The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 02, 1905, Image 3

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,)o, Vil.;m lj;ul tlm city editor take
down the receiver of his telephone
ami li.-teu to tin? wheels go rntiml in
the r,eu lluud Kiver flouring mill,
.M omlay alternooii. .Manager Aplin
Iii.m heen oaxin; up the niachiuory
of the mill during the week, and ex
pects to he (.cni'ding flour by Mon
The high flume of the Farmers' Irri
gating Co. over Pine Creek gulch has
lieen replaced by a Hume and ditch
along the side of the mountain, und
water U now running in this canal, so
M. If. Nickolsen, secretary of the
company, informs the (ilacier.
ilouday, Manager A. U. Stfiten
started out with a force of men to
clean the ditches and widen the main
ttunm and canal in places where it is
considered too narrow. . The canal
dug around the side of the lilulT has
been constructed seven feet wide,
which is considered ample for all of
the water that will he necessary to
carry through this ditch.
The Fanners' Irrigating Co. expect
to bring down between l."00 and KS00
inches of water this summer. Con
tracts have already been signed for
1100 inches. There are several parties
says Mr. Nickelseu, who haven't the
money to secure permanent shares in
the ditch company, and if they can
not secure water for their fruit their
crops will be a total failure.
Hero is a diliicult proposition for
the board of directors of the com
pany, ami they must meot it in several
cases by selling water at so much per
inch for the season.
Some sort of security will be taken
on the crops of farmers securing water
in this manner.
Tliouirlit Clark (lot up the Fair.
"Is Senator Clark behind the fair
you are going to have out there this
summer'.'" inquired a well-dressed
and apparently well educated man on
the train the other day of 11. li. Orr,
who was returning from a trip to
ri lut iv( s in the Fast.
Mr. Orr says there are wholo lots of
people who have no more idea of what
the Lewis and Clark fair is, but he
talked with hundreds of people who
have heard there is to be something
here, and they are determined to
come v,e.t tiiis summer and look the
country over, and if they like it will
return and make their home here.
.Mr. and .Mrs. Orr and little boy
returned Tuesday afternoon. They
left here November 'Xi, and have
bleu traveling from placo to place
ever since. Most, of the time as
spent in ( diio. The winter was very
severe, says Mr. Orr. For months
tiie iiieretiry ranged from zero to M7
below. V hen t hey left Missouri the
lid tor pail ol last week, there was 1(5
inches i.f snow on the ground and
r w:is bitter cold.
Mr. Orr wont Ktst for a rest, and re
turned "ill pounds gainer in weight.
Jie l"o!:. hah and hearty. They
were all pleased HI get home.
.Vim ill lined Sehonl Program.
i'o'ii I-. i:i- is (he program as render-it
by pupils (if t ile Mount Hood
school. Vfi-hiiigtoirs birthday, Feb
ruary ::.!. 1 lie first part of the pro
grain i- of the primary pupils:
( Irei i iag ,-r.i:g, .-eliool.
liecilation, "Washington," liruee
Uecil.'.li Ko.ia Wishart, Klmer
"Mother told it.: so." Raymond
M il.ier and ! vol ( 'ooper.
llecilaLioi:: . L ..uard Lurwood, Cecil
Washington ts. reise and Hag march,
2s pupils.
Song, "Mount Vernon Bells."
Advanced pupils gave an Oregon
progn'in as fuilews:
luailim', "Important l)ates in Ore
gon History." Martin ( iribble.
irritation. ."The Willamette,"
( Jeorge ( Nip;"-!'.
Solo and chorus. " lieaut iful Oregon
Shore," Lora I'uddy a, id school.
Reading. "Iidlaence of Pioneer
Lite. 'Thigh Knight.
Sketch of tun Ji!o of F. II. llalch,
John Cooper.
Birds nf Oregon, Hubert Morton.
Nymphs ot tnc Cascades, Donald
l.arwoe I.
Chorus: " y !,t,:nu Hells."
l;-i:dpig."l.e..-i'nil of Joseph Luke". Thoi .as.
Industries of Oregon, Bertram
Sketch of Ji'Hijuin Miller's life.Ma
son Piil.lw in.
Kecitai ion. William Brown of Oregon,
Myron'.1 ishait.
Cati! ing by the Pacific in lXUii,
.( Ienr ;e .1 hoPias.
Song :"( Iregon.My Iregon. " school.
Plants of Oregon, Watler Larwood.
Peading, "Oregon i.'epublic, " Joe
Hood Hirer Valley. Louis Lali'erty.
