ARVOM -A. SPECIAL SALE B fcf-t- Htm MM ' O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. E ist bound No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:43 a. m. No. 4, Hpokane Flyer, 8:; p. ra. No. II, Mall and Express, 10:50 p. m. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:10 p. in. No. 'II. Fast Freight, 4:05 a. in. West bound No. I, Portland Special, S:03 p. m. No. 8, Portland Flyer, 5:Wf a. m. No. 5, Mall and Express, 4:48 a. m. No. 2:4, Way Freight, 9:25 a. m. No. til, Fast Freight, 5:45 p. m. Hood River Weather Report. For week ending Tuesday, Feb. 7: Mean maximum, :M.8"; mean minimum, 30. 8; mean, 34 8 Highest temperature, 49 Keb. 7; lowpst, 25 c night ol Keb. li. l'reciplatlon.01 of an Inch. 1). N. BVkRLEK, Observer. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Hoosier Social Feb. 22, Money to loan E. II. Hartwig. Pine apples, 35c, at The Favorite. Ohio chestnuts a', The Favorite. Use Williams' anti-Beptio hair tonic and keep off gray hairs. 1100TH8 have moved to where Rand used to lie. For sale. Some of the finest lots on lie hill, fronting the river. Also lots in Uiverview park and Idlewild. See W. J. linker. Chocolate menier is absolutely pure, and guaranteed best made. Oet a can at Hone & McDonald's. A fine farm for sale in the Odell dis trict. Well improved. Sold at a bar gain if taken soon. W. J. Baker. W. .1. Baker has some beautiful lots for pale near Chaa. Clarke's residence on the hill. We invite the public to come in and get our meat prices. We are selling boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mayes ISKOB. I Call and see Strowbridges' new stock j of wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, etc., 1 next door to Mayes' meat market. ' Do your eyes fail you? Come in and sue C. II. Temple, the oculist, who is prepared to test and fit your eyes, and lias the largest stock of glasses in the citv. If your watch is out of order come ami see C. II. Temple, the watch maker, who will repair your watch, and save time, save money, and have your watch hist many years more than it would if you go to some one who has not had the many years experience I have. Insure in an all home institution, The Oregon Fire Relief association of Mc Minnville. Frank J. Perkins, agent, P. O. boxJ2, Hood River, Or. Best selection of rings ever brought to Hood River. Over 200 styles. C. H, Temple. 8. E. Hartmess has a first class uphol sterer in his employ, and is prepared to do all kinds of repair work. BOOTHS have moved where Rand used to be. I have a large stock on hand, in fact, the largest stock in town. Watches, the finest grade rings, the largest stock, all at reduced prices. Come and see 0. II. Temple for bargains in all lines. Mayes Bros.' moat market gives notice that all orders for morning delivery must be in by 10:45 o'clock. The after noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30. Mayk8 Bros. For Wilbur's poultry and stock food go to Bono A McDonald's. If you get an article of Clarke, the jew eler, ami it doesn't prove to be as rep n" en ted, bring it bark: Valentines sj White Enameled All this season's newest conceits, . . l-i,i, i . .. i mental and comic, from , JTi , J JZZ Toy o?".' "' QrSJys. J.y1.-f' 1 utensil you want at Little Prices. 75c Framed Pictures for i jf 7 tf 1 J TiW-- 36c-I.andsoape, in gray and col- Jf 1 f gCM , . . , , or, pretty frames, glass mounted, m W M lA We make it a point to keep things r sful to the eve. . w. . - y.ou "? filld elsewhere. A big va- : - A Window Full of nety and Little Prices. Keep in Mind . Rummage Bargains That we have all sorts of garden Ladies' French Flunnel Waists. 2.02 Hardware tools for your spring work, and you Walklogr Skirts 98c, 2.44, 3 98, 4.98 What's the use of paying more for c in get them here for lesa tban else- Flannelette Waists 40 your hardware than we sell it for. where. Jersey Knit Underskirts 48 Come and let us save you money. . Woolen Hose 15 Mr. Ground Hog 50c Neckwear 23 CrocRery Says "no more winter," so you can Men's Fancy Hi e. 2tlc grade 09 If you want something nice for a bet-in to plan your garden. All kind Boys' Fleece-Iinwl Underwear 33 gift, we bave got just what will suit of seeds in bulk or package here. Ladies' Dressing Sacqueg 65 you. We keep the every -day kind, Little Prices. Children's Silk iiooda 37c, .43 too. Li l tie