The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 16, 1905, Image 5

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A fire scare about 9 :30 o'clock Sun
day moruiim made property-owners
sliker worse than the zero weather.
Tim incident occurred in the second
story of tho boarding house conducted
by the Misses Van Allen on Oak street,
just east of the (Jalcier office. A
rousing lire in one of the bed rooms
chitrriHl the mortar at the bottom of
tho I'hi'lf chimney until sparks ignited
tho woodwork and began to till ti e
hallway v. ith smoke.
The cold weather had frozen all the
water pipes and there was not a drop
of water iu the house. Luckily sever
al tiu'ii were iu the building. They
at unco rushed out and secured water
while some one made his way to the
attic from whence the water was
poured dow n onto the fire between
the walls and the Humes extinguished.
It was a narrow escape. While no
serious damage was done, had the fire
gained another moment's headway,
the w holo business section of the city
might have lieen destroyed.
Depends un How You Look at It.
The following articles are interest
ing, not only in themselves, but as an
illustration of how two people see the
same thing in a different light, The
first is clipped from the Orchard and
Farm, San Francisco, the second
from tho Forest Grove Times :
Willis L. Moore, chiof of the United
States weather bureau, is the author
of a recent article on the subject of
fake weather forecasters, in which he
condemns in no uncertain terms the
dishonesty of these pseudo-scientists
who claim to be able to prognosticate
the weather weeks in advance. The
slrauge part of it is that the prophets
have a large patronage. Science has
delinitely determined that with the
beKt existing expert knowledge a
weather forecast cannot extend be
yond two or three days. It is to be
hoped that the time will come when it
w ill bo aple to forecast for the coming
season, to specify in what respect
the coming month or season will
conform to or depart from the weath
er Hint is common to the mouth or
season. Hut communities will save
money and be better served if it is
fully realized that the limitations of
weather are real and that anyone who
claims to forecast beyond a limited
period is in all probability as much
an impostor as the so-called seers who
read the future and tell other people
how to invest their money.
Tho United States weather depart
ment at Washington has been making
quite an effort of late to discredit the
"long range" weather predictions of
certain "prophets" notably Irl R.
Hicks of St. Louis, and he has replied
so viogrously that it seems to an im
partiel observer as if the department
had got the worst of it. There have
been several challenges and counter
challenges, and Hicks has made this
one: He will make a forecast by his
system of what the weather is to be
s x mouths in advance of certain date ;
tho weather department shall make a
forecast three days iu advance; each
side shall deposite 810C0 and the one
whose forecast is farthest from the
actual conditions shall forfeit his
Slow to some chnity to be indicated
by the other. Although Hicks' chal
lenge was made more than a mouth
ago it has not been accepted by the
backers of the weather department.
It may be just a coincidence but
Hicks' predictions for January was
strangely verified the past week or
so. He said that the 2Hth and 29th
of January would be central days for
a storm period of rain and snow over
the country to be followed by colder
weather which would rush iu and
spread over tho country. The entire
East, which has just passed through
those exact conditions, will begin
to think his system is more than a
mere guess.
He has been predicting for two years
that there was coming a minimum
period of rainfall w hich would roach
iis crh'is in V.Kt. If this is to be a
dryer year than 1904 it is well to know
State Department at the Fair.
Special to tho Glacier.
Portland, Feb. 15. The exhibit
of tho department of stato at the
Lewis and Clark centennial, which
w ill lie incorporated with that of the
president's olllce, will form one of the
most interesting displays in the
United States government's elaborate
exhibit at the exposition. The exhib
it is designed to proseut the establish
ment of the government of the United
States, a history of the state depart
ment, and a portrayal of its functions,
with present methods of administra
tion. 'J he exhibit of the state department
w ill include all papers in the depart
ment's archives having any bearing
whatever on the Lewis and Clark
exposition. A facsimilej of Jthe De
claration of Independence will be
show ii, with portraits of its 56 sign
ers, as well as a facsimile of the ar
ticles of confederation, and a repro
duction of the original draft of the
constitution of the United States.
Portraits of all the signer of these
great papers will be displayed.
On the part of the White House will
lie displayed a life-size portrait of
President Koosevelt, by Redding Kel
ley, and wash drawings of his pre
decessors, tirouped around the por
trait of each president are the vice
president and all the cabinet officers
holding office during his adminstra
t ion.
Will Have Airship Journey.
