The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 23, 1905, Image 3

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(i 'out iiued flora page I.)
fcectious in the Paciflci Vm-tW.wt
producing in greatest perfection not
ujy iue grapes tliat thrive iu Middle
j.u one, dih mono originated in Spain,
Italy, North Africa and Asia. Col
onel Iiraekott. Doruolotfiat of rh d.
partmetit of Agriculture, traveled 150
umea out or inn way to assure him
sen unit grapes exhibited as Idaho
((rapes were realy grown in Idaho,
ana stated that after an exhaustive
inspection of the California vineyards
a few weeks previous to bis visit, he
nan seen noiuing mere o excel and
little to equal what he saw in North
ern Idaho. The experiments of wiue
making have resulted in notable suc
cess, the dry wines of the Riesslins
d.wI Q.i.. t. I - i "
tjnuti'iutj iyv uuviug ueen pro-
nouiicea ny connlosseurs as coming
uearear to tne hairopean wines than
any grown in California, and these
wines were awarded one of the 28
prizes at the Pan-American Kxposi
tion at lluffalo acaiust GOO entries.
J. Schaeffner, of Clukstou, isauthoity
for the statement that his vineyard
makes 1,500 gallons of wine to the
acre, and that the cost of growing
his grapes, manufacturing them into
wine, allowing interest on the value
ofthelaud, will not exceed $5 per acre.
This w ine w hen two years old is easily
worth 75 couts per gallon. Prank
Eberle, near Juliutta, made 3,000 gal
lons of wine from three and one-half
acres of grapes, bolides selling large
quantities ot tne tnut. which also
shows tlie enormous profit on the in
dustry. The dreaded pest of the
grape-grower the phylloxera is un
known in Idaho. Idaho prunes are
already known on the Kastoru market,
some varieties showing an unusual
and and plea-ing combination of
sweotuess and acidity. Chemical
analysis of the Dawson variety proves
that it appoxiiualcd the high sugar
content of the 1'ieucu prune, while
uniting with this quality it lias an
acidity equal to that of the Italian
The excellence
on exhibition at
Chicago World's
alo, Charlestown
of Oregon fruit up
tlie St. Louis and
fairs, Omaha, Ilutf-
anu i aria exposi
tions, have added much to the
state's reputation as a fruit producer.
Hood Kiver won l(i medals on fruit
at the Chicago World's fair, including
sevou on apples and the highest award
on strawberries. The largest apple
and the largest chorries exhibited at
the same fair were from Oregon, and
the largest pear from Washington. E.
F. liabcoek, Walla Walla, Washington,
took the first prize on apples over all
the world at the Paris exposition. At
Uuffalo the state received 27 gold
medals agriculture, (i; foods and ac
cessories, I; horticulture, pomology,
viticulture, 18; forestry and forestry
products, 2. Silver medals to all ex
hibits, :s:(, of which 18 went to horti
culture; bronze medals, 75, of which
15 went to horticulture. At the same
exposition Oregon won the Wilder
medid olfered by the American Pom
ological society for tho most perfect
fruit. At the Charleston exposition
the Orogon horticultural and pomolo
gical exhibit captured 34 gold, 14 sil
ver and one bronze medal.
With the continued development
of the fruit industry the next decade
us in the past, with the continued
cure of producing extra fancy quali
ties, there is no reason why Oregon
should not become as famous for its
fruits as California and Florida are
for their oranges. For the "year 1904,
Oregon's fruit crops amounted to
2,41:1,500: Prunes, 8102,500; apples,
IRt;t5, 000 ; pears $245,000; peaches,
180, 000; grapes, 8110,000; chorries,
8125,000; other fruits, $40,000.
.Mrilforil out for the Prizes.
"Hood Kiver has a reputation for
Hue fruits which she must work hard
to maintain," remarked Henry Howe,
who is up from Hosoburg to do some
work on his homestead at Mount
Hood. "The Medford people have
some very lino fruit, and they will
make every effort to defeat Hood Riv
er for the prizes at the Lewis and
Clark fair," continued Mr. Howe.
