The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 23, 1905, Image 4

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    'O TOGO ' r
Fir hundred dollars from 53 apple
treea. Tbla Is the record from the
orchard of G. D. Woodworth, two
mllea aouthweat of the city of Hood
River. The tree were 11 yeara old
and of the standard varieties New
towns and Spltzeuberga.
Several of these trees were shaded
by poplara set out as windbrakes, and
thus many of bis fine Spitzenbergs
were not highly enough colored to
be counted first class apples. This
urn of iWJO It should be stated was
made from first grade apples only.
The small apples and culls went to
another account.
Had Strawberries all Bummer.
M. Dumas of Mount Hood will set
out a patch of everblooming straw
berries this spring. He had a small
patch of these berries last summer,
whioh produced fruit from July 1 to
October 1, and he says be wouldn't
think of being without strawberries
and cream every summer hereafter.
Mr. Dumas finds his Mount Hood
farm too big to handle alone and is
looking for a tenant. His brother
arrived from France, and is occupy
ing the old bomsstead. Mr. Duma
will clear 10 acres of land this spring.
"The f armors of the upper valloy
should hold their cord wood until the
railroad reaches us," says Mr. Dumas
who will keep bis until that time.
The prioe be believes will be bettor,
and it will be cheaper then to mar
ket the wood.
BIf Trees en Bnlpei Xarm.
White Salmon, Wash., Fob. 18.
Cditor Glacier: I notice in the Lewis
and Clark fair notes that a section of
the biggest cheery tree on the Pacific
coast will be a featuer of the Sacra
mento, Cal, exhibit. The tree was
planted In 1850 and is three feet in
The object of this article is to see
If Wasco county, Oregon, can't come
in as "left bower" in the game of
cherry tree. ' .
In the summer of '86 or '87, the Ore
gon Pomologcal society was organized
at The Dalles, and at one of our meet
ings held at the farm of George
Snipes, the writer took the diameter
of several trees in bis orchard. One
cherry tree measured six feet six
Inches in circumference one apple tree
four feet four inches in circumfer
ence; one prune three feet six inches
In circumference.
Mr. Snipes settled there in 1852, and
perhaps soon planted these trees. If
that cherry tree has bad nothing bap
pen to it until now, pehaps it can
compete with Califorrnia.
Hopes the Ballread Will be A do.
"I am glad to see you take the prop
er stand concerning the railroad' re
marked C. F. Waldo of White Sal
mon, who was In the city last Friday.
"Yes the people can well atrord to be
liberal in the matter of rights of way.
They will soon get back more than
they can ever lose by giving away
the land now. "Of course no one
would expeot the railroad to Injure a
farmer's orchard or resldeno. The
company will pay for any injury done
a man's farm.' That railroad means a
great deal for Hood River. "
Mr. Waldo Is an old . railroad sup
erintendent and knows whereof he
talks. Mr. Waldo looks for a good
fruit year. The cold weather has done
no damage. The proposed union of
the White Salmon growers seems to
have fallen through with, says Mr.
Waldo. White Salmon, though, will
be on band with early berries. Mr.
Waldo believes the berry growers will
nnd enlarged markets this summer in
Portland, with the great number of
people who will be here from the East
to visit the Lewis and Clark exposi
Mr. Waldo Is a friend of the Glacier
and declares he never saw a better
looal paper, "The people appreciate
It" said be, "and at White Salmon we
watch for it just as regularly as Thurs
day afternoon comes around."
First Serf ham Machine In Tailor.
The Hall brothers are new arrivals
from the state of Kansas. They
orougnt witn tnem a sorghum macb
lne, the first ever brought to Hood
River valley, and for that matter the
first In Wasco county.
Sorghum was grown as an expert
ment by several of the farmers lust
summer, and found to do very well
in Hood River, A. O. Nolde and
Alvln Herahey grew some of the cane.
Now that there Is a machine here,
there Is no reason why the ploople of
uood Kiver cannot enjoy this Kastern
delicacy. To many people it tastes as
good as maple syrup.
The Hall brothers came with a car
load of goods, a oow, some hay and
1200 pounds of corn meal. They are
here from Robinson, Kas. The three
brothers are W. Hall, C. E. and J. H,
Hall. W. Hall was here last summer
and secured some laud north of the
Columbia. All three are now batching
in a ooltage near liojman a store.
