The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 16, 1905, Image 4

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A box of Hood Rivor Newtowns
v. hi'ii oik(1 in tlio South Sea Inlands
ouulit to btartlo tho uutlvos, sure
Owm Viuidorliilt, jiropriftor of the
liuulah Lmxl fruit much ou the KuHt
Sido, nhijipod a box of his famous
Nowtowus hint woik to A. L. CraiK,
the kcmicoiiI piiHM'iiKnr HKout of the O.
K. & (Jo,, who with Mrs. Craig Is en
joying thu HUiiHiiiuu on Tahiti island,
way down in tho southern Pacific
ocean, HlKX) miles from Oregon.
Mr. VaiiderliiJt has written Mr.
Oniig to dh tribute) the apples to his
friends (.hero and to tell them that
t he fruit (hiiih from Hood Kivor.
't'vcr Too Much .Fancy Fruit.
Hi pine people, always see gloomy pros
jiectrj and jilimt'il murkois ; tliey always
I ok on the dark side of everything and
peem never to catch even a glimpse to
the silver edging of a cloud, says the
Cunadian Iloiticulturist. We do, in
deed, lind our markets at times over-
pujiplieil Willi certuin Iruits, tint II we
look into the conditions we find either
thai tint fruit was pour or that it was
hndly diHtrihuted. I'erliaps one market
wits receiving tli ree-fourtlis of the ship
ments from our Canadian growers and
hundreds of smaller markets through
out omario where almost bare of sup
ply. H e do not lielieve that too much
i cully UigU tirade fruit, of good shipping
(juaoiy, can no grown. j nero is an
axiom ahoiit this wliirli we believe will
in. Id good, namely, "Tlie more good
fiml put into a market the greater will
lie the 1 1 1-u in t ion and the better the
prizes in Iheend," while no doubt the
ievere of this statement is eimallv
true. The tact is that when people can
not get good apples, lor exanrple, they
will louk out lor choice fruits of oilier
kinds, whether fresh or preserved, to
take their place, and so ou throughout
the chapter, llie moral then is plain
grow oiiiv laiicy nign graue mm, gnu
place such goods only on the markets,
and the chances are that we shall eel-
iloni see a glut, unless it be over-ripe
l run t hat miiH lie Hurriedly disposed ol,
lluys Air Pressure Mpray I'uiiip.
Oseur Vauderbilt of tho Keiilah
Lund fruit fnrm has ordered some
thing new in the way of power 8pray
pumps from tho Knst. If the machine
conies up to tho rocomniendution of
tho miiiiuracturers, Mr. Vanderbilt
expects to greatly lessen the labor ex
pense in orchard spraying.
Tho pump will be operated by com
pressed air. The puni) cornea already
iittached to a carriage, and tho revolu
tion of the wheels as tho wagon is
driven to the orchard is expected to
rain) the necessary pressure, which
will be maintained as tho machine is
driven through the orchard from tree
to tree. At present it requires four
men to operate a spray pump in the
Wagon lioail on North Hunk Columbia
The bill to establish a road between
WiiHliougid in Clark county and Lyle,
I,. tl.iM ,....,,,),. ..I..,.,. II.... Ik
... liiun tiuniivj. .....lift lillO UU1LU UttllK
of the Coliimpltt river, in pretty mire
to become u law ut this session of the
legislature, snytt the White Salmon
Kntoriiriso. Tho Mil has already
passeu mo House and we understand
its passage through the senate is as
sured. Hut this bill has been through
the legislature twice before and yet
failed to Ixieoine a law. It was vetoed
once by Governor itogers, aud agalu
by (iovernor Melirlde, but 'we under
stand that there is not much doubt
this time but that it will become a
The bill curries an appropriation of
IMO.UOO widen will probably be sutli-
cteut to loin together the links of wag
on road already exiting Uttwoon the
terminal points. This Is likely what
is lutemied, as llie appropriation
would not lie ik drop in the bucket
when it comes to building an entire
new roud. in joining together the
stretches of county road it would
probably 1st found necessary to build
or reconstruct a short piece of road
between Washoiigal and Cape Horn,
then there would boa short but heavy
piece of work between tho Lower and
Upper Cascades, then would come the
main obstacle between the Collin hot
springs and Little White Salmon rlvoj
seven or eight miles of pretty rough
country and u bridge across tlio latter
This Is the only bridge on " tho
roule of any consiipience not already
built. There would Isiagrado to build
up from the White Salmon bridge aud
probably another up the hill east of
the town of White Salmon. The rest
of the roud is built.
