o o o A O CCQ 0, fr?Hajl9KWOOliOpCii(Jo(? tl-lD-i" $ it t i o 5 3(ood Iftver (Slacier THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1905. That tiome mon are fit subjects fur cbloroform nt CO la evidenced by Dr. Oslor'a own philosophy. Francos Joseph Honoy, United State district attorney for Oregon, hag lunched with the President Roosevelt. Now whut do you think of that? The hlh price for hops has induced the Willamette valley farmers to in Bert a lot of rubbish in their hop bales, and now comes an announcement from the English brewers that they will boy cott the Oregon growers if this pratlce does not cease. The Salem I'ushclub is anxious that a meeting of the Willamette valley com mercial clubs be held in the captial city prior to the meeting of the Develop' inent League in Portland in April. Thus hag the spirit of enterprise .tpread over the whole state. The foreman In the ofllce of the Madras Pioneer forgot to change the date lino In last week's paper, but not to be behind the times, the devil was at once set to work to raise the date on each paper with pen and ink before sending it out. A new creamery is to be established at Eugene, to occupy the first story of a new brick building soon to be erected there. When will Hood Rivur have a creamery? There is money in the busi ness, and as Boon as hay gets cheaper In the valley there will be a splendid opening for dairying at Hood River. Arrangements have boon made by Southern Pacillo ollleiuls with busi ness men of Medford to erect an ex hibit building close to the Southern Paciflo depot, where products of the Rogue River valley, such as fruits, minerals, and farm produce, can lie shown. It is uudesrtood all passen ger trains will be allowed to stop 10 minutes to give travelers an opportu nity to iuspect the resources. Ry degrees the farmers of Oregon are learning the usefulness of the short course at the Oregon Agricultur al college, and an unusual Interest was shown by those in attendance this winter, some of them came hundreds of miles. The Indications are that there will bo an extraordi nary growth of attendance of the short course students within the next few years. Rural Northwest. An editor can givo columns in his paper in praise of persons of his town and nobody oven takes the trouble to say thank you, says the North Yamhill Record. The editor consoles himself by thinking the articles are overlooked. Hut let hliu say something that is not pleasing to certain individuals or make a mistake, and ho soon finds out that his "llings" are not over looked. Au editor has to resort to somo means to And out whether or not his pnper is being read. Slates are fast disappearing from schools nil over the country. In many states the health boards have made regulations forbidding the use of all slates in the schools declaring them unsanitary. No more spitting on the slate and then wiping it off with the sleove for the boys of this generation. No more sponges to throw at each other. All the pleasures of our boy hood seems to lie denied to the child of today,who must content him self with paper. Paper tablets are replacing the slates and last year in the United States about 110,000,000 worth of paper tablets at retail prices were sold. This would make about NSO, (XX), (XK). Two bright and capable members of the bar were advanced to the bench when Governor Chamberlain appoint ed L, T. Harris of Eugene, a republi can, to fill tho new circuit judgeship in the second judicial district, and Sam White, of linker City, democrat, to fill tho new judgeship iu the eighth district, Lawrence Harris was born and educated in Oregon. He has boon speaker of the house of representa tives and last spring was a loading can didate for the congressional nomina tion iu the first district. Sam White comes from Oeorgia, sab. He Is a prominent and wloll liked member of the Oregou National guard, and was chairman of the state central commit tee when Chamberlain was elected governor, lloth aro personal frionds of the writer, who is pleased to see them secure deserved recognition. Apples have been arriving very freely the past week