
confined to his home the fore part of
the week with the grip.
Alexander Stewart, a Mosier mer
chant, was in Hood River Saturday.
L. N. Blowers of Portl md made a
business trip to Hood Kiver Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Young
turned Monday from California.
Water and Light Notice !
All water and light bills must be paid J
nt ihc company's o I lice each month in jl
advance, mi or before the 10th day of
tin- mouth. No collector will be sent!
on' hereafter In all cases where bills arc'
i ! promptly paid when due, the ser-1
vices will be discontinued until nil j
a. rearanes are paid. I
noon kivkr l-i.r.rnuc i.. r. I
w.c. j
I!y W. II. Chipping, Manager
YV 11 star in Hood River.
The remedv that makes voti
and grow strong, called Palmo
will be sold regularly bv Williams
Pharmacy, Hood River. These great
ve aud const it lit ion builders cost only
..iOc Per box, si lmxes t- 50.
Goo. 1). Culbertsou & Co., sold last
week one ot those choice resilience
ts in Clark's addition to O. I!.
Ilertley of this citv.
loo. 1. Culbertsou A Co. made sale
this week of lot II, block II, Coo's nd-
lit ion to Fred Cue of this city.
Geo. D. Culbertsou & Co. sold last
week the south tn acres of the Alt red
lnyalls land near liarrett school to
Clarence S. True, of Hood River.
vuii our New
Suits, Skirts and Waists
Miss .IclTries hashad lu,-r experience in fitting Suits, Skirts
and Waists, and in I'nl lire all alleral ions will lie made in tho
store free of extra charge.
Our MK,
ul April
Ml!. .1.
wit h t he
the Dry
direct lv
Our Mil.
M. V.
We believe
most pleasant shopping place in Mood Hiver.
Remember that alwavs you are as welt
iii'. at the duality Shop.
Smith Block
C rs? reyp ezzvzximm reosisses q gas
Mr. and Mrs A. I. .b
I lidav in Portland.
lit last
I'errv li'diou left Men. lay ni'lit
for i
isit with relatives in Kansas.
II. V. Havidson ami K. II Shepard
were Portland visitors l'riilay
W. Waddell is doinsr a tliriviutr busi
ness with bis freshly trraled liorsennli-h
The Woman's Alliance meets I'ridny
:iileriu.oii in the William (I. Kliot Jr.
Leslie Hiitler, who is alivavs vvc
e.l bv his old friends in The Halles
w as
nn from Moo I Kiver duriiii; the wei
Clnonscle. 1
Of the taxes due on the l'-MH tas roll
;, I!.')'). Ko of the aniont collected has
Iven soiwreiratcd ami turned over to
Treasurer Donnctl.
A ). Me Itonol.l, connecteil with the
The Halles nrintcrv, A. N. Pnlm, iro-
rietor, was iu II I Hiver, Tuesday,
ilh the idea of securing some fruit,
In the federal court at l'ni'1 In ml la-l
neck suit was liejrun by Anna Slernfeiz
ii jaiust I'. .1. Watson and others to iiiit
title to a tract of land known a-" Idle
wilde, west of Mood Itiver.
I'.iooks, the weather oh-erver at The
1 'lilies, does not believe the Columbia
will rise hither than .'ill let this sum
mer, ierhais not over 2 leel. The
river is risinif slowly, reuisteriie.' '.!;
last Saturday at The llalles.
Siiierintenilent J. T. Neff was in
Hood Kiver from The Dalles Thursday
visitinir the Mood Kiver schools, ami
inspecting the work hein done for the
educational exhibit at the Lewis and
Clark exposition. lie found the iiiils
making very (.'ood prou're-s.
Mr. Sanders has joined forces with
II. I'. I'elieu, and this tirin of contractors
is now I'.elieu it Sanders. They have
just finished a hansonie rsieuce for
J. M. Johnson in the ( Idell district and
secured H contract from Oscar Vander
bilt for the erection of a fl.ootl fruit,
bouse. ItclietiA Sanders will al-o Innld
n 1 ,XH residence for V. d. Milh-r, on
propeity he rescently pinel.ascil from "
1 rank Stanton.
