HOOD KiVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1905. fl CORRESPONDENCE. ODELL. Tho weekly dance at tho hall last Fri day night di'd not prove the big thing of uie week uciore. iiowever, a gooumne is reported. Tlie next on the boards is a iiiitKiiueraile bull on Valentine's day. Fred Crockett will (jive this one, and no aouin me menus win assist, inni in ma ing t a success. Klmer Laffertv, who has been absent from homo during tlio winter, returned lant week. (lor id report? come to mm of our brother Troy Shelley, who is spending the win ter at. Santa Barbara, Cal. IIo writes thai he lias pained 15 pounds in weight since going there, which means he in two pounds licavier than ever before. W e are glad to note that he is enjoying life 'neatli Southern sunny skies. His sou Pereey is now with linn, having re cently joined hi i father at Banla Bar bara. We hope tliat before this item goes into print we will be at home in ourown ne v county of Cascade, instead of The Italics keeping us at home w ith them. It not, some of the political bosses in the bunch grass district of Wasco coun ty had best stand from under next time, lest something drop. Last Sunday wife and I called at the home of 11. C. Crockett. We found Mr. Crockett comfortable in his rocking chair, ror several weeks Sir. Crockett lias been ill but now is convalescent and will soon be out again, which will bo good news to Ids many friends, wiio have missed hiru lately. Mr. Crockett lias a delightful home site, as well as I valuable tract of land, situated seem ingiy midway between the two snow cupped sentinels, .Mounts Hood and Adams, and with a view of both sides of 11 mid Jiiver. lie surely made no mis take in bis selection of a home. The railroad survey passes near his house, This, with other advantages and devel opinentg in this section, gives promise of inn piace soon oecoming a valuable one. Freali ranch eggs and fino butter are on sale at the Little Into (Store at rea sonable prices. The store is stocked with a good assortment of fresh gro' ceries, with new arrivals every week Hence there is no necessity for going cisewliero when wo can lirrnish you with first-class goods at city prices. This fact is spreading, as is attested by the increasing trade at the Little White More. Quality ami prices are both right. Charles llaight of The Dalles came down last Haturday and made a trade Willi John Lawless for fom horses, tak ing them to The Dulles on the evening iioai, naturaay. A. J. Kessel of Dukes Valley sold last week a eolt less than three years old for fi.'iu. it was a good one, anil that is the kind of horses to raise. A. J. says no is aiooi now out will soon get a loam. Miss Dora Pllughaupt met with painful accident last Friday by running a sliver entirely through the flesh part oi one ot ner lingers, Mie was stopping at the homo of James Kggert, and Mr. F.ggort found it impossible to get it out, so was compelled to take her to town to a physician, who had to cut the sliver out, Heubert Morton and Archie Anderson aru absent for a few days. They have gone to the bunch grass country after tome horses sent there last full. We understand that Mr. Coburn, who is living on Simpson ('opple'i place, and who recently came here from Iowa, bus purchased property in Marion coun ty, south of Salem. Mr. Coburn is a hu mor and does not take kindly to ap ple growing, and as Hood Hiver land is too high lor general farming, tie lias concluded to go to the Willamette val ley. Wo regret tlie removal of Mr. Co bum from our nilil-t, and winli him suc cess in hiH new venture. 11. J. Williams and F, K. Lash are doing tome good work in the way of clearing up laud (or Claude Copple,near Otlell, Claude proves ids faith in the valley by his work by putting his sur plus money into the cleuring and plant ing of the led apple that is the pride of all Hood Kiverites. Stay with H.Claude, ami in a few years you will bold a win ning hand. The weather lioycott on work isaliotit off again and grubbing and sawing wood will soon be on in full force. James L'girert has made quite a allow ing on his place In front of the house bv Ins winter grubbing. During the life of i no long lease that Mr Eiruort has on 1 t his ranch, liu will get handsome re-1 T Uie Wo have all tho Infant Foods, and as thov dotoriomto with nr wo ordor frpquontly ho as to koop a fresh sloe!; at all limes. If the food you aro now using does not agree with Ualy perfectly try Homo of the fresh foods that, wo carry. Horlick's Malted Milk. Peptogenic Milk