HOOli itIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1906. if PREPARE EXHIBIT MANUAL TRAINING Hood Rivor public schools will have the proud distinction of exhibiting at the Lewie and Clark exposition the only niiinuitl triiiniiiR work from Was co county. It will posHilJy bo a mr urine to niuny to loarn that the youna men of Hood Rivor hib school hnve heon doing manual training work aince the first of tho year. The boys have a work nhop in the school building on the hill. Several of the studeuts have had Homo experience in this work in Eastern schoolh. While Hood Kiver does not expect to make the showing that can be made by schools from the larger cities w here they have greater facilities for work of thin kind, yet the exhibit from this city will be a credit to tho fcc.liool and to tho stud ents. The cabinets in which the exhibits of work from the Hood Kiver school will be built by tho students In tho luminal training department. These cabinets if bought elsewhere would cost $15 or flH. A meeting of tho apodal committee of Wasco county teachers who have in charge the arrangements for tho edu cational display at the Portland fair, met last Saturday in The Dalles, ln tttructious as to tho manner of collect ing tho exhibits from tho several schools of the county will tie printed in pamphlet form and distributed to the teachers. It was arranged that the schools of Tho Dalles and Hood Kiver should make their exhibtls by grades. That Is, the work of one grade will be ex hibited as such, while from other schools, the work of the school will be placed touothor with no distinction as to the grades who executed tho work. I'rofessor Wiley lielioves the schools of Hood Kiver and the valiey will lie able to prepare a very creditable ex hlbit. Hood Kiver is so well known among Eastern people, that those who visit the lair next summer will be desirous of learning something about the schools of this country and what tho pupils can do. The teachers are now ut work collecting matter. Hood i.anil Yet to he Hud. "There is plenty of good land yet to be had in tho Miuadoka country," remarked L. V. Haynes, who recently returned from his claim on tho Hnake river. "Eighty acres is all one man is permitted to take up. When tho government ditcti iscompletod In lwi. each land owner will bo given HO inches of water, Ho will pay for this at the rate of wi an acre until paid fur. "The total payment cannot lie determined until the government work is completed, but it is not to exceed SCiO an acre. Homo believe it will not go over 114. Thus a land owner will have 80 acres and a perpetual wuter right, all secured in moderate pay ments. " Mr. Haynes says there are many people there from Seattle, Chicago and even New York city. Thousands of people are crowding into Miuado ka. Work is plentiful, though wages are not so very high. The railroad construction superintendent is paying 2.i;r per day for laborers. Workmen on the big dam get '20 cents an hour, but it is giveu out that 400 men will bo put to work in the spring with an increase in tho wage scale. Hoard with a bunk can be secured at $3 a week. "Tho- land Is not dldleult to clear, " continued Mr. Haynes. "One man can chop oft Z of au acre sage brush in a day. Tho brush will burn at any tlmo of tho ?yoar. While vory little can bo raised on the laud until tho water is brought out, a squatter can get his place in line shape fur plant ing by the tlmo tho ditch Is complet ed, ami he can make a living working out in the menntime. Tho Miuadoka country no doubt has a great future. "In ad. lit tun to big irrigating schemes the government is arranging to sink wells every throo miles over the country. " Heap the Noted Humorist. Cyrus lirownleo Newton, the Cali fornia humorist and entertainer, will appear at the opera house, Friday night, February il. Reserved seats are now on side at Clarke's drug store. Cyrus lirownleo Newton was porn 40 years ago in California. After completing his college course lu his native state, he taught elocution in a number of leading educational In stltutous iii tho Interior of tho state, and later accepted tho postlon of Iirofessor of elocution with tho St. gnatlus college of Sau Francisco. His splendid humerus entertain ments attracted wldo attention in his native state. Ho has appeared over 50 times in San Francisco alone, before clubs, lodges, churches, eto. Ho Is without doubt tho most finished enter tainer this state has produecd. He has toured extensively in every state In tho Union with the exception of Maine, New Hampshiro aud Vermont. Ho has made a successful tour of the Uiwaiian Islands, New eland, Australia and Canada, appearing iu most of the largo cities. Among the pleasing features of his entertain ments are simplicity and naturalness of humor, his refined personality, remarkably melodious voice and great versatility. "As an entertainer ho has no superior aud few equals. " EvuiMvillti, A Nuloon-Free Town. The following Is