The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 09, 1905, Image 3

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Workmen are movinir th Jo Wilson
warehouse half Mock east of it former
location and the Davidson Fruit Co.
is (cuius ready to begin the erection
or tneir two-story brick warehouse
and cold storage plant. While the
contract has not been let yet, plans
rre ihmhk urawn ana ir the weather
tyrants work will bogiu bv March 1.
and ll.e uarchi.uioiU be completed if
possible lor use during the coming
The warehouse will be 10x100 feet In
extent. 'Ihe two stories will been
tiri'ly enclosed all light and air ex
eluded, except that which will be let
in as desired. The one entrance
will be in the east end of the build
Ing, next to the ice factorv. which
will e located beta eon the wareroome
and the building which was formerly
the Wilson warehouse, and which will
lie utilized this summer as a receiving
room tor truit.
Mr. Davidson hopes to utilize the
cold storage room for cooling the
strawlmrries before placiug them in
tho refrigerator cars. Berries which
are brought in from the patches dur
ing the heat of the day will be thug
thoroughly cooled before being placed
in the iced cars. This will prevent
the fruit from moulding, and means a
much better price for the fruit at the
other end of the line.
It is estimated that the cold stor
age warehouse and ice plant will mean
an expenditure of S15.0UU.
A very beautiful marriage service
was prou noticed at "The Firs" on
Thursday, February 2, at one o'clock,
when Delbert E. Rand, and Miss
Elizabeth Roberts, both well known
and popular young people of Hood
River, were united in bonds of matri
mony. To tho swoet strains of Moudelshon's
wedding march, executed by Mrs.
Kate Dumple, the bridal party were
led by, the oHlciating minister, into
the front parlor, where beneath a
beautiful wedding bell the bride was
given away by Mrs. S. Langille. The
improssivo marriage service with the
ring ceremony of the episcopal ritual
was used to pronuouce the happy
couple as husband and wife.
The rooms of "The Firs" were rich
ly and beautifully decorated, Oregon
grape predominating. After the cere
mony a dainty luncheon was served.
The numerous presents coming from
friends in Potrland, San Francisco
and other distant points, as well as
these from admiring friends and asso
ciates in Hood River, were beautiful
and useful. Among these were beau
tiful piecos of cut glass, solid silver
ware, and a handsome rocker.
Attended by a large company of their
friends Mr. and Mrs. Rand, boarded
the afternoon train for Portland,
whence they will go to Tacoma and
Seattle, returning in about ten days,
when they will bo at home at "The
Invited guests, but not present
were: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fairchild,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rich, Miss Julia
Blanc, James Corrigan, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Roberts, Charles Hiby and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Bartlett,
Mrs. May Denlin, Mrs. McKiernan,B.
Foninville and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Cloyd James, Miss Annie Edmunds,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Armstrong, Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Langille, San Francis
co, Cid. ; H. D. Langille, Mrs. M.
A. Congdon, Washington, D. C. ; W.
A. Langille, Valdez, Alaska, Mr. and
Mrs. I). Hess, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Mecklin. Horace Mecklin.East Orange,
N. J., Miss Bessie Merriam, Brooklyn
X. V. Mr. and Mrs. H. Frank, St.
Petersburg, Rus.-ia; Mr. and Mrs. M.
Van Xeibel, Philadelphia, Pa., Mr.
and Mis. L. II. .Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
John Cram, Mit-s Mary Isom, Port
land, Or., Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rand,
Salt Lake, City, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Worschkul, Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Hartch, Calgary, Canada, B. D.
Fostlothwaite, jiuker City, Mrs. M,
V. Lang, The Dallos, Or.
Those present to witness the nup
tial eerenionyof Mr. and Mrs. Rand
wero: Mrs. Sarah Langille, Mrs. James
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Graham,
Mr. and Mrs W. G. Graham, Mr. and
Mrs. G. K. Williams Mr. and Mrs,
Axel Rahm, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rand.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rand, Mr. and
Mis. J. L. Hml.ner, Mr. and Mrs.
William Elirck, Mr. and Mrs. R. X.
Young, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Davidson,
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dumble, Mr. and
Mrs. C. X. Clark Robert Rand, Mrs.
Mary Claiko, Fred Clarke.
The Paclflo States Telephone com
pany considers Hood River one of the
best cities for telephone business of
its size on the coast. There are to
day over 425 subscribers, and new
subscribers are coming In daily.
