if?.- ' cantos.- W ,..J, ...iffwt-wr- SIHHHHH The Simple Life By CHARLES WAGNER Translated From tk Frcncfc by Nary Louis Hende Conrrigbt. 1901. by McQurt, Phillip & Co. How much is ICgolrig to" bring me? "the Khlnlnt?" mnrk," "the key that This question, so legitimate while It (pens all doors," "king money" -if concerns those precautions which each )ne gathered up all tho snyliiRS about ought to take to assure his subsist- the glory and power of gold he could ence by his labor, becomes pernicious make a litany longer than that which BS soon as It passes its limits and la rhnnHxl In honor of the Vlrsrln. Yon dominates tho whole life. This is so true that it vitiates even the toll which gains our daily bread. I furnish paid labor; nothing could be better. But if to Inspire me in this labor I have only the desire to get the pay nothing could be worse. A man whose only motive for action Is his wages does a bad piece of work. AVhut Interests him Is not the doing, It's the gold. If be can retrench In pains without lessening bis gains, be assured that be will tlo It. Plowman, mason, factory laborer, he who loves not bis work puts Into It neither Interest nor dignity Is, In short, a bad workman. It Is not well to confide one's life to a doctor who Is Wholly engrossed In his fees, for the spring of his action is the desire to garnish his purse with the contents of yours. If it is for his Interest that you should suffer longer, he Is capable of fostering your malady instead of fortifying your strength. The instruct or of children who cares for his work only so far as It brings him profit Is a sad teacher, for his pay Is Indifferent and bis teaching more Indifferent still. ! Of what value Is the mercenary Jour i nallst? The day you write for the dol lar, your prose Is not worth the dol- lar you write for. The more elevated ! In kind is the object of human labor, the more the mercenary spirit, If It be present, makes this labor void and corrupts It. There are a thousand reasons to say that all toll merits Its wage, that ev ery mau who devotes his energies to providing for his life should have bis place In the snn and that ha who does nothing useful does not gain his live lihood, In short Is only a parasite. Hut there is no greater social error than to make gain the sole motive of action. The best we put Into our work be that work done by strength of muscle, warmth of heart or concen tration of mind is precisely that for which no one can pay us, Nothing bet ter proves that man is not a machlno thnn this fact: Two men at work with the same forces and the same move ments produce totally different results. Where lies the cause of this phenom enon? In the divergence of their In tentions. One has the mercenary spir it, the other has singleness of pur pose. Both receive their pay, but the labor of the one Is barren; the other has put his soul Into his work. The work of the first is like a grain of sand, out of which nothing comes through all eternity; the other's work Is llko the living seed thrown Into the ground. It germinates and brings forth burvests. This Is the secret which ex plains why so many people have failed while employing the very processes by which others succeed. Automatons do i not reproduce their kind, and merce nary labor yields no fruit Unquestionably we must bow before economic facts and recognize the diffi culties of living. From day to day It becomes more imperative to combine well one's forces in order to succeed In feeding, clothing, housing and bring ing up a family. He who does not rightly take account of these crying necessities, who makes no calculation no provision for the future, Is but visionary or an Incompetent and runs the risk of sooner or later asking alms from those at whose parsimony be baa sneered, , And yet what would become of us if these cares absorbed us en- tlrely if, mere accountants, we should wish to measure our effort by the mon cy It brings, do nothing that does not end In a receipt and consider as things worthless or pains loBt whatever can not be drawn up in figures on the pages of a ledger? Did our mothers look for pay in loving us and caring for us? What would become of filial piety If we asked It for loving and caring for our aged parents? What does it cost you to speak tho truth? Misunderstandings, sometimes sufferings and persecutions. To de fend your country? Weariness, wounds (and often death. To do good? An noyance, Ingratitude, even resentment Self sacrifice enters Into all the