published at the request of tho W., C. T. U. : l.vansville, Wis., Is a thriving little city in Rock county, and has never had a licensed saloon. Eighty per cent of tho people who live there own their ow n homes. Tho two banks have $:iTO,000 ou deposit, and the homes aro kept iu splendid shape, all nicely painted and repaired. It owns its owu water and lighting plants, and has a total bonded tiidcht eduess of less than 00,000, at four per cent Interest. ISot a mail lu the city favors ttio establishment of saloons, Frodoricktowu ((). ) Free Press. Evansville, Wis., .Inly 7, 1!)04. Geo. T.l'rather, Hood River, Or. Dear Sir: The statements ou slips aro not iu tho least orerdrawu. Our banks proiiablv havo more than ?100,000 on deposit now. Yes, wo occasionally havo a blind pig, but wo havo never failed to get rid of t hem in short time. The worst thing we havo to handle is the practice of a few of the boozers w ho pool their com and semi some one to .laynesville to buy a dozen or so pints of whisky, but no respectable drinker would club with such parties and the aforesaid booera seldom have money enough for more than one drunk so that there is not much damage dono. There is considerable lioer shipped in to private parties who take it hon e and use it in a rational manner. Would rather have all tho boot-leggers, pliud pigs, ct al, that ever have lieeu here ami all working thier hard- j est than to have one saloon. 1 was a travelling man for some years, doing business in several states, had no realty of uiy own at that time, and picked out this place for a home, aud a resr donce for 17 years has proven tho wis dom of my choice. . In the whole 17 years I have not seen a dozen persons drunk and reel ing on the streets. Our druggists are clean men and try tokoep their sales of liquor confined to medicinal pur poses. No doubt they are lied to and deceived at times, but we think but few confirmed drinkers can get liquor on any pretence whatever. We have a store building that can not l)e beaten in the state, costtng in tho neighborhood of $.10, (XM, covers nearly a half-acre of ground! yearly sales will prolwbly go to fcWO.OOO this year. Another just as nice, inougn not quite so large, is now going up. You will find on tho back of this some thing more of our city. 1 send you some papers lu separate enclosure. Respectfully yours, M, J. FISHER. What an Outsider Saw. Gilmer, Wash., Jan. '25. Editor Glacier: On our way home from Eastern Washington we stopped yester day at Mosier to pay a visit to friends at that burg. We wero Introduced to a nice old couple from Hood River and being somewhat interested in the welfare of that city and lis people, we were much surprised to learn from the (dd lady that Hood Kiver people, including the mayor, city, council and marshal, were up iu armsand prepar ed to do some cutting loose. Leslie Butler, E. U Smith and Lou Morse, so it was stated (we expwtcd tho latter would) had gone to Portland to get some big; knives and a grind stone, to enable them to do tho cut ting. They propose to begin at Mosier and to cut south, but don't know just how far south, but hoped they would not cut Mount Hood. When The Dalles people heard about the conspir acy they forthwith sent the sheriff to arrest everyone in Hood Kiver. The not-fellers, though, got wind of it, and quickly sent for Captain Cook and liill Ovorbaugh of While Salmon, and when they came they saw the sher iff at tho hotel, but did not know what was up until told. Well, these two, and liill Jordan (Hill Ash liciugoiitot town) were to tako tho sheriff way out near Mount Hood ami there turn him loose in the wilderness wit lniut anything to eat. Hut Captain Cook thought this would be too bud, and ran down to a milliner shop to gel five cents worth of crackers. Hut, w hen the hotel was reached they found the sheriff had lit out, and all wert looking for his trucks in the light snow. Hut it is thought the sherill took it with him aud is glad of it. .1. E. JONES. Startling Hut True. People the world over were horifh il on learning or the burning ol a uuifagi theatre in which nearly 000 people lost lliclr lives, yet more than five times this miiutier or over K,ouo people rllcil from pneumonia in Chicago during the same year, with scarcely a passing no tice, livery one of these cases of pneumonia resulted from a cold and oould have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A great many who bad every reason to fear pneumonia have warded It of! by the prompt use of this remedy. The following is an Instance of this sort: "Too much cannot he said In favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and especially for colds and influenza. 