and the market has shown no improvement. There is a (air de mand tor fancv fruit, but t lie sutmlv of medium grades is excessive and such kinds unit a poor demand unless at lib eral concessions. Huston market report in Chicago Fruit and Produce News. Time and nguin bus the statement been made that poorjruit mine the market, and bore is only another in cident of further proof. Why will farm era declare they must find a market for their wormy apples, when If they sold them fur cider, or fed them to the hog or burned them up, they would more than make up the difference in higher prices for the better grades? There is no need to have wormv apples. The suc cessful farmer by careful spraying re duces his wormy apples to five per cent of his crop. An even better showing than this bus lioen made by Hood River vrehardists. If one man or ten Men can do this, all ran. Its Folds fevered Washington. Special to the Glacier. Portland, Mar. 2. Secretary Henry Reed of the Lewis and Clark fair, is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. O. W. Saunders ot Kalama, Wash., in which she states she is desirous of exhibit ing at the World's Pair" a quilt used by the immortal George Washington during the revolution. The quilt, claims Mrs. Pounders, ! the' handiwork of a woman w ho resided in Cortland county, Xevt York, in the Revolutionary period. This woman danced with General Washington dt many social functions, and during the strife between King George's and Wash ington's forces, distinguished herself by melting her valuable pew ter for use as bullets. Washington, it is said, wore the quilt through the war, ami its loliln are said to have protected him from the intense coiu at auuy i-urge. A Day out of Town. Last Wednesday, throubg the kind ness of Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, with their wagonette, we went to spend the day with Mrs. Lee Morse. Had a tine timo and a good dinner, which we all enjoyed. Those wbo enjoyed the good timo were Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, Mrs McGill, Mrs. Blowers, Mrs. Fannie Bailey and Mrs. Carson. R K. F. The F. F. II. Party. Tne F. F. U. club of White Salmon entertained their many friends Fri day evening at the Lauterbach hull. Dancing was the amusement of the evening. Maiuo-liowmnn orchestra furnished the music. The hull v.as decorated for the occasion iu pink and green, the club colors, and punch was served at a small table, also trimmed in the colors. At 1 o'clock the last waltz was played and as the guests left they ex pressed themselves gratified for the good timo they had enjoyed. Airs. 1 red Jioseugrants and Mrs. Herbert Bowman were the patronesses. Rutdilrig Into Crook County. Whether it is the result of the gen erous advertising which Crook county has received, or the recent action ot the Interior department in restoring to entry practically all the laud with drawn two years ago In tho Deschutes valley and farther south for forest reserve purposes, the tide of home seekers and laud applicants having already set in. The van guard ar rived the first of the week and occu pied three extra coaches. The mem bers of the party did not wait until tho excurisou rates went into elfoct and assurance is given that, they form only a very small part or the uuiuimr which will follow inside of a few weeks. Priuevillo Journal. Play Dulles A Close (iunic. Saturday evening tho home team basket bail rubbed a close score with Iho Dalles boys of 15 to 18 iu favor of The Dalles. Although outdone by a few points in the score they did not oome borne with fehtherg dragging or feeling blue, for the general good reel ing and hospitality given them left no impression of a defeated team. Some of the features of the game were, Morgan's balcony shots that set the girls screaming for fear of crushed feathers on their hats; Ouyers and liartmesg goals; Davenports ell waive guarding that held his man from mak ing a single basket, and lirosius' feet exhibits as he went into tho orchestra pit for outside. lioliorts was star man for The Dalles, 12 from the foul line. Humphrey did pretty work with sure passes