The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 09, 1905, Image 1

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0 satnit, r -
No. .'))
1 J-
i I
Itemed ecrv Thurady by
AUTHLR D. MOE. Publish.
Temn ol lUbwripUou 11.60 ft year wh ftld
ill nuvMiivv.
HUOl) RlVKlt UliitiK NO. 105, A. K. and A.
m.-jitriN smtni-tiuy evening on or before
vim ii iiiii iiiwtiii. i in MA3I lll.'Tl.Ka, W. M.
A. 1), Mok. Keerelnrv.
II (KM) KIVEK I'll AHTKK NO. 27 K A. M -Mui'ts
tirst uuil ililrd Friday nights of each
. . . r, chaniii.kk, u. r.
A. I. Miik, Secretary.
lllltlll lflVf.'ll I'lllWVU xr., .ml rk ts u
Mm Is second and fourili Tuesdsy evening
... iivii i..ti,ii. mourn i-oruintiy wetconieu.
ii n. j . j,. I1KKHI1NKK, W. M.
itiu!). uiftHraA t aht.nkk, wwretary.
Meets in Fiateruul null, every Thursday
ii. r. Smith, Secretary
l-'lll-'V t'WI'UPUt'VT V .o f t r li
Hegnlar hieelhiir second and foiirlh Mondaya
H. H. Knthm-an, Scribe.
si, I. o. u. K.-MeeCa first and third Fridays
111 CllVIl IllUlltli.
Mas. E. W. Fdrm,, N. O
Mas. Dora Thomson. Secretary.
meets in i. 01 r. nun every Tuesday n.Kht,
V. 0. Bbock, 0. 0.
H. T. lusWrrr, K. of r. and 8.
HOOD KIN Kit ( AVI', NO. 7,702, M. W. A.
meets in k. ot r. hall every Wednesday
night. Chab. Jonks, V. V.
V. U. DAK IN, Clerk,
jieiMson nrst tin i third Tuesday or each
ijiiiiitii in uuu reiiuws nail.
,, , F, H. Blaoo.C. C.
II. WWait, Clerk.
HOOIl KIVEK llUll.K NO. 521, WOMEN Si'
Woodcrnl't-JlLeUat K. of P. hall on the
nrsitiuu itilrd t rlflays or each month.
1IK1.I.KN NoKTON, (i.N,
Nki.lir iiom,owki.i,, t'lerk.
HI Kl.SIDli LoDUENO. m A. O. U. NV.
Altirt. Hist and third Saturdays of each
nautili. 0. L. Col'1'l.K, M. NV.
K. It. Hhaiii.kv, Financier
Chkstkk SHUTK. Ketortler.
Honor, A. O. C. W.-Meeta first and third
sulurclays at 8 p. in.
Mism ( oka Coppi.ic, C. of H.
Mihh Caiikir Coi'ri.u, hecorder.
l'endo.-Meets the second and fourth Fri
days olthe month. Vlsiuirs cordially NVel
coiiic. F. C. rlKOhiLs, Counsellor.
GKo. Ni.ocoM, Secretary.
Union No. 142-Meeta In K. or P. hall the
sec ond and fourth Saturdays in each month
at 7:;) p. in. E. L. Root), President.
v.. u. iAii i, necremry
OLEI A ASSEMHI.V No. KB, UNITED ARi-Ii.niis.-.leel8
Ihe first aud third NVedues
days, work; second and fourth NVeduesdaya
Artisans' hull. J. H. KoiiKlio, M. A.
L DtlKNKirii, Secretary.
or America, Meets second and fourth Mon
days iu each uionili In K. of P. hall.
F. C. ItliOMIt H, F. ('.
CA.M1N I'onT, AO. ili.O. A. K.-AIEETrt AT
A. o. U. NV. hull, second and lourth Satur.
days of each mouth at 2 o'clock p. in. All
G. A. R. members Invited lx meet with us.
A. L., Commander.
liioMAS Gosh, Adjuiaiit.
uuil loiirih Salurdaysol each Month lu A.
o. U. NV. hall at 2 p. in. Ulowkks, President.
Lizzik Ukk, Secretary
Meets at K. of P. hall on the teeond and
fourth Friday of each month.
Has. Kim Jokh, OracU.
Mrs. Ella Darin, Recorder.
Al'NA TEMPLE, No. , Kathboti 8 iten,
ince s every second and fourth Thurs
day ol each month.
Stella Kichakpson, M. of K. and C.
Has returned to Hood River and Is prepared
to do any work In the veterinary line. He can
be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke's
drug store.
Office in Smith Building.
Office phone mil. Residence phone DG3.
"jTfTwatt, m. d.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811.
si;i!GEON O. R. 4 N. Co.
Physician and Surgeon.
Offices unci Residence in E. L. Smith Building
over First Nst. Hunk. Entrance, rear
of bank, on Third St.