Ski'tcli of the life of Kra Kmery Dye,
I, ida Morton.
Hecitat ion, "Sunrise on the Willam
ette, " Leah Booth.
Solo and chorus, "Oregon," Mae
and llattie Cooper.
Animals of Oregon, Lester Andross.
Hrcit it ion. "The Oil Pioneers,"
Iiellau ."ieyeis.
S';eti h of tin." life of Sacajawea,
Ci-iO (r Andro-s.
Minerals of On goii, Zelma Meyers.
Oregon. Myrtle Tornlinsoii.
!'rh;il M clings Have Ileeiin.
i'a'iiai i.'o.-nd meetings of the
churi lii'.s ot Hood River iirefacing the
revival in 'etiiH-.- -oon to be held by
the IV v. Ralph OiUiaui began Wednes
day, i veiling v. it li a union prayer meet
ins' in Carmiehael hall. This, Tlniis
i! ., i ening there will pe a meeting
in il. Cen.rregat ieind church. followed
bv a I'k.Uiit m meeting too bo held at
l'l.. C. I!, cuiivli Sunday evening.
Man h .. -it V":" l. Topics for consid
e.a'e' I v a number of speakers are:
!'-' aid Wi.rk of the llolv
Spli-,: in !: v:val Meetings;" "The
pi ,.f Music in a Revival ;"
"id '- ot Prayer. Personal Work, Loy
h!';. in t'.e Rev i ill. "
Oithl' Pro m.
A small at dinner sat. patii'tillv
lh-"U.I' the v.u i'tus courses plie was not
a'iletted to eat, beciiiise "be had been
pr oiniscd d s .'it. The dessert turned
,,i-.t to b.- iie. v. bieh -he H" not nllwed to
h ie. A vi iy Mieid wedge of it was
j :; unoii le i' j'hite, however, to re
. in tie- eroinee. She gaz-d at it a
moiivnt. si'.'hed, and mid mournfully,
"All that tor this'." Lippincott's.
A i.iii.ia- "re mint in full working oper
ation will form a part of the govern
ment exhibit at the Lewis and Clark
uxp' 'siliuu.
The hum of the big saws again fills
the air at Purkertowu, the mills of the
Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. having
started up for the spring run yester
day morning. About 40 men are em
ployed and a large bunch of ties and
railroad timbers are being tlumed
daily to the yards in the lower valley.
Frank Davenport returned recently
from .Portland with a contract in his
pocket to furnish piling and timber
for the portage railroad now in course
of construction around the rapids in
the Columbia at Celilo. The Daven
port Bros. Lumber Co. have also
furnished ties for the Great Southern
railroad, building out south of the
The Dalles.
E. E. Allen, recently of The Dulles,
has been made general manager of
the mills and business of the Daven
port Bros. Lumber Co. of this city.
Mr. Allen has moved to Hood Kiver
with his family,' and is looking for
property on which to build a home
this miring.
Vogt Bros, have opened for busi
ness in the Broslous brick with a
stock of men's furnishing goods,
clothing, hats, and haberdasherie.
This firm intends to carry a high
grade stock of goods and hopes to be
come firmly established in the busi
ness community of this city.
The firm is forced to put up with
the inconvenience incident to a delay
in the arrival of many of their goods,
and for this reason have been unable
to start with the store fitted up as
they wish.
Both gentlemen are well known in
Hood lUver and the The Dalles, their
former home, and their friends feel
confident the young men will meet
with deserved success.
Dalies ltojs UUe Vogt a Dinner,
After being employed in the dry-goods
department of the A. M. Williams
store for the past seven years, Will Vogt
left yesterday for Hood 'Kiver, where he
will go into partnership with his brother.
Joseph, in a clothing store. Asa fare
well send-off his companions) in the store
gave him an oyster supper at Keller's
ovster parlors Saturday night. His
friends in The Dalles dislike to see Will
leave and their best wishes for success
follow him to his new home. Chron
icle. Arc Seeking Kiglits ef Way.
The Oregon Lumber Co. can givo
oui nothing yet concerning the loca
tion of their proposed railroad. Sur
veyors have been at work all week on
the Fast Side, where Engineer West
has been interviewing the farmers
concerning the rights of way.
The Mount Hood Railway Co. has
been organized, and last week articles
of incorporation were llled at Salem,
tho company having incorporated un
der tho laws of Utah.
Tho capital stock of the company is
placed at 'i.'iO.OlKI, with a paid up
stock of UO,000.