In work ing the ball to their baskets, but thev were weak in shooting baskets. the line up was: Tigers Moragn,center ; Rartmesa .cap tain, rf. ; uuyer, It. ; Davenport, rg. ; uroslus, ig. Dalles Hiimnhrev. catitiiin center: Conroy rf; Rohorts, If.; Kent, rg. ; rsiirzoo, ig. Iloth Teams did Good Work. Aa was expected when prices were announced, a small audience saw Use basket ball game at the Vogt Saturday night, when the Hood River team met 1 he Dalles team and were defeated in a score of 15 to 18. The game, however, was a good one, anl those w ho saw the gane felt repaid for going. The. two teams made a tine appearence, Tiie Dalles boys looking ilicnied'y twit ty in their new suits consisting of blue sweat ers and red trousers. Hood Riuer hies were unfortunate in tiie number of fouls made, which gae Dulles' the ad vantage. At the end of the first half the score was 12 to 4 in favor the " Mind Over Matter" Dalles boys, but the Tigars woke up and the final score was io to 18. lloth teams did some iiood work, and Mr, llctts is to bo congrat ulated on tho thinning iilven Iheni. Chronicle. At the Churches. v Riverside Congregational. W. C. Oilmore, pastor. Regular services Sun day moruing.with Sabbath school at 10 a. in. Worship and preaching at 11. No evening novices. Unitarian. Corner State street and Park avenue; Rev. '(.). J. Nelson, pastor; Services Sunday morning: Sunday School at 10 o'clock, Preaching at 11. Subject of sermon; "World-Old truest." Ronndtable discussion in the evening oi, the subject: "What can the chilrch do for me?" All are made welcome. Valley Christian. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; illustrated sermon' at 11 ; Y, P. S. 0. K. at ti:30; preaching at 7::!0. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the services of the day. W. A. Mains, pastor. Raptlst. Regular preaching services at Canali'liiiel's hall ereiy 1st and :id Sunday morning and evening; Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Cove nant and business meeting the first Wednesday night in each month. J. II. Spight, pastor. , Methodist Preaching at It a. m. and 8 p' m.; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; l'p- worli league 7 p. Iu. I layer meeting Thursday evening. All cordially in vited. . C. l'.vans, pastor. United Hrethren. Sunday sclmol ul 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. in. Junior Endeavor, 8:30 p. m. Christian En deavor, 0:45 p. hi. Preaching at7::ii! All are cordially invited, liev. .1. S. Rhoads, pastor. In Hood River valley Fehnuuv 2.Y HKVi. . Kenneth Merle Crockett, agi d I years, n, months, L days. Card of Thanks,. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett wish to an uoiiuce that words cannot express the grat itude they owe their kind lriend iu the time of thier great allliction. Mrs. W. 11. League desires to (.hank her kind Heightens and especially th local camp of Modern Woodmen, lo acts of kindness rendered during Hi sickness and death of her liusUtnd. MRS. .W. H. LEAGUE, MR. and MRS. W. GANGER, MR. ami MRS. T. J. LEAGCE. A native Filipino theatre, in which amusements peculiar to the inhabitants oi tne island lenitory will-he represent ed, is to lie one of tin) many excellent attractions of the 'Trial " Mrs. Henderson, the niotlief of John I-eland Henderson, was taken to her former country home, a mile and a half southwest of tow n, Monday afternoon 1 he old ladv is still confined to her bed. hut stood the trio well, and keens in the best of spirits. Never Undersold. . Belts 'Lndics' white Crushed Leather Belts, worth 50c and 2,c. I belts arc a little damaged. We will sell these belts at .Embroidery for Corset Covers, fine quality and new designs, per yard 350 1 15est grade Class Washboard fallout grade Brass Washboard ; .Zint: V asliboards J We have a full and complete line of Men's Fancy Hosiery. Men's Black Hose, silk embroidered f Men's Fancy 1 lose, all designs .' A line of Men's Sample Hosiery, worth up to $1.2o, per 3 ... . i i We Have a sample line ot ladies miCK anu rme comus. i uese ure an new desirable goods. A large assortment to select from find the price is lower than usual. , ' A new and complete line of Men s Spring Shirts just received. 