HOC!) .RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1905. CORRESPONDENCE. ODELL. The past week's fine weather is guroly a record broaker, and should tlio prophesy of the old timer come true and we get a BiroaK vi mi wenther aiaitl. 80 bo it. but let's en joy the sunshine now. Wild flowers are blooming. The leaves are greening up. The robins are here. In fact, there are many barbingors of spring's coining to stay until it longtnons in to good old summer time. Last Saturday at lunch hour there were seated at the family table 01 laa Fonts' hotel seven Odollitos and that was not all the Odoll people who were In town. And here permit us to re mark that Hood Kiver has good hotels now as any town in Oregon twice the size. They appear to be having a profitable patronage, quite a consider able portion of which is furnished by the country trade. The people of Hood Kiver valley are good feeders and always have the price of a square meal. Mr. Pauo, the outside man of the pioneer real estato otlice, was showing two strangers the valley lust Sunday, calling at Udell. Dano knows how to hind them. Johnnie Roberts, who is as welcome as the flowers of spring, dropped in on us last Sunday morning, having come up from Portland Saturday nik'ht. He will spend some time on his homestead at Ulllhoola, near Tauglowood. Johnnies numerous friends greeted him oordially, as they always do. Miss Margurite Shelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Shelley, who is BHHistant teacher in (iilioaple school of expression in Portland, will give a recital at Mount Hood hall, Saturday evening, March 11, 11)05, and one at Odell the tlrst part of the following week. While here she will spend some time on bor homostoad near her father's place. The Little White store people are trimming up thoir park near tbo store and otherwise improving it. and beg to infrom your reados that there is not a nicer natural park In the valley. In a few weeks when it is seated and tattles arranged for lunching parties the public will lie very welcome to the use of it. A nice running stream of water passes through the grounds, and it Is the intention of the promoters to make this an inviting spot to all such as are seeking rest and recreation, while taking a day off from their work in towu. ice cold soft drinks will be served as well as ice cream. This will bo an ideal place for picnics, and you are welcome. Frank Strang and J. W. Wilsou are staking for the planting of 15 acres of apple trees, under contract with the East Hood Kiver Orchard Co. on Willow Hut, II. F. Davidson called at Odoll Sun day afternoon on his return from bis Willow Flat ranch. He says the coun try looks good to him. He has an abiding faith in both towu and valley, and incidentally told me about just completing the arrangements lornoat lug ioO.000 worth of bonds for a pert od of ill) years on the Eloctrio Light mid Water works of Hood Kiver, in which he is largely interested. Such capable and thorough business means J I. 1' . will succeed anywhero, and the community that can boast of such men is fortunate. A trip through the country last Sun day afternoon to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tavlnr ..-im--tiovHiopmont since our last trip. Mr. Taylor has an ideal homesite "iid an excellent ranch for fruit. Although he is not an old resident here yet his systematic anil persistent work is tell ing. Not an acre was cleared when he bought the ranch, but now he has ten acres thoroughly cleared and Hlj acres in growing trees, and tiie bal ance In alfalfa. In a few years he will have a reveiiuo-producing place and one that will be valuable. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are very happy over the advent of their tlrst boru, a daughter about a week old. Clinton Wood is going to become a rancher for this season at least. He intends to cult ivate his fathers' place at Odell, and will bring his big team down from Mosier soon. The Odell school intends to cele brate Arbor day by planting trees along the street in front of the school house. This is a good resolution, and we trust it will bo carried out. The school is growing and it will be per haps necessary iu order to keep pace I I Our Prices We Can Fill It Wo can fill that prescription cn n fill it correctly, no matter where or by whom written. Nearly all drug gists furnish proscription blanks to tho physicians in their locality and he uses whichever blank is handiest at the time. The prescription when written is