HOOD RIVER GLACIER Issued every Thursday by AK1HUR D. MOB, Publish-. fanni ot ubiorlptlon 1.M Ji iMi fM In advatioa. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905. We have leu asked to buy stock la the American Type Founders trust, the company forwarding confidential letters telling what a good opening there is to get a bunch of choice shares. We would suppose the type foundors to be satisfied with their en ormous poflts and systematic robbery of publisher and printing houses, and content to let the printers rest at that, rather than to launch a scheme of frenzied fluaance, with weekly newspapers as victims. A Eugene real estate dealer has re ceived 117 inquiries from the east since January 1. From this basis, the Register figures out that Oregon's pop ulation will be increased by a quarter of a million inside of a year With fruit trees in full bloom and graHB on the lawns, the Easterner who has just arrived to view the Oregon country, writes back home at once for liia family to come on. Oregon It the finest country he ever saw. The portage railroad at Celilo is to be completed by May 15, but where is the steamboat line on the upper Columbia, which in competitiou with the railroads is to reduce the freight rates f Thecounty fruit inspector at North Yakima last week coiidemmed 00,000 fruit trees sent from Missouri. The tae.es were effected with wolly aphis. and were ordered burned. The Japs have taken Tie 1'bhh, which assured them a tie nasB to Harbin suggests the office devil. Would Force People to Subscribe, A solicitor representing an afternoon paiHtr In Portland, called at too ot!K of Attorney Jayue one day last week, In his endeavor to get a subscription from Wasco county s representative, the young man remarked, "Why don you know that the did more than any other paper to kill the Jayne bill? Jayne smiled blandly and re marked, "In that sor The young man began to get his bearing" and slid out. Next door he endeavored to get an other subscription. Meeting with no better success he Iwgun a course of blackmail, throwing out the hint that If looplo of a town did not support the 1'ortland paper they could le made to regret it. The smart Aleck got very few subscriptions. Hood River Flour to the Front. The Hood River Milling Co. are now turning out fancy family flour. They have made a heavy investment and are enterprising, progressive and are doing everything they can to help dovelope Hood Itiver valley. Thoy aro turning out throe grades of flour for the local market liesldes the export brand. They also make all kinds of Graham. They aro par ticularly proud of their "Hood Riv er" and "Cupid" brands of flour and they intend to make the "Hood Riv er" flour as famous In the Oreogn markets as Hood Kivor apples and strawberries are In the markets of the world. Use home made flour and thus help build up your own com munity, They cordially invite visitors to go through the mill. Whist Club Meet with Mrn. Hone. The ladies of the Cascade Whist club were entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. N. W. Hone. Mrs Moe won first prize, a picture of tiie "Little Dutch Girls'' framed in burnt wood, which hns been designed by Mrs. Hone herself. Mrs. Htranalian was the winner of Clifford's Indian medona, flamed in burnt leather, which she very highly prizes. Painty refresh mnets were served by Mrs. Hone. Those present were : Mosdanioi J. F. Ktranahan, J. F. Watt, K. O. Hlancher, A. M. Kalsay, C. R. Hone, Arthur Davidson, U. K. Williams, C. T. KBrly, A. A. Jayne, M. F. Hhaw, N. W. Hone, T, J. Kinnaird, Will Haines, Hurt (ira ham, 11. L. Vorse. The next meeting of the club will be a party tonight at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Stewart, on State street. At the Churches. Unitarian. Corner State street and Park avenue; Rev. O. J. Nelson, pastor; Services (Sunday morning. Sunday School at 10 o'clock, Preaching at 11. Subject of sermon: "Superficial and (lonuino Salvation." Evening: "The Uses of good Reading." With papers. Riverside Congregational. Rev. W. C. tiilniore, Pastor; Sabbath School at 10 a.m. Monring worship anil preaching atll. Young people's meeting atl:!10 p. in. Evening worship at 7 :'M p. m. Valley Christian. Sunday school at 10 a. in. ; illustrated sermon at 11 ; Y. P. S. C. K. at :.'H; pleaching at 7 :'M). A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the services of the day. W. A. El kins, pastor. Haptist, Regular preaching services lit Carniichael's hall every 1st and 3d Sunday morning and evening; Sunday school every Sunday at II) a. in. Cove mint and business meeting the first Wednesday night in each month. J. II. Spight, pastor. Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p-m.; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Kp worh league 7 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. All cordially in vited. W. C. Euim, pastor. I'nited Brethren. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Junior I'.ndcavor, :i:;ttl p. in. Christian En deavor, 0:45 p. hi. Preaching at 7:30. All are cordially invited. Rev. J. S R heads, pastor. Mrs. C. 1 1. Rogers, who has lieeu confined in the North Puclllo Sanitar ium, Portland, with typhoid fever. was on the way to recovery when she was suddenly attacked with a hemor rhage of the brain the first of last week and Mr Rogers telephoned for, When ho rear hod his wife's bedside, the phvsician told him she bad about one chance in anno of ever recovering, but Thursday, the report came to llool River that she was gaining rapidly aud her case was now quite hopeful. Land plaster at llolinan & Co. Have not jet Received Permit. "If the Mountain View Ditch Co. hud its permit from the government to cross the forest reserve, a gang of men in a months time could complete the work to bring out all the water the Upper Mount Hood farmers could make use of," remarked Henry (ioff of .Mount Hood, who was in the city Saturday, arranging with Commissioner I'ratlier for final proof papers on his home stead. "We have been waiting for this per mit for several years and it is the only thing holding back the improvement to the ditch. When this ditch in com pleted and we get plenty of wuter it will be the making of our country." Vegetation is making rapid strides in the Mount Hood country, and Mr. Uoff says that in some places clover has made a growth of four inches. THIEVES RAID MANY HOMES Robbers made a wholesale raid in Hood River early Tuesday morning, entering the houses of Postmaster Yates, Dr. Hroslus, A. IX Moe, liev. J. W. Rigby, C. II. Vaughan, the Commercial Rooming house and the rooms of Frank Quinn in the Artisan ball building. Ralph Laraway who, was spending the night at the home of Curl Vaugliaii was the heaviest loser. The thlcw-K walked away with a good pair of trousers, a 100 gold watch and several pieces of jewelry. llie watch hud been a gift which he very much prized. Postmaster xaies says ins wue nan gone through his trousers the night before, and the robtierg did nothing more than take them down stairs, turn tbe rockets inside out and leave them on the floor. Dr. Hroslus missed $12 in cash and his account book. In some of tbe houses entered, the thieves left mud tracks made by their stocking feet. They effected entrances with pass keys, and lelt the doors open when they went out. It iH thought the robliers were professional housebreakers. Several people recall seeing suspicious looking characters about the city previous to the rot. tMtrios. The hen house of 1). McDonald on State street was entered the same night, and a setting hen robbed of a dozen eggs on which she had been sit ting for two weeks. Deputy Olinger believes it to have been the work of oue man. He sent a description of the stolen watches t Portland, but says he docs not expect the police in that city to do anything, as it is their custom to give no at ten tiou to such matters unless they are given a lilmral supply of money in ad vance. The thief made an attempt to enter the bouse of Bam Hartmess, but was scared out by a little dog in the kitchen. Bam says the dog burked so furiously that he went down stairs and opened tho door, when tho dug tore around the yard at a great rate At the Commercial house, Charley Morse's watch was taken ; also a watch from Jess, the Japanese, and some of his money. Borne 7 in money was secured from a roomer In the Rigby home. The robber discarded an old slouch hat and a pair of trousers on tho side walk on the West River street. No further evidence has been found of the thief. MEETING IS CALLED OFF Ilecauae it wan impoHHible to coino to an agreement with the railroad companion concerning niton to the April convention or the Development league, the meeting han been culled rr n. " ' This) decision cornea an a remilt ol a meetiiiK between Tom Hichnrdnon, aecretary and treasurer of the league, and A. L. CraiK, general paHHener aKent of the O. 14. 4 N. Co. ; A. I). Carlton, atMMxtant ueneriil piihhoiikci' aeut of the Northern Pacifilo; V. K. Coman, general freight and paxKeiiKcr axent of tho Southern fiicillc Iiiien in Oreiron. and A. li. Smith HHHihtimt Keneral piiHBencr Hent of the North ern Pacific of St. Paul. Secretruy Kiiiliiirduon anked the auentM for a one-fare rate which waa rofiiMod. No amount of (UbcuhhIoii rtwulted in an iiKreeinent, and after a ntoiny hiwhIoii the conference brokeup, Mr. Uiclmrd soii'a iiiiHHlon came to naught and the intended annual convention of the Oregon Development lenKUO In Port land went up iu Binoke. K. L. Smith, president of the league, regrets very much that no agreement can lie reached with the railroad concerning a rate to the con vention, but heartily endorHoH Tom Kicharduon'H action iu calling the meeting