I'lione 311.
successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Culls promptly answered In town or country,
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence, (ill: Office, 613.
office over NVood Bros.' Grocery.
Office In the Smith Building. Phone 1.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: office, 381; residence, W.
Office over Lank Hldg. Hood River, Ore.
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office wlrh Geo. D. Culbertson it Co. Col
lections, Abstracts, Sctllemeut ol Estates.
for 28 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has bad many years experience in
tti 1 Kstate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent. Bailsfactton guaranteed or
Do charKe.
Abstract Furniahed. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon,
p C. BR0S1US, M. D. !
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Honre: 10 to 11 A. M. j I to S
and 6 to 7 P. M.
boos I'.VtR pRiaoa
was ni , r. i .
The poitofflce is open dally between lam.
and 7 p. m.; fcundaj irom 12 to 1 o'clock. Mails
for the Kast close at U :2U a. m., p. m. and I
p m.; tor me e at i:w p. m. ana p.m.
Thm n.r.l.r. ,,n U W It w 1 Jt M
I leave the puatoBloe at ;) daily, kail leaves
rur .k uuou, shut ai u:w m.: amvea,
10:20 a. m,
VApCk-nnBAlii V..k -1 - .
days, Thursdays and battirdaya; axrtvei aaoie
m . W II. Ml.
For Underwood, Wash., at 7:10 a. m. Tuet-
dava. Thuradava and Haturdara! Arrlwaa u n
days at p. m.
For White Salmon, Wash., dally at l:i p, a.j
niiin ai a. m.
VUlTf a 1 1 unu
For Hood River dally at a. m.t arrives at
4:46 p.m.
For Husum, Trout Lake and Outer, Wash.,
aaiijr ai. I ;ao a. m. ; arrives n a m.
For Glenwood, Olimer and Fulda, Wash.,
dailv at 7 :HU a. m. : arrives at & n m.
a. m. Tuesdays and baturdaye; arrives same
u.ii, iv,w a. ni.
For Blniren, Wash., dally hi 4:U a. a.: ar
rives at I:i6a.m.
Timber Land Act Junes, 1878.1
United Slates Land Office, The Dalles. O-e-
gon, iw. is, im. jsotice Is hereby given that
In compliance with the provisions of the act
of congress or June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands Id the states of Call-
lornia. ureiron. nevaaa. and wash nptin
Territory, "as extended to all the Public Land
states oy act or August 4, 1M8,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state ot
Oregon, has this day filed In this office Ills
sworn statement No. 2467, for the purchase of
me iwr,)(, nwnK Ol section no. KO,
and HWNW ot Section Number HI,
In township No. 2 north, ranae No 9 E.. NV.M..
andwlll offer proor to sbowthat I he landsouiilil
Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than
for serlcultursl purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before George T. PriK
llier. United States roniinlaaloner. at. hl
oince at Mood River, Oregon, on the 4th day
of March, 1B05.
He names as wltneases: Hugh A. Moore,
James Moore, Charles J. Haves, and William
F. Rand, all of Hiaid River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
iiicii unions ill i.iiih nmra on nr ni,ritiA Hum
nil aay oi Marcii, wos.
difj ca MICHAEL T. NOLAN.Reglster.
Contractors and
and Builders
Flam and Eitimath Fuimiiiid.
llcOUIUE BROS, Prope.
i ... i Vm.1, . fnmit Vf . t. trA.
Poultry, FrulU and Vegetables.
The place to get an easy shave, an up-to-date
hair cut, and to enjoy the luxury el a aoroelala
bath tub.
1l 11 . D.u D... Dalaaaai t W Sink's
nuwil ivejCB. i ruin, nciwww "'
ltd K. C. Wright'. Btrictly fli-it claw. Balit-
lacUon suaranwea.
Of 26 yean' experience. Will fur
nish plans and ipeciflcationi for all
kiudi of buildings. Strictly up to date.
Located at Hood River.
and Builder.
Plans and Estimates Furnished
Upon Application. di
Estimate! furniihed on all kinds of work
PrinnoH- Arnold, Main M.
I I1UI1UN. rrederlnk. M.l-"
and Builders
Hood River, Ore.
Carpenter & Builder
Estimates cheerfully fnrnlshed,
Flans and Specitlcatloua furnished.
All work promptly and carefully attended to.
Hood River, Ore.
& Builder.
ePt.Ai and Estihatiw FrmwtHHnn-,
I am manufacturing at my
yard near Columbia nursery
south of town, as fine a qual
ity of common brick as can
be found in the state. Have
200,000 to 800,000 brick on
hand for- inspection. Price
at yard $8 per thousand.
Come out to the yard and
see how we make brick.
Columbia Nursery
F. E. BROSIUS, Prop.
Strawberry Plants, Top-Crafted
Cherry Trees, 2-yr.-oId Apple Trees
including Spitzenberg, Newtown,
Baldwin, Ortley, Winter Banana, etc
Guaranteed true to name.
