r, ....... HOOD RIVER, GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1005. MILL IS NOW MAKING FLOUR The Hood River flouring mill ftltlHil .!.,...& J T 1 tY. nuoni,, ami xioou ruver cau "HKod from home-made flour. fu ,1"lze . me '"dustry and ask for me nooa ruver product. cascade Mills is the name the mill lnK company has adopted, and which name will appear on the sacks filled at the tlouriiiK mill. There will be three grades of flour, "known as Silver l'usi, lioou Kiver and Cupid Patent, ihe wheat will come from Eastern ureou ana WashniKtou. ine latest improved machinery has oeeu installed in the mill, and Iklaua ger Alnin. who is a thoronishlxr cal miller of years experience, will be enabled to turn out the very best nour product. As the first by-prod uct mere is silver iJust Uraham, Whole Wheat and Farina. Ihe sacks of the Cascade mills are printed in green and red. The Silver Dust brand contains a picture of mount Hood as taken from Lost lake the Hood Kiver has a view of Hood river looking up the river from the wagon bridge iu the east end of the city, ihe emblem on the Cupid brand is suggested by the name. Several millwrights were sent west with the machinery from the found nes and factories in the East, and they all state that the Hood River mill is of the latest type, and in the charge of a miller who thoroughly un- uersiamis nis Dusiness. A Glacier representative was shown through the mill last week, when the machinery was put in motion by turning on the water power. The power that operates the mill is sup plied by the water power system of Josoph A. Wilson, who gets hiB water irom Indian creek, in the southern part of the city. The water is carried by ditch and flume for a little over a mile to a reservoir on the brow of the hiU,from where it is conveyed in a large pipe 3500 feet long to the flour mill on the railroad track. W hen Mr. Alpin turned the brake of the sprocket wheel attachment con nected with the huge water motor, the iielts and machinery liegan to move as if put together with velvet bearings. Mr. Wilson's water power is ine largest individual enterprise ever undertaken in Hood River. He has spent no small sum of money in the construction of his reservoir and the laying of his pipe line, but he haB to day the only power system in opera tion in the city, and one that with the aid of gravitation is operated at very little expense. He has control of sufficient water in Indian creek to furnish power for several flouring milts. Mr. Wilson by supplying power at reasonable rates mado it possible for the flouring mill to locate here, and is in poistion to supply motor force to many other manufacturing enter prises that should be induced to in vest their capital in Hood River. The day is not far distant when the river front should lie lined with mills and factories. The Cascade, mills represent an outlay of 820, OtK). The capacity of the mill, now 1(H) barrels a day, cau lie dcublod at a little expense. W. E. Kotehry, who was looking over the mill last Siiturday, remarked that irom hiH observation of the enter I rising people of Hood River the mill would soon be able to double its ca purity. At its present capacity the mill will grind a carload of grain in a 21 hour run. This means 3U0 cars of SNOW & UPSON PUT IN POWER HAMMER Snow Upson, the leading black smiths of the city, have installed a power trip hammer that will strike 000-pound blow. The hammer i well as the other machinery in the shop, la operated by water power fur nished by Joe Wilson's water system, receutly completed. Y hue the trip hammer is pounding away on a piece of steel, another blacksmith bores a hole with a power drill. The furnace is fanned with a power blower, and a bandsaw, will in a moment saw through a piece of tne hardest oak that would require a half hour to sever with an ax. With this new machinery, installed at a cost of J500, Snow 4 Upson are euapiea 10 ao anything in light or heavy iron work. When in town dron around and