Special to the Glacier.
Portland, Feb. 15. Plans are
now living formed by the Lewis and
Clark exposition management for an
air-ship tournament to take place dur
ing the fair. Prizes will be awarded
to the successful contestants, and am
bitious inventors from all over the
world v ill e iter the competition and
a new era in rapid transit is likely
to be inaugurated through their
efforts to solve the problem of aerial
The lialdwiu air ship from San
Francisco which made several success
ful flights at St. Louis will be eu
tereJ and much is expected of that
J. 15. Paul of Seattle has invented
an air ship with which he expects to
make a successful flight at Portland.
Start ing- But True.
People the world over were horified
en learning of the burning of a Chicago
tlieatrein which nearly 000 people lost
their lives, yet more than five times
tin number or over 3,000 people died
fr pneumonia in Chicago during the
same year, with scarcely a passing no
lice. Kverv one of these oases of
piHiinioni i resulted from a cold and
eniild have been prevented by the
timely Use ol Clminberlain'a Cough
liriue'ily. A K'P"1 niany who had every
ruts mi t fear pneumonia have warded
it oil' by the prompt use of this remedy.
The following la an instance of this
sort: "Too much canoot be said in
favor of Chamberlain 'a Cough Remedy
and especially for colds and influenza.
I know that it cured my daughter,
Laura, of a severe cold and I believe
saved her life when she was threatened
with pneumonia," W. D.Wilcox, Lo
gan, New York. Sold at Williams'
The weather for January as usual
has been the winter weather for the
valley, but had our Eastern friends
been favored with the same climatic
conditions, they would have thought
it "late in the spring. " Ihe meau
temperature for the mouth was 34211,
the maximum being 53 on the 17th
and the minimum 17 on the 11th.
The latter figure being the lowest
point reached by the mercury tbis
winter, and for the benefit of our
Eastern readers who are used to tem
perature of 17 to 40 below we will say
that our figures are all above zero.
The month baa not been excessively
wet. The total precipitation being
1.32 inches, which includes both rain
and snow. The total number of inches
of snowfall for the month was 21), li
inches of which fell on the 13th.
There were but three clear days,
nine partly cloudy and 19 cloudy days
during the mouth. There were no
heavy storms of either wind or rain.
On the night of the 21st there was
noticed flashes of lightning in the
mountains, no thunder being heard,
or any other indications of a thunder
storm. The prevailing direction of
the wind was from the west. Such
is a faithful synopsis of the weather
for the month taken daily and placed
on record. In vivid contrast with
this is the history of the cold waves
and blizzards which afflicted our East
ern cousins as given in the dailies
during the month.
The following is the report of U. H. Volun
tary Weather Observer 11. N. Byerlee. for
Hood River, for the month ol January l'JOfi.
Date Maxl- Mint- Prec'p
mum mum ltat'n
1 37 d2 .81
i 40 Xi .04
3 48 34 AS
4 44 30
5 4'2 n
8 3U 31
7 87 31
41 3'2
88 31
10 l 30 Trace
11 88 17 .10
12 S4 .08
13 24 21 1.01
14 28 23 JM
15 S3 27 .28
Ifi 40 81 .02
17 87 82 Trace
18 88 34 .01
19 40 33 .13
3t SI .03
21 36 30 Trace
22 3S 81 .35
JA 8H 82 1.00
24 38 34 .01
25 48 33 .06
2l 41 31 Trace
27 63 80 .04
28. 51 89 .07
2 49 31
30 41 33
31. 37 32
iCbaractc r of
. part cloudy
..pari cloudy
cloud y
..part cloudy
.. cloudy
..part cloudy
.part cloudy
.part cloudy
.part cloudy
.part cloudy
part cloudy
.. cloudy
Later. Since the above was put in
type, proved, corrected and made
ready for the forms, old Boreas just
humped himself in an endeavor to
make a prevaricator out of the local
weather sharp. We don't object to
the weather nor to the fact that the
weather man gets the worst of it some
times; but we do think it was a dirty
Irish trick for The Dalles to go out
in her dirty streets and surrounding
country and kick up such a dust as
she evidently did last Friday ; when
the wind was blowing our way, and
thus put such a sad brown color all
over the beautiful snow of our little
valley. It was bad enough for her to
attempt to throw dirt on the Cascade
bill, but this is the limit, and when she
comes honeying around Hood River
for some favor iu the no distant fu
ture, we will give her a gentle remind
er that she is never so happy as when
throwing dirt.
