The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 09, 1905, Image 5

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By virtue of a warrant issued by the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Wasco, to me directed,
couimandinR me to sell the several tracts
or j antlo of real properly (mbivctid in
the uelincU!'iit tax list for the year 190;),
on the Kith day of February, l!H)5,at the
hour of 10 :00 a.m. of said day , at llie from
door of the County court house iu Dalles
City, Was;o County, Oregon, I will sell
the following described real property at
public auction for cash in hand for the
amount of the taxed, coets and accom
panying penalties uuinst each of the
parcels oi land described below, and
issue therefor a certificate to the party
buying the same at the lowest rate of
interest, subject to redemption as pro
vided by statute, with costs and accru
ing costs. 1 shall continue the sale from
day to day until all of said real estate is
Abraham. Surali, Hood River Park, lot
83, blocks
AbruhHin. Ross, Hood River Vark, lot
! bl(x:k 8
AIUhoii, II. K., wj nwiie ayoe
ne'. nw'4, Bee a, t Ik, t He.
se'4 ec 10, t In, r 8e
Altinuu, .lueob, K 1 W 2d add to Hood
Klver, lotx, 3,0, 7, 8, and 10, blocks.
American Clur Co., K4W 2d add to
Hood River, low 25, 211, , at and 20,
block li
Anderson, W. A., K 4 W 2d add to
Hood River, lots IS and 14, block 6. . .
Archer, M., Waucoma Park, Hood
River, lot I and 2, block 1
Asliby, Nancy, ft by 200 f In Haird'a
mill to Antelope, In tiie ne corner of
blin k 7.
y, snw BWjneJi aym
see lii, t Ss, r lti e
Ashor,, KlW 1st add to Hood
River, Im 17, block 10
Buker, H. 1'., Howl, all of block 4
llnl Iwln, Kd, bt-iilnning nt the 11 w cor
ner of Main and Union BtreetH, Uftltea
;ity, n VJO It, w 10U it, 120 ft, e 100 ft
to beginning, Trev. add to Dalles City
BunxM. K., Hood River i'ark, lots S,
4, 5, , 10, 1 1, 14, 16, 27, 3li, 37 . 88, 39, 42,
. 4ii, 47, Hood River i'nik, block 1.
lts 6. 6, 7, 8. 10, il, 18, 18, 17, 20, 21,
SI, 40, II, 44, 45, 48, Hood River Park,
blocK 8.
Lot 1, IB, 17, SO, 21, 22, 28, 20, 27, 28 to
48 inclusive. In Hood River Para,
bl.K'k 2
Barker, .Samuel, bcKlnnlnK 62 raand
226 fl e of the nw corner of see 8,
thence e Ct r, b 24 8-10 r, w H r,
n 24 8 10 r, to beginning, In sec S,
1 2n, r 10 e
Harm's, H. A., I'arklmrst add to Hood
River, lots 3 and 4, block 4
Barnes, Mrs. 11. A., Kouth Vt'aucoma
add to Hood River, w', of n 128 fl of
lot I, block 1
Barrett, A. 11., n ne sw, sec 4, 1 2n,
r 10 e :
Bartscli, A. (J., Hood River Park, lot 1,
block 1
Hartscli, Alga, Hood River Park, lot 2,
block 1 .
Hates, Fannie, E A W'a 1st add to
Hood Klver, lotBSHand 40, block 7 . .
BaUfonl, Florence V., K & W's 1st add
to H(M)d River, lots 10 and 20, block 8
llaycr, J. C, Hood River Park, lots 2,
8, li, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, ID, 22, 23, 24, 85,
211, 2ti, 31, 34, 36. 38, 39, 42, 43, 4ti, 47,
block 12
ISciitv, .1. W., se sec 2, t6, r 11 e
Heck, V m ma, sec. 8, t In. r 12e
Bender, Klizabetli, Hood River Park,
lot 2i, block 8
Berlin, U. I;., Hood River Park, Iota 1,
4, 6, 8, block 4
Blaleney, Mrs. Nancy, o nw$ y
ne'4, sec 10, t 2 n. r 12 e
Blolcher, H. K., beginning 20 roda east
of the nw corner of the nw)j of sec
15, a 1 r, e 20 r, n to ditch; e 20 r, n to
north line of section; w 40 r to begin
ning: sec IS, 1 Jn, r lOe
lloornian, U. N., seytne n nej ne
sec 83, t 8n, r 10 e
Bost, Jo' n, Thompson's add to Dalles
City, lots 10 and 11, block l.i.and lot 8,
block 8
Ilos'on, John V.. E A Ws 2d add to
Hood hlvcr, lot 30, block 8
Boorman, F.lius, E& Ws 1st addition
to Hood River, lots 9 and 10, block 8
Boyd, W. 11., E & W" 1st add to Hood
River, lots t.6 and 2ti, block 1
Briter. Herman, E & W's 1st add to
Hood Klver, lots iS and 84, block 4. .
Bradley, liora, BarreiUHIpma add to
Hood River, lot 6, block 3
Brown, Hatlie J., E & W'B 1st add to
Hood River, lots 45, 4, 47 and 48,
Brown, John, E A Ws 2d add to Hood
River, lots 1, 2 und 3, block 9
Brown, John W., h ne1 sen yv
neVi sw'4 sec 31, 1 2n, r 12e
Burke, Bridget, Hood River Park, lot 2
block 2
Hints, Kobert I., sw sec 31, t Is, r 14e
Cable, Elbert. K .. E A Ws 1st add to
Hood River, lot 6 1, block 6
Campbell, M. J., E A ' 1st add to
Hood River, lots 27 and 28, block 2.
Campbell, J. W.. E A W'b 1st addition
to Hood River, lots .6 and 26, block 2
Campbell, H.J., s, wytaey seo 13,
fin, r lOe
Cart', Matilda, Hood River Park, loU
25, 28, 29, 3;, 33 and 3H, block 9
Carr, liruce L., Hood River Park,
lots 7 and 8, block 1.
lots28,29 and 36, block 3.
lots 7, 10, 11, 14 15, 2 1, 32, 38, 42, block 4.
lots i, 4, N 8, 9, 12, 24, 25, 28. 29, 32, 83,
Stl, 37, 44, 45 and 48 block 8.
lots 1 to 9 Inclusive, 11, 12, 15, 19. 22, 23,
8(1,27,30,31,34, 35, 38, 29, 41, 42 to 48
Inclusive, block 9.
All of block 7.
-All in Hood River Park
Carter V N.. E ft Ws 1st add to Hood
River, lots 19 and 20. block 7
t ales, Alice, I.siighlln's Bluff add to
Dalles i Ity, north half of block 2 ...
