The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 02, 1905, Image 3

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The Hood River Apple growers' union
wived an order recently from Max
Heinrieli, manager of the Dungnesne
club, in Pittsburg, Pa., for an express
shipment of a half dozen boxes of Hood
Kiver Spitzenhergs. Price was no ob
ject wiili this club man, be had the
money and wmit'.-d thu apples Merely
anotlur instance nf how the fame o(
Hood Kiver apples is threading at a
tremendous pure.
The Yellow New town is still a staunch
favorite with the, apple-eating public.
Orders fur this variety have been fulling
into the uilice of the Apple Growers'
union almost faster than they can be
filled. While the cream of the fruit left
for New York early in the season, the
price keeps up, and there is even a stiff
demand or the 4V and 6-tier fruit.
Two cars left the first of the week for
New York citv.
K. A. Franz, bookkeeper for the
union, believes there will always be a
eood market for Newtowns, because of
the demand in England and on this con
tinent for this variety of apples.
The total shipments of the Hood River
Apple Growers union to date amount to
102 carloads. Bears &' Porter, it is
understood, have sent out about 20 cars,
with more to come. This makes a total
of almost 71,000 boxes for the valley that
have already been shipiicd. The great
total for the. season will be close onto
the estimate of 100.000 boxes.
A large number of seconds are being
shinned direct tv the erower to rorfc
hind. The Portland market has picked
up lately and many Hood River apples
are drifting to that city. The California
markets have been very good this win
ter, but with a large surplus trom
Grande Ronnde and Yakima vallies
soon to be placed on the markets, prices
arc expected to drop in the coast cities.
(iraham Joins Bragg & Co.
Bert Graham, for a number of years
head clerk for George r. Crowell. is
now a member of the firm of R. B.
Bragg & Co. of this city, he having
bought in as a "partner in the firm
Bragg A Co. are well established, in
Hood Kiver, and the many friends of
of Mr. Graham are confident his per
sonality and business ability will make
for success in his new venture.
R. B. Bragg & Co are doing a general
merchandise business, with particular
attention to drvitoods and groceries.
They are one of the Glacier's chief ad
vertisers. Read their ads you will find
something of interest there.
Mr. (iraham will add a line of tailor
made clothing to the business. . He is
the agent for the large tailoring estab-
meiit of E. V. Price & Co. of Chicago,
and is prepared to take orders for cloth
ing He guarantees satisfaction, or you
don't have to take the goods. Ask any
of the many customers who have tried
these suitings and find how well pleased
they are over the bargains they always
(ilacier Ads Pay,
If vou don't think it pays to advertise
in the (ilacier just a"k Robert Rand of
Wau-Giiin-Uuiu. You remember the
little ad he ran week before last in our
l'or Sale column ; the ad about the spot
ted Jersey cow with a Bhady character
and a pedigree that reached away back
through Kansas to Noah's ark, and
whose foot, when she kicks, leaches
clear down to the end of time rather
than to fail to catch a fellow in the
cold storage of his auatomv: the cow
with the crumpled horn and pitch fork
handle attachment. Well, we had hard
ly gotten the forms washed before Mr.
Rand called up the olhce and in n agi
tated voice said "Kill that cow " and
he stammered and fell down, while we
bad-visions of an infuriated bovine toss
ing Uncle Robert into the air and her
pedal extremities striking out in all di
rections like tWIte. of lightning from
the fingers of an angry Jove on his
Olympian seat, but Uncle Robert rallied
and repeated, "kill that cow ad; every
body wants to buy tint cow." A man
down town who makes his wife do the
milking wanted to know if he would
sell her cheaper without the pitch fork
handle as his wiie always used aflat inn
to fondle himself and ihe other cattle
when any of them became unruly.
A lady on the East Hide wanted to buy
the cow badly and she, too, wished the
benefit of the reduction, if any. provided
the pitch fork h.indlo att icl.muiit was j
not included, a-i she depru-atid the idea
of giving a great liiute of a man inch an
advantage over a poor litlle Jersey row
Mr. Rand boldly accused her of having
sinister designs against her husband,
mothers-in-law; old maids for the man
who wouldn't propose; tome old bach
elors to give iu return for the mitten
they had received from their tiulciana,
till, in fact, Mr. Rand says if everybody
wanted that blinkety-blanked old cow
so badly he would keep the pesky brute
himsell it she kicked him into ine mia-
dle of next week unless he got his
price. And her name waa Maud.
Revival it Valley Christian Church.
