The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 16, 1905, Image 3

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Hood River in a dry town for the
first timo since saloons were opened
here six years ago. The liquor shops
are securely bolted and hard or soft
drinks can't be secured over a bar for
love of money.
Thursday of last week word came
from 'i'ln Dalles tl:at the gulocn keep
ers had been fined for violating the
local i inn law. and the doors in
this city immediately closed. Snow
bopin falling at once and in a few
hours the city was experiencing zero
During the previous week, District
Attorney Meuofee informed against C.
K. llayviird, John Morrison, P. F.
Fonts and Seneca Fonts, the proprie
tors of the four Hood River saloons,
charging t hem with violating the pro
hibition law by selling liquor within
a prohibition district. Demurrers
were tile 1 to the information, thereby
raising the question of the constitu
tionality of the law, and the regular
ity of the proceedings in this county
with reference to holding the prohibi
tion election. After argument, these
demurrers were overruled by Judge
firndsiiaw and the defendants refused
to plead further and a judgment of
conviction was entered up against
each of them.
"When the question of fine came
up," says District Attorney Menefee,
"1 insisted that the fine should be a
heavy one, unless with the under
standing that the saloons should close
up and remain closed uutil the case
whs decided by the supreme court,
when if it should be decided in favor
of the defendants, of course we would
have nothing against them. Judge
lirndsliaw agreed with my advice and
stooil by me in the transaction and
the line's were placed at ?50 upon the
promises of two defendants in open
court to rite that their places of busi
ness shoul 1 lie closed until the case
was decided by the supreme court.
Tlie same action was taken with the
other defendants, the two Foutses,
upon the assurance of their attorney
to the same effect. In other words,
wo have the promises of these people
that they will not again violate the
law and will do nothing in the way
of selling liquor unless the supreme
court holds they have a right to.
"We thought this arrangement the
best policy because our object was to
see that the law was not violated and
the sale of li pior if it was a violation
of law anil alo to prevent the neces
sity of further prosecutions and the
expense incidental thereto, and I pre
sume, that is all any people of Hood
River could ask. The fines were
placed at &"0 for the reason above
stated, and further, when assured that
tlie law would not be violated, it
semed to the court that the violation
so far was, to a certain extent at
least, in good faith and uponJthe
advice of their attorneys that
was not guoiLj
Tlie red coral which is used in Jew
elry and which Is known as precious
.oral Is mostly obtained In the Med
iterranean, the Barbary coast furnish
ing Hie dark red, the vicinity of Sar
dinia furnishing the yellow, or salmon
....invert variety and the coast of Italy
the rose pink. It is also found In the
Red sea.
Unique Votive Offering;.
In many churches of Trovence and
Italy, especially those near the sea,
paintings placed on the walls in ac
cordance with vows made by pilgrims
in moments of danger are often re
markable for their frames. Among
the curiosities may be enumerated
laths formed of splinters from ships
that have been wrecked; also frames
made of pieces of heavy cables, occa
sionally painted bright hues, but some
times left in their primitive gray col
or splashed with tar. Nailed to the
laths surrounding a painting repre
senting sailors fighting with fierce sav
ages may be seen African or Polyne
sian spears and darts or swords made
of haul wood, evidently mementos of
terrible struggles. Sailors or lands
men who have made vows during
times of peril at sea and who have no
troubles to display will surround their
paintings with broad bands of wood
heavily inernsted witn Blieus ana sea
weed, not Infrequently of rare and ex
tremely beautiful kinds.
Special to the Ulacier.
Trout Lake, Wash., Feb. 15. A
good deal of ill feeling has been stirred
up over the case of the farmers va the
Menominee Lumber company, but
sentiment here is divided in the mat
ter. The shutting down of the company's
industries is looked upon generally
as a public misfortune, as many em
ployes are tnrown out oi worK. un
the other hand the farmers are In
censed at the destruction of their ir
rigation ditches and farming lands
by the operation of tbe splasn dams
by the mill company. It is reported
here on good authority that the lands
of a colored man were badly in
jured and his claim for redress ig
Action of the Earth I'pon Bodie.
Years ago, when the bodies were re
moved from the Cimetiere des Inno
cents at Paris, the common pits in
which great numbers of the bodies had
been interred together were found to
contain masses of a grayish white
soapy substance. The matter was not
very well understood at that time, but
it is now known that the remains of
the dead are under certain conditions
transformed into such a material, ei
ther wholly or in part, which has been
named "adlpocere." It is a true am
lnoiiiacal soap, being a combination of
fatty acids with ammonia.