off. The league wanted 11 one-fare rate, while the roadn would ooiiHont to nothing Iohh than that of a fare aud a third. Mr. Smith he leivea the ronda would have made money at thin rate. "Wo had planuedto have a gigantic convention and large uumbera of del egntea had already been appointed to attend," ttaid Tom Kichnrdmin. "The Martiuam theater had boon doimtoil free for the tine of the dolcgaten anil our pluus contemplated a convention of such magnitude that we were plan ing to hold it in HoctioiiH, each sec tion to be devoted to ditl'erent inter entn. "Wo could not uirord to run any riak of a niinill attendance. The only guarantee agaiunt thin wan a one lure rate. We auked It and were retuneil. An otTor of a oue-nud-one third, the regular rate, wan made tin, but thin would not have nerved our purpose. I will Hay that Oregon in the only ntnte I know of where the railroudn do not allow a one-fare rate. They do bin for auch movements an the Oregon Development league in every nection of the country where 1 have ever boon. They can afford to do it for the note purpone of the league In the develop meut of the state that large." Hall Playing Starts Itiinaniiy. lioys plaving ball on Uiver street Thursday afternoon canned Milton Pen- ler i team to runawav. llie team wits in front of McDonald's store, when they jerked loose and danhed down the uve nueat utire engine pace. In a moment's time the horses crashed into the porch of the lew el building, which collapsed like an awning. The wagon broke here, and with tin front the horses ton" up 1 irst street toward I.uckev's blacksmith shop, am were finally stopped, hut not until ti c harness was torn into nl reds. Pealer had just come in wi'li a load of brick for the Pavidson warehouse. Do Veil Suffer tilth Pyspcpsla or indigestion? Clarke's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure you. Price only oOc. l'r. W. V. Iaraway and son Kalph arrived Saturday from Iowa to re main for some time in Hood Kivor. Mrs. (1. L. Kobiuson of the Bust Side received the sad news of the sudden death of her mother at Strong City, Kaunas. Three daughters re main to mourn the loss of their mother. New vSpring' Dress Goods New vSpring Muslin Underwear New vSpring' Knit Underwear New vShirt Waists New Washable Skirts New Ladies' Collars Ladies' Lace itched Linen Collars 150 New Idea Magazines 50 New Idea Tatterns, the best, only 100 We save you money on every purchase. to ?ziana m jmm n 7 THIS 15 ONE jf f MAKFR WITH THE CHARACTElST 1 yfeyl 7 MAKERS v i ::? v A tj A ( ttjf You will find these Shoes y I iifdy at llood River's Best Store II pmcEJso THE PARIS FAIR ! S3 VSFKfXZEseszi GRADERS START IN FEW WEEKS Ah niinoiincDil by the (iliiciec lust week in an interview with V. II. Ke cleH, president of tho Mount Hood liiiilroad Co., the proposed road up Hood Kivor valley will be in opera tion by the lli'nt of October. A ciin tnict ban been signed with Mason, lliebisclis ,V doplin for grading to be in April I. The conlractorn are un der penally to have their pint of the work completed by duly 1, when rail laying will coiliiiieuce. The route surveyed for the road, and the one which will probably be selected, leaves the O. li. A' N. just east of the depot, sw ings around the point above the count v bridge anil crimson to the Knst Side about a mile and n half up t lie st leiun. A 'JiHl fool tunnel will have to be bored at JoIiiisod'h point. Coiitinue iug thence about, a halt' a mile above the power house of the Light Co., the road makes a turn on i'.vaus' land, aud continuing on a three per cent grade follows up Cedar creek to Mason's place. The line passes to the right of the timbered but to, on to the Harbison ranch; upl.cii. creek and on to Odell, passing near the Kit tle White Store; I hence southwest past the property of (ieorge T. I'ra therand A. H. ISIowern and on to the timber of the Oregon Lumber Co. sunt h of Winans. The exact terminus of the roiul has not been established. The road will lie continued no fiuthei than the tim ber thin summer, but Mr. West says it is t lie intention of his company to cont inue on to .Mount llooil In a voar or two. C. W. Nibley, president of the La (irnnde Lumber Co., and a stockhold er in the Mount llooil liailioad Co., wan in Hood Liver Tuesday. Ho ex pressed himself an ci v much favor ing a route up tho West Side. Thin being so much cheaper, and easier to build, besides being nearer the timber of the company. Accepts Advert isimf I'ropesition. At a meeting of the Commercial club Tuesday night, nil advertising olfer from the Kveiiing Telegram for a spoct.il write up of Hood Kivor was accepted. The Koiiiuieicial club is to pay sM." ill, and reiviio otn copies of thcapcr. This special edition will be sent til !iili,'t uaiiies of people who are coming west in t he niont h of April. The subscription paper passe,! about