"There is one serious thing the
Medford growers have to contend
with, nnd that is the shabby way in
which most of the farmers put up
their apples. They pack fruit in that
country in any sort of a box, soap
box, coal-oil box and the like. They
have not learned how to make an
attractive pack.
"Neither have they learned to
spray as the Hood Kiver orchardists.
Throe times in one year is considered
sutlicient down there, and thon they
lose all faith in sprayinf because
there are just as muuy worms in the
applos as before they sprayed at all."
Air. Howe came to Hood Kiver iu
1880, and is therefore entitled to be
called one of tho pioneers of the val
ley. He is at present employed as
clerk iu the Koseburg land ollice. He
still looks upon Hood Kiver as his
('lininlKTlaiu's Kt'ini'ily Elects Alderman
I can heartily and conscientiously
recommend C'lianiberlain'sCoiigh Keiu
edy for nflectinns of the throat and
lungs" says Hon. John Shenick, 220
.So. Peoria St., Chicago. "Two years
ago during u political campaign, I
caught cold nfter being overheated,
which irritated my throat and 1 was
dually compelled to stop, as I could not
apeakaloud. In my extremity a friend
advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. 1 took two doses that after
noon and could not believe my senses
w hen I found the next morning the
inflammation liml largely subsided.
took several doses that day, kept right
on talking through the campaign, and
I thank this medicine that I won my
scut in the council." This remedy is for
sale by Williams' Pharmacy.
Will Plant Truck (warden.
Harry Steele, who came from Ohio
to Hood River with A. L. Staurfer
last month, has puchased 11 acres of
tho Ike Nealeigh place near the llir
rett schnolhonse, and will make a
truck garden this summer. Mr.
Steele is a florist of experience, and
expects some day to branch out in
that line. Ho placed an order Thuis
day with Frank Strang for 200 apple
and 50 cherry trees. The laud he
purchased is naturally rich, and a
truck garden should be a paying in
vestment. I have a few pieces of cut glass left,
which I wiil close out at the lowest pos
sible prices. Clarke, the jeweler.
Hew s Thlf
We offer one hundred dollar reward for ny
rase of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'
Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKNEY 4 Co.. Toledo O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J. I heney
for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions, and finan
cially able to earn' out any obligations made by
his firm. Waldiw. Kinnan 4 Marvin
Wholesale Drunmiit. Toledo. O.
HaU"s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly uinn the bloud and mucoua aurfacea of
the system, lestimoniais sent uw. rteMi
per bottle. Sold by all drumrista.
Te Hail's Family Pill" for constipation.
AT $5.43 A BOX
During the mouth of February,
Hood River apples gold at wholesale in
London for 22s 6d a case, equivalent
to 15.43. This is on the authority of
Henry A. Penn, who in a letter to
A. I. Mason, president of the Hood
River Apple Growers' union says :
"No doubt you will be glad to know
that your apples still stand unrivalled
on our markets. They are command
ing higher prices than ever, and we
have paid as much as 22s Gd a case
for them during the last few weeks.
Now, finding from the remarks made
in your address at Boise regarding
your returns, someone is making an
harvest out of your fruit, even after
making allowance for freightage. "
The Northwest Horticulturist of Ta
coma makes the following announce
moot :
Fruit shipping associations are con
tinuing to improve in their methods
from year to year. This is due both
to practice and because of increased
bulk of product. Evoy year there is
better co-operation between different
fruit sections. It is probable that the
Hood Kiver f ruit Growers Union,
the Puyallup Association and the
Vashou Association will unite on one
representative salesman each at Hel
eua, Butte and Great Falls, also at
other points east.
