ft. t3f VOL. XVI. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FEBRUARY 23, 1905. No. 41 la . .sf-lil si (ir I A!l l I HCOD RIVER GLACIER ifsiu vci v 1 KurnUy by A.IUK 0. MOB, Publisher, Term of mtwripuou $1.00 year when paid SOCIETIES Hullll KIVKIl lAIIMiK Nil, 1(15, A. F. and A. M. Meets niitui'hiv evenlntr on or before endl full moon, i lit'MAN Hl Tl.KB, W. M. A. il. Mois, .Vrrelary. HOOD ltlVKI! Cil AITKIt NO. 87. K. A. M - Meet, tli-nt una lluM Friday niKhtsof each month. 1''. C1IA.NUI.KU, H. 1 A. li. M"S, Secretary. HOOIl illVKl! ( H API Kit NO. 2ft, 0. 10. 8.-.Mi'.-tt M'l-ou'l ami fourth Tuesday evening ofcucli in inih. Vislim-li cordially welcomed. M US. J. 1.. HI KHHNF.lt, W. M. M IIS. Til KKKSA (' AS'l'NKU, Secretary. lril.KWIl.liK I.OlKJK NO. 10,-, I. O. O. K. Meeis iii Fraternal lirtll, every Thursday lllKllt. W'M. UANUKU, N. U. H. I', km mi, secretary KHKN F.Nt'AMPMKNT, NO. 4S, I. O. O. F. licitiilur uiiTliiii; second uiiil lounh Mondayt. ofeitch in. inlli. L, K. Jlomtlt, C. P. II. 11. Kntkicaw, Herloe. LAUiti i. ki:i;kkah dkukfk i.ohukno. w, 1. o (.. F,-.Mceu Hrs.1 ami third Fridays In each month. Mns. K. W. ITiiki.i., N. (i. Whs. holtA Thomson, fwretsry. W.U't'OMA I.OlKiK NO. at, K. OF P -Meets lu K. ol 1'. Iiull tvery Tuesday n gut. V. C. Hiiock, (J. V. II. T. imWirr, K. of R. und 8. MO(l Ui Vl-'U TAMP, NO. 7.70J, M. W. M- Meets in K. ol p. hull every Wednesday ulu'ht. chas. Jonics, V. (J. f. li.DAKIN, (Telle. HOOIl K1VKK I'AMI', M().;70, W. O. W.-.tiei-ls on n.M mh . iinril Tuesday of each liwnlli In old Fellows' hall. F. II. Bi.aijo, t'. C. II. W. W.tlT.lTeik. HOOIl 111 Vt K (Ti.iT.Ii NO. 621, WOMKN Or Wooilci itll-.Mi cU al K. of P. hull oil tin first und Third 1' ridays of each month. LkSoIIA tiTl'llll, N. U. N'ki.i.ik uot.i.owKU., Clerk. lUVKISIliK l.oniiKNO. m A. O. U. W. Mut i.im und third butuidnys of each uiiuiili. C. 1.. Coitlb, M. W. K. II Kuaiii.ky, Financier (ii& I K n MitiTK, Uccoruer. 1U v i'.U.iliii'. i.uiiiiiNO. 40, MhtiUKE Or iliiiuir, A. o. I'. W. -Meets flrst und tliir hullliMnNat M p. ui. MlSK CORA C'Oi'l'I.K, ('. of H. Miss cahkik t oeei.K, rtccortlcr. OAK (IHOVK UlllINlTI, .NO. 14:J, UKIlhll Or leiido.-. Meets the second and lour Hi Fri days nt the month. VlMLors cordially wel come. F.C. lluosiLS, Counsellor. l,.;o. iSi.oi'OM, Keerelury. OHTmTH Hi'' w AsiiiNiuoniool) KIVEH I ntiiii No. lni-Alcets tn K. of P. hall tin net und uud fourth Nil unlays In each nionlli at 7:..n . m. K. 1.. uoon, President. U. C1jakin, ISccretury. OI.KfA Als.HK.tl,y No. lu:TriTM'i'ET) AUT-iMiii.i.-.Mcias the lirsi itml third Wcdnes iluys, work: second mid fourth Wednesdays Artisans' lull. J. ii. Kohbku, M. A. C.li. it i'lNitiru, Seen tiny. CtTcili 'iKJoii HIV KU' No. 41, FOKF&T1I& ot Ainei ii u, Meets second and fourth Alon- uuys in citch month in K. ol r. hall liEO. K. BO.NUKK, C. K. F. C. Pnosirs, c U.Mll hinlpMI lli.O. A. K.-MKril'.S A'l A. ti. C. V. . hull, second and lourUi Hatur days ol each month at 2 o'clock p. in. All (I. A. K. mcmhtrs niviieii to meet with us. A. 1,. l'iihi.rg, Comiiiauder. Thomas (hs, Adjuiuiu. CA.MlV V. li. C., No." lti-MkKT8"riKC0NI and lointh .iiturila.vsof each Monlli lu A. O. li. W. hall ut 2 p. in. Ki.i.kn i.i.owehs, President. I.IZ.1K CIKK, SSeerelnry MoC.NTAIN lloMi: CAMP No. 341.U, K. N. A. .evts at the i. ol P. Hull on the second and fiillrlll Fridays of each month. MltS. ( AUK1K liKOSIUS, O. Jilts. El.l.A I)AKi., Hecoider. Wauna Tkmi'I.k No. 0. Ituthbone Sisters. Aleels secon .slid lolirlll TtilirsdayN of each lllOlltll. A MAN OA Willi M1KAU, M.ti.C. ISTKI.1.A Ull IIAltnsoN, Al. ol R. at C. Dli. W. T. EOWLEY, niYSICIAX, SUJiliKOX, OCCUI.IST oillce iii Hmiiti Hulldlng. Olllce phone wii. Hesid ntc phone 83. J. F. WATT, M. D. l'HV.sit lAN A X I) SUKdEOX. 'lelcphunes: oillce, Jul; residence, 811. Hi:uiii:oN O. It. & N. Co. 1S. MAIiY .lOUNKOX, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Oillce. anil Iteslileiiet? in E. L. Smith Building Uer 1- list Nut. Hank. Kniiance, rear ol hai l., on 1 hud St. i'lioiie :t;l. II. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON. siicit'.i.Mir to lir. it. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, l'ay or Nillt. Telephones: Uesidence, (il 1: Office, 613. oiii.-e over W ood Hros.' Urocerv. DE,. A. F. ROWLEY, DKXT1ST. office ill the Smith Duildlng. Phone 1. C H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. S clnllst on Crown and Bridge Work, icleiiliones: ulliw, ail; residence, 4. Oilicc over Hunk llldg. HtKid Klver, Ore. M. E. WELCH, llli; Vtl l.IUN VKV Sl'RUtOS. Is pit pared to uo any work iu the veterin ary line. Hi.