Their families will arrive about the
first of March. - '
Foot Ball a Proper College Sport.
Foot ball is a proper college sport,
according to the pupils of the Hood
River high school debating socclety.
The question as debated last Friday
was ''Resolved, That foot ball should
be eliminated from colluge sports."
Harold Hershner supported the affirm
ative, with Rule Ulugg, itertha Ijilf
erty, Omar Day assisting him. Muir
Dano led the negative, and with Hope
Shelley, Alva Day and Meririll (I uss
ling won the decision.
The judges were Violtit Massikor,
Homer Wood and Edith Copple.
Have Beea Married (2 Ytr.
Thursday of last week was the 5&1
anniversary of the weddiug of Mr. and
Mrs. William Ellis, or Grandpa and
Grandma Ellia as their many friouds
delight to call them. The woniuu of
tb Eastern Star remembered tliu event
by coming In upon them with Itaskttts
overflowing with a supply of good
things to eat. Merchant Gill and
Charles T. Early of the Oregon Lum
ber Co. also sent out their delivery
wagon with provision. The old
couple were touched by these acts of
kindness, and felt very grateful to
thsir friends. It appears that the wor
thy couple are in needy circumstances
the small returns from last spring's
strawberry crop having been exhaust
ed, but the Masonic lodge, of which
Mr. Eli Is is a member, will sue that
tbey are provided for.
' ' Fraud Kxposed.
A few counterfeiters have lately b en
making and trying to sell imiint'Oiisof
Dr. Klogs New Discovery for consump
tion, oongba and colds aud other med
icines, thereby defrauding the public.
This is to warn you to beware of such
people, who seek to profit, through
stealing tike reputation of remedies
which have been successfully curing
disease, for over 3C years. A sure pro
tection, to you, is our name on the
wrapper. Look for l(, on all Dr. King's
or uucKiin s remedies, as an outers are
mere Imitations. 11. R. Hr & Co.,
Chicago, 111., and Vinusor, Canada
Medicines sold at C. N. Clarke's drug
Was a Brilliant Dancing Party.
The dancing party last Wednesday
evening in the Knights of Pythias
hall was decidedly the most fashion
aple and brilliant affair of the social
season. The decorations were elabor
ate and beautiful. A maze of bright
red hearts buug suspended from the
ceiling, while little cuplds graced the
walls. The creations carried out very
successfully the sentiment of at. Vul-
eutine. Evergreens added to tlio
beautiful effect, while potted palms
and other plants converted the stage
into a peautiful bower.' and added to
the attractiveness of the docorations.
The young women in charge of the
party were the recipients of profuse
congratulations for the decided suc
cess of the dance. Thoy had accom
plished wonders in transforming the
spacious hall into a thing of beauty
and a scene of gaiety, and spared, noth
ing in adding to the attractiveness of
the surroundings and the entertain
ment of their guests.
Danclug began promptly at 0
o'clock, preceded by an overture by
Everests superb orchestra. 'The
grand march was beautifully executed
Mr. and Mrs. R. Norman Young led
the march, and were followed by 75
couples. It was a few minutes after
1 o'clock when the last extra had been
danced, and the strains of "Home,
Sweet Homo" floated over the ball
room. Punch and cakes was served
by two little girls. The usual pro
gram of waltzes and two-steps was
Interspersed with a minuet and the
lancers. Daiiity card programs were
The young womon who were the
hostesses of the evening were Mist
linker. Miss Cramer, Miss -Groves,
Miss 01ingor.Miss Howe, Miss Blythe,
Miss Cross, Miss Kelsay, Miss Hoad
ley, Miss Songer. The patronesses
were Mrs. Kdward N. Jilythe,. Mrs.
R. Nermaii Young and Mrs. Arthur
I. Davidsou.
, Refuses to See, or be Neen.
Williams evidently desires it to
be understood that these are not his
receiving days as ho cooly turns his
back on all visitors, says The Dalles
Chronicle. A few days since a young
attorney from Portland desired very
much to see the man who has made
himself so (injfamuous, and accord
ingly entered the jail with a Dalles
attorney. His cell is dark and on
entering they found Williams lying on
bis bunk. A light was lit; but the
prisoner refused to look up, turning
Lis back and remaining so while they
were in jail. A number of school
teachers were inspecting the jail last
week and desired to seo Willimas.