At local points it is likely in each of
seveal places that one broker will act
for several associaions. Fruit gowers
are determined as much as possible to
tlx prices In each of the dinerent mar
kets. Jobbers and commission mer
chants buying will handle on a fixed
basis and as soon as any market is
likely to be overstocked, the represen.
tative wilt advise shipping managers
send fruit elsewhere. One of the lin
portant features for any fruit shipping
association is to adhere to strict rules
of picking and packing. The inspec
tion should be very thorough when
the boxes are put into crates. A little
difference or error here caused much
loss to one association last yoar. And
it is a fact that all members of a ship
ping association suffer alike when
there is one poor packer. Individual
members must not only watch their
own pack, but should adopt a system
preventing a single momler from
putting iu fruit unfit to ship, for the
penalty falls on all alike for any error
Two Young Men Want Positions,
Can two or more young men of
excellent habits and with good edu
cation secure employment among
some of your orchardists or farmers
where they could be out of doors
most of the time," writes C. A. Ham
ilton, care Mutual Life Insurance Co..
32 Nassau street. New York City.
Ihey are young men Iwho can be
reilea upon ana after they get broken
in will be valuable to any one who is
desirous of good reliaple help. They
are anxious to "go west," and if they
don't get "cold feet" will become
residents of your state. 1 am father
of one of the boys."
Mr. Hamilton's letter was dated
March 11, and he says: "Winter is
still with us, and the Hudson river
ten miles up is solid with ice, any
where from 1G to 22 inches thick.
Professor DeVao, our local weather
prophet, predicts one more blizzard
for this month. It makes one shiver
to think of it when I look at your
weather report. ' '
Rural Northwest Fruit Notes.
According to the Medford Mail, be
tween 2500 and 3000 acres of new or
chards have been set out iu Jackson
county, Oregon, the past season.
The strawberry crop at Florin. Cal
ifornia, commenced ripening earlier
and faster this year than ever before.
It is probable that it will U out of
the way before Oregon berries begin
to ripen, although if we continue to
have warm sunny weather and no
frosts Oregon strawberios will bo on
the market two or throe weeks earlier
than usual.
It is rather peculiar that while we
have had much less rainy weather
than usual in Oregon this winter,
there has been much more than the
odinary amount of rain in California.
The conditions are at present more
than ordinarily favorable for a fine
fruit crop the coming season.
Night Prowling Thieves.
Croup and Whooping 'Cough come
like a thief in the night, stealing in to
fasten the fangs of mortal disease upon
the children as thev peacefully sleep in
their little beds. Kennedy's) laxative
Honey and lar, the new discovery
for Coughs and Colds will drive all
these death-dealing deamons away
before the doctor can arrive. It pro
tect the lives and health of the little
ones. Contains no opiates. Keep it
Handy. Sold by U. h. imams.
Rather Because of Superiority.
Pacific Farmer.
The value of having an abundance of
any kind of produce for sale is demon
strated in the shipment ot apples from
Hood Kiver last year, where over a
hundred carloads of fruit was disposed
of. The sellers did not have to run
around over the country, because there
was suthcent fruit to calf buyers to that
point. The bulk was sold f. o. b. to
Eastern and Southern representatives.
Arkansas Marks Bring $1.50.
The Apple Growers' Union has com
pleted the v ork of shipping last year's
apple crop, the last bunch of Arkan
sas Illacks being disposed of last week
at $1.50 and 81.25 a box. This is con
sidered a very good price. The fruit
shippers will now take a well-earned
rest until the berry season opens
shortly after the first of May.
Pleasant ami Harmless,
pon't drug the stomach to cure a
cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts
the mucus, draws the Inflammation
out of the throat, lung and bronchial
tubes, heals, sooths and cures. A quick
cure for croup ami whooping cough.
Sold by G. K. Williams.
Advertised letter List.
March 20, 1905.
Mrs. II. Sellwood, E. Robt, N. Bow
eu, I). Fouts, Chester Hughes. L.
Richmond, W. L. Upton, Geo. Web
er. W. M. YATES, P. M.
A Safe Congli Medicine for Children
In buying a cough medicine for child
ren never be afraid to buy Coamberlan'a
Cough Ketuedy. There Is no danger
from it and relief is always sure to fol
low. It is especially valuable for colds,
croup and whooping coughs. For sale
ey Williams Pharmacy.
Incredible Brutality.
It would have been Incredible brut
ality lfChas. Lemberger, of Syracuse ,N.
Y., bad not done the best he could for
his suffering sou "My boy" be says,
"cut a fearful gash over his eye, so I
applied Buck'.en's Arnica salve, widen
quickly healed it and saved his eye."