Cates, U. 1.., lv. IlelghU, Cascade
Locks, lots 4 to 10 inclusive, block 2;
lots 1, 2 and 3, block 1.
(.'handler Fred, beginning 42 rsand
11 r w of the ne corner of nw'4 nw'4
ace 14, w 4 r, s 16 r, n 4 r, e 16 r to be
ginning, sec 14, t 4b, r 12e
Chambers, W. M., ne' ue'i, sec 26,
t 3n, r Ule ,
Chapman, Jessie, nw'4 nw sw4, sec
1, 1 2n, r We
Cbappey, F., Hood River Park, lots 22,
23, M and 38, block 3
Chase, J., Hood River Park, lot 41,
block 1
Cheesman, H. M., nw'4 sec 21, t In, r 12e
Chenoweih, H. L., Interest In e eo
17, t 2s, r I4e ,
Cod v. Annie, Hood River Park, lot 8,
block 2
Cochran, Mrs, V., Balrd'Badd to Ante
lope, lots 8 and 9, block 4
Coe, Kittle, Hood River, lot 5, block
Coleman, Harry, Hood River Park,
lot 84. block 10
Coleman, L. ('., i) se'4 se'4 ae4, seo
82, t In, r8e
ColliriB, ('. B., Hood River Park, lot 84,
block 1
Collins, Isabelle, Hood River ParK, lot
25, block 1
0 tnl, Louis, Lnnghlln's addition to
llesCity, west half or lots, block 6
Mil. odd to Dalles City, lots F, O and
H, block 7
fonnollv, Mrs. L. E., Tackman's add
to Dulles City, lot 11, block 8: 16 feet
oil lots 3 and 12, and 38.1 feel off lot 4,
Clark, W. C, sw4 sec 11, tp l,r lie. . . .
Clark, Mrs. K. C, land described In
vol W, page 454 IVed Records Wasco
Co. sec;5, t 3n. rlOe
'lnrk, Jacob, e'f, sec 3H, t In, r 8e
Ciarno, John vt , uiai pan oi lomi.s,
3, 4 west of John Day river, sec 4, 1 8s,
r lite
i'larno, W. E., lots 5 and 6 sec 4, ts, r
19.. se'jne' ne' j e'4 sec 5, 1 8s, r 19e
Clarno, A. Vi'., wU, n,, "X 4 sec 32,
t 7s, r 19e
Clai no. Francis, ne'4 ae'i sec 22, t 7s,
r 18 ", aw'4 sw'-i sec 2.1, t 7s, r 18e
Clongh, Chailes. beginning nw corner
bw'4 seo 19. e 80 r, s 20 r, w 80 r, n 20 :r
to liciiinning. sec 19. 1 2n, r He
Cook, John A, nw'4 neVt nej,i sec 2, t
2n, r lOe
Ci'k, Frank, lUajd River Park, lot 33,
Work 1
Cooper, Ella V. Thomson add to Dalles
city, e'i lot I. block 1
Covell, E A, sw"4 sw'-4 dv sec 13, 1 2n,
Cowdeil, Thomas, Ijiimh add to AnU
lope, lots 4 and 5, block 8
Cro. ker, A. E, E A W 1st add to Hood
River, lots 19 and 20, block 7
Crehan, W M, E A W 1st add to Hood
River, lots M and 40, block 10
Currv. Alfred, E 4 W 1st add to Hood
River, lots 34 and 35, block S
Davis, E L,. bw'4 Be1, sec 3, 1 1, r lie,
n'.neS ne'ne1 see la, t 9s, r 15e....
Davis, Marca J, E A W Isl add to
H.kmI River, lots 13, 14. 15, 18, 33, 34, 35
and :, blin k 10
Deliord E. F.. E & W 2d add to Hood
River, lota 3, 4. 31, 82, 33, 34 and &,
Pfckenbock, B, Hood River Park, tot
8, block 2
Iwkenback, J, Hood River Park, tot
5, block 2 ,
Delcor, Louis estate, se'4 swV4- Sae'4
-ne'ise, sec 10. t 5s, r tie, n nw'4
I. 30
II. 06
1 5s, r 13e
-wV4ue'-4 wV4ae'4 sec 81',
Devery, William, G A W 1st aid to
Hood River, lots 83 and 34, block 2. . 1.00
Devery, & W., E A W 1st add to Hood ,
niver, iom and 44, Dlock 2 ' 1.00
Dlmmick, J.H., part of neV4 see 33, t Id,
i 10s 4.60
Dlmmick, J. U, part of neU sec S3, t
In, rloe 4.60
Divers. Daves, nw!4 aw', nek sec 16, t
2n, rlOe....! .. '18.30
DtBbrow, A. 8., e n tw sec 2, 1 2n,
r iw l.w
Divine. James, lot 1. sec S. t In. r 12e. . . 6.90
Dodd, Ueorge, n DwU-twU nw!4 f
nw'4neA4 15.00
Douhghty. F. A.. '! ne-n '. m
is, t m, r i;4nwy4 nw'4 ', mc -
17. 1 6a. r 14e 10.96
Dowell, Frank, E A W's 1st addition to ;
Hood River, lots 34 and 56. block 7 1.66
Dulfey, Wm., m' ne1 sw! nwM ne!4
'-,, see a, t as, r ne l.
Dufur. Marv L.. nwk sec 86. t Is. r Me... 16.40
Durbin, Sophia, E A W's 1st add to Hood
River, lots 47 and 48. block ? 1.00
Eastwick and Dekum. lot 3, sac S, t In,
r 12e 3.16
Edbunz, F. G.. E A W's 2d add to Hood
River. loU 11 and 12. block I 1.00
Elliott, Harry A., Bsrrett-Sipma add to
Hood River, lot 11. block A t80
Elliott. E. J.. Hood River Park, lot 12,
block 1 40
Elliott, W. E., Hood River Park, lot 17.
block 1 40
Elliott, L. II., Hood River Park, lot IS,
block 1 , : 40
Elliott. John, Hood River Park, lot 16. .
block 1 40
Ellis. W. E.. E A W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver. lots 81 and 22, block S 1.00
Enale, Walter M.. E A W's 1st add to
Hood River, lots 7. & Sand 10. block 2... 1.60
Ena-le. 1. U.. E A W's 1st add to Hood
River, lots 6 and 6, block 8 1.00
Erwin, R. R.. E A W's 2d add to Hood
River, all of block 3.
All of block 8.
Lou 1. 2. 4, 7, 8. . IS to 44 inclusive,
block 6.
Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, 42 to 48 inclusive,
block 8.
Lots 4, 6. 6. 43, 44. 46. 46, block .