town last neck was annulled and a new one put out instead. It was agreed by tho cl ib to raise n ?hM0 guarantee fund by the club for adver tising purposes, it n, i that no further donations be asked of (he business . men this year. ,1.1'. I !al holder placed ; his inline on the list for slmi. It is the intent ion of the club to circulate the subscription paper among t he tanners ol the valley who have land for sale. Contributions1 will also be expectid from all fann ers w ho w ish to at tract immigration to the valley. Have Yen Spray cd ct .' lift your material of Clarke and save money. The Chine-e who li.ivc rented giouu.l on the I'ar.elise faun for a truck garden appear to have ninie than their share ol trouble. While plowing u few weeks ano, an old while horse ran off and smashed up all the Lirmiiu: maciiiery. I. list week one of the cmiipativ wished to puil out and go lo lVit'and, and a lainilv racket ensiled. I'licsd.iv, while GOOD: ,SWE SHOE "MIA Mme. Abbott's MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT ItiivliiL' rented the liiiliillnit known as tho iiiliiiiiiKollli-e, la iiuiee lo the inihlic In ijciieriil Mm, 1 sunn ie rciuiy 10 1111 mi nie s ior Senior Millinery on Kiel alter March Sth. I have spared neither time nor money In order m i.roeiiie llie correct styles In head wear. My niiinv Unais will iipprei'la'e my ureal variety ;,. , i ....Kt.u,- u.l.. M. ,.,mul- utvl , liiiinlv sliuims tlinl every twee ciiM he A i ..nl-ii:iirt.eTii.l nlnu. whli li w ill tie liiiini-'iuiiil to imv shown III Hie lurt-i r cities. wlsiikmf u hut duplicated. taking a trunk to the new home of the Chinese on the farm, the horse runaway aiiiiin, this time smashing the wagon ami disappearing in the woods, 'llie Cclesticl wan heard to remark as the wagon crashed against the sidewalk: "Ihimn ; no good." Oeo. D. Ciilbertson A Co., sold this week 10 acres of laud for W. K Netf in the Mount Hood country. President Kooscvelt has lieartly ap proved the plans for a conference on tin' relation of tlio l.nittd Slates to the Orient, whirl, is to he held next snni e position. mer at the Lewi ami (Murk Lost White horse with rope on neck. Kewanl of $2.60 for return to me. Homy, the Laundry man. alii On Fast Side, bet we Hiick con (.urn itaK lady's cit-r ollit-e. n t'eter Mohr's and rity, shoe. Finder leave at Gla al;i !'nrty wlin thriMit;h nnntuke ttk parKae cnntitniliiK Id nek shirt, with niimo ot l-'rimk rnim tm paper, tnnn WonU 11ms. roeery will otihi by roimiiliiK sitmu to U.K. 1'rnther. ui:i Music. Viaitos. Organs, "Cti-ilian" Tiano flayers, all kinds 'f uniatl instruments. Sheet mil sic, strings etc. Hest and cht'iipcst hmise in the state. F. U. Wll,L,:U) AI.DKKST.. l'OKTLANl. ORE. One block above Oreuiii;in Huilding. New Spring Suiting. I have just received a fine line of samples of Hummer suitings. Call aud see them. 1 am also prepared Lo m;dte buttons from any maternl ue-sireil.-Jane CwiP s. KKPoKT OF TIIK CONDITION OH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT llool KIVKU. IN TM K M.TK. OK oiti:t;oN. at nil-: closf f m si- NKSM M Alt. U, KKSut 'LICKS. joaiLN and IMseounts 9 M.010 SH Ovenirafts Mvnrt'd and to Meiued .. .. ,l'.is Ni Cnitotl fstnit's lltmds i svur eliru- lution i'lvmiinus in C. s, bonds..., Momls iiinl seeuritteft Knowing bouse, tui'iiUure and h- tlll'es Current expenses and taxes paid One I'mm national bunk, tnol reserve Hijeiii.Hi lm- from approved reserve a;entn.... Cheeks and other cash items Notes ol other iiittiuiial bank- Fraetional paper eni rene , nickels ami crnls I.AWKfl. MONKY ltl-i;KVK IS HANK Viz: Spce'M ti,,VJ r Cenal lender notes 4).tHI ... lieiti inption hind with C. S. lieaiii- er i-'i per cent d cireulationi "lotal (V.WUIO I ;:ii. ii ; :t,i.M',t; l.jjt).. "MIM ! bt.x-O.OT i 41 :ti ;ui ot) : .vi.;i7 i :tU...t) S!K, 1 IS !C) 1.1 Vltl 1.11 I KH, Capital stock paid in $ iMum 01 mm plu mini .'t.tmti mt National Hank notes outstanding. .. it JO' tut Individual deposiis Mibjeel toclieck l.i.'i- Ni ltfitmnd eeititieaies.it deposit 5 Time eert llieates ot deposit Il,7s7.:m Cash ler'b eh eksnusutnditif; 10 tm Total T',l i stale of (Hecoii. County of Wiisco, ss; 1, F O. Hlan.'liar. cashier ol the above named bank, do solemn u swear that the Htov e statement is ime to The best of m know lcdi;e and belu-t. K. o. Ill, Wi ll Ml. i asiiicr. CoKKinr, Aitesi: F. s. Stanley, F. 1.. Smif', .lobu Hiurtebs, ireelors. Sulist lilted Slid Minru to be lor. 1110 llli ''1st dav ot March 10 V. C liliiH'K, Notary Public. For Mite of i tret n. P. M. HALL-LEWIS Civil and Architectural Engineer and Surveyor. Oitlee, second St., adjoin ULg W'saiooma Hotel, liesidetuv alter April 1st, Country lub Inn. HOUl) K1YKK, UUKliON. K. b. Smith nlllce, nltusted next to Itriidley's lele. . i I show h ili-C'hlss lmvell ies 111 bless I ..