Good for burns and ulcers too. Only
25c at C. N. Clarke's drug store.
of every description
Inks, Pens, Pencils, Erasers,
Letter Files, Shannon Files,
It will bring rich, red blood, firm
flesh and muscle. That's what lloll
isters Kooky Mountain Tea will do.
Taken this month, keeps you well all
summer. 35 cents, 'leu or Tablets. At
C. X. Clarke's.
AH diseases ef Kidneva.
Biaaaer, urinary organs.
Also Rheumatism, Back
ache, HeartDlsease. Gravel
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. There la a
cure for you. if necessary write Dr. I'eiiner.
He lias spetit u life time curltiK Jl,st ucn
cases us yours. All consultations Free.
"I had severe case nf kidney disease and
rheumatism. ulMCluiritliiK Moody matter.
Suffered intense pain. M y Kite was seriously
affected wit n roinaio trmiuics. nr. rentiers
Kiduey ami llurkaehe fine cured us both.
K. M. WUKiaKK, Uuudulpli. Iu."
DrupRlsta. 50c. l.Ask forCnok Hook-Free.
For Hale by V. N. t'LAKKK, lliwd Ulver.
We are headquarters for GARDEN TOOLS. A complete assortment, of
Rakes, Hoes, Spading Forks, Manure Forks, Potato Forks, Shovels
and Spades of all descriptions. We have Shovels from 450 to $1.35.
A full line of Poultry Netting at bottom prices.
Don't fail to see our stock of field and yard fence. We can save you money.
We have a stock of dependable Garden Hose from 7,0 to 120 per toot. ( ur
past experience has taught us that the poorer grades, from t-c to lie, are worthless,
made to sell, and not for service.
In Stoves and Ranges our stock is complete. We haven't till that's made, but a
few of them. Don't think of buying a range without lirst seeing our malleable
Monarch, the peer of them till, with unbreakable covers and centers. In fact,
there is no part of the Monarch that is bieakable. Prices are no higher than some
of the so-called high grade common steel and cast-iron ranges. Other ranges with
common cast tops, six N-in. lids, lH-in. oven, full nickel finish, with roll-top warm
ing closet from .f .'50 to if 35.
Our stock of Tinware, Graniteware and Cooking Flenslls is complete. A
full line of Tents and ('amp Stoves tit bottom prices.
Lawn Mowers We have them and can save you money.
Our stock of Builders Hardware is the largest in the city. Don't fail to
bring in your specifications for building. We are prepared to tpiote lowest prices on
Doors, Windows, Mouldings, and in fact anything that goes into the house.
Now is the time to paint before the dusty season. We have a complete stock of
Patton's Sun-prOOf Paint, which is one of the very few pure paints on the mar
ket, (iuaranteed for five years, f 1.7") per gallon. Imperial Mixed Paint , as good
as the average paint on the market, fl. .T per gallon. Full stock of Lubriciiting
Oils, Varnishes, White Lead, etc.
V. S. Commissioned
Abstracts, Conveyances, Insurance
and Financial Agent.
The Old and Pieliahle and Up-to-date Heal Estate Aent. 2. years a resident of the
City and Valley. '20 years in Ileal Estate and Insurance in tow n. If you want to huy
or sell Ileal Estate, come and see me.
The following list is only a small portion of lands we have for sale:
1. 5-rooin house anil over an
acre ir land. Miwt ilitly Wca
tinii itilnu n. AIout 4H fruit Ireea
and other fruit. Kaxy tertnw.
Only $1300
i. lt uuxl.k), good location
and fine view 250 j
3. One hurt .one-half lots on
Stale .treet, fenced, fulcw alk and
frui. trees i."0
4. Six fine lota on the hill, very
fine view 1100
5. A good building lot in liar-rett-Siinia
addition 200
ti. Small hmi"C and good lot in
Blowers' addition N00
7. House and lot and good barn
in gonj (lightly location 1250
8. A goou bumneHd corner on
Oak street, 75x1(10 feet. Three
good buildings on the property... 5000
By the Tonic Route.