Murray Kay, who has a lease on a
portion of the Schenek property just be- ;
low the road on the Kat Side urade, 1
has made some wonderful changes in
this place in the li-t eiht months.
1 Mr. Kay is now stnkin.' the iiroimd for
; 1'iOO apple and peach trees which he
j will set in a few davs. Mr. Kav has
i secured some line trees from l-'rank
Stanton's lueferv. pnyini; an extra
price for a nick of the stock, ldi-v iei it
I oor economy to plant a ten cent tree
when a letter one ("in be -(.cured for 1"
re- or I'O cents. Mr Kay w ill set peach
i trees amon: the tipples, intending to
eginniiig 1 iiursdiiy.
ami rout inuinii' out
A Special Opening of
Pattern Hats. Shspesand
colors radically different
from former seasons and
positively charming from
an artistic standpoint.
For s;i me st vie
and imamy nn
C2S2S-gS3 13 GSE223SS3E323CZ3
ol 1 lie Palles, is now
(laiTiieiils. ami w
KUFV will .sever his connection with the linn
F. i:..ND will c
Clothing, Men's
that the trade
propriet or.
inline his personal at tent i
Furnishings and Shoe lb
FOFFY will continue in charge of the (irocer.v
that this arraii'euien
t will
cut out the pei
ach tree'
t ices need t lie lo.nn.
Charles lingers prci
ollice wit h u booiiet i
i lit ed t he Uaeirr
I' handsome wild
I dowel's nt hered on
the hills east, ul
; the c-it y.
i Troy Shelley returned T'ue:da.y fnen
California, where he spent, the win
: tor. 1 ,11 couion home much inipnneil
j in hear h.
IO. W. Stohl. a linotype compositor
from I'nrtlalld, aeconipMuied by A. ,M.
I KobineUo, made the trip by bout from
! 1'nrH.ind Tuesday, and are enjoyinn
I an out inn i" ' he city.
1 It is announced (hat Mebille .1.
I iiley and .Miss iitinlin will l,e innr
ried Saturday ni'lit. of this week.
Mr. Foley is a clerk in the store ol ,1.
K. Kami. II i
friends are extending
Captain II. C. (
was up
mo I'nli
his bilsl
( l I it o i I)
a suImmIi
land last, week lo.ikinu alter
liess inlerest-i in llol Kiver,
Cue is IIOW I,, cited at l.elits,
south ol Mount Tabir, where he h:is
been in the chicken liusine-s sli ce il,,.
the lirst of November. lie has lu'l
hens, and ha been uciliinu' a ir-wwl
'hiicr selling c.",'- all w inter An elect
trie car runs el ,s to his home.
In- W. S Murray of I'oitlalid was in
' Hood Kiver the hitter part oi la-l we
' visilinn Willi Kr.M. A, .b,u, -', the ,le
1st. I)r. Murray in ,n h-.- way
' Shunilio and !"iid,to which points
c v poets lo make ui"i,l hi . i rip
re! urn, l'r. Murray w i'l do v
Or. Jones in this city, u hi' - th
Hi his
"ik tin
'il and
makes a trip to White Salmon
nearby points
The s of bl,')UI) ha- di
ro.e I
t l,i
, I',,'
b'd anion"; t lie count ;i J of i l.e t ' a'
Secretary of Slate I hm bar, for
purposes, this bcinif t be f) per cent
sal s lund which is returned by
federal t'overnineiit . A. Mai a
amount was over $111,11 m, and to
crease is due t 1 the f.iihnu oil in
of government 1 ind - i 1 irej. n
an act of the h-cishitiee of imi ;
money is dis'iibiit il an e il,e ei
ties of the sta'e ac -oi di e j 1.. t :,, ',' a
and under th's plan Harney c,,u
t lie most thinly with coniity, fi ts
OKI, while Mn.t ah, the nw-l p
Ions eolllltV, l; t' I'll iJ'K W;
county's ni'ii'i" is I .'.."1 '. o.s'l, aid i
plopo'tioli of I be led I t in I f, ! road-
aiieni'itcd to f .';')!;", :: 1
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. A h re: nod
Monday from a trip to ( ;diioi:,ia.