see the big hammer at work. It will be well worth vour time. Snow & Upson came to Hood River two years ago, and started into busi ness In a little shack in the East end of town. Later they bought out J. R, rwuaeiBen, ana today thev have as conipletley furnished a shoo as can lie iouua in ine country, r'ine blacl -smithing is a specialty with this firm. and they have now with them, Harry iuuuen, an expert plow-man. It there is anything wrong with that nlow of yours take it to Snow & Upson. Mul len will make it better than new. Mr. Snow is a wagon-maker as well as a blacksmith. There is nothing auout a wagon or buggy which he can not duplicate, and make letter than the original. He is kept busy most or the time at his fine wagon making, Anything about your wagon made of wood or iron can be replaced at Snow & Upson's. Ihe gentlemen are euterorisini? anu progressive in every sense of the word. Mr. Snow has worked at blacksmithing for 30 years, hut with all the late trade journals at his home, he is up to date in his work and knowledge- of the trade as the latest graduated mechanical eminner. Mr bnow worked years ago in the shops ui uetrou, Mien. Mr. Upson learned to weld iron in Elkhart, Ind. lioth are well pleased with Hood River, and the business they have developed dur ing tneir two years residence hero. Urain a year. I. V. Ihompson of Cornelius is president of the Hood River Milling Co.,; J. P. Aplin and O. J. Oessling of Hood River respectively manager ana secretary or the company. Entertains at High Five. Mrs. Cliailes H. Castner entertained on Velw siluy and Thursday after noons of ln.-t week in a most delight ful manner lit her cozy home on the heights. High Five was played at four tulilos, each afternoon, after which delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Frank Chandler and Mrs. Kelsay won the prizes on Wed nesday and Mrs. H. F. Davidson and Mrs. Mutton on Thursady. Mrs. Castner's invited gustos were: Mrs. M. F. Shaw, Mrs. Kinnaird, Mrs. Raker, Miss Hoadley, Mrs. Tru man Ilutler, Mrs. 1). E. Rand, Mrs. lilauchor, Mrs. lirosius, Mrs. C. H. Vaughan, Mrs. Aloe, Mrs. O. E. Williams, Mrs. Arthur Davidson, Mrs. C. N. Clarke, Mrs. Cram, Mrs. Will iam Hayens, Mrs. N. W. Rone, Mrs. Button, Mrs. Vorse, Mrs. E. E. Sav ai?e, Mrs. Canfleld, Miss liriggs, Mrs. H. F. Davidfim, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. C I). Thompson, Mrs. Frank Chand l"r, Mrs. Whitehead, Mrs. Chipping, Mrs. (i. W. '1 hoii'pson, Mrs. McCarty, J1r.J. DumMc. Mrs. T. J. Cunning, Mrs. L. E. Morse. Mrs. Kelsay, Mrs. C. R. Done, Mis. (. R. Castner. X City With Like Possibilities. "'No town in Oregon seems to me ito have the possibilities before it as does Hood River." remarked W. E. Sot bury of Portland, Northwestern manager of the Calkins Newspaper Syndicate, who was visiting in Hood Kiver lust Saturday, the guest of J. F. JiatcMder. "Uive tiling in particular that ira Vresxed tm," continued Mr. Rothery, "is tlx) ttiyturent belief among the nitizptiM of yorflr town that they have something to lUe for. Everywhere there are green lawns, well kept yards, and the houses, even if they are not all pretentious mansions, tie owner has taken pride enough in them to paint tbem and to see that the yards and lan ns are well kept. This all gives a stranger a good impression of a town or city." Mr. Rothery is the Portland rep resentative of the Orchard and Farm of San Francisco, which will have a special article on Hood River in the current mini tier. Mr. Rothery prom ises to give Hood River frequent men tion in his paper. Railroad Officials In Town. The O. R. N. special car No. 02 v-BS iu Hood River Sunday, having lirought up from Portland J. P. O'Brien, general superintendent of the road; M. J. Buckley, division superintendent; J. P. Newell, divi ison engineer, and W. A. Storey, superintendent of bridges and build ins. The gentlemeu were here to in spect the new depot, and to deter mine the location of the water tank to be erected west of