Want Ballad on the "Trail."
Special to the Glacier.
Portland, Feb. 8 A pize of S100 is
offered by I. N. Floishner, chairman
of the preBs and publicity committee
of the Lewis and Clark exposition, for
the best ballad written on the subjoct
of the "Trail." The subject may be
treated either in its historical aspect,
as related to the Lewis and Clark
trail which the hardy explorers fol
lowed on their trip to the Pacific, or
the "Trail of 1!K5."
The amusement street of the Wes
tern World's fair Is called tho "Trail,"
instead of the Midway or Pike, which
were the names applied to the gaiety
boulevards of other expositions. The
"Trail" is built on a bridge spanning
Gould's lake, a natural body of water
forming the "grand basin of the expo
sition. Many new features have been
planned to grace this bridge this sum
mer, and on account of its location
much attention will be directed to
aquatic attractions.
The competiton for the best ballad
on the "Trail" is open to all. Com
petent judges will be selected from the
best known literateurs of the Pacific
coast and the contest will close May
1. Invitations will be extended to all
the well-known writers of verse and
many good poems are expected to be
Bally Kens Bulletin on Trains.
In order that the passengers tavel-
ing on the overland limited of the
O. K. & N. and Union Pacific may
keed posted on the news of the day,
an arrangement has been made where
by the telegraphic reports will be
posted in the library and obsevation
car carried on the overland, says
The Dalles Chronicle. These reports
will be received every morning and
evening and will include the most
important stories of the happenings
of the worm.
Oregon's Flower..
Hail to thee glossy leaf of green,
And flower of golden hue ;
Where'er thy foliage bright is seen,
We homage give to you.
Sprinkled by mountain torrents'
In the hidden moss-grown bower;
Or sprig of green on the hillside gray,
We hail thea Oregon's flower.
Half buried in sands from the sea
side blown,
On spreading thy petals o'er glacial
With delicate stems on the fallow
Gnarled and rugged where bleak winds
Fit emblem of a noble state;
Rich in thy pristine dower;
With solemn pledge we dedicate
And dub thee Oregon's flower.
Then hail, all hail, to the Oregon
Rough-stemmed and firm of root.
With leaf and flower of graceful shape
And royal purple fruit.
We deck thee o'er a loved one's bier,
We twine thee in our lady"a bower.
With honor and respect sincere
We bail tbee Oregon 'i flower.
Great clouds of dust filled the air
Friday evening aud covered the fresh
snow everywhere with a brown coat
ing that still remains. The only ex
planation so far found is tho supposi
tion that thoro must have lieeu a dust
storm during the day iu the country
east of here.
A strong east wind blew all day,
and it is presumed that there was lit
tle if any snow east of The Dalles.
Everything was frozen dry, ana witn
the high wind the dust and light sand
was carried for railos to the westward.
The air toward the east Friday after
noon had a decidedly muddy appear
ance. The mist was very dense un
til late at night, while iu all otner
directions the atmosphere was clear
and the stars shone brightly.
Such dust storms have lieen noticed
duriug the sunnner mouths, but never
before during the winter. It was a
very peculiar phenomenon.
Couldn't Knn Too Fast for Him.
Here is one that a young man who
knows a good story w hen lie hears it
heard one railroad man tell another
in a depot up the line the other day:
"We picked up a new Irishman some
where up-country, and set him to
work break in' on a construction train
at three ccuts a mile for wages. Oue
day when him and mo was on the
train, she got away on one o' them
mountain grades and the first thing
we kn owed she was fiyin' down the
track at about 90 miles i.n hour w ith
nothin' in sight but the ditch an 1 the
happy huntiu' grounds when we came
to the end. I tw isted 'em down as
hard as 1 could all along the tops, and
then of a sudden 1 see Alike crawliu'
along toward tho end of ouo of the
cars on all fours, with his face tho
color of milk. 1 thought he was get
tiu' ready to jump, an' 1 see his lin
ish if he did. 'Mike,' 1 says 'for
God's sako don't jump.' He clamps
his fingers ou the runniu' board to
give him a chance to turn 'round,
aud lookiu' at mo contemptuous,
answers: 'Jump is it? Do ye, think
I'd be jumpiu' an' me a inakin' mon
ey as fast as 1 am?' "
The I'lii'iiinoiihi Season.
