The By TranaUtcd From Copyright, 7SifAVTEVtT OVa COMPLEX LIFE. T the home of the Blancbard everything is topsy turvy, and with reason. Think ot itl Mile. Yvonne l to be married Tuesday, and today 1b Friday I Callers loaded with gifts and trade men bending under packages come and go In endless procession. The servant are at the cud of their endurance. As for tho family and the betrothed, they no longer lmvo a life or a fixed abode. Their mornings are spent with dress makers, milliners, upholsterers, Jewel ers, decorators and caterers. After that comes a rush through offices, where one waits In line, gazing vague- ly nt busy clerks engulfed In papers, A fortunate thing If there be time when this Is over to run borne and I dress for the series of ceremonial din nera betrothal dinners, dinner of presentation, the settlement dinner re ceptions, balls. About midnight, home again, harassed and weary, to find the latest accumulation of parcels and a deluge of letters congratulations, fe licitations, acceptances and regrets from bridesmaids and ushers, excuses of tardy tradesmen. And the contre temps of the last minute-a sudden death that disarranges the bridal par iy, a wretcnea cola mat prevents a favorite canta trice from singing, and so forth, and so forth. Those poor Dlanchardsl They will never be ready and they thought they bad foreseen everything! eucn nns Leon tneir existence lor a month. No longer possiblo to breathe, to rest a half hour, to tranqulllze one's thoughts. No, this Is not living I Mercifully, there Is grandmother's room. Grandmother Is verging on eighty. Through many tolls and much suffering she has come to meet things with the culm assurance which life brings to men and women of high thinking and large hearts. She slta there In her armchair, enjoying the silence of long meditative hours. 80 the flood of affairs surging through the house ebbs at her door. At the thresh old of this retreat voices are bushed and footfalls softened, Bnd when the young fiances want to hide away for a moment they flee to grnnAnother. "Poor children!" la her greeting. "You are worn out! Itest a little and belong to each other. All these things count for nothing. Don't let thm ab sorb yonj It Isn't -worth while." They know It well, these two young people. How many times In the last weeks has their love bad to make way for all sorts of conventions and futili ties! Fate at this decisive moment of their lives seems bent upon drawing their minds away from the one thing essential, to horry them wltli a host of trivialities, and heartily do they ap prove the opinion of grandmamma when she says, between a smile and a caress, "Decidedly, my dear, the world Is growmg too complex, and It does not make people happier quite the con trary!" I also am of grandmamma's opinion. From tho cradle to the grave, in his needs as in his pleasures, In his con ception of the world and of blmsolf, the man of modern times struggles through a maze of endless complica tion. Nothing Is simple any lougor neither thought nor action; not pleas ure; not even dying. With our own hands we have added to existence a train of hardships and lopped ofT many a gratification. I believe that thou sands of our follow men, suffering the consequences of a too artificial life, will be grateful if we try to give ex pression to their discontent and to Jus tify the regret for naturalness which vaguely oppresses them. Let us first speak of a series of facts that put Into relief the truth' we wish to show. The complexity of our life appears In the number of our material needs. It Is a fact universally conceded that our needs have grown with our resources. This Is not un evil In Itself, for the birth of certain needs Is often the mark of progress. To feel the necessity of bnthlng, of wearing fresh linen, Inhab iting wholesome bouses, eating health ful food and cultivating our minds Is a sign of superiority. But If certain neals exist by right and are desirable, there are others whose effects are fa tal which, like parasites, live at our ex pense. Numerous and Imperious, they engross us completely. Could our fathers have foreseen that wo should some day have at our dis posal the means and forces we now use in sustaining and defending our material life, they would have predict ed for us an Increase of independence, and therefore of happiness, and a de crease in eompotltlou for worldly goods. They might even have thought that through the simplification of life thus made possiblo n higher degree of mo rality would be attained. None of these things has come to pass; neither happiness nor brotherly love nor power for good has been increased. In the first place, do you think your fellow citizens, taken as a whole, are more contented than their forefathers and less anxious about the future? I do not nHk If the; should find reason to be o, Lmt if they really are so. To see them