500 up. i made in d! df $ fk SJsS' PRICE? $3.50 CITY IN BRIEF. J. H. Surface of Mosier was in the city Tucaldiiy. Mr. Surl'ciie states that the evimnelii-tic services which have been conducted lit the Dollie Mosier hall for the past two weeks, will close Sunday iii'lit of this weok. Uev. Dick of Vnkiina, who has hail chnt'Ko of tho work, bus been very successful. Several business houses of Tho Dulles suffered a $.",0iHI llro loss in the Vot block Sunday ni'lit. March conies in like u htuib. Mrs. 0. (1. Roberts and Mrs. Mar H'H ot Hold left for The Dulles Tuesday , 1 1 1 r 1 1 i n k' . Attorney A. A. Jnyno und N. C. iaans ale in The Dulles, attending t he session of the county court. U. L. 1! oers was in the city Wed nesday and went out to Odoll in com pany with C K. Hone. Mrs. Honors tins been conlinod in a Portland hospi tal for a few weeks, but is much im proved, and as soon ns she sulllcient ly recovers, Mr. lienors will move his family to Hood Hiver, where tliey will reside on their (Moll ranch. Chillies T. Itonnett of Mosier was registered at the Hotel Wiuicolua Mon day. T. A. Hudson of Tho Dalles was a Hood liver visito" Monday. A dead man, constructed of old clothes and a dry uoods store dummy drew crowds to t he railroad tack I -low t he freili depot Monday morn iiif, whither people were dirercted by perpetrators of tiio joke, wbo circulat ed t lie report t bat no unknown man had Ikmmi run ovie hy the train. Col onel Hartley whs ainonir the deluded citizens, who "bit." Ho immediately turned the tables on Tamp Osliurn, who didn't like the joke a little bit. The deputy shorilf whs called down to see the corpse, and was about to phono the coroner, when he took a tumble. County Clerk Bolton was iu Hood Iiiver Monday. li. II. ( iauo tells the Glacier that a n pbew, ( ieorgo Maunhner, living in tho state of Connecticut, writes that the snow bus drifted l."i feet deep up ii)!iiint the side of his house. This is too much for Mr. Maunhnor, and he writes for infortunium on the Oregon climate. Mr. (iano answered him with II paos all about Hood Kiver. Mr. llano also expects his mother, Mrs. Harriet I'ayuo to come to Ore gon next fall. She is now living iu ludi.om, but the severe cold weather is more than she likes. locations announce a dancing par- t ,' at I lie opera home by the Indies of t io l.athliono sisters, assisted by the Ivui'bts of l'jthias, Wednesday even inn, March H. Music will be furnished by Mess i. Gilbert, lirock and ljaffer t:y. Admi.-inn will bo 1.00. Mis Meliie I'ndeiwood called at the Glacier olllce Tuom1.iv nioruiiii; with a bmiuet of pui'pil iris, the til'st of I he si ason. W. .1. linker A. Co., real estate deal ers, report the follow inn sales: U.K. I nbler's lot on the hill to A. L Stautf er; Kiv. K. T. iuans lot on the hill to O. S. O.-l nru; consideration, if'Ji'i. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. l.ove left Wedueasdy tor the wheat fields of F.astern Oregon, where they will to side. .Mr. l.ove and his son Kididi have rented I'JsO ucies of tine wheat land. They have purchased a fafm- , inn out lit and will encairo in the wheat business. They have bought l'i tine horses, which Kalph took through about two weeks o. Mr. and Mrs. D. .). Treiber, who hao Leon located on the Twin Oak larni the pa.-l year, will leave shortly tor Ashland. ; 'JiOjS, . -r i f i t rt i yCi jT 'J LOUIS." &3?mi MAKERS Announcement. We wish to announce to the people of Hood Kiver and vicinity that we have opened up with a complete line of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Shoes, etc., IN THE BROSIUS BUILDING. Everything new and of the latest patterns. We solicit your patronage. WiM. V()(iT. J. G. Voot. Vocal Talent. I bad been taking a horseback ride through the southern part of Missouri, and one nitfht, I was forced to continue iu the saddle until midnight before '1 su i l he dark shadows of a village at the road. Just outside this village 1 came to a miserable little collage where a light still burned in the window; 1 knocked