The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 09, 1905, Image 2

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1 1
iMued nert Tl.urtday by
AUTHLIR U. MOH, Publisher.
Tenni o( ubtcriptton fl.SO k ywr wnan p14
la s4vance.
It is proposed now by use of the in-
itiativo to do away with the purpliiB nor
mal schools, and time wive the state the
appropriation grafts that were engineer
ed through the remit session of the
legislature. Jlns appears to ub more
satisfactory tlmt the plan of invoking
the referendum on the general appro)
riation, for the just would suffer witli
the unjust, and interest amounting to
thousands of dollars would have to be
paid on loans to state institutions. Make
use of the initntive and reduce the four
poor normal schools to one good one
and relieve future legislatures of the
embarrassment of submitting to the
whip of the normal seliool "machine".
Tho general rule is that tho tourist
who travels through a country noted
for fruit raising buys only the most
luforior products of that coutry, nays
the Rural Northwest. The average
fruit stands which he passes and the
boys who offer fruit In the vicinity
of rail way stations, sell the stuff
which could not lie sold In any other
way. It would bo a great thing for
Oregon this yoar If some plan could
bo devised by which the visitors who
como to tho exposition and pas
through the state would find it easy at
all times to buy first class fruit. The
man who lives here knows where tn
get good fruit. Hut the visitor does
The Columbia River & Northern rail
road, operating between Lyle and Gol
dendale, aid including the Regulator
line of steamers lias lieen sold to eastern
capitalists, prasumably representative
of the Northern 1'acillc. It Is announc
ed that in ail likelihood the road will
be continued on from Goldendale to
Prosper, this glimmer, thus affording
the Northern Pacific a short cut to the
Columbia. How soon the company will
build down the north bank of the Col
umbia to Vancouver and then to Port
land, no one knows. When this time
comes, there will be a rush to secure
fine fruit lands in Western Klickitat,
and there should lie a boom in the val
ley of the White Salmon, from Under
wood to Trout Lake and Camas I'airie.
Advice from White Salmon.
White Salmon Enterprise.
Hood River and Tho Dalles each had
a bill that they very much wished
passed by the Oregon legislature at
its last session. Hood River wanted
a new county and The Dullea wanted
an appropriation to extend the state
portage railroad from the big eddy
into town. The Halloa fought the
now county proposition so tiiat it
failed to become a law, and tho Hood
River people greased the toboggan
slide 80 that tho other measure slid
,aualli doo'Wtt,dii4'wi,VV'rTrirtIios
two communities to have worked
together and both socured what they
wanted, than to have fought like cats
and dogs and neither get anything!1
The ill fooling thus engendered will
last for years and may result In other
fights whore both sides will lose. The
Dalles people evidently believe that it
is bettor to have fought and lost than
never to have fought at all.
L. X. Mowers Makes a Capture.
Last Thursday's Oregon Inn gives the
following account of how United
States Deputy Marshal lllowers for
merly of this city made a ueat cap
ture last week :
Apparently fleeing from dread
possibilities, John M. Morgan, au
important witness in tho land-fraud
cases, was arrested through the clover
work of United States Deputy Mar
shall!. N. lllowers last night ami is
now in tho custody of the county
Morgan is wltuoss in the Hutte
Creek I-dind, Lumber A Livestock
Company fraud ease, and the import
ance of ids testimony to the govern
ment is evidenced by the close watch
kept on his movements. Yesterday
the 1'ortluud olllcials were notified
that Morgan, whose homo is near Kos
sll, Or., had taken the train for Port
land and that his preparations and
movements had been such as to lead
to the Udief that his journey was to
be exteusivo and indefinite as to dura
tion. immediately upon receipt of this
advice a warrant was ordered issued
for tho arrest of Morgan and placed
in the hands of United States Mar
shal. Armed with the warrant, of Deputy
lllowers met the O. R. k N. Co' a.
Portland- Chicago special at Kast
Portland last night and went through
the train, looking for Morgan. After
this preliminary sizing up, aud while
crossing the bridge, Deputy lllowers
returned to the smoker aud approach
ing a boyish looking young man,
greeted him with a "Hello, Morgan."
"Hello" was ttio surprised answer,
with a questioning look.
"1 have a warrant for you," was
the laconic reply.
As the train pulled Into the depot
Morgan gathered up his overcoat and
suit case and prepared to leave the
train without seeking an explanation.
With a dazed look he was escorted
to the United States Muislial's otllce
and only when there did he fully real
i.e that he was under arrest to insure
his detention as a witness.
When ho was told that he would
have to spend at least the night in
tho county jail, .Morgan weakened and
begged piteonsly for some means of re
lease and prevention of news of lib
incarceration reaching his w ife. II
told Deputy lllowers that he had
l?liXI in cash with him which he would
put up until today, until he could get
howls t mm I- ossil.