live It seems to me that a majori ty of them are discontented with their lot and, above all, absorbed in material needs and beset with cores' foYtlie mor row. Never has the question of food and shelter been sharper or more ab sorbing thun since we are better nour ished, better clotlied nii.l lonx,l ' than evor. Ho errs greatly who thinks thut tho query, "What shall we eat nim wuai snail we arum ana WDcre willinl Bhall we be clothed 7" presents Itself to the poor alone, exposed as they n I'll ,n l, nnmil.h m n ......... a bread or a roof. With them the ques tion is natural, and yet It Is with them that it presents Itself most simply. You must go among those who are be gluulug to enjoy a little ease to learn j how greatly satisfaction In what one Ium mar be disturbed bs regret for Simple Life CHARLES WAGNER IK FVenck by Mary Louia Sendee 1901, br McClure, Phillip V Co. what one lacks, and If you would see anxious care for future material goo.l, material good In all its luxurious de velopment, observe people of small for tune and, above all, the rich. It is not the woman with one dress who asks most insistently how she shall be clothed, nor Is It those reduced to the strictly necessary who muke most question of what they shall cat tomor row. As an inevitable consequence of the low that needs are lucroused by their satisfaction, the more goods a limn has the more he wants. The more as sured he is of the morrow, nccordlng to the common acceptation, the more ex clusively does he concern himself with how he shall live and provide for his children and his children's children. Impossible to conceive of the feurs of a man established In life their num ber, their reach and their shades of re finement From all this there has arisen throughout the different social order, modified by conditions and varying In Intensity, a common agitation a very complex mental state, hmt compared to the petulance of a spoiled child, at once satisfied and discontented. If we have not become happier, neither have we grown more peaceful and fraternal. The more desires and needs a man has the more occasion ho finds for conflict with his follow men, and these conflicts are more bitter In proportion as their causes are lews Jiwt, It Is the law of nature to fight for bread, for the necessities. This law may seem brutal, but there Is an ex cuse in Its very harshness, and it In generally limited to elemental cruel ties. Quite different Is the buttle for the superfluous for ambition, priv ilege, Inclination, luxury. Never has hungor driven man to such baseness as have envy, avarice and thirst for pleasure. Egotism grows more mulct- lcent as it becomes more refined. Do not the very sinews of virtue He In man's capacity to care for some thing outside himself? And what place remains for one's neighbor In a life given over to material cores, to ar tificial needs, to the satisfaction of am bitions, grudges and whims? The man who gives himself up entirely to the service of his appetites mokes them grow and multiply so well that they become stronger than he, and once their slave, he loses bis moral sense, loses his energy and becomes Incapable of discerning and practicing the good. He has surrendered himself to the In ner anarchy of desire, which lu the end gives birth to outer anarchy. In the moral life we govern ourselves; lu the Immoral life we are governed by our needs and passion; thus, little by little, the bases of the moral life shift, and the law of Judgment deviates. For the man enslaved to numerous and exacting needs possession Is the supreme good and the source of all other good things. It Is true that In the fierce strugglo for possession we come to hate those who possess and to deny tho right of property when this right Is In the bonds of others and not In our own. But the bitterness of at tuck against others' possessions Is only a new proof of the extruordlnnry Im portance we attach to possession Itself. In the end people and things come to be estimated at their selling price or according to the profit to bo drown from them. What brlugs nothing Is worth nothing; he who has nothing Is nothing. Honest poverty risks pass ing for shame, and lucre, however filthy, is not greatly put to It to be accounted for merit. Some one objects, "Then you make wholesale condemnation of progress and would lead us back to the good old times to asceticism perhaps." Not at all. The desire to resuscitate tho pust Is the most unfruitful and dangerous of Utopian dreams, and tho art of good living does not consist In retiring from life. Hut we ore trying to throw light upon one of the errors that drag most heavily upon human progress In order to find a remedy for lt--namely, tho belief that man be comes happier and bettor by the in crease of outward well being. Nothing Is falser than this pretended social axiom; on the contrary, that material prosperity without