- can he loiiud by culling btor pnoliing to Ctai ke s drug store. E. H. HART WIG, LAWVEJi. W iii Practice in All Court. Ofliee wirli tieo. IK Culljvrlaon 4 Co. Col lections, A tetrads, s tllement ol Kslaies. H HJii hlVKli, OKF.UON. JOHN l.KLANI) HENDERSON ATIOKNEY-AT LAW. ABSTRACTER, NO 1A8V PCPLIC und RKAL ESTAH AtiKNT. Fnr 53 year resident of Orwton mi Wuh Invtoii. Hn! had many yeftm experience la t ol r Msie i..uers, u tbstrtutor, Marcher of titles mid agtuu eaiiifacuon guaraaieoJ or no clisrife. A. JAYXE. ' LAWYER. Alstr.irts Furniihed. Money Loaned. Hood Elver, Oregon, p C. BROSiUS, M. D. ' 1'HYSlCIAX AND BURGEON. TLone Ontral, or 121. Offce Hour: 10 to 11 A. M.; I to 3 snd 0 to 7 P. M. pOGER B. SANBORN ATTCPJIEY AT LAW boos in.n ouooa ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF HAILS. HOOD RIVER. The pcitofflce li open dally between a. m. and 7 p. m.; Vnnday Tom 12 to 1 o'clock. Halle for the kast close at 11 :i a. m., 8:au p. m. and t p m : (or the West at 2:4 p. m. anat p.m. The carrlera on K. F. I), mules Mo. 1 and No. leave the puetoB.ee at 8 :30 daily. Mall leave! For Mt. Hood, daily at U:W a.; arrtvee, 10:2U a.m. For Chenoweth, Wash., at 7:10 a. m, Tuea davi, Thursday! and baturdayi; arrtvee aame daya at t p. m. For I'nderwood, Wash., at 7:30 a. m. Tuet daya, lbnrwlay! and Baturdayi; arrive aame day! ate p. m. tor White Salmon, Waih., daily at 3:46 p, m.; arrive! at 11 a. m. WHITE SALMON. For Hood River daily at 9 a. m.; arrive! a 1:46 p.m. For lluium, Trout Lake and Outer, Waih. dally at 7 :ao a. m. ; arrlvei at U m. For Glenwood, Gilmer and Fulda, Wash., dail y at 7 :o a. m. : arrive! al p. m. ForPlnetlat and Unowden, Wash., at 11:80 a. m. Tuesday! and Saturdays; arrive! lame anya, iu:eu a. m. For Blniien, WaBta., daily at 4:46 p. m.; ar rives at 8:46 a. m. Timber Ind Act June 3, 1M78.I NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United fifates Land Office, The Oallee, Oie- gon, nee. iK, im. oiice is hereby given that in oompltaiH with the orovtsions of the act of congress or June 8, 1H7K, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of Cali fornia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terr!tory,"as extended to all the Public Land nuiies ny act ot August 4, 1K1I2, ANDKEW L. CAKMICHAKI, of Hood River, county of Wasco, state ol Oregon, has this day filed In this offlce his sworn statement No. 2157, for the purchase of ine r.y"r., nr. r. Ol section cio. 20, and BWNW ol Hcction Number SI, In township No. 2 north, runse Noll K., W.M , andwillofTer proof Ui showthittthe lanilsoughl Is more valuable for its limber or stone than for agrlcullural purimses, and to establish bis claim to said land before George T. Pra ttler, Culled statee commissioner, al his office at Hood Itiver, Oregon, on the 4th dav of March, lwtt. He nanus as witnesses: Hugh A. Moore, .lames Moore, Charles J. Haves, and William F. Rand, all of Hood Klver, Oregon. Any and all ncrsons clatmlmr adversely the above described lands are requested to file 'urn ciauns m iiiis oince on or beiore eaia Ith day of March, IMOis. d'.-2 M MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON S. H. COX Contractors and Builders Flami and Estimates Fubnibhid. J7UREKA MEAT MARKET, McQUIRE BROS., Prop. r..l I. VmbI. mnA PurnA 1tm f.aril. Poultry, Fruits and Vegetable!. FREE DELIVERY. PHONE 86 B1 ON TON BARBER SHOP HAYNES A GREY, Paors. The plane to get an easy ahave, an up-to-date haircut, and to enjoy the luxury of aporoelaia bath tub. "J" Hi! HE O. K. BARBER SHOP Uussell A Rees. Propi. Between J. K. Rand'i and K. C. right's, strictly flrit clasa. Sail! iaction Euarauteed. J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect rl ok ,.ril Kinnrtenca. Will fur nish plana aud specifications for all kinds of buildings. Strictly up to date. Located at Hood River. E. A. SOULE, Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Furntshf.h UPON APPLICATION. dl FREDFRICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnished on all kinds of work Plirdnia' Arnold. Main 8.1. A UUUtN. Frederick. M. In v J. HEMEREL & SONS Contractors and Builders Hood Itiver, Ore. F. W. PRIBNOW, Carpenter & Builder insinuates cneerniny rurnisneo, Plans and Specifications fnrnlshed. All work promptly and carefully attended to. Hood River, Ore. B. F. BELIEU, Contractor & Builder. -Pl.AN8 ASH EsiIWATW PrrtNTSHFn-S BRICK YARD. I am manufacturing at mv yard near Columbia nursery south of town, as fine a qual ity of common brick us can be found in the state. Have 200,000 to 300,000 brick on hand for inspection. Price at yard $8 per thousand. tome out to the yard and see how we make brick. A. T. ZEKK. Columbia Nursery F. E. BROSIUS, Prop. Strawberry Plants, Top-Grafted Cherry Trees, 2-yr.-old Apple Trees ; including SpitzenbcnJ, Newtown, Baldwin, Ortlcy, Winter Banana, etc 'Guaranteed true to name. ! Hood River, Or. ITImher land, Ac. !u ne S, 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUHUCATION. United Htittcs Ijind Office, The Dulles, Ore gon, Nov. t, li)04.-Nollc in hereby glveu that in compliance with the provisions of the actofCoiigrtsmif Junes, 1878, entitled, "An ad lor the sale of timber lands In the ataUw of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, IS'JS, NF.LS NlilJiON of Illsekdnck, county of Beltrami, atate of Minnesota, has on odoher 6 MM, Hied In thle oillce his sworn shttemenu No. ai.vi, for Uie purchase of the V.K NW and F.'J BWU of Kectlon , in Township No. 2 North, Range No. H F,.,W.M.: ii lid will otlei proof to show that the laud sought is more aluable for it ttmtieror stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ills claim to salt! land before the register and receiver of this omee at The Dalles; oruroii, on the 17lli day of March, Wis. He mimes as witnesses: August Woltlen, of iiemiHji, Minnesoia; f.rnar v ilia, or run land ureiton; ixuis Nelson, oi iiescnutes, uregon: S. W. Currau. of VieliUi. Orison. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovo-descrlried lands are requested to II le their claims In thlsotllceou or before the said 17 th day or March, 1UU. d-!f 28 M ICHAEL T. NOLAN, Heglster. Timber Land, Act June .1, 1878 NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. United States Land office, The Dalles, Ore eon, Nov. 21, IIHU.-Nntlce Is herehv irlven that in comiliunce with I lie provisions of the act ol cointress ot June 3. i7. ent iled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tho stales ol cainornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton lerrHory," as extended to all the public uiiu suites V) UCl Ol AUgUSl FRKD L'KHAN, of Wnynoka, county of Woods, Territory of , illinium, nas on jirn 1 r.sM.UIca 111 tills omcc ins sworn statement No. 's?i, ftir the purchase of the KK'sW'ij and lot 4 of Section No. 7, In Township No. 1 North, Kunire No. 11 K., W. M., and will ofter proof to show that the land sought is morn valuable In Its tltn- Deror sione than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his clullu to said land before Geo. T. prat her. IJ. H, Commissioner, at his olllce 111 Hood Klver, Oregon, o i the 3d day of .Ulll I'll, IIS 0. lie names as witnesses: Arthur H.French. Archie ('. French. Albert M. Caldwell and llerl L. Woolcy, all ofWaynokn, Oklahoma; r.iiiiiouii i . miner, itiuoru p. a ootiwortn and Ititlph Frcni'li, all oi Hood Kl v r, Oregon. Any and all iersons elHlniiin adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their olaitns In this olllce on or before the said 3d day of March, ltUi. &li fii M1CHAKL T. NOLAN, Register. PETITION. Ill the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Wasco County, in the matter of the petition of J. H. Shoe maker and others for the fin nullum of an irrigation district in the co'inty of Was i o and slaleof Oregon, tinder the provisions of chapter V of Title XXXIX of Bellinger Cotton's Annotated codes and slututesol the state of Oregou. I'o tlie Honoiiible county court of the state ofoitgon lor Waste county. The undersigned petitioners resuectfullv show to tnecourt: First That said petitioners, whose names are subscribed hereto, hereby propose the organt.iiilon of an Irritation district, un der the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly of the state of Oregon approved February tl, lHUf), the same being chupter V of Title XXXIX ol itellluger & Co I ton's an notated coilcs and statutes of Oregon and said district whensoorgani7.ed toliave the nowera conferred, ui' Hint may hereafter be conierred, oy law upon said irrigation district, and said petitioners hereby pruy for an order ol the court, i hal said district be organi.ed under the provisions ol the law above mentioned. tsccond That said petitioners area major ity itml more than fifty of the holderu of title and evidence of title lo lands situated tn said proposed district hcreiuaiier described which are susipiible of irrigation from a common and combined source and by the same system of works, and prnooso the organization of go irrigation district, as nerin tier discribed. for the purpose of irrigating the lands within said district. Third That said proposed district lies wholly within Waco county, slate of oreiron and is more particularly described as follows, to-wil: Commencing at a point on the south bank of the Columbia river, where Hie same inter sects thescciinn line between scctlons31 and32, in township 3 north, range lu eaat, aud run ning thence south to the nuai ler-secllun corner between seel ions ft and ti in township 2 norm, ruiigc iu east; iiicuce west one mile to the tiuarlcr-seclion corner between section li in townsiilp'2 north range iu Fast and seo- tion t in township z north, range v east; thence south two and a half miles to the seo non coiner common lo sections 18 and IU n township:! north, range 10 east and 13 and 4 In Uiwnslilp'J north, runge ti east; thence west one-nail mile to the iitiui'ter-sectton cor ner bclweeu said sections 13 und 24; thence stin 1 1) one mile lo the quarter-section corner between sect Ions 21 and 2ft in township 2 north, range, H cast; thence west lo the section cor ner common to sections 23, 24, 2ft aud 2ti in said township and range; thence southwest III I 1, 1. ,.lll... ,lf Hull) U..,.tl..M .111- 11. At,,... .... tt. one atitl one-half miles to the township line ai me quarter-section coiner oeiweeii section lo .t it-siup 2 north, range tl east, and section 2, township 1 north range 9 east; thence east along saiiltowuship line to the point where the Mime intersects the kit bank of the stream of iintiu river; liience down along the left bank of Hood river to the point where the same intersects with the irrigating ditch of the rar iers' irrigating Co., thence along the north a,. d tvesi line of said irrh-atlhg ditch to the township line between townships 2 north and three north to the section corner ctmininn to sections 33 and 34 lu township 