Hood Kiver, Ok.
I Tl . l.i- ).. .. .1 I i. n a 9 lirfl I
United State Land OAloe, The Dalles, Ore
gon, inov. si, 1WH. notice is Hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June.H, 17M. entitled, "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the slates
of (California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the public
land states by act of August 4, lny-J,
of Blsckduck, county of Keltraml, state of
Minnesota, has on October B ltKKl, M I'd in I tils
office ills sworn statements No. slftf. for the
purchase of the K NW4 and EJSNVfiof
rMMuton h, in lownsnip o. a rvorin, iuini;e ino.
E,,W.M .: and will otter proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
eatsbllsh his claim to said laud before the
register and receiver of this office at The
Dalles: Oregon, on Hie 17th day of March. hHifi
He names as witnesses: August Woldeii. of
Hemitllt, Minnesota: Ernar NN Ilia. of l'ortluud
Oregon; Louis Nelson, of Deschutes, Oregon:
B. w.i urran.oi v lento, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims n Ihlsotllceon or before the
said 17th dav or March, l'.Kft.
daf.6 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Hcglster
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1S7H1
United States Laud Office, Ttie Dullus, Ore
gun, Nov. 21, mn.-Noll.-e 1h hereby given
Itmt In compliance with the nrovNloi.M of (tie
act of Congrutm of June 3, 18Ht entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the statew
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wasiilmf
lon Territory," as extended to all the public
lauu suited oy aei oi a iiKiifi 4, isii':,
of Way noli a, county of Wood-, Territory of
vk luuuina, nan on April i, iH.niea in tins
offlce his Rworn stateinent No. for the
purchase of the HKHW!4 snd lot 4 ofHwtlon
No. 7, In Township No. 1 North, Range No. 11
K., W, M., and will ofler prHf Ut show that
the land sought Is more valuable fo H k t ) tu
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his elalm to said land before
(let. T. I'rather. U 8. CotnmiNKloner. at his
ottlceln Hood Ktver, Oregon, o i the 3d day of
Aiaren, mo.
He names as wltneNMes: Arthur K.French.
Archie V. French, Allwrt M. Cahlwell and
Bert L. Wooley, nil ofWsynokfl, Oklahoma;
Kdmond ( Miller. Ollford H. .Voodworth und
Ralph French, all of Hood Ktv r, ttregon.
Any and all neraontt clalnilntr adversely the
above-riuMcrlbed lauds are requeMed to tile
their claims In this office on or before the
said 3d day of March, UXM.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
ior wasco county.
In the matter of the petition of J. h. Khoe-
niaker and others for the formation of
an irrigation district In the county of Wa
to and stale of Oregon.under the provlKiourt
of chapter V of Title XXX IX of liul linger A
Lotion s Annotated cones and statutes ot the
state of Oregon.
To the Honorable county court of the state
oi oiegon tor wasco county.
The undersigned oetitloners resuectfullv
show to the court;
First That said netltloners. whose names
are subscribed hereto, hereby nrooose the
organization of an irrigation district, un
der the provisions of the act or the leuistattve
assembly of the state of Oregon Hpproved
February 20. lKitft, the Haute being chapter V
of Title XXXIX of Bellinger A- Onion s an
notated coues ana statutes ot Oregon and said
district whensoorganiseed to have the powers
conferred, or that may hereafter be conferred.
by law upon sal a irrigation uistrict, hiiu sntd
petitioners hereby pray for an order ot the
court that said district be organized under
the provisions or l lie law above mentioned.
Second That said petitioners urea major
ity and more than fifty of the holders of title
and evidence of title to Isnds situated tn said
proposed district herelnaiter described which
are susceptible or Irrigation from a common
and combined source aud by the same system
of works, aud propose the organlxadon of an
irrigation district, as norm iter d scribed,
for the purpose of Irrigating the lands within
said district.
Third That said proposed district lies
wholly within Waneo county, state of Oregon
and is more particularly described as follows,
Commencing at a point on the south bank
of the Columbia river, where the same Inter
sects the section line between sections HI aniCW,
in township 3 north, range lo ewst, and run
ning thence south to the quarter-section
corner between sections 5 and li in township ii
norm, range iu east; mence wesi one mile u
the quarter-section corner between section
6 in township 2 north range 10 Kast and sec .
tion 1 In township 'I north, runae U east.:!
thence south two and a half miles lo the sec-1
tion corner common to sections is and 19!