un offset diminish the capacity for happiness and de bases character Is a fact which thousand examples ore at hnnd tc prove. The worth of a civilization I the worth of the man at Its ceuter. When this man lacks moral rectitude progress only makes bnd worse no 1 further embroils social problems, . This principle may bo verified In etber domains than that ot mnterlnl well being. We shall speak only of education" rStuT liberty. TTo remember when prophets lu good repute an nounced that to transform this wicked world Into an abode fit for the gods all that wus needed was the overthrow of tyranny, Ignorance and want those three dread powers so long In lei.gue. Today other preachers proclaim thfl same gonial. We have seen that the unquestionable diminution of want has made man neither better nor hap pier. Has this desirable result been more nearly attained through the great fare bestowed upou Instruction? It does Dot yet appear so, and this failure Is the despair of our national educators. Then shall we stop the people's ears, suppress public Instruction, close the schools? By no means. But educa tion, like the mass ot our age's Inven tions, Is after all only a tool; every thing depends upon the workman who uses It 80 It is With liberty. It is fatal or life giving according to the use made of It Is it liberty still when It is the prerogative of criminals or heedless blunderers? Lllierty Is nn atmosphere of the higher life, and it is only by a slow and patient Inward transformation that one becomes capa ble of breathing It All life must have Its law, the life of man so much the more than that of In ferior beings. In thut it Is more pre cious and of nicer adjustment This j Iqw tar utD ! in tlm first juluce un I : extcrnul law, but It may become an ; Internal law. When man has once rec- ; agnized the Inner law and bowed be- 1 fore it, through this reverence and vol- : untary' submission he is ripe for liber ty. Ho long as' there Is no vigorous ' and sovereign Inner law he is lncapo ! ble of breathing Its nlr, for he will be drunken with It, maddened, morally slain. The man who guides his life ! by inner law can no more live servile ! to outward authority than can the full grown bird live Imprisoned In the egg shell. But the man who has not yet at tained to governing Ulmself can no more live under tne law or uuerty man can the unfledged bird live without its protective covering. These things are terribly simple, and the series of dern onstratlons old and new that proves them Increases dally under our eyes, And yet we are as far as ever from understanding even the elements of this most Important law. In our de mocracy bow many ore there, great ami Kinall. who know from having per srmally verified It, lived It and obeyed It, this truth without which a people Is Incapable of governing Itself? Liberty? It Is respect. Liberty? It Is obedience to the inner law, and this law Is nei ther the good pleasure of the mighty nor tho caprice of the crowd, but the high and impersonal rule before which those who govern are the first to bow the bead. Khali liberty, then, be pro scribed? No; but men must be made cnpablc and worthy of it; otherwise public life becomes Impossible, and the nation, undisciplined und unrestrained, goes on through license Into the Inex tricable tangles of demagogy. When one passes In review the In dividual causes that disturb and com plicate our social life, .by whatever names they are designated, and their list would be long, they all lead back to one general cause, which Is this the confusion of the secondary with Iho essential. Material comfort, edu cation, liberty, the whole of civiliza tion these things constitute the frame of tho picture, but the frame no more makes the picture than the frock the monk or the uniform the soldier. Here the picture is man, and man with Ids most Intimate possessions namely, bis conscience, his character and his will. And while we have been elab orating and garnishing the frame, we have forgotten, neglected, disfigured, the picture. Thus are we loaded with external good, and nilserablo In spirit ual life. Wo have In abundance that which, If must be, we cnu go without, and are infinitely poor in the one thing needful. And when the depth of our being Is stirred, with Its need of lov ing, aspiring, fulfilling Its destiny, It feels the anguish of one burled alive Is smothered under the muss of sec ondary things that weigh It down and deprive It of light and nlr. M'e must search out, set free, re store to honor the true life, assign tilings to their proper places and re member that tho center of human prog ress is moral growth. What Is a good lump? It Is not the most elaborate, the finest wrought, that of the most precious metal. A good lump Is a lamp that gives good light. And so also we are men and citizens, not by reason of the number of our goods and tho pleasures we procure