Rodies that are exposed to the action
of water percolating through the soil
are most apt to undergo this species of
transformation. Inasmuch as adlpo
cere is not perishable under ordinary
circumstances, corpses thus changed
very often retain their form indeflnlU
iy. Now and then they are dug up, and
Ignorant writers in newspapers refer
to them ns wonderful instances of
A Queer Crjlonee Crass.
Lemon grass, known to botanists
as Antlropogen scnaenaniuua nuu
which 13 unknown outside of Ceylon,
and there only in the Kandlan dis
trict. Is in several respects a most re
markable vegetable production. It
grows to n height of six or seven feet
and has the wonderful property of
spontaneous Ignition. On the slopes
of Mount Anibulawe during the wet
season the grand spectacle of these
spontaneous conflagrations is frequent
ly seen. At first a single curl of smoke
or bright tongue of flame will be no
ticed. Soon, however, as the water runs
down the stalks and mingles with the
oil and acids contained in the pith of
this curious herb fierce fires burst into
view here, there and every place, soon
covering the whole mountain in a
sheet of flame. The botanists and
chemists have not as yet explained
why this paradoxical grass ignites
when water falls upon its stalks.
As Farmer Sees the Situation.
White Salman, Wash., Feb. 15. Ed
itor Glacier: I am not in a position
to give much information about this
suit of the farmers vs. ine lumoer
company, as 1 Know iiuie oi me
menu of the case, we wno resiae
on this side of the little rill that sep
arates ns from the goats over your
way, and who are not involved iu the
controversy ; those of us whose only
irrigating ditch begins at the necK ot
the bottle and terminates in the gastric
juices, etc., deplore the inability of
the parties to settle the differences
apart from the judicial buzz-saw
where the remnants'" are always pil
ing ud in evidence and principals are
so frequently enveloped in the fog.
As a reformed lawyer, it occurs to me
that if the plaintiff in any case could
be the grateful recipient or a swat on
the cerebellum with a robust club
just prior to the verification of the
complaint and the dofeudant have
administered to him a son oi nunc
Ero func installment of future retri
ution, such as the Almighty used to
dole out to those who expired iu their
sins 50 years ago, both parties to the
litigation would be iu better condi
tion, say, "When the robins nest
again, " and they then wouldn't have
to spend eternity ruminating over
the cost-bill or looking around iu
Heave j for a lawyer to explain "how
it h .opened.
This last sentence is what retori-
ciaus would call "periodic." It be
gins away back in the past and comes
ambling up to the present in a listless
and supine manner as if the future
had been delayed oy a wasn-out ana
the present were in a state of coma.
The Menominee Lumber company is
the largest employer in western Klick
itat. Its employes are many or tneni
single men but in many cases families
are dependent on the earnings of the
sturdy men who do its work. The
closing down of its camps is a public
misfortune, there s no douot oi tnat.
Whether tbe ust claims or tue
Trout Lake farmers made the injunc
tion suit necessary is a question I
do not care to guess at. If unneces
sary, they have strucK an unneces
sary blow at the development of the
section where their homes are located.
If it had to be so in order to protect
their interests at the expense of the
employes of the company in its camps
and those depending upon tneir laoor,
the trial will develop the facts so
that a justice-loving public may for
mulate its own verdict.
Meanwhile industry along the river
languishes and the farmers along the
irrigating ditches with grim determi
nation Hx their ivory tusks into the
quivering flesh of the Menominee
Lumber company. If they win it will
be the corporation, and if they
lose, it will be the court.
When the farmer finds himself hung
over a clothes line exchanging chunks
of fur with a corporation, the feath
ers come out of the other fellow as an
act of Divine favor, -but when he
comes to meditate on his own bedrab
bled appearance at the end of tbe ju
dicial is prone to look upon
the dispensation of justice as the
medicine prescribed by a corporation
riddeu deity.
I am a farmer. I am at present
wearing a pair of pantaloons donated
bv a benevolent relative in the city
whose wife had condemned them to
the junk heap, and digging around
for back taxes, but I'll bet a big bunch
of baling wire that before the case of
the Farmers of Klickitat County vs
Menominee Lumber Co. is decided
linallv bv the federal courts, the
city of Hood River will reach from
Mosier to the Cascade Locks, and
White Salmon will be the county seat
of Kwis-whosky county an the new
state of Oh-sba-gousky and the bones
of the present inhabitants will have
been thoroughly picked.