3 north, range hi east and sections :i und 4 in township 2 north, rauge 10 east; thence north one mile to the rcciiou corner common to sections 27,28, 33 and 34 In township 3 north, rauge 10 east; liience west on the sec tion line to where the same intersects the south hunk of the Columbia river; thence down and along the south bank of said river to the placo ol beginning. The petitioners whose names are hereto subscribed, hereby represent thut they are a majority of the holders of title and evidence of title to the lauds situated lu the proposed dis trict above described, aud they herebyjpetltlon for the formation and organization of said district under the piuviaions of law above mentioned and referred to, and that the county court above named make au order ttiat there shall be three directors for said district and that they shall be elected by the district at large, and also lor mch ollu.r and further rebel as lo the court may seem Just. Haiti petitioners also hereby give notice that the foregoing in-tiiiou will be presented to the county t .ant of the state of Oregon lor Wasco couniy al the regular March term thereof, and thai the siiiue will be so presented on WediiCMliiy, tliu tirst uay of March, HaVi, at Hie Iionr ui III o'clock a. in., and tliitt tins no tice will !m( published lor four consecutive weeks pri'r tn ttld date In the Hood Klver (Jliieier, a weekly netsiitier of general cir culation riu l e l ii nd published in Vt ast coun ty, Oie 'nn, the little of the best publication thereof being slated belotv. I. It. stioomriker A.J. Friedlcy C. c. Jam .en Jos. Fiu.ter, Jr .1. O. Klisltiniu (t. K. t :astller K. I., ivisiuuin II. K. Iliis ller II. A. Mooic Henry siell'anson Iv. Duncan Murtin J nines Misire W. A. Kaitelliian J. K Hinns Chus. Clmuiller J. J. Jorditu li. W. stritiialia.ll 1'. il. Miirlln F. W. Angus J. H. Citstncr (ieo, Korden Andrew Oveiland Tliomas (tOKS H. A. skinner Thw. Sliere AltKrt '. Helms Peter Harsh K. .Malkhiiln ! . stun maker Ctin ml icr L. N lebola W. Ingalis C. She. rich Mlei.tiw F. .Moses Chus. Wallace O. It. Ahertialliy J. J. (liblions if. F. Atwi.od A.J. linger Clias. stti iinalltill John .liikku L. ii. Wll-on L. K. Dan Fred N. Itordcn John A. Wilson F. N. Iorritiet ker Mrs. 1. C. Nealeigh .IlK Dohstin Menominee Lbr Co F. It. Aii.-ten i i.- ..ui Isaac VWo ltlarncnm Mrs. J. M. Shoemaker Mrs. M. A. Hnoein.tker M. K. Noble Allien Itr..ks John Miteliell J. ft. 1'hlllpa, H. H. stelnhotr F. A. Countryman H J. Cole Mis. L. Norder .1. W. I.yle II. c. .vielvaniey John Htranahan I. K Dunn F.. Hrafurd rs. A. Ingalls .1. H. Uoulil J.I,. Illonnt Daniel K. I.ahhe H. Macoinher Jonn w. linvls Frank li. Kosberg F.arl K. It.trtruess H. I. Steward N. H. Jordan C. A. Hickle liaiph JarvU K. II Lindsay. K. li .Msriin I. . il.nsoiole J. c. MctirHlh Kirsl i iiiiiicaili n hereof dulcd tlilsi.th dav of Januaiy, . For sal", pure-bred Plymouth Hock roosters Phone 1M. 12 li. F. MohW. BUG THAT EATS CODLIN MOTHS BOON TO THE FRUIT GROWER State Authorities are Propagating the Parasite In California Hon In sert works. George Compere, governiiient en tomoloKiat of Ventru AuHtralia, and dittooverer of tbe parasite which feeds upon the larva of the codlin moth, is btiKy at the ottloe of the deputy oom lUlKwloner of hortlouHure protntKatlna the insect for ghipment to the various counties of the state, nys the San rrauclsco Chronicle. Already nine counties hare been supplied with the destroyer, and the tooth jar went forward frlday. Saturday, bronzed, unaMsuminfr, and witn the determined lines of the trav eler aud patient investigator, Mr. Compere talked naturally about his great discovery on luesday. "lly no other states, aside from Western Australia and California was any interest taken in this codlin moth parasite, " said he, "when the fact was made known. The entomo logists of the various states of Austra lia belittled the discovery and advited their respective governments that there was nothing in it. Cuilforniu was the only state that immediately took action, by the co-operation of that state and Australia, with the result that we now have a parasite that will add millions to pickets of the fruit growers of California by combatting the doadly work of the codlin moth among- the apple and pear trees. We have already li Iterat ed a great many colonies, and there are several hundred more, us you see in that jar, which will be liUtrated tomorrow morning. Now, in a season or two, they will have multiplied enough to successfully cope with the codlin moth." 11 r. Compere came to Sun Francisco from Spain, where he discovered the parasite, a wnsp-liko insect, bearing the name F.phialtes CarUmurious. In the deputy commissioners olllce was a jur containing prepared applo limbs in which the codlin moth had placed their deadly larvae mid upon which the pnrasites were intliistt ioiisly work ing, boring iu with their ovipositors, laying the egg and sucking out the life of the larvao. The scheme by which California and Australia co-operated in the search for a destroyer of the codlin moth was consuniated in this city about a year ago during Mr. Com-' pere s visit. He went to Urtt.il in search of the parasite of the fruit tly, for which ho had made a trip around the world with varying success. J "I secured my lufu'u.atiun during that flrnt trip, " he said. "I discov ered the paiasite of the fruit fly in lirazil and look it w itn mo personally to Western Australia and kept those insects alive for 4:i days, a continu ous journey, reaching Australia in the dead of winter. 