The pills that act as a tonic, and not
as a drastic purge, are leWitt's Little
Early Kiaera. They core Headache,
Constipation, Biliousness, etc. Early
Kisers are small, easy to lake and easy
to act a safe pill. Mack Hamilton,
hotel clerk at Valley City, N. I), says:
Two bottles cured me of chronic cons
tipation. Sold by G. E. Williams.
WOOD Ac SMITH IlKOS.. Pio,ri,.,rs.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Five Delivery. Phone;
FROHN & HEATON, Proprietors.
(Successors to ('. S. True.)
Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries,
Flour and Feed.
Call and see the new firm on the 1 lcihts.
Free Delivery. Phone lfi(i.
Also the exclunive Hiihwif lotx
in Kiverview I'urk and Idlewilile
1 25 acrea 5 1 a mi lea from town
on the Kant aide; good apple hind
about 3 acrea cleared and 40 fruit
treeaaet A house, one half mile
fr Kcdool, on K. V. I. route .... 1700
i 5 acrea 2 inilea from tou n on
Weal Hide. All iu cultivation; 1!
acres iu atrawlierriea; a few fruit
trees; a 4 room lmii-e; Hinall l.iun;
close to church. Kasy terms 1500
3. 20 acres of good apple land,
unimproved, 12 mile from town 750
4. 40 acrea (i milea from town,
37 acrea iu cultivation, 4 acres in
atrawherriea, 400 apple trees of
the lieat varietiea and in line con
dition.several acrea in alfalfa ami
clover; all. good laud, one-half
H10XE 51.
It is to your advantage
Another car just
reoon L
mile f:om achool and il li one of
the U't views in the valley.
iod term. .. (1000
". 10 acres of unimproved land
(i mile-, fr.iin town, level and eas
ily inL'nt'd; will grow any kind
of en p; ( love to w lmol and
irrigating ditch 1 100
li. -M acres of unimpioveii land
G mill from low n, level and eas
ily iiTigalcd: will grow any kind
of eroii; eln-H to pelinol and
; church 1S00
! 7. W) acres six miles fioin (own
v,st side; 4 acres in hearing
orehanl; creek runs through Hie
place; line f..r fruit or grass; a
4-iooin hoii-e 3500
j K. Ihirryltrown pla f " acres
4 acres iu straw Is rries; horse,
wagon, harness, farm t'sils and a
-inch water right go with the
plaee 1500
We again invite you
I rassssBHSMgam mm'.crsin: rjg
. "Upper ton
umber Co
" CennLt-ia.r37-"
" Pomona "
" IFruLltcxll "
Also Nozzles, Bamboo Extensions, Extra
Caps, Hose Connections, as well as the best line of
Spray HOSO that money can buy.
Opposite Postoflice.
HuntWall Paper Co
Carries everything in the line, including
Krinkled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc.
UptotIate Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone i7l. First and Oak Streets.
wiiolksaij: kktail
R. H. WEBER; Prop.
M f f AND
Evergreens, Roses and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
Fresh and Cured Meats, Groceries,
Flour and Feed.
Iloon Kivkk lliiitaiTs. I'imok I)i:i,ivi:iiv.
hood uivi;i; iniKiiiTs
For style and fit wear MERRICItS PANTS
Youths and l'.ovs Pauls 250 to 2.25
Men's Pauls 1.00 to 5.00
New Spring Styles Ladies' SKIRTS
Good Goods at Reasonable Prices
E. R. Bradley
Hi. I
V 1
lllfill fiHAI'F VAVlil! KT
AMi f (IMMI I" .. I. V.
I K'.VI'li.V I i-.M ':!!.:; :u
W? are hTv tu 1 yur woi 1: !lny
tomorrow anl cvt ry ol ln-r l;;y, ;im1
our tnotiey (w!.:.t l.'M" W: I..IM )
i;: fpent in ll'x-i P.. . cr V,"- want
your work arvi v.iu ;lo it watly
phone si.
to try
to do so.
Ice Cream
Sweet Oranges,
Grapes, Fruit,
Dates and Figs
Phone .")."!.