"Government by injunction" when
set in motion by corporations is a
terrible iab at the very foundations
of our liberties, but in the hands of
the farmers is a "very present help in
time of trouble, and many there le
that go iu thereat." The real center
of the universe is "us." God is with
us and the devil is always the bugler
on the other side. Why God created
the other fellow still remains a mys
tery. Corporations have no soul and the
rest of us are lacking in good judg
ment and so the courts continue to
do their stunt, and in the grist are
shreds of hair, loug hair with timothy
seed and clover seed entangled in it
and short silky locks smelling of hair
dressing ; finger nails thick and horny
with dried milk in the corners and
fingers manicured. In this grim grist
lie withered hopes, tangled purposes
and rat-eaten resolutions, eyes, noses,
ears, pieces of homespun and silk
cravats, in short, everything that poiuts
to a genuine human catastrophe.
Mr. Editor, once I was young and
now I am old and somewhat emaciated ;
silver hairs are fast stealing into my
straggling whiskers! Listen to me,
my opportunity for observation has
iieen exceptional. If a lawyer knows
the law of the case you are gritting:
your teeth about, he can show it to
you, read it to you and the knowledge
becomes your own. But if you go in
to court to confirm your judgement
and escape a head-ou collision, you
are likely to be run into an open
switch or jump a trestle.
Between the filing of a complaint
and the final mandate there is a cir
cuitous route beset with the kind of
paraphernalia that oriental degrees are
conferred with in fraternal orders.
The honest adminstratiou of law is
not so bad as a corrupt one, and judi
cial corruption is rare, but it is eaiaer
for a hyppopotamus to thread the
needle's eye than for a litigant to
come out even or his adversary to get
withiu megaphone call of the kingdom
of Heaven. H. w. Kj.
Lewis and Clark Fair .Notes.
The Massachusetts ftate building at
the Lewis and Clark exposition will be
larger than the pavilion the state erect
ed at St. Louis.
The Ocean Park (Cal.) Journal, will
send the "Queen of Ocean Park" to the
Lewis and Clark exposition. The paper
pays ail expenses of the queen, who is
elected by popular vote.
Two cars of totem pole" "av arrived
at the lwis and Clark exposition
grounds. They will form sn interesting
part of the United States government's
Alaskan display at the fair.
The first railroad locomotive ever run
in Oregon will form an interesting ex
hibit in the transportation building at
the Lewis and Clark exposition. The
locomotive is tlie property of David
Hewes of fan Francisco, who has had
it for thirty years.
Illinois day will be a big day at tlie
Lewis and Clark exposition. Governor
Deneen and staff will attend the fair
during the last week of June and elab
orate ceremonies will be observed at the
Illinois headquarters.
Clark county, Washington, which waG
named after CaptianWilliani Clark who
shared with Meriwether Lewis the hon
ors of command on tlie Lewis and
Clark exposition a ceutury ago, will
have a comprehensive exhibit at tlie
Lewis and Clark centennial.
A section of tlie biggest cherry tree
on tlie Pacific coast will be a feature
of Sacramento (Cnl.) exhibit at the
Lewis and Clark centennial. The tree
was planted in 1850, and was three feet
iu diameter when cut a few days ago.
Sick Headache.
This distressing ailment results from
a disordered condition of tlie stomach.
All that is needed to effect a cure is a
dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach
und Liver Tablets. Iu fact, tlie attact
may be warded off, or greatly lessened
In severity, by taking a dose of these
Tablets as soon as the first symptom of
an attack appears. Sold at Williams'
A Sure Test.
"Miss Edith," paid Joe the olliee boy,
"were you ever in love?" Miss Thomp
son started, then saidjlightly :
"Why, yes, I guess I've been in love.
Have you?"
Joe gave a deep sigh. "I'm in love
now," he said.
Kdith tried to check the smile on her
face at this woe begone statement,
"Realy?" she as
How can you
Locate your home where the best improvements are going.
Sewers, Spring Water and Sidewalks, fine view and good drainage.
All these are found in
Park A
Which will be included in the First Sewer District, and which is beyond question the most
desirable residence section in Hood River. Buy now before the prices advance.
evelopment Co.
OOO raver
Selling Agent.
Bargains jn Real Estate.
1. 6-room house, plastered, lot 50x11(0
feet, good well, three
school: pleasant location
blocks from
Price !K.
trade for other
Terms i down. Will
town property.
2. 4-rooui house, two lots 50x130 feet
each, city water; three blocks from
shcool house; pleasant location. Price,
$750. Terms $50 down and fl." per
month. A Bargain.
3. 10 acres good apple and strawberry
land, four acres cleared, 125 fruit trees,
one acre strawberries, -broom house,
well, stable, wood shed and pack
ing house and chicken house
Price 1200 Terms fit) down and $15
per month. Will trade lor town prop
erty or wild land.