Failing in this oiler Morgan offered
Deputy lllowers 10 if he would allow
him to remain in the deputy's chargi
over night and thus avoid the jail,
but to this Deputy lllowers was equal
ly niHiuriitc, ami .Morgan was given
into the custody of the slienu.
A Moral lletneen the I.I lies.
White Salmon Enterprise.
Charles Waters, who makes liiiusi
busy around the Knterprise otllce on
press davs and glories in the name ol
"printer's devil" aud w ho is ST years
young, told us a story tho other day,
of his experience when he was a bov
He said that he started out. one d:i
with a sack of roasting ears on hu
shoulders to sell them in town and so
started the foundation for a large
fortune he intended to make. Ho
wandered around town all day and
when he came home at night his father
asked him if he had sold any corn.
"Why, no," he said, "nobody asl ed
mo what I had in my sack." Ho had
not learned the art of advertising his
wares. There are some business men
around here somewhere who might
learn a valuable lesson from this story.
E. H. Shopard. chairman of the
delegation named by President Early
of tho Hood River Commercial club, to
attend the meeting of the Oregon De
velopment league in Portland, April
1 and ft, has issued a call for a meet
ing of the local delegation at the rooms
of the Commercial club at 2 o'clock
Saturday afternon
It is imperative that there lie a full
attendance of the delegation from
this city at the meeting called for Sat
urday afternoon. Those named as
dolomite in last week's (ilacier urn
requested to take note of this and at
tend .
E. L. Smith, who is president of
tho Development league, is very anx
ious that Hood tiivor have n strong
lelegation at Poritland, and that they
go there with some definite plan for
advervtising Hood Kiver at this liieet-
iug and at the Lewis and Clark fair.
Anxious for a Koiislng Meeting.
Tho executive committee of the Ore
gon Development league, consisting of
W. M. Ladd, chairman , lliodoro ll.
Wilcox, Robert Livingstne, S.L. Mills,
Frank Watson, J. U. A-iiisworllt,
I j. A. Lewis, W. F. Ilurrell, 1. N.
Kleisohner, have issued the formal call
for the meeting of the league at Port
land, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 4
and 5,
Tho committee urges an especially
large and throughly representative
lelegation from every portion of Ore
gon to tho convention, at which time
plans will be adopted when will resiai
in getting every possimo iieiiom or a
permanent character for the state ol
Oregon as a result of the Lewis and
Clark centennial exposition.
As suggested by K L. Smith, presi
lent of the league, ft is very probable
that lit the conventions the delega
tions from tho different sections will
he instructed to provide for the send
ing of representatives to the Lewis
and Clark fair to devote their entire
time to informing the Eastern visitors
of the wonderful resources to be found
in each particular part of Oregon.
Soveral contractors arrlvod during
tho week to put in bids for the con
triiction of the railroad up Hood
Kiver valley. This heglns to look as
if the railaoad is almost a certainty.
Engineer West gives the assurance
that things are shaping up much fast
or than heretofore, but the matter ol
rights of way are still unsettled. It
is imnosstblo for tho company to know
exactly where the road will bo built,
but as most of the surveying is doing
done on tho East Side, there is good
ground for beleiviug tho road will
follow up the East bank of the river
on the 'most direct route jto tho apple
to'tlio llihlier at the headwater ol
Hood river. From there connection
will likely be made with the settle
meat at Mount Hood.
. Congressman Williamson Kid urns.
Congessman Williamson reached
The Dalles Tuesday morning, and the
following day went to Portland, where
it was his Intention to give bonds ol
J 1000, for hi appearance before tli
United States court, when the hind
fraud case comes up for trial.
The congressman will say littl
about the case in which he is involved
but declares it will be impossible foi
the prosecution to secure evidence
that will convict him.
Lawrence lllowers Will Itetnru.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. N. lllowers and child
ren were in Hood River over Sunday
visiting relatives. Mr. lllowers is i
deputy in the otllce of the United Stale
Marshal at Cortland. He has to do ,
great deal ol traveling since assiiuiimi
tills position, llus is work he does m
purticiilurly euro lor, aud llood Hive
people can expect to fee himself an
in in I IV residents ot Hood Kiver not laid
than October.
Mr. lllowers expects to enter hiis'mes
on his return to this eitv. Mondav hi
let tho contract to Captain Dukes t
move his residence en Shernuin aveiiiu
to the comer lot lacing Park si reel
Mr. lllowers expects to erect a large
house on the silo of his present dwell
ing. His other propery he expects t.
offer for sale in the near future,
Belmont llejs Meet Defeat.
The Hood River soixuid nine defeat
ed the Holmont Tigers at Columbia
I 'ark last Siindav in the first game of
the season. The final score stood s
to 4 in favor of the locals. The visit
or scored early in the game, but went
to pieces when the town chaps got in
their tallies. There will lie anot her
game Sunday. Fifteen and i"i cents
The lineup :
Itelmont Tigers.