'I had always been under the im pression that the ciidliu moth para site existed in Southern Europe. Therefore, while I was in that coun try, I paid particular attention to that, notwithstanding that 1 was working on a separate aud distinct in sect from that ut the time. 'The parasite iH'longs to tho ich neumon family, ami these insects are generally the enemies of all butter lly and beetle larvae, each species hav ing their own particular species to feed upon. It is a member of a very large group of insects. 'The parasite searches over the bark of tho tree, and where it finds a placo whore the codlin moth larvae has grubbed under the loose bark of the tree, it immediately begina to plate limit over tho spot, and with the ovipositor (egg tube), it feels its way Into the cocoon, and If the worm is in the proiasr condition to receive the egg, not having received any egg before, the parasite immedi ately begins to loop her body under- ueatu, forming a derrick with her feet. Then with great skill bI e thrusts ber ovipositor into tbe codlin moth larvae which destroys the life of the larva of the moth, liofore she thrusts out the ovipositor, she deposits an egg upon the codlin moth larva. This egg is hatched by the warmth of the codliu moth larva. That egg generally takes from 24 to 36 hours to hatch, when the young larva immediately proceeds to suck out tho body juices and tne worm Immediately shrivels. In the meanwhile the grub is grow ing and after attaining full size it transforms into a pupa, and in this state rests for a snort period, when the adult parasite reappears to begin tho cycle again. " Edward M. Ehrborn, deputy com missioner of Horticulture, who had 1kou assistiiiB iu a tort for the propa gation of the parasites, said: "These! insects are going to lie distributed as fast as the issue from tho material which we receive permits. It is my idea to establish the purisite in tho state first by establishing large colon ies iu the several counties whore apple and pear growing is iu vogue. If we succeed in establishing tho par-ai-ito iu this manner, more remote districts can lie furnished with the parasite from the California brood. "The value of this Insect, accord ing to Mr. Compere's report, is in dicated by the fact that only 5 per cent of the apple crop iu France and Spain is wormy, and they have three species of the codlin moth against our one. "We lose 50 per cent sometimes more or less of thtt apple crop here by the codliu moth, notwithstanding the art i lie i id spraying it receives. The fruit growers will be under no expense for the parasites sent frotn here. "If we are successful in introducing the paraiste in California, eliminating the enemies which attack the parasite in Europe, we should be able to raise an apple crop here with probably one or two per cent infested with moths, as against 50 per cent now, with all spraying. It will dounie tne profits of the apple and pear crop." A jar of lively parasites that had been propagated at the deputy's otilce was taken to Sacramento and shown Governor Hardee, who asked eager questioui and teemed to be deeply Interested iu the outcome of the experiment. Apple Holdings are Large. From the best estimate by the trade up to February l.the total quan tity of apples iu storage in the United states iu 1005 was in round 2, 400, (XX) barrels, against 2,220,000 in 1904, says the Chicago Fruit aud Produce New. The increase in Canada this year over lust is 1200 barrels; Nova Sco tia & decrease from last year of nearly 28'0O0 barrels. Tho total amount car rled In common storage in the var ious states was very nearly 300,000 barrels in excess of last year. The unusual keeping qualities of ap ples this year largely accounts for this. Colorado shows up with an amount in common storage nearly 12 times as largo as a year ago, and in cold storage nearly a third more this season than last. West Virginia baa over five times the amount of ap ples in common storage than year ago, while the amount on oold stor rage exceeds that of 1!)04 by The amount or apples nclil lu common storage in New 1 ork is state is up wards of 505.000. uirainst IMsi.OOO tn 1U04, while the amount iu cold storage Is only 39,000 barrels loss than a yoar ago. PANSIES AS BIG AS SUNFLOWERS Special to the (Uiicier. Portland, Feb. 22. Did you ever see a pansy as big as a sunflower? If you come to the Liewis and Clark ex position next year von will seethmiH- nnds as large. The pansy will, for the nrsi ume in tne exposition history, form au impotaut part of the decora tive scheme of the fair. Experience has shown that the cli mate of Oregon, which crows wheat and other farm products in wonderful prodigality, is etiuallv well aduoted to mo more ornamental, if less valuable, flow ers. Kohcn bloom in