4. Two sections of wheat Und; 100
acres under cultivation on each; 500
acres tillable land on one section, bal
ance flue pasture land, good well small
house, one section fenced. Kor sale
cheat) on easy terms. Will trade for
Hood Hiver property.
5. (i-room house, fine location, over
looking the Columbia, fi 00.
0. lour fine lots for $175 each, 4 for
150 each, below brow of hill, overlook
ing the Columbia.
7. We write all kinds of insurance
and make collections.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
Something You
Should Know
"How can I tell? Why, easv. When
I don't care to lick no messenger boys
and I don't take no interest iu life ttien
I knows I got it." Lippineott'e.
Poisons In Food.
Perhaps you don't realize that many
pain poisons originate in your food, but
some day you may feel a twinge of
dyspepsia that will convince you. Dr.
King's New Life Pills are guaranteed
to cure all sickness due to poisons of
undigested food or money back. Zocts.
at C. N. Clark's drug store. Try them.
The Woodman of the World Chorus,
of Denver, will compete for the choral
prize at the Lewis and (Jlark exposition.
Professor Cwilyn Tliomas.who had been
drilling the chorus for several months,
gained distinction by training the Den
ver Choral Society cliorous, which won
first prize at hit. Louis.
Beware of Ointments fur Catarrh
containing mercury, an mercury will surely
dantroy the i of mnell aud completely
derange the whole system when entering It
IhroiiKh the mucous surface. Hindi articles
should not he used except on prescript lens
from reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do is ten told in thegood you can pos
sibly derive from them. Hull's Csurrh Cure,
manufactured by B.K.Cheney A Co., or Toledo,
O.couUtinsjio mercury und Is taken Internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Iu buying Hall's Ca
tarrh cure be sure you get the genuine. It is
taken internally and made In Toledo, Ohio,
by B. F. Cheney 4 Co. Testimonials free.
Hold by drugglstts. Price 75c per bottle.
Ta.eHall.s Pills fur a constipation.
All diseases of Kidneys,
Bladder, urinary organs.
vropay, t emaie i rouuiei
Don't become discouraged. There is a
cure for you. If necessary write lr. t enuer.
He has spent a life time curing Just sucb
cases as yours. All consultations Free.
"I sufTerod from kidney and bladder trouble
until life was not worth livinif. 1 began using
Dr. Fenner e Kidney and Backacketure and in
a short time I noticed a great improvement.
The eoreness left my back and 1 was Boon
permanently cured. lours truly,
HOWARD MITCHELL. Kansas City, Mo."
Druggists, 60c., 11. Ask for Cook Book I'iiuk
For Sale by C, N. CLARKE, Hood River.
Your health or that: of your family should l
a great object lo you. and when you need any
medicine you .should make sure that you get
the purest and freshest DRUGS.
Thai is tlie kind sold by
The Druggist
Wish to call your attention to the fact that they have a
well selected line of
School Tablets, Pencils
and anything you need for School use. Don't forget
that they also have a line or fun
Candies, Nuts and Sundries
too numerous to mention.
call ajrain.
Call, ant
Phone 17.'?.
bone & Mcdonald
For Flour, Feed, & Groceries
Child's Rubbers, 200
Look at our prices on Hul
Ladies Rubbers, ;)0 .Men s Rolled huge " a
Ladies' and Children's Rubber Roots at propor
tionately low prices.
Underwear at prices that cannot be duplicated in town.
Call and see us. Free delivery.
bone & Mcdonald
A Few Facts Worth Knowing
The Paradise I
one year. It is a
Hood River labor
It has distributed
the last year for
.aundi'V has been in operation just
Hood" River industry, employing
and causing Hood River products,
in the town over .f L000 during
labor and supplies
During the
coining season it will reach ft. ,( or more.
It is a truism that all things must creep before
they walk, and we are commencing to walk pretty
fast. Changes are being made in the plant and new
equipment added till the time. We guarantee you
first-class work ami our prices are standard and sat
satisfactory. Ask for terms on family washings.
We are a home industry and thank our patrons
for their liberal plilronage in the past, and feel con
fident the future will onvince the most critical that
Hood River has tin up-to-date and progressive laun
dry. Send us your lace curtains, woolen blankets,
ladies' dresses, gents' clothes, in fact any laundry you
may have, and we will guarantee you satisfaction.
Hood River.
l'.MTAHLiMiinn 1000.