on the door to inquire for a place to put up for the night. "la that you, Tad?" came a gruff voice from within. "No," said I. "Open the door a min ute, I want to ask you something." The boit was draw n, and a man at tired in a cotton undershirt and over alls looked sleepily into- the darkness. "I thought you was my boy, Tad" lie exclamed, rubtiiug his eyes, " and snip my ears! here he is nowl A barefoot youth came panting out of llieshadow with his arms full of shoes of various sizes and colors. "Get any?" asked the man expect antly. "Vassir," replied the boy in a filial tone, "seven of 'em to-night and two of 'em is a pair." "Good!" the man said, and then he turned to me with kthe .manner of one who thinks an explanation would be polite. " You see, Tad e.1n make a noise lliat sounds louder and has more worry to it and sounds more natural like a torn cat than any rat in tins country can make. So he just goes into the vill age and yells under windows about tins time in the fall. Then he picks up w hat is thing out." " And you get shoes enough for winter," 1 finished. "Stranger," he said solemnly, "I can tee you ain't a fool." l.ippincott's. About St. Patrick. "The sicond nocturn of St. Patrick tells us that the how ly man used to sit in ice-w ater ivery day long enough to read th' intire psaltct ; but the t'eoleg- ians mostly hold that if anuywan doose not lu lave tit, aw nly helaves that he sat in tli ' iee-ttather twiniy minutes, ot that the watlier was tinnlered a little, the Latin worrtids lavin' room fur lion-! e-t doubt as to tli' ixact timperarhoore d'ye see, thin, although, as ye say, the chances is ag'in 'mi, 1 lowly Mother One Price to All. Buckles on these 150 and 250g no 380i 360 150 250 pair 500 i TM . 11 . "i WITH THE CHARACTER" MAN You will find these Shoes at Hood River's Best Store THE PAftlS FAIR 2ES32ES8B3 VOGT BROS. Church in her charity l'aves, us the right to hope that we may be savch in shpite of his hitberidoxikil opinions. l.ippincott's. Southerners to Affiliate Special to the Ulacer. Portland, Mar.2. Orgftnizationof the Dixie Society of Oregon was effected nt a meeting Hug week. Governor Cham berlain was elected president. Vice presidents will be selected from all states south of the Mason and Dixon line. Three hundred enthusiastic south erners were present at the meetuig and expressed common interest in the Lew is and Clark exposition the exploitat ion of which will be the chief object of the society. It is the intention of the officers to i: slitnte an exploitation bureau, through residents of the Virginias und Carolina, Oeorgia, Alabanis, Missi-i ippi, Kentucky and others of iho southern states may learn of Oregon's diversified and inex haustible resources, ami obtain literat ure pertaining to the I.ew is and Clark world's fair. I'v corrvsponence and the judicious circulation of printed matter, it is thou ght that thousand from that section of the country will be induced to come here during the fair. Born. In Hood Hiver, Thursday, February Z W05, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton, a daughter. In Hood Rivor Wednesday. Febru ary 15, 1SXK), to Mr. and Mis. Jan.es .Me Ham, a daughter. Iu Hood River valley, Friday, Feb ruary 24, VM to Mr. aud Mrs. P. li. Jackson, a son. In Hood River, Monday, February 27, Uki.-), to Mr. aud Mrs. J. M. Tay lor, a daughter. In Hood River, Wednesuday, Feb ruary 2-2. liHfi, to Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Heed, a daughter. In Hood River, Saturday, Feb. iS, to Mr. aud Mrs. J. L. Kooutz, a sou. Iu Hood River valley. Saturday. ! eiiruary li, nn,, to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kast man twins a sou aud a daughter. For Sale Thorough bred Cocker Spaniel, mos. old. Call on Dr. Jenkins. I have close to town several hundred cords of wood, cut last October, for le lu large or (null quantities; 4-foot po!eoak 81.75 per cord delivered; 16.nch body oalt 15. per cord de livered; 4-foot pole pine or lir pvr cord de livered. Am also ready to contract for 18-Inch pine stH75 per rord delivered, of which I have several hundred ricks not yet tliomuKli