The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 23, 1905, Image 5

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Hood Juvcr is' uot only making a
uuuijimj rcpuiauoii tor nor fruit, but
1b doiiiK more to advertise Dromon
among the Kaeturu people than all the
rest oi ttiti hiuto put together," re
marked John A. Wosterluud, of Win.
We.4erlu.iid & Co., land and immi
gration Ht'ciitx of Chicago, who
was i;i Hood Uivor .Miviclny traim
Rctitin IjuriiicM with his il ( 1
River representative, Oorge IX Unl
bertwni. Mr. Wetterliind in an enthusiastic
bonier of tho Hood River country.
He is u coin-taut loader of the (ilaeier,
and every week fimls something in it
to show to people u kiti uhont Hood
River. Every now and then ho clips a
fruit story from the Glacier and lms a
plate made from w hich 5ot)0 copies are
Erinted and sent broadcast over the
lantern states.
Many people who are now residents
of Hood River, und glad they came
here, flit learned of this valley
through advertising literature sent out
by osterlmid & Co. Mr. Wostorlund
says he frocpiontly comes across
linnies in the Glacier of people who
had formerly written to him asking
about Hood River. The Glacier has
a large list of Eastern reader who have
subscribed for the Glacier at the in
stance of Mr. Westoilund, in "order
that they may learn more alniut this
wonderful and famous fruit valloy.
Mr. Westeiliind is unxious to come
West and make his headquarters at
Hood River. He is in love with Ore
gon Riul thinks there is no place like
Hood River. When in Portland last
week, Mr." Westevlund bought up 815
worth of Hood River orchard views,
which he lias put into albums for his
Chicago ollice. '1 hey will create a
sensation in the Eaft, says he.
Mr. Wostt i luud v i's at St. Louis when
the Hood River apples arrived, and
secured a number of the boxos of tho
fruit when tho fair closed. "Voir
fruit show thero v. as tho groatest the
world ever saw," said Mr. Wester
lund. Ilatishrrry Launches a Steamer.
The i-i.cces.-ful launching of the
steamer VYi-ne-ma on Klamath Lake
a few weeks ugo is given extended
mention in the Republican of Klam
ath Falls. Tho little steamer is 110
feet in length and ID feet beam, and
is built to carry :i(K) passongers. Hans
berry, one of the partners iu launch
ing, is well known in Hood River,
where his mother and sister reside.
Following is a portion of the account
as given in the Klamath Republican:
"Tot ton and Hansbery are receiving
the congatolations of their friends for
the initiatory success of the enter-pi.-e,
and they have the best wishes of
the entire public for a prosperous ca
reer in steamboating on the Klamath
"The day was line and the crowd
was large, the ceremony was impress
ive and everybody pronounced it ono
of Klamath county's most important
and successful events.
"The Indian maiden, Wi-ne-ma,
was the pride and belle of Klamath
county when it was ruled by the ab
origines; and tho steamboat, Wi-no-lua,
will be the lielle and pride of
the Upper Kalmath the inland eea
of Southern Oregon.
"The boat was built by Messrs. Tot
ten $i Hanslierry to navigate the wa
ters of the Upper Klamath, and was
launched last Saturday afternoon iu
the presence of about 2T)0 spectators.
"Promptly at tho hour appointed
Oscar C. Stone stepped to the bow
of the vessel and in a brief speech
introduced Mrs; F. V. Jennings, who
was the lucky contei-tant in the selec
tion of a name for the boat, and as a
result had the holier of christening
it. In a ch ar voice she said :
"On the waters of the mighty Kla
math, under God's blue canopy, w ith
this wine of sunny France, I christen
thee Wi-nc-ma. "
Prospects cier Were Metier.
"In all of the good fruit years we
have ever had in Hood River, pros
pects for full crops never were better
than right now," remarked Frank
Chandler, owner of several large or
chards on the West Side of the river.
"This will be my year for a big crop
on tho Council place, and I w ill also
have tiiHJ young trees that will bear
their lirst crop tiiis fall."