Powder. Mellen's Infant's Food. and several others. Jf you aro undecided, let us help you choose. E. R. T U Smith Block. turns for his present work, lhw is a splendid place he lias for diversified larming. The 0 Id Fellows' hall is now Com pleted, except the work of painting, for which i). l. Davidson lias tne contract, and noon which lie is at work. The finishers, Messrs. lioyed & l'oole, told me they were hreil last Saturday. L. D. Koyed is having a lot of devel opment work done on bis ranch this winter. Time and space often forbid tbe'nien tion of much work in progress toward developing our section. Then again there are many happenings that are worthy of spare in your valuable paper that your news rustlers fail to fee or hear about at the proper time. In this line we give the Glacier the best we have in stock, and at the same time ex tend an invitation to our neighbors to furnish us with the latest dog light. J. W. Wilson, cousin of Frank Strang, who purchased a) acres recently from John Kroeger, lias contracted for the cutting of 100 cords of 4-foot fir wood. Mr. Wilson is a recent arrival but ha already caught the Hood. Itiver fever and will remain here and build up will the country. Jt is resident owners thai we need and not non-resident speculat ive owners. Wo welcome all such mi n as Mr. Wilson andlpredict for him suc cess in the wild Wett. Miss Wilson, teacher of the primary department of the Udell school, gave a lair in the hall last r rid ay afternoon, It was a competitive affair, and prizes were awarded lor tlie nest work. Director (,'arnes, Mrs. Troy Shelley and M. D. Udell were judges of the work. The en tertainment was good and showed the result of efficient training in the school room, iioth teachers and directors arc to be congratulated upon their efforts in putting a good school at Uded this year. We beg to report that good school work is always a prominent factor in the de velopment of a community. In order that our school keep pace with the Itrowing demand, it probably will he necessary to establish higher grades next year. This mailer should he un derstood in tune for the directors to make proper arrangements for it. milium J'.nrcK is now engaged in shipping 500 tioxes of apples. During the season he has shipped through the apple growers' union, Besides this he has made several small outside ship ments. His apple crop has averaged him at least fl.&Oa box. Mr. Khrck is now at a point m apple growing when lie is getting a good income, which will increase yearly as his voung trees come to lienring, and when his entire M) acres are in full bearing he will enjoy a princely income. What Mr. Fhrek has done others of his neighbors will soon be doing in this famous apple belt, the beHt in the world. WILLOW FLAT. C. It. Hone's force of Jans are cuttim.' wood while the snow lasts. One day recently we saw six men sawing in a loir not to exceed twelve feet in lenirth. John Lawless also has a man cutting woou. Several from this vicinity have been attending the meetings at the Valley Christian church. F. P. Friday was on tlie Flat one dav recently tmikinir inouiriefl iilimit tlio probable cost of clearing 30 or 3f acres of bis place here. He, contemplates clearing and setting this amount to m- pies, lie also claims to have found the. only pear the Anjoii. In speaking of the gathering at Mr, Mr. Hedinou's, we wish to correct what the editorial blue pencil made us say. The article should have read: "At a late hour all departed pronouncing the Mrs. Kedmotia charming entertainers," instead of one Mrs. Itedmon. If your Udell correspondent thinks a resident of District fio. H is not ac quainted with the results of road super vision in District io. 7, Just li t him move across the line ami then attempt to haul heavy loads. He would soon be talking in a dittereut strain. There are a good many facts, which we forbear to give, bearing on the new mud he is grieving so bard over. Now, as a unit of the public highways, let us ask why this "knocking" before the newly ap pointed suiiervlsor gels Ids bond tiled? To the residents of the Flat there can be but one answer. For mercenary mo tives he is covertly seeking to have the work and money expended between Odell and the lower side of the district in order to lesson the cost of hauling freight. 1 here is much more Unit ; ink-lit be said in the interest of and w ilh ins- tiee to the Klnt. tint, un shut! ,,nui,l,,i- the matter closed. 