Hood Kiver Second
Hart p
( luyer
t'linii inii
O.-.lmi u
Kaull ii .an
Shoemaker c
Eastman lb
Pierce '2b
("lenient '.Ui
Smith ss
MeVey If
Tyler rr
McUoynolds of
Score hy innings :
llood Uivcr - - 0 0 0 o 1 :i l o o
lleliuont - - - - '2 0 '2 0 0 0 0 0 o
Did not Sign hat One.
Mount llood, Or., Mar. C. -l-'.dit or
I ilacier: In respect to the report thai
has got circulated that I tonk a Maim
against the diviidou of Wim'o county,
and worked again! it, there is toim
truth in it, as that was my poMlton V
the time, hut now the story goes that
1 turned anil signed the 'petition ii;
favor of the divUiou. Now. the hit
ter statement has no truth in it what
ever, as I posit ivory refused to Mini
the petition after signing the reinoiis
trance. One was enough for nie to
linn's This'
W pfTi'i- on, liiin,h-sl ttittlurs rt-usnl for :e
'MW nf i-iUin-rh Hull i-Hnnnl In1 cm-i1,! Itv ll:tl!'
Catarrh Curv. K J ClIKNKY A Co., Tolcd.". O.
We. the uinlersii ne,l. h.'tve known I-'. J. l'lion,-
for the ln-t .r, years. anl Ivheve hun ie,liv:l
iioiinrahle in all liuMness truiisju-tlonx. an,i (man
i-ially alile to carry out nn oliliKrauons in.i.le b
Iii.h lirm. Waltlnnx. Kmnan,i M:e-in.
Wholesalt Oruiiists. T-'lelo. I.
Ilnll'i Catarrh Cure is taken iiiternany . ju liru
lins'tly upon the IiUhI and miu'ous s.ii t'a. i s ol
klie system. T,-stimonia!s sent t're1. 1'rue. V -e::.
pel- Isillle. Sold ly all tlniKmsls.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Never Undersold.
Siloes for CorxLfort
Linlics' Jul ii -t s, citp loo
lidics' Juliets, plain too, very flexible
La i lies' Juliets, plain too
Ladies' Juliets, rubber heel, cap too
Ladies .Miners, ruiiDer Heel,
m Ladies' Plain Toe Oxfords,
Old Ladies' (Join fort Shoes,
il Men's Dress and Work
1k , , i , ll'
lineliiai is new a,no (lesirauie.
; We alwavs earrv a, niee
n many rood points' in our
nave in tins department.
Spring: G-oods
Some of our Spring (Joods are here and we have large shipments on the road.
N will have the right goods at tne ngni price.
1 1 A J, 3M0E .r SHOE jfr
t p style. . m p nil
i , You will find these Shoes
: jf , fAfl fit Hood River's Best Store
Itlsliop O'lilley Holds Services Here
llishop t ) JiihXil!ii;l(J!!'.!iJi'r JM"
vices in I he Hl'li'i'iioon at lln residence
of Mrs. John Mohr, on the Fast Side.
1 he hishop was gmt ilicd to meet a
largo number of hU church people at
this woek-iliiv sen ice, mid stated that
he is well with"! the prospects
Ins church has in Hood Kiver.
Tim liishop will return in two
weeks, when he will look int o the mut
ter of seem ing siiilal le grounds in
I lie city for the erection of a Catholic
liiirch. The Catholic people have
on.e property on the lull, .liinll north
of I in nk Chamllei 's, hut llishop
O'Uiloy nays this is rather small. If
i larger piece of ground can lie so
ured, lio hopes to set! a church build
ing started bv fall.
Bishop O'ltiley is considered one
of the able men of Oregon, and while
located ill l'oi'thind, where ho was in
charge of one parish tor ten years,
took an act ivo interest in public af
fairs, in addition to the extensive
work of l.ii chinch. The bishop is
now located at. Ilaket' City. His dio
cose embraces over lO.lHH) square
The bishop slates that linker City
is very ipiiet. mining operations being
on the decline, not, he .-a vs. because
of a ini k of gold in the district, but
because of n reaction from the wild
cat peculation worked up iu that
country in recent years. Things
have too often been misrepresented to
capitalists. There is plenty of gold
ill the hills, sins t In. bishop, anil in
Ihecouiseof time liakerCity will liven
up once more.
I'i.-hop ( I'Kiley went from hereto
Cascade Locks, lie will be ill llood
Kiver .March "Jo.
lApcct In Locate In llaeil liher.
I''. T. I'dakeslee with his wife, son
.luliaii, and other relative.-, reached
llood Kiver Sunday morning from
I 'ark Knpids, Minn, and are herewith
the intention of making this country
t heir home.
Mr. Illukeslee is a brot her in law of
T. S. Weekly, of the K. 1 Dabney ,v.
Co's. store. Mrs. Weekly came west
with. Mr. l!lake-)ee and fatnilv, also
Mr. and Mrs. I', lilakeslee. Mr.