Dr. Kings New Discovery for consump
tion, cougns aim colds una oincr nieo
lei nes. thereby defrauding the public
This is to warn you to beware of such
neonle. who seek to profit, through
stealing the reputation of remedies
which have been successfully curing
disease, for over 3C years. A sure pro
tection, to you, is our name on the
wrapper. Look for it, on all Dr. Kinn's
or liuckhn' remedies, as all others are
mere imitations. H. E. Bdcklin & Co.,
Chicairo. III., and Windsor, Canada.
Medicines sold at C. N. Clarke' drug
"Hit the Trail."
Hood River. Ore.. Jan. 1. l'.K 5 VV .
0. .Martin ami family sent me a royal
invitation to visit them after my ar
rival here from Shawnee, Oklahoma,
w hich 1 accepted, and spent a week
with them In their Hood Kiver valley
homo in the Crupper district. Air.
Martin and I would never tiro of talk
ing about our friends in Sunny Flo
rida. As he writes the Hood Kiver
news, I will jot down a few lines per
taining to the coining Ijowlsaud Clark
exposition ut Portland.
"Hit tlio Trail" is the expression.
"Hit the trail" nt tho fair at Port
land, the pride and metropolis of the
i'aeiUe northwest, called by the 011
thusinsHo. the "Rose City," and the
"l'enrl of tho 1'iieille."' And dear
renders, while "hitting the long
trail," as 1 may express it the long
railway (rail across tho continent to
the lair you will see sights worth
coming the tour t lioiisunu miles for,
Sights in among the Rockies are cer
tainly grand, but for scenic lionuty
Oregon will lend tlio world, r lorlda,
the laud of (lowers, excepted. To my
mind the mighty Columbia river pre
sents a most beautiful sight 'indeed.
Its scenery in the midst of trie Cas
cades is truly magnificent. From the
heights of Port laud on a clear day can
be seen the snow-clad summits of
Mounts Hood, St. Helens, Rauier,
Adams and Jefferson, a sight worth
indeed beholding. Between, the Cas
cades mid (he coast range is found one
of the garden spots of the world, where
the soil is rich, tho moisture abun
dant aud transportation easy.
Okalhotiut has cotton, corn, wheat,
watermelons ami enterprising cities,
but Oregon has the sea, and wheal.,
and cattle, and fruit, and forest, and
Jilt, a ud gold, and silver, and nickel,
aud copper, and tiu, and last, but not
least, scenery. It was the battleship
Oregon, the "bulldog" of the navy,
which sailed around the horn ou record-breaking
time and saved the day
at Santiago do Culia, during the Spanish-American
war, so it is with tho
state of Oregon in the public eye at
the present time. Altiort Anson tlra
hain, in tho Ocalu (l'la. ) Star.
Fraud F.xposcil.
A few eoiuiterfeiteiB have lately been
making and trying to sell imitations of
Harvey Dunn, an adopted sou'of Mr,
and Mrs. A. II. Jewett of White Sal
moil, was found dead, Monday moru
la tr. under the Ice of Warner lake, a
small pond on liiugen fiat. Tho boy
had started skating Sunday afternoon.
He did not return that night, but no
alarm was felt as ho was accustomed
to remaining over night with friends.
Search was made when he failed to
appear Monday morning. None of bis
friends had seen anything of him,
Hi horse was soon found tied to a
tree at the edge of tho pond. In the
center of the pond tho ice was brok
en, aud on searching tho water, the
lifeless body of the young man was
Funeral sorvicos worn conducted
Tuesday afternou, from the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. Jewett. Harvey
Dunn was a half brother of Aelus
Jewett, w ho died last summer of tuber
culosis. Mr. and. Mrs. Jewett are
very much grieved over their sad loss.