the passenger depot. It is the intention of the railroad company to extend a platform both east and west from the passenger de pot for the accommodation of the people getting on and off the trains. The water tank will be placed oppo site the stopping place of the engines going west. A stand' pipe will be erected at the east end of the depot for the use of the engines going east. Joe Wilson's reservoir will supply water for the railroad. AH views at half price at Coe ASonY Sudden Death of Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Henrietta Knerr Cooper, wife of Dr. F. Cooper, died on Thursday evening March 2, at the family resi dence in Hood River, aged 50 years, u mouths, and 27 days. Mrs. Cooper had been ill about one week, and while her. condition gave her family a great deal of anx iety, it was not thought that her sick ness would terminate fatally. Dr. Cooper came from Iowa to Hood Riv er last November, for the benefit of his wife's health. The change of scene and climate wrought a uresf improvement iu her condition so that the family recently concluded to make their permanent home iu Hood River. Her unexpected death was great shock to her family. Deceased was born in t ;.rmuntrillu Iowa iu 1804. In 1876 she removed to Montgomery county, Iowa, where she resided until 18H3, when she was unit ed In Diarriugu with her burutt Uuu. band, Dr. Cooper. Since her mar riage until coming to Hood River, the iainuy resided at V illisca, J.owa. Mrs. Cooper was a woman of prom inence and influence in her home city. She was an active and devoted mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal church and during all her life time was a Arm believer in the Christian religion. The strong influences of her life ran out through channels of beniflcenee and philanthropy to tiloss humanity. At the time of lier death Mrs. Cooper wai; past chief officer cf the Rath bone Sisters, past noble grand of the Rebeccas and president of tho Knights and Ladies of Security, and had rep resented these benevolent orders in the Iowa state chapters. The intelligence of her sudden death, to her large circle of neighbors aud friends in Villisca, Iowa, where so large a part of her life had been spent, will lie a deep aud painful blow, but the influence of her well-spent life will remain to further enrich and help these lives. The funeral services were conducted at the Congregational church Sat urday morning by liov. J. L.Hershner assisted by Rev. W. C. (iilinore. As the family had planned to make Hood River their home, tho mortal remains of Mrs. Cooper were laid to rest in Idlewilde cemetery. Her husband, Dr. Coojier, and their daughter, Miss Torida, as well as other members of the family, have the deep, heartfelt sympathy of the people of Hood Riv er, in this their sad hour of trial and bereavement. Night 1'niHliiijf Thieves. -Croup and Whooping Cough come like u t It it-f in the nilif, slealiug in lo fasten the fangs of rum lid disease upon the children as they peacefully Bleep iu (heir little lieds. Kennedy's 1-axutive Honey nd Tar, the i;ew discovery for Coughs and Colds will drive all lliese death-dealing deamon? away before the doctor cau arrive, it pro tect Ihe lives and health of the little ones. Contains no opiates. Keen it handy. Sold by U. E. Williams. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our heart felt thanks for kindness shown us in so many ways by our friends and neigh bors when the bdy of our loved one was laid to its final rest iu Hood River. Though far away we have heard of the kind and loving sympathy in words and deeds for which we are very grateful. MR. and MRS. Ii. T. YOUNG and FAMILY. Incredible Rrutality. It would have been incredible brut ality if Chas. Lemherger, of Syracuse ,N. Y., had not done the best he could. for his suffering sou. "My boy" he says, "cut a fearful gash over his eye, so 1 applied Bucklen's Arnica salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye." liood for burns and ulcers too. 25c at C. N. Clarke's drug store. Only lly the Tonic Route. The pills that act as a tonic, mid not as a drastic purge, are Ie'itt's Kittle Early Risers. They cure Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, etc. Early Risers are small, easy to take nuil easy to act a safe pill. Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley City, X. 1). says: Two bottles cured tne of chronic cons tipation. Sold by U. E. Williams. PIIOXH 51. 1'IIONE 51, We again invite you to try BLANK BOORS of every description OFFICE SUPPLIES Inks, Pens Pencils, Erasers, Letter Files, Shannon Files, AT 5LOCOM'S "Upper Crust" I Us Floor- It is to your advantage to do so. Another car just in. Oregon ftl tujassiwj u u a b A K5 Co Pleasant and Harmless. Don't drug the stomach to cure a cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the I11UCU8, draws the inflammation out of the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, heals, sooths and cures. A quirk cure for croup and whooping cough. Sold by O. K. Williams. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache CURE All dtfuijifiM nf KfdnT Bladder, Urinary Organs. Also KUeumatlBin, Baclt acne, HeartDtKease Gravel Dropsy, Female Troubles. Don't become discouraged. There Is a cure for you. Jf iiereMsury write lr. Kenuer. lie lias spent a life time curing Just such cases us you is. All cousull ullima Free. I suttered a long time with what the doctors claimed was lumbago. Was down in bed on able to move without great pain. Two bottles of Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure cempletely cured me and I have had ao return of the trouble nor any signs of rheumatism. KKE1) BRANDT, Dyer. Muncie. Ind " Druggists, 50c. II. Ask fur Cook Book Fall For Kale by C. N. CLARK K. Hood Kiver. But to buy not so easy. You Can Buy Good Goods ANY OLD PLACE 1 hem at the right price is H. W. WAIT Makes low (trices because he wants to. Others may sell at the fame price lie cause they have to. 1 carry Lime, Sulphur, Salt, Ceiiiont, Blue Vitriol, Garden, Flower and Grass Seeds, Poultry Supplies and a full line of Feed and Flour, Utah Land Plaster, ete. H. W. WAIT. WK A1!K HANDLING Till eel- mi i i i t 1 1 i i i i ne verv nnesT line oi rianos. irom me ebrated Cliickei'in, the renouiied Weber, Hie fine Kimball, which is used iiud known for its purity of tone and easy fiction, the silver-toned Hobart M. Cable, and on down the line of Pianos to suit your means and pocket book, lie sure to write for terms, or come and see PARKINS & HUGHES. At EILERS MUSIC CO., The Dalles, Oregon. "Century" "Pomona" "Fmitair SPRAY PUMPS Also Nozzles, Bamboo Caps, Hose Connections, Spray Hose that money can I iiiv as wi Extensions, Extra ine of lie Desv Ice Cream AT THE Favorite Sweet Oranges, Grapes, Fruit, Dates and Figs Phone ool. SPOT CASH GROCERY WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors. Groceries, Flour and Feed FRESH VEGETABLES RECEIVED DAILY. Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone The ZIDE-X. LIABZIET FROHN & HEATON, Proprietors. (SucwiSHora to ('. S. True.) Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries, Flour and Feed. Call and see the new firm on the Heights. Free Delivery. Phone l."(. S. J. FRANK Dealer in Harness & Saddles All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON U. S. Commissioner. Notary Prnmc M 13 A Defitriictive Fire. To draw fire out of a burn, or hel a bum without leaving ncnr. use I)e- Witl's Which Hazel Salve. A specific forl'ile. lift the genuine. J. L. Tuck er, editor of the llarmoniAT, Centre, AU., writes: "I have used PeWitts Whitch Hazel Salve in my family for I'ileo. cuts mid luiriiH. It is I lie licit on the mark t. hviry family hI o'jltl keep it on nan I. Sold by (i. E. Will iaiiiK. Hood River Apples 50 Cents Each. Alliert Hess of the Portland Tele gram, woo was in the city last week, says that when be was iu New lork lant year, be stepped into a fruiterie whore only tbe finest iu the fruit line is kept for sule. and seeing a box of apples marked "Hood River," he in quired the price. "Fifty cents apeice, sir, " was the roply. Ibis is the bext Hood Kiver apple story yet, but Mr. Hess will vouch for tbe truth at auy time. Mr. Hess realizes there is a great future in store for Hood River. It will bring rich, red blood, firm flesh and muscle. That's what Holl- isters Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Taken this month, keeps you well all iiimmer. 