yours, ami it lies entirely with yon who will till it. If you briit it to us we will till it from fresh, full strength rtrurs, nnd with precise care, which every prescription should have. You cannot got better dnis or prescription work anywhere, and our prices arc always low for the kind of service rendered. E. R. THOMAS Reliable Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. I with the urowth of the school to add another grade and another room this year. We have ever been an advocate of good schools and notwithstanding our schol davs are ovor and no cruid ron to attend, yet we hope to always stand for the best school that wo can get. Mr. Planghhiipt, who lives high up on the hill west of Odoll, roports 20 acres of the best growing crop of wheat be ever saw, 10 acres of his own and 10 on the place of J. JU lowsey, Those oak hill ranches are coming to the front. The soil is deeper and there is less frost than down in the valley. That the way of the transgressor is hard is illustrated in the last indict ment returned against the wily Hinger Herman, who still holds his seat In congress. He was caught in his own net. The Willow Flat correspondent is entitled to the belt for the best keep ers in Spitzonborg apples. Ulva Col lins the artist of Odell, will lie up there soon to take the picture of the Siwash chief and his basket of apples. which will no doubt find its way t the art gallery of the Lewis and Clarl- exposition. WILLOW FLAT W. N. Hone was out to his ranch looking after the work and getting ready for bis spring rush. The Davidson Fruit Co. finished packing apples on the liooth ranch Thursday. It Is a self evident truth that cor ners at Odell are the most important in the valley. During every hour in the day teams may bo seen driving up to one or the ot her of the two stores at this place. The chief reason for this rush of trado is the immense amount of territory tributary to OdelL Their customers come from Tucker on the north to Cloud Cap Inn on Mount Hood on the south and from Mosier on the Knst to the Hood river on the west. Only a few days ago we saw men from upper Mount Hood loading feed from the ware house of the Little White Store. Along this same line Odell woidd necessarily be the distributing point for practically the entire East Side, if the railroad should pass through there. Then, when the next biennial legislature shall meet and Cascade county becomes a reality, Odell would be the logical location for the county seat. O. H. Hartley was seen driving in this community a few days ago in company with some land buyers. C. R. Hone and C. L. Rogers have been making a canvass in this com munity in the interest of the new railroad. The Halnmagundi literary society closed a very creditable season Satur day night. There have tieen nccurr enoes that are to be regretted, yet wlthall, we believe the society has been of much lieueflt to the community intellectually and socially. In a work of this kind, to get the best results and the most good from it, every one should take an active part, among whom no contention should ever ex Ivt, but that noble contention or rather emulation of who host can work and best agree. If the present activity iu the horse market continues, nur friends of Odell will surely lie obliged to put up a suitable stock exchange building, in which to conduct their rapidly growing business. With a conUu"t'n , tu. good weather the roads will soon lie good b11 over the valley. lint we must not forgot that upon each road some rain must fall, and some places necessarily lie muddy. Why not apply some of the road taxes on the purchase of a rock crusher? The valley surely has plenty of raw material, which if crushed and spread on the roads, would in a few years give Hood River the best roads of any community in the state. Such work would lust. But at present the work done in the spring is practically worn out before the rains set in, hence we are doomed to have these impassable roads, such as wo have experienced the past month. FOR KXCHANtiF., a beautiful Or Huge drove at Kiverside, Cal., for Hood Kiver land. (ieo. D. Otlbertsou it Co. If taken this month, keeps you well all summer. It makes the little ones eat, sleep and grow, A spring tonic for the whole family. Hollislers Kocky Mountain Tea. 8.5 cents, Tea or Tablets, atC. N. Clarke's. Draw Trade Our duality Holds It. Druggist DUKES VALLEY. This is surely bountiful weather. We are now getting repaid for the cold and disagreeable weather we endured