In township 2 north, range 10 east and Mmid
SW in township a north, range 9 east; thence
west one-nan nine to the nuaiterseetion cor
ner between ssid sections l;i and 24; thence
south one mile to the quarter-section corner
between sections 24 aud 26 in townships north,
range, 9 east; thence west to the section cor
ner common to sections 23, 24, 25 and 2tf in
said township and range; thence south weM
to the center of said section H; thence south i
one and one-half miles to the township line
at the quarter-section corner between section
tff, township 2 north, range 9 esse, and section
2. township 1 north r a litre 9 east: thence east I
along 8;tidtoWh8hlp tine to the point where the I
same intersects me leu nana oi me stream oi i
Hood river; thence down along the left bank
of Hood river to the point where the same
intersects with the irrigating ditch ol the
Fantern' Irrigating Co, thence along the
north ana west iiucot said irrigating ditch !
to the township line between townships
2 north and three north to the section
corner common to sections 33 and 31 lu
township 3 north, range lu east aud sections
Hand 4 In township t north, range 10 east;
thence north one mile to the section corner
common to sections 27,28, 33 and 34 iu township
3 north, range locust; thence west on the sec-'
tion line to where the same intersects the
south btink of the Columbia river; thence
down aud along the south bank of said
river to the place ot beginning.
The petitioners whose names are hereto
subscribed, hereby represent that they are a
majority of the holders of title and evidence ot
title to the lands situated In the proposed dis
trict above described, and they hercbyjpciUion
for the formation and organization of said
district under the provisions of law above
mentioned and referred to, and Hint the
county -court above named make an
order tht there shall be three directors
for (-aid district and that they shall
be elected by the district at large, and
also for such other and further relict us to
the court msy seem Just.
Haid petitioners also hereby give notice that
the lor going petition will be presented to the
county court of the state of Oregon lor Wasco
county at the regular March term thereof,
and that, the same will be so prest'iitcl on
Wednesday, the Mist day of March, liH)."i, at
the hour oi 10 o'clock a. m., and that this no
tice will be published for t ur consecutive
weeks prior tosttid date In the Hood Kivcr
Ulacier, a weekly newspaper of general cir
culation printed and published in a-w
ty, Oregon, the dale of the II rut
theieol being stated below.
J. II. Hhopinsker
V. K. Muiktmin
B. K. Mmt'inuker
K. i 'hs ihI ler
W. I,. Nichols
J. W. Intuits
K. C Kiieirleb
K. Nlei!(w
B. K. Mos
C'bss. Wttllara
U. U. Abernathy
J. J. Otbtxms
H. K. Alwi.od
A. J. Kokts
Chss. Hti Himtiuii
John Jttkku
U B. Wll-on
I. . K. Iwrt
Kred N. Korden
John A. Wilson
K. N. ls:rnh ker
Mrs. I. v. NeaieUh
Joe Lkibson
Menoniiiu Lbr Co
K. K. Abslen
J. '. HeliueJ
Isuue Van Blarscom
A.J. Krlpdlpy .
.'. C. Jhiii.i!ii
Jos. FrH.ier, Jr
J. . Kiislrnuli
(i. K. Cusiner
K. I.. KusUiitill
li. K. Kliu'hur
II. A. MiKirt
Henry Hicltiinson
K. ifuiu-iin Murtln
Jauii's .Mixru
W. A. tvttlrliimn
J. K Ulntis
CIihs. t.'tiundlcr
J.J. Jorrfiin
O. W. Hirunahan
1'. li. Miirlln
K. W. Angus
J. B. UaMner
(ton. Borneo
Andrew oveilsnd
Thoimis Ooks
H. A. iskmner
Titos. Hhele
Allien ('. Helms
Ivter Hsrsh
Mrs. J. M. Hhoeinsker
Mrs. M. A. Hhoeinakcr M. K. Noble
Albert Brooks
Johu Mil. hi-ll
J. K. I'blllps.
J. H. ritlnliolf
F. A. Countryman
H. J. Cole
Mrs. L. Norder
J. W. Lyle
H. C. McKamey
John Ktranaban
J. r. Dunn
K. Brsford
Mrs. A. lneallt
J. H. Uould
J. I.. Blount
Daniel H. I.ble
H- F.. Mtii'4iiihT
John W. Duvls
Frank E. visbrir
Flarl K. Bartmess
H- O. Mleward
N. U. Jordan
C. A. HK kle
Ksluu Jai'vIs
K H l.lnilHiiy.
K. n.MMrtiti
J. ('. MeilrHtll
rl'rs'i ipubliestlon hereof UsUs! ihts ith day j
, Uilt'.iitore
ofJunuary,:fi. I
. . !