It Is stated by old settlers that War
ners lake has never been known to
freeze over before and remain frozen
ull day.
Special to the Glacier.
Portland, F'eb. 8 Hood River should
be particularly interested in the irriga
tion exhibit which will be made at the
Lewis and'Clark exposition, Tho ex
hibit will 06 complete, well arranged
and instructive, and will prove a mar
vel to eastern people, who know little of
the wonderful results which an artitlcial
water supply 1ms accoinplishedin many
western districts.
The exhibit will largely consist of
working models of irrigation projects,
the largest being patterned after the
f:t,(KK),(KX) plant now being built in South
ern Arizona. The moil el j will show
the manner of.'storing the water by res
ervoirs, the method of carrying it into
the lowlands by means of canal and
flumes, and its final distribution to the
laud to bo irrigated. There will also
be model of dam add reservoirs, and
an exhibit of instrument used in de
termining the amount of water which
may be utilized from any given stream.
In addition to these display, there
will be a pratical illustration of irriga
tion method on the ground back of the
government building, on the peninsula
. ..:. i i..i. u t -.:o i...
in vjuiiuo luko, wuciti vouia win u h
small farm with crops growing on land
actually Irrigated.
Death of Mis Sadie Young.
Mis Sadie Young, dan lighter of Mr,
and Mrs. 11. T. Young of Odell, East
Hood River, died at Santa ltarhara,
Cal,, Sunday, February f. The body
was prought to Hood River Friday.
Funeral services were hold Sunday
In the M. K. church in this city.
At the request of the family of the do
ceased, Milton Odell assisted by Rev.
W. C. Eviuih with the services. Mr.
Odell wants the Sunday school teacher
of Misa Sadio, aud favored friend of
her. liurial was made at Idlewilde
cemetery. Troy Shelley of Hood
Kiver write as follows from Santa
Barbara, ou the death of Sadio Young
"Sadie Young was a little over 15
yorus old. She had been sick nearly
a year with what was supposed to bo
typnold lover in llie first place, lmt
which turned out to bo tuberculosis
of the bowels. Her case was a very
peculiar one, Inditing the skill of nil
her physicians for a long time to
"When tho trouble was finally
known, her father, like many another
parent who has struggled with the
grim monster, resolved to leave no
stone unturned to save the life of his
child, (lathering ull together, he
came with his family and tho writer,
to Santa iiarbara, landing here Decem
ber a I.
Jiore it seemed, lr anywhere ou
earth, seductive inlluences of nature
would woo her back to health. The
still, warm, sunshiny days, and the
pure, fresh air from the ocean laden
with the balm of blooming flowers,
was wonderfully invigorating.
"For a time she got better, but it
was not to pe. Deat h finally claimed
her body for his victim, but could
not conquer the soul. She fell asleep
in Jesus, peacefully, quietly, trusting
Him to the end.
"Although so young shehad a pecul
iar quality of character, which greatly
endeared her to those around her;
and it is safe to say that along w ith
her friends, overy doctor and nurse
who attended her in these last days
loved her.
"We are again reminded that 'The
king of terrors loves a shining murk. '
Happy tho mother who bore her into
this world and into the kingdom of
the Lord."
Vermont to Have I'iiIumo Ituihllng.
Special to tho Glacier.
Portland, Feb 15. Tlio pavilion which
Vermont will erect at the Lewis and
Clark centennial will lie one of the innt
interesting on the grounds . The buil
ing will be an exsct rcprtsluetion of the
old Constitution House of 1777. In this
novel exposition Btmcture will Is) boused
exhibit to show the resources of the
Green Mountain state. Historical rec
ords and other public document will
show the part which Vermont has taken
in the historv of the union, and there
will be exhibit to tell the progress of
Vermont from the days of F.than Allen
to the present time. The building w ill
be used as a club bouse for the visitors
from the Green Mountain state, and
thousands are expected to register there.
Deserved Popularity.