Residents of Wasco Co. for 211 Yours
Transact a General Banking Business.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Issue American Hankers Association Money Order payable any place in tin1
United States. We have for mile the Lev. in unit ('lurk gold dollars. An excel
lent remembrance for your eastern friends.
a r load of
U. S. Commissioner.
Notary IYhuc
Beautiful eyes and handsome face are
el qnent co-nmendatious. Bright eyes
11 f windows to a womatts hear't. Iiol-
1 'r's Rockv Mountain Tea make
l.rivht eveg. 83 cents, Tea or Tablets.
Sold by C. X. Clarke, druggist.
It make no difference how many
medicines have failed to cure yon, if
you are troubled with headache, const i
palion, kidney or liver 'roubles, lloi
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make
you well. Sold by C. N.Clark.druggist.
Insure in an all home institution, Tlie
Oreron Fire Relief association of I
Minnville, Frank J. Perkins, went, P.
0. box 92, Hood River, Or.
Geo, To Prattler,
Abstracts, Conveyances, Insurance
and Financial Agent.
Hit Wall Paper Co
Curries everything in the line, including
Krinkled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging:, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone. 071 . First and Oak Streets.
The Old find Reliable and Up-to-date Heal Hstat
City and Valley. '20 years in Ileal hstate and Insurance
or sell Real Estate, come and see me.
The following list is only a small portion of lands w
Agent . 2i years a resident of the
in town. If you want to buy
have for sale
1. 5-room house and over an
acre of land. Most sightly loca
tion in town. f About 40 fruit trees
and other fruit. l'.any term.
Only $1500
2 It 60x135, good location
and fine view 2"i0
3, ' One and (ne lialf lots on
Stale .treet, fenced, sidewalk and
fruit trees 030
4. SLviine lots on the hill, very
fine plv 1100
3. 'A'goM building lot iu Iiar-
rett-Wpnia addition 200
li. Kmall houHe and good lot in
Blowers addition H(H)
7. Hu and lot and good barn
in good sightly location 12.10
8. A good business comer on
Oak street, 75 1 100 feet. Three
good buildings on the property... 3000
Also the exclusive rule of lots
in Kiverview Park and Idlcwilde
1 25 acres 5' j miles from town
on the Eal side; gond tipp'e hind
alKiut 3 acres cleared mid 4' li n t
trees set A house, one half m le
from sedonl, on H. I. route 1700
2 5 acres 2 miles from tou n mi
West side. All in cultivation; 'i
acres in strawberries; n few fruit
trees; 4 loom hoii-c; "inll liarn :
close to church. Knsv terms 1300
3. 20 acre of (od apple hind,
unimproved, 12 miles from tmvii "30
4 40 acres li milrs from town,
37 HCres iu cultivation, 4 acre, ju
strawberries, 4MI apple tiers of
the Iwst vaiietii's nod ill tin" cou
dit ion .several acres in alfalfa and
clover; ail good laud, one-half
mile from school and with one of
the best views In the valley,
(iood terms 11000
5. 10 acres of unimproved land
0 miles from town, level and eas
ily irrigated; will grow any kind
of crops; close to school and
irrigating ditch 1 100
li. 20 acres of unimproved land
(i inlli s from town, level and eus-
1 ily irriga'.ed; will grow any kind
; of crops; close to school and
I church 1KO0
j 7. HO acres six miles from town
I mi West side; 4 acres In Iwarlng
j orchard; creek runs through the
place; fine for fruit or grass; good
4 -room house 3300
j S. llurrv llrowu place of 5 acres
:4 acres in strawlierries; horse,
' uagou, harness, farm tools slid a
4-ii ch water right go with the
I l ire 1500
with tlie water Unit is past, but unlike
the mill, our past order have been
filled so siiceest-l'tilly that new oie s are
constantly coming in lioni our old
patrons. Are you to Is? one of them'.'
Our Dulles l'atent ami Wliili! K v r
flour is the finest thai is uii!led. and
is ground from the Ix-st selected wheal;
ill fact the cream of the w lieatlic hN,
and It makes the most delicious bread
white und palalalile.
for hai.k n v
Hood River, Or.
Our llaodsi mely Illustrated and Descriptive 1005 Catalog tells all about the
Best Seeds, Plants, Shrubs, Poultry and Bee Supplies, Fertilizers,
Tools, Spray Pumps, Garden Supplies, etc.
We fairy imme: se s neks, miiUe ipiick deliveries and promise that your
oitleis will have our most careful attention.
Don't buy supplies in the aliove lined w ithout first consulting our 1005 ldie
t ruled and Deseiiptive Catalog, free on request.
-I". 11- lfB. lt ".- "
. . . . - - r-, ,-, mt m i , -1 m - - - i i - r " 1