Cor , pure-bred Plymouth Hock rootters
phoMiast. oi b. K. Mokes. j
Aasenale of I.euil Cmn hint's
l'roportli's Willi .Neutral
At a recent meeting of the Pajaro
Valley OirhardiKtV Asxtifiatitm Knto
moloKint W. W. Volk pave a review of
his coriliu moth invest iaHoUM. The
followiiiK in a iyuopsiKot' w hat ho said
ou the Miibjuct, as reported by tlie
WatHonville Pujaroniuu :
1 iirst took up the work of the rod
lin moth invei-tifratinn iu the middle
of the August last year. At that time
the injurious effects of too heavy a
use of parit) green had beuu to lie
manifest in certain orchards. ihe
seriousness of this condition was
quickly realized by those in charge of
the investlaRtioii.aiid Professor Wood
worth directed that a special study be
made of the problem at once. Work
wan betfuu early in September and a
laiKe number of small experiments
were made and nearly nil of the known
arsenicals were specially tested with
regard to their elfect upon the foli
ao. Counter experiments were also
run to determine their value as in
secticides. These experiments result
ed in very quickly show inn that under
the climatic conditions prevailing in
aud around Watsonville of the so
called insoluble arsenic i (impounds
were liable to break down and liberate
tho arsenic in a soluble form, iu w hich
case it can readily gain access to the
leaf and bring about the poisoiiini;
and killing ol the tissue, known as
The substances experimented with
were, in the main, the iveuzic formula,
paris green, arsenate of lend home
made and commercial varieties. All
of these compounds proved injurious
except the arsenate of lead audi lis
parine, a commercial lorm of lead
arsenate, which proved the best, of all,
not injuring the delicate foliage of
beans when applied in the greatest
possible concentration.
'Ihe addition of lime was also made
a point of fctudy. It. was found that
this retarded the injurious eli'ects of
paris green v. lieu a. hied in moderate
amounts, but the small experiments
did uot indicate that the exces.-he
use of lime brought about any marked
injury prevention, 'lht-se results do
not agree with cxariiy the practical
spraying done in On t on and to some
extent iu tho valley.
It has long been known that the ad
dition of lime tended to prevent in
jury from Paris green, and in theory
it v. a.s supposed to act chemically on
the uncoinbiued o tree arsenic and
thereby fo-t.i an Lr.-olchlo arseuitn of
limo. Put ou closer study it, was seen
that the white arsenic, or soluble ar
senous oxide, which was supposed to
be tho cause of all the injury, could
not bo readily combined w ith the lime
in this manlier. It was also dis
covered that the paris green itself
would break down some days, weeks
or months after the application, ac
cording to t he weather conditions and
tho stability of the product. Then
the chemical combination of the lime
with iree arsenic can hardly account
for its action in preserving the paris
green particle. It seemed then that
another cause must be sought for.
Kery one has observed that a bucket
of lime water will form a skin over
the surface alter stand ing u few hours.
This skin is bicarbonate and is
formed by the action of the carbonic
acid gas in the air ou the lime solu
tion. The carbonate of lime is nearly
insclubie mid so a skin of it quickly
for .ns at, the surface of the water.
j his same skin is formed anywhere
a aiticie of limo solution is expoicd.
A g.ass plate wet with lime witter w ill.
as soon us the water has ewiporated,
be coverct tenacious skin oi
lime carhor.aio. The same thing hap
pens with u particle of paris gret-n
wet with lime water. This skin is
nearly insoluble in water and is also
quite resistant to weather decomposi
tion and hence acts as a protection to
the particle. Put so far nothing has
been found which w ill improve tin;
weather resistance of paris green as to
make it safe in tho Pajnro valley.
It is safe for the reasons above stated
that we were forced to give up pans
green and substitute lead arsenate
which, iu tho earlier experiment .,,
was found to be tho safest of ail ar
senicals tested.
The small experiments of last sea
sou were suplemented this year by
some on a larger scale, a short ac
count of which will uot lie out of
place here.
Such experimental work ns was car
ried on iu the lield was conducted at
the Rodgers place on Lake a emit!.
C. 11. ilodgers kindly gave us I ho lib
erty of the premises and stood such
expenses hist were conducted wiih the
work in tho Held.
Tho Held work consisted of three
principal spraying experiments, sup
plemented by a number of smaller
ones. In tho principal ej crim"nts
tho spraying was done with a power
outtit. One set tif trees was sprayed
with the oil ami paris green mixture,
the formula lieiug changed somewhat
from time to time. The Hist spray
ing consisted ot i.l ounces of pans
green, 3 pints of lim-oed oil and
pounds of lime in 2ui gallons of water.
the application was made tin the -!-t
of June. At tho time of the applica
tion tho foliage was in good condi
tion. Ono month later, oratthetime
of the socond application, there was
a slight, through noticeable, injury
to the foliage.
In the second application ):i ounces
of paris green were used, w it It II
quarts of oil ami M poutuln of lime.
Only half the trees were sprayed the
second time, the injury which was
just apparent at tho time of tho sec
ond spraying developed slightly more,
aud then was apparently checked.
so that at the time of the third appli
cation, August JI, it seemed to lie loss
seriously than formerly.
The formula usetl in the
third spray
ing was coiiri.-tel of paris green lu
I uuu.v-D, it-' viv. .... i., .ii nun iiuiir i
,.,.r.,..u !i.....,l I t ...... l : '
8 pounds. Shortly after litis spraying ;
the trees lost heavily and at the time
of tho hot spell in beptemlier many
leaves yellowed and full, leaving the
fruit exposed.