All but one of the incorporators are
Utah men. The incorporators are
William II. Reeled, president ; Thomas
D. Doe, vice president; Henry II.
Rolapp, secretary; David Fccles,
treasurer. H. li. Spencer, David C.
Fccles, Joseph A. West, nil of Ogdiin ;
Charles V. Nibley, W. W. Hitera and
(leorge liomuey, of Salt Lake; and
Charles T. Early of Hood Kiver, Or.
Mason's Sulphur ami Lime Spray.
Hood Iliver.Mar.l. Editor (ilacier:
While attending tho meeting of the
Oregon Hort icultural sorciety at Port
land and the Northwestern Fruit
growers' meeting at; Boise, Idaho,
last January, 1 found I stood alone in
experience in tho u.-c of sulphur and
lime spray with caustic soda. At
both meetings 1 tried to explain why
1 thought it was a superior method
of preparing this spray, and since that
time many inquiries, have come to nie
relative to how to prepare the spray
Fvery miril brings me letteis asking for
the f omnia; so, to benefit all, lwill
ask you to print the following formula :
2') pounds lime; lo pounds sulphur; ;"
pounds caustic soda; udd enough
water to make oil gallons of tho mix
ture. Mix the sulphur into a thin paste
with warm water then add it to your
unslaked lime, then slake your lime
with warm water, but do not drown
it. After your lime and sulphur is
slacked and while at the highest heat
add your caustic soda ; keep stirring
it and do not let it burn dry. At all
times keep enough warm water in
the mixture to make it a paste. After
the caustic soda lias stopped its boil
ing, add enough water to complete
tho formula. Warm water is prefer
able, but cold wiil do after it is
This spray is no new-fangled all'air.
It has been experimented wit h by
our government experiment stations
for the past three years. Both the
New York and the Connecticut sta
tions speak very highly of it. At one
station last year Id dill'erent sprays
were used and this one left the h ast
percentage of live scale. 1 used it on
my 'JO-ucro orchard last season with
perfect success and expect to use it
again this season. It saves much
labor and time over the old methods
of cooking over a fire. Don't lie in
a hurry to spray; wait until tho buds
are swelling. There is no danger of
it burning the trees before the buds
are bursted. A. I. MASON,
President Apple Irowers' Union.
as Oregon's First Locomotive,
Special to the Glacier.
Portland, Mar "J. One exhibit at the
Lewis and Clark expositon, which wi;l
attract something more than usual in
terest, will he the first locomotive used
in this state, a mere pigmy when com
pared with the massive engines ol today
weighing, as it does, but 10 tons.
This '"Baby" locomotive, was built in
San Francisco in bSii"-li.H and imported
here. For t years it made daily runs
on wiiml-n tad- overs seven mile track
along the Columbia river. At the expir
ation of that tine, it was sold to David
Hemes, a 4!)'er w ho returned it to that
California metropolis.
Mr. Hemes now vouchsafes his in
tcutiau to evhibit the diinimiitive loco
motive at the World's Fair, where he
will place it alongside of a tHi-tun leviat
han, recently constructed for the Ore
gon Railway and Navigation company,
the company that first owned the
smaller engine. In so far as the latter
is I:! feel long, the contra-! will be
More than thirty national convent
ions are scheduled to convene in Port
land during the Lewis and Chirk expo
sition. Electricity in its every conceivable
application, representing the most mar
velous achievements in modern science,
may be seen at the Lewis and Clark
Sjtticiul to the Glacier.
Goldendale, Wash,. Mar. 1 Two
more chicken thieves were caught last
night in possession of some of the
nicest chickens in town. The thieves
are now in the county jail awaiting
trial. One of them was recently fined
for this offense to the amount of
i?'i5. and costs, amounting in all to
The railroad strike is over. There
is a new crew throughout, and trains
are running on the regular schedule.
Tho old crew were all paid off and
The proposed new grade across the
Big Klickitat river was surveyed by
Deputy Surveyor Richardson, and was
not considered practicable, it U-iug
too steep to make a grade. This is
on the Goldendale nnd Cumas Prairie
Assessor ivayser expects to be
ready by the middle of the month
to begin assessing. The deputies have
not yet been appointed.
"What Shall we do to Advertise
Hood River nt the Lewis and Clark
Fair?" w ill be the subject under dis
cussion at the meeting of the Com
mercial club. Tuesday evening. This
will be an open meeting, and all busi
ness men and farmers of the valley are
asked to participate and lend their
suggestions for a campaign of public
ity that must mean much for Hood
River and Hood River valley.
Doth Placed in the Same (irave.
Particularly sad is the death of Mrs.
Virgil Wincliell and little daughter
who wero buried this morning in the
little graveyard at Pine Grove. The
distracted husband and father is be
side himself with grief.
Monday afternoon, Mr. Wincliell
went to Portland with his three-year-old
daughter Lena, who was suffering
from peritonitis, and whom he took
to the hospital lor special treatment.
.Mrs. Wincliell had been contiuod to
her bed with grip nnd symptoms of
pneumonia, but when their child was
taken to the hospital, the mother felt
hopeful of its recovery, and got up
that nt t -i 1 1 hi in .
At '2 o'clock in the morning Mrs.
Wincliell was dead. Death it is sup
posed us brought about through heart
trouble. Mr. Wincliell returned Tues
day morning, and the following morn
ing received word that his daughter
had passed away.
Funeral services were conducted at
the Pino Grove church this Thursday
muring, attended by a large concourse
of friends and neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnchell were among
the early pioneers of Hood River.
Mrs. Wincliell, came here with her
father, George Knnpp, nearly i!Ti
years ago, w hile Mr. Wincliell is one
of the first white persons born in the
valley. .Mrs. Wincliell would have
been Ml years old the 7th of this
month. She was married 18 years
Hgo, and was the mother of eight chil
dren, seven of whom survive.
Last Day of School, April 21.
The Hood River public, schools will
close the term, Friday, April 'Jl, when
there will be special exercises for the
graduating class of the eighth grade.
The class this year will be i" strong.
Superintendent Wiley is arranging to
secure some prominent speaker of the
state to deliver an address to the grad
uates. It has not, been decided yet whether
the hHli grade pupils w ill hold grad
uating exercises. While it is possible
the district will not be able to add the
llth grade this coming year, it is al
most certain to add the third and
fourth years two years from now, and
make for Hood River a high school
with as complete a course as any
in the state.
(.he School A Handsome Flag.
The women ol tho Canby post W.
R. O. of this city presented the Pleas
ant View school w ith a handsome Hag
last Friday afternoon. M. P. Ien
berg of the Grand Army delivered the
principal address. The presentation
of the Hag was mndo by Mrs. E. L.
Smith and .Mrs. T. J. Cunning, patri
otic instructor of the corps.
Director Cn.uso made u few remarks
in behalf of the school. 'The flag is
a large one lu.x K feet, but the pole
is not large enough to prevent the
llaglioin sweeping the roof, so the
Gland Army has promised the school
a liberty pole which shall be placed in
the school yard.
Will he no Host for the Wicked.
Irrigon Irrigator.
The Hood River people did not get
their new county, which they pro
posed to call Cascade, but they made a
hot tight and showed mighty plainly
they are on the map. They deserve
to win and will win next time.
You Can Buy Good Goods
Hut to buy thrill at I be right price is
not so i a-y,
Makes low prices because he wants to.
Hi hers may sell at the same prh-e be
cause they Ion e to. 1 carry
Lime. Suljiliur, Suit, (Viiiciil,
r.hb' Yit Hnl. (i.-M'ili'ii. Flower
ami (irass Seeds. Poultry
Supplies ami a full line of
Feed aud Flour. I tali Land
Plaster, et.c.
H. 77. WAIT.
ce Cream
at Tin;
Sweet Oranges,
Grapes, Fruit,
Dates and Figs
Phone "") 1 .
Locate your home where the best improvements are going.
Sewers, Spring Water and Sidewalks, fine view and good drainage.
All these are found in
Which will hot included in the First Sewer District, and which is beyond question the most
desirable residence section in Hood River. Buy now before the prices advance.
d Rim
Hardware SteW&ffS Furniture
For a few vears peoj tie were induced to visit n .class of
stores in hopes ol securim: soinet hinii' thai would serve a
need for little money. There st ill exisls some need for n
cheap ffrade in small pods. r,,- will sharpen one hoe
its well as a. 1 (le one. A IHi' mouse! rui ma v lie no lie! ler
than a- r,e. oe if you have only
lint wliv lint- :ill s! vli'.x ;i'il
st vle.s ami
ment and are making- some
Barbed Wire and Nails.
We bought some time sime. The iir.t cars arrived
Monday and Tuesday and we are put tin such prices on
these 'oods as will u'liai anlee room for t lie next carload
due .!() days hence.
Lawn and Field Fencing;.
Many fenciuus come and e.o, i nit the reliable Klhvood
is always vvil li us. Spring demands induced a cont ract on
such favorable terms (hat all can afford I his superior fence
Let's talk it over. We will find 1 ime in a minute.
Spring Requirements
There is surely iiolliin;r made 1 1 1 r H is not to be found
with us. If so. name il . and we w il! add the item.
Lawn Mowers. : .".:,(. --i. ."', $1 1.00 and 12.00.
(irass and I !ed;:e fn-ars.
Garden Trowels, l!'c, i.V and 2.1c
(jardeii Hoes, 2c 2.1. Hc liic and (idc
I'lMjuine; Shears. -tOc. .".Or. Cllr. Sl.Ot). $2.00.
Garden llose.firt o 1 .1c per foot .
Yv'jre t ij!, Screen I t or."t. Window Screens.
There is nolliiicr that bright spring wen I her could
make you wani bin we are pre tared to furnish in any
quantity. ,
A tff A, t?
iw.yS ii r..i
m - t !
I !" (Iciiinmi seen!', in i:e lorciiur an our money niro
this Give us (Hir help. W.. ime,,,! to make this!
lllie CO.,,n;i'(e, jinr-i'iiiicix .
.i. .. . ii : '.i
l 1 1 a 1 1 ' li 1 1 . 1 111 i I . i i i ' I l l c . i 1 1
soon, i t i akes 1 ime to im j or!
No matter what the hui'diiur is. we can furnish com
plete. Home Furnishing.
After the buildim. think
purchasing Stoves. 1 i a ware.
L ui) cuius. Shades, 1 unul are, I 'iliows. .Vlat 1 resses every-
, . '
t iling from a Slock t hat insures.
tfXfy tzsrssa rxess n
Stoves, Crockery, Bailc-in
Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery, Tin and Granite Ware. 1111,1 in hvet everything
in the house furnishing line.
We Exchange New Furniture for Old. Picture Framing. Furniture Repairing. Stove Repairing.
i fit:
Cheapest Outfitters.
ami .M.miil'.icl urei's of all kimlsof
Highest Trices Par for High tirade Fruit.
5 1 13
Selling Agent.
a n.ous. r iwo to catch:;
!il'!i-.s'' U i Il . 1 ve 1 lie :l Ssii id . I
pru-.'s.' n c have 1 he assort
eye - opening prices.
i- II A . I
.m;ii pi I'-ru ust ii niiif iiihi'i
t ,,.....,:;., i.',.... i: ., aci,,..
r i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 ll' n Mill ism mi
.r s. 4 R
what a saving is made by
.. , ,., , . .
i-ocm iy, i a I new a re, ( arpeis
C J f 'X FtF'
3E35 C3jZ3
"."stcrial, Paints & Oi
Park. Addition
Davenport Bros.
Lumber Company
Have opened nn up-to-date
On River St., 4 Blocks West of Depot,
and vv ill carry a complete line of
Building: Material,
Doors, Windows,
Lath, Moulding,
Wish to call your attention to Ihe fact that they have a
well selected lino of
vSchool Tablets, Pencils
and anything you need for School use. Doil't forget
t hat they also have a line of fine
Candies, Nuts and Sundries
too numerous to mention.
Call, and call a'ain. Phono 1711.
bone & Mcdonald
" l r
hor Hour, Feed, & (jro'ceries
. .
at our prices on Ibibbers: Child's Rubbers. 20c!
Ladies' Rubbers, .100 Men's Rolled Edge " 750
Ladies' and Children's Rubber Roots at propor
tionately low prices.
I'nderwear at prices that cannot be duplicated in town.
Call and see us. Free delivery.
bone & Mcdonald
h ui1111' "'"t " Pl,Ht . " unlike
!tn'j mill, mir .list. onlct-H luive lii'i-n
hii(.,i ho Mii'ivm-runy timt new ouch am
'";H""I"' ''""""k ; nnm ur on
i!i(pnn. A it von to lit' out' o tlii'in?
'(lur D.illi'H I'lm-nt unit Whito River
Hour Ih tin' lini'Ht lluil ih milled, anil
i irriiiiiM. I'mm I lie liewl ueleeteil U'IiimiI
i in fuel the crciiin of the wheatlielilH,'
unil il makes the iiiohI ilelieioim bread
whit" nnd iliitiilile.
F'lH H.M.K 11 V
Hood River, Or.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
! Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
I Phono 131.
nt Co.
& CO , Proprietors.