a few weeks ago. It doesn't seem possible t hut a little over two weeks ago the thcromoter stood at zero and below, but then Oregon doesn't do things by halves. A few industrious ones have put in some potatoes and made some early garden. Fall grain is looking' fine. The clo ver lleldH are turining green and everything is putting on the appear ance of spring. W. C. Dodge returned from Port land Inst Friday. He reports plenty of work there, also plenty of men to do it. Mark Cameroon is clearing somo land on his place to put into clover. A. T. Dodge is also clearing on his ranch. Oscar Cameron is clearing land on the Thomson ranch. There will be several ucres of land cleared in tiie valley this spring, some of it will be sown to clover and some set to apples. Thomas liroderick and David Sals bury of the Jiadger Den are improving their ranches considerably this pring. iiilly Dodson drives tho finest up- to-duto rig in the valley now. When J. A. Knox came to over haul his apples last week, he found that the frost had gotten to them and ruined a good many of his llnest fruit. Ho also lost a good many potatoes by the freeze. Mrs. R. S. Wood worth, who has boon staying at A. T. Dodgo's, dur ing their sickness returned home on Wednesday. The sick folks of the valley are uli on the road to recovery. Our literary society adjourend last Saturday evening to meet again the llrst Saturday evening iu October. Some young folks came a long distance to the literary Saturday night expect ing to see some tun us they expressed it, but the fun they came to see happened the Saturday before, so they were sadly disappointed. After liter- iry they wont down to Sears' hall too a dunce which paitly took off the keen edge of their disappointment. MOUNT HOOD. Rev. Ziiehariu liond is here visiting his old frieuds. He was here seven years ago and held meetings for awhile. A. M. Kelley and Hon. D. R. Coop er went to Portland last week on bus iness and returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edick also went to Port land, but have not yet returned. Spring is hero with all its glory and most of the boys have spring fover. W. S. Cribble had a crewjof men working on ids ranch last week put ting up fence and getting ready to sow his crop of grain and (lover. Tho basket ball game between the boys and the old men was played last Friday evening. Tho lineup was as follows: Voting Men Mac Ruth, Walter Davidson, John Cooper, iioy Ilonson, Claud Aiidross. Old Men Warren Cooper, J. M. Long, Paul Aubert, John Dimmick, W. S. (iriliblo. Tho boys won, by a small marigu. There was a good game of basket ball between the young ladies here last Friday evening. The lineup was as follows: ... . mi tto. i lvmc t'nopcf, Daisy Thomas, M. Wlshart, (!. Thomas, (i. Cooper. No. li It. Knight, L. Audross, R. Shearer. Lizzie Molir, Nan Cooper. '1 bo score stood l!H to "20 in favor oi No. 1. Some hot games are expected soon up here. There Is lots of blasting going on up here this spring. Lots of trees will lie set on the newly cleared land this spring. Apple hauling will soon be in order from this part as the road is getting diy. P. 1''. Knudson was taken to town last Saturday suM'erlug from blood poiMiiiing in one of his feet. Wehopt lie will improve ami get able to conic homo soon. Ranching in general will be the order of t he day soon. W. S. (irilible had a crew of men working on his ranch lust week. James Langille is improving his ranch at Mount Hood. Miss Marguerite Shelley will give an entertainment at Mount Hood hall, Smith Block March 11. Cass Weygaudt is able to Kb out again. Quite a number of little folks are ill with scarlatina. Mr. Wells of Odell, bus rented part of Mr. Dumas' ranch. UPPER MOUNT HOOD. W .1 U.,1 linni,,,, (I . . r. . I . . . I . . i . 11.. ll.l",. In this naplf i.f tho annrla Sinnw ia gone and some or the Mount iloodltes aro busy plowing and getting ready to seed. Fred Knudson of this place has been very sick the past week. Saturday, March 4, he was taken to tho hospi tal at The Dalles. Two of Mr. Knight's daughters are reported sick with scarlet fever. M. W. Weygaudt and Harry Gilbert have been working for W.8 . Cribble tho past week. There will be preaching at theU" B. church of this place Sunday, March rj, by the evangelist, JG. M. Bond. Mr. Bond held a series of meetings ut Mount Hood seven years ago which some will perhaps remem ber. Everybody is invited to attend. M. W. Shearer Is building a new house on his homestead. Mrs. J. II. Crorf