Now that the cold snap has passed
over, uo one expects to ses any more
winter weather. The mercury hugged
the zero mark for several days, but all
fruit buds were dormant, and no dam
age has been noted. Snow covered
the strawberry lields, and a big crop
is expected of this fruit.
Mr. Chandler says lie has met many
newcomers inquiring for lauds, and
from what ho can gather, this will be
a banner year for Hood River.
" Shoe Social Friday Niirht.
Mountain Home camp, Royal Neigh
bors of America, is arranging for a
social at K. of P. hall, Friday night
of this week. An extended program
will be rendered, a special feature of
which will be "Our Social Pleasures
aro Neglected." There will be
special music, a tableau and several
other interesting features.
The admission price is to be deter
mined in a unique manner. It will
depend on, the size of your shoe five
cents for each number. A prize has
been arranged for the lady having the
largest foot.
That they will have a royal time
goes without saying.
Small Fine for James lironn.
Last Friday afternoon James Hrown,
of Mosier, whom the jury found
guilty oi assult with a dangerous weap
on, recommending the leniency of the
court, was lined ij-100, the minimum fine
provided by law lor such otl'ence.
Mo. damage was allowed I. II. Taffe in
his suit against the city of The IHilles.
The jury vi itcd the place where Taffe
fell into an ( pen sewer and sustained a
broken leg, but after remaining out all
niiiht, concluded the accident was due
to his ow n negligence, and gave him no
damages. The plaintiff was granted let)
days in which to (ile a motion for a new
Franz Sells Farm For 812,000.
E. A. l'rauz sold his 4'J'o-acre farm,
two miles south of the city, last week
to R. II. Wallace of Portland ; con
sideration, c'12,i.HHl. Mr. Wallace ex
pects to nno here soon with bie
family, lie was formerly iu the drug
busiue.-s in Fcrtland. but for the last
few years Iwi- been connected with a
huge Piano house iu that city. Mr.
Wallace comes here to regain lost
health. There are 20 acres of berries
cu the farm and three acres of young
orchard. The balance of the land is
given up to clover hay.
W. J. Laker assisted in making tilt
'(lie I'm iimcnia Season.
Cough- and colds in children a well
as adults are frequently dangerous at
this staseu of the year, and a liitie pre
now may save much trouble, worry and
expense. Kennedy's Laxative and Tar
a combined cough and cold cure a new
ecieulilie discovery in medicine is a
certain cure for coughs, colds, w hoop
ing cough, etc. The coughs and colds
are cleared out of the system by gently
moving the bowels, and at, the same
lime the throat, chest, lungs and bron
chial tubes are so strengthened that
mere is little probability of danger.
Kennedy's Laxative and Tar is pleasant
to take. Contains no opiates. Sold by
(J. E. Williams.
"Word comes from reliable sources
iu the Middle West that hundreds of
acres of berry patches in Arkansas
and Missouri have been plowed up
because of poor prices received last
year," says E. A. Franz of the Hood
River Fruit Growers' union.
'This should work to the advantage
of Hood River strawlierry growers,"
continued Mr. Franz, "particularly to
tnose who have taken good care ot
their patches since the crop was taken
oif last summer. There is not the
acreage here this year there was last.
and with fewer berries elsewhere this
should Vie a good berry year. Hrokers
and commission men in the hunt are
already beginning to ask about ber
ries for this year."
D. I). MoClure has 700 cherry trees
set out on his White Salmon farm,
and will continue planting until he
h:is an orchard of 1000 cherry trees.
Mr. McClure is satisfied there is mou-
ey in cherries. The trees in his
young orchard have made a vigorous
growth, and if some older trees in the
neighborhood can be taken as a cri
terion of what cherry trees wiil do
at White Salmon Mr. McClure has a
fortune iu sight.
l'rom one cherry tree on tho C. F.
Waldo place IKK) pounds of fruit have
been gathered each season for the past
two years. This fruit brought ovor
four cents a pound.
A portion ot Mr. McClure s land is
among the very earliest at White Sal
mon. He has ten acres in berries.
and hopes to get the bulk of his
crop in the market before lierrios on
this side of the river get fairly start
ed. He has kept two men busy in his
berry patches and orchard all winter.