Hlnkeslee's pnreiils, and Ii. A. lilakes
lee, his In-other, making u party of
ten in nil. Mr. lilakeslee was former
ly in the dry goods business, but has
firmed for several veal's, lie is an
net it o member of I he .Masonic and
Odd fellows' o,oe-,
Mr, lilakeslee le.- been a render of
the C lacier lor tee l.i-l ei.Jil months,
-.n.l i oii.-el.-i - t!iM he i- not altogether
stfiiger to il. I,,-, ,i and valley.
I :e i.. glad to I ;,-,.! t . hahny -riuc
dr t he l n.v.m . . mil ry. w hieh h.
ays is a m . at i I el I ; out 10 I . ca
ero. "We la.e ! .. -eenlls in ,M;H
eeseta," .e Mr. UI ike-h e,
".If.lie, did. a i 1 o'i n -i an-i w llil. f. "
( 'ol i: ui ti:t Niii'lht'iii ( han::i.-. iiaails.
" I '.e l'..l;a.:-M Keel ,v . Iiei ll tad
H ill ! il I u , 1 1 s ;. i i, .,- -, pi pr. - unaie' v
$1,1'.' l.lVO I le-tri ah ., , .,.,!! ,-in.tiij.
i ' ts. I lioiigb oi i. a! i' v it is l!iiai'!,t to
; 1 lie N el 1 he I'll I'm. ! .- K.i i i l , etnp iiv,
( Old i I a ie ii l .- ! : -i in;; ! t . .in-ter ,.
i I he Us a.,, j p.. p. i -. . ! tie company
j n ill l'i- lli.l le Ii '...- ..!,! ,. net s to its
ivee-it pilt c!::!-- -.
j " I'lie I .eiiiiil 1. 1 ; ; , i- Northern
j Kuilnav i' is hi,;,ei !.ne!v 1-v
I'ortl.tud :ie. I i 'i. e.-n e.ipit.:. and tli'e
' I'i'it. I is ill 1 1 1 I ll t ... ill I ie. .r. I he 11. '! Il-
I era bank . -t t he I '. i a i ,, r to . ;,;.
.leu. I lie. W.-i-h.. it .list i;i -,- , ( t, i t - si
I uiii's, who ; i i - -1 . . 1 1 t ! ; i l;,-.-i!,it..r hue
i -te unheals, i,i-t ler ot hair ve-sel-.
I the Peoiil, nor, rt. I'alles
! 1 "it v and' Me'laeo.
II il is f tie 11,1 lie roa.l t,as p-i-se.l
int.. the .-. ntio! ei t.h.e Northern Pacific
it would appe ir ih i: t.e old dream of
j the north-hank grade of the Northern
plain toe, better quality
.$1.40 and
1.40, 1.50, l.Oo and
Shirts in endless variety.
line of Skirts and Suits. We
Cloak Department. Call and
rJMmSMtUm Irl'WiMTian sUalVCeVarl J tWVfn a?, fiWHfjfil
Sirum Milinii-iy on ami niter March sth. I have spared neither time nor money In order :o
iinieiii-e the correct styles In heail wear. My many .iirotiH win appreciate my ureat vaneij.
in street end ruailv-io-weiir hiits, so miiiiv style. . - , juunly shapes that every face can he
an lied. At our Knster opening-, which will lie Int. -i, 1 s 'I sluiw hlKh-clnas novelties In Uress
lints eiiunl to any shown In the larger cities. I iclnslve r. 'signs made to order for those not
wishliiu a hul implicated.
I'ticilic into Portland lias net been for
gotten. Teachers' Club 1 Meet Saturday.
A meeting of the Wasco County
Principals' club will be held in tho
high school building at llood Kiver,
Saturday morning, March 11, llKT),
commencing at It):!!!) o'clock.
There will he a round tablo discus
sion of the following topics: The Mo
moriter and Concert Methods of Rec
itations; Consciousness and Atten
tion; Presentation; Miscellaneous
Members are requested to come pre
pared to take an active part in the
meet ing.
Iicport of liu'rrctt School.
The follow ing named pupils were
neit her tardy nor absent for tho
month ending February IS: Frieda
llinrichs, Arthur Moses, Viola Wilson,
( Hen Shoemaker, Chiudo Thompson,
May Smith, Hen Clerking, Kunice
Cole, Kstella llrown, Kitty Smith,
Laura llinrichs, Paralee Scroggiu,
Armiind Iahho, William Davenport,
,loi (lerking. Anna Fosberg, F.llen
Muse, Albeit llrown, Willie Davidson,
Ftnina (libbons, Krnst Labbo, Katie
Camp, Furl Moses, (irace llosknis,
Thgwiild Nelson, Cora facobson, Marie
Stone, Delia Smith, (Titl'rd Helms,
Van Noi'der, Nettie King, Mary Nea
Icigh, Alma linper, liaytnond lngalls,
Orland Morse, Paul Cheney, Alma
llinrichs. Foe Cheney, Willie (iib
boiis, l!oy lllocher, Mary Carnes,
Kirby Koss, Ona Scroggins, Oussie
Fossl.erg, Carrie Camp, Albert Shore,
Ned Nelson, 1 lurry Hoskins, (lladys
Keavis, F.llis Morse, Vernon Shoe
maker, Flsie More, Hessie Camp,
(leorge llrow n, Frank llrosius, Charlie
llrown, .Martin Plog, Freddie Plog,
Willie Kurtz, Gayloni Metcalf, Kniina
Stone, Florence Nealoigh, Alargaret
lliililard, Roy Miller, Lois Cole,
Fthel Farrel, Clinton Nealeigh,
Harold lngalls.