1 know that it cured my (laughter, Laura, of a severe cold and I believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia." W. 1). Wilcox, l- gan, New York. Bold ut Williams' Pharmacy. Welcome Iter. W. C. (Ilmore. Tho reception at the Congregational parsonage last Friday night, extended to Rev. Gilmore and family by the monitors of tho congregation and friends of tho church, was largely attended. Tho evening was very pleasantly spent lu conversation and later refreshments were served. There was a recitation by Miss Frances Hragg, and some excellent music by little Florence Hroslus. The recitat ion and music were much appreciated. Rev. Mr. Gilmore, although a resi dent of the city but a few months, as already endeared himself to the people, aud his earnest etiorts for the upbuilding of tho community have made htm a factor among tho citi zens. Himself and family lire delight oil with the town and valley. The expressions of welcome on behalf of the members and friends of the con grogatlou were very cordial. Fraud Exposed. A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell ImilntioiiHol' lr. Kings New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds and other med icines, thereby dclruudiug the public. This Is to warn you to beware of such people, who seek to protlt, through stealing the reputation of remedies which have been successfully curing disease, forever ;i years. . sure pro taction, to you, Is our name on the wrapper, book for It, on all lr. King's or Itucklin's remedies, as all of hers arc mere Imitations. II. K. ISiii ki iv At Co., Chicago, III., and Windsor, Canada. Medicines sold all. .V I huke s ill ug store. Hallroncl to Mount Hood. Portland capitalists have organized a company for the construct ion of a railroad to Trotitdnlc, 18 miles this side of Portland. Tho road then con tinues up the Sandy river to the base of Mount Hood, the incorporators are: Seneca Smith, Napoleon Davis, Guy Willis, A. I j. Stone, George Ij. Story and A. W. EamlxMt. Capitali zation authorized at present Is only $10,000, but the amount will be hi creased lu the Immediate future, as soon as the necessity arises for broad ening tho operations of the corpora tiou to carry out the plans now formed. Tho effort will lie made to have it reaily for use during the Lewis and Clark expostiion, and immese travel is expected as a result of tho large number of people who will Oregon visit this summer. Chamberlain's, Mother's Favorite. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have Hindu it a favorite with people every where. It Is esieelatly prized by moth, ctsof small children, for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always at fords quick relief ami as it contains no opium or other harmful dru, it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale at Williams' Phar macy. Will Move la Oregon. IVrov I-arawny tells us he is going soon to Oregon. He bus the western fever and will go to Hood River where bis two sisters, Mrs. Cooper and Mis. Gove aro now living. Preparatory to this move he will hold a public sale at his place west of town January :.'7. Glen wood (la) Tribune. ; The fruitgrowers of I'nion, Oregon, and vicinity are preparing to ou'anie lor the purpose o more svslennil c growth and marketing of their products. About 150 cars of fruit are shipped (rem that point each season. FRESH Eastern and Olympian Oysters AT TIIK Favorite S. L. YOUNG, Prop. I ft li KDWIM A. lli:Xl)l.RSX, Manager. iNulary 1'iiMii: for Oregon.) PROPERTY FOR HALE. Two lots on the hill for sale; price, t2l( cash. Lots .Mhl.'iO feet. A lot southeast of the high school for $.'i''o on installments, $10 down, f; per month, at 8 per cent. The lots will ad vance '1 each soon. Two lota overlooking the Columbia and Mood rivers. Price, foOO, part cash balance I0 ncr month at 8 per cent. Two lots aud :i-rooin bouse, plastered, just back of high ndiool, house 20 feet Huiiare. Price, $,() cash. ti-roorn Iioiimc, pla: P red, corrugated iron woodshed, injured lor . years lor f.MK), billy paid up, lot 50x1:10; price, J 121 10, cany terms. Two lots lOOxllKI, 8-room house, iilnsi tered and papered, fences and sidewalks cdy water and telephone, 2-story barn i-'lx.iO, IfLTIOt) ; ODD down, balance mort gage at per cent. Mitny farms all over the valley at red' Houablo prices. I'iiid vou hoines rent houses for land lords, or find houses for you to rent, collect bills, negotiate loans or find you money to loan. Call on me I w ill find vou what you want. V. I U I N A . IIKNDKKSON, Manager. BERT G. BOARDMAN, JlilS opened ft General Store AT ODELL and will keep on liatil a first - class stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed The public is invited to call nnd inspect the stock. A square deal for all. Some Bargains. :t:t. 0 ai-res mile out; berries and orchard. A hi autiliil location. Will be sold at n bargain. ('-'. !lj acres one-half mile from Jit Hood P. O. I I acres in clover, 4 iu hay l l in straw lien les, i share water, bouses, all for ffUOO. 21. 42 acres one mile out , 111 acres In orchard, 10 full bearing. First-class im provements, A beaiililul home. 28. K0 acres, fS acres 7-year-old apple tree, balance in clover and general arming, .New broom house , 2. It) acres In the most beautiful nor tion of thc-vullev. 