Coughs and colds in children as w ell
as adults are frequently dangerous at
this season of the year, and a lillle pre
now may save much trouble, worry and
expense. Kennedy's Laxative and Tar
a combined cough and cold cure a new
scientific discovery in medicine is a
certain cure for coughs, colds, w hoop
ing cough, etc. The coughs aud colds
are cleared out of the system by gently
moving the bowels-ami ti- tlic same
lime the throat, chest, lungs and bron
chial tubes are so strengthened that
there is little probability of danger.
Kennedy's Laxative and Tar is pleasant
to take. Contains no opiates. Sold by
U. E. Williams.
Feared the Worst.
Friday Vizer, a familiar negro about
town in a certarin part of Mississippi,
had been found dead, and he tieing
a member of no church or lodgo,
very unusual for a negro there was
no one to pray for his soul in the
great beyond. A few old intimates,
however, carriod tho body to the ceme
tery in a rude pine cotHn, and Hob
McRaven, one of the number, an old
"befo'-de-wah darky," was called
upon for a few remarks. Hob removed
his hat and stopped reverently and
sadly towards tho open grave, and in
a solemn, funeral tones said: "Fri
day Vizer. you is gone. Wo hopes you
is gone whar we spects you ain't!
fliftiiiherlain's, Mother's Favorite.
The soothing and healing properties
of tbis remedy, its pleasant taste and
prompt and permanent cures have
made it a favorite with people every
where. It is especially prized by moth
ers of small children, for colds, cruup
and whooping cough, as it ahvajs af
fords quick relief aud as It contains no
opium or other harmful drug, it may he
given as confidently to a baby us to an
adult. For sale at Williams' Phar
macy. Advertised Letter List.
February (i, 1905.
Ada L. Clark, Mrs. R. Hall, MoUie
Konney, Irene Lay, ,las. K. Comaker,
Win, Hawkins, A. D. Moore, Mrs.
K. A. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Clias.
Spring, A. L. Staiitl'. r, M. H. Thor,
Jim Wood. Wm. YATES. P. M.
Fobruary 13 11X15.
Charley E. Ilarnes, M. Callongor,
J. S. Carson, X. (i. Hoskins, J. 11.
Kraomer, J. W. Merrill.
Some Bargains.
33. fi HcreH mile out: ln-rrir mid
orchard. A beautiful location. Will be
gold at a bargain.
62. 35 acres one-half mile from Mt.
Hood V. 0. 14 acres in clover, 4 in huy
1 in HtrawlierrieH, 1 uliaie witter, 'J
houses, all fur $1 400.
24. 42 acres Smiles out, 111 acres in
orchard, 10 full bearing. First-class im
provements. A beautiful home.
28. KO acres, 5 acres 7-,veai-old apple
trees, balance in clover and eenerul
farming. New 4-room house.
2. 40 acres in the most beautiful por
tion of the valley. 4 acres in on-hard
oue vearolil, 31 acres in berries, 4 acres
ill alfalfa, balance general furming.
til. 10 acres 4 miles nut; splendid
soil; 1 acre apples, best varieties; one
year planted. 1 j acres Iu stnm lierrii'H,
2 acres in potatoes, fi acres in clover.
52. 42J acres 2 miles out, 2(1 acres in
berries 2 years old; 10 acres in clover; 3
acres in apples, 3 and years old, New
towns nml Spily.enbergs; 2 nood houses,
windmill, packing limine, etc.; 22 inch
es free water. $2.'o per acre.
114. Two ltio-acre tracts about nine
miles out; one on east side, other west
side. Choice for 11100.
1H,S. 40 acres 0 miles nut; raw land.
Price, f'im.
A numtier of 5, 10, 20 and 40 acre
tracts of unimproved land that will
bear investigation. Also a number of
large tracts from 100 to 320 acres in Ore
gon and Washington
Some few resiliences and lots in every
portion of the city.
Real Estate Agents
Hood River, Oregon.
Vigorite Powder
I am still axen: for thin blunting powder. He
me or write for price.
tf KKASK HTANTOX, Hood Klver.
Estimates and plans furnished.
The SuiiMiiuc hi Spring.
The salve that cures without a scar is
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. t'uis,
burns, boils, bruises, and piles disappear
before the use of this salve as snow lie
fore the sunshine of spring. .Miss II.