C. I . Thompson, Principal.
Pupils Visit Knterprise Olllce. 1
White Salmon, Wash., Mar. 8
Fditor ( Ilacier : It was a gala day at
t he Knterprise otllce March 'X As
the Knterprise force, devil, saint and
the rest, were in the hurry of press
. lay. 1'rofcssor Colbitrn and his pupils
about :t0 in number, appeared at the
lour and were invited by t he editor
to come in.
They tilled the room to overflowing,
a.- the Knterprise has not yet got in
to its two story press room.
Not more than half tho pupils had
ever been ill a printing olllce before.
It was pleasing to see what interest
tiiey look in the work that, was going
on--type sett ing, press w ork folding
and mailing " i'he art preservat ive of
all arts."
It is possible that some of the pupils
tMi.y lid some high position in life.
Perhaps some may refer to this day.
and the professor's teaching and pre
cepts as the first stepping stone to
t heir success.
When t his district got the tine school
building tiiii-hcd, the movers of that
enterprise said: "Now we must have
a better man to teach than we had in
t he log school house back yander. "
It is claimed I think that the profess
or is equal if not ahead of the tine
school house hi which he is principal.
C. W.
I'se Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
One Price to All.
We havei?verything in this
cannot tell you all tne
let us show yoii what we
mmk. ahihh i.
(;lilcnu..e Will I'oni Tills Summer,
I R. 1). Su;;,: Hnuu, county clerk of
Klickitat coiuiij era t, prominent cit
izen of (irddi ndalt, was in Hood Riv
er Tue'ay mcrning. Mr. Sunderland
was ( u vny to Walla Walla,
where he goes as u delegate from (?ol
dendale can p of tho Woodmen of tho
World to the district convention
of Eastern Washington.
"We expect a boom t Goldendale
this summer," remarked County Clerk
Sunderland. "The building of the
Columbia Northern on to Prosser will
furnish employment to a large number
of men, aud when the road lscomplot
ed it will airord an outlet for our tim
ber which we have never had before,
Many settlers are coming into Klicki
tat county, and business everywhere
is improving at a rapid rate.
"Winter wheat is looking fine, and
the farmers will have the largest crop
known in the county. There has tieon
much less ram this year than hereto
fore, but as we generally have showers
throughout the sti miner, crops never
sutler from drouth.
Lnst November Mr. Sutherland
was elected to the office of county
clerk by a handsome vote. Since tak
ing up his duties, Mr. Sunderland has
proven himself capable in every way
to fill this responsible position, and
there have been many words of com
mendatiou in his behalf, for the
courteous and obliging manner in
which ho attends to the dtitioa of his
At the Churches.
Episcopal Services every Tuesday
evening during Lent, conducted by
ivov. Chambers, and peginning March
11. All cordially iutivted.
Lutheran. Services will lie held again
next Sundav, March P2. German
preaching at 3 p in ; Sunday School at
p. in. 11. J. Koll), pastor.
Riverside Congregational. Rev. W
C. Gilmore, Pastor; Sabbath School at
10 a. m. No other services on account
of the Uillani meeting?. Prayer meet
ing Friday 7:a0 p. m.
Unitarian. Corner State street and
Park avenue; l!ev. O. J. Nelson, pallor;
Si r vices Sunday morning. Sunday
School nt HI o'clock, Preaching at 11.
Subject of sermon: "Reeing and Seem
inga plea for Sincerity." Roundtable
discussion in the evening with papers
in, the subject : "The Senseless Struggle
fur Nonessentials."
Valley Christian. Sunday school at
10 n. m. ; illustrated sermon at 11 ; Y P.
S.C.I-'., at (vlie; preaching at 7 ::S0.
A cordial invitation is extended to ad to
attend the services of the day. W. A.
Klktns, pastor.
Baptist. Regular preaching services
at I artnichael s hall every 1st and ad
Sunday morning and evening; Sunday
school every Sunday at 10 a. in. Cove
mint and business meeting the first
Wednesday night in each month. J. B.
Spight, pastor.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
S p- m. ; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep
worh League 7 p. in. Prayer meeting
i tiursdav evening. All cordially in
vited. V. C. Evans, pastor.
United Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Junior
Endeavor, :)-,;i0 p. m. Christian En
deavor, ti:4,rip. m. Preaching at 7:30.
All are cordially invited. Rev. J. S.
Rhoads, pastor.
The W. C. U. Will meet at the U.
H. Church, Tuesday afternoon, at 2
o'clock, March 21.
For Sale
Unit on lotn ror is years, "urJ '
flral-clau bakery and confectionery, al"
h.iii,,. r...,, T H Williams. mini
. . fc.. .11.41.1..
T I - . 1 anon nf m.rPM. Wellftlt
boat 1600 pounds bcIi: tlo good et lent"
harm, one aft chain harness, 1 wagon, l
back; 1 iekt cultivator. 1 garden cultivator,
about 5 ton loose clover bay very cl o; .also
ona full-blooded Jersey cow t years old. . y
Brock, Hood Kiver. am'
Old hickory S-ln tire wagon nearly new.
Frank Boardman. m.l
acres and 0-room bouse on Lymsn Smith
avenue; small orchard, garden and clover.
Cheap If aold quick. K. W. Udell. nidi)
One sat nearly new double farm harness.
Coat lSlat June. Will trade for young Jer
ey cow. H. M. Abbott.
An Ivera 4 Pond piano. In good condillon.
willaell at about half price. Any one wish
ing a piano will do well to look me up. II. M.
Second hand go-cart In good condition. Mrs
Henry McUulre. mOM
Horse, weight about 1500, true to work and
drive; price right. Also A I bicycle. Ad
dress K. N. Caldwell. m30
tiood milk cow six years old, gives a gal
lons milk a day. Oierlne yearling heifer for
ale cheap. Frank Neff. ni'JIf
Thorough bred Cocker Spsntel, 8 mos. old,
Call on Lir. Jenkins.
1000 acres best Hood Rlver fruit land In
tracts to suit the purchaser. Cheap. Seethe
owner, W. R. W1NANH, at forks and flls of
Hood river, also some good homestead. on
government lund Hood Kiver, Or. in'
I have close to town several hundred corda
of wood, cut laat October, ror sale In large or
amall quantities: 4-foot pole oak $4.75 per cord
delivered; lft-lncn body oak S-l.sVi H-r cord de
liverer!; 4-root pole pine or nr w.-v per corn de
livered. Am also ready to contract lor Ki-ln-eh
pine at W.16 per cord delivered, of which 1
nave several uunarea nets not yet tnoroimn
ly seanoned. All wood best quality. Trumpl
dellyery. Call me up ob phone
niau Murray Kay.
Good driving horse for sale: weight lotlO: 7
years old; or will trade for heavy work horse.
.M array lny,
One mile from town, lower Kast Hide road.
Team horses, weight VKK). t.'licnn If tnken
at once. ni30 Kdwin Knowles.
Clover, wheat and timothy luy: price from
113 to 115 a ton. J. O. Kuncien. IhiUi-k Viu.
Lady's bicycle In neoit renalr. nriee 815. An-
ply at Keystone ranch. ldel woodworih.
One three-year-old heifer for Bale. Perfect
ly gentle. Fresh February 10. Inquire ol
men I) A. W. KINtj.
8nan of blacks lor sale. Known an the
John Hogera team.
reoio tj. u. u. uoii woiu u.
Buggy and harness, nearly new, will sell
cheap for cash. W. ('. PHI Mil-'..
mchS Pukes Valley.
I'lne, fir and oak, all In Hood River, good,
dry wood, all cut last year. Home short pine
wood, remainder 4-foot cord.
mch I'ETKK MOiilt.
J. H. Hhoeuiaker has timothy and clover
hay for 4ale.
For le, dry 18-Inch fir wood, Sl.Tti per rlrk.
delivered. mlrl G. K. i.aatuer.
No. 8 Remington typewriter for sale cheap,
or will renl to responsible parties. Call at the
(ilacier office.
Apple land for sale on the famous Willow
Flat; forty acres, 13 cleared. A snap at Sl.iliid,
or anyone desiring all cleared laud can have
sine for H,000. F. L. MASSKY, K. F. 1). 1. fill
LOOK AT THIS The location Is right, the
price la right. A good 7-niom house and
pantry. Fine oak shade trees, 2 lots
aonth side of Sherman avenue one block
south of the opera house. mines.
For sale, one 120-egg Cypher's incubator, al
most new. Also one brooder. Inquire of
ni2 Mrs. V. C. liroek.
For sale, two lots one block from postotliee.
ni2 Inquire of Or. Walt.
Will sell or rent 6 acres, all in cultivation,
with Irrigating water, within ten mlnulcs'
walk of school house, inquire ol Dr. Wull.
n. f. nnoomnker.
For sale, new brooder. Inquire Olacler.
For sale, cook stove, healer, light wagon,
Salr springs warrant! d to hold up 15. 0 pound
lay be seen at E. C. Hogera' place, Belmont.
m2 Chas. Kogers.