riotous profusion the year around iu Oregon, and Portland has gained the name of the Kose City on this account iiut tne development of tho pansy is more recent. An energetic Portland florist thinking that the soil and climatic conditions should favor the development, of the plant, imported from all purts of the world the choic est specimens of tho Honor. These different varieties wore improvod by artificial cultivation, aud it was found that some few were especially udniitod to life iu Portland. The florist has devoted his attention to the choicest or these for sevorul years, and the pansy has improved wonderfully under his care. Last suiumor thore were any number of blossoms four inches across, and even better results are expected for the exposition year. Thore will be 5000 pansy plants set out in ueds in various parts of the exposi tion grounds, to compete in populari ty with the t tr popular Oregon rose. And f '.till They Come. Portland, Feb. 22. With almoat four months remaining liefore the opening or tlie Utwis and Clark ex position on June 1, the demand for exhibit space by manufacturers and foreign gotcrniiitiiits has lieeuso great that not only is every square foot of the original provision contracted for, but much iidditional space as well. Sometime t go it was found necessary to order an additional exposition structure, which is now being built. The now building which bears the name Palace of Manufactures, Liberal Arts and Varied Industries, will con tain 90,000 square feet of exhibit space, equaling in size the Agricultur al Palace, at present the largest struc ture on the grounds. It has now boon found necessary to add to the space in the Palace of Machinery, electricity and Transpor tation, by adding two wings, one ut each end, each wing to lio 100x100 feet. Tlie building as it now stands is 100 feet wide by jOO feet long. Work on the exposition structure is progressing rapidly. Ton of them are now completed und the others will lie finished in a few weeks. Only ex hibits of unusually attractiveness are now being accepted, special at tention Doing paid to working exhi bits which show the process of man ufacture rather than the manufac tured product. Judge Iteniiett and the Dude. Stilein Statesman, They toll a story of Judge liennett of Tbe Dulles. Mr. Ileiineit is one of tho most learned mid most successful lawyers in Oregon. Iiut he is not pre possessing in uppearance that is, not t o excite the envy of a dandy. He is careless as to his dress. Ho is uot a stickler for pulchritude. He was trying a case in nn Oregon town, with a man who hud lieen injured on the railroad for his client. The railroad people did not consider the case of much Importance in fact, thought the man hud very slim grounds for asking for damages. So a young uud dudish Portland lawyer watt sent to opposo Judge liennett. After the tes timony was in this young attorney proceeded to tell the jury how flimsy was the claim, und how annoying it was for some country lawyor to take such a case, on it contingent feo and thus muke trouble. Ho assured the memlsirs of the jury that thero really was nothing in tho mutter, further than tho desire of the country lawyer to got a case and earn a fee. When Judge lionnett's turn came he admit ted that ho was a poor country law yer, and that ho hud taken tho case on a contingent feo. iiut he added that if there were no country lawyers w illing to tuke such cases on contin gent fees, such poor men would be robbed of justice, for they could not afford to hire high priced city law yers. He went on in this vein, wax ing eloquent and appealing to the sympathies of the country jury. He got a verdict for his client for the full amount asked.. The young Port land lawyer learned a lesson in human nature aud several other things. (jive Your Stomach A Itest. Your fisxl must be properly digested and assimilated to he of any value to you. If your sttiinneli is weak or dis eased lake Kotioi jiyspepsia i;ure. It digest what you eat and gives the stomach a rest, enabling it to recuper ate, take on new life and grow strong again. Kol"l cures sour stomach, gas bloating, heart palpitation and all di gestive d Borders. Sold by G K.Wllllarai STRAY BITS OF ( COUNTY FIGHT TALKING THE BATTLE OVER Was the Biggest SubJ.et Before the Legislator Everybody Talked Aboat Heo4 Klver. "Pop corn, pop corn," shouted the butcher boy on tbe train. "Ma, 1 want (onie ." The mother proffered a nickel. "Ten oenta. madam, ten cents." ; "What I tea cents, for that much corn?" . - . "Yea ma'am i it was raised at Hood Klver; good goods; good price." ; "All right." replied the purchaser, and she gladly handed over the dime. , C. L. Gilbert, of the Mount Hood hotel, ii responsible for thla. lie sayi incidents of this kind were frequent auring in ngnr, ror cascade cotiuuty Ix.fore the legislature. f " Everybody was talking Hood River and Ca.