M. Middleton, Thelies, Illinois, says:
"1 was seriously ulllicted w ith a fever
sore that was very painful. DeWitt's
Witch HazelSalve cured uie in less
ban a week." Get the genuine. Sold
by G. E. Williams.
Timber ljind, Act June 3, 187s.
United States Lund (M)lcv, Tho lmilcs. ore-
foil, Nov. 21, 190-1. Notice is lit-rrliy k! von that
n compliance with the provlhums of the act
oi emu;ress ot June 3. Is7s, uinileii "An net lot
the sale of timber hmils In the Mutes of fall,
foriila, Oregon, Nevada uiiil Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the imlillc html
statea by act ot August I, i.Yi:,
of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of
Oklahoma, has ou June2 Ihui tiled In thiKoillcc
his sworn statement No. I'.tm.ior the .airehase
of the WSS K4 nd B'N W ol section No mi
In township No I north. now No. II eii-t W.M.
and will oiler proof to show Unit the land
Bought Is more valuable tor lis tiuihcr or
stone tlmn for agricultural (ui hs,-k, and to
estHbllsh tils cluim to saul hind before i.eo.
T. Pralher, C.K, l'oiiliio:nnt-r nt his otliee
In Hood Itiver.Oieuon.oii the ad day of March
He nnmes rr witnesses: Archie ('. Kreneh
Ben I.. Wooley and Albert M. ( nhtwell, all
ofWuvnoka. Oklahoma, Warieu Miller. Kd-
mond '. M Her and llulpli Kreneh, all of
Hood Kiver, tireiron.
Any and all persons olulmlni; adversely the
above described lauds an- reitiesied to tile
their chit ms iu this oftice tin or before the suid
3d davof.Mareh.llH5.
dmcli2 MlCliAKliT.Nol.AN. ltenlster.
I'tthlic land wale ( Isolated It-art. 1
United Slates (.and Ollh-e, The Palles, Ore
ffoll, JnllUMry 1, UHlii. Notice Is hereby ulvelt
thai In tausilanee of instructions inuil the
eolnmlsMoner ol Ihe (li'hti nl Land ottlce, un
der authority vested In him h section i; 5'.,
United states levised Ntatules, asainemled by
act of ( 'onuress approved 1- el a nary Isl a. we
will proceed to oiler at public -.ale al the hoill
of lOo'eloeU a. m..on the-..;o day o 1'Vin,
hKlft, ill lliihtitUtv, the 1'ollou 11.1; lia. t of I,, ml,
to-wil: The M :-4 of Ihe NV, m sc.-ilnii :':i,
township-.1 norm, range 1! i a-t ni' Wiiimuette
Any uiid all persons claimire.' a-lv.-iM-ly the
above-described lamls tue a.!iM! to hie
their claims In this ottlce on or hclore the
dH- above desiy tinted lor I he con rome i n lent
of stud sale, olhet wise tlici ii.; will lie lor
felled. Jill f Hi M It'll A Ml. T. Nn.N. It.vislcr.
ANNK M. I.ANli, lir.-civer.
NOTICK OK i'l I'.I.ICA no.;.
Public I. and Hale- - It,! tii Tnicl.)
United Mates Land Ollic. . The Mailt -', Ore
lion, .lamtary '1, hi'. Nonce is hereby
Klven tual in uii iti-t- of iMsiiuc
titins Ironi ihe eomilils-!oii. i- n' iheuencral
land oilic", im.ler am In a n y m--i, d in bun by
section 'U a. 1 nilt-d Wlarcs U. wd statues,
as Htnendt-'l by act ol coci:rts api'i'tived
February -a, Isu.i, we will pro, , i d lo oil. r at
public stile at Hie hour ol II o clork a. in., ou
the lath day of March, :wr.. at this ollice, Ihe
lollowintt tract of land, to-wn:
The I-.t, N :l4 of sei-teai -JH, township
port h, ran ire 1 1 ea;.l of i Mnmei le meridian.
Any and all persons claiinltiir adversely
the atiovi -described lands are advised to life
Ihclr claims iu this oltl.-c on or hclore Ihe
day above desiunated for t he coinnii iicetnent
of said sale, olhei wise lln lr ia:lis to In- for
feited. Mil HAKI.T. ..'ii.. It.-nlslcr.
Iiim'l ANNUM. I...u, licreiver.
In the circuit eoart of the suae of Oieifun, for
the county of V asco.