Prices. FREE! A Base Ball and Bat (IVEN AWAY WITH EVERY BOY'S or YOUTH'S SUIT These bright, sunny days herald the coming of the glad spring-time. We are ready to help you enjoy yourselves with the great American game of Baseball. OVERCOATS BOYS' and YOUTHS' CLOTHING AT A GREAT SACRIFICE WITH BAT AND BALL THROWN IN. 50 acres on the East Side, 2 miles out. 10 acres in young orchard. A snap. W.J. BAKER. Largo stock of horse blankets and winter robes at 8. J. Frank's. Cocoa menier and chocolate menier at Bone & McDonald's. Latest designs in ladies watches ; gold filled, solid gold, and also with diamond setting. Also a full line of gentlemen's watches. C. li. Temple. House and two lots in Albany will trade for Hood River property. W. J. Baker. Mantle clocks, with gold plated front, warranted not to tarnish, at C. H. Temple's. Want 40 to 160 acres wild land good soil, comparatively level, in lower Mount Hood district. Price must be reason able. Terms, spotcash. Address P. O. box 141, Portland, Or. Before purchasing anything in the watch, clock or jewelry line, get my prices. Clarke, the jeweler. Temple, the Jeweler, has moved into the Smith building, opposite Williams' drug store. We are still selling our home made lard as cheap as other lard can be bought and we guarantee every bucket. 10s, 1 1.40 ; 6s, 70c ; 3s, 45r. Mayks Bros. I am prepared to save you money on your year's reading. Bring in a list of magazines you would like and let me give you a price on them. Geo. I. Slo com. The band boys will give a masquerade ball Saturday evening, February 4. Tickets Gentlemen, 75c; ladies free. I have a few pieces of cut glass left, which I will close out at the lowest pos- si Die prices. uiarke, the jeweler. Every article in my stock marked down at greatly reduced priced. Call and look them over. Clarke the jew eler. Fresh smelt at McGuire Broa. Two small houses for sale.W. J. Baker. New corned beef at McGuire Bros. Land triven in esehnnura for iaarino other land. j. L. Henderson. Five acres half a miln from tsium A snap. W. J. Baker A Co. Cranberries at Holman's. Oranges, 15c a dozen ct Holman's. Celery and cabbage at Holman'i. Jtice, 20 Bs for $1, at Holman's. Buckwheat flour at Holman's. See that fine line of brooms at Hol man's. Full line of all kinds of meat, fresh and cured, at Holman's. Valentines at Coe's. Good lot in Spokane, Wash., will trade for Hood River property. W. J. Baker. Gloves and mittens at cost Largest stock in the city. Must reduce the stock. 8. J. Frank. House and lot on hill $tKK). Renting for $8 per month. Terms $200 down, balance on time. W. J. Baker. Get your harness oiled and repaired for the spring work soon to begin. Sher- iiitu rraim is me Harness man who is prepared to do the job. Special A 160-page pencil composi- uun uook ior ac at uoe son s. A 40-sheet pen tablet, note size, for 3c All views at. half price at Pop A Son's u&i ir inc. rtAtwi ur ikauinu AT The Bid Store with Little Prices siol El i 1 ZfcTO"W" OT Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM. There is a stoie in Hood River town, Known to all the people roun 1 ; The place to get your peanuts hot, Is at Coe & Son's, they hit the spot. Water Notice. From and after January 1, 1005, the Waucoma Hydrant Co. 's "family rates will be raised to $1.25 per month. A re bate of 25c will be made on family rates if paid when the collector calls. II. C. COE, owner. New Today. 160 acres in Howell County, Mo., will trade for Hood River property. W.J. Baker. Chas. N. Clarke, manager of the Hood River opera house, announces that he has billed Mahara's minstrels for Saturday, March 7. Don't buy your berry crates until our representative sees you. Our prices are right, and we can deliver the goods when you want them. Davidson Fruit company. C. W. Betts, a physical director for merly of Portland but now of The Dalles, is arranging to give lessons in physical culture. Mr. Betts comes highly recommended. All wishing par ticulars should apply to L. G. Morgan or G. W. Betts at The Dalles. Buy your berry crates and fruit boxes at the Hood River box factory. They are homemade and the fruit sells at top prices when packed in them. Hood River fruit deserves good boxes, and when you buy from the Hood River box foctory you are sure of a supply when yon want them. Our prices are right. Davidson Fruit Co. Born. At