Wsucoma addition to Hood River, lot 8,
block 4 7.00
Erwin, Jane A., E A W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots 43. 44, 45 and 48, block l;
lot 41 and 12. block 2;
lots 6, , 23, 24. 87. 88, 29, 30, 31, 32. 43, 44,
45. 47, 48. block 3:
lots 8 to 80 inclusive, 26 to 48 inclusive,
block 6:
lots 11 to 18 inclusive, 39 to 44 inclusive,
block 6;
loU 1 to 22 inclusive, 87 and 28, block 8;
lots 1, 2, 7 to 16 inclusive. 86, 86, 87, 88. 41,
42, 48. 44. 46, block 7;
lots 1 to 82 inclusive, 83 to 48 inclusive,
44. 46 and 46. block 9:
lots 8 to 18 inclusive, 45 and 46, block 10;
Waucoma add to Hood River, lots 1. 3, 3, -
4. 14 to 26 inclusive, block 4. . . .- 26.45
Event. Abby L., E A W's 2d add to Hood
Kiver, lots 6 and 6, block 5; Iota 35 and
36. block 1 1.70
Everson, Emma B., E A W's 2d add to
Hood Kiver. kits 7. 8, 9, 10 and 11, block 1.80
FendlinK. A., nw'4 nH aw'4 see IS, 1 2n,
r 9s 3.00
Ferguson. A. P., beginning 11 26-100 ch s.
16 99-100 ch w or the ne corner D. U (J.
No. 89, e 128'4 ft. n 126 ft, w 128', ft,
126 ft to beginning, t In. r lSe 7.40
Ferrell M. M., Barrett A Sipma'a add to
Hood River, lots 1 and 2 block D 6.20
Finlayson. M. J., interest in nei4 se'4 sec
23. 1 7s, rise 196.W
Fitch Annie, E A W's 2d add to Hood
Kiver. lots 48. 44. 46. 46. 47. block 6 1.80
Fitzgerald W. V., E A W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots si and 32 block 9 1.00
Frantchy Emile, lots 8 and 4, sH nw!4 sec
2, t In, r 9e 12.66
Fredenburg A., se'4 aw'4 see 81. t In.
r 10s 10.S6
Freland E. L., e'i e!4 sec 6, 1 7s, r 17e. . . . 14.90
Freeman Frank A.. E A W's 1st add to
Hood River, lots 86 and 26 block 8 1.00
French H. W.. se'4 sw!4 see 32, 1 5s, r lSe 6.15
Friendly Lyman. E A W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots 39 and 40 block 3 1.00
Frieley, F. B.. sw'4 nw1, sec 8. 1 2n. r lOe 4.00
Friese A. F.. Hood River Park, lots 6. 7. 10.
11 and 14 block 8 1.36
Frits L. S Military add to Dalles City-
lots E and F, fractional lots U, H, 1. J, K.
L, block 1;
beginning 40 ft northerly from the se
comer of lot L block 1, waste, iy 60 ft,
southerly 40 ft. westerly to w line of
sec 8, n on section line to 109 ft s of
Fourth st, easterly porallel with Fourth
st to w line of lot 4 block 8, Xrev. add
to Dalles City, southerly 221 ft, east
erly to Liberty at. southerly to bearin-
nina-MiliUry add to Dalles City 24.20
Fryer Chas. L.. 8-6 interest in sS se4 sec
16, t 6s, 1 12e 3.40
Fulton James and M. C. s'4 s!4 n. see
29. 1 2n. r 15a 43.65
Fulton James, w'i w'-j sec 82, 1 2n, r 16e,
sw1 aWse' nev4aey4 se;4ne!4 n!ne4
sec34.t2n. r 15e 88.76
Field Alberta. Military add to Dalle City.
lot D and E block 61 1.16
Fleming David. Blowers' add to Hood
Kiver. lot 1 block 1 4.W
Gable Frank, a nw'4 sw4nw nw'i
sw!4 sec 27, t 5s, r 13e 12.70
Galligan Herbert, s'l w'4 sec 21, tin.
r 9a 14.66
Ganger A. H., Military add to Dalles City,
lots K. L and eVi of J block 63 16.20
Ganger, A., Military add to Dalles City,
wH of lot J, block 63 14.00
Garlow F. P., u'i nw'4 sec 6. t Is, r lSe. . . 6.16
Gerking B. F., w!4 ne!4 iw!- sec 8, tin
r lOe 12.20
Gibson H. A., s!4 se'4 sec 80, t2n. rl2e... 6.60
Gibson Chas., seV4 sec 19. t In, r 12e 16.60
Gilbreth Mary E., beginning at the nw
corner ox lot 1, block 7, N. A U. add to
Dalles City, n 81s 10', e to Eighth street,
westerly 210 ft, southerly to s line of
Benton st. thence to beginning. Dalles
City, block 16;
beginning at intersection of a line of
Eighth st and w line of Case st, south
erly 120 feet to beginning. Dalles City,
block 14 61.10
Gillmore a A., H ti se'4 ne'4 sec 24,
t zn, r 10 e;
beginning at sw corner of sw nv
sec 19, n 17ch, e 4 86-100 ch. s 17 ch, w 6
ch to beginning, sec 19. 1 2n. r He 19.60
Ginn R J. Hood Kiver Park, lot 38. block 8 .40
Glisan E. H., SneV4 nw'4, lots 1 and 8,
sec 4, t ss, r 17e B3.W
Godsey, W. E., Hull's add to Hood River,
26 ft off the n end of lot 1 and 2. block ( 16.00
Goldberg Malcolm, E A W's 1st add to
Hood Klver, lot 19, block 10 6U
Goldberg. Isaac. E A W'a 1st add to Hood
Kiver. lot 18. block 10 60
Gordian H. C, n'4 sel4 sec 6, t In. r 13e... 3.06
Gordon Colver, E A W'a 1st add to Hood
River, lots 81 and 82 block 6 1.00
Gore C. A., E A W's 2d odd to Hood River, '
lot 15 to 42 inclusive. 47 and 48 block 9. . 3.35
Gorton M. E., ne' ne!4 sec 2, 1 2n. r 8e. . . 4.60
Gorton James, lots 1 and 2, see 85. t 8n,
r nw!4 ne'4 sec 2, 1 2n, r 8e 18.40
Graham Mrs. J., ne'4 sec 29, t In, r lOe. . . . 3.00
Grapp Joseph, ne'4 sec 19, t Is, r lOe 10.66
Grapp J. H., lot 3, ne'4 sw'4 see 18, t Is.
rlOe 7.66
Gray Charles, nw'4 ne'4 sec 2. 1 2n, r 8e. . 7.20
Green W. A.. ne''4 ne'4 sec 8, 1 1 s, r 12e;
I'lM'i-K iiw''. sec 6. t Is. r 12 (.75
Green baum Jessie, Hood River Park, lots
1, 8 to 20 inclusive, 23 to 83 inclusive,
86 and 36. block 10:
lot 38. 39 to 48 inclusive, block 10;
all of block 11 18.00
Guthrie K. H., Gates' add to Dalles City.