A large number of patrons on the
country lines are anxious to secure
service, but until larger poles are
f laced along the road loading past the
dlewilde cemetery it will be impos
sible to Increase the service in that
direction. The east side lines are also
all filled. There is said to be room
for a few more phones on the line to
Give Cascade County His (Jail.
The following letter from Roswell
Shelley of Hood River appeared in
the Portland Evening Telegram last
Saturday :
Keferring briefly to your "side
lights" in yesterday's issue, and
signed "John H. Stevenson," permit
me to say with reference to the para
graph touching the work of the Hon.
A. A. Jayne and Senator Wbealdon
on the Cascade County bill, that if
the bill fails to pass the senate it will
be on account of the profound regard
for Senator Whealdon by his colleagues
in the senate. I am inclined to the
opinion that your correspondent
states the case fairly, and in view of
the facts there is no logical argument
that can possibly be used against the
passage of said bill. The simple fact
oi me unanimous vote of the bouse
on this measure ought to be a suffi
cient guarantee lor the passage of the
om ny tue senate, riurely the repre
sentatives were fully advised before
casting their votes.
Now, shall the ponderous ponderos
ity oi ueacon IS at nan Wbealdon. sen
ator from Wasco, place his ponderous
form (without argument) upon this
measure, and place a "senatorial ki
bosh" upon it?
With the unanimous consent of the
members of the bouse and the resident
taxpayers within the limits of the de
scribed boundary of the proposed
cascade county, we answer emphati
cally Xo! To Illustrate: Down in
lexas once ou a time there was t
panker who closed his doors and re-
fused to pay depositors. A lot of the
Doys got a rope around his neck and
were about to hang him, and here's
wnat ne said
"Boys, you have me in vour nownr.
i ou can do wnat you choose with me,
But, boys, for God's sake out of re
spect for my family, don't hang me."
a tall Texan in the outskirts of the
crowd, after hearing his plea, said
aoys, when you cut him no clve
me nis gall. -'
iow, 10 you senators with your
carving knives, when you do cut
Whealdon up, give Cascade county
nis gall. KUBWELdj SHELLEY,
Telephone IliisinesH (jrowg Rapidly,
J. H. Thatcher of the Pacific States
Telephone company was in Hood
River Friday looking after the inter
ests of his company in this city. The
Paciiic Siates Telephone company has
several improvements under conisder
ation for the service in Hood River,
but nothing definite can be given out
just yet.
Parsonage For Valley Church.
The Valley Christian church contem
plate building a parsonage at once. A
systematic canvass of the membership
is being made this week with a view
of ascertaining what amount of money
can be made available at once, and a
definite announcement will be made
next Sunday.
A seven-room modern cottage is
planned, to cost, if constructed by
contract, about $1500, but the member
ship of the church expect to do a
great deal of the work of construction
under the supervision of an expert
carpenter thus saving a great deal of
the expense and they think the build
ing can thus be erected for about 1700.
This move is in keeping with the
history of this progressve, energetic
body of Christians, who have ever
been in the very front ranks in the
work of evangelizing and upbuilding
the moral and religious life of the
They have just closed a very success
ful series of meetings in which some
44 or 45 were added to the church.
They rightly think that it is as nec
essary to the successful work of the
pastor that he should have a home cen
trally located the possession of which
ne can be assured or during his pas
torate as it is to have a church build
ing in which to preach.
Poisons iu Food
Perhaps you don't realize that many
pulu poisons originate in your food, but
suite day you may feel a twinge of
dysepia that will convince you Dr.
King's New Life Pills are guaranteed
to cure all sickness due to poisons ofj
tinuigesien loon uriuoney back. 25rts.
ut C. N. Clark's drug store. Try I hem.
J. S.JRand of St. John?, who leadt
in the Evening Telegram's contest to
determine the most popular street cur
employe, is well known in Hood River,
where he was a resident for many years.
Sick Headache.
This distressing ailment results from
a disordered condition of the stomach.
All that is needed to effect a cure is a
dose or two of Chamlierlaln's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attact
may be warded off, or greatly lessened
in severity, by taking a dose of these
Tablets as soon as the first symptom of
an attack appears. Sold at Williams'
The first curved ball was pitched bv
John Leland Henderson of this city in
a game between Eugene and Albany
nearly su years ago.
This was in the earlv seventies, and
Albany had the crack team of the
valley league.