(Vmriesy r.irule M'vwsteHd.
It seonietl, l ow over, that the great
est injury v as dono by tho Hrst ap
plication, us those trees sprayed lost
nearly as many leaves as the ones
treated three times.
Tw o rows adjacent to the paris green
treated trees were sprayed at the same
time with arsenate of lead, prepared
at the time of application, and used
at the rate of 1 pound to 2(Kl gallons,
liguring on tho actual dry weight of
dry arsenate. No lime was tisod and
no injury developed. Tho trees were
yellow Newtown pippins.
ihe third spraying experiment was
conducted on White Winter Pear
mains and Yellow Newtowus. Aseuite
lime was used. Ths compound is a
close relative to tho Kedzio mixture,
the difference being that sodium ars
enate instead of sodium itrseuito is
used iu its preparation.
The formula of tho Hrst application
was: Arsenate of soda, bi ounces,
lime li pounds, and linseed oil :i pints,
with HH1 gallons of water. Iu tho sec
ond application no oil was used and
the water was increased to 175 gal
lons ami t he lime to K pounds.
Tho third application was tho same
as the second. No injury to the foli
age was noted until after tho third
application, w hen there was some allot
ting and yellowing of the leaves of
tho Yellow Newtowus.
After tho hot spell a considerable
number of leaves yellowed and fell
from the Newtown trees and slight,
injury to the Pearinaius was noted.
The principal experiments wore sup
plemented by many others, in which
varying quantities; of tho ingredients
were tested, and also various substan
ces not commonly used in spraying
were tried.
lu no case was paris green used ou
Newtown foliage without injury
more or loss marked before the close
of the summer. Arsenate and ars
ouito of biro were also used in con
centration which would lie effective
against the corllin moth. Arseuitn of
lead was also found to be tpiito injur
ious. Arsenate of lead, however, proved
very safe, and the commercial brand
known as Disparouo was entirely
Swift's arsenate of lead wits slightly
injurious to peach foliage when used
in excessive quantities, but the am
ount required for the control of the
codliu moth had no injurious elfect.
r.xperimeuts with home made arse
nate of lead showed it to be somewhat
more injurious than Swift's, although
no injury was noticed iu tho spraying
work on the Yellow Newtowus.
In making a choice between those
supstances it is desirable to get tho
greatest control of the moth with the
least injury to the tree possible.
Apple counts were made with nil the
spraying experiments mid the percent
age of wormy fruit taken.
With the leatl arsenate tho wormles
averaged bl per cent, and the adjoin
ing row of oil paris green, Kiper cent,
("hecks in this part of tho orchard ran
10 per cent.
lu another part of tho on re hard oil
and paris green spraying averaged 21
per cent wormy, while corresponding
checks were 70 percent.
Tho arsenate of lime spraying ran !5G
per cent wormy for White Winter Pear
mains and Ml per cent for yellow New
towns. These figures do not show as good a
control as can be hail by spraying, for
last year's experience showed that a
!C per cent control was easily attain
able in tho valley orchards.
lu this year's experiments the first
spraying was not applied until June
21st which allowed the first brood of
worms to mature w ithout check. This
meant a large second brood to con
tend with. Then the number of ap
ples ou tho greater part of the trees
was small, which had the elfect of
raising the per cent of wormles.
Aside from tho Held of work a large
amount of time was spent iu the labo
ratory, t hielly with chemical analysis
of leaves taken from sprayed trees and
in killing experiments to determine
the insecticidal properties of various
materials. A fuller statement of the
laboratory work will appear later.
The object of the analysis was to
determine tho condition and the
amount of arsenic to be used.
As a result of the study of Pajaro
valley conditions for two seasons we
are notable to recommend paris green
for general spraying. Tho same may
be said of tho Kedzio mixture or the
Talt formula. In fact, tho only spray
which has combined good killing pro
perties with neutral behavior towards
foliage is arsenate of lead.
Lead arsenate will be somewhat
more expensive than any other pie
partition, but if it does the work this
point will not lie a vital objection.
With arsenate of lead spraying can
lie done at any time through the sea
son. This is very important, as the
control of tho codlin moth will de
mand an almost incessant treatment
from the opening of the blossoms to
the picking of the fruit.
I Die important brands of commer-
cial asrenate of lead have lieeu in
vestigated, and we have decided to re
commend Swift's arsenate of lead
tint! lit.At, )oar.
Disparene has so far
proted loss effective, but it is uot do
sired to pass definatoly on P. until
further trials have lieeu made.
The compel isou of home -made lead
arsenate with tbecoomemrclal brands,
i t "Ml l - . r ' -
' to ,- 't, I' . , " '
use , . . r y o f ,
t( y
both with regard to elllcieucy and
cost, is a siinject which win receive
consitieraton and attenton next year,
if the investigation is continued.