lot 7. block 84 13.80
Hagerman A., sw'4 w'4 '4e4 nw(4
nw'4 sec 29, t Is, r 12e 10.66
Hamilton Rose, E A W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver. lots 25 and 86 block 6 1.00
Hamilton Mary, Hood Kiver Park, lot 24
block 2 40
Hardman Frank, E A W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver. lot 37 and 38 block 8 1.00
Harriet Daniel. E A W'a lat add to Hood
Kiver, lot 47 and 48 block 2 1.00
Hart J.. Waucoma Park add to Hood Riv
er, lot 12 block 8 2.80
Hart H. C. Waucoma Park add to Hood
River, lot 18 block 3 3.80
Hnstman, Mary r.., fc w 1st add Jt
Hood Kiver. lota 81 and 20. block 4.
nnn i aim uivfv o , i.uu
Harsliberger, 11, Hood Klver Park, lots
1, 4, It, , 9, 12, 13, 10, 17, M, 21 IH, 4.1, 4S.
.Ml U ,M1 U DO U 1 ill ,1 11 14 IE
w, o, i, , w, " ' w, . , . . , uiuK i m
Haynes. Lenora. Dufur 4th add, all of
block 1 18.50
Headstrom, M. J., Hood River Park,
lot 28, block 1 40
Heavner. J. W ntt nw'4 se'4 ne'4 see
16. 1 2ii. r lOe MS
Henderson. J, U, Kpangler's subdlvl-
s on, I'arktiurat, lot 1, block 2
Henson, E., nwj. se'. sec 16, 1 8s, r He 2.86
14 on I neiin, cmiiy, c n miiunioiiiKiu
i''"1 1 iw... 1 kj .. .1 .1 , v. 1 . ...1. u sr.
11 oi 1 Heroux. V.. S W'. II WV. iwU-IWtt .
in fA I neaae, mm, ae wey artT an, 1 in, tisv. . . o.ju
jl 1 1 1, n , v., 1 1 inn. vuu mi uwu 1 V i ,
6 7K I er, lots dunu 1, uiuca e vo
' I T I.' 1 . 1 a I I filrfl
Holland. J. H.. aeU seV. sec 14. t In. r
.S5 '
Holmes, w. H.,ne'4 sec to, i os, rise .. la.uu
14.85 I Honkina. E. W.. lie1', dw'a nwU ne'4
frac sec , t sn, r lue 2S.20
40 Hiss! River Townsite Co.. Hood River.
lota 3, 4. 9 and 10, block 2; luw
1.20 Hood River Lumber Co., eX ue"4
sec 3d. I Sn, r lOe, ae corner uw4 mey.
2.25 se'4sec25, tSn, rlOe 1'
I Hood River Transportation Co., aeW
1.50 I se4ecl7, tin, r lOe, kiU 1.8, San i4
aw 7. t In. r lOe. s'4 DW sec 25. 1 3n.
1.00 r lOe 43,90
Horseley, laanene, mi leel rrontinc 4tn
LOO I street and bounded on west by John
Moran s lot. on norta or alley, rrev-
1.00 I Itt's add. Dalle City, blocks 18.60
Hood. Tbomaa. kaw 1st add to hooq
11.00 1 River, loU 23 and 24. block t 1.00
Howard. M. A.. E A W 1st add to Hood
River, lot 1. 2 and 34, block 2 LOO
2.70 Hnbbaxd. J. K-UWW seV swUsec2. t
2n, r 10b
H urlev. Harrv. E A W 1st add to Hood
2.201 River, lots 31 and 32, block 1 100
Hursell, Alma, Hood Klver Para, lota
40 1 24 and 25, block 3 80
Hyde. E. M., E A w 3d add to Hood
40 River, lota 3 and 4. block 6 1.C0
Isaacs, Lucy, mghiw Biutr Ma to
Dalies City, lot 7, blocs 6,
lot 10, block 7,
1UI lota 8 and 9, block 25 9JM
Isenberg, W. MM t v nw4 sw'4 sec
3,t2n7rlOe..r.. . 3.80
Jackson, J., a'4ne'4 ne',4nei4 se.4nw
V4 sectiou 87, (4 s, r 14e 10.60
Jacobs, Maurice, Hood River Park, lot
1, block 8 40
Jenkins, C. H., - nli-ne'.nw', sec 9,
t4,ri:te. .. . . . . 81.60
Johnson, P. A Co., Hood River Park,
lots 3 and 8, block 4 80
Johnson, J. A., E A W 2d add to Hood
River, lot 31, block 6 50
Johnson, L. J., E A W 1st add to Hood
River, lot 18, block 3 60
Johnson. J. J., Hood River Park, lot
43, block 1 40
Johnson, Smith 8., E A W 1st add to
Hood River, lot 17, block 8 60
Johnson, William, o:a 3 and 4, sec
S3,t 7a, r Me 0
Jones, George W., E A W IbI add to
Hood River, lot 20, block 2 55
Jones, W. N se'4 sec 36, t Ss, r lie ... 10.60
Jones, fietli E., Mil. add to Dalles City,
lots B and C, block 106 96
Jordan, F , seV4 ae.4 seo 82, 1 In, r lie . . 3,00
Mm Itli A Kabath, v bw'4 sw'4 O"'.
sec B 1 2n, r 9e, nw'i nw'4 sec 7, 1 2n,
re 80.10
Katlch, John, nH nw'4 sec 26, t3n,rl0e 17-w
Kaufman, Adam, soc 12. t In, r He 49.05
Kellv Rachel. E A W 1st add to Hood
Klver, lota 37 and 3k. Mock 2 1.00
Kelsny, Lucy M., HhaL.ko, loU 7, 8 and
9, block 14 82 20
Kelnay. D. R . D n'4 nee 3 t 7s, r 15o . 10.00
Kenedv. Arthur. Mil. add to Hal es
City, lot F, block 20 4.70
Kent. Hans E. E A W 1st add to Hood
River, lots 45 and 46, block 8 1.00
Kerreaon. Mra. Mc. Ijiuah add to
Dalle City, lot 10, block 14 ISM
Kerts. Frederick. Hood River proper.
lots 12, 13, 14 and 16, block 80 6.00
Keyee, R. P., Mil. add to Dalles City,
lot L. block 74 1.60
Khun. W. N.. ne ne'4 sec 13. t 8s, r
IKe '. 2.95
Kins'. E. L. nw'. nw'. sec 21. t 7s r
KJ 7 8.90
King, K. W., se'4 sw(4 seo 7, t 4s, r
12e. ni nc1! De1 uw'i sec 18. t 4s.