ly seasoned. All wood best, qimflty. Prompt delivery. Call me up on phone. mfiu Murray Kay. Good driving horse for sale; weight WHO; 7 years old; or will trade tor heavy woi k horse. Murriiv Kay. One mile from town, lower East side road. Team horses, weight 8I0!. Cheap If taken atoDce. ni3U Edwin Knowles, Clover, wheat and timothy hly; price from 513 to 1 16 a ton. J. O, Cameron. Dukea Vul. Lady's bicycle In good repair, price JI5. Ap ply at Keystone ranch. ldel wood worth. One three-vear-old heifer for sale, ferfeot ly gentle. Fresh February 10. Inquire ot inch A. W. KINO. Mpan of blacks lor sale. Known as the John Kogers team. feblB ty. O. D. WOOPW'OKTH. Buggy and harness, nearly new, will sell cheap for cash. w. C. DOIiHK, inch Dukes Valley. Pine, fir and oak, all In Hood Kiver, good, dry wood, all cut last year. Hume short plue wood, remainder 4-foot cord. uuh PETEK MOIIR. ' J. H. Rhoeuiaker hug timothy aud clover For sale, dry (It-inch fir wood, 1.7R per rick, delivered. mill O. It. Custner. No. 6 Remington typewriter for sale cheap, or will real to responsible parties. Call at the Qlacler office. Apple land for sale on the famous Willow rial; forty acres, 13 oleared. A snap at i:l..i:i, or anyone desiring all cleared land ran have same lor W.OUO. F. L. MASMEY, It. F. U. 1. fie LOOK AT THW-The location Is right, the price u right. A giiod ;-room house and pantry. irlne oak shade trees, i lots south side of Hherman avenue one bleck souther the operr. house, ('all al pr misc. tit I.. A. Illl KIN.so.V. For tale, one 1'Asegg Cypher's incubator, al most new. Also one brooder. Inquire of nvi Mis. V". C. Hrnrk. For sale, two lots one bleck Irani p.:tinire. Iu2 Inquire ul l'l. Wutt. Will sell or rent 6 acres, all In cultivation, with Irrigating water, wilhla ten minutes' walk of school house. Inquire ol Dr. Walt. May for sale. (iu'2) II. F. Shoemaker. For sale, new brooder. Inquire Glacier. For sale, cook atove, heater, tight wagon, Sulr springs warrant! d to hold up Ift. U pounds lay be teen at E. C. Kogers' place, lli huont. ui2 Chus. Kogers. For sale, first-class Clark Seedling strawber ry pluuts, until thev are gone. Geo. .Mcintosh For sale, excellent wheat hay, also oat ha; , $18.50 cash. Also SO sacks white star potatoes, cheap for cash. Apply to II. Norton, old Odell place. ml Good timothy hay at llurbisnn's lf a ton. Allaffa, clover, wheat and timolhv hay, also dry pine wood cut In stove lengths, fltl F. I). HINKICH8, It. F. I). 2 Forty acres of my farm In Crapper district IV, miles from Hood Hiver. Good hihiIi. lumi M0 per acre. Easy terms. Unimproved, under uiw-'u. jy i ti a. a. jAirnrj. For sale, gasoline engine, a "Jack ol'all trades," Fairbanks-Morse make; oneiScutinel Jr. spray pump, cheup. Win. Kennedy, East side. in iu For sale, my farm, miles from town, y, mile from school house und church, consisting of 140 acres; 30 acres improved, WUoceuud two-year-old Hpltienherg anil Yellow New town apple trees, 50 trees old orchard; 5 acres in clover, 8 acre wheat. Will sail In whole or in part. a l.i Jerome Wells. For sale, small house, new. Must be re moved from Its present location. Will deliver any place In the city ul a bargain. S. E. Dan nies. For sale or trade, 1 3-Inch farm wagon In good repair; 1 good mountain hack; 1 horse; and, cheap for cash, I Jersey cow fresh Jan. Jo Phone farmers 12iil. Jaa. tt . Ingalls, K.F.1). z. For sale, one span horses with harness, cheup; one light wagon, one plow, u I'lHtiet ,lr. wlttedrlll: several tons of hay, one light bug gy, carrots, any quantity. Also some furni ture. I). J. Treiber. Kftl For sale, one horse, weight about 10V0 Ills; food for strawberry much; fast cultivator. 'riceJilO. mill E. A. Franz. Good horse for sale. Weight tax) lbs. mlti Frank Parker. For sole cheap, (i acres of fruit land 1' miles from White (Salmon, i miles from llmid Kiv er. Three acres under cultivation; rich soil; fine level land. Win. A. Biesauz. inlii For sale, wagon, harness, horses and mules, at the Lawless ranch. V Set of double harness, good as new. Inquire al Glacier office. tm: For Rent. I ftlTnr fl.u.r tf mtt.t.ra funliin Ululn b.mu, .... Paradise farm, either with or without garden. 