'lhey llrst visited in .Memb eino conn
ty, then went on to San I'rni'ei.seo,
anil down to Vi t-ouille, and M' nt,
rey. At Watsonv b! ihiv nit H, I '.
lioardnian. who he I "i u'lil him-i II a
fruit ranch, mid is 1 1, n-, d with the
country. iioth .Mr. und .Mrs. Ash
come home much iu. Toved in hi idlh.
- ' ' - i
i" J
prices arc nmcli
Toil lam
IP ' L
in c
il (Mil
lie pleased lo show
aliim' er service ilc
make our Store the
look ill"1 as 1 niv-
Hood River
They ucio ihlinhti d with the v, inier
cliiunlo of t lie Sout li.
looueT. I'ratlur was in l'oilhnid
during tho week.
Mrs. John Smith of Mosier was a
Mood Kiver i itor dm ihk t he week.
I. 'ev. .1. V. Jenkins of At hi 111 aimed
Weiliiesiluy 1111,11, i 1 1 ir to look after his
farm here for a lew days.
I I. I'. Spear mill J. A. Knits l ie
nl. Collins employed in putting iu a
sewer system lor the sutnu er lint' Is
1 W. .1. linker A Co. inade sale hist
j week to C. S. 'an.iiker's six acres
! at I riin 111 to W. V. Nnson of this
Icily. The land is within of a mile of
Iri iK'Hi, und all planted to fruit trees.
K. A. .Miillintfnr, district deputy of
the Modern Woodmen of America, v ho
has spent I he pa-t two weeks in our
city, iu t he interest of the order, h it
today on No. I for Mood Kiver, w hi re
ho expects to remain about two weeks.
Thnaiiih Mr. Miillenuer's olf'nrt-' a
IniKo class will be adopted by the lo
cal camp bote on April 1. Chronicle.
I'eter Mohr and Miss Mary .Mnhr
were in The lii.lles Suiidev. 1 ere
they intended hili mass at St.. l it r's
Catholic church, where a class ol .72
boys und ;irls received eonllrinut.ii 11,
t he hiruesl class ever (1 1 finned in 'i he
I )a lh s. Ilishop ( I'Ki iiey I'.duiinisti i ed
the lit
. Th,
by Father llosl.
: pen ices v ere I
of l'l ndle'
i lllpl es-i'i
-1 lenee ol
,11 l''ridi!V.
'ov ol II
At, the te
clei 1", iiinn
I'cle A. (
Mr-. Kmiin
the ol'
March i
oil 1,1'
11,1 . 111?
uiktree of
j. Ileishni
. ell know 11
h 1:.: ;
i'l 111 It!,
le of til
hat I V ci '
Wa-b . bv
The en,,,:,,
stunt i:,l I'ai 111
I 1 id, i- n pr
well known t
Hood I.'im i
ri'side in I la
.1 li-
o of
; In wo II
. 11 o 111 ar
tr I
lit lid I
Ul iiib rninMl i'
A inn.-, I'm I' 1 w i
to drive a lea in 1
l irst Mil 11 (her.
,1 Wit- the ll!;-t 1
1 r the !;i , I 1 elp
the nn, nth of
I neb' A inn- ,
II, ni uilie;. 'I la
lleted. but n
de the
Had I
re er.
I VoMlay
i j is ci tu
v. 1 1 k 1 1 re
other. A
l n e tol e
' ,!s sollH
.1 ! he!"
to 1,.
turnout o
Ci n-t I l.ctl
V ith th
t o v. ill
collll let ion
f I his road, a
ttsa-lfl I J-'IM'le I- 1
tine, the (',
La! e conntiy.
11 nut h i f t he rie
dioided for tirtiic
a river to the Tiot
The I riilfe at t e
er va., 1 uilt last 1 11
01 ntiis i f Ska him. ia
ji.i ,tlv I v the
aud Klickitat.
1 e