r 12e 15.55
Koelbern, A., Tbomp add to Dalle8
City, lot 7, block 2, lots 1 and 20,
block 8 4.80
Krauas, August, E A W 1st add to
Hood River, lot 25, 20, 27 and 28,
block 7 2.00
Lahbe Paul. E A W 1st add to Hood
River, lots 25, 26, 27 and 2f , block 10 8.00
Laird, Martha, E A W 1st add to
Hood Klver. lots 28 and 24. block 6 1.80
Lane, N. W., Hhaniko, lots 6 and 14,
Big arid to Dalles City, lots 1 and 2,
block 6,
Hhaniko, e'4 lots 11 and 12 block '22;
Hhaniko, lot 1, block 17 185.95
Lange, M. P., nwV, e'4 sec 18, t In, r
13e 8.10
Larsen.E. M.. Hood River Park, lots
19. 14, 15 and 18, block 3 1.15
Larsen, Henry, Hood River Park, lot
21, block 10 50
Larkln, C. A., Hood River Park, lot
22, block 10 85
Laurrenburger, M., w w nwV4w!4
sec 20. t 8ll. r 10a 12.10
l.e Ifoni, J. M., nw'4 se'4 se',4ne', sec
7, t 5s, r 12e, wi sw'4 snw'4 w,
ne'4 sec 7, t 5s r l'ie 24.8o
Lehman, David "Hood River Park, lot
9, block 3 40
Lenz, J. M., lots 8 and 9, sec 10, t In, r
lue 19.10
Leoln, E., Slianlko, lot 4, block 3 1.20
Lewis, J. C, Mountain View add to
Hood River, lot , block 2 6.00
Libby, Charles H, E A W 1st add to
Hood River, lots 22, 27 to 30 inclu
sive, block 4 8.00
Llberatl, Elsie, nw'4 ne4 sec 20. till,
r lOe 7.50
Llesse, Jenuie, Hood River Park lot
3, block 8 40
Llesse, Alfred, Hood River Park, lot
2, block 8 40
Lindhard, Belle, Hood River Park,
lot 15, block 9 40
Ltndherd, Vi. L., Hood River Park, lot
14, block 9 40
Loy, E L, Wlnans ad 1 to Hood Riv
er, lota 1 and 2, block 6 5.00
Lncke, F n,'i sec 18, t 7s, r Kie 20.00
Lynch Peter, E A W 1st add to Hood
Klver, lots 29, 80, 31 and 32 block 7 . . . 1.55
Landes William, Military add to
Dalles City, lot A block 109 1.00
MagurB W. li., Hhaniko, lot 2 block 19. . 36.05
Murk-lev J. c. s' ati nw'.Jiie' sec II.
t3n. r lOe 24-10
Marsh Amanda, se'4 Bee 4, t 2n, r l'ie.
bw'4 nwU nw!4se'4, boo: 11, t 2n, r
', ne!4 sec 6, t 2n, r 12e
Martin Charles, land aa described In
vol .15. naire 338. Deeds of Record of
Wasco county 21.50
Mason W. sw. nw. sw'-. sec IS. t 2n
roe.......... 2,00
Matney C. (;., n ne;4ne'4 nw'4 sec
VI. 1 1 a. a 11 e:
se'4se'Bl,tls,rlle 6.80
Mnv Mrs Annie, n V nw V. Bee U nw '4
swse'4s9. t2s, rl2e 8.70
Meeker Chas, e se '4 s 14, t Is, r 8 e;
o V: n e 1 . m 1 1 r H e:
swisl3 1s, r8e 67.50
Melcher P H. Hood River Park lot 2
block 10 .85
Menefee Edith, Dufur 2d add all of
hlnck 18'
Dufur id add lot 1 block 10 22.60
MMilmr.l v.. Hood River Park lot 36
block 4 .40
Mottler J M, se sec 29, t7s, rl9e.... 10.60
Meyer A O. sw !4 sec 8, 1 7 8, r 17 e 14.95
Mitchell Chas. K, sw'4 sec 11, 1 1 n, r lie 8.10
Mllldown J, Boyd, lot 7 and 8 block 12 1.05
Mlddletnn J H. Hood River nrooer lot
2 block F 38.00
Miller Kstella. Batrd'aadd to Antelope
e' lota 6-0, block 1.1
Miller. J v.. Mountain View add to
Hood River lot 6 blocK 2 o.iu
Moad A C. Tygh lot I block 7 1 00
Moore Ella E. nw'i sec 18, 1 1 s. r 10 e. . . 11.40
Clark A Morgan, se'4 se'4 sec 10, t In, r
13 east:
60 acres In ne'4 ne4 sec 15. 1 1 n. r lSe 8.56
Morsantleld J. Military add to Dalles
City lot L block 88 9.40
Morris Lena. Bw'-nksuf. sec 11. 1 4 s.
r 13 eaat 27.85
Martin E W. Unrti-nwdue'.-nw1.
ae'4 sec 10, 1 1 n, 10 e : 16.15
Mnaobura-h J .VLnUiUe1; se'.ne' a ne'i
nu sec 2t), 1 4 8, r 14 e lu.w
Miier Kobert. nU ne'i sw'ne'i. sec 1.