At present the orclinrdists are ad
vised to use the commercial arcle.
The Davidson Fruit Co. will intro
duce the folding berry hallock to the
Hood liiver farmers this spring. The
1' nut l"o. is also counting on selling
the crates ami hallocks to the fanners
in "knock-down" or Hat shape. This
will permit the fanners to haul out
their crates curlier in tho season, mid
will give them something to do on
rainy days.
It will permit them to haul more at
a load, and if the grower is too busy
with his work himself lie can keep bis
pickers occupied during the earlier
part of the season nailing up the
crates while they wait for the bright
days to ripen the berries.
Mr. Davidson says that with the
new machinery he has installed he
will bo enabled manufacture t lie crates
at a cheaper price than formerly The
fact that lie w ill not bo compelled to
keep a large number of crates ou hand
iu the warehouse w ill iiIbo work for
cheaper crates. The Hat bullocks are a
patented contrivance, anil w ill have to
lie imported, but tho crates will be
manufactured hero.
Mr. Davidson has been getting
things iu order this week for opera
ting his box factory in a week or so.
Special to tho (llacier.
Portland, Feb. H Official partici
pation iu the Lew is anil (Hark exposi
tion by the imperial government in
China is now assured. Chinese parti
cipation will be on an unprecedented
scale, and the acquisition of the Chi
nese exhibit makes it certain that the
Lewis and Clark fair will excel all
earlier world 'a fairs iu the number
and quality of exhibits from Oriental
uatioiis. Tho Chinese exhibits will
occupy one-fourth of the space in the
Oriental building, which is one of
tho largest exposition palaces on the
Peculiar customs of the Chinese,
habits, progress in war, racial trails,
and manufactures will be shown iu
tho exhibit which the flowery kingdom
will make. Joss-houses will be erect
ed to illustrate the peculiar native re
ligion of the people. The exhibit w ill
include carved and Inlaid furniture,
gold ami silver lllagree work, pottery
of various kinds, modern ami ancient
weapons, anil educational methods.
Negotiations with the imperial gov
ernment have boon going ou for over
a year, ami Colonel Dosch, director of
exhibits for tho exposition, lias spared
no ell'ort to secure olllcial Chinese
Negotiations are now being carried
on with tho Chinese consul at San
Francisco, and the tletails regarding
the participation of the oldest coun
try in the world aie being rapidly
Large Order en li.iilroatl Timber.
Tho mills of the Oregon Lumber Co.
will begin sawing in a few days to
supply an order lor H.'iuo.oni) foot of
bridge and tie timbers tor the Topeka
& Northwestern railroad. F. J. i)o
sou, purchasing agent, for I lie Cniuu
Pacific, was in Hood biter and placed
the order with Mr. Karly last Friday.
3 Mr. Karly states that, the mill id
ingles started up Monday. and the mill
at Viento will bl oly begin sat, ing by
the bith of the mouth. Owingtothe
low stage of water in Hood river it i.-,
impossible to mote log-, tltereioie it
will depend somewhat on the weather
just when the mill iu this city will be
put in operation.
(Jive Yniir Sfiiimicli A lb si.
Your food must be properly digested
and assimilated to lie of any value to
you. If your stomach is w eak or dis.
eased take Kotlol Dyspepsia Cme. Jl
digests what jou tat at il gives the
stomach a lest, enabling it to recuper
ate, take on new life and grow strong
again. Kndol cures sour siotiuieli, gas
It, oiling, heart palpitation and all di
gestive disorders. Sol I by (i. :. Win
lama. A Negative (iiestien.
''Mister I'rown" said the old colored
woman, coining, into the cross-rouds
store, "you ain't got uu spool-eoitoii
numlior thirtv, is you'.'"
"Why Aunt Sally, I didn't say I
didn't have it did il"
" You go 'long, Mister brown I didn't
ax you 'ain't you got it?' I axed jou
'in you?' Ain't youV" l.ippineoti's.
Deserved Popularity.
To cure const ipaliou anil I.Ivor
troubles by gently moving ihe bowels
and acting at a Ionic to the liver, t tke
Little Karly ltisers. Tlnse famous
little pills ant mild, pleasant ami harm
less, but efl'cetive ami mi -. Their uni
versal use for many years i a strong
guarantee of their p u. u'arity ami use
fulnes. gold by (j. E. William.
Winds l'p Profitable Season for
Hoed RiverSlump Kxpt'rted Soon
in Pat'ilic Coast Markets.
Two car of Hood River apples were
shipped last week by the Apple (.bow
ers' union to New Orleans. This is
the first apple shipment from hero
to the southern metropolis.
With only one more car on hand,
this shipment about winds up the
apple business for the union this sea
son. It has been a very successful
one. The total number of ears sent
out is 105. Twenty-five or more have
been shipped by other parties.