To cure constipation and Liver
troubles by gently moving (he bowels
and acting as a tonic to the liver, take
Little Karly Risers. These famous
little pills are mild, pleasant and harm
less, but effective ami sure. Their uni
versal use for many yearn i a strong
guarantee of their popularity and use
fulness. Sold by G. F.. Williams.
The roads about the grounds of the
Lewis and Clark centennial will be pav
ed with crushed red granite, brought
from South America. The granite,
when crushed and laid on the roads,
work together so as to make a hard,
compact road, almost free from dust.
Call ami he new firm on the
hill for meats and groceries. Our prices
will please you. Ideal Market.
I). I. Stone of this city is firmly
convinced the people of Hood Kiver
are letting a fortune slip through
tbeir fingers because they permit the
nine stumps on their land to go to
waste, when it would lie possible to
extract tho turpentmo at a good
profit. If the pine stumps elsewhere
are turned into money, Mr. Stone
considers it an awful waste because
Hood River farmers do not investigate
the matter.
Pine tar plants have been started up
near tho head of Lake Superior. That
tho industry is no experiment and of
no doubtful value is shown by the
fact that the W eyerhauser syndicate,
the largest iumliering concern in tho
world, has taken it up, lias just
bought out the plants already estab
lished and is installing more.
All tho region about the head of
Lake Superior is, or was, covered
with pine timber, and when this was
cut out, the slumps remained in the
ground. Pine stumps do not rot as
do those of hard woods and the pres
ence of these stump was a serious
obstacle to the spread of farming in
the rigion.
Now comes the pine tar company
ami offers to (dear the farm of all it
old stumps or pay the owner t'.i for
every cord of them that he will pull
himself. for larmers throughout
thousands of acres, this is an inestim
able boon and it will open hundreds
of thousands of acres as fast as the
stumps are got out.
llie company has Invented, or ap
plied existing processes of destructive
distillation of wood to tho pine stumps
and is securing a combined product
of great value. There is a large
nmoiint of turpentine in these dry
st umps also a high grade of lubricating
oil, tar, anil Dually, excellent char
coal, llie discovery thut lubricating
oil was to be secured from stumps by
carrying tho distilled product to Its
last anal sis is quito new, and no
machines for producing this have yet
been iustulled, but they are to 1)0 put
in at once in the company's plant a
few miles south of Duluth.
The ice men are now harvesting the
William Stailelinan is in Portland on
Merchant N. I!, Cole has returned
from Portland.
K. A. llvrkutt is hnulinu hv to Colt
ers logging camp.
Rev. Tanby is teaching a singing
class at the school hull.
Arrangements arc being made to or
ganize an I. O. O. F. lodge hero.
It is reported that two butcher shops
will start up next summer.
The Kth grade in our public school
took their final examination last week.
Mr. and Mrs. YVItt of I. vie. made a
visit to their rancli here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hinngstead, of Portland,
are up to look alter Mr. Witt ranch
this winter.
Duncan McKentiue was at Trout Lake
on business connected with the clieeBe
Mr. Harrison lloze and daughter.
Ilozella, made a trip to White Salmon
this week.
11. Hamilton was down Saturday even
ing from his summit ranch to attend
Masonic lodge.
All louglnu camps of Trout Lake have
been ordered to discontinue operations
lor nn indcnnlte time.
The Ladies Aid Society met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. lloze last week.
The inciety is doing much good.
Harry Coleman lias gone back to
Hood River to work at his old trade,
that of cook.
At (his w riting there is fine sleighing.
The young people are taking advant
age of it for bob-sled parties.
Wallace, son of John Peterson, is slow
ly improving. The youngest daughter
is very sick with typlioid leaver.
Changed ilis Mlad.
A tramp, dirty ami ragged to the last
degree, called ut a house on the tloor
which was a doctor's sign. A large,
rather masculine-looking woman open
ed the door.
"Sense me lady," said the tramp, "but
I iist called t ) see it the doctor bad nnv
om clonics lie d let nie nave, i on see,
I'm kind o' bud off fer all kind o' clothes
an' I'd bo much oblceilged fer anvthing
the doctor could let me have, an' 1 ain't
perlicklor as to the lit.
The woman smiled and made reply,
l am too i Mi lor!