As soon as he heard some -one coming
he hung a blanket over the coll door
and seated at his table be turned bis
back to bis audience aud continued
his writing. Thus, when they pulled
the blanket aside aud peeped in they
only saw his back, lie is anything
but sociable '
Fire Ruins His House.
T.F. Dunn's residence in the Bar
rett district was almost completely
destroyed by tiro a week ago Sunday
night The young child of Mr. and
Mrs. Duuu was uot well and Mr.
Dunn arose early in .the morning and
threw several sticks of pitch wood in
the stove. Sparks from the chimney
started a blaze on the roof.
There was only one bucket of water
In the house. Half of this he throw
on the flames, aud with the rest he
soaked some bed clothes with which
he at last smothered the flames, but
not until the' clothes were ruined
and nearly everything else In tin
house.. Mr. Dunn is a new comer,
aud owns a portion of what was for
merly the Stewart ranch near C. E.
Send Here for Apple Tree Scions.
Hood River is not ouly attaining a
national reputation for apples, but
nursery mou iu Eastern states hare
come to believe that the best trees can
be grown from Hood River scions.
Orders for apple scions have lieon
frouucut of late. Saturday A. I. Ma
sou, president of the Hood River
Apple Growers' uuiou, shipped his
second lot of fruit tree twigs to points
in Iowa and Missouri.
The scions brlug ?2 a thousand,
aud Mason says ho can make IM a day,
and prune his orchard at the same
"Perhaps you don't ivalixe that many
pain poisons originate lu vour rood, but
some day you may feet a twinge of
dyspepsia that will convince you. Dr,
King's New Life Tills are guaranteed
to cure all sickness due to poisons of
unuiKcHieu toou or money irnck. sftcts.
at C. N. Clark's drug store. Try them.
To Place Watering Tank Here.
The long stops mado by the passen
ger and frleght trains at Hood Kiver
depot has brought the railroad com
puny to a realization that as a matter
of economy in time a water tank
should be located at this point, aud
accordingly the ordty has gone forth
to place one south of the track aud
just west of the passenger depot. Wa
ter will be furnished by Joe Wilson,
from his reservoir ou the hill.
Deserved Popularity.
To cure constipation and Liver
troubles by gently moving Ihe bowels
and acting as a tonic to tlie liver, tuke
liitlle fcarly Risers. These famous
Htle pills are mild, pleasant and harm
less, kit ellecllve and sure. Their uni
versal use for many veal's is a strona
guarantee of l heir popularity aud use
fulness. Sold by (i. E, Williams.
California's building at the Lewis and
(Murk exposition will lie lour times as
large as the pavilion the state erect
ed at St. Umis.
All dUiss of Ktdnsys,
Bladder, Urinary Organs.
Also Rnsumstltm. Bscs
Scb,HartDtBt Arav.l
Dropsy, Fauials Troublss.
Don't bscoms dlieonrsftd. Thers Is a
curt lor you. If iteviMwary wrlt lr. t enner,
to Iik uptMit s life time curing Jim such
canea as yours. All comullatlons FrM.
"I surTttred 10 years with backache and kid
nny troubl. Tried s great many physicians
without relief. Dr. Fenner'i Kidney and lUck
ache Cure it the only Remedy that ever helped
me and after uiing only two bottles I feel en
tirely cared. Hare so pain or ache of any kind.
Him ALICE McIXlNALI), (hnalia, Nob.'
DrugKlsta, Wc II. Ask for Cook Bouk-Kaxa
KorHale by C. N. CLARK B, Uood River.
Underwood people are hopeful the
postal authorities will grunt them a
daily mail service in the near future.
Postmisstress Diirk received a com
munication recently Hrking if there
was anything that could m done to
better the service for Underwood post
office, aud she replied that a daily
service would l.e appreciated, and
that Urn patron would also like to
have a money order office.
A change has recently been made in
the arrival of Die mail from Hood
River. It formerly left this ofllce at
7:10 in tho morning. Hereafter the
mail from ..Underwood will arrive
iu Hood Kiver ut it :IiO, and leave for
Underwood after the noon train from
. This will give the Underwood people
an opportunity to receive Portland
morning papers the day they are
printed. .
Jim ilayiies, who was iu tho city
Saturday from Underwood, says '.tl
men are at work in tho -Moody logging
camp of the Menominee Lumber Co.
ou the north side of Underwood
mountain. As the lo'S are sent over
the bluff in a chute, the loggers in
this camp are independent of any in
junction concerning the driving of
White Salmon river.