-.elusive -'itns imuie to order for those not M MK. aiihott. Noii .o of Election. Notice of ar aWction l.jr iV Lurnoiw of di'ter- mininR wh -i i.. r or not the i i i-oKuii Hood Kiver lrriialic.' l i;i;'ri''t lifrp'n atu. t. HirnUiil Khali be oryar. .. u uit . ' iirtivinions ol the uvi of the Legislative Ai.n .inb.y f theHtnte of OrtRon, aiiin)ve( Fubrcary IH1' i. Notice in kvn by piven ibat Uit Giunty Court of tho state ot On K'ti ttr liit-t'ounty of Wasco, on thelbthdnv at Xtiuivh, 19o.. miule an onii'r tabliwhiriK i he proposed HwkI Kiver lrritrution UiMtrict, the bounnariea of which are as follows, to wit: Commencing !a i the Northeast corner of the i northwest quarter of Section thirty-three, Townshiu three North. Range ten Fast, W. M. I In Wasco County, Oregon, and running thence West one half mile to the Northwest corner of t said section thirty-three; thence South one mile j to the corner common to Sections thirty-two and ; Lhirtv-three. Township three North, Range ten Fust, and Sections four and five in Township two North, Range ten Fast; thence West one mile to the Northwest corner of Section five. Township , two North. Range ten eaat; thence South two 1 miles to the Southwest corner of Section eight in said Township and Range; thence West eighty i rods; thence South eighty rods; thence Faat eighty ! n !: tn tho Sect i m line tetween Sections seven . ttren and eighteen! in said township and range; thence South eighty roils; thence Fast twenty. seven nxls; thence South eighty rodee, thence Fast : one hundred and thirty-three rods; thence south i forty rods; thence West one hundred and sixty rods to the Section line between said Sections I seventeen and eighteen; thence South two hun dred rods to the tiuarter section corner between Sections nineteen and twenty in said townshp and Range; thence West three-quarters ot a mile to point eighty rods West of the center of said Section nineteen; thence South one half mile to the sect ion line between Section nineteen and thirty in said Township und Range; thence West one- quarter of a mile to the corner common to Sections nineteen and thirty Township two North, Range ten rjist; and twenty-four & twenty-hve in Town ship two North, range nine Fast; thence South two miles to the Township line at the Southwest corner of lownship two North, Range ten Fast thence east along said Township line to the point where the same intersects to the left bank of the stream of Hood River; thence along the left bank of Hood Kiver to the point where the same tersects with the irrigating ditch of the Farmers Irrigating Company; ihenee along the North and West line of said irrigating ditch to a .xsint eighty rods Fat and eighty rods South of the center of Section thirty-three. Township three North, Range ten Fast; thence North one-hundred and sixty rods; thence West eighty rods; thence North eighty rods to the point of beginning. Notice is turther given that said Court by said .l.,i;13i,,ntuJ 0...4 u.,wl .1 ''II I onlenlisignatei and named said district the 'Hood River Irrigation District," and for the purpose of determining whether or not the said purposed irrigation district shall he organized under the provisions of Chapter V of title XXXIX of Bell inger & Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of the statenf Oregon, the same being an act of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Oregon, approved February 2(1, lHIift, an election will be held at the Barrett school house in said district on Saturday, L'th day wf April. liMtS, which said elect ion will be held and conducted as nearly as pract ical in acent dance with the general laws of the state of Oregon, provided that no particular form of ballot shall be required, ami that the provisions of the election laws as to the form of ballots shall not apply. At said election, the electors shall cast ballots which shall contain the words: "Irrigation district-Yes" or "Irrigrtion dist rot No" or words equivalent thereto, and said ballot shall also contain the names of persons to be voted for to lilt the various elective uihces prescribed in said act aUwe mentioned, namely: an Assessor, a Collector, a treasurer and a Board of three Diret tors for said proposed irnfation district. The whole of said proposed irrigation district is situated in one election precinct, and the election in said Bane't school house within the proposed district shall tie held for the entire district. Witness the Hon. A. F. Iake, County Judge, and Hons. H. J. Hihhard and C. H. Stoughton County Commissioners of the County of Wasco, state of Oregon, and the seal of the aasi Court, th's iOth day of March, A. l lHon. lSeai.1 S. BOLTON, Clerk. Annual Meeting Apple Growers Union. Tht tminbtrs of the Apple Growers Union are horchy nut itied lhat their annual meeting will be hi'M Satimlny Aitail I at 2 p m. AM members are nutti to lie present. The seltvtion of a new boarti of threctors, the biuldinir of a new ware house ami many other important questions pre taming to the general welfare of the apple trrow eift of imr valley, will be carefully considered. Come one. come all. Let us reason together. A. I. MASON. 