Muruhv J. W. w'4se'i s'iie 4 sec 11. t
McCov James M w'4ue' e'4 nw!4 sec
20, 1 4 s, r 12 e 13.40
McCulloh Hattle. tiates add to Dalles
City, lots 11-12-7.8-9-10 block 8 8.25
McCullock. E A W lat add to Hood
River lots 15-16 block 2 1.00
McCurdy Mra. C. D.. Military add to
Dalles City lot F block 14 1.15
MeUowen Marietta. Highland add to
Hood River lot 2 block 1 8.80
Mcintosh Annie, E A W's 1st add to
Hood River lot 23-24 block 8 1 .00
Mcintosh (1. W. sla swU nw'. see 12
t 2 n, r 10 e 24 80
McKeller Almlra w'ineli eUnw'4 sec
28, 1 1 s, r 16 e 32.80
McLeland Ewen e' ,e'4 sec 6, 1 8 s, r 18 e 13.90
NaceHeraphlne, sw'4 nw'4 n'sw'4
nw!4 sey4 sec 23, 1 3 a, r 13 e;
n'se'i-BwViSe'i ne'..sw(4 sec 22. 1 3
s, r 18 e 30.80
Newness J. 0. se'4 sec 20, 1 1 s, r 15 e. ... 81.80
Nlckelsen Emma. Hood River park lot
20 block 1 40
NlcoliaO. H. e'i nee 36, t4 s, r 9e 21.00
Nicholas Lewla, Military add Dalles
City lot F (1 block 100
Noller Frank, K A W lat add to Hood
River lot 43 44 block 10 1.00
Oglebe F. T. nw'4 eef4 sec 22, 1 8 a, r 19 e. 2.90
Ostrauder A ne'4 ae'. ne 4 fraction sec
2, 1 2 u, r 10 e 9.10
Paddock J. W. Hood River para lot 40
block 8 40
Parrott Cbaa.. E A W 1st add to Hood
River lot 11-12 block 8 1.00
Patterson U. W. ne4 ne4 sec 20, 1 8 s, r
17 e;
e'.8i!'4 n'4sef'4 see 17, 1 8 r 17 e 40
Peine K. U. lloou River park lot 41
block 8 40
Plnller A.J. E W 1st add to Hood
Klver lot 19 block 2 50
Pfluger John ae'.i nw'4 swikne'i ec U
t6s, ride 10.10
Phillips J. H, w'4 se'4 nw'.. sec 8, 1 2 11
r 10 east 2.00
Phillips K. E. 5 acres lu se corner nw
V. sw'4 sec 3 t 8 n, r 10 e 9.20
Peacock Elisabeth, Hood River park
lot 13 Mock 2 , .40
Peacock A. Hood River park lot 12
block 2 40
Portland Ice Co. s4 n't Bee 2d, t 3 n, r
10 eaat 52.(10
Powell Omar, Dufur 3d add all block 2. 0. 40
Power Dareey E A W 2d add to Hood
River lot 10-I1-I2 block 5 1.25
Prda James Hood River Park lot 4
block 3 40
Rand J E, Hood River proper lot 6
block H 7.40
Richardson Elizabeth, a'4 n'4 nw'4 sw
'4 sec 11, 1 2 11, r 10 e 10.75
Repp Conrad w'jsw'4 se'4 sw- -8W'4
nw'4 aec 31, t .1 11, 10 e 22.00
Richards J. U, Boyd lot all block " . . . 12.80
Allen A Rlggs, Mountain View add to
Hiajd River kit 30 block 3 4 00
Kelly V. nw'4 ne'4 sec 26, 1 8 s, r 19 e. . . 3 .00
Robertson M. W. ae4 sec 17, 1 2 n, r II e 18.40
Robertson W. H. e', e'4 sec 7, 1 2 n, r
11 east 14.50
Robertson Kobert, F, A W 1st add to
Hood River lot 47-48 block 1 1.00
Robins A e'i nw4 sec 7, 1 8 s, r 17 east. . 7.50
Robin F:dwin. E A W 1st add to Hood
Klver lot -2t block 9 LOO
Rood Msry A., Blowers' add to Hood
River kit IS block 2 14.65
Rood E L, E A W 2d add tola 40-47 48
block 6:
E A W 2d add to Rood River lots 744-
9-I0-IM2 block 4 3.20
Risers Maggie, Houtli Wancoma add
to Hood River e4 lot iblock B 19.50
Ropes Alice Hood Kiver park lot 20
Dioca 1 u
Rone Sophie Hood River park lot 21
block 1 40
RoaeoA Lee n'-w'-i aw4nw(4 sw'4
sw'4 sec 24, 1 2 a. r 12 e;
nw'4 nwU sec 26, 1 2 a, r 12 15.70
Roaenbleutn H, E A W lat addition to
HixidKlv. r, lota $8-34 block 7......... 1.00
Roes Mrs Mary E A W 1st add to
Hood River lots 29-30 block 9
Salter It. M. sw', nw'i sec 1, 1 1 11, r ve
Wanders H. F. aw' ue'4 sec a, 1 a, r in
Sanford A. l, Hhaniko lot 1-2 block
Hiuldt c. L. Cascade LtK'ka loU 1-4 M7
8 bha-k 4
Smidt Joseph Beg at aw corner of nw
: w iu i,i 1
. se'. see 12 e 16 r:
to ben: In sec 12. 1 1 n, r 1 e
Scott Walt si, nw'4 sec 9, 1 1 a, r 1 1 e;
ae'4 se'4 sec 8, t , a, r 11 e:
lie' i no', sec 17. t I B. r II
Hearles Lucy, Parkhnrst add to Hiaid
Klver kit 6 ami blix k 4
Iddlnghaiu I, J, w't uw'4 sec 10 1 In
r 12 e
Seghers Charles, Military add to Dalles
city lois r- ami w okn-k iw,
lou F and U block 98,
lot II block 1(X),
lota l E F (1 H block 110,
lola A H (' 11 and I block 111,
lot F block 101.
loo A and B block 125
SeUlcui H, n'jne'i e'.,nw!4 ne'4sw'4
24 t ta r He
Scherinekan A., tilV swi4iie.4ac'4 sec
30 I da r Ule
Slnionson Mrs. Annie, w' sw!4-sw'4
nw'j aec 13 t in r lie,
ne'-4 8e'-4nwi lot 2 sec 14 t In r 13e
Fulton udd to Dalles City lot 4
block 2
Big. add to Dalles City 70 feet oil' west
eud lols II and 12 block 2
Lehman Albert, se'4 sec 20 t In r Lie.
ejliiiotiHon Charles, Fulton add to
Dalles City lot 6 block 2 . :
Blinonson tl E, Mountain View Hood
River lot 2 block 1
Skene Dan F s', sw'i aec 311 t n r lie
Smith F. A. Military add to Dalles
City lot H block 52....:
Smith J. M., sw'4 8w'4m'i n'4 el4 li
nwL4 and lota 3 and 4 except 13 acres sold
sec 9, t In, r 13e;
lot 9 sec 8, t In. r lSe
Suear H. A.. Shaniko. lot 8 block 1
Steel M . Mt. View add to Hood River, lots
81 block 1
Stiver Pauline, Hood River Park, lot 3
block 1
Stephens W. R., kits 1, 2, 8 and 4, sec 2,
1 1, r He:
sw'4nw'4 e'ae'i swJiae'4 sec 2, tls
Stewart Geo. W., lots 3 and 4, e'4 w'4 less
9 acre, sec 30. t 2n. r 13e
Stimton Altiert, E & W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver. loU 99, 30. 27 and 2 block 1
Summer Robt., E & W's 1st add to Hood
River, lots 21 and 22 block (
Swanaon S., sw'-4 e4 sec 11, t In, r 12e. .