Mr. McClure has constructed a
concrete reservoir on the upper part
ef his farm from which he has a sys
tem of pipes running to every foot
of his ground. He irrigates with
whirling sprinklors, which do away
entirely with ditching. There is no
waste from evaporation as is frocpiont
ly the case when the water is carried
in open flumes or ditches.
The majority of Mr. McClure s
cherry trees are Royal Anues. He says
this variety sells well in Portalud mar
kets and is preferred by fruit canner
ies. Last year 28 carloads of these
cherries were picked and shipped from
Southern California to France, where
they were put through a preparation,
packed m little bottles and sent back
to America for use as a decoration iu
fancy bar-room drinks.
Mr.McCIure says he has expended
a great deal of money in improving
his place since be pucbased it a few
years ago, but he is satisfied there is
a good thing in it for him,
Kicked off to Fortune and to Fame.
Portland Journal. Peruana
Frank Angus, who was in urinaiies
this week visiting old friends, fuuo via
an illustration of the oppnrtuni ... .,
gon offers to her children and
Sinme vears ago Mr Annus was a
street ear conductor on the lines of the
Portland Street Railway company, but
owing to pome difficulty with the Super
intendent he retied. It happened at a
time when he was extremely short of
funds. He never had lieen able to get
ahead financially, and owned nothing
more than the usual limited amount ot
personal chattels that men cannot well
net along without. Seeing no opening
for work m this city, ho resolved to go
He was loath to part with the few pie
ces of silver left in his pocket after he had
Uncharged his small debts. He took pass
age on the blind baggage over the Orezon
itailroail A Navigation company's line.
l Hood luver a brakman put him on
the train. Wandering about in the
little town, without a friend within its
precincts or any .hope of finding work
there, he saw an advertisement for berry
pickers. He promptly s.mglit out the
berry patch owner and accepted a job.
.Mr. Angus the other day refused 110,-
000 for his apple orchard in Hood River
valley, about three miles from the town,
where, nine years before, the brakenian
.impelled him to seek and lind the for
tune waiting there, for him.
In Memory of Miss Sadie Young.
Ry the fireside in solemn silence,
We are sitting all alone :
And our hearts are calling, calling
f or the Joved one that has gone,
Tears from our eyes are starting,
And wrinkled is our bro.
Ah ! sad the hour of parting
We have no Sadie now.
From morning until evening
Sorrow rests upon our brow :
She has gone from us to Heaven,
And is with the augels now.
A lovely bud of promise.
Of lieauty bright and fair,
Has left this world of sorrow
To dwell with augels there.
Lost? Oh, no ! But safe in Heaven ;
Free from sorrow, pain and care.
God iu tender mercy took thee
To dwell with angels there.
Folded are the snow-white fingers,
Dimmed are those laughing eyes;
But now she treads all robed in glory
In the palace of the skies.
Here we never more shall see bor
Till we see the light of day
Till with angel wings like Sadie,
We from earth shall pass away.
Father, mother, brother, friend do
not weep.
Gone to her last rest has our loved,
Her life was full of suffering,
God's will, uot curs, be done.
MRS. L. T. O.
Expect Heavy Wool flip.
The prime condition of the sheep at
this time indicates that the wool clip
will be even heavier than last year.
The lamb crop, too, is expected to be
excellent ow ing to the splendid con
dition of the ewes. Sheep men in
Morrow feel confident of iieiiigable to
save UO to 100 per cent. Although
prospects are good shipments of sheep
cannot yet lie forecasted with any
degree of accuracy, as buyers will not
enter this territory until about the
time the sheep are turned on the sum'
mer range, Heppner Times,
At the suggestion of E. L. Smith,
president of the Oregon ilevelopment
League, a meeting of the menilters will
lie held iu Portland, April i and 5,
when plans will be perfected for having
representatives of the various Oregon
industries at the Lewis and Clark fair
to givo out information to visitors,
and if possible to send out conietent
men with partios of Easterners to the
different parts of the state and show
them what Oregon has to otTer the
hcniesooker and investor.
'Ihe official call will be issued in a
few days from the otllce of the secre
tary, Tom Richardson iu Portland.