The series of meetings which closed
Sunday night at the Valley Christian
church was a remarkable one in many
nays. It was particularly remarkable
for' the proportion of additions to the
church bv baptism. If we were rightly
informed, of the 44 additions to the
church during the meetings, 40 were by
confession and baptism, the greater
number of these being young men ana
young women. This speaks very ingniv
for all concerned. For the good work
of the church and Sunday school and
the Endeavor society during the past
year, instructing those who auenaea
their sessions, and it speaks very highly
for T. 6. Handsaker and his estimable
wife in their work of evangelizing.
Mr. Handsaker is not a sensationalist
in anv sense of the word, but presents
the truth of the gospel Christ and man's
duties and relation thereto in such sim-
nle and unimpeachable terms that he
carries conviction to the hearts of his
hearers. He is at once an interesting,
entertaining and instructive speaker.
While it is a good way in advance, the
church is hoping to have Mr. and Mrs.
Handsaker conduct a aeries oi meetings
here in April or May. Mr. and Mrs.
Handsaker go to The Dallea Saturday
to beam a series of meetings in thatcit
That their labors may be abundantly
successful wherever they may go is the
desire and praver of the friends who
have learned to love them while they
were here.
In speaking of the good work of the
church durins the past year, we includ
ed the labors of the pastor, VV. A. El-
kins, who has been very thorough and
energetic in his work since coming here.
That his ettorts were not a sniau lacwr in
bringing about the great success or the
meetings, and that they are so appreciat
ed bv the people of the Valley church is
ai tested by the little surprise they
sprung on him Sunday evening when
the members, and triends oi the pastor,
f resented him with a nice baptismal
The new converts were given a recep
tion at the church last night. The mem
bership of the church is now over two
Test Things are Going Some.
Cascade county seems to be going
some" sav returning legislators and
others interested. "If Dalles poeple want
o get in their work they must be on the
spot this week," said Senator Whealdon
when interviewed this morning. "Hood
River people have been and are going to
leave no stone unturned to bring Cas
cade through and the people up this
way must work as a unit."
A rumor was noised abroad this morn
ing that the proposed boundary lines of
Jefferson county would be rearranged
so as to exclude much of the Agency
Plains land and the Baldwin Sheep and
Land Co. holding that a compromise
would be made and the bill passed. "If
that is so, I know nothing about it,"
said Timothy Brownhill( who has been
tooth and toe nail against Jefferson.
"No compromise is our motto, and we
feel that we hae the matter downed."
However, If it bobs up serenely, Mr.
Brownhill will be on hand to enter In
the fray. There'll b) things doing at
Salem Monday is the prophecy. Chronicle.
The Hood River IMilling Co. hopes to
h orindinc out flour bv the middle of
the month. The work of installing the
fiv carloads of machinery has taken
several weeks, and there is a large
amount of work to be completed yet,
before the mill will be ready tor oper
- . . ... . - i
Joe Wilson is busy this week aig-
ging ditch for the iron pipe np the hill
t tt, rmervmr. The null will be oper
ated by water power. A pelton wheel
has been Installed that will furnish 176
horsepower If neccessary. At present,
tha mill enmnanv exDects to turn out
only 100 barrels a day, and this will re
ouire about 40 horsepower- The mill is
sumilied with machinery sufficient to
enlarge the output to 200 barrels with
hoi little additional expense.
To wander through the labaryntn oi
bolters, bins, shafts and other unknown
contrivances is an interesting trip to one
who never went through a tlounng mill
before. Machinery of all sorts fills the
tmir stories oi the mill.
The machinery of the Hood River mill
cost 114.000. and it required another
12000 to install the same, lue pay
roll of the company last week was $290. 1
A very neat office room has been fit
ted up in the warehouse of the mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Taylor left last
week for their old home in Arkansas.
Mrs. Brosi returned home a few days
ago after spending geverai weeks in
Mrs. A meson returned home on Thurs
day of last week after spending several
days visiting with friends in the Mount
Hood neighborhood.
A party of young folks were very
nleasantlv entertained on Friday even-
ing of last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvy Hackett. Games and music
were the order of the evening but they
talked some. 1 hose present were : Mn
ses Susie Kelley.Mary Wickham, Emma
Lyons, Inez Martin and Messrs Dun
can, Martin, James Wickham, John
Lindsey, Roy Kelly, Willie and Ashley
Miller. It was a farewell party to Mr.