For aale, flraUclasK Clark Seedling strawber
ry plants, until thev are gone. Geo. Mclntonh
For sale, excellent wheat hay, also oat ha-,
113. .t0 cash. Also gusacks white star potatoes.
cheap for cash. Apply to H. Norton, old
uueu place.
Good timothy hay at Harbison's Sift a ten.
A ItHrra. clover, wheat and timothy hay,
alao dry pine wood cut In Move lentlis.
flu P. D. HINItlCHS, It. F. 1). 2
Forty acrea of my rami In ('rapper district
miles from Hood Kiver. Good apple laud,
til) per acre. Kaay terms. Unimproved, under
ditch. Jy 7 tf A. A. JAY MM.
For sale, gasoline engine, a "Jack iif ull
trades," Fairbanks-Morse make; one Sentinel
Jr. spray pump, cheap, Wm. Kennedy, Kast
side. mill
For sale, my farm, 4,' miles from Inwn, '-j
mile from schiail house mid church, consisting
of 110 acres: SO acrea unproved, -hhi ore nml
two-year-old Hpttzenberg and Yellow New
town apple trees, ftO trees old orchard; 5 ai res
In clover, 8 acres wheat. Will sail in whole or
In part. alf Jerome Weils.
For sale, amall house, new. Must be re
moved from ItB present location. Will deliver
any plans- in the city at a b irgaln. H. K. Hurt
mess. For sale or trade, 1 3-Inch farm wagon In
good repair; 1 good mountain hack; I horse;
and, cheap for cash, 1 Jersey cow fresh .Ian. Hii
I'hone funnera Wil. Jas. . Ingaila, U.i.D.
For aale, one span ha-rses with harness,
cheap; one light wagon, one plow, a Planet Jr.
with drill: several Ions of hay, one light bug
gy, carrots, any quantity. Also some furni
ture. D. J.Treiber. KM
For Bale, one horso, weight about 10 TO lbs;
food for strawberry ranch; fast cultivator,
rice i0. mill E. A. Frauz.
Good horse for sale,
Weight 1200 lha.
Frank Parker.
ror sale cheap, acrea of fruit land l', miles
from White ISitlinon, 2 miles from lliiod Kiv
er. Three acres under cultivation; rich soil;
fine level land. Win, A. Hiewoi.. miii
For sale, wagon, harness, horses and tnulca,
at the l,awlrsa ranch. mlti
Set of double barneaa, good as new. Inquire
at Glacier office. mt
i good wood cutters on big plnea. Jlui rny
Kay. .naT
Information about some household irmids
and a trunk which were sold Nov. 1ft, Mil, In
Hood Kiver. They were shipped 10 M. T.
Thompaon. Addreas Mary Hoaunau, care 01
. I V. . .. (-... I,' 1. '
r inn. .i,.eiii;, initijieo, ,, ki.ii, uik
Wanted to rent, a aood ranch, for a let-m 0
S to 5 years. Inquire of T. . W eekly, at tie
second Hand store.
Wanted, six or eight young hena, I'lvmontl:
Kock preferred, l'none Ml. M. 1.. Entry. 1
Flue and Fireplare Work a specialty.
Not ire is hereby given that under and in pursu
4nce of an order of the Countv t'-oim of th su..i.
of Orejron for the County of Wasco, made on thi
nn nay or juiy. mn. the unders-nrned, admmii
trator of the estate of John W. Murphy, decease
onWcrinetulay, the 3d day of May, li6, at the hour
of one o'clock p.m.. at the County court houst
door in Palles City, in Wasco County. Oretron. w:H
wtll at public auction the following dewrilied r ; i
tte belonffinff to the entate of said decease
to-wit: The south half of the northeast ijuarto
of section eleven, in township one north ran,
ten east, W. M.
The terma of said sale will be 40 per cent of ?h.
wllinir price, cash in hand at the time nf th .,..
80 per cent in one year thereafter, and 30 per cei.;
m iwu jrmr inereaiier, witn interest at & lu
cent per annum on sad deferred payment..
Said sale will be made subject io conrirniatio.
by the Court.
Dated at Hoad River, OreRon, this 7th rlay o'
March, I, GEO. T. PKATHKR,
m Administrator.
Real Estate
5 acres strawberry land, 4' acres
cleared, 21 acres in berries, 2 smoll cot
tages 3 miles out on West Hide, $1100;
$000 or niore cash.
fi-J acres at Belmont, fi acres in cul
tivation, cottage und outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash.
New ti-roomed cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new (i-roomed house, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by
140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
For Sale 0000 acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,0i0 per day; 1 planing
mill, capacity SO.uuu leet per uay; i
store and stock of merchandise, about
3,o()0; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented; 3 houses, rented; 10
liead horses and harness; ft road wag
ons, 34 H; 1 logging truck; 6 pair
sleighs ; 30 head cattle; 0 head bogs;
1100 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near Hilgard, Or.