Norton B. Johiian, I'laininr
Anna Jordan, Defernluat
To Anna Jordan, defeniluat above aaict:- la tho
name of the stato of Orei: n:
You are hereby la appear and an
swer the complain tili-d a,- oast y. m ia the alsivo
entitled suit, withia six weeks fr.iai the -tl day of
February, A. I.)., Hoa, said ,Anx t lu - hist day
of the pul'liralion of this si'iaawas; aail if you
fail to o answer, for want ua-rei.i'. the plaintitr
will app'y to the court for 111 relict" ilcliiaaihil in
his cotiiplaitit hlixl in said caase. lo-wit:-H decree
of divorce dissntviiili the binds of nutl rian.riy ex
istin between the plaaitiH and dcleadant in said
caime. a. id for tteaeial relii f
This sumnioas ii DuhliiOu'd tv virtue of an or
der of liim.fVV. 1.. Ihailshiuc jadKe of the circuit
court for VVasco t.iii.ity. sOtle i.t' Oregon, dated 1
the '4th day of .laauaiy. A. 1)., l!U'. which or-j provides for six weeks aail for '
seven insertions j. me Mine toi- wtncli tats sum
mons shall tie pti.iluhed in Ihe Hood Klver Gla
cier, a newspaper of genera! circulation published
weekly in inssl Itivi-r, Oregon.
Dated at Hood Kiver, Oregon, this "Jliih dav of
f'.' mch lli A'ln.Tii'.v for I'iaintil!'.
' - ! .'I
i cumin - ; r. 1 t u
will want t l -iti1 yi-nr i.t llv I up i -
fore that li. i e. We li.t.f u l.irve stock
on haio! :.: il i-ic prcian il I i fill unices
promptly -tti-l ;?ive s;r il'ai t icn . Work
done good .-1 1 1 i i. the lowest pi ices, A
postal e-'ril sent to us w ill tiring you
the sample. Try il.
Ti e Dalles, Civ.
f Wait's
r watf
neciar.uu.i. lu
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
RATES, $2.00 to $2 .50 PER DAY.
Steam heat. Large pieasant rooms. Everything new,
Sample room for commercial travelers.
R. H. WEBER; Prop.
Evergreens, Roe and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
The IZDZ..j I:3T
FR0HN & EEATON, Proprietors.
Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries,
Flour and Feed.
Call and see the new firm on the Heights.
Free Deliverv. Phone 150.
rilONE 51.
It is to your advantage
Another car just
regon Lumber
Shingles. j Heating Stoves.
OwiiiK to Krmmil beitiff required by ; Tilt tlt'lflVcd colli WcaHliT
Marcli IrI for building to la) erected, we . . , , .n ,
WiiiH(.n 6 ; has arrivcii, hut c will close
Tnconiii Stars, $1.35 M. 'out tlic few left nt the t 1 ut -Htar
A Star extra, 1.95 M. led prices used throl;iiiii;ii-y.
Hardware, Building Material, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves,
Paints and Oils, Crockery, Linoleum.
STEWART, Complete Mouse Furnisher.
DR. JONES, Dentist
Crown and Bridge Work.
Teeth Withput Plates.
Treatment nf diKeaned teetli and gums.
OHii-f over ,1ackson' Store.
Phone luftl. Ouk St. Entrance.
Has opened a
General Store
I tun will keep on hand u first -I
class slock of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
The public is invited tocall
and inspect the stock. A
stpiare deal for all.
M. HI Nlrkulwn, secretary of the Karmorn'
IrrlKiitliiK ' give nolle" that he will he
found at the ofllce of (tro.T. I'ratht r ever,v
rKliirtlay from now until March 1, to at
tend lo any bU'lnesaof Hie company.
to (', S. True.)
We again invite you
"Upper Crustl
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices Paid
Smoke a Good Cigar
For sale at all Cigar ami irocerv Stores in Hood River
Davenport Bros.
Lumber Company
Have opened an up-to-date
On River St., 4 Blocks West of Depot
ami w ill carry a complete line of
Building; Material,
Doors, Windows,
Lath, Mouldings,
,i3uIsll.I2-g, L"vr."ber.
to try
to do so.
New Goods.
Our last yonr's cxpt r'f"it and Hood
liiver's future pronjiecH Induced us to
Ltti-e-e arrivals new stock.
Every department complete.
for High Grade Fruit.