The program and place of meeting will
thou lie announced. Discussing the
object of the convention, President
Smith said :
"We must got together in April and
decide definitely on a plan by which
all tho interests of Oregon are repre
sented by competent people on the
grounds of the Lewis and Clark ex
position. The Oregon Development
league should have an ollice located
on the grounds, where visitors could
secure reliable information concern
ing every part of the state. The
horticultural interests of the state will
be represented by a practical man,
who can give those who desire infor
mation all they care to know in this
lino. The mining interests, the tim
ber interests and other lines of indus
try should be well taken care of."
He says the leaguo shonlil at its
April meeting, unite on a plan that
will make the oragnizntiou thorough
ly effective in locating advantageously
thousands of people who come to seek
homes iu all parts of the state.
Wedding Reception In tn Philippines,
Miss Minnie Schungel of Beloit
went to the Philippines some time ago
to marry Hoke Simpson, also of lie
loit. The bride writes home that all
tho natives of the surrounding coun
try met them on their arrival at San
Estaban, alter their marrirage at Ma
nila. and escorted them to their home
in Santa Maria, a distance of four
miles. The bride and groom rode in
a two-wheeled cart drawn by an ox
and their baggage was borne in carts
draw n by bull teams, then a cavalcade
ot 1:00 natives followed on toot. Every
house they passed tho rest of the
natives came out to greet them. In
tho evening the natives gave a big
reception to the bridal couple and
thero were welcoming songs, addresses
and an orchestra. Topeka Capital.
Miss Schungel was last year princi
pal of the Hood River public schools.
Rook Commission Reappointed.
Governor Chamberlain has namend
the members of the old text book
commission to compose that body for
the next four years. This commission
was named by Ex-Goveruor Geer four
years ago, and is composed of W. M.
Colvig of Jacksonville; P. L. Camp
bell ot Eugene; G. A. Johns of linker
City; H. W. Scott and W. M. Ladd
of Portland. Although considerable
pressure was brought to liear upon
Governor Chamberlain by democrat
ic candidates for places on the com
mission ho threw aside all partisan
feelings in the matter and appointed
the old board, four of whom are re
Ode to White Salmon.
The White Salmon valley
So lino and so gay.
With its evergreen woods
And the orchards that pay;
With' its clear bracing climate
And changes, not slow
Sometimes it's rain and sometimes
it's snow.
With beautiful views Hlways in sight
Mount Hood the sublime,
Snotf-capped and bright
Ihe gliding Columbia river divine.
No other excels iu America's clime.
With many Hue views, north, east
and west,
Come see this fair country the laud
of the blest.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
i-ontalnlni! mercury, merenry will surely
destroy Hie sense of smell anil completely
derange tlie whole system when entering ft
irirouti me mucous suriiieeH. sau-n m-iides
should not he used except on Drescrl nitons
fi-oin reputable, physician!, us the duniagti
I hey will lo Is ten fold lot he good you can pos
sibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by U.K. Cheney A Co-of Toledo,
O.contHins no mercury and 's taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying Halt's Ca
tarrh cure be sure you get the genuine. It Ib
taken inteiiitilly and nisde in Toledo, Ohio,
by H. K. Cheney V (Jo. TestlmonlHls free.
mow tiy itruggistis. rriee 7nc per bottle.
Tu c Hall, P11U fur a constipation.
Some Bargains.
33. 0 acres M mile out; berries and
orchard. A beautiful location. Will be
sold at a bargain.'
ha. .ta acres one-half mile from Mt.
Hood P. (. 14 acres in clover, 4 in hay
lj iu strawberries, 1 share water, 2
houses, all for $140(1.
24. 42 acres 5 miles out, 18 acres in
orchard, 10 full bearing. First-clasH im
provements, a beautiful borne.
28. HO acres, 5 acres 7-year-old apple
trees, balance in clover and general
farming. New 4-rooru house.
2. 40 acres in the most beautiful por
tion of the valley. 4 acres in orchard
one vear old, 3 acres in berries, 4 acres
in alfalfa, balance general farming.
(il. 10 acres 4 miles out; splendid
soil; 1 acre apples, best varieties; one
year planted, li acres in strawlierries,
2 acres in potatoes, " acres iu clover.