Henry Hackett who went to Portland
the next day to attend the business col-
Mrs. E. E. Lyons spent a few days
last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Perry in Hood Kiver.
Nathan Hackett and Mrs. Dunn went
to Portland last Saturday.
Mr. and Bubbs of Hood River are
visiting with the latters son, Mr. V. F
The Stranahan brothers have the
pleasure of entertaining their mother at
their Dome in mis vicinuy. mm ca
nects to remain with them for several
W. F. Gregory is feeding a band of
sheen at the Van Johnson place for
Frank Davenport.
Mrs. Josenh Dobson and children
have been visiting with Mrs. B. F. Mob-
es recently.
Mrs. B. F. Moses entertained a party
of friends on last Friday evening. All
reported a very pleasant time.
Poisons in Food.
Perhaps vou don't realize that many
nain poisons originate In your food, but
some day vou may feel a twinge of
rivsnettsia that will convince Vou. Dr.
King's New Life Pills are guaranteed
Locate your home where the best improvements are going:.
Sewers, Spring Water and Sidewalks, fine view and good drainage.
All these are found in
Park Ad
Which will be included in the First Sewer District, and which is beyond question the most
desirable residence section in Hood River. Buy now before the prices advance.
ood River Development
Selling Agent. Secretary.
to cure all sickness due to poisons of
undigested food ornioney back, zsets.
at C. N. Clark's drug store. Try them.
The revivals which have been held at
Pine Grove for the past three weeks
closed Sunday evening.
George Knapp of Moro is sending a
few davs with liia daughter, Mrs. V.
U. A. Newman, after spending a week
in the Willamette vauey, returned 10
his home last week.
B. J. Hand came up from Portland
Saturday morning to visit his sister, .Mrs.
K. E. Harbison, and lamiiy.anu return
ed to his home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mark made a trip
to Portland Monday, returning fcatur-
lay to their home on the hast hide.
Ben Lage has been busy clearing his
land near the school house, making
quite a change in the appearance of the
school and church buildings.
Friday afternoon Mr. Cohnrn gave
talk on "Truth. Honesty mid
ience" to the school children, which
was thoroughly appreciated by those
Miss Mildred Metcalt of Barrett is
visiting Miss Lulu Hunt.
A. I. Mason, who attended the fruit
growers' convention in Boise City, Ida.,
returned home last Saturday.
' Wo are sorry to learn in a letter re
ceived from O. D. Boardman that they
have purchased a farm at Watsonville,
Cal., and expect to make that their
l'.ewaie of Ointments for Catarrh
roniiilnliiu nieri'in v, na mnrrury will surely
when entering ft
destrov the m-um ill smell nnd com
ih-niuui' the whole MVNtem
tliniiich the mewms siirfiires. Hitch article,
should nut tie util Miwnt on prescriptions
Inmi r,'(ntitbte ; plivstflaiiH, an 111. (laniRfe
thov will tin Is ten fold to the Rood you can piw
Klhly derive from them. HH' t'ntarrh Cure,,
niiiuiitiii'liiri'd hv M.K.Chenny A Uo.,of Toledo,
i. eon Inl iik .no mercury nnd la taken Internally
iietttiK dinrtlv upim the blood and mucotlH
mrfiiecs of the system. In buying Hall's (!
tnrrh cure t sure you get the genuine. It la
taken internally nnd made In Toledo, Ohio,
hy It. K Cheney A- t.'o. TeHtlmonlala free.
sold bv druirelsita. Price 7Sc rr bottle.
I n e Hull s Pills for a coiimlpatlon
Something You
Should Know
Deserved Popularity,
cure constipation and
Your health or thai of .your family should bo
a great object to you, and when you iiood any
medicine you should make sure that you get
the purest and freshest DRUGS.
That is the kind sold by
The Druggist
Transact a General Banking Business.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Issue American Bankers Association Money Orders payable any place In the
United States. We littve for side the Lewis and Clark gold dollars. All excel
lent renienihraiicu for your eastern friends.
and the lndv blushed so violently that 305,
radio-active emanations from her mil-1
ing countenance gave a pink tinge to
Mr. Hand's ideas of speculating in live
stock, and he fays the telephone bell
kept ringing all the time till the neigh
bors hegan to kick ahout him monopoliz
ing the use of the phone, and the pretty
hello-girls down town threatened to sue
him for breach-of-promise or damages
or something of the kind if he didn't
choke that old cow off. Ho got dozens
of calls. Married men wanted her for
troubles by gently moving the bowels
noil acting as a tonic to the liver, take
Little Karly Risers. These famous
little pills are mild, pleasant and hiirm-
css, hut ctlectlve and sure, ineir uni-
ernal use for many years If a strong
g'iurntitee of their pouularity and use
li.lm. Soid by U. K. Williams.