The Linn county town had van-
?uished every team in the state. John
.Aland Henderson was at that time a
logger on the upper McKenzie. He
had won something of a reputation
with his home team at Eugene, so
when the university aggregation were
up for a game with the champion
players of Albany, Logger Hender
son was sent for.
The seventh inning closed before
Albany got a man to first base, while
the Eugene team was scoring at ease.
The pitcher was a puzzle to the Albau
ltes. Henderson says he was pitch
ing a curved ball that day and didn't
know it at the time.
Attorney and Mrs. Henderson were
in Eugene last week. The judge says
he had a very pleasant time renewing
old acquaintances with people he had
not seen for 30 years. Henderson used
to teach school in the university town,
and is acquainted with a large number
of people there. Mr. Henderson s son
Louis is a student at the University
of Oregon, and a prominent member
of the Sigma Xu fraternity. Judge
Henderson was at Salem last week,
working for the new county. Mrs.
Henderson, says the judge, was an
interested spectator at the legislature,
and attended every meeting of the
third house while she was in the capi
tal city.
M osier Man Speaks.for.New County.
"We propose to make Cascade county
a strictly apple county, said A. f . rJa
teliani of Mobier to a Journal reporter,
the territory tkat is desired takes in
the Hood River valley and Mount Hood
Its county seat would be the town of
Hood River. The opposition comes from
people along the eastern portion of the
proposed county, and Irom the people
of The Dalles. Wasco county is said to
be now about 70 miles wide, and there
is complaint that it is too large a (lis-
trie ,and that the task of traveling from
uuilayiug portions to the county seat
to transact business is too treat. The
people of Hood River say there are
U00 people in their proposed county,
and they want a local seat ot govern
ment .
"Wasco county is mostly a sheep and
wool section, said Mr. Jbaleham." 1 here
are a few prunes raised there, and there
is some geueral aKi'ictilture. But in our
section of the county apples are the
Staple. We want to push improvements
that will further the success oi the apple
1 be proposed county would De about
30 miles wide. The boundary line leaves
the Columbia river at a point beween
Rowena and Mosier, and runs south
then jogs westward, and south again
to a point below the line of Mount Hood,
then west to the Ulaukamaa county
line. It would cover the eastern border
of Multnomah county.
That Tickling io the Throat.
One minute after taking One Miuute
Cough Cure that tickling in the throat
is gone, it acts in the throat not the
stomach. Harmless good for children
Sold by O. E. Williams.
Locate your home where the best improvements are going.
Sewers, Spring Water and Sidewalks, fine view and good drainage.
All these are found in
Park Addition
Which will be included in the First Sewer District, and which is beyond question the most
desirable residence section in Hood River. Buy now before the prices advance.
t Co.
ooo raver ueveiopmen
yv r-w -v a - --
uuukui: l . pkai MbR, A. A. JAYNE,
Selling Agent. Secretary.
Where It Wont Liquidate.
Hood River is going to build a cold-
storage plant to keep herjberries and
apples fresh. She might also put that bill
e owes the saloonkeepers in cold-stor
age, it might keep unti. she could
raise the dust or until they have an
other election. Cline Falls Press.
Beware of Ointments for Cutarrli
containing murmiry, as mercury will surely
aestroy me sense i meti sun completely
derunite lh whole system when enterinif It
through the mucous surfaces. Huch urttules
should not he used except on prescriptions
irtuii rrpmauie pnyKiciaiiN, as itie ouiuhki
i hey will do Is ten fold to the pood yon ctin pos
sibly derive from them. Hull'" Catarrh Cure,
tiiHiiiifttcttired by B.K. Cheney A Co..(if Toledo,
U.conttiliiti no mercury Hnd s taken ititerimlly
actinic directly noon the blood and nuicOun
surl'iices of the 8Mtcin. In buying HsU's Ca
tarrh cure be flu re you tret the genuine. It Is
taken Internally and uinde in Toledo, Ohio,
uy w. r. meney a kjo. testimonials tree.
Hold by drtiKKlstU. Price 75c per bottle.
Ta c Hull,. Pills fur a contltHtlon.
I'ubllc hand. Ha le-i Isolated Tract.)