4 acres in orchard one year old, .'11 acres in berries, 4 acres ill alfalfa, balance general fanning. (il. 10 acres 1 miles out; splendid siillr 1 acre apples, best varieties; one year planted. II acres in strawberries, 2 acres iu iiolaloi s, o acres in clover. f)2. 421 acres 2 miles out, 20 acres in hen ics 2 years old; 10 acres iu clover; il acres in apples,:! mid ft years old, New towns nnd Spitzenbergs; 2 good houses, w iiidiuill, packing house, eic; 22 Inch es free w ater. $2."tl per acre. 111. Two ldil-acre tracts about nine miles out ; one ou east side, other west side. Choice for f 1100. 188, 40 acres (i miles out; raw land Price, 2'i00. A number of 4, 10, 20 and 40 acre (tacts of unimproved hind that will bear Investigation. Also a number of large tracts from UK) loi!20 acres iu Ore gon and Washington. Some few residences and lots in every portion of the city. W. J. BAKER & CO. Real Estate Agents Hood Rivor, Oregon. Water Xolice. I'ruiu and idler January 1, liKlo, the Wanconia llwlranl Co.'s family rates will be iiiisf-d to $1.25 per month' A re bate ol 2;c will be made on familv rates if paid w lion the collector culls. II, C. COK, owner. DR. TENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All dines son of Khlneva, Bladder, Urinary Orcein. AN" k Ileum n Usui, Hack iohe Heart Disease Ora vol. Droiisy, Female Ti oublca. CURE Don't become dlseoumced. There is t cure lor you. If ih i-mi v wille lr. 1 enner. Ilu Iiuh sin-lit a lite Htm curluK 1ut moU case us j ut's. All couMiiiaiioittf Free "I have been a suSVrer from rhuomatisra fir ever ten y.wa ai.ii It.ivo often been ror J. tj lay l-i il for sowral !.is anil surfc-rctl intensely. Pr. Fcnm-r'a Kahio anJH.vk.ichi t'ero al'irJul relief at onee, 1 new feel as Weil a4 I ever ha-. i-i cv life. Ab. lil.Ai'Utt !jl., Kansas City. Mo." liruggMs, l. AskforCnek Hook- I'm For Sale by f. N. I'L.Uikbi, Hoed River. . . Valentines AT vSLOCOM'S to First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER WE PAY INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS THIOHJ'j AlUi MAM who sire under the erroneous im pression tliat they never control money enough to tit nt-f i Intnl.- nueount Tn fltisi 1kjv nru midtnVpn Wp solicit small accounts as well as large. We handle both with our best care and offer you our services. Drafts and Bank Money Orders Sold on AH Parts of the World. Home Made La France We manufacture all our own Candy, and make it fresh every day. Candy made Full line of I?on I?ons, HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phono 131. W. HAYNES &i CO. Now have the most complete line of Builders' Hardware, Shelf Hardware Tinware,Wood Choppers' Supplies STOVES AND RANGES. Blacksmith Supplies and etc. for Wagons and Buggies. Paints, Oils and Builders' Material. Estimates furnished to Contractors. A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE and Building Material PAINTS AND OILS. FURNITURE REPAIRED. Best price. guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock. (Had to show vou around. Undertaker GRAND BALL Fuiler the auspices of the members of 1. 0. 0. F. & Rebekah Lodges TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 21, 1905. Having completed their new hall, the members of Idle wilde Lodge and the members of Laurel Lodge have de cided to give a social dance in their new hall. The floor in this hall is the very best in the city for dancing, they hav ing taken great pains in this particular. Ihe best of music will be oMinrmitiMxl tn nil ..... V , . ..... Invitations will be issued. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Candy Store IHiilding. to order on short notice. Nuts and Confectionery. a full line of Poles, Shafts and Embalmer in attendance. A good time illiarns' harmac; Will be found in the Brosius Block Monday, February 6. Come and see us. O. E WILLIAMS, The Prescription Druggist. PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL..B., PRINCIPAL -DEALER IX- Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. " SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, A L. CARMICHAEL HOOD .RIVER HEIGHTS Full line of Gloves and Mittens, 2. to .fl.."0. First Grade Wales Goodyear Snow Excluders Men's 1 and 3-buckle .ft to ft. 7.1 Ladies' 3-buckle : 1.7o Misses' and Children's 1 -buckle GOe to 7."c J. B. FLETCHER & CO. DEALERS IN Groceries, Flour and Feed, Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc. ' HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. SPOT CASH GROCERY WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors. Groceries, Flour and Feed FRESH VEGETABLES' RECEIVED DAILY. Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Telephone No. 31. The Big Second Hand Store For BARGAINS in Furnituiv. Stoves and Ranires. Crock ery, Tin and Granite Ware, etc." Furniture and Stove Re pairing and picture framing. All work guaranteed. 0. P. OREGON. Lumber and Cedar Posts HOOD RIVER, OR. DABNEY & CO., Props. e