52. 42! itcles 2 miles out, 20 acres ill
berries 2 years old; 10 acres in clover; 3
acres in applt s, 3 ami f years old, New
towns mid Spitzenbergs; 2 gootl houses,
windmill, packing bouse, elc; 22 inch
es free wafer. $2.jl) per acre.
114. Two KUl-ucie t nets about nine
miles mil ; one on east sitle, other west
dde. Choice far $1100.
1HS. 40 acres fi miles nut; raw land.
Price, 2-00.
A number of 5, 10, 20 and 40 acre
tracts of unimproved laud that will
liear investigation Also a number of
large tracts from 100 to320 acres in Ore
gon and Washington
Some few residences and lots in every
portion of the city.
Real Estate Agents
Hood River, Oregon.
- Vigorite Powder
I am Rttll MKnt for this blunting powder. Me
e or wriie for prices.
"29 tf FRANK HTANTON, Hood River.
Estimates and plans furnished.
The Sunshine of Spring.
The salve that cures without a scar is
DeWitt'g Witch Hazel Salve. Oils,
bums, boils, bruises, and piles disappear
before the use of this salve as snow be
fore the sunshine of spring. Miss II.
M. Middletun, Theties, Illinois, says:
"I was seriously afflicted with a fever
sore that was very painful. DeWitl's
Witch HazeipSalve cured me in less
ban a week.'' tlet the genuine. Sold
by O. E. Williams.
ITImber Und, Act June ;i, 1S7S.
Notice fou publication.
United States Land Offloe, Tim Dulles, Ore
gen, Nov.21, 1904. Notice Is hereby given thul
In compliance with the provisions or the act
of congress or June 8. 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands In tbs s'utes of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Wtoditngton Ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, lftrj,
of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of
(Kluhoina,lmsotiJUnesi!i,niiM intnisomee
his sworn ststcment No. nft.K,iur the purchase
of the WVSKV4 aud K'NW!-, oi section No. 30
In township No I norlh, range No i east W.M.
and will oiler proof to show that the laud
sought Is more valuable for Ik timber or
stone tlian for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to aald liiud before (leo.
T. J'ral her, U.H. Commissioner at bis office
In Hood Klver,Oregou,on the M day of March
He names as witnesses: Archie c. French,
Ben L. Wooley and Albert M. Caldwell, all
of Waynoka, Oklahoma, Warren Miller. Kd-
mond c. M Her and Kalph I'teiicli, all of
mmu nivi-r, viregim.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descrtls-d lands are rmiuested to file
their claims In this orUce on or before the said
3d day of Marrh.lUt.
d29 mctii MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Public laud Bale (Isolated tract.)
United Htatea Land office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, January II, 1W. Notfce Is hereby given
that In pursuance of instructions from the
commissioner or the General Land ortlee, un
der authority vesled In lilin by section a-'M,
United Slates revised statutes, as amended by
act of Congress approved Kehrunry ls.v5.we
will proceed to oner at public sale at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. in., on the 2u dav of Kehruarv,
IUU5, nt this ottlce, the following tract of In nil.
to-wll: TheHi;'4 oflhe NW'4 or section at,
township-.1 norm, range II eut of Willamette
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
atswe-described lands are advised to rile
their claims in this office on or before the
day above designated tor the commencement
or said sule, otherwise their rights will be for
feited. JWflti MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
ANNE M. Lang, Itccelver.
Public Land Kale (Isolated Tract. I
United HUitesljand Office, I he 1 miles, Ore
gon, January gs, liKft. Notice is hereby
given that In pursuance of instruc
tions trnm the cominlg'ioncr of the general
land office, under sutborlty vested in him by
section U IS, United Hlates KcvIhciI statues,
as amended by act of congress approved
February SB, 1H!I.', we will proceed to oiler at
public sale at the hour of 11 o'clock a. in., on
the liilh day of March, '.UU5, at this office, the
following tract of land, to-wi':
The K.'.-j NK'i of section a, townships
iMrth, range 11 east of Willamette meridian.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the ahove-desertbed lands are advised to Mle
their claims in tills otllce on or tiefore the
day above designated lor the commencement
of said sale, olheiwlse their rights to he for
feited. MICHAKLT. NOLAN, Register.