Pullet offlce. Tt' Pnli, Ore
gon, Jam ary 36, 1905. Notice U hereby
Kivell u,t In pursuance ol insti ac
tions Irom Ihe commiR4ton.r of iheKeuera!
land oltlcc, under authority vested in hint by
section H ft, United males KevlsediHtatnei,
as amended by act ot congress approved
February &i, WX, we will proceed to oiler at
public sale at the hour of U o'clock a. in., on
the lllth day or March, :uor, at tills office, the
following tract of land, to-wit:
The fc.;, of section 33, township 2
north, range II east of Willamette merldiun.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
Ihe above-described lands Bre advised to rile
their claims in this oflhw on or before Ihe
day above designated lor the commencement
of aula sale, otherwise their rights lo be for
feited. M It'll AKL T. NOI.AN, Register.
12 m9 ANNE M. I.ANO, Kecelver.
Four houses for rent. W. J. Baker.
U. S. Commissioner.
Notary Public.
Abstracts, Conveyances, Insurance
and Financial Agent.
Tlx1 Old and Reliable and Up-to-date Ileal Estate Agent. 23 years a resident of the
( ity and alley. 20 years m Ileal Estate and Insurance in town. If you want to buy.
or sell Ken I hstate, come and see me.
The following list is only a small portion of lands we have for sale:
All dlBA&RAR nf Vtdnava
Bladder. Urinary Organs.
acne. HeartDlsease Gravel.
uropey, female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
cure for you. If necessary write Dr. rentier,
lie has spent a life lime- curios 1ut such
cases as yuurs. All consultation free.
I had severe case of kidney tl;so:i'-e and
rheumatism, discharging hluodv luuiter.
Suffered intense palu. My wife w se i loudly
affected with femuiu troubles. ir. 1-Ynticr g
Klduey and Hiirkarho Cure curni in huth.
F. M. WHKEI.KU. liaiiiiulpn. In."
Druggists. 50c., H.Ask fnrCooU ItnnU- Free.
VITMQ'ri A NPF f!"ro c""' ''l-' nhir. Pr
For Sale by O. N. CLARK K, llnod Itivcr.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, 'or
tlie county of Wasco.
Nohton 11. Jordan, Plaintiff
Anna Johiian, Defendant
To Anna Jordan, defendant above named: In the
name oi itie slate oi Uregon:
Vou are hereby commanded to annear and
swer the complaint filed airainst you in the above
entitled suit, within six weeks fount th day of
renruary, . i.. oid. said day being the first day
of the publication of this summons; and if you
fail ti so answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
win appiy 10 tne court tor the relief demanded in
run I'oiiiinami nieu in saia cause, to-wit: a decree
m mvorce aissnjvinir the bonds of matrimony
isting between the plaintiff and defendant in said
cause, ana lor genctaf relief.
t nis Ktiinnionft is putinnnea by virtue of an or
der ot Hon. vt . i,. Iliadshaw nidge of the circu
court for v asco county, state of Oregon, dated
the -It Inlay of January. A. D.. which nr.
dcr suei'ities and provides for six weeks and for
seven insertions as the time for which this sum
mons shall be published in the Hood River tila-
cior. a newspaper of general circulation published
weekly in Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Hated at Hood Kiver, Oregon, this 26th day of
January, mm. juiin 1.M.ANU HtNllKHSIlN,
f-mclile Attorney for Plaintiff,
Vigorite Powder
I am still ugen: for this blasting powder. He
mh-.'i nine nir ("ices,
Sii tf KKA.NK KTANTON, Hood Kiver.
I Something You
Your health or that of your family should be
a great object to you. and when you need any
medicine you should make sure that you get
the purest and freshest DRUGS.
That is t lie kind sold by
The Drug'g'ist
r ir r n-m tin niiwm in ti n - n m i mm mwmm.wmm tm
Smoke a Good
3 Sizes-
For sale at all Cigar and Grocery Stores in Hood River
1. 5-rooni house and over an
Here of land. Moat nightly loca
tion in town. About 40 fruit trees
ami other fruit. Easy terms.