35 cents, 'lea or Tablets. At (.' X. Clarke's. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Abstracts, Conveyances, Insurance and Financial Agent. The Old nnd Reliable and Up-to-date Real Estate Afrent. 2." ye;irs a resident of the City and Valley. 20 years in Ileal Estate and Insurance in town. If you want lo buy or sell Ileal Estate, come and nee me. The following list is only a small portion of lands we have for sale: CITY PROPERTY. 1. 5-rooin house and over ail acre nf land. Most sightly loca tion in town. About 40 fruit trees, and other fruit. Easy lermt. Only $1500 2. lot (Mix 13.1, good locatioir. and fine view 2r,0 3. One and one-half lots otii State treet, fenced, sidewalk ami: fruit trees J50 4. Six fine lots on the hill, very fine view i,. HOO 5. A good building lot in llar-rett-Hpma addition 300 A. Small liiue and good lotto Blowers' additiou -flOO 7. House and lotaudgood larn In good sightly location i If 50 8. A Rood business cornemi Oak street. 75xlt)0 feel. Tlitw- good buildings on the property..,. ilMiH) Also the exclusive mile of lots in lliverview Park and Idlewilde additions. FARM PBOPERTY. 1 2 teres hi miles from town on the Kast side; good apple laml about 3 acr8 cleared and 40 fruit trees act. A house, one-half nnU- froiu scdool, on R. E. J. route 1700 2. 5 aires 2 miles from town on WestMde. AU in cultivation; 'Z acres in strawberries; h few frni'. trees; a 4 room house; small ham: mile from school nnd with one of the best views ill the valley, (iood terms '). ID acres of unimproved land 11 miles I'iiiiii town, level and eas ily irrigated; will grow any kind of ernps; close to school and irrigating ditch II. SI acres of unimproved laud i miles from town, level and eas ily irrigu'.eil; will grow any kind 'of crops; close to school ami j chinch ". WI acres six miles fiom town 0000 1100 S00 close to church. Easy terms 100 ,tn West side; 4 acres iu beiiring 3. 2(1 acres of good apple land. unimproved, 12 miles from towik 4. 40 acres 6 miles Irom town. 3" acres in cultivation, 4 acres in strawberries, 400 apple trees of the best varieties ami in fine con il it ion, several acres in alfalfa and clover; all good land, one-half nvhard; creek runs through the place; line for fruit or grass; good 4-room house 3500 K. Harry lirown place of ."i acres 4 acres in straw berries; horse, wagon, harness, farm tools and a -imli water rijrhl go with the place 1500 NORTON & SMITH Opposite Postolliee Hunt Wall Paper Co (.'a rries every I hill",- in the line, incliidiii"' Krinkled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires, Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc. Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign, Carriage and House Painting. Phone C.71. First niid Oak Streets. "GGlf ''rill Our lliimlsoiuclv j Ml ui.. I 1 1. script i vc I '.) i t'liliilog tells all uUmt tlicfl Best Seeds, Plants, Shrubs, Poultry and Bee Supplies, Fertilizers, loots, ipray Fumps, harden Supplies, etc. I oldel s v 111 III! ' ul.r lllu-c c . i Iu I II Don't buy supplies ill the above lil.c- xnl Hi ll ' 1 1 1 (...! . i .1. ,. (' I ' I .... ir., I promise that vour lit tetil '.on. I c. ns.ilt ng our l!IO.r) IIUiM- - '! 'CM Prescriptions filled only by Registered Pharmacists Who have have had years of experience in the Drug Business should lie an incentive to yon to hrinus your Prescript ions and Family Kecipes. CLARKE The Druggist a e.et vsmxxsmm orjwrauM JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Telephone.. :51. HOOD ltlVEH, Oil. ' -41 ii