essen tial actions of humanity. I defy the closest calculators to maintain their position In the world without ever appealing to aught but their calcula tions. True, those who know how to make their "pile" are rated as men of ability. But look a little closer, now much of It do they owe to the unself ishness of the simple hearted? Would they have succeeded had they met only shrewd men of their own sort, having for device, "No money, no service?" Let us be outspoken. It is due to cer tain people who do not count too rigor ously that the world gets on. The most beautiful acls of service and the hardest tasks have generally little re muneration or none. Fortunately there ! are always men ready for uuselflsh ! deeds, and even for those paid only in 1 suffering, though they cost gold, peace and even life. The part these meu play is often painful and discouraging, Who of us has not heard recitals of experiences wherein the narrator re gretted some past kindness he bad done, some trouble he bad taken, to have nothing but vexation In return? These confidences generally eud thus: "It was folly to do the thing!" Some times it is right so to Judge, for it is always a mistake to cast pearls before swine. But how many lives Oiere are whose sole acts of real beauty are these very ones of which the doers repent because of men's ingratitude! !Our wish for humanity is that the number of these foolish deeds may - go on Increasing. 6 And now I arrive at the credo of the , mercenary spirit It la characterised ' by brevity. For the mercenary man j the law and the prophets are contain ed in this one axiom: "With money yon ' can get anything." From a surface LI ZL" . . . l'rouP "J wb'H'pii'g coughs. For sale must be without a penny, if only for l day or two, and try to live In this world of ours, to have any Idea of tho Deeds of him whose purse is empty. I Invite those who love contrasts n:vl unforeseen situations to attempt to live without money thro days and f :i r from their friends and acquaintances -In short far from the society in which Ihey are somebody. They will gain more experience in forty-eight hours than In a year otherwise. Alas for lome people! They have this experi ence thniBt upon them, and when verl tublo ruin descends around their beads It Is useless to remain in their own country, among tho companions of their youth, their former colleagues, even those indebted to them. 1'eople affect to know them no longer. With what bitterness do they comment on the creed of money! With gold one may have what he will; without it, im possible to have anything. They be come pariahs, lepers, whom every one shuns. Flies swarm round cadavers, men round gold. Take away the gold, nobody Is there. Oh, It has caused tears to flow, this creed of gain bitter tears, tears of blood, even from those very eyes which once adored the gold en calf I ' And, Willi It all, this creed Is false, quite false. I shall not advunce to the attack with hackneyed tales of the rich man astray in a desert who can not get even a drop of water for his gold, or the decrepit millionaire who would give half be bus to buy from a stalwart fellow without a cent his twenty years and his lusty health; no more shall I attempt to prove that one cannot buy happiness. So many peo ple who have money and so many more who have not would smile at this truth as the hanlt'Ht rldrilm of saws. But I (hall appeal to the common experience of each of you, to make you put your finger on the clumsy lie hidden beneath an axiom that all the world goes about repenting. Fill your purso to the best of your means and let us set out for one of tho watering places of which there are so many I mean some tlttlo town for merly unknown and full of simple folk, rospectf ul and hospitable, among whom it was good to be, and coHt little. Fauie with her hundred trumpets has an nounced them to the world and shown them how they can profit from their situation, their climate, their person ality. You start out on the faith of Diimo Rumor, flattering yourself that with your money you are going to find a quiet place to rest and, far from the world of civilization and convention, weave a bit of poetry into the warp of your days. The beginning is good. Nature's set ting and some patriarchal costumes, Blow to disappear, delight you. But as time passes the impression is spoil ed. The reverso side of things begins to show. This which you thought was as true antique as family heirlooms is naught but trickery to mystify the credulous. Everything is lubeled; all Is for sale, from the earth to the In habitants. These primitives have be come the most consummate of sharp ers. Given your money, they have re solved the problem of getting It with the least expense to themselves. On all sides are nets and traps, like spider webs, and the fly that this gentry lies snugly in wait for is you. This is what twenty or thirty years of venali ty has done for a population once sim ple and honest W'hose contact was grateful Indeed to men worn by city life. Homemade bread has disappear ed, butter comes from the dealer, they know to an art how to skim milk and adulterate wine; they have all the vices of dwellers in cities without their vir tues. As you leave you count your money. So much Is wanting that you make complaint You are wrong. One never pays too dear for the conviction that there are things which money will not buy. You have need in your house of an Intelligent and competent servant At tempt to find this rura avis. According to the principle that with money one may get anything, you ought, as the position you offer is Inferior, ordinary. good or exceptional, to find servants unskilled, average, excellent, superior. But all those who present themselves for the vacant post are listed in the last category and are fortified with certificates to support their preten sions. It is true that nine times out of ten when put to the test these experts are found totally wanting. Then why did they mgago themselves with you? They ought In truth to reply as does the cook In the comedy, who Is dearly paid and proves to know nothing: Why did you hire out n a cordon bleu 7 It was to got bigger commlulunti. That Is the great affair. Yon will always find people who like to get big wages. More rarely you find capabil ity. And If you are looking for pro bity the difficulty iucrenses. Mercena ries may be had for the asking; faith fulness Is another tiling. Far be it from me to deny the existence of faithful servauts, at once intelligent and up right But you will encounter us many, If not more, among the 111 paid as among those most highly salaried. And it little matters where you find them, you may be sure that they are not faithful In their owu Interest; they are faithful because they have some what of that simplicity which renders us capable of self abnegation. I To be t-olitlmu'd.l A Safe Cough Medicine Tor Children In buying n cough medicine for child ren never lie afraid In buy t'oamlierlaii V Cough lieineity. There is no danger from it uuil relief is always sure to fol low. It is especially vitltmtile for eoltls. A Watts W Marble ; Works j Declaration Uiv it coming and you will want to luive'your lot IIximI up be fore that time. We have a large stock on band mid are prepared to fill orders promptly and give Kitisfuction. Work done ginid and at t he lowest prices. A pot:il (vi rd wnt to us will bring you the sanipli-H Try It. WATI'S MAf.BLE WORKS, The Dalles, ('re. BERT G. BOARDMAN, lias opened a General Store AT ODELL find will keep on hand afirst clnss stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed The public is invited to call and inspect tin; stock. A square deal for all. Announcement. I intend-to retire from business, and wish to close out my stock of General Merchandise as soon as possible, for Cash. I will buy no more goods, and wish to collect all accounts due as soon as possible. s GEO. P. CROWELL. MILWAUKEE NURSERIES We liHve fifi,WrN Yellow New ton Pippin and HiiitzenhtTtf Appl 'I "Pen, jtlno general va riety oi Hull I rt'i'H for Hale for the comfii)? hurhoii, tiiid we are going to Mil them at reriHonnliie pi ices. Our 'J itix-h Ht e brut clusa and True to Name, (irnf unl on u -hole motn, with scion care Hilly nelecifti mmi fcnmti of the beat bear ing ureiianlK in Hood JUver Valley, he U' J for price to MILWAUKEE f.TRSERIES Milwaukee, Oregon r. E. fTUANd N. B. HARVEY, Proprietor E. R. Bradley PRINTING HIOH GRADE PAMPHLET AND COMMKKCIAL WORK PROMI'TLY I'ltRfOKMBD MKtS ALWAYS RIGHT Wo art: here to ilu your work today tomorrow and ovory other day, and our money (what little we luive) Is Himt in Hood Hiver. We want your work and can do it neally and SATISFACTORILY C. T. RAW80N. F. H. STANTON HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hcod River, Or. LKSLIK BUTLER TRUMAN BUTLER Khtahlihhkd 1900. Residents of Wanco Co. for 23 Years BUTLER & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. ' Interest Paid on Time Deposits. InMie American Bankers Association Money Orders piiynble any pluce in the United States. We have for side the Lewis and Clark gold dollars. An excel lent remembrance for your eastern friends. SNOW & UPSON For All Kinds of Grubbing Supplies, Wood Choppers and Lowers Tools A full line of stock always nn hiind. Dons your horse interfere? Bring him in. No cure no pay William hamnac HAS A FULL LINE OF Spraying Material DRUGS arid CHEMICALS Bring us your Prescriptions. ' ' i Brosius Block. PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or class instruction. Thotisands of graduates in posi tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free. A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal J. DEALER IN J. T. HOLM AN HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS Cottage jarket, HKALKU IN Fresh and Cured Meats, A 1-1' 1,1. LINK OF GROCERIES, Flour and Feed. Fkioio Delivery. 5ome Bargains. !!.'!. li ncrt'H '.. mile out: hi-rrii'K un.l .HVluud. A licuiitit'ui location. Will be sol I 111 11 luil'Utilll. ti'J. !(." iicir ()iic-li!ilf milt from Mt. 1 loud 1'. O. II hitch in clover, 4 In hay I A in stnuvlM'rries, 1 slmrc wutcr, L lioiiscK, nil fur $11011. HI. ('.' hitch ft miles onl , lii ncrcs In orchard, 111 full hcnriiiK. First-clans illi r(ivciiiciits. A Ix antil'ul lioiuc. "S. Ml nerve, " acres 7- 'cur-old apple trees, luilnncc ill clover unci general farming. New I-moiu house. -. lo acres ill the most heaiitiful por tion of llie valley. 4 ccivs ill orchard one ve.ir old, ;', acres in herriew, 4 acres ill nlt'.'ilta, halaliee ncticr.il fartniuit. (SI. li) aens I miles out; splendid soil; 1 acre rpples, lusl varieties; one year planted. acres In slrawlierries, 'I acres in '"'aloes, ."t mitcs in clover. Wl, Vl acres L' miles out. LD acres ill bci ih s years old; ill acres in clover; 'i acres i-.i appii s, .'I aiul " j ears old. New towns and Spiizciilicre;,-'.' (jood houses, windmill, packiuir house, eic; L'L' inch es free M.iler. $'''nl per acre. 111. Two liiil-acie I'ai ts alumt nine miles "li; ; one on ea-t side, ol her west side, t'hoice for $ 1 100. I SS. Ill acres (i miles oil! ; raw land. Price, idil. A iiuiiiNt of ., ID, Lt) aud 411 acre Iraels of unimproved land tlmi will lieal' investigation Also a linnilier of lurce tracts front Kin l,i ;!J0 acres in Ore gon and Washington Some few residences and lots in every portion of the citv. W. J. BAKER & CO. Real Estate Agents Hood River, Oregon. Livery, Feed and. Draying. o 1x1 AN Axi AN S & BAGLEY. Homes bought, wild or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure first-class rlgi. Spe cial attention given to moving Furniture and Pianos. We do everything horses can do. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. 0. L. GILBERT, Proprietor. C. F. GILBERT, Manager. Mt. Hood Hotel HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Headquarters for Tourists & Commercial Travelers Regular Rates, $1.25 to $2.50 par day. Sbecial Rates by Week or Month. Stages leave daily for Cloud Cap Inn during July, August and September. J. B. FLETCHER & CO. ' DEALERS IN Groceries, Flour and Feed, Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE and Building Material PAINTS AND OILS. FURNITURE REPAIRED. iric ji'imnmtwri. Call and look throurh the Stock. Glad to show vou around. T Undertaker and Embalmer Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, OREGON. HOTEL WAUCOMA P. F. FOUTS, Prop. RATES, $2.00 to $2 50 PER DAY. Steam heat." Large pieasant rooms. Everything new. Sample room for commercial t ra velers. ' HOOD RIVER, OREGON. CENTRAL MARKET xii-txxjua iiKuii., jrropriexors. DEALEKS IX ALL KLVDS OI Fresh & Cured Meats VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. A L. CARMICHAEL HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS Full line of Gloves and Mittens, LW to fl.ol). First Grade vales Goodyear Snow Excluders Men's 1 and 3-buckle $1.50 to $1.75 Ladies' 3-buckle $ 1.7c Misses' and Children's l-l.nekle G()e to 755 ILe First National Bank OF H003 HIVER WE PAY INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS THERE ARE MANY who are under the erroneous im pression that they never control money enough to start a bank account. In this they are mistaken.- We solicit small aceouuts as wi ll as large. Ve handle both witn our oest care ana oner vou our services. Draftsand BanK MoncyOrdcrs Sold on All Parts of the World. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, uioro ieuu iu uie vi war, j hy wiUlaiUB 1'hlirillttCy