Taber Joe; w'i e'a e' n se 4 ne'4ne'4 sec
16. t 6s. r 15e
Talbot, Geo. E.. E A W' 1st add to HihkI
Klver. lots .1.1 and .14. block
Taylor Annie F.. Dalles City, lot 8. hlm-k 9
Tennison C. A.. Military add to Dalles City
lot 1 block 53 '
Tibbeta H., Hood River Park, lot 43, block
Tilling A. W n'nse!4--ne;4w'4 e'4ne'4
aec 10, 1 7. r 15e
Thompson W. J., w'ine'4 se!4ne'4 ne'4
se'4 sec 24. t 2s, r 12 e
Thompson Emma, E A W'a 1st add to
Hood River, lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 block 3
Towne D. C, E A W's 2d add to Hood
River, lot 1 to 10 inclusive block 1
Troth J. L., n' ne'4 lot 1 snd 2, aec 2.
t 8s. r 17e
Trowbridge C. E., nef4 sw' nw'4se'4 sec
11. t In. r 13o
Tweet Thus., Thompson's add to Dalles
City, lot 1 block 13
Urspring Catherine, E & W's 1st ailil to
Hood Kiver, lots 3S ami 36 block 2
Brown A., ne'i sec 17, t In, r 15e
Vngt Geo. W., E A W'a 1st add to Hood
River, lots 37. 38. 41 and 42 block 111
Van Doners F., interest in w'a sec 36, t In
r lue
Wack Mary, E & W's 1st add to Hissl
River, lots 21 and 22 block
Wantel Marie, Hood River Park, lot 4
block 3
Ward J. W., sw'4 aec 12, t 6a, r 12c;
n'.i sec 17. t 5s. r 12e
Ward T. C.,4 Laughlin's aild to Antelope,
lots 1. 2. 7 ami block 6
Watts Lewis W., Hood River Park, lot 45,
block 1
Watts Imildca, Hood Kiver Park, lot 48,
block 1
Wesley J'lhn, s1.. ne'4 sec 21, t 2n. r 14e. . .
Weston Lydia, Hood Kiver Park, lot 47
block 10
Weyiiiimit Geo., e'a sw'-4 n'a sc'4 n'.j
BW'i, lots 3 and 4, sec zu, t Is, r lllc;
e'4 nw'i sec 19, t Is, r Hie
Wii'kham Jasper, w'ne'i sec lit), t 2n,
r ll)e
WiednerC. P.. Hood River Pai k, lot 34,
block 1
Wiedner Mary, Hood River Park, lot 31,
block 1
Wilkina, T. A., Blowers' aild to Hood
River, lots 2 and 3 block 3 :.
William Geo., Military add to Dalles City,
lot G and n, block 5'
Williams W. A., E A W' 2(1 a.lii to Hood
River, lots 39, 40, 41, 37, 38 ami 42 block 6
Williams & l-aiigille, s'li n'i of sw'4 w'4
aec 9, t2n, r lOe
Williams G. E., Riverview Park add to
Hood River, lot 7. block 3
Wilson Alof, nc'4 sec 29, t In, r 12e
Wilson W. A., I. A W'b 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lot 23 block 26
Wilson Fred W., lot 2, sec 3.1. t Sn. r 9e . . . .
Wheeler J. L., E& W 's 1st aild to Hood
River, lot 46, block 6
Wherry, S. A., lots 8, 1 1 and 10, aec 18, 1 2n
lota 2 and 8, sec 19, t 2n, r 9e;
', se'.4 e' 9 ne' 4 aec 8. t 2n. r 9e
Whitcomb Geo. L., Hood River Park, lot 28
block 4.
Whitehouse Geo. F., Hood River Park, lot
42. block 3
Wood Henry, Dufur Fourth add, all of
block 18
Woodman Wm., w'a se'4 ne!4 aeV4 aec 6,
t r I2e;
nw'i ne'4 aec 7, t Is, r 12e
Woodruff Geo. H., se'4 ec 21, t 4s, r l3e. .
Wolfram, f ranz, Hood Kiver Park, lot 9
block 2
Wright, Beatrice, Hood River Park, lot 23
b ock 1
Wright, Hood River Park, lot 47, block 8 .
Wright, A. R., Hood Kiver Park, lot 43,
block 8
Wright, G. M., Parkhurst add to Hood
Kiver, lots, block 7
Zweidler, Henrick, interest in nvt'i e!i
see 16, t 4s, r 13e;
w'4 nel4 sw'4w?4, aec 16, 1 4s, r lSe
Bowen, Dr., 54 acreB in ne'-i sec 36, t 2n,
r 12c
Hill, Margie, iw'4 sw'4 sec 20. t 8a, r 17e;
se'sw'a'-a se'-4 ec 19. t 8s, r l7e
Kichlnian, Andrew, E & W's 1st add to
Hood Kiver. lots 27 and 28, block 6
Beck, J. C, interest in s'an' ne'4 nef-4
sec 16, t8, r it;
interest in e'-a swVi sw!4 w!4 sec 36,
t8s, rl7e
Cathcart, Cha. 11., intereat in lot 9, ec 31
t In. r Ule
Cram, W. S., intereat in ne'-4 w.f4 sec 1,
t Is, r i2o
Fleming, J. W., interest in s'a aec 16, t In
r He
Ferrell, Ida K., interest in sw'4ne'4 nw'4
ae'4 sec 2, t In, r l2e
Henneman, Henry, interest in a'4 nw'4
sec 9, t In. r I2e
Herman, Cha., interest in 'a aec 16, 1 8s,
r lKe
Haynes, A. W., interest in sw'i sec 16, t 3a
r I2e
Humbert, C. B., interest in ae''4 e!4 sw!4
lot 3 and 4, sec 19, 1 2s, r l4e
Lange A Herman, interest in wH ec 16,
1 7a, r 17e
McCoy, Wellington, interest in se'4 nw'4
sec 34, t In, r 12e
Michel), Annette, interest in nwne!4
s'a nw'4 sec 3, t 4s, r i4e;
interest in n'a sw'i sec 35, t 8s, r 14e. ,
McEwan, C. M., interest in e'a sec 30, t 6s,
r hie
Osnom, Stephen, intereat in nw nw'i
sec 36, t 5. r 12e
Oppenheim, B. B., interest in n ne'4 aec
2, t In, r 12e
Olson, Antone, interest in s'4 nw'4 sec 36,
t 2n, r He
Ray, Geo. R, interest in lot 1, sec 13, t 2n,
r 15e;
intereat in e!i ne'i lots I, 2 and 3, sec
24, t 2n, r I5e;
interest in S se'i sec 26, 1 2n, r l5e;
interest in sw'4 nw'4 sec 2, t In, r l5e;
interest in s' a ne'4 sec ;t5. t 2, r lSe. . .