1'res. V. . I'HUKCH.Sec y llt'sl Spravlnit .Katrrlal at the lowest prices at C! rite's store. For Sale W will sell our real est te businesa. Good bu. sine and fine prospect fur coming year, fire life and accident insurance; collections, noou River Real Estate and Exchange Co. 30 acres of fine orchard land adjoining new county road; all unaer aitcn; o ; take contract to clear part ot land a ton r desires. Cali on or writ to A. bchiller, n.r.u.no'. Rick m.m In venrs old:, Hamiltonian stock; weight about 1100. Price $76. John Lawless, K. F. O. No. 1. cu.iu,m. r.Unt.- 1': miles from town on Bel mont road. J. L. Mulkins. 'S Seven-room house and four lets on Hood River heights; 60 fruit trees: strawberries and other mull fniiui: also fine shrubbery. Call on or ad dress F. P. Brown, Cor. June and E St. mil Hay at J. W. Jenkins place. F. Fossburg. a!3 Vnr Hv I will offer the Brace place, six Kirwii oront nf nrmt nrtiee. for SI 500 cash. Large eight roomed house, plastered and papered. Two lots 100x100ft; large two story nam. x ne price uu this property goes up aoon.-Kdwin A. Hender son, Agent; A SNAP.-Large eight room house, two lota and barn, a bargain for cash. In lower HcmhI Kiver and corner Iota worth $2000; will sell for llftOO; offer expires in a few days, aftr which the price will be ra;sexl.-fcdwin a. nenuerson, Agent m Hon hp nd t wo lots at the office of T. W. Tweedy on the heights. Bargain for $1100. al3 High-class top buggy; also single harness. Bee U.J. OeHHling. a!3 Krean Jersey cow. H. R. Tucker. al3 Bnff Orpington and leghorn eggs for hatch ing, i'rioen. Auna M. auuerauu. To be sold cheaD a light spring wagon In good order; would take some hay Ineiuhange Apply at Hock ford store, near Barrett selmol house. ultt Best tested mated Homer pigeons. Fach pair registered and guaranteed good breed- era. H. L. ram sti, Tabor Helguta, rortland. (ire. mw An 8x10 tent In good cnndltlnn; about 1IXU ftwt rough lumber; new drop-licul Hewing machine; bed spring, kltch n furniture, luuiil ifrist mill In good hIiri e; new eurpi tiler tool. u. ( . rercy, w :nnn uuiiiip ii. ai:i If you are lookintr for ersa fu.-m f ull-bluc'Ica' Barred Plymouth Rocks with pi:ie yellow Icks und beaks from pnze-winninK sttK-k. y:u can (ft jusi such ckjb that will bri :g ; oi pil7.r-win:i.fiK chickens. Alletrirs are Kunianteed. Mis. IWay ford. Rockford Store, near llanett schixil. au .ease on lots for 111 vciiis, 'tore tuiililn , flrst-cltiss bakery und orTil'ri'tlonery, ulso uwentng nouse. j. 11. wiinnm. nnni IhRveforsale one spun of inures, ' weight about 154)0 pounds etich; also kooiI set tnmii harnes, one set chain harness, 1 witgon, 1 hack; 1 field cultivator. 1 garden cultivator, about 5 U)ns loose clover hay very cl an; also one full-blooded Jersey cow 4 yours old. V. ;. trockjllotidjllver. inlltf Old hickory S-ln tire waon nearly new. Frank llourdiuan. m;E0 2 acres and 6-room house on LyniHn Smith avenue; small orcianl, garden und clover. Cheap Ifsold quick. K.W.Udell. iu:l An Iversi& Tond piano. In ood condilion. will sell at about half price. Any one wish. I inr a piano will do well lo look me up. II. M. Abbott. Horse, weight atiout H.'iO, true to work and dr've; price rlitht. Also A I bicycle. Ad d.ess It. W.Caldwell, cure Fashion Mtuble. m:W (!Kd milk cow six years old, Rives a gal lons milk a day. One ftne yearling heller for sale cheap. Frank Neff. in'iif Thorough bred Cocker Spanlel;8 mos, old. ('all on Dr. Jenkins. 101)0 acres best Hood Kiver fruit land In tracts to suit the purchaser. Cheap. Seethe owuer, W. K. WINANS, at forks nud falls of H(H)d river, also some good homesteads on government land Hood River, or. mill I have close to town severnl hundred cords of wood, cut last October, for sale Inlnritcnr small quantities; 4-foot pole oak 4.7:1 ir cord delivered; 10-Inch body oak 85.rJn per cord de livered; 4-foot pole pine or fir $l.i" per cord de livered. Am also ready to contract lor Hi-Inch pineal H.75 per cord delivered, of which I have several hundred ricks not yet thorough ly seasoned. All wood best quality. Prompt dellyery. Call me up ou phone. ni30 Murray Kay. tlood driving horse for sale; weight 1WK); 7 years old; or will trade for heavy work horse. Murray Kay, One mile from town, lower Kast Side roud. T.m horses, wetgtit S1O0. ;nt-np if tnU'en at once. in:W Edwin Knowles. Clover, wheat and timothy lilv: price from $13 to if 15 a ton. J. o. Cameron, lnikcs Val. Lady's bicycle In good repair, price SI'i. Ap ply at Keyslone ranch. Idel woodworth. Kpan of blacks lor Hale. Known as the John Rogers team, feblt) ty. O. I). WOODWORTH. Will sell or rent 5 acres, all In cultivation, wilh Irrigating water, within ten in I mites' walk of school house. Inquire of Dr. Wall. For sale, first-class ( 'lark Seedling straw ber ry plants, until thev are gone. Ueo. Mcintosh AlMITa, clover, wheat and timothy hay, also dry pine wood cut In stove lengths, al P. I). HINIUCIIH. It. F. I). 