3 3 Right Food or tHe Baby MOMA5 Ufie DRUGGIST Phone Main 1131. HoOJ River, Ore. 3C There was a good audience at the Dukes Valley literary Saturday night. The program one of the best of the season. The c!ihimiij;undi Kicker by Mrs. W. C. Dodge provoked much amusement. A. T. Dodge and Jeonard Dodi-on furnished excellent music on the violin and grnphophone. For 8 tinip during the parliamentary drill the society resembled an animated jack-In thc-box. The members were trying to entangle the new -presiding olheer, lint, were unable to accomplish much in that line. Before the question box was opened, Mr. Knox discussed his question from the previous meeting, quoting at some length from the Oregon game laws. 11. box contained many good question" of every-day interest to the community; most prominent among them ocrtainin to the effects of county division. The box will be continued next Saturday night and is open for liveciuestions from everybody. 1 he question must state for w hom it is meant and be signed by the questioner. 1 rank Mas see will edit the paper. From I he discussion at literary Satur day night, wo would judge that the sen timent in 1 1 1 jh part of the valley is unan imous for countv division. MOUNT HOOD. There was a social hop at the hall last Wednesday evening. Only a limited number was pre.-ent but an enjoyable lime was had. W. K. Keeling is winking on Mr. I ju ntas' new house, doing the finishing work on the inside, lie thinks it will takealsiut two weeks to linish it. W. A. AndroHs went to town Monday of this week on business connected with his logging. Joseph JS. Davenport and Ids family are having a siege of the hcnto sore throat, They have had a serious time but are getting a liltlu better. L. C. Weygiindt is getting better but is very weak yet. We hope to lie able to report his complete recovery in a short time. The committee made their report at the telephone meeting held at the (irib- hlo hall Saturday. II did not prove satisfactory to the people, so they aie going to try tlie independent company at ( orvallis. The people here ale no't going to give up until they get outside communication, and they will install an independent system if the Hell company doesn't give them the right, terms. The committee will communicate with the Independent Telephone company, the l'acilic Stales Telephone company and William I.add of Portland, ow ner of the Cloud Cap Inn line. The family of Henry Ilardman ar rived in Hood River Sunday from Nc osho county, Kans. Mr. Ilardman met them al the train, and Tuesday they came on to their new home on their homestead, where Mr. Ilardman has built a comfortable log house. A younger brother of Mr. llardman's ac companied the family from Kansas. Hurrah! Here willi your railroad! The amount of logs, pu'stx and wood that tho people of .Mount Hood can fur nish is no small item, to say nothing of fruit, hay and vegetables. Of course no one would ride on the railroadf.'), but W. S. (irihble has made arrangements to sell Lye tickets at reduced rates du ring the Lewis and Clark fair. Two basket ball teams have been or ganized here one ladies' team and the other composed of men. Last Friday night while at practice, Hoy Ilenson got his elbow thrown out of joint. Such is the fate of basket ball players. A. M. Kelley is hauling in logs at the rare oi aooui ouuu n et a dav. on a go- devil not a printer's devil. J. S. Patterson has received word that his father, w ho lives in the stale of New York, is luellev injured bv a fall from the hay loft, Mr. Patterson and famiiv will leave lor the Lust next week and do not expect, to return to Orejon. , legiet losing them from our midst. K. I!. UhYrty of Udell, who has be. n engaged with the Mtorgu Harper com pany, as pianist, and is at home on a visit, is spending a few days with his brother al Mount Hood, (Jive Voiir .Stomach A Rest. Your food must be properly digested and ussiinihited to be of any value to you. it' your stomach is weak or dis eased take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests wlutl you eat and gives the sloiiineli a rest, enabling it, to recuper ate, take on new life and grow strong again. Kodol cures smir stomach, eas bloating, heart palpitation and all di gestive disorders. Sold by (I. K. Will- I. mis. , the J I 1 I I t WHITE SALMON. The Menominee Lumber Co. bus shut down all the logging camps on the White Salmon river, pending the de cision of the superior court on the temp orary injunction proceedings. This puts loO men out of work. Your correspondent thinks the farm ers of Trout Lake should settle this matter out of court. I believe if a com mittee from the Ditch Co. of Trout Lake had gone to the Menominee Luni her Co., and laid their grievance proper ly lielore them, it could have been ami cably settled. The Menominee Lumber Co. has done a great deal for the people along the n nue naiinon river oy giving worn in winter to every one who wishes work. This company (pent much money to im prove tlie logging business here. They had to break up the breakwater at the motu!i of the While Salmon and now are threatened with the dam at Trout Lake. We are afraid the Trout Lake people made a mistake and cut one means of their prosperity down. Snow is leaving. 