1?,m rant ft, n lnl,4 u,.r,a n-lt,. 'I'.. hlA hoitrrlepa vhhimI ,lut Mn n It 'I'u.-I.tv Hevenlh street, betweeo Hiver and Oak, mil Famished rooms, bv ibe night or week. m2 Mrs. Jury, Hherinun ave. Two nicely furnished rooms to rent. In quire of Mrs. 11. C. McGUIKE, Kiver street. U Three nice furnished rooms and nanlrv for light housekeeping to rent. Water in rooms. win d vacant utter January l. mlti W. F. JAColiS. For rent, on or about March 10, a six-room house, with bath room, connected with rauge all complete, In mowers' addition. mlB M. F. Jacobs. For rent, fll-acre farm, owned bv M. Imams. at Ml. Hood. 30 ucres In hay. '2 acres straw berries, and enough tree fru.l for home use. Good buildings, plenty of water. For particu lars apply lo Geo. 1). ( tilbertsou A Co. Wanted Wanted to rent, a rood ranch, for a Lprin of 3 ion years, inquire oi T. B. weekly, at tue Second Hand .store. Wanted, woman to do ireneral housewni-k. Address V. V. Willis, Hood Hiver. nvi Wanted, six or eight young henR. I'lvniontli Rock preferred. Phone 203. Al. I.. Enny. lii Lost Ixist. one Wells' Essentials of Alirt'tim. mark ed Willi my name. Finder please it-ave ut i.lnflor fimw nilli Mriir V Itfino Lost MoihIhv. Junaarv :W: a iiuie contain ing between t.OHiid 75. I think It was left on thecounter ol Ihe First National Hunk. 1 will pay 810 reward to the under. i.ii P. r . KOUTH. Notice. To the owner of a hair interest In ih. r.nm between the ME a id m SK 14 of See. , jt. 2 N, range 11 east, on Hose hill, to dissolve pannernip in sum itaice, April 1. hi.". JoanKiupp, Part owner. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court o ' Ihe S: t of Oregon, A, the County ol Wfco. W. E. Hellamy, PlHlntlfT, ' vs. Nellie Ilellamv. Defendant. To Nellie Bellamy, ihi above-named dt lenuanu: In Hie nament the smite of Orm ,m , herebv reonlred lo "linear and anwer tli. complaint fllel k: lust yon In the above en t lied suit on or before Thursday, the nth da f April, IKS. said dale Is-lnir six wei ks nit.' the tint 1 ub itailon of this summons, and 1: yi u fall to so appearand anwr s od complai 111. 'or want thereof nlalmlfl will annlv n. 11.. court for the reli, 1 prayed lor in tie com plaint, via: for a mbt of said court dlsol i" the bonds of matrimony now existing bt tw vn yours. Had ihe plaintiff. iuiuiiiinona it, puhiii.ii.ru bv orderorth Hoiiorable W. I.. Hr li'oiw 'lnH.. ..f ,1.. b ve-entiiledcii.it, made ant e.itered o UieS.ih day of February, un. The dale f Ihe first tillblicatioQ ot Ibis sllmmon ir. 2nd day 01 MarcH. lsuo, and the dale of th- ihsi puuncaiion is me k: h nay of April. hi , " i wc-fcs aiipr 1 ne nrsi panncattoi: thereor. GEO. W. C.l.iWF.I,l m3 16 Attorney for Plaintiff, Portland, or. Real Estate Bargains. AT THE EMPORIUM., 5 acres strawberry land, 423' aores cleared, 21 acres in berries, 2 sinoll cot ttipcs S miles out on West Side, $1100 ; TiKK) nr more cash. iS acres at Belmont, 6 acres in cul tivation, cottage anil outbuildings, 150 apple trees, 2 acres straw lierries, 2 acres alfalfa, $1:11)0; $7o0 or more cash. New (i-roomed cottage, patent bath anil closet, four lot", 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $2100; terms reasonable. Two lots centrally located, $r50. Two lots, new (i-roomed bouse, patent bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot, center of town., f 1700. Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by 140, on the bill, $1200; terms reasonable. For Sale 0000 acres pi ne.. timber ; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 pinning mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1 Htore and stock of merchandise, about $3,o00; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon building, rented; 3 houses, rented; 10 head horses and harness; 9 road wag ons, 3 H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair sleighs; 30 bead cattle; 50 head bogs; 000 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All located at and near ililgard, Or. For Sale New two-story 9-room house; Striinuhan addition ; !U(X); terms easy. I or Sale The Abbott Store property on the hill. Price, $3,000. 