for ourselves, not through our Intellectual and artis tic culture, nor because of the honors lind Independence we enjoy, but by virtue of the strength of our moral fiber. And this Is not a truth of today, but a truth of nil times. At no epoch have the exterior condi tions which man has made for himself by his Industry or his knowledge been nblc to exempt him from enre for the state of his inner life. The face of the world alters nround us, its Intellectual nnd material factors vary, nnd no one can arrest these changes, whose sud denness Is sometimes not short of per ilous. But the Important thing Is that nt the center of shifting circumstance man should remain man, live bis life, make toward his goal; and, whatever be his road, to make toward his goal the traveler must not lose himself In cross ways nor hamper his movements with useless burdens. Let him heed well his direction nnd forces and keep good faith, and that he may the better devote himself to the essential which is to progress nt whatever sacrifice, let him simplify his baggage. CHAT TUB esstcnci: 1'EIt II. op SIMPLICITY. BEFOHK con Yr of a praetv I r I pllclty of whit will be necessa ring tho question return to the slm- Ich we dream, It sary to define slm pllclty In Its very essence, for In regard to It people commit the same error thJ no have JTi.-if denounced, confounding the secondary with the essential, sub stance with form. They are tempted to believe that simplicity presents cer tain external characteristics by which It may be recognized and iu which It really consists. Simplicity and lowly station, plain dress, a modest dwelling, slender means, poverty these things feem to go together. Nevertheless this Is not the case. Just now I passed Ihrco men on tho street, the first lu his nirrlage, tho others on foot and one of them shoeles s. The shoeless man does hot necessarily lead the least complex life of tho three. It may be. Indeed, that he who rides In his carriage Is sin cere and unaffected. In spite of his po rtion, and Is not nt all tho slave of bis wealth. It may be also that the pedes trian In shoes neither envies him who rides nor despises him who goes un shod; and lastly it is possible that un der his rags, his feet in the dust, the third man has a hatred of simplicity, of labor, of sobriety, and dreams ouly of Idleness and pleasure, for among the least simple oud straightforward of men must be reckoned professional beirsais, knights of the road, parasites and the whole tribe of the obsequious and envious, whose aspirations ore summed up In this to arrive at seizing 0 morsel, the biggest possible, of that prey which the fortunate of earth con sume. And to this same category, little matter what their station lu life, be long the profligate, the arrogant the miserly, the weak, the crafty. Livery counts for nothing; we must see the heart. No class has the prerogative of simplicity; no dress, however hum ble In appearance. Is its unfailing badge, lis dwelling need not be a garret, a hut, the cell of the ascetic nor the lowliest fisherman's bark. Tu dor ail ti e forms In which life rests itself, in all social positions, at the top us at the bottom of the ladder, thre are people who live simply and others wurt do uot We do not mean by this that simplicity betrays Itself In no visible signs, has not Its own habits, iu distinguishing tastes and waya; but this outward show, which may now and then be counterfeited, must not be confounded with its es sence and Its deep and wholly inward source. Simplicity Is a state of mind. It dwells In the main intention of our lives. A man Is simple when bis chief care Is the wish to be what be ought to be that Is, honestly and nat urally human. And this Is neither so easy nor so impossible as one might think. At bottom it consists in put ting our acts and aspirations in ac cordance with the law of our being, and consequently with the eternal in tention which willed that we should be at all. Let a flower be a flower, a swallow a swallow, a rock a rock, and let a man be a man, and not a fox, a hare, a bog or a bird of prey. Thla is the sum of the whole matter. Here we are led to formulate the practical Ideal of man. Everywhere in life we see certain quantities of matter and energy associated for cer tain ends. Substances more or less crude are thus transformed and car ried to a higher degree of organization. It la not otherwise with the life of man. The human ideal Is to trans form life Into something more excel lent than ilMdf. We may compare ex istence to raw material. What it Is matters less than what Is made of It as the value of a work of art lies in the flowering of the workman' skill. We bring Into the world with us different gifts. One has received gold, another granite, a third marble, most of us wood or clay. Our task is to fashion these substances. Every ono knows that the most precious material