-c de county," aaid Mr. Gil bert. "It waa not only Hood River pop corn,' wit Hood Klver figs,' and every thing else. Every train man in the state took an Interest lu the contest, and all were pulling for Cascade county. "Moody did more than anvone else to kill it, aud that leta him out with me remarked A. P. Bateham of Mosler. ''Governor Chamlerlulu as sured ns right along that he could be depended upon when the time came, but Moody got his work in and Cham berlain fixed thiugs sure enough. "Just before the Cascade bill was culled up the five democrat io senators aud held a conference iu tbe gover nor's room. They went direct from there aud voted to kill the bill, al though they had promised but a few hours before that if Whealdon voted to override Chamberlaiu'a veto of Tuttle'g bill their compuct with him would be brokeu and they would sup port Cascade oounty. ' ' Sum Hart m amh ma nrFai-lHir a nii.J of consolation with Ed Kelsay because Hood River has lost the county fight. "Put they can't keep us from light ing for it," promptly responded the man who worked 40 day and nights to Ifive the tMsoiilu here a nnmtt.v of their own. John " Korwrff Hnrnntr a iiI,a aehitrriH last WMuw Ulnn. T).. I1..11.... . - - - - -'-- J . .J V AUU 4 'Ulll.R fought Cascade county to its death, mo puepie oi Jioou tuver win petition for another, vote on county option. Hood River will have to remain dry tbe next two yearn, so every one here can vote as a unit for county prohi bition. This with the hln nf t. to. tul abstainer! at the county teat wouia carry the day. The Dalles would then h Arv ami f.fia nlt tarleh. out the revenue she now dnrlvaa fmm the licenses. A. P. TlaLnham aianr tn h f-ul to meet T. A. Koavis on his return from Salem. "I came down to meet you democrats, " aaid he. "There ain't no rlAmrmrata Kur. f mwahJI . . u ' , . U-.IUUI'U the former Union - county democratic war norse. "i used to re one, but not now. not after the way thoae sen ators, who call illADiaalvaa acted lu regard to Cascade county. mi . , me governor, too, lias lost my re spect sua support. A. M. KaluiT nf this nitv ..llu H. Glacier that Mr. Whealdon made the statement at Salem that he would rather lose the portage railway bill tnan to see cascade county ere-, ated. Will tbe gentleman of "pon derous. rlnnflMmuitv,' Irlnillu nvr,lul this little point to his Dalles friends? The remark passed as a ioke a few days ago that tbe people of Hood Riv er should join with Dufur to move the county seat from its present loca tion to Dufur appears to have sped on tne wings or the whirlwind, until there is a determination to make it a reality. What a nice pickle The Dalles officeholders would be in then. The little newspaper at Tbe Dalles sniffles because Ponderous Whealdon was not permitted to address the house on his pet bill to have the state of Oregon givo The Dulles 130,000 to have tbe portage railroad extend from the big eddy into the city. The people of the county seat will doubtless real ize before they get through with Hood Klver we of Cascade oounty amount to a great deal. There are 1000 votes here that will be swung as a unit at the next election. Mileage for the Legislators. Mileage and per diem for the 90 members of the Oregon legislature this session will amount to 115,074,; 30. Of this amount by far the larger sum, pruticully two-thirds, is charged up to the house of represeuatives, while a little over 95,000 will run tbe senate, so far as the expense of transportation of the senators and their 13 per dav amounts to. Of the sum total, there is almost 114,000 for per diem for the forty days of tbe session, while rough ly $4500 will cover the mileage, which includes not only trips from the place oi residence to Hitlom and return, but any joint committee trips. There is some very Interesting statistical Infor mation to be secured from tbe re ports. Two representatives and one senator, A. L. Mills and S. M. Mcars aud K. A. liootb, do not claim mile age. The assumption is that these members do not think it necessary to accept transportation at tbe hands of tbe state, so long as they have trav elled on passes. S. B. Lithicum, of Mutlnoman, accepts $3.30, which is the round-trip fare between Portland and Salem. Smith, of Josephine, when it is said, pay hit railroad fare and takes receipt to show that he has paid tbe aame, did not decline bit mileage, but takea tbe amount allowed at the rate of 15 cents per mile, which in hit case amounts to 173.50. J. L. -Sit, who hails from east of the Cascade mountains, has the record for securing tbe most money, hit mileage for tbe round trip being for 1350 miles, which give him t202.50. John Shook secured 1144 tor his mile age, while Robert Burns, who cornea to Salem all the way from Gold Peach In flnbt P n II.,r. 4a .ll,.J 1146,70. Dr. K E. L. Steiner Draw down 168 for the number of miles ho ha to travel to make tho trip, whiJe Jay H. Dobbins gets JlHoO. Starting at the other eud of the lis there are the Marion county represent tatives, J. G. Graham and T. H. Kav, who travel a sum total of two mile's, oue mile each wuy, and are therefore entilted to thirty cents apiece, which sum is added to their emolument of office. In the senate the high man I Senator Laycock, who secured $150, and Senator Itaud from linker, who get 122. For traveling expenses Re resi;nt;i tlves liarnos draws $17.70. YY. K. Newell, 71.70., aud Senator Unities r25.20. COUNTY AND STATE TAXES NOW