The government authorities have
ordered the lumber company to re
more the (lam they coiiNtructod at the
mouth of tho White Salmon river.
This dam chunked the current of the
stream and ruined Hie bout landing
at Underwood. A unnit amount of
sand luis been depohited, aud the
eddy where the boats were accustomed
to land is so hiiallow that it is impos-
siple to get witlim landing distance
of the chore. Mr. Ilajnessays there
has boon considerable feeling aroused
over the matter.
There have been no developments
regar4iiiL' the wluirf the people of
Underwood have arranged to con
struct. It is reported that Manager
Campbell of the Regulator line has
oll'end to pay a huge Mini for rent of
the dick if the citizens of Underwood
will build it. Mr. Campbell proimwed
to have surveyors Inn lines for the lo
cution of the dock, and they are ex
pected soon to arrive.
Since the stoppage of navigation ou
the Columbia by floating ice, the
stock of4provisious in the Underwood
store ran low and Mr. liaynes was
compelled to make a trip to Hood
River to procure supplies for himself
and neighbors.
Rabbits are plentiful about tho
homo of Mr. Ilayues on the Under
wood bluff, but lie Fays without a
dog ho is without the rabbit potpie.
Mr. Hayues put in bin time lust week
building u large and commodious
V Country Team Wins Again.
A well played game of basket ball
was witnessed by h good Hizcd crowd
at the gymnazsium Friday evoiuing,
when the team from the country de
feated the town hoys in two UU-minute
halves by a score of (i to i:
The tennis lined up us follows:
Tigers Sell i filer unit liaker, guards;
Guyer and Davenport, forwards;
Morgan, center.
A. R. T. lli'idges and Emrv.
guards; W. Uilningor and (iatchell,
forwards; Eilsiuger, center.
Officials O.K. Hartley, timer; Walter
Dickey, referee.
Nearly Half Hie Teachers fall.
Almost half of the teachers w ho took
examinations for first, second and
third grade certificates last week have
failed and those who have boon teach
ing ou perm its are now out of a posi
tion, says the Pendleton Tribune. The
examination in ueaiilv nil subjects
was unusually rigorous but the sub
ject w as mental arithmetic Unit proved
the most dillicult. .Many of the ap
plicants who received high murks in
nearly all studies failed almost utter
ly ill tho mental arithmetic, test and
accordingly the general average was
greatly reduced.
A number of those teachers who
failed on that account are considered
most successful instructors in the
lower grades, but ns they were unpre
pared for the "sticker" they will be
compelled to resign. Many of the
teachers also w ho have failed received
high enough averages for a second
or third grade cert i Urate but fell a
few pisiiits below the required liver
age for a llrst grade certillcale. The
general average for a llrst grade cer
tificate must be !M per rent.
Professor Peebles, a inemlier of the
examining board, snid yesterday that
tho list of ipiesl inns was the most rig
id which has been prepared by the
stale board for a number of years, but
that the teachers hail been made
avvaro of the fact the state educational
department hoped to raise tho stand
ard of teaching ami t heref'ore unusual
ly dillicult examiiiaf ions could have
been expected.
f.IMVIN A. lli:MU:iiS()N, Manager.
(Notttry I'ahllc for Oregon.)
Two lots on 'the hill for side ! urire.
tfltl cash. Lots 50 l.'id feet.
A lilt Hlillllleilsl lint' l.l,.li .-l,,.l (..,
u25 on installments, $ HI dow n, $! per
inoniii, in n per rein, l lie lots w ill ad
Vance j'.'ii eucli soon.
Two lots overlooking the Columbia
and Hood rivers. Price, fiOO, part cash
balance fit) per month at S per cent.
Two lots and H-room house, plastered,
just buck of high school, house 20 feet
sijuare. Price, ii.'il) i-asli.
It-room house, plastered, corrugated
iron woodshed, insured tor ,'t yours for
tfr(X, fully paid up, lot M I'M; price,
(120tt, easy terms.
Iwo lots nmxioo, b-rooiu House, plas-
l.kl'.ul Dint mill, H-i 1 liini'iiu mill uiiluu't, I L-u
city water mid telephone, 2-storv burn
'.'HitO, $2101); fflOOO dow n, balance mort
gage at S iu' cent.
a acres straw oerry uiiiu, -i"j acres
cleared; 21 berries, 2 small cottages, 8
miles from city, tfllOO; (oOO cash.
si, acres :i miles out, li in cultivation,
I -.11 i.i .I., I ... u .,! ru . .1.1 ' .iiic.u ulriim.