IS in ANNE M. LAND, Itccelver.
fn the circuit court of the Btale of 'Oregon, for
the county of Wasco.
Norton H. Jokhan. Plaintiff
Anna Jordan, Defendant
To Anna Jordan, defendant above named:-tn the
name ot Ihe stale ot Oregon:
You are hereby commanded to appear and an
swer the complaint tiled against you in Ihe above
entitled suit, within six weeks fimtn the Sd day of
February, A. v., H05, said day ts-mg the first day
of the publication of this summons; and if you
fail U) so answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
wnl aiuuv to the court for the re let demanded in
his complaint filed in said cause, to-wit: a decree
of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony ex
isting between the plaintiff and defendant in said
cause, and for general relief.
1 his summons la published bv virtue of an or
der of Hon. W, L. Hradshaw judge of the circuit
court lor u asco countv. state of Oreiron. dale.)
the S4th day of January, A. P.. 1905. which or-
der specifies and provales for six weeks and for
seven insertions as LhAime for which this sum
mons shall be published in the Hood Hlver (ila
cier, a newspaper of general circulation published
weekly in Hood River. Oregon.
Dated at Hood Kiver, Oregon, this SlUh day of
fi mch Id Attorney for Plaintiff.
Declaration Pay Is coming and you
will want to bave your lot fixed up be
fore that time. We have a larjre Block
on hand Htid are prepared to till orders
promptly and give wiiinfactliin. Work
done (rood and at Ihe lowest prices. A
pontul card sent to us will bring you
the samplea. Try it.
The Dallea, Ore.
A Watts
p Marble
i t Works
lj -
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
RATES, $2.00 to $2.50 PER DAY.
Steam heat. Large pieasant rooms. Everything new,
Sample room for commercial travelers.
BROS., Proprietors.
Fresh & Cured Meats
. FROHN & HEATON, Proprietors.
(Successors to 0. S. True.)
Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries,
Flour and Feed.
Call and see the new firm on the I (eights.
Free Delivery. Phone ir6.
It is to your advantage
Another car just
regoo Lumbsv
Crown and Bridge Work.
Teeth Without Plates.
Treatment of tlUeaseil teelli and gunm.
Ollice over Jackson's Stnre.
l'liiilie lllill. Oak St. Kiitritnoe.
lias ojicmnl fi
General Store
mul will kcq on hand aflrst
( lasn .stock of
Groceries, Fiour and Feed
The public in invited to call
anil inspect tlie stock. A
square ileal for all.
Cottage Market,.
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Flour and Feed.
FitKii Dklivkky.
We again invite you
Also Nozzles, Bamboo Extensions, Extra
Caps, Hose Connections, us well as the best line of
Spray Hose that money can buy.
Opposite Postoffice.
Carries everything
Krinkled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone 671.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices Paid
A Few Facts Worth Know n ;
The Paradise Laundry has been in operat ioii J ust
one year. It is a Hood Kiver industry, employ-in ;
Hood Kiver labor and causing Hood Kiver proilur .
It Has distributed in the town over $4-, 000 dir a
the last year for labor and supplies. During i ,c
coming season it will reach 15,000 or more. j
It is a truism that all things must c.r." 1 ' r
11. 1
uiey want, aim we are commencing to wa v 1
fast. Changes are being made in the phint ( ml . ;
equipment udded all the time. We guar.nter i
first-class work and our prices are standard a;i ' sal
satisfactory. Ask for twins on family wa ;;: g::.
We are a home industry and thank our p.-. :o,
for their liberal pfitronage in the past, and !' 1 , . .
fident the future will convince the most critical !h t
Hood Kiver has un up-to-date and progressive laun
dry. Send us your lace curtains, woolen blankets,
ladies' dresses, gouts' clothes, in fact any laundry you
may have, and we will guarantee you sat isfaction.
Hood Kiver.
to try
to do so.
in the line, including
First and Oak Streets.
for High Cirade Fruit.