Menominee February 7,to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lane a boy. Will Manufacture Pressed ltrlck. A. T. Zeek is enlarging his brick making plant by the addition of the latest, up-to-date steam machinery for the manufacture of pressed brick. Mr. Zeek met with the best of succes during the season just closed both in the manufacture of a lurge number of brick of excellent quality and in finding a demand for his product as fast as the kilns cooled and then wasn't satis fied, and he says prospects are good for a stronger demand the coming year. Mr. Zeek now has his son-in-law, J. T. Dodge, associated with him and Mr. Dodge goes this week to purchase the outfit which will have a daily capacity of 40,000 brick. They expect to have the machinery on the ground by the last of next week and will have every thing in readiness when the season opens. T. R. Coon of University Park ar rived in the city Wednesday noon. The Minnesota educational exhibit. which won the grand prize at St. tauis, will be sent to the Lewis and Clark cen tennial. W. J. Baker & Co. sold yesterday the house and lot of C. L. Holers near the school house to W. W. Nason : consid eration, $1700. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Howell arrived Sunday from Wasco and are visiting irs. noweirg parents, Mr. and Mrs W. H. Peiigh of this citv. Mr. Howell raises wheat in Sherman county, where lie owns asm acers ol land. He is said to be the tallest man in the county, be- ng nearly sit leet. six inches in height. I Woman's Alliance will moot with j Mrs. Stewart Friday afternoon. Miss Mildred Metcalf has returned home alter a two weeks visit with ! friends on the Fast side. I The Union church at Odell i- now ' entirely free from debt, all subscriptions having wen paid. itev. it . it. i;iarK was canon tonne , Grove on Monday last to preach th funeral sermon of the child of Mr. and Mrs. Diglcr. The Cascade Card club has been organized rjy twelve llooa luver ladies with meetings hold ou Tlmrs day afternoons. Leo Root of Mosier. ucconnaniod by his sister, Miss Edna, was in Hood River Saturday night to attend the masqhueraue ball given liy the hand boys. W. J. Baker A. Co., the veal estate dealers, made sale Monday for 1.. C. llaynes of Uie house and lot on the hill side above his residence to Moll Foley ; consideration, 375. E. Bravford of Barrett district w fill the pulpit at the United Brethren conic n iu uooo. Kiver.nuimay morning, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Bravford is known to be an entertaining speaker. The ladies of the Congregational society will give oue of their popular teas at trie home of Mrs. 11. (J. Hate ham on Friday afternoon, February io, rrom J, :;) until & o'clock. A cor dial invitatiou is extended to all. Professor C. D. Thompson, princi pal of the Barrett school, is in The Dalles this week, acting as a member or the WaHeo county examining board, with Superintendent Neff and Pro fessor W. H. White of Dufur. Mrs. Fred Bailey and children are ex pected up from Portland the latter part of the week, Mr. Bailey, who is assistinu: Mr. Prangle in managing the Marnaiii grand opera house, will have to remain in the city until the theatrical season closes about the first of May. Mention is mado in another column of two cars of apples being shipped by the Apple Growers union to New Or leans, but later information brings tho news that as the freight rates per hun dred are $1 instead of 75 cents, the southern buyers have been forced to cancel the order. Business changes on the Heights have been frequent of late. Lust week N. T. Chapman traded tho remaining 6' acres of his farm for Groves' half interest in the Lamar food store. Mr. Chapman received flGOO in cash iu ad ditou to the store stock. Among tho transfers of realestato in Skamania county during the month of January was the sale of Ilk' acres of hind by O. C. Dean to A. J. Sheplor; consideration 1000. A. (1. Ames disposed of his interest in the Nigger Head mining district to Thornton Bros. ; consideration, f'iT. Mr. and Mrs. John Caples arrived from Hood River Friday evening and will make their home in our citv and expect to build in the near future. He is having the large trees cut around Ins lots on the corner of Second avenue and Third street and will begin the erection ofa neat little dwelling