"SuHeriu' Mescal" cjaclatcd (he tramp
as he made a beehne for the gate. -
l.ippiucoll s
I'tah will have a comprehensive ex
hibit at the Lewis and Ciurk exposition
It is expected Hint a slate pavilion will
oe creeled.
(Notary I'uhlie fur Oregon.)
Two lots on the hill for sale; price,
If'Jlll cash. Lots .Mhl.'IO feet.
A lot southeast of the high school for
&l2r ou installments, $1D down, per
mouth, nt 8 per cent. I he lots will ad
vance fi5 each soon.
I wo lots overlooking the Columbia
and Hood rivers. Price, tJoOO, part cash
balance ff 10 per mouth at 8 per cent.
Two lots and 3-miiiii house, plastered,
just back of high school, house 20 feet
square. Pi ice, If. V0 cash.
(-room house, plastered, corrugated
iron woodshed, insured for 8 wars for
f.MHI, fully paid up, lot oO.v 1,'iO; price,
jl'-Mti, easy terms.
Two lots luoxlui, si-room house, plas
tered and papered, fences ami sidewalks
cilv water ami telephone, I'-sturv barn
iMxiiO, :'UH); :f HMO down, balance mort
gage at S per cent.
ft acres strawberry land, 4'-'3 acres
cleared; ' l berries, L' small cottages, It
miles fiom city, $1100; faOO cash.
S'-';, acres ,'t miles out, li in cultivation,
IftO apple trees ! years old, 5! acres straw-U'l-rics,
2 acres hav, $1 lot); $7M) cash;
nice collage and outbuildings on this.
Sightly lot and line new ti-roomed
house on bill, fHOO; $r-00 or more cash.
Four lots and collages containing lat
est improvements, electric lights, auto
matic appaMlas, etc., center of town,
f'.'IOD; easy terms.
Two lots two blocks from post office,
fftoO; also residence and two lots same
location, fl7on.
Many farms all over the valley at rea
sonable price.
Find you homes, rent houses for land
lords, or rind houses for you (o rent,
collect bills, tnvoliate loans or lind you
inouev to loan.
Call on me 1 will lind vou what you
of every description
Inks, Pens, Pencils, Erasers,
Letter Files, Shannon Files,
IH? First National Bank
TlILItE ARE MANY who are under the erroneous im-
I predion that they never control money enough to
solicit small nccomitH an well m large. We handle both
with our best care and oner you our services.
Draftsand Bank Money Orders Sold on All Parts of the World.
Will be found in the
Brosius Block
the Corner Store
Come and see us.
The Prescription Druggist.
Hood lESiTrer
Home Made Candy Store
La France Building.
We manufacture all our own Candy, and make it fresh
every day. Candy made to order on short notice.
Full line of Bon Bons, Nuts and Confectionery.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
Stoves! Stoves!
We purchased recently a quantity of Steel Box
Stoves at about 500 on the dollar, and propose to
give our customers the opportunity to buy at less than
wholesale. We have them in 25, 28 and ..30-inch lengths.
and are making a price of $4.25, $4.50 and $5.00.
These stoves are standard goods, full cast bottom
and top and heavy steel sides, with swing top, which ad
mits very large wood.
Established in 1866. ., Open all the year. Private or
class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi
tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to
attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
and Building Material
. guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock.
Glad to show you around.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Eastern and
S. L. YOUNG, Prop.
Cottage Yiaiket,
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Flour and Feed.
Fkee Delivery.
Full line of Gloves and Mittens, 2 to $1 ."().
First Grade Wales Goodyear Snow Excluders
Men's 1 and 3-buckle 1 .:) to .f 1.75
Ladies' 3-buckle fl.Tc
Misses' and Children's 1 -buckle ; to 7fK"
Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc.
WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store iathe City. Free Delivery. Phone
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Telephone No. 31.
The Big Second Hand Store
For BARGAINS in Furnitue. Sf ov-s:ml R,-invs. Crock
ery, Tin and Granite Ware, et. i'.ni ihu-e ;i;id Stove Im
pairing and picture framing-. Ali work guaranteed.
0. P. DABKEY & CO., Props.