Only $1500
2. Lot 60x135, good location
nnd fine view 250
3. One and one-half lots on
Stttte street, fenced, sitlewalk and
fui it trees C50
4. Six fine lots on the hill, very
fine view 1100
5. A ircod luiililinc lot in Bar-
ri tt-Hpnia addition 200
. Small house and good lot in
r.'owers' addition 800
7. II"ife and lot and good barn
in uood sightly location 1250
s A good husiness corner on
Oak street, "oilUO fteU Three
Also the exclusive Hale of InU
iu Kiverview Park and Idlewllde
1 25 acres 5' miles from town
on the East aide; good apple land
about 3 acres cleured and 40 fruit
trees net. A house, one half mile
from scdool, on R. F. D. route 1700
2. 5 acres 2 miles from town on
West side. All in cultivation: 2
acres in strawberries; a few fruit
trees; a room uouse; small barn;
close to church. Easy terms 1500
3. 20 acres of good apple land,
unimproved, 12 miles from town 750
4. 40 acres 6 miles from town,
37 acres in cultivation, 4 acres in
Ktrawoerries, 400 apple trees of
1 the best varieties and in fine con
dition .several acres in alfalfa aud
good buildings ou the property... 5000 ..-lover; all good land, one-half
mile from school and with one of
the best views iu the valley,
tlood terms C00O
5. 10 acres of unimproved land
6 miles from town, level aud eas
ily irrigated; will grow any kind
of crops; close to school and
irrigating ditch 1 100
6. 20 acres of unimproved land
6 miles from town, level aud eas
ily irrigated; will grow any kind
of crops; close to school and
charch 1HO0
7. 80 acres six miles from town
on West side; 4 acres In hearing
orchard; creek runs through the
place; fine for fruit or grass; good
4-room house 8500
8. Harry Brown place of 5 acres
4 acres In strawberries; horse,
wagon, harness, farm tools and a
4-inch water right go with the
place 1500
Wish to call your attentioiM.o the fact that thev have a
well selected line of
vSchool Tabiets, Pencils
and anything you need for School
that they also have a i
Candies, Nuts and Sundries
A Few Facts Worth Knowing
1 The 1
one year.
Hood River
arnuise LauiKirv lias been in onemtion mst
It is a Hood River industry. emnlovinr
labor and causing Hood River products.
It has distributed in the town over $4,000 during
the last year for labor and supplies. During the
coming season it will reach $.",u0() or more.
It is a truism that till things must creep before
they walk, and we are commencing to walk pretty
fast. Changes are being made in the plant ami new
equipment added all the time. We guarantee you
lirst-class work ami our prices are standard and sat
satisfaetory. Ask for terms on family washings.
e are ti Uome industry and thank our patrons
for their liberal plitronnge in the past, and feel con
fident the future will convince the most critical that
Hood River has an up-to-date and progressive laun
dry. Send us your lace curtains, woolen blankets,
ladies' dresses, gents' clothes, in fact any laundry you
may have, and we will guarantee you satisfaction.
Hood River.
Kktaiimhiikh 11)1)0.
KesitlenU of Wasco Co. for Z Veurs
Transact a General Banking Business.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Issue American Iiankers Association Monev Onion miiml.ln ,, i.. t., n...
United States. We have for stile the l.tnt is mid Chirk cml.l ,in;u a o..i
lent remembrance for your eastern IVieniis.
d of
Carries everything in tho lino, including
Krinklcd Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone 071. First and Oak Streets.
use. Don't forget!
ine oi nne
too numerous to mention.
Call, and call again. Phone
00 TO
bone & Mcdonald
For Flour, Feed, & Groceries
Look at our prices on Rubbers: Child's Rubbers, 200
Ladies' Rubbers. 500 Men's Rolled LMge " 7.r0
Ladies' and Children's Rubber Roots at propor
tionately low prices.
Underwear at prices that cannot be duplicated in town.
Call n ml see us. Free delivery.
bone & Mcdonald
with the water that is imst, hut tinlike
the mill, our p:ist orders have been
tilled so Hlieccsffnlly that new ones are
(constantly coming in fioni our old
inttrons. Are yon to he one of them?
Our Dulles Patent nnd White Uivor
Hour is the finest thai is milled, and
is ground from the Is-st selected wheat;
iu fact the cream of the whenttielils.
ami It makes the most delicious bread
while and palatable.
Hood River, Or.
Our Handsomely Illustrated ami Descriptive 1!K)3 Catalog tells all about the
Best Seeds, Plants, Shrubs, Poultry and Bee Supplies, Fertilizers,
Tools, Spray Pumps, Garden Supplies, etc.
Wecarryiinme. se stocks, make quirk deliveries and promise that your
onlers w ill have our most direful attention.
Don't buy supplies iu the nlve lines without first consulting our 1905 Illug
t rated and Desetiotive Catalog, free on request.