kioii. Forest Grove News. II. M. Huxley returned last Tuesday from Sacramento, his family coming home wi'h liiin. Mr. Huxley says that he found most ol the folks homesick for Hood River when he got there mid none of them nell. Mrs Huvlev's isit was cut short, and she did not iiet to see any oillnse whom she went i specially to visi'. Tho Woman's Christian Temperance union met in the V. 11. church Tuesday afternoon. Five of the 15 members were present. An intcre ting discus sion was held on the ways and means of future work. The next meeting, Feb ruary 21, will be a memorial service in honor of Frances E.Willard, whose stat ue will be placed in the cupitol at Wash ington on February 17. In the otlice of the Mount Hood hotel hang two beautiful photographs of the Oregon apple exhibit at th- St. Louis fair. !1ih pictures wore presented to Mine Host Gilbert by K 11. Shenard of the Hood River Apple Grower's union. 1 tie pictures show tliedisnlav of antiles sent from Hood River the handsome collection that won the only grand roun ty prize for fruit in all tho United buttes. Frohn A Hoaton have purchased the grocery and meat business of C. (. irue, on the Heights. The young men took possession last Fndav. They have announced through the ad vertising columns of the Glucior their intention to noil froi-h mid cured ments, Hour, foodrnd groceries. Their place of business is near the Car michael drvM'oods store. Give the new (Inn a call. Invitations are out announcing a dunce at the opera house, Wednesday evening, l'ehruary 15. The function, which promises to he a right smart affair, is in charge of Miss Baker, Miss Cramer, Miss Groves, Miss Howe, Miss Olinger, Miss IloKllev, MissSonger, Miss lily the, Miss Cross, Miss Kelsay. The patronesses are Mrs. Edward N. Blvthe, Mrs. Carle- ton li. vaughan, Mrs. li. .Norman Young, Mrs. Arthur Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson of Hood River who have been here for a short time to visit their son who is a student at the university left for home Thursday afternoon. Mr. Henderson has been at Halem for sometime in the interest of the new county of Cascade which is to be carved out of Wasco, and of which Hood River is to be the county seat, and he lias no fears but what it will l accomplished. Mr. Henderson used to teach school in Eugene some thirty years ago and is well acquainted with many of our old time resi dents. Eugene Register. A large audience greeted Professor Cyrus lirownloe Newton, tho Califor nia humorist, on his appearance at the opera house last Friday evening. His program was as unique as it was original, and from the geuorous ap plause giyen the speaker, his work was appreciated. Tho professor has a wonderful range and versatility in his voice, and it may bo well said ho has few equals as an entertainer. It was one of the best evenings entertain ments at the opera house for many a day, and a few more attractions of this character will tond to popularize the local theater. Band Boys Are Being Well. The masquerade ball at the opera house Saturday night, under the man agement of the Hood River brass band, was a verv successful and pleasant affair. The ball netted the hand 43 50. Many of the masoea were decidedly unique and original. The winners of the prizes were : First Prize Miss Freda Johnston, who represented the ''God dess of Night." The prize consisted of a hansome center table or stand, the handiwork of R. H. Husbands, a mem ber of the band. Mr. Husbands also made the carved vase, which was won bv Kantord Tate, decided to have been the best gentle man waltzer. Mrs. Walter McGuire was awarded a beautiful allium, pre sented by the Big Store With Little Prices for the beft ladv waltzer. The judges were I). "F. Lamar, Mr. Daviesand D. R. Norton. The band extended a vote of thanks to Major ! Water and Light Notice All water and light bills must be paid at the company's otlice each month in advance, on or before the 10th dav of the mouth. No collector will be sent out hereafter.In all cases where bills are not promptly paid when due, tho ser vices will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. HOOD RIVER ELECTRIC L. P. & W. C. By W. H. Chipping, Manager. Will Stay in Hood Hirer. The remedy that makes you eat, sleep and grow strong, called Palmo Tablets, will be sold regularly by Williams' Pharmacy, Hood River. These great nerve and constitution builders cost only 50c per bosjjix boxes $2.50. 