DUE Taxpayers can be soeu these dnys wending their way from the post ottlce with little pieces of pasteboard in their hands and a frown on their faces, trying to rlgrire out why their taxes are higher this year thtiu t ver before. While there is nothing sti cer tain as death and taxes, there ii some satisfaction in the fact that to the property owner who pevo his t-nves before the 15th of Muivli Hie fUniccs that be grant himatlneo per cent rebate. ' Following it the 1 ,w gtnerninu the payment and collection of luxes: L It you pay your tuxeu on or lie fore March 15 you will bo allowed u rebate of 3 per cent. 2. If you pay your tuxes between Maroh 15 and nn to und innliidlinr the first Monday iu A. i 1, there will not be any rebate allowed und neither will there be any penalty or interest added. 3. If your tuxes are uot mild on or before the first Moutluv iu Anril they will liecome delinquent, when there will be added a poimltvof lo per cent aud the tax will also draw interest at tbe rule of 12 per cent per annum lu addition to the popujt.y. 4. If you pay one-half your tuxes on or before the Hrst Monday in April, thou the remaining half liint- run tin Slid including tint llit .Mumjnv in October, following, but if tho liiot l.idf ottax due is not puid by tho lust, Mniwluv rtf (liifi,luii. It- 1 ...... ........ l..i:.. u.. ....J .... uu.iei, m'l uiui'n in'iin- queut, aud thore shall be added to such balance a penalty of 10 i f cent, and iu addition such baliinco shall boar interest ut tho rate of 1". nor cent per annum from the fir. I Monday in April until paid. 0. On all personul property .tuxo-', if one half is uot paid on or buft to the first Monday of April, the Jaw comiiels the sheritf to levy ti) on nu.l collect the; stune- after Muv 1. hence to prevent a levy upon per.tonul property , utter May 1, it.,, will l necessary for one half to lie puid u.t above Hated. ' ' " 8. The law compels tho sheriff to sell bH lands on which taxes have not licoii paid, aud that such sale shall not be held later than March 1 of tho vear succeeding the year In which the tux levy was made. 7. 1 tie property will be sold to tl a person bidding tho lowest, ruto of inlet -rest, aud certificates will be issued therefor, and deeds uiron to such f roperty sold, unless redeemed within hroe years from the date of hu. Ii tale. Oadlehaugh Meets Willi Accident. Everybody was glad to greet their oldfrlendJ.il. Crndlobimgh of'll.o Dalles today, say the Chronicle. Mr. Cradlebungh Is located ut Merlin, n small mining town in Southron Ore gon, Where he is employed by a trill ing company, lie is also interested in the Merlin townsito company. Having met with an accident he is uot looking ns well ns tiMial. In i is Inimitable way tells that two weelts ago he bad gone up into a printing office to pay a bill when the accident Happened, lie draws therefrom the moral thut a follow should never nav a printing otllco bill.. Inasmuch i s tho accident happened as ho was leaving tho olllce, his friends who have read his splendid newspaper article: . draw a dilferent moral thut Cradle bungh should never have left the news paper office . lu coming down the stairs his heel caught on a protruding nail niitl t o fell headlong, striking on his lit .ui, which rendered him unconscious lur two hours. He was also cuulhicu to his bed for ten duys, und litis not fully recovered from tho shobk yet. A rrleud who had heard of the un dent ay that when Crndelbaiigh came to and found surgeons trivii if hlin a hypodermic inject ion, the 1 ulli.g passion assorted itself and ho d el iy said: "For iieavou's sake' Doc. , di n't remove my vermiform upiieiidi.s.'-' Aud it stayed. , CadlebatigU ,.would joke at his own funeral. ' Slartling But True,, . People the world over wtVle holilied on learning of tlie bui'iiing ot'u Chicago I ileal re in which neatly tiOO people lost their lives, jet mnrf than live times this number or over :(,0o people died from pneumonia in Cldcag i during t-lm satuv yenr, with scarcely u parsing no tice. Every one nf these (mm a . f pneumonia resulted I'ttnii a mid inul could have been prevent, il l v Hie timely use of Chamberlain's Ctiii.'li Remedy. A great uianV' who hud every reason to fear pneumonia have warded It off by the prompt use of this remedy. The following Is an instance "of th.s sort: "Too much cannot lie said in favor of Chamberlain's Cotlgli' Remedy and especially for 'colds und influenza. I know that it vuredi. luy dniiliier, Laura, of a severe cold and J lielieve saved her life when-she was threatened Willi pneumonia." W. I). Wilcox, Lo gan, New-York. Sold at; Williams' Phunuacy. .-. ; Hecurd Cherry Shipment. . A box of assorted cherries was shipped east from Sacramento valley January 13, which breaks nil records for eurly shipments of cherries from thut state. Rural Northwest. Sick Headache. Tills distressing ailment results from a disordered condition of the htomrtcli. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. In fact, the atl act may be warded off, or greatly leseene I In severity, by tukihg a dose of tbe-o Tablet aa goon as tbe tirst symptom o. an attack apieurs. Sold at William,' Pharmacy. A