may be spoiled, and be knows, too, that out of the least costly an immor tal work may be shaped. Art is the realization of a permanent Idea In an ephemeral form. True life is the realization of the higher virtues Jus tlce, love, truth, liberty, moral power- In our dally activities, whatever they may be. And this life is possible In social conditions the most diverse and with natural gifts the most unequal. It is not fortune or personal advan toge, but our turning them to ac count, that constitutes the value of life. Fame adds no more than does length of days. Quality Is the thing. Need we say that one does not rise to this point of view without a strug gle? The spirit of simplicity Is not an inherited gift, but the result of a labo rious conquest. Plain living, like high thinking, Is simplification. We know that science is the handful of ultimate principle! gathered out of the tufted mass of facts, but what groplngs to discover them! Centuries of research are often condensed Into a principle thnt a line may state. Here the moral life presents strong analogy with the scientific. It, too, begins In a certain confusion, makes trial of itself, seeks to understand itself, and often mis takes. But by dint of action and ex- nctlng from himself strict account of his deeds man arrives ot o better knowledge of life. Its law appears to him, nnd the law Is this: Work out your mission. lie who applies himself to aught else than the realization of this end loses In living the raison d'etre of life. The egotist does so, the pleas ure seeker, the ambitious; he con sumes existence as one eating the full corn In the blade; he prevents it from bearing Its fruit; his life Is lost. Who ever, on the contrary, makes his life serve a good higher than Itself, saves it In giving It Moral precepts which to 8 superficial view appear arbitrary and seem made to spoil our zest for life have really but one object to preserve ns from the evil of having lived In vain. That Is why they are constantly leading us back Into the same paths; that Is why they all have the same meaning: Do not waste your life; make It beor fruit; learn how to give It In ordet that It may not consume Itself! Hercla, Is summed up the experfcince of humanity, and this experience, which each man must remake for himself, is more precious In proportion as It costs more dear. Illumined by Its light he makes a moral advance more and more Bure. Now he has his means of orien tation, his Internal norm to which he may lend even-thing back, and from the vacillating, confused and complex being that he was he becomes simple. By the ceaseless Influence of this same law, which expands within him and is day by day verified in fact, his opin ions and habits become transformed. Once captivated by the beauty and sublimity of the true life, by what Is sacred and pnthetlc iu this strife of Immunity for truth, Justice and broth erly love, his heart holds the fascina tion of It Gradually everything sub ordinates Itself to this powerful and persistent charm. The necessary hier archy of powers Is organized within him; the essential commands, the sec ondary obeys, and order is born of sim plicity. We may compare this organ ization of the interior life to that of an army. An army Is strong by Its dis cipline, and its discipline consists In re- cot of the inferior for the superior ;id the concentration of all Us ener gies toward a single end. Discipline ouce relaxed, the army suffers. It will not do to let the corporal command the general. Examine carefully your life and the lives of others. Whenever something halts or Jars oud complica tions and disorder follow It Is because the corporal has Issued orders to the general. Where the natural low rules In the heart disorder vanishes. I despair of ever describing simplici ty in any worthy fashion. All the strength of the world and all Its beau ty, all true Joy, everything that con soles, that feeds hope or throws a ray of light along our dark paths, every thing that mokes us see across our poor Uvea a splendid goaVmd a bound less future, comes to us from people of simplicity, those who have made an other object of their desires thau the posslng satisfaction of selfishness and vanity and have understood that the art of living Is to know how to give one's Ufa (To be ronllmird.) Tlie Suuliiik of Sprinir. The solve tht cures without a soar in DoWilt's Witch Hazel Snlve. ruin, burns, boils, bruises, ami piles disappt-ar i..i- un- ,e hi nns naive as snow be fore the sunshine of sprint;. Miss II. M. Middleton, Tliebes, Illinois, says: "I was seriously afflicted with a fever whs very nalnfiil. IVWitf. Wilch Hazel Salve cured me in less ban a week." Ot the genuine. Shl 1 by G. E. Williams. 1 Announcement. I intend to retire from busineBS, and wish to close out my stock of k Genera! Merchandise as soon as possible, for Cah. I will buy no more goods, and wish to collect all accounts due as soon as possible. GEO. P. CROWELL. O. T. EAWBON. 