New Quarters For Central Office.
The work nf moving the switch board
f the telephone system caused no in
convenience to the patrons, the change
ha ing been made last Saturday night
heween ten o'clock and morning. The
new oftics in the Urosius brick U much
Hppreeint-d by Manager Cramer nud
her assistants
Head Lineman Wo'id slate, tht't his
company is figuring on the cost oi in-
"talling the latest Improved call system
in the local office. If it is found 'to be
feastible. the company will likely
j I he change very soon,
i The Hood River exchange has now
425 phones. At The Dalles there are
Public Land Ha le-( isolated Tract.)
ITntted Mtatea Ijuid Office. The Dallea, Ore
gon, January V, 1905. Notice is h.ireby
mveu that In pursuance or inniruo-
Hons from the nnniniUsloner of tliejcen
land office, under authority vested In him by
.eetlon 21 5, United Stale" KevluedJHtalue-i,
n amended hy net of eonirrejw unproved
Kenrnary 26, lHttfi, we will propeed to oiler l
public wile at the hour of II o'clock a. in., on
the lHth uh' of March, Hot, at mm oinoe,
follnwlnir I met of land, lo-wlt:
The K' bVM of section Zi, township 2
north, ratine 11 emit of Willamette meridian.
Anv anil all Demons clttltnliiK adversely
the ahove-deaexlbed lands are advised to nk
thelr claims In thla office on or her ire tin
dav above desle.ated for the eommene.-munt
of said sale, otherwise their rlxliU to bi for
feited. MIi llAl-XT. NU1.AN, Reniater.
IS 111") A.N.N K l. I. NU, Receiver.
In the circuit court of the itate of Oregon,
the county of W asco.
Norton B. Jordan, PlaintilT
Sick Ileadacl e.
This distressing ailment results from
a disordered condition of the stomach.
All that is needed to effect a cure la a
dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver-Tablets. Iu fact, the attact
may tie warded off, or greatly lessened
In severity, by taking a dose of these
Tablets as soon as the first symptom of
an attack appears. Sold at Williams'
i Anna Jordan, Defendant
To Anna Jordan, defendant above namei: In the
I name of the state of Oregon:
n t, l Xou are nereuy eommanuea vt appear ariu
iimnu 1 ewer the complaint filed amnnst you in thi auove
entitled suit, within six weeki foom the 2J day ol
February. A. D.. 905. said day uei;uf lha lirst da
of the publi nation of this summons; and if you
fail to so answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will aoDlv to the court for the relief demanded in
his complaint filed in said cause, to-wit: a decree
of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing-
between the plaintiff and defendant in said
(ause. and for sreneral relief.
This summons is published by virtue of an or
der of Hon. w. U Braastiaw juuire oi me circuit
court for w asoo county, stat'i of Uregon, dated
th '24th dav of January. A. D.. 1935. which or
der specifies and provides for six weeks and fur
seven insertions as the time for which this sum
mons shall be published in the Hood River Gla
cier, a newspaper of general circulation published
wmIiIv in Mnnd River. Orefron.
Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 2th day of
January, 1905. JOhN LELAND hKNDKRSON,
fi mchlS Attorney for Plaintiff.
iw.' f " 1 yg" t t wa sat m " futwMw
Smoke a Good Cigar
3 Sizes:
U. S. Commissioner.
Notary Public
For sale at all Cigar and Grocery Stores in Hood River
Abstracts, Conveyances, Insurance School Tablets, Pencils
and Financial Agent.
Wish to call
your attention to the fact that they have a
well .selected line oi
We Can Save You Money
And also a good many hard knocks and inconven
iences. You cannot afford to be bothered with your
laundry at home while we are in the field to do your
large washing1 inquire of us
, as we will be glad to take t he
We do all kinds of Lundry
work. If you have a
what we can do it for
matter up with you.
work, including the washing and ('loaning of laco
curtains, cotton and woolen blankets, ladies' dresses
gents' suits, carpets, rugs, etc. Our prices are stand
ard laundry prices and the work is guaranteed to be
satisfactory. We are prepared to give the domestic
finish to all gents' starch work and give ou r special
attention to cotton and woolen underwear. Rough
etlges you usually find on collars and cuffs, we ox
tract without pain. If the work we do pleases you,
tell your friends; if not, tell us.