2 For sale, my farm, tulles fro n town, mile from school honseand church, consisting of 140 acres; 80 acres improved, 400 one and two-year old Hpiuenherg and Yellow New town apple trees, !0 trees old orchard; fi acres In clover, 8 acres wheat. Will sail In whole or In part. al.S Jerome Wells. Dry lG-iuch pine wood. Sl.liO at place, 81 M delivered. H. . Ordway, on I.yman Smith place. aii S.OiH) Newiown and i-pltzenberg trees, 2 year old, 10 cents each. F. k. Hroslus. a0 Clark's Heedling strawberry plants, 81 ..") iwr l.lWO. J.T. Nealeigh, Hood River. si 10 acres, 5 cleared, y. acres In early Merries, ISO fruit trees, good Mouse and stable, one mile fiom White Salmon postolllce. Fine cherry and apple land. Kasv terms. Trice, S1.V), including tools. Inquire H. M. Abbott, '"J'llnery store. all 4-room house, 2 lots 100x130; water In house: easy terms. H.M.Abbott, millinery store. 8-room house, 2 lots; overlooking T'oiuuihla; In Wauenma addition. Terms. H. M. Ab bott millinery syire. at) Horse, hack aTid 'ubl"eharuei5r- II. M Abbott. m; Span of heavjiukliiTrses for sale "by Frank Chandler. Phone Till. Will sell a a'vin. wagon, orlraifelor li -'C In. wagon FAMassee, Willow Flat. all K0 acres at I'henowlth; house, iiarn; about 14 acres In cultivation; spring water; mosilv fenced. 1'rlue I2UI. K. .1. Mills, Hood Hivef. I'lynioulh Rock eggs; phone 12HI). H. F. Moses. uu Ihi ion want n driving team or riding horse? irso see Tucker. I will have six hesd Saturday, IHtli, at any old price. H. It. Tucker. Wanted Second-hand well drill In good order; o ie that will drill about 4(0 or 600 feet. John Lawless, R. V. D. No. 1. al l Wanteds showcase, five or six feet long. Wend particulars lo I', o. box 31' Hiaid Kiver or. n li Man to work on strawberry ranch at White .Salmon, steady work to gisid man. Can fur nish house to man with lainilv. Address or apply to W. jCAHH. Underwood, Wash, m o A one-horse hack must be In good order, o. M. DeWllt, Hiaid Kiver. all 2 good wood cutters on big pines. Kay. M urray m'l Information about some household B'mmN and a trunk which were sold Nov. 1ft, l'.sn, in Hood Kiver. They were shipped to M. T Thompson. Address Mary Hoalnmu, care ol Frank Moenty, Tampico, Wash. mil Wanted to rent, a giant ranch. Tor a term ol 3 to 5 years, Impilre of T. H. Weekly, at llu second Hand store. Wanted, six or eight young hens, I'lytnonlli Rock preferred, l'hone 20:1. M. I.. Kmry. li. Found. I'alr Lady's kid glove aud child mitten, l-efl at thlsolttce. Parties Wishing to set-tire land under the ov, m nienl Minadoka land and water projii-t, Ida ho, see H. M. Abbott. aa Carpet Weaving-. All kinds 01 carpet from old carpets, f. If weivir.g. Iiiit made MI'S. (ioDSKY. lliKidJtlv.'r Heights-. Minnrr.jis Xr. nv-nino w uuuj rlrst-eiass stock si. ID an.l 4t il n etling. Ralph K. Lewis, llelmoui. Ml Real Estate Bargains. THE ErnVpRIUIV!. Fine biiHLii'iM lot on '""'"i ftreet for tltiOO on insllilliiK'iit, or 1 "MR) cash. 5 acri-H etrawU'iry lni J, i ucri'8 cleared, 2-1 acri-s in l i i h n. 2 Hinoll iot t:iurs ;i niilesout on Wni iuli-, $1100; iW0 or more eaitli. ii.' acres nt Ut liiiDiit, (1 neri g in cul tivation, eottaue aud uulbuiiiliiii.'S, 150 apple trees, 2 acres BlniwborrieH, 2 acres alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash. New U-roomi'd cottngc, patent bath . and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $2100: terms reasonable. Two lots centrally located, $5f)0. Two lots, new tl-roomed bouse, patent bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $1700. Two-story 8-ronmed cottage, lot 70 by U0, on the bill, $1200; terms reasonable. For Sale 9000 acres pine timber; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,0(10 per day; 1 planing mill, capacity ;i,000 feet per day; 1 store and stock of merchandise, about WKK); 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon building, rented ; 3 bouses, rented; 10 head horses and harness; 9 road wag ons, 3J H; 1 longing truck; 5 pair sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 head hogs; 000 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All located at and near Uilgard, Or. For Sale New two-story 9-rnom house; Straimhan addition ; $1100; terms easy. I or Bale The Abbott Store property on the bill. 1'rice, $3,000. 14 acres across the road from the M. M. Davenport residence. t'iO per acre. Terms etsy. A h0 acre tract, unimproved, some free irrigating water, I I miles from liar rctt school house, fl.liW. Manna house and lot, $2,000. For Sale The Henderson ranch, for merly owned by ). K. (ialligan; tiOacre. 