1 F. H. STANTON HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let omr friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we wffl have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Aprtcot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties ( apple trees. Can supply the trade witb plenty f Ifewtewn, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. CENTRAL MARKET HAYES BROS., Proprietors. Dealers in AH Kinds of Fresh, Cured and Canned Meats. Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits. SNOW & UPSON For All Kinds of Grubbing Supplies, Wood Choppers and Loggers Tools A full line of stock always on hand. Docs your horse interfere? Bring him in. No cure no pay PASHIOIT Livery, Feed C. L. GILBERT, Proprietor. M H HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Headquarters for Tourists Regular Ratea, 9125 to $2.50 per day. Sbeclal Rates by Week or Month. Stages leave dally for Cloud Cap Inn during July, August and September. S. J. FRANK All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER TILTON BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED IRON TIN AND c GRAVEL NORTHWESTERS'. AGENTS FOR wSSKfc. FURNACES 105-107 North Fifth St. PORTLAND, OREGON. B3"Sw a Royal Furnnce set up at Norton & Smith's Plumbing Shop. STABILE and Draying. 8TRANAHANS & BAGLEY. Homes bought, old, or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure Brat-class rigs. Spe cial attention given to moving Furniture and Pianos. We do everything horses can do. IIOOD RIVER,- OREGON. . C. F. GILBERT, Manager. ood Hote & Commercial Travelers Dealer in Harness Saddles opfhom CORNICES ROOFING Lumber Wood, Posts, Etc. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. Have opened an office In Hood River. Call and get prices and leave orders, which will be promptly filled. MILWAUKEE NURSERIES We kave 50,100 Yellow Newton Tlppln and Spitzenberg Amle Trees, alito a general va riety 01 Fruit Tieea lor sale for tho oomlng reason, and we are going to sell tbein at reasonable pricue. Our Tret-s are first-clasn and True to Name. Grafted on whole roots, with eciona care fully selected from Rome of tho beat bear ing oicbards in Hood Kiver Valley, fieud for jrieea to MILWAUKEE NURSERIES Milwaukee, Oregon r.B. STRANG N. B. HARVEY, Proprietor Local Agent McDonald &Henrich Dealen In, MACHINERY, BICYCLES FIRM VEHICLES Wagons 70 years test. Boogies the-very best Cultivators, Spray and Well Purxms Wind Mills, Gasoline Eng's Champion Mowers, Rakes, Oil and Extras Hardware, Fishing Tackle, Barb Wire. Hercules Stump Powder E.. El. Bradley PRINTING HIOH GRADE PAMPHLET AND COMMERCIAL WORK PROMPTLY PERFORMED PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT We are here to do your work today tomorrow and every other day, and our money (what littla we have) la spent in Hood Eiver. We want your work nnd can do it neatly and SATISFACTORILY OREGON SiSOST LINE and mim Pacific Depibt TIME SCHEDULES Portland, Or. ClllCKKO Fortland Fpecial S:i; a. m. via Huntington. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Kanfias City, tit. Louis.ChkaKomd Last. 6:26 p.m. At'antlo Kxpresa 8:13 p.m. via Huutlngton. Salt Lake, Denver, ri.vvortn, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Loui8,tJhicagoand Last. Walla Walla, Lewis ton, Spokane, Wal lace, Pullman, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Dultnh, Mil waukee, Chicago and East. St. Paul f ast .Mall Sil6 p. m. via Cpokaua 7:16a. m. 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Change of Cars. Lowest Ratos. Quickest Time. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Pltoai PORTLAND. ItfO p.m. All railing dates subject to change For Ban Francisco 6:00 p. na. ban every 6 dart Bally Ex.Hunday k:0un. m. faturday 11'. Ui p. m. Columbia Rlvtr SUamtrs. To Astoria and Wy Landings. 6:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday (:46a.m. Won., Wed. aud r'rl. Mlllamttl Rlvar. Salem, Indepen S:S0 p. m. Tues., Thu., bat. dence, torvallls; aud way landings. 7:00 a.m. lues., Thur. and Sat. Yamhill Rlvar. 4:80 p. m. tion.. Wed. and FrL Orejron City, Dayton aua way landings. Lv RIparia Snaki Rlvtr. Lv.Lewlston Daily eicepl Riparia to Lewltton Daily except rnuay. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger AaenL Portland, n. T. J. KIXXAIRD. Actnt. Hood Rlvr vkJyA4 50 years' Y- EXPERIENCE Trade Marks i"S. irnl.-klv asrasruin our opinion free whether an Invention i probably pntenmble. Oommunlra! n.i Mrirtly eonrldential. Handbook on Patent, sent free, oldest avenry for seoumni patenta. Pt.nts taken throurt Munn CoTreealva fpfrbW not, without chae, ta the Scientific Hnterican. A handsomely lllnstrated weeklv. Tjinrest clr. mlation of any scieiitlHc Journal. Terms i a, IPNN Co.36'8 New York Branch Office, 63 r 8t, Washington, D. C. Wo