160-acre improved farm, under irriga tion, in Nebraska, for farm in Hood River or White Salmon. W. J. Baker. New Hampshire's building at the I-ewis and Clark centennial will be a re production of the birthplace of Daniel Webster. Notice. Geo. D. Colbert on Co. are my au thorized agents for the renting of my houses and selling town and country property, H. C. ('OK. Mid-Winter Clothing Sale PRIC Smith Block AT RAND'S Hood River '.V 11 DM M PTAT1.ZFB 8 CO KrA CLOTTtm CMII AGO. You will probably ask, why we are making- this sacrifice. The answer is, First, to advertise our Clothing Department and stimulate our other departments to greater activity. Secondly, to make room for our Big Spring Line Of Cloth ing, which we cannot handle advantageously while our Clothing Department is in its present congested condition. HATS FOR MEN MEN FOR HATS ivo kinds of other kind. There are two bury and the othei If you get the Kingsbury you get the other kind, well, Several styles of Kinersburv Hats to be closed nut, nt, ror1iirH nricou . . , r v.. Come in; you are as Smith Block. Iiooth for his valuable co-operation in making for the success of tlm dunce. The Hood River band meets regularly for practice and proposes to bo in form to give good music next summer. The band lias been strengthened by the ad dition of several new members. The recent election of ollicers resulted as follows: W. A. Isenlierg, president: Uert Kent, leader; C. U. Dakin, sec retary; R. II. Husbands, treasurer. 1 he members of the band are: W. A. I sen berg and Bert Kent, solo b-flat cornet; L. S. Isenberg 1st b Hat cornet; Kob Husbands, 1st tenor; D. R. llemmerl slide; I 'ete Hemmerl 2nd tenor; ('has. Foster, solo alto; Or villu Lakin, 1st alto; William Zollcs, 2nd alto; llobert Garribrant, baritone: Walter Dickey, baritone; C. I!. Dakin. base drum; Cale Richardson, snair Irum; M. H. Isenberg, Tuba. SANBORN TRIAL IS SET FOR SATURDAY The trial set for last Saturday bo- fore the school board of the Hood River district, wherein Mrs. San born, ouo of the teachers, was to answer the charge of incompetency prororred ny patrons of tho school, was postponed until the coming Sat urday. 'Iho board, tho interested parties. tho attorneys, witnesses and interest ed spectators gathered at the Park- chool house last Saturday moruinu. but after the case was opened, Attor ney Henderson for the plaintiff pre sented an amended complaint, to which Attorney Sanborn took tho lim it of five days in which to file an an swer. There was some 1 reliminary sparring over the date that should be sot. Some reference was made to by one of tho directors that the case need never have come up, when Attorney Sanborn banged his flat upon the table before him and thundered: "Vou tried to beat her down." Something else was aaid and Cap tain Blowers retorted that he felt like lighting now. "I love a scrap," came the prompt answer from the attorney for the de fense, and there was applause from a number of the patrons present. Appeals to State Superintendent. County Snjierintendent Neff rendered a decision Saturday afternoon sustain ing the action of the school board in granting Mrs. Sanborn leave of absence Closing Out During the month of February we will place on sale: 200 Men's Winter-weight Suits of Clothes 120 Boys' Long Pants Suits AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Men's 123.00 Suits 1 8.50 Hoys' .f 1 (5.00 Suits f1 .50 Meirs 120.00 Suits 14.75 Hoys' 1 2.00 Suits 9.60 Mens 1 :,. 00 Suits 10.90 Boys' .f 10.00 Suits 7.50 Men's .flLMO Suits 9.50 Hoys' f 7.50 Suits 5.25 Men's fl 0.00 Suits 7.40 Hoys' o.OO Suits 3.90 $3.00 Hats-tho Kings- you make no mistake. If that's your business. $iJ. Cs - . V. y ff rt 1 welcome looking as buying. J E R.AJsTO. with pay. Attorney Sanborn, in be half of his nife Iiiih ti, Kltiti, Superintendent Aekeinian. Hie case lor the hearing on the appeal from the action of the school board was called at 3 o'clock in the high school building, Saturday afternoon. Attorney Hanborn. in log inovnl ulli-,,,.,! ilmt i).. . . "I I "'I m"h " '' object of the board meeting of January iu was suueu in an amtngnoiisand mis leading manner; that giving the teach er leave of iiIimioipm uml i.MUMti.r l,f name on the payroll is ill' gal; that