Hood Kiver.
KnTAHI.IHHI'I! lltuil.
I'tiHidt'iitM of Wasco Co. for 2:t Yt-nm
A Oc
0 OT
AmsSir P. li i:J U Q F'J 3 B H LESS tLXbiJ
HitWali Paper Co
Carries everything in the line, including
Krinkled Silks, Si!K Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone 071 . First and Oak Streets.
The Old and Reliable and Up-to-date Real Estate Agent. 25 years a resident of the
Citv and Vallev. 20 veara in Real Estate and Insurance in town. If you want to buy
u V
or sell Real Estate, come and see me.
The following list is only a small portion of lands we have for sale:
1. fi-rooin house and over an
ai re of land. Most sightly loca
tion in town. About 40 fruit trers
anil other fruit. Kaity terms.
Only $1500
2 1it tr0xl35, good location
unil fine view
3. One and one-half lots on
State i-treet, fenced, sidewalk and
fitlit tree
4. Six fine lots on the hill, very
line view 1100
5. A gi'od building lot in lar-rett-Sipuia
II. Small house and good lot In
r.lowiTa' addition
7. House aud lot and good barn
in Loud eihtty location -
S. A good buHine.-w corner on
Oak street, 75x100 feet. Three
good buildings ou the property...
Also the exclusive Bale of Iota
in Riverview Park and Idlewilde
additions. "
1 25 acres h miles from town
on the East side; good apple land
Hbout 3 acres cleared and 40 fruit
trees set. A bouse, one-half mile
from scdool, on R. F. D. route
2. 6 acres 2 miles from town on
West side. All in cultivation; 2
acres in strawlierries; a few fruit
trees; a 4 room houe; small barn;
close to church. Easy terms
3. 20 acres of good apple land,
unimproved, 12 miles from twn
4. 40 acres 6 miles from town,
37 acres In cultivation, 4 acres in
strawberries, 400 apple trees of
the nest varieties and in fine con-
diliontevt ral acre- in alfalf:i and
6000 i clover; all good laud, one-half
mile from school and with one of
the best views In the vallev.
Good terms 6000
5. 10 acres of unimproved land
6 miles from town, level and eas
ily irrigated; will grow any kind
of croDs: elose to school and
irrigating ditch 1100
6. 20 acres of unimproved land
6 miles from town, level and eas
ily Irrigated; will grow any kind
of cmrjs: close to school and
cburcb 1800
7. 80 acres six mites from towu
on West side; 4 acres in bearing
orchard; creek runs through the
nlaoe: fine for fruit or erase; good
4-room bouse 8500
8. Harry Brown place of 5 acres
4 acres in strawberries; borne,
wagon, harness, faroi tools and a
1 4-inch water right go with the
I place 1500
and anything you need for School use. Don't forget
t'h at they also have a line of fine-
Candies, Nuts and Sundries
too numerous to mention.
Call, and call again. Phone 173.
bone & Mcdonald
For Flour, Feed, & Groceries
Look at our prices on Rubbers: Child's Rubbers, 200
Ladies' Rubbers, o()0 Men's Rolled Edge " 750
Ladies' and Children's Rubber Roots at propor
tionately low prices.
Underwear at ju ices that cannot be duplicated in town.
Call and see us. Free delivery.
bone & Mcdonald
with the water Unit is punt, but utilikn
the mill, our post orders have been
tilled so Huecessfnlly that new ones me
constantly coming in from our old
patron. Are you to be one of them?
Our Dalles l'utent and White kiver
Hour Is the finest thai is milled, anil
is ground from the hext selected wheat;
III fact the cream of the wheatlielilH
and it makes the most delicious bread
white and palutable.
Hood River, Or.
iijMuMmfci Milium lntit ti Bffirv tea. . -.-. vs-t.. Mlwi n tgtmmtmtmiim wmw
Our Handsomely Illustrated and Descriptive l'.lO'i Catalog tells all about tie
Best Seeds, Plants, Shrubs, Poultry and Bee Supplies, Fertilizers,
Tools, Spray Pumps, Garden Supplies, etc.
We curry immense slocks, make quirk deliveries nnd promise that your
oidi-rs will have our most careful attention.
Dun't buy supplies in t!ie above lines without first consulting our 1905 Wup
Iru'e l nnd De-etiotive Cutaloir. free nil request
1 !