14 acres across the road from the M. M! Davenport residence. JcJO per acre. Terms easy. A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some free irrigating water, U miles from Bar rett school bouse, 1,100. 1 lamia house and lot, $2,000. For Sale The Henderson ranch, for merly owned by J. H. (ialligan; 00 acre. 30 cleared; orchard; strawberries; eluver niul timothy; well irrigated ;large 2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced. Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch. Kasy terms: telephone; rural delivery. Four miles from Hood Kiver. For Sale The Donahue block on the hill. I inprowd ami fenced. Fine resi dence, barn and outbuildings. $45011. Will sell the SF.V for $000, the NK '4 for $700, or the for $3500. One- third cash, balance time at 8 per cent. The Hunt place mile southwest of town. House, barn, mostly in strawber ries and other fruits. Price, $1450. One goat ranch 011 mountain east of tnllcy on comity road. Price $1,500; has Email house, running water, and is fenced, Terms, easy. For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi tion, center of town, from $200 to $300. 4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls of Hood Kiver, belonging to George K. Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$40O0. 8. Bit) acres nt White Salmon; fine timber land; $10 an acre, V. The o-acre place in Crapper neigh borhood, known as the Kenshaw place; all improved; new buildings, etc. Five acres at Frankton ; cottage and acre and a half in cultivation. Creek and water power; $1,000. Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad dition; improved; price $1,000; r more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent. Small house and lot on bill to rent, $24 a year; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase $20 a year for the two. For Sale Four-fifths interest in the M. O. Wheeler IliO acres near Hood Kiver Falls. For Sale Residence on State street at head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale or Exchiini.i for Hood River property Fine re-idei.cc in business center of Snniptcr. Money to loan. Ten acres imp: oe 1, mi White Sal mon river; $1000. 21 a. at Frai ko". ; improved; $2200. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the F.niporium are kept 2 first-chise transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From und niter this date, April 9, 1903, the rates will be as follows: $10 a day ; Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location some choice nnnlp tnnds and tinnier claims; also relinquishments and innd to script. Call on or address, Wm. f. rand, Res. Phone 370. Hood Kiver, Ore. Bargains in Real Estate. 1. (i-rooni house, plastered, lot 50x130 feet, good well, three blocks from school; pleasant location. Price $9lR). Terms : down. Will trade for other tow 11 property. 2. 4 rooni house, two lots 50x130 feet each, city water; three blocks from slo'ool house; pleasant locution. Price, $750. Terms $50 down and $15 per month. A Bargain. 3. 10 acres good apple nod strawberry land, four acres cleared, 125 fruit trees, one acre st rawiii rries, 4-ronm house, well, stable, wood shed and pack ing bouse nod chicken house. Price $1200 Ti nns $50 dow n und $15 per month. Will trade for town prop erty or wild land. 4 5-rooin house, brow of hill, over iookii g Columbia, one block from high school building, oo, well and city wa cr; inrge wood house; good chicken lions.': hd 50xlu0; or if desired, lot ("0x100, 5. ti-r 0111 house, lii.e local ioti, over iookin;, I lie Columbia. $tl00. ti. I" iir tin" lota for $175 each, 4 for $150 ai'h, hi 1 in' hi if nili, overlook ing Ihe (' lu :i 1 l':t. 7. l.'toiKPiO. loratin same as N'n 5. $200 A 1 nr,' i". Hood River Real Estate Exchange Co. Hood River, Ore. LIPPIfieOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library Tha Best in Current Literatura 12 Complets Novel Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year ; 25 ct. a copy :no CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETEsIN ITSELF A e 0