Eor Sale Mew two-story 0-rooin
house; Strannlinn addition; $1100; terms
I or Salt The Abbott Store property
on the hill. Price,' $3,000.
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, Li miles from Bar
rett school house, $1,100.
Ihinna house and lot, $2,000.
Kor Side The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. Ii. (ialligan; liOacre.
30 ' cleared; "orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-storv mansion, new barn ; all fenced,
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood Kiver.
For Sale The Donahue block on the
hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, Imrii and outbuildings. $4500.
Will sell Hie SK'4' for $000, the MEJ4
for $700, or the V .j for $3500. One
third cash, balance ti::: at 8 per cent.
Tho Hunt place mile southwest ol
town. House, burn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
One gout ranch on mountain eai-t
of valley on county read. Price $1,500;
has small house, miming water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of towiif4roni $200 to $300.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood Kiver, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; ItiO acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
il. The o-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Kenshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
Five acres at Irankton; cottage and
acre and a half in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition ; improved; price $1,000; )j or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Sale Four-fifths interest in the
M.O. Wheeler ItiO acres near Hood
Hi-rt-r llle.
Kor Sale Residence on State street at
head of front; 2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exeli:ini.e for Hood River
property Fine residence in business
center of Similiter.
-Money to loan.
. Ten acres impiou-.'., on 'White Sai
nton river: $1000.
21 a. at Fnitikton ; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 tirst-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and lifter this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will he as follows: $10 a day ;
Lot corners established for $5 a hit;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Bargains in Real Estate.
1. ti-rxmi house, plasterer), lotollxKIO
feet, uiiil well, three hloeka from
seliool; plfusiiiit locution. 1'rieo f!u0.
Terms i down. Will trade for other
low n property.
'2. -i room house, two lots 50x1110 feet
eneli, city water; three hloeks from
sheool house; pleasant location. Price,
$7oO. Terms f"0 down und flo per
month. A Ilargain.
3. 10 acres good npple und strawberry
land, (our acres cleared, IL'5 fruit trees,
one acre strnwlieriies, 4-ronni house,
well, stable, wood shed und pack
ing house and chicken house.
Price $l'iii) Terms $:0 down and If 15
per month. Will trade for town prop
erty or wild land.
4. 5-rooin house, brow of hill, over
looking Columbia, one block from high
school building, stood well and city
vviil:r; larj;i; worn! house; good chicken
bouse; lot 50x1(10; or if desired, lot
5. ll-room house, fine location, over
looking tli'e Columbia. $000.
(i. 1-oitr line lots for $175 each, 4 for
$15(1 each, below brow of hill, overlook
ing I lie Columbia.
7. Lot 50x100, location same as No. 5.
$200. A bargain.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
For Rent.
Inniiiri. lif-d rnom; hot mill culil water
lno.ii.reof Mrs. II, J. Kreileriek. in:io
l'.-r lenn ol !! er .i ycer, il u'eod hptlllhrtll
lii. tne: hem mini seenei.v: known us link ( lul'j
l..iiie; o;.i HiiiiiI Kiver, anil 111 plain
i. .o.i ..i-ri.iitii douse nml eonvenl.nt
milt iiMi'iiu lio.hI 1',-nees unit past lire; over
ne !. ai te Ii mi tii-,-; ,. aeies in m'liin; onlv 1
mile Hum pi.Moilii-e Mini store. Niitumi home
I Hie tin.vtifiiy; curliest on the hilt. Xoiib
t.ui ri-imiile mh! eeinpetent limners need ap
..;v. N.. oesirnetive fnoiilies. Write to or
e Ion Hnrrj Dt-in. CnilerwiMiij, Wnsh.
I .mi r e .nr of eon ie ihcIiik Mute street on
I'nin.lw- lano, eiiin-r Willi or without ptnl.'n.
Hot- :ent. I'nrnish rooms with boarrl. Ta
h.e I.. Miinlni ,. Mrs. l. i. Tavlor,
.ev in ii stieet. liitweeii Kiver ami Ouk. ' m
r ;-, l..,hi-.l r.Hilns. In- I tie niuht or Week.
'"- Mrs. Jury, Sherman ave.
I' nice iiunlsheil rooms mid panlry for
ui t t.iiusekeepiin; to rent. Water in rooms.
A ... t. iu niit i-r .ImiuHrv
lr. "' J. Fredericks "
t o- lent, in acre f.irtn. ow ned hy M. Iiumas,
ii M .. .i-i a. res in hay. 2 a.-n-s mrnw-
, i-n. i en, mill iree lor home use.
....t l. inbuilt;., pinny ,,r water. For pariH U
irsii .-,.. II. i tilherlson A Co.
l.o-t.,.11 v. eiu' Kssentluls or AlKehra, mark
ed .mh nn i-aine. Kinjer please leave at
u-iaeter ottkM. mlG Mair A. Imuo.B