Market reports from San Francisco
under date of February 2 stated that
the aiitilo sir.iinr.imi wuw tr,.i, t.i,i
demoralized in that city, but a letter
received by the union the follow
ing day gave no indication of a slump
iu prices. A San Francisco dealer
was willing to take a car at union
The market report staled that 18
cars had arrived in t.ii.t city the first
four day of the week, and that deal
ers wore eutt.imr lil i.'f, . to uoiL- .,tr ti...
surplus. Fancy apples though were
reported scarce ami firm.
b'nliorf d from Pi.ri 1,1.1.1 i..1,..l..u..l.. j
, ....... .vu. . ... I ii..,,. ... 'l.Tmiltll 0
state that the armies front tlm Put 1 tils
country, the Yakima and tho Oramio
Jvonde valleys have begun to arrive,
ami lirices will soon droit. 'tv
few apples have been shipped froiii
those inland sections, and as tho grow
ers ennnof. r.haiti iinw) 1,.., ,
" .'.I' V..W... ..,...) ...11,,.
the fruit must soon tie dumped into
the Pacific, coast cities,
Special to tho (ilacior.
Portland. Feb. K. For tho Lewi
ami Clark centennial, which will lie
heiii at fortiand from June ,to Octo-
iier in next, tho United State govern
ment will make an absolutely uniqre
exhibit. Instead of confining it ex
hibit of warship entirely to miiiia-
turo model, the government will sta
tion a number of hor largest and finest
men ol war in the ilhunette river.
adjoining tho fair grounds. These
vessels will be open to the public for
eeraUiii period each day, and launch
es will carry visitors to and from
them, in order that the people may
see for themselves just what a warship
loo jiko, now it l constructed,
equipped, manned aud controlled.
As the government buildings are
located on a peninsula, which is con
nected to the narrow strip of main
land separating the Willamette i her
and Guild' lake, tho natural "grand
basin" of the exposition, access to the
warships makes it certain that they
will prove a most popular attraction.
The exhibit which the navy depart
ment will make iu the United Sli.tes
(lovorninent building will be com
plete in every detail, ami interesting
to every one.
It will include large models, from
eight to ton foot iu length, which cost
the government i?oW to 10,1)00 each
and which will embrace every type of
warship, from the greatest battleship
to tho little Holland submarine tor
pedo boat. This array of model will
includo reproductions of tho Maine,
which was sunk in Manilla harbor;
the llrooklyn, Admiral Schley's Hag
ship at Santiago; tho Olympia, Dew
ey's flagship at Manilla; beside the
Oregon, New York, Missouri, Colum
bia, Kearsargo, Iowa, Newark, St.
Louis, Texas, Arkansas, Nashville,
Chesapeake, Helena, Taemna, ami
Annapolis, and probably several eth
ers. A most facinating feature of tho ex
hibit of model will lie two working
models of dry docks, one of the famil
iar type of dock found at most of the
navy yards of the world ; the olht r a
floating duck patterned after the now
docks recently installed at Now Or
leans and Ponsacola. These models,
which will be operated continuously,
will show the manner of docking ami
uudocklng war vessels, some of the
ships models being used for illustra
tion. lu one corner of the navy rpitoo
will bo a map of tho world, lid loot
long and H foot high, on which will lie
distributed diminutive models of every
ship iu the United States navy. Those
models will be moved about from day
to day, so that a glance tho visitor
run toll tho location of every ship iu
the service. A company of marine
will bo on duty at the exposition
grounds during the fair. The ma
i ines will give daily drills and con
duct n model camp. .
Point of VlenT"
Senator Penrose says thai a friend of
his residing at Wilkes-Harro recently
engaged as nurse to a Scotch girl just
come to this country. It appears Unit
one Sunday tho lady induced the nurse,
who is of the strictest sort of Preslit
teriiin, to attend a lieatltiful churili
just fleeted ill Wilkes-liiirre.
W hen the girl returned her mistress
asked her if she had not found tho
church a lino ono.
"Yes Ma'am," responded the girl, "it
is very beautiful."
"And the singing" said the ladv,
"wna'iit that lovely?"
"Oh, yes," replied the nurse, "it Was
very lovely Ma'am, but don't you think
it's tin awlul way to spend the Sab
buthV" I.ippinuott'a.
The I'nciiiiioiihi Season.
Coughs and colds in children as well
as adults are frequently dangerous at
this season of the year, and a liitle pre
now may save much trouble, woiry and
expense. Keliuedy's Laxative and Tar
a combined cough and cold cure a new
scientific discovery in medicine is a
certain cure for coughs, colds, whoop
ing cough, etc. The coughs and colds
are cleared out of the system by gently
moving the bowels, and at the same
time the throat, chest, lungs and bron
chial tubes are so strengthened that
there is little probability of danger.
Kennedy' Laxative and Tar is pleanmt
to take. Contains no opiates. Bol l by
(i. , Williams. r '
i I
i J
3 J
a - y -