Is-rries, 2 acres Intv, $1 100; $750 cash;
nice collage ana oiuoiiniiiiigs on mis.
Sightly lot and line new tl rooiued
house on hill, $1100; $roo or more rush.
Four lot and rot t sues containing lat
est improvements, electric lights, auto
matic apiwratns, etc., center ol town,
$2100; easy terms.
Two lots two blocks from post otlice,
JsViO; also residence ami two lots same
location, $1700.
Many farms nil over the valley at rea
sonable prices.
Kind you homes, rent houses for land
lords, or lind houses for you to rent,
collect bills, negotiate loans or find you
inoncv to loan.
Call on me I will tied von what you
want. KltWl.N A. II l-.MU.IJSUN, '
of every description
Inks, Pens, Pencils, Erasers,
Letter Files, (Shannon Files,
ILe First National Bank
fliLItL ARE MANY who
I preHKion that they never control .money enough to
nuuiu ai loiiiiv aiA-Kjuuv,
solicit small accouuts as well as large. e handle both
with our best care and offer you our services.
Draftsand Bank Money Orders Sold on All Parts of the World.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Eivery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
We purchased recently
Stoves nt about 600 on the dollar, and propose to
give our customers the opportunity to buy at less than
wholesale. We have them in 25, 28 and 30-inch lengths,
and are making a price of $4.25, $4.50 $5.00.
These stoves are standard goods, full cast bottom
and top and heavy steel sides, with swing top, which ad
mits very large wood.
and Building Material
guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock.
Glad to show you around.
Eastern and
S. L. YOITXO, Prop.
Notice l hereby given that loan
order nlven by th. Hon. A. K, Lake, Judge of
the County court of the state of Oregon for
Waaro County, dated al The Dalle, Oregon,
IHveinber SM, 1MH, the undersigned, Kduard
Cook, Iiks been appointed sole adminlatrator
of the estate of Ueorge Owen, derenaed, late of
Hood Kiver, Waaeo County. Slate of Oregon.
All persona having clalina against said es
tate are requested t present them, acrompa ti
led by proper vouchers, al the office of John
Lelsml He niteraon, at Hood River. Oregon, or
at Ihe residence of aald administrator on his
farm near Hood Htver. Oregon, within six
mouths from the dateof this notice,
flMu Administrator of the Katate of
Ueorge Owen, Defeased.
Paled Hood River, Oregon, January 6, im
are under the erroneous im
ill 11110 uiorj uic ixiiouuivcii. lie
a quantity of Steel Box
and Embalmer
ka'v r.-:
If your tickets read over the Denver
ami Rio Oramte Kailruail, tiie
"Scenic Line of (lie World,"
There nre n many scenic al tract ions
and points or interest along the line
ta'tweeu Ox'leti and ltenver that
the trip never becomes tiresome.
If you are going Kast, write fir infor
mation and t;et pretty book that will
tell you all about it.
W. C. Mi-HKIDE, Meneral Agent,
U4 Third Street,
Stockholders' Meeting.
Stockholder! of the East Fork Irrigating
conitHny take notice that their annual meal
ing will be held In Baker .t Oo'a office ourlatur
day al 1 o'clock, February IK, hi 6.
K-W c. K. HoN t, Prealdent
Will be found in the
Brosius Block
the Corner Store
Come and see us.
The Prescription Druggist.
Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or
class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi
tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to
attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Full line of Gloves and Mittens, 25e to .f 1.50.
First Grade vVales Goodyear Snow Excluders
Men's 1 and .'-buckle" $1.50 to $1.75
Ladies' 3-buckle $1.7c
Misses' and Children's 1 -buckle 00c to 755
Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc.
WOOD k SMITH BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood,
Telephone No. 31.
The Big Second Hand Store
For BARGAINS in Furniture. Stoves nnd Rnnmxi. fWk-
ery, Tin and Granite Ware,
pairing and picture framing.
0. P.
City. Free Delivery. Phone
Lumber and Cedar Posts
el .. Furniture and Stove Re
All work guaranteed.
DABNEY & CO., Props.