Scott, Cha. N., interest in n'a aec 16, t In,
r 10e
Scott, Susan J., interest in nesw' ae!4
ae1 4 sec 16, t In, r llie
Simpson. Carmal, interest in nS s'a see 36
t ws, r l 'ie
Stephen, C. L.. interest in e'a sec 16, t 2.
r 12
Thorhtirn, C. M., inU-ieat in se'4 sec 16, Ss,
r i3e
Taylor, James W., interest in n'a sec 36,
t Ss, r i5e
Watters, Geo. B., interest in n'4 nwfi sec
16, t2n. rHe
West. Irwin R, intereat in e'a sec 31, t n,
r lOe
Hand, E. E., Thompson's add to Dallea
City, kits 17. 6, 9 and 10. block 12
Davenport, J. F., lot 2, 3 and 4, se'4 nw!i
sw''4 ne'i sec 1, t in, r 9e.
Flynn. Katie M., land described in vol. 33,
page 5li9, in Deed Record of Wasco Co.,
Fulton' add to Dalle City, in block 1 . .
Moreland, J. C, 1-6 interest in that part of
lot. sec 4, lying nw'i Mill Creek, except
thst part described in Vol. A, pajre 103,
Deed Record of Wasco Co., in aec. 4,
t In. r I3e;
1-6 interest in lot 1 and 2, sec 33, t 2n,
r I3e
Barnes. F. M . beginning 48 61-100 ch w,
15 ch a of extreme e corner of Jenkins
D. L. C. No. 38, s 4 ch snd 40 Iks, e 6 ch
and 70 Iks, n 40 ch and 4o Ik, w 6 ch and
70 Iks to beginning, being part of lota 2,
3 and 4. aec 35. t 3n, r lue
Williams, Violet, 60 acres in t'i nw'4 sec
24. t In. r lSe
Fairview, n'a" n'efi sec IS, t '-n, r 7e.
Bowman, F. B., w'4 ne'4 sec 1, t in, r I2e
Brown, Ja., lot I, sec 1, t In, r I2e
Spurrier, W. F... all of bkx-k 1 except loU
1, 2. 3, 4, 6 and 6;
all of block 2 except lots 8, 4 and 5;
all of bkick 3, 4, 6, 6, 7. 8, 9 and 0.
Betlview add, in sec 17, t In. r 13e
Ulrich, Catherine, Bellview add. kite S, 4
and 5. block 3.,
Bordie, Jos.. Bellview add, lots 1. 2 and 3.
block 1
We again invite you to try
13 90
30 00
I. 15
II. 80
i :
I "Upper Crust"
It is to your advantage to do so.
Another car just in.
Oregon Lumber
Heating Stoves.
Owintr to crotind being required by I Tlin ilnlnvn.i pnM wnnllinr
March 1st for building to be erected, we . . , .,, ,
wlii gen 8 has ary vctl, but we will close
Tat'onni Star.-i, $1.35 M. out the few left at the re.luc
8tar A Star extra, 1.95 M. led prices used thro' January.
New Goods.
Our Inst year's exiwrlem-e and Hood
Itiver' future proiei'U induced ua to
stir early.
Large arrivals ucnv stock.
Every department complete.
Hardware, Building Material, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves,
Paints and Oils, Crockery, Linoleum.
STEWART, Complete House Furnisher.
Crown and Bridge Work.
Teeth Without Plates.
Treatment of ilixettsed teeth and gums.
Office over Jackson's Store.
Mioue 1011 1. Oak St. Entrance.
FROHN & HEATON, Proprietors.
(Successors to ('. S. True.)
Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries,
Flour and Feed.
Cull and see the' new firm on the Heights. Phone "().
Bargains in Real Estate.
1. 6-rootti lioitsc. plaatered, lot 50x130
feet, (rood well, three blocks from
school; plca-tnil locution. Trice $!).
Terms A down, will trade for otuer
town property.
2. 4 room Ionise, two lots 50x130 feet
each, city water; three blocks from
Hlicool house; pleiisunt location. 1'rtoe,
$750. Terms $50 down and $15 per
month. A iirgaln.
3. 10 acres good apple and strawberry
hind, four acres cleared, 125 fruit trees,
one acre strawberries, 4-room house,
well, stable, wood shed and pack
in); house tmd chicken bouse
Trice $1200 Terms $50 (low n and $15
per month. Will trade for town prop
erty or wild land.
4. Two sections of wheat land; 100
acres under cultivation on each; 500
acres tillable laud on one section, bal
ance line pasture laud, good well small
house, one section fenced. Kor sale
cheap on easy terms. Will trade for
llooo Uiver property.
5. 6-room'house, line location, over
looking the Columbia, $000.
6. Four fine lots for $175 each, 4 for
$150 each, tielow brow of hill, overlook
ing the Columbia.
7. We write all kinds of Insurance
and make collections.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
Furniture and cabinet work
made to order. Saw filing,
Plating, Framing and Fancy
Inlaid work done.
.We have on hand 8onie im
proved wash benches, sleds
tor the boys, etc.
We are located at East
Oak street.
Call and see us.
Bids Wanted.
ltldtt will be received by the board of direct
or if wh'Hil district No. 3 far 50 to 75 cord of
body fir wood, delivered. All bldH must be
in ny r ob. li, at clock noon.
fJ II. T. IK WITT, Clerk
M. II. Nlrkelen. necretnry of the Knrnipr'
In iKuting Co., Klvm notice that he will be
lotimi bi me onuw 01 tieo.r. I'ratntr everv
NHturday from now until March 1, to at
tend to any tm-tneiMoi the company.
Eby. W. A., Eat Belmont, lot 1 and 4...
I.umbard, I. J., lot 1, see 16, t-n. rite....
Hully, Cha., e'-t ec 17. t 3. r 14 a
Barne. W. SU M.. btwinninir ft n of
M corner of lot I, l8. n 417 ft. a W
6M', e 4 ft, a Sft ;', w 2K6 ft to be!n
ninir. sec Is, t In, r Ile
Dwld. Adelia eat., ne'i-w!je'a-'-4w'
aec 5, t H, r i&e:
nev. n'4 I
H. 1 8. r 1.
2'. 10
Wy. Christian, Biirlow Bluff addition to
Dalle City, lot 4. block 5;
4i ft off the west ide of lot i. block 5. .
Witness my hand thi 10th day of January, 1906.
Sheriff of Waaco County, State of Oregon.
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
RATES, $2.00 to $2 50 PER DAY.
Steam heat. Large pieasant rooms. Everything new.
Sample room for commercial travelers.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fruit Boxes
Highest Trices l'aid for High Grade Fruit.
R. H. WEBER; Prop.
Evergreens, Roses and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Crown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
lias opened n
General Store
and will keep on hand afirst
class stock of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
The public is invited to call
and inspect the stock. A
square deal for all.
Cottage Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Flour and Feed.
Free Delivery.
Eiitiaiatei and plans furnished.