'I he mountain north of town is bare again and cows are on the hills. Perhaps the item in lust week's (ila cier touched up friend Waters, as I hear he has taken up the occupation of news boy, selling the Knleriuise on Jewett avenue in While Salmon. Kuhnhansen Pros, of (ilenwood sold 35 head of beef cattle last week to a Van couver butcher. J. 0. Bhaw, an old pioneer of Glen wood, is very sick. Mr. Shaw lived in Glen wood about 'ia years. Peter Wyers went to his homestead last week to clear some of his land. Fred Groshong and wife returned from their place hist week, having been there quite a while. Tlio cheese factory at Trout Lake has changed management, now being op erated by a co-operative company ; be fore by F. S. Thompson. Mrs. II. Williams of Ifusum is very sick. We see that a bill lias been introduced in tho Washington legislature to pay a bounty of $'J on coote and wild cat scalps and ? for ptuthcr and cougar. Now W. O Cox, the famous trapper uf White Salmon, can put his traps in order. I'lto.M Till; KXTKI1CHISB, The White Salmon hotel has again changed hands. Peter lluges, who has "been proprietor for some time past, lias sold his interest to Prof. C. L. Colburn, who will hereafter conduct the favorite house. While Doe. Drnnaiiian wa at work the other day he ran a thorn in his lin ger which poisoned the llesh, and he is now laid up with u badly swollen hand. Win. Cohi, one of Trout Lake's enter prising merchants, passed through town en route to Portland, where he went to purchase spring goods the last of the week. Wild Geese have been drawing the marknianship of our village Nimrods for , the last week or so, on the Hats below the town, but thus far seem to be bul let proof. S. W. ('on ion is building a new porch and othertt ise improving his residence. He will have a very neat, and comfort able home when the work is linishcd. At a meeting of the trustees of Mount f'rookn M. K churc.., of Pine Flat, held last week id. the residence of William Kminons, it was decided to accept the donation of a site offered by Arthur Fminous, adjoining the saw mill plant, and to proceed to the erection of a neat and commodious structure at once. Tlie lumber is now partly sawed and the bal ance will be a part of the lirst output i f the mill. A great deal of credit is due to the members of the hoard fo" tbii' untiring zeal in behalf of Ibis much needed buil ling. The church of Pine flat is on what is known as the Gilmer circuit, ami is one ol the most II uirish ing clashes on the ciicuit. The boa'd consists of Messis. William ljiuiciis, Plank, Ackley, Arthni Kminons, Pen well, and -Mesdames Ackley, and Pen well. County Commissioner J. I'. Kgnn went out yesterday to tear up the Thorn ton bridge across the White Salmon river, as it has become dangerous, and he propose. to be on the sate side and prcu'iit the possibility of an accident. CAMAS PRAIRIE. It is reported there are about '1" head of cattle on the ren rve yet. A party of four men have tuu up after tlieui . A reward is heinji offered by teveral for the return of their stock. Mrs. Anna Hansen is very sick at the home of her father, H. l''. froh. J. ti. Wyers is niakinu preparation to move to White Salmon. Mrs. Stump, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Knighton were Trout Lake visitors this week. Mr. Tompkins, who had his iirm broken by a kick from a horse, is report ed as etiiinr aloiij; nicely. It is said the (ilenv.ood post olliee will soon lie moved to the residence of J. O. Shaw. I. A. Mi'Intvre, former cheese) maker at this place, is iu:ain in our midst. V.. S. Ilurspool mid wife, who have heen visitinn relatives at Waitsbui'K the past mouth, are expected home soon. I'ulda literary and debating society iravo an apron social on the evening of January '27, Tho little child of M. T. Woods is con valescent. A pleasant surprise party lust evening was given tit the home of J. W. Shock ley. Thirty-live persons present includ ing two editors, one of the I'ulda Head light, the other the l-'ree Press. Herman Kuhnhansen was at lioldon dale to represent the stockmen of this vicinity. The following allotments w ere made: Unman Kuhiihauseu, Id head; Kdward k dinhnusen, 20 ; Kriink Kriuer, -'(; Oscar kiibnluiusen, X; Jacob Howe, .!"; liiley Morly, M: W. liorde.io; Win. Krazer, S.': A. .v. I'. Kuhnhansen, 1"; Sam Sharply, V; W. 1'.. A ('. Kastle,"l ; Albert .Martgraf, !."; 11. li. I.adiges, ;,0; Henry l.aduos sr.. 50 : I'eter 1 lou't .:!