the uomiiy superintendent, took an active part in the investigation and advised the board what action to take. In his appeal to Sujiei inlemlent Ack erman, Attorney Sanborn avers that the transcript tiled by the clerk of the board was an incomplete record of the proceedings of the board meeting, Jan uary 10. In appeals in such ca-es, the law Jiro vides that no new evidence can be ad mitted, states Attorney Sanborn, but the dteilion fifllio f'nimtL tiiiu.rit.t,.,,,!. cut to whom appeal iH undo must he oaseo upon me record or upon tlie evi dence brought foi th at the time of the trial "Having no meli evidence upon which to judge of the merits ol the e;e, how was Superintendent N'elf t render a decision as to the justice or legality of the llecision previously rendered by the board?" asks Attorney Sanborn. Sanborn declaiei the comity superin tendent incapacitated himself from act ing as a judge in the malt. t, When he had taken jiart in the previous pro ceeding?, from which th uiim taken. Explain Work or School Lxhlbil. The session of the Wasco county Princijials' club iu tho rooms of the Hood River high M'hool .Saturday morning was devoted to a round table discussion of the county's education al exhibit at the Lewis and ('lark ex position. J. S. Landers, city siiperntcndent of TheDallcM public, schools, was on band with some sample work done by pupils of other schools. Superintendent lenders was in charge of the Oregon ediicatonal ex hibit at the St. Louis fair, and was able to give the Wasco county teach ers much valuable information as to , how exhibit work ran last be dis- j played. Superintendent Landers states that . the schools of tho county are taking a great interest iu tho exhibit to be made at Portland this summer. The fact that the exhibit will properly belong to the pupils of tbe school Below Cost . A limited number ol' Jiili-fiTiule Tailored Hats, also a few pat terns. Ready-to-Wear Hats Sacrificed below Cost They are correct in stylo, but must be niov el to make room for spring- Stock. A swell line of colorings in Velvets for Girdles, Dress Trimmings, etc. f 8 (f fm V V Hood Iliver. I that tho children will havo an oppor tunity to see their own work at tho fair and to point it out to their friends, has aroused an iiiooutive to produce excellent work. There was a largo attendance of the teachers of the valley Superintendent Nelf was jiresent from Tho Dalles. Tho next session of the club will be held Saturday, March 11. Decide not to Deport Negroes. The negative debaters were awarded the decision last Friday afternoon at tho high school debate on tbe question, "lfesolvcd, That the Negro should tie deported from the United States." Tho argument advanced by the young speak ers was to tbe effect that such a course would he unjust, unconstitutional, and decidedly impracticable. The ullirmative sneakers were Otis Treiber, Pearl Bradley, Lola Kelsay. The supporters of the negative liur leigh ( ash, Garnet (Ireen, Ruin IJhigg and Ilia Ilood. Professor Crouse, Charles Shu te and Alva Hay were the J udges. Flection of ollicers for the High School Debating society resulted a" fol lows: I'rovessor Crouse, president ; Harold llershner, vice president; Hen ry ilrovtii, secretary; Frames Itragg, treasurer; Professor Wiley, critic. The next meeting will he held in tho Park-street school building, Friday afternoon, February 17. The society is in a nourishing condi tion. Its membership numoers .'II young men and women of the high schisil. A great deal of interest has been aroused by t he debates, ami some excellent public speakers aie being de veloped. Deliver Uiitter In Packages. MeUiiiro ilroa'. meat market deliver their White Clover butter in moisture proof packages, which matos it jiossi ble for the butter to retain all its deli cate flavor and sweetness, and at tho same timo exclude surrounding b .d odors. The White Clover butter is manr factured by the Townsend Creamery Co. of Portland. No liner butter is made. It, is sold only by Mcduiio liros. in this city. For jnirity, Haver and quality the White Clover brand is unequalled. It is churned from the purest cream, that has lieen Pub teurized. i 110 acres, 1J miles from Mosier st.i ' tion, on main road; good spring ; $25 an , sere; will divide; line apple h.nd. Al-o 1 other Mosier property. W.J.Baker A Co. TAI r. . t 'J