30 'cleared; orchard; strawberries; clover and timothy; well irrigated ;largo U-stry mansion, new barn ; all fenced. Price $10,000. lirook runs through ranch. Kasy lei ins; telephone; rural delivery. Four miles from Hood Kiver. For Sale The Donahue block on the hill. Improved anil fenced. Fine resi dence, barn and outbuildings. $4r,(H). Will sell the KK for flKX), the NF-U for $700, or the WJa for $3500. One third cash, balance time at 8 per cent. The Hunt place mile southwest of town. House, barn, mostly in strawber ries and other fruits. Price, $1450. One goat ranch on mountain east of valley on county road. Price $1,500; has small house, running w ater, and is fenced. Terms, easy. For Sale lliautiful lots in Park addi tion, center of town, from $200 to $300. 4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls of Hood Kiver, lielonging to George K. Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$4000. 8. KiO acres at White Salmon; fine timber land ; $10 an acre. !. The ti-acre place in Crapper neigh borhood, known as the Kenshaw place; all improved; new buildings, etc. Five acres at Frankton; cottage and acre and a half in cultivation. Creek and water power; $1,000. Lots 10, 11, 1L block 5, Waucoma ad dition; improved; price $l,(i00; or more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent. Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24 a year; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase $20 a year for the two. For Sale Funr-fiiths interest in the M. 0. Wheeler Kill ac-es near Hood River Falls. For Sale H evidence on State street at head of Front ; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale or Kxchanuc for Hood Kiver property Fine residence in business center of Suinpter. Money to i . ;i . Ten acres impnned, on White Sal mon river; $1000. 21 a. al F':ii:s.i,,:i ; improved; $2200. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Fniporiiini are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, ami the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From and after this date, April 9, 1903, tho rates will he as follows; $10 a day ; Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. Bargains jnjeal Estate. 3-room house, lot 100x100, oppo siUschool house; sightly location; very cheap, (iet our price. 2. 4 room house, two lots TiOxKIO feet each, city water; three blocks fr"iu sheool house; pleasant location. Price, $H50. 3. 10 acres Rood apple and strawberry land, four acres cleared, 12o fruit trees, one acre strawberries, 4-rooni house, well, stable, wood shed and pack ing house nud chicken bouse. Price $12)0 4. 5-rooni house, brow of hill, over looking Columbia, one block from high school building, (jnotl well and city wntjr; large wood house; good chicken house; ha oOxloO; or if desired, lot 100x100, ". (i-rnom bouse, fine location, over looking the Columbia. $iO0. II. lour tine lots for $17") each, 4 for $loO each, below brow of hill, overlook ing the Columbia. Hood River Real Estate & Exchange Co. Hood River, Ore. For Rent. 4 unfurnished Mousekeeninw looms- I.nth. hot an i-o, water: lllowers ail J. Inoirlienf Mil II. .1. Fredericks al I li-rouin house; Inith: hot and cold water- Hon yard mid lu rry patch; lllowers add. Inui.ire Mrs. II.. I. l-'tede,icks. k':i ill rent the summer resort buildim; on Iaradi-e lurin for a number of lears to ie sponsiMp party; ulso t wo ivchafds of cboii-e apple---, a'vi ten le-n s sown ti wheal and s It lor one year. Here is a chance for some live man to uiiike money. No man who does not intend to comply with his eonlruct need ap ply. Also a house lo rem at Ji, n nionth. lief crenel's reunited. Adams, I'aradlse Farm For term of :l or s years, a good healthful home; bes 111 1 1 ul scenerv : known as 0.1k ( lid's home; opposite Hood Uiv.-r, and In plain view. 1.001I ! n 1 house and convenl nt oiitliiiildie.Bs; L-o.,,1 fences and pasture- over li) hearing fruit tree.-: acres in grain; onlv 1 mile from postolhce arid store. Natural home "I the stra-liciry: earliest on llie hill. None hut Mlable tanners need apply. No.lestrnc tive families U rite to or call on Harry Olseu I nderwood. Wash. -J,. Lower il.H.r ot coitage'faeliii state street on I aradise lartn, either with or without gar l.-n. l'. furnished 1-iHnn to rent. Mot ami water. Inquire of Mrs. II J. Frederick. niO r:,n,:J''i,'mr'' f"n.wne.i by M. nm . at Mt. Hi aid. :!l) acres In hav. acres st-w' N'rries, and enough ireefru. Is for home use. ..Kid buildings, plenty of water. For parti.-ul lurs applyo tin iM lllls.rtson ,v I'o. One seven-p,m house: free water" aridirar.lOT gmund: H,l Rive, . heights; inquire Star " VrT nMisp. Mrs. E. C Hftv-iwrry. ftfi Treasurer's Notice. ,LZirv"ant- ir j- .. '; " ' "epa 1 on eie-enii. on ..... . .uvnmt en is niier Mire 1.,. ounty Irei-urer,