(! : . Horde, '.' Marvin, ;;o. Frank Shaw, 3d; Joseph UNDERWOOD. (ieorge Tyrrell returned home from I'henowetli Friday. Anna Kdelman is tlie new cook at the Moodv camp. Harvey Olson has been on the sick list this week. Mrs. Tyrrell and children aro visiting with her relatives. I'M Thornt. m's little baby has Iven very sick. 1 Me doi tor thinks with good care it will soon recover. Mr. Fuller of Ohenoweth passed through Fn lerwood Monday. A meeting was called at the landing Saturday to see if the committee on the dock had come to any agreement. 'Hid not learn pa it ieu I til's". A meeting is to be held Sntnnlnv at school house at one o'clock for' the ' o1 .. ....... m ii purpiise of talking ove grange being orsani Mary Olson has l ien i people mtotctted euoi over the prospect of a ' inized liere. .Mrs. i "'K trying to iret the people mtoicsted enough to organ.'?. ; li Mpw tarinrf finnrfc aro just beginning -to arrive and the patterns are prettier than ever before. Panama Suitings and Mohairs are going to be tho thing for Spring Suits, and Embroidered Veils and Mercerized Fabrics for Waistings. MARKET CHANGES IN "GROCERIES Rice is cheaper than ever before . , 16 to 25 lbs for $1.00 Salt will go higher; while what wc have in stock lasts, Fine Dairy Salt, 50-lb sacks, 500 to 85c. When you want the best Coffee, you must buy Chase & Sanborn's 200, 25c, 360. The perfection of ha t making THE GORDON HAT $3.0Q J. Vehicles and Road Wagons, Farm Wagons,. Delivery Wagons, Spring Wagons. Just received a full assorted carload of Buggies and Spring Wngons direct from the' factory. If you contemplate purchasing a new buggy or Spring Wagon soon, come and look this stock over, and pick out what you want. A complete line of high-class and medium grade work, at prices that are right. All are invited. Mrs. Orser of (.'henoweth ia visiting at the home of Mrs. Veach this week. The Moody camp is growing. A new family moved up .Monday. Klickitat's commissioner came over last week and removed some of the plank from the old bridge crossing into salmon, which lias been con demned aa unsafe. Rat the Blanks were replaced by some of the neighbors who wisiied to cross. Friday was the "3d birthday of Miss m. tuide, aunt ot .Mrs. rred but he. The friends of Mrs. Veaeh will be glad to near unit sue received no serious bruises when (-he jumped from her run ning horse Tuesday, other than a terri ble scare and shaking up. Two runaways with a few bruises and a pi rred memory is the record of your correspondent this week. Thanks to the snow, I made a bee lino for the lirst feather bed of it I came to and swung off letting the horse go on his way rejoicing. , . A Calico party was given at the home of It. nine Friday night. The girls were recpiostcd to bring pieces of their dresses and each piece wag put in an en velope and dropped into a box, and the Uiy were to draw an envelope apiece to secure a partner tor the evening Much amusement was had aacverv bov was afraid every other boy would get ins gin. i mil, oi course tlie girts would uoi care, r.uj l'ancing was in order un til the small hours, when the "Rooster doth crow lo let ns know That he is the most w ise. Our singing school continues to grow more interesting. Karl Uobards is working on the boat .viaja. BELMONT. The Ladies Aid tif Belmont gave a good dime social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nickelsen on Wednesday evening, January IV). There was a large crowd present and all seemed to enjoy them selves. The ladies prepared a very ncsupper for the' Binall price of 15 cents. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Wood worth re turned home last week from a visit among friends in Portland. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. B. K. Barrett next Friday .Mi. tobum, who has been holding vival nieotings at Pine grove preached to a large crowd at Belmont Sunday hum nni ttiui evening. The Epworth League of Belmont contemplate giving a clam mimwr nn the eveuiim of Kebruarv 14. t il. hnm.. s'r- sd Mrs. M. H." Nickelsen. We !10P tl,0' r favored with a fine even- ana a large crowd. Kev. H C. Carl ,..! . ;r -- turned borne frjin Pine tirovn hm 3C ( $7, l" iffllt v' a 1 ' ApMf n-1 1 ' jlllj I R. NICKELSEN DEALER IN Agricultural Implements. m 1 j - they have been helping in tho meetings. Kev. Clark will preach at Bulinont next Sunday evening. MOSIER. Mrs. Carrie Gunning and Mies Katie Davenport spent Saturday and Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Davenport. Wallace Husbands has moved bis family into the McFadden building. The people of Mosier are pleased to learn Mr. and Mrs. John Smith have decided to remain in Mosier instead of moving to The Dalles as they at first in tended. A. P. Bateham and J. N. Mosier re turned from Salem last Thursday, where they were working for the Interests of the division of the countv. Mr. Lamb and K. Woods have gone to represen t inose opposing tne division. The business meeting and first social of the Christian Endeavor was held at the home of Miss Dollie Mo9ier on Thursday evening last. After tho trans action of business connected with the Enedavor, the social committee proved themselves most efficient entertainers by furnishing uninterrupted amuse ment for the 40 young people, who had assisted, to enjoy a cocial evening. At eleven refreshments were served; after partaking of which, the young people repaired to their homes, voting they wouid meet again with Miss Mosier, wlio proved a most hospital)le;hostess. Charles Castner of the Davidson Fruit Co., with two assistants, snent most of the week at the fruit farms of U-e Evans and J. V. Carroll, prenarimr a -carload of Ben Davis apples for ship ment to me uaiuornia market: Mr. Stone will erect a tuo-storv build ing on the lot recently purchased from John M. Denny. Amos Root and Leo. E. J. and ("hw W. Husky were incoming pessuigcrs from The Dalles. BARRETT. Frank Davenport had two teams haul ing apples from the Barrett ranch for several days last week. Frank will lie at it somewhere, either lumber.sheep or apples. It is quite fashionable nowadavs to ride horseback to the various li. lds ot labor. We see Albert liibbons added t the Hat. Albert lias a fine mount. 1 lilrO tf OAA n,n ait ah 1....... III.. ... drilled wldier. Albert is pretty near perfection. A little more pride in the saddle and Abe will be just there. Miss Eima Jones has returned home toCamn Lookout, with a i.leusant mii and "Howd'v'do" for everv one. It i Howd'v'do" for everv one, natural for some people to make friends, and Miss Jones is one of that kind. F. C. Sherrieb had the app'epaike-s on Wednesday of last week. It was the writer's pleasure to visit Mr. Slier: ieb's apple cellar. The apples were Al. If AW I l) i it 2 tlX H Surries, Bikes, Buggies, Runabouts. n --.I , Mother Kve was tempted to taku the fruit, surely these apples would have tempted Adam. If this class of apples was placed on the market in Birming ham, Kng., they would bring about lti shillings and sixpence a box. Found A sack of mill feed. Ow ner can have it by calling at liockiord store, describing its' contents and wiiere lost. li. V. Shoemaker was a visitor to Mo sier last week on business. Will Nichols not only has a nicehouse but it is well stocked'with good things. He has some of the best pork 1 ever saw. The meetings being held at the Val ley Christian church are having a most refreshing season of good attendance eveiy night, and up to Sunday night ;i-f had joined the church, and most of these were baptised. Fred Ingalls is at work on the Daven port Bros, lumber flume, handling slicks about 40 feet long. We suppose it keeps Fred busy to get these long sticks out of the Hume. J. F. Helenie moved bag and baggage into his new house Monday. He says he is not sorry to get out of t he old house he rented, tor now he has room to breathe. Work on the Oregon building for the Lewis and Chirk exposition has been begun, and the building wili be com pleted bvj March IS. The structure will be of hansuimvl aiuiearaiiee. 4Vv!)0 : f 1 1, and will c..st ifll.T"). For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a botr!e of it in the house. Te have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. "IhaT nd Avar's Cherrr IVcMral in mr family for 411 j-pur. It it np l..t milu'tte tn the wnrld, I knovr, or all throat ai;t luu trouble." Mrs. J. K. Noitritoss, W aUham. Ias. c..e.. pi M. j. """" for- . ATKH CO.. The Lun g C7 naBBMwr.'CjaaEai Daily action of the bewets is neces sary. Aid nature with Ayer's P. us. Ay ers