had pausios and daisies in blossom in her flower bed March 4: This looks as if spring was here. Mr. Sutton and F. J. Peeler has been working for S. A. Helmer the past week. There Is one place where the rich and poor meet on equal footing and that is in the gambling house. They aro all robbed alike. WHITE SALMON. Fine weather. The cattlo make their living this year by the tlrst of March. Mrs. Kingman of Trout Lake was here last week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ferguson. The neonle of White Salmon have subscribed over ?:too for improve ments to the road going to the boat landing. We will have a good road now all the way down the grade. The enterprising citizens of White Salmon are to be congratulated for their liberality in improving the highways. We hope the county will help us some too, this year, that we may soon have good roads. T. Wyors, the road supervisor wont to Lyle last week. There was a great entertainment iu the church last week. All report a good time. W. Overbaugh is clearing some more of his land. He will soon have a piece cleared across his 40. Mr. Ferguson wont to Underwood to work in a logging camp. There were many loads of apples shipped lust week from White Sal mon. The growers aro receiving good prices. J. Luuterbach was in Portland last week, and came homo with the last outlittings for his hotel, the Washing ton. It will soon be open now to re ceivo guests, : From his place the grandest view of Hood River valley and Mount Hood is obtaiued,. Spring work has begun and people are busy plowing and hoeing straw berries. Mr. and Mrs. Kissen weie visiting last Sunday in White Salmon canyon. . tu. uiim n,i mucninnry or MCC'oy & Thomas have lieeu moved to the White Salmon Canyon. The sawmill will now soon he in operation. Mrs. Peck is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Jowett have boon quite sick lately, but at latest roports aro recovering. Mr. Peterniiiii has moved iu the old store of Mr. Thomas in Main's addt Hon. Verily wo want more houses built to accommodate the people who come to W hite Salmon. TROUT LAKE. Rev. Tandy has gone to Idaho on business. His cIksb in music are anx ious for his return. Mrs. Cutlif and her little son ar rived here last week. They are board ing ut Mr. Stadelmau's. School election was held iu the school hull Saturday and one direct or elected. Air. Hubcr and E. C. Duncan rau for otHce. Mr. Hulier was elected by a majorityof i. Johnnie Hitchcock went to Lyle last weoK. Tho belies' aid society mot at the homo ot their president, Miss Stadel- man. there was a irood attendance. Tho ladies worked on a quilt they are getting ready tor thoir fair next fall, A flue dinner was served by Miss nuulolinan. Mrs. Chapman was here again this wook giving her class in music les sons. Tune Wiers was out from White Sal mon looking after his telephone sys tem. Mrs. Bozo has gone to White Salmon to spend a tew days with her niece. Mrs. R. Sellingre's brother from Montana is here on a visit. The Bear valley bridge is complet ed. Fay Tifts cut his foot epiite bad ly wniie working on it. Maude Bell and Mary Duncan spent the dy with thoir little friend Beatrice Byrkett Sunday. UNDERWOOD. Kd Sweetlaud is visiting friends at Underwood. Messrs. Keeley & Duboise have completed a piece of grubbing adjoin ing their old orchard. Leou Ilaynes and family of Hood River spent Sunday at Underwood visiting relatives ami friends. The logging company hopes to send logs over the new chute this week. Will Underwood injured his foot while working on the chute and was laid up a few days. Mrs. Sorrcnscn was called to the death-bed of her sister, Mrs. Winchell, in Hood River valley last week. Mr. Cash has completed a ueat little building on his place joining Mr. Robnrds land and expects to move his family over this week and occupy ' it until he can build later. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thornton were out driving Sunday and stopped at the home of your correspondent to injoy the fine view of Hood River and the valley. If the Hood River and valley people want to see how really beautiful the valley looks, they should bring their Held glasses anil come over to Underwoond, and get a glimpse of the grand panaorama spreading far to the South with Mount Hood looming up grandly in the dis tance. I If you cannot eat, sleep or work, feel mean, cross and ugly, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain tea this month. A tonic for all the sick. There Is no rem edy equal to it. :5 cents Tea' or Tab lets at C. N. Clarke's. Our lino of samples aro in from Ed. V. Price and we aro taking orders for Hurts to Measure. The samples are beautiful and fit perfect. Price reasonable. Come and let us take your measure. Does Your Shirt Fit? We have a line of the best fitting Shirts,, both in Dress and Work Shirts, ever shown in Hood Itiver. If you like your Shirt to fit well, feel well and look well, get them of our line. Our Ready-made Clothing p R. 0. BrsQiQ Go. J. Vehicles Road Wagons, Farm Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Spring Wagons. and Just rgios Bugg SPRAY Sentinel Jr., Bean, Pomona, Rochester, Fruitall also Extra Hose, Nozzles and Connections. A full stock of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and re pairs, (irubbincr Maehinos and Wir Cnble Wmnter Wind Mills, Buckeye Pumps, Bolster ports and llantord's Jmlsam of Myrrh. Extra Hugg Tops, Cushions, ".Dashes, Polos, Shares, Singletrees an Aeckyokes Planet MOSIER. Mr. llniley of Portland arrived in Mosier ou Monday's train enronte to his homestead ou Mosier creek, where he will make necessary improvements required by law. A. P. Bateham has an increased force of men ou his farm, having now a crew of 11 men who are rapidly putting tho land into condition for strawberrios, fruit trees, etc. Mr. Bateham has made many improve ments upon his farm, causing the old place to take on an appearance which make it almost unrecognizable to those most familiar with it. On Saturday last u party of happy Christian tudeavorers took the alter- noon train to llood Kiver, at which place thoy were royally entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ll. u. liateham. The afternoon was spent in a most dolightful ramble, viewing d liferent points of interest about the pieturesouo little city. This part of the entertainment gave strength to the appetite of the ru deavorers, and on returning a sub stantial, though delicately, terved lunch was partaken of by all with much relish. After business transac tions were completed, the remainder of the evening wag spent In games and dilforeut amusements. One of which proved most entertaining, was a word transition contest, at which Miss Dollie Mosier was successful iu win ning tho prize, consisting of a dainty haudkerchief case. Mr. Ogden, a traveling man recently from the East, spent Sunday in Mo sier. tie was charmed witn tue beau tiful Columbia river scenery, and the thritt of our little city. Elder Dix of the Christian Advent ist faith closed a serios of spirited meetings on Sunday last. The elder is an entertaining speaker and gives erory evidence of a thorough acquaint ance with the scriptures. Much inter est was manifested in tho meetings, and no one could attend one of his meetings without feeling he had de rived a benefit therefrom. The Baptists are holding a series of meetings in their new chnrch under the direction of Kev. Spight, who is pastor of this charge. Ira Evans returned home from Hood Kiver Sunday, where he had been spending a few days. John Carroll, who has been iu Port land under medical treatmeut, re turned home Sunday niwh improved, aud anticipates a complete recovery. Much interest was manifested in the school meeting held last Saturday for the purpose of voting bonds to raise money for the erection of a new school building the present site. This not being agreeable to a majority ot the voters, the result of the meeting was a defeat of the bonds, SZ against aud 8 for. The citzens of Mosier are glad to ste Mr. Bailey out atraiu, after several mouths of confinement caused by a' log rolling ou to him. ' Harden tools N!'cnJ here vou hai SUITS TO MEASURE will be in this week and we in selecting our stock looked over several of the best and most up-to-date lines of clothing, and de cided on the celebrated Herman Rothchilds line of Now York as being the best fitters, best pat terns and best made clothes ever shown on this market. R. NICKELSEN -DEALER IN- Agricultural received a full assorted carload of Urri and Spring Wagons direct from the ' factory. If you contemplate purchasing a new buggy or Spring Wagon soon, come and look this stock over, and pick out what you want. A complete "line of high-class and me dium grade work, at prices that are right. PUMPS Springs, Hoyt's Tree Sup :.v Iron Age Harden time to choose your and choosing them re a la raw variety to select from than your Implement wants, if they're satisfied hoiv vou will have cause for reioiciii"' over their cost and long wear. J. BELMONT. Mrs. E. J. Nickelsen, her sou Ray mond, and daughter Ruth have re turned from East (irand Forks, where they have been visiting frieuds and relatives. The peoplo of Belmont are making I garden once more. Miss Bess Isenberg was seen on her farm in Belmont the last of last week. A new irriagtion ditch is being dug in what is as known as Mi-thodist lane. This work is being done by the Farmers Irrigation Co. This goes to show that there will oe more irrigat ing done in the valley this yearhan there was done last year. The members of the ladies aid of Belmont will serve both dinner and supper at Booth's store, March, 15. They will also have full charge of the clerical work of the store. Tho profit on all sales on that day will be given them by Mr. Booth. All are invited to come both for dinner ud supper, and don't forget your shopping bag. The members of the aid will help you to anything you wish in the dry goods and notions. There will be preaching at the Bel mont M. E. church Sunday, March 12, both morning and eveuiug. E. C. Rogers is going back to Ohio to visit relatives and friends. B. F. Barrett is building an addi tion to his barn. Mr. aud Mrs. Beruie Phelps and sou Austin are visitiug the family of A. L. Phelps. Strawberries are commencing to look green once more. The people are dig-j ging up the old cultivator to make preparations for weed killing once again. CRAPPER. Miss Frieda Prigge returned home from Portlaud ou Saturday of latt week. Mr. aud Mrs. Ilengst are both on the sick list. Miss Ida Stranahan left for Wasco on Sunday. She went there to resume her work in the school at that place. C. C. Jantzeu is quite unwell at the preseut time. Spring work has commenced iu ear nest in this neighborhood. Some of the farmers are plowing others are cleraing ground, and there is a gen eral rush of preparatiou for putting iu crops. The Crapperites have organized a weekly prayer meeting at the school house. Services are held on Wednes day eveuing of each week. We would like to see it well sustaiued. It speaks well for the moral status of our com munity. Evangelists Coburn aud Brymer, who did such faithful work iu this part of the country during the pa.-t winter, are now engaged in reviuil work at Dufur. John Jakku is proving his faith in Strawberry culture by setting pl ints iu his young orchard. i cup AtMrriiW ft IHM Implements. Bikes, Buggies, Runabouts. was ever oiiered. Whatever R. NICKELSEN. Fine Apples From Klickitat. In Klickitat county, Wtu-hington, just ticross t lie Columbia from 1 lie Mood River valley, but in an altitude 1,000 feet higher than tlmt famous apple dis trict, Washington farmers have dis covered that ted checked l'ippine, Hen l);ivis and other varieties ran be grown equal to the Oregon product, and with the additional advantage tlmt spraying ia unnecetsnry, says the Portland Jour nal. J. M. Botsford of Klickitat county is in Portland with SO boxes of apples" for exhibition at the Lewis and Clark fair, lie lias refuted f '2 a box for them from local dealers. 'The apples arc large and highly colored and without sign of worm or pett of any kind. Mr. liotslord as serts that the Ines were not pprayed. He says that the hills are preferable for fruit-raising lierever the requisite soil is found. Land is offered lienieeeekets at Jit! toJ'iOan acie with improvements, including small orrhardsin seme cases. The only means of transportation Klick itat county farmers- now have is t he railroad to Lyle connecting with Itoats running to Portland. This line he says, is giving gncd service and doing much for the county. Berries In Bloom at White Salmon. Charles Waters tells the (ilacier that etrawlterry bluss uns were gathered on two of the White Salmon ranches, Sat urday, .March 4. Who will lie the first to send in ripe berries? The Washington leg:slatiire has pass ed a bill creating Benton from the east ern end of Klickitat and a portion of lakima. itovernor Mend is said to be favorable to the new county. We know what all good doc tors think of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doc tor and find out. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. Atit'. flifi-rj Pfi-forml l woll known In flur lamlly. p think It I. the lust luediciu. In the wurhl for coughs and cohls." KATI It I'KTKit.M'S, l'eulunm. C.I. sy..r..fi.ni. J.r.rim, Hard Coughs One of Aer's